

































at the top-left corner at the top-right corner

play chess


live with someboby

work as at school

in the middle

best wishes

the girl in glasses

on the right

on the left

on the school football team

Class Two,Grade One

girls’ basketball team

boys’ relay race

in the world all over the world

next to / beside

be friendly to be keen on

be good at









music 31.政治

politics 32.物理

physics 33.少先队员

Young Pioneer 34.小学

pramay schol 35.初中

middle school/junior high school 36.高中

senior middle school 37.大学

university/ college 38.做运动

do exercise 39.做眼保健操

do eye exercises 40.做早操

do morning exercises 41.照相

take pictures/photos 42.喜欢做某事

like/enjoy doing sth.43.想要做……

want to do sth./ would like to do sth./ 44.注意……

pay attention to 45.写下,记录下

write down 46.从左边/右边

from the left/right 47.收到某人的来信

hear from sb.;get/receive a lettere from sb.48.锻炼身体

do sports 49.持续一段时间

last for 50.一两个小时

one hour or two/ one or tow hours 51.在街道上

in the street 52.在……的开始

at the beginning of 53.在……的结尾

at the end of 54.保安

guard 55.建筑工人

construction worker 56.牙科医生

dentist 57.会计师

accountant 58.去游泳

go swimming 59.去海边

go to the sea 60.去滑雪

go skiing 61.去滑冰

go skating 62.去购物

go shopping 63.去观光

go sightseeing 64.去远足

go hiking 65.去跑步

go running 66.去慢跑

go jogging 67.去跳舞

do dancing 68.去航行

go sailing 69.去约会

70.到达(4种表达方法)arrive in/at;reach;get to 71.花费时间(金钱)的表达方法: sb.spend…on sth./

sb.spend...(in)doing sth./ sb.pay…for stth./ sth.cost sb.some money/ it takes sb….to do sth.72.主管

be in charge of 73.照顾

look after/take care of 74.独生子女

the only child 75.开会

have a meeting 76.迟到

be late for 77.除……之外

except/ except for 78.从周一到周五

from Monday to Friday/ on weekdays 79.刷牙

brush the teeth 80.洗脸

wash face 81.追赶(某人)

go after sb./ run after sb.82.及时

in time 83.按时

on time 84.盯着、凝视

stare at 85.跑开

run away 86.下车

get off(the bus)… 87.上车

get on(the bus 88.捡起

pick up 89.思考

think about 90.匆忙

in a hurry 91.从……冲出来

strom out of/ rush out of 92.熬夜

stay up late 93.生某人的气

be angry with sb 94.在……的一边

on the side of 95.在……的另一边

on the other side of 96.等候

wait for 97.拿出

hold out/ take out 98.跌倒

fall over 99.戴着手铐

in handcuffs 100.四处走走

go/walk around 101.找出,查明

find out 102.说谎

tell a lie 103.立刻

in a flash/ at once/ right away/immediately 104.将来

in the future 105.在意、关心

care about 106.查询(生词)

look up 107.四处看

look around 108.有一个选择

have a choice 109.正在那个时候

at that moment 110.毫无疑问地

without question 111.走到跟前、走近

come over 112.改变注意

change one’s mind 113.尽可能快

as soon as possible 114.有时间玩乐

have time for fun 115.在……顶部

on the top of… 116.或……或……

either……or…… 117.既不……也不……

neither……nor…… 118.不仅仅……而且……

not oly… but also… 119.将……与……比较(将……比作)

compare with/ compare to

Unit 5---Unit6重点词组

Unit 5 1.灭绝;消失

die out 2.因……而死

die of 3.得知,获悉

learn about 4.和……一样

the same as 5.因…而著名

be famous for 6.同时

at the same time 7.以……为基础

be based on 8.充满……

be full of 9.根据

according to 10.依(某人)之见

in one’s opinion 11.因为;由于

because of 12.超过

more than/ over 13.同类的 of this kind 14.做(某事)有一些困难have difficulty with sth./ have difficult in doing sth./ find it difficult to do something.15.全世界范围内

all over the world 16.其余的;剩下的the rest of…… 17.既不…也不…

neither ……nor…… 18.对……有用处

be useful for 19.一等奖

the first prize 20.害怕……

be afraid of…… 21.至多有

up to 22.生育

give birth to…… 23.也;还

as well as 24.……方面的专家

expert on…… 25.完全地,彻底地





be able to / can 2.成为现实;实现

come true 3.从现在起

from now on 4.到达

arrive at/in;get to………;reach…… 5.生病

get sick 6.一会儿

in a moment/minute 7.和平地

in peace 8.破碎地

in pieces 9.在太空

in space 10.将来

in the future 11.降落于

……land on 12.看起来像

look like 13.部分

part of 14.而不是


not …but…

run out of

Unit 7--8词组:


from now on 2.躺下

lie down 3.入睡

fall asleep 4.从(某地)逃走




























escape from


moments later

be out of……

aim at…

go uout

put out

sound like

come out of

tell the truth

be angry withsb./ get angry

in fact

paly jokes on


live a happy life

live a hard life

used to do sth.didn’t use to do sth.billiions of

as well as

all over the world

take photo for …

for example

in the past

make a lot of

at the weekend

hurry up

in a second/at once/right away/immediately


think of 33.中国出口品交易

Chinese Export Commodities Fair


always>usually> often>sometimes>seldom/rarely/hardly>never 就遠原則只有as well as

Could I问,肯定回答为Yes, you can.no longer常用于现在时态,no more常用于将来、过去

a bit(adv.)修饰动词、形容词、副词

a bit of(量词)修饰不可数名词


A is once as big as B/once the size length depth height width of B/once bigger than B

比任何一个都:bigger than any other of the other+复数名词/bigger than any other+单数名词

borrow-keep leave-be awaycome/go/arrive-be inopen-be openclose-be closed


adverbs :元音+e-去e+lyle结尾-去e+y

副形相同:far deep near long low highloudly=aloud


主动形式表被动look taste sound smell feel sell read write clean cut wash burn(The knife cuts well.)

不及物动词无被动语态happentake placebreak outspread(传播)The door has been opened of itself.(X)

The door has opened of itself.(V)

I‘d prefer=I would prefer

include 反exclude


none:指人或物,与of连用 谓语动词单/复

no one:指人,不与of连用,谓语动词单

prefer doing A to doing B

prefer to do A rather than do B

prefer to do


kind大类 生物时常用

sort与kind互换 大类中小类 资源时常用

a freezing day;a frozen day


keep...from doing, from不可省略


in future近似from now on

whether后接不定式,if不可;引导的从句做介词的宾语时用whether They are discussing about whether they should change their play.选择性问句用whether







1. 学习策略定义及主要分类。

目前,不同的研究者从不同的角度定义学习策略。Wenden and Rubin认为,“学习策略是一种直接推动学习者构造的语言体系和影响学习效果的对策。”Oxford在她的参考资料中写道,“学习策略是指学生在发展技能中,促进学习者学习进步而使用的具体的行为、步骤或技巧,它被认为可以促进学习的内化、存储、提取或使用。”


2. 国内外英语词汇学习策略研究现状。

国外学者Cohen, Nation, Oxford等人详细论述了关于词汇学习的各种策略,并作了详细的分类说明;还有一些学者如Gairns&Redman, Sanaoui均重点研究了作为词汇记忆策略之一的关键词法在不同层次的学习者使用过程中的有效程度;Stern, Allen,等探讨了上下文策略和猜测策略在词汇学习(习得)中的重要性。O’Malley&Chamot认为死记硬背法也应该是一种有效的记忆单词的方法。


3. 牛津版教材的改编、新世纪版教材的编写及其使用。

1999年起,上海市部分中小学将使用由上海中小学课程教材改革委员会引进、改编的牛津英语教材。牛津英语教材的编写体系为Building Blocks (模块建筑体系) ,学生是英语学习的主体。通过教学,使学生的语言概念、语言实践活动和语言能力在原有的“模块”基础上得到拓宽和加深,持续发展。教材十分重视鼓励学生学习使用规范的英语,在各种情景中积极参与“任务”和“活动”,从而体现语言学习的激励性、工具性和交际性功能。

《新世纪初中英语》于2001年开始陆续在上海市杨浦区、崇明县的全部学校以及其他区县的部分学校试用。《新世纪初中英语》保持了原统编教材的优点,即在重视语法结构的同时重视语言功能: (1) 采用主题教学法、结构———功能法和任务型教学法相结合的编写体系。 (2) 在培养目标上,更强调对学生全面素质的培养。教材增加了输入量,扩大了信息量,提高了各学段听、说、读、写能力的教学要求。



1. 学习策略训练目标。


2. 教师词汇教学信念。


年级组罗老师在其英语教学过程中总结了对英语词汇记忆法的方法,最主要的有三种: (1) 词根词缀法:最科学是最通用的方法,但有弊端。 (2) 联想法:运用发音字形等来联想,比如谐音法,这种方法有局限性。 (3) 语境法:把单词放在特定语境中来讲,如电影或老师的亲身经历等等,也可以通过编一些小故事记住单词的含义和用法,实用性强。


3. 词汇学习策略步骤。


(1)初识新词。词汇学习的第一个最基本的步骤是接触生词。根据词汇的语法信息特征,学习者可通过读书、看电视等来寻找一定的语境,也可利用个体的策略出去与英国本地人操练英语,这样每天就能遇到大量的生词。另外一个接触生词的办法就是看教科书或老师指导布置的生词表。如牛津英语6B Unit 1 Great Cities in Asia中的相关地名Asia, Japan, Tokyo, Bangkok以及方位词“north-east, south-east等词,在本单元Listen and learn中就已经有所呈现了,学生初步了解了这些词的意思,但是还没有形成深刻的印象。

(2)学习形意。如果学生认识这个单词,那么他们就必须通过语言结构知识对单词意思进行推测,使用参考书、实物、情景、同义词、反义词等办法对单词意思进行推测或通过询问别人来获知单词的意思。而在6B Unit 1 Great Cities in Asia中的Look and read、Read, ask and answer板块的内容紧紧围绕地理、方位内容展开。这就进一步巩固了词汇的用法。同时,在日常生活情景中往往有一连串的动作或相关动作,而描述这些动作的单词往往有相似之处。例如,在学完新世纪6B Unit 3Geography in English这一单元,同样是讲述英语中的地理词汇,教师可以引导学生通过动作联想记忆单词和短语。

(3)有效记忆。即在教学中引导学生利用记忆规律,开发记忆潜能。科学研究表明,联想记忆远比孤立记忆快而且牢固,因此,在教学中应充分让学生联想,如新世纪6B Unit 3 Geography in English学习geography这个词,可以联想到maths, history, chemistry等学科词汇,也可以联系到kilometre, capital, population等地理用语,这样学生通过联想把一些意义相关的词记住。同样提高学生的记忆效率也要巧用方法,比如学习本单元的数量词million, billion及其用法时,就要教给学生“点三杠四”法来高效转换数量词的表达方法。

(4)反复运用。单词的运用是种“温故知新”的复习。测试的形式一定要多样,有测试拼写的,有测试句法功能的,也要有测试交际功能的。在学完整个Unit 3的Progress Check 3板块测试中,测试的词汇也紧紧围绕本单元学习话题的中心词汇展开。课堂上尽可能用英语,由于英语动词的意义与汉语解释的对等关系是相对的,用英语解释单词即能够使学生准确理解单词的真实含义并增加英语的信息量。


4. 成效反思。














情境教学法是目前很多英语课堂中会使用的教学方法,如今多媒体设施在课堂教学中的广泛应用,使得课堂教学不再单一、枯燥,教师可以合理利用图片、音乐等为背景,使学生在阅读时有身临其境的感觉,这对于学生进一步理解阅读内容可以起到很好的作用。另外,也可以采取角色扮演的形式,使学生自我选择阅读故事中的角色。如在牛津版初一教材Unit5中,其主要内容围绕Going shopping展开,教师可以让学生分别扮演文章中的人物,并将人物的话语和动作充分表现出来,如此不仅可以提升学生对英语阅读的兴趣,还可以充分活跃课堂气氛[2],并将所学内容灵活的运用到实际生活中。




由于牛津版初中英语相较于传统英语教材来说,其教学内容更为丰富,知识点也随之增多,这给学生的阅读带来极大的挑战,如果能在阅读的过程中做到分清主次则可以省去很多麻烦。教师应通过指导使学生能够迅速掌握精读和泛读的方法,主要是使学生通过前后文的阅读初步确定文章主旨,“找重点”也是主次分明中较重要的环节,可以使学生避免在阅读过程中由于词汇量不足所带来的阻碍[4]。此种方式对于任何文章来说都较为适合,如初一下unit 5“The ghost in the park”中,通过对文章的通读可以迅速找到主要的人物、事件或者要描述的事物,此种称为泛读,而逐字逐句地翻译深入了解文章所有的内容则是精读。


在英语阅读环节如果只是为了阅读而阅读,就会大大降低学生对文章的理解程度,因此在英语阅读教学过程中教师应找对教学方法,引导学生思考相关问题是目前课堂教学中常用的方法,通过此种方式可以有效解决当代中学生在阅读时的盲目、随意等问题,带着问题阅读可以使学生在阅读时更有目标。另外,除了试卷或课本中的问题之外,教师应随堂对学生提出不同的问题。在牛津版初三教材中有一篇文章“What should I do?”,以此篇为例,教师可以通过划分此篇文章的主次来引导学生,如通过引导使学生知道在看到此题目时立刻能够联想到谁遇到了问题?遇到了怎样的问题?最后怎样解决这些问题?另外,除了试卷或课本中的问题之外,教师也应结合日常生活随堂对学生提出不同的问题,让学生想想自己有没有遇到类似的青少年问题,有没有很好的方法来解决,这样学生可以渐渐养成自我思考的习惯。






[3]王丽娜.PQ4R学习策略在初中英语阅读教学中的应用研究——以牛津初中英语9AUnit 6 Murderin Valley Town为例[J].西藏教育,2014,06(08):24-27.


Module 1 Garden City and its neighbours Unit 1 Writing a travel guide Unit 2 Going to see a film Unit 3 A visit to Garden City Unit 4 Let’s go shopping

1.How are you getting on with your travel guide? get on with “进展”;“与„„相处(融洽)”

I’m getting on well with the preparation.How are you getting on with your new classmates?

2.be famous for„(以 /由于„„出名)be(well)known as„(以 / 作为„.被人知晓)Shanghai is famous for its night views.Shanghai is also known as a “Shopping Paradise” becausethere are a lot of department stores and huge shopping centres.上海被誉为“购物天堂”,因为上海有


Qingpu is famous for its fish and rice.3.It is + adj.+ that(主语从句), 表示 “„„太„„了” It is wonderful that we can have dinner on the 91st floor in Shanghai World Financial Centre.It is not surprising that many tourists come to visit Shanghai every year to shop.It is + adj.+ to do sth.It is convenient to travel between Pudong and Puxi.=To travel between Pudong and Puxi is convenient.It is terrible to have dinner in this restaurant.The food tastes awful.=To have dinner in this restaurant is terrible.4.If you go there, you will see a huge open area with green grass, trees, fountains and pigeons.主句用一般将来(或can, may, must),从句用一般现在时。




Firemen will have no water to put out fires if there is no rain.We’ll go on an outing if it doesn’t rain tomorrow.If you go there, you can find a famous church.5.The Maglev takes you to the international airport in about eight minutes.磁悬浮列车可以在八分钟之内将你带到国际机场。

take sb.to „ “带某人去某地”

in + 时间段, 表示 1.“在......之内”; 2.“在„„之后” My father used to take me to the park nearly every weekend.It takes you about eight minutes to travel to the international airport by Maglev.The artist could draw a horse in five minutes.I would like to be an English teacher in 10 years’ time.My father will be back from Australia in a week.Travelling in Shanghai Shanghai is in the east of China.It is an international city.It is famous for its night views, local snacks.It is also known as a “Shopping Paradise” because there are a lot of department stores and shopping centres.If you go to Shanghai, you will see People’s Square.It is in the centre of Shanghai.If you go to Pudong, you can see the Oriental Pearl TV Tower and Shanghai Science and Technology Museum.The Maglev takes you to the international airport in about eight minutes.At Sheshan you will find a famous church and an observatory.In Yu Garden, you can eat different kinds of local snacks.There are many interesting places in Shanghai.Therefore, it is not surprising that tourists come to visit Shanghai every year!

6.take(have)a look at...= look at„

Let’s take(have)a look at the film guide.Would you like to have a look at the photo?

7.hate to do sth.= hate doing sth.不喜欢,讨厌 I hate action films.(I hate seeing action films./ I hate to see action films.)

8.It’s an action film and it’s very exciting.action film(武打片,动作片);love story(爱情片);




cartoon(卡通片);exciting film(惊险片);cowboy story(西部片);horror story(恐怖片);police story(警匪片);documentary(纪录片)

9.be full of „ “充满,挤满”(状态)

be filled with „ “灌满,装满”(动作)

The bottle is full of milk.(The bottle is filled with milk.)At lunch time, the school dining room is always full of people.Our English teacher is a man full of energy.The street is full of people.(句意不变)

→ The street is crowded with people.10.--How long is the film? 电影片长多久?--It’s 120 minutes.→How long does the film last? It lasts 80 minutes.The duration of “Swan Lake” is 80 minutes.11.How much are they going to pay for the tickets altogether? Sb.pays„ for sth.I paid 90 yuan for the coat last Saturday.→ How much did you pay for the coat last Saturday? Sth.costs sb.„

The coat cost me 90 yuan last Saturday.The experiment cost him two years of hard work.Sb.spends „ on sth.Every morning Peter spends half an hour on /(in)reading English.I spent one and a half hours doing my homework last night.It takes sb.„ to do sth.It took us 30 minutes to get to the Grand View Garden by car.It takes me five minutes to walk to school in the morning.You can take a bus there.(You can go there by bus.)We took a cable car up to the top of the mountain.Welcome to Sheshan

Suggested questions: 1.Where is Sheshan in Shanghai? 2.Which places can you visit in Sheshan? 3.How can you go there and what do you think of Sheshan?

Sheshan is in the southwest of Shanghai.It’s about 30




kilometres away from the centre of the city.There are many interesting places in Sheshan.You can visit the Forest Parkand there is a famous church at the top of the mountain.If you go there, you can also find an observatory.It’s a beautiful resort.You can go there by bus.I think you will enjoy yourself there.12.for prep.达(时间段)之久;

since prep.& conj.自从(过去时间点)以来 My uncle has been in the Army for 3 years.=(My uncle joined the Army 3 years ago.)Peter has worked in this company since 2005.=(Peter started to work in this company in 2005.)=(Peter has worked in this company for 4 years.)I have had the digital camera for 2 years.= I bought the digital camera 2 years ago.My grandfather has lived in the old town since he was born.I haven’t seen you for a long time.His father has been in Shanghai for quite a few years.13.Aunt Betty works in a company in Beijing, doesn’t she? She often has lunch at school, doesn’t she?

It’s very cold today, isn’t it? Your father is unhappy, isn’t he?

It is impossible to learn English well without remembering more words, isn’t it?

My sister never tells a lie, does she? She can hardly speak Chinese, can she? He was seldom late for school, was he? I am an English teacher, aren’t I?(注:回答此类问题时,应按实际情况当一般疑问句作答,用Yes或No;但回答 “前否后肯” 的句子时,它的中英文意思则不同。)--You can’t do it, can you?(你不会做这事,是吗?)--No, I can’t.(是的,我不会。)--Yes, I can.(不,我会的。)

I have been to Shanghai Shanghai is in the east of China.It is one of the largest cities in the world.It is not only famous for its night views, but also known as a shopping paradise.Every year a number of tourists come to visit




Shanghai.I went to Shanghai with my parents last Sunday.We bought many things in Nanjing Road Walk Way.There you can find a lot of department stores and shopping centres.In Yu Garden, we ate different local snacks.They are very tasty.In the afternoon we visited Pudong New District and the international airport.If you go to Pudong, you can see the Oriental Pearl TV Tower and Shanghai Science and Technology Museum.There’re many interesting places in Shanghai.I’m proud of the great city--Shanghai.14.--Do you like the jeans with the yellow belt or the ones with the blue belt?--I like the ones with the blue belt.--Do you like the shirt with the long sleeves or the one with the short sleeves?--I like the one with the short sleeves.(注:选择疑问句朗读时要先升后降,回答时不用 yes 和 no, 应直接回答;the ones 替代前面对应的复数名词, the one 替代前面对应的单数名词)I don’t want these green peppers.Have you got any red ones? Our new CD player is more expensive than the one we had before.The child doesn’t like this book.Show her a more interesting one.15.Excuse me.“劳驾,借光”;与 I’m sorry.(Sorry.)(对不起,请原谅)Excuse me, which is the way to Grand View Garden? Excuse me, what’s the time by your watch?

(常用That’s all right./ Certainly./Never mind.回答)I’m sorry for my being late.I’m sorry for having kept you waiting for so long.(常用That’s all right./ Not at all./ It doesn’t matter.回答)

16.buy sth.for sb.= buy sb.sth.give sth to sb.= give sb.sth.Father bought a new pair of jeans for me yesterday.=Fahter bought me a new pair of jeans yesterday.My friend Tom gave a notebook to me.= My friend Tom gave me a notebook.Mum, can you make me a birthday cake?




= Mum, can you make a birthday cake for me? Can you pass the ball to me? = Can you pass me the ball?

17.--What do you need to buy at the shops?--I need to buy a computer book for my father.注意否定句的改写: We don’t need to go shopping today.(实义动词)= We needn’t go shopping today.(情态动词)We don’t need to buy anything there.(实义动词)We need to buy nothing there.(实义动词)We needn’t buy anything there.(情态动词)We need buy nothing there.(情态动词)

Module 2 Better future Unit 5 What can we learn from others? Unit 6 Hard work for a better life Unit 7 In the future Unit 8 A more enjoyable school life

19.Who do you think is a model student? “do you think” 句中用作插入语

= Who is a model student, do you think?--I think Kitty is a model student.What do you think will happen in ten years’ time? His mother is a model of hard work.(模范)Children enjoy making airplane models.(模型)Andy is a famous model.(模特)

20.Long ago, there was a poor farmer called Fred.“called Fred” 过去分词短语作定语(后置)They have a pet dog named(called)Sam.(过去分词短语作定语)The lady in red is Tom’s mother.(介词短语作定语)The girl in charge of our class is Alice.(介词短语作定语)The man with a book in his hand has just come from Canada.(介词短语作定语)The children running in the playground are the students of Class 4.(现在分词短语作定语)




21.Although Maths is difficult for Kitty, she never gives it up.be difficult for 对„„有难处,对„„而言是困难的

It is difficult for the students to recite such a long text.Is it difficult for you to solve this problem? give up 放弃,放弃做某事

give up sth.give up doing sth.(give it up;give them up)Smoking is bad for health.My fahter gave it up at forty.=My father gave up smoking at forty because it is bad for health.22.I hope other people will learn from you.His suggestion is that we should learn from each other.We should learn from Leifeng.I hope you will learn a lot during your stay in America.23.reply 与 answer v.n.They didn’t reply to our new suggestion.(v.)I haven’t got the reply to my letter.(n.)You must reply to / answer this letter right away.(v.)I received no reply / answer to my request.(n.)

24.It is +adj.+ to do sth.It’s interesting to see butterflies flying around the flowers.It’s dangerous to play football in the street.It’s awful to walk in wet and dirty streets in spring.It’s nice to see birds making nests in spring.It is very kind of you to come and help me.It was silly of me to say such a thing.It is difficult for the students to recite such a long text.Is it difficult for you to solve this problem?

25.see „ do sth.“看见某人做了某事”(动作的全过程)see„ diong sth.“看见某人正在做某事”(动作正在进行)

It’s interesting to see butterflies flying around the flowers.I saw her go into the teachers’ office minutes ago.I saw the boys flying the kites in the park this afternoon.26.What does spring make you think of?(想起,考虑)




Spring makes me think of beautiful flowers and green trees.They’re thinking of /about buying a new car.(考虑)Lei Feng was always thinking of others.(着想)

I’ll think about your suggestion, and give you an answer tomorrow.(考虑)

Think it over, and you’ll find a way.(仔细考虑)

Write at least sixty words according to the given situation: Questions:

1.Why did you buy a present for your mother? 2.What did you buy for her? 3.What is it used for? 4.Where did you buy it? 5.How did you get there? 6.Did your mother like it? Why?

A present for my mother Last Sunday was Internatial Women’s Day.On that day I bought a present for my mother.It was a key ring.It is used for holding keys.I bought it in a toy shoping centre of the city.I went there by bus.When I gave it to my mother, she was very excited.She said she liked it very much.Although it was not very expensive, it was my first present for my mother.(75 words)

27.silly 头脑简单,傻头傻脑的; stupid 智力差的,反应迟钝的;

foolish 没头脑的,缺乏常识与判断力的 Stop asking such silly questions!He is very stupid in learning Maths.It was a foolish thing to ask for the moon.28.There will be plenty of food in the forest in winter.There is a bus every five minutes.There was a very good film on TV last night.This road is very dangerous.There have been many accidents.I’m going away tomorrow.I’ll do my packing today because there won’t be time tomorrow.There will be a large garden in our school.用心



29.He collected food and took it into his house.Would you please take the suitcase into my room for me? 注意 take 的用法:

(1)拿;取; I want to take some books to the classroom.(2)吃;喝;服用;添加 Take this medicine three times a day.(3)乘车(船)They usually take a bus to work.(4)花费(时间,金钱)How long will it take you to do your homework every day?(5)做„„事情 take a walk;take a rest;take a look;take away;take care;take good care of;take down;take out;take off;take one’s time(Please take your time!请慢慢来!);take one’s temperature

30.He looked for food everywhere, but he found nothing.nothing = not anything He found nothing.= He didn’t find anything.look for(寻找的动作过程)find(寻找的结果)He has looked for his lost key, but he can’t find it.31.He felt cold, hungry and disappointed.系动词 + 形容词(系表结构)

--You look tired.--Yes, I feel tired.The boy looks sad.He looks sadly at his mother for help.It smells good.The price sounds reasonable.Silk feels smooth.32.The ant heard the grasshopper and came out of his house.out of 用法很多,请注意:

out of action(失去作用,停止运动)out of breath(上气不接下气)out of control(失去控制)out of date/out of fashion(过时)out of doubt(确定无疑)out of kindness(出于好意)out of order(不整齐)out of one’s power(力




所不及)out of place(不适当,不相称)out of question(毫无疑问)out of the question(不可能,成问题)out of shape(变形)out of work(失业,下岗)I saw him come out of the supermarket with a lady yesterday.Maybe it was his elder sister.Fish can not live out of water.This will happen in nine out of ten.The ship is out of sight.The traffic accident was out of carelessness in driving.We are out of tea.This paragraph is out of Marx’s works.He talked his wife out of buying the new bicycle.(他说服妻子不要买新自行车了)

33.What’s the matter(with you), my friend?

= What’s wrong with you?

= What’s the trouble with you?

= What’s the problem?

= What’s troubling you?

34.Perhaps people will be able to live on other planets.be able to 与 can 表示“能力” 可以换用:

Can you speak French? / Are you able to speak French? Look!I can swim.但不说: Look!I’m able to swim.be able to 比 can 有更多的变化形式:

When he grows up, he will be able to support his family.Frank is ill.He hasn’t been able to go to school for a week.could 常和 see, hear, smell, taste, feel, remember, understand等动词连用:

When we entered the room, we could smell something burning.Although she spoke in a very low voice, I could understand what she said.It was a long word, but I could remember how to spell it.35.Perhaps there will be no water or air on the earth.perhaps adv.= maybe, possibly Perhaps / Maybe she’ll be back tomorrow.用心



She will possibly be back tomorrow.no water or air 并立连接否定内容时要用 or : There is no oil or salt at home now.on earth 与 on the earth Long ago huge animals lived on the earth.很久以前,地球上生活着巨型动物。

Why on earth didn’t you tell me the truth? 你到底 / 究竟为什么不跟我说实话?(表示加重语气)

36.Perhaps people in different countries will all be able to speak the same language.(same 前一般要加定冠词)The students come from different parts of the world.Those shirts are all the same size.different from / the same as The cultures in China are different from those in foreign countries.Her hair is the same colour as her mother’s.Tom is the same height as Jack.37.I hope(that)there will be enough food for everyone.hope to do sth.hope(that)跟宾语从句(宾语从句常用一般将来时或情态动词)I hope that I will become an astronaut.Tom hopes that people will not pollute the Earth.I hope to go to Qingdao with my father at the weekend.I hope„„多用于对好事的盼望和预想; I’m afraid„„多用于对坏事的预想

I hope it will be fine tomorrow.我希望明天天好。

I’m afraid it will rain again tomorrow.恐怕明天还会下雨。

38.After ten years, we can open the box and see how things have changed.after 在某个特定时间以后,也可用将来时态: The film will be shown after 8 o’clock this evening.They will start working after 10 a.m.in 从现在起的一段时间以后,用将来时态: They will start working in half an hour.用心



A hard-working classmate Peter and I have been classmates since we came into middle school.He walks to school every morning because he says it is useful to exexcise more.Although Peter lives far away from school, he is never late for class.He gets up very early in the morning, and he practises reading English regularly.At school, he is always ready to help others.He also helps his teachers although he is busy with his studies.He is one of the top students in our class.Once he told me that he had a lot of pocket money but he never wasted it.He has decided to buy some books and send them to the poor children in the west.All the teachers and classmates love him very much.What a hard-working classmate Peter is!

The problem I have ever had.Suggested questions: 1.What was the problem you have ever had? 2.Why do you think it was a problem? 3.How do you deal with it? I have ever had a big problem.I couldn’t recite the English text.I always failed in recitation although I read the text again and again.I knew English was very useful in our life and it became more and more important.I asked my English teacher for help.He suggested I(should)go to the English corner and try to talk with the students and the foreign teacher there in English.I did so and I found it was a good way to improve my English level.Now I can recite each text I have learned and get good marks in recitation.39.It is + adj.+ to do sth.与 It would be + adj.+ to do sth.It is nice to eat ice cream in summer.(真实)It would be nice to have a swimming pool in our school.要是我们学校有个游泳池多好。(假设)

40.构词法 – 前缀

possible – impossible;polite – impolite;necessary – unnecessary;like – unlike;tidy--untidy comfortable – uncomfortable;able – unable;interesting – uninteresting;important--unimportant




like v.– dislike;appear – disappear;agree – disagree


I(主格)– myself(单数)– ourselves(复数);you – yourself –yourselves;he – himself – themsleves; she – herself – themselves;it – itself--themsleves(1)作动词宾语或介词宾语 : She is teaching herself English.她正在自学英语。She was talking to herself.她在自言自语。

He lives in the country by himself.他独自住在乡下。(2)作主语同位语:(亲自,本身)

Did you make the cake yourself? 这蛋糕是你亲自做的吗? The work itself is easy.这工作本身很容易。(3)作表语:(表示身体或精神状态)

I’m not myself today.我今天不舒服。

I am feeling myself again.我觉得身体舒服了。(4)用于口语与固定用法中:

Help youself to the cakes, Kitty!请随便吃蛋糕,Kitty!Make yourself at home!别客气!Don’t upset youself!别自寻烦恼!

He can’t make himself heard(understood).Module 3 The natural elements Unit 9 The wind is blowing Unit 10 Water festival *Unit 11 Electricity

Sports and our life Suggestions: 1.What’s your favourite sport? 2.How do you play it in your spare time? 3.How does the sport influence(影响)your life? There are many kinds of sports all around the world.And My favourite sport is playing badminton.I always play badminton with my classmates in PE leaasons and we have agood time together.Sometimes I also play badminton with myparents at weekends.It can make me healthy and strong.My parents like it, too.I think it is a good way to kill time and spend our weekend well.用心



Life in the future What do you think our life will be like in the future? Perhaps people will have robots.The robots will help us do all the housework.Perhaps there will be computers and vision phones in every home.Children will study on computers.Perhaps people will fly to the moon and live on it.I also think people will be able to build many beautiful cities under the sea.We can live under the sea and watch all the living things under the sea.How wonderful our future life will be!

42.形 容 词 的 比 较 等 级

(1)原形容词后加 er, est 构成比较级和最高级:

cold — colder — coldest;young –younger – youngest;fast – faster – fastest;cheap –cheaper – cheapest(2)原形容词词尾是字母 e 时,加 r, st 构成比较级和最高级: large – larger –largest;nice – nicer – nicerst(3)原形容词词尾是辅音字母+ y时,去 y, 加ier, iest 构成比较级和最高级:

dry – drier –driest;

friendly – friendlier – friendliest pretty –prettier –prettiest;easy – easier –easiest;(4)原形容词是重读闭音节时,双写词末辅音字母,加 er, est构成比较级和最高级:

big – bigger –biggest;hot – hotter – hottest;thin – thinner – thinnest;wet – wetter--wettest(5)部分双音节及三个音节以上的形容词,在其前加 more, most构成比较级和最高级:

beautiful – more beautiful--most beautiful;comfortable – more comfortable--most comfortable;difficult--more difficult--most difficult;expensive--more expensive--most expensive(6)不规则的变化须记住:

bad –worse – worst;good / well –better – best;many / much – more – most(注意: 原形容词最高级前须加定冠词 the)


A.同级相比(肯定)as „ as;(否定)not as(so)„ as B.比较级: 形容词比较级 + than „ C.最高级:形容词最高级 + in 群体




Translate the following into English: 1.我的风筝没有你的大。

My kite is not as big as yours.2.你的风筝比我的小。

Your kite is smaller than mine.3.他们的风筝没我们的更有色彩。

Their kite isn’t as colourful as ours.(Our kite is more coloueful than theirs.)4.我的风筝最大最漂亮。

My kite is the biggest and the most beautiful.5.她的(风筝)没你的漂亮。

Hers is not as beautiful as yours.6.Joe 的风筝比 Kitty 的更有色彩。

Joe’s(kite)is more colourful than Kitty’s.43.Strength is not always important.(力气)He hasn’t got enough strength to remove that stone.I haven’t the strength to lift the heavy box.Union is strength.团结就是力量。

44.Mr Wind was very proud.He liked showing off his strength all the time.(proud adj.骄傲的,自豪的,得意的)I’m proud to be your friend.做你的朋友我感到骄傲。She is proud that she is the cheerleader of the school.be proud of / take pride in(为„„感到自豪)We are proud of(take pride in)our motherland.show off(炫耀,卖弄)The Emperor liked showing off his new clothes.He is showing off his new mobile phone.45.I think Mr Sun is stronger than Mr Wind.I think 后如跟否定句,则要否定在主句上:

I don’t think Mr Wind is stronger than Mr Sun.我认为风先生没有太阳先生厉害。

I don’t think he is good at learning English.我认为他不擅长学英语。

(误)I think he isn’t a good boy.(正)I don’t think he is a good boy.我认为他不是个好男孩。




46.That man felt hot and took off his coat.(脱下)You’d better take off your coat.It’s very warm inside.Put on more clothes when you go out.(穿上)The plane will take off in 20 minutes.(起飞)The sports meet was taken off because of the bad weather.(取消)

How to be a good student? As a good student, we should have good habits and ways of learning.We need to get ready for our lessons before class, and always listen to the teacher carefully in class.After class, we must go over the lessons and finish our homework on time.It’s good to study in groups and help each.As a student, working hard is important.But don’t forget to dosports and keep healthy.We should do more reading in our free time.If we have any problems, we’d better ask others forhelp.I hope all these will be helpful to you.47.Today, I’m goingto teach you how to make a kite.疑问词 + 不定式的结构作动词宾语

Can you tell me where to go tomorrow? Do you know when to set off? Please let me know what to do next.48.To make a kite, you need some thin sticks, some pieces of coloured paper and a reel of string.不定式短语作目的状语 = in order to To answer this question, you need to do a survey first.To find out the thief, the police searched nearly everywhere.To get good marks, you should study even harder.49.Finally, tie the frame to a reel of string.tie „ to „ “把 „„ 系在 „„上”

The robber tied him to a chair.强盗把他捆在椅子上。The boy tied the sheep to a tree.小孩把羊栓在一棵树上。


He tied the papers with string.他用绳子把报纸捆起来。




50.rise – rose –risen vi.(不及物动词)上升,起身

raise – raised –raised vt.(及物动词)使升起来,举起 The sun rises in the east and sets in the west.The chairman rose from his chair.主席从椅子上站了起来。The sun has not yet risen.太阳还没升起。Raise your hands if you have any questions.The rain raised the river.Soldiers raise the national flag early in the morning.51.speed – sped – sped 快速前行,加速 The ambulance sped to the hospital.Tom was fined for speeding.The train is travelling at a speed of sixty miles an hour.(n.)

52.among(三者或三者以上)与 between(两者之间)They hid themselves among the trees.I found it among a pile of old books.This book is the best among the modern novels.Shanghai is among(one of)the largest cities in the world.There was a fight between the two boys.I am usually free between Tuesday and Thursday.Children usually have a short break between two classes.We must save water.(Water is important.)Water is very important to us.Everyday we drink water, cook with water, take a shower inwater, and have many outdoor activities with water.Although 75% of the surface of the Earth is covered with water, most of the water on the Earth is in the oceans.So only 3% of water on the Earth can be used as drinkingwater.A person can live without food for more than a month, but a person can only live without water for about one week.Water is getting less and less, and it becomes more and more important.It’s time for us to save water.用心



53.Next, make ice cubes out of the different kinds of fruit juice.make „ out of „ “用„„来制作„„” We can make many things out of bamboo.我们可以用竹子做很多东西。

Children usually make lanterns out of pumpkins.孩子们通常用南瓜来做灯笼。

54.pour„into„ “将„„ 倒入„„中”

I’ve poured coffee into ypur cup by mistake.我错把咖啡倒在你的杯子里了。

add „ to„ “将„„ 加入„„中” Please add some salt to the soup.Add the ice cubes to the lemonnade, please.55.The iced fruit punch is ready.冰镇水果宾治就做好了。

be ready Dinner is ready.晚饭准备好了。Are you ready? 你(们)准备好了吗?

be ready for = get ready for = prepare for 为„„做准备 The students are getting ready for the exam.be ready to do sth.= get ready to do sth.准备做某事; 乐意做某事

Are you getting ready to run? 你们准备好跑步了吗?

Peter is a model student.He is always ready to help others.Peter是个模范学生,他总是乐于助人。

56.freeze–froze–frozen-freezing Water freezes at 0°c.(v.结冰)

Don’t eat too much frozen food.(adj.冰冻的)

We can’t go out in such freezing weather.(adj.极寒冷的)

The three forms of water Suggested questions: 1.What are the three forms of water? 2.What will happen if we change the forms? We all know that there are three forms of water in our lives.They are water, ice and steam.When water freezes, it turns into ice.When ice melts, it turns into water again.If we boil water, it will turn into steam.However, when steam cools down, it turns into water




again.Water in our lives is very important.And the drinking water on the Earth is getting less and less.So we mustn’t waste water.57.No diving.(标志用语)= Diving is not allowed.= People mustn’t dive.= Don’t dive.No ball games.(Ball games are not allowed./ Popple mustn’t play ball games./ Don’t play ball games.)No U-turn!禁止调头。

No parking here!此处禁止停车。

58.Fishing is not allowed.= You mustn’t fish.Mother allowed me to play computer games for a while.Swimming is not allowed at this beach.= You mustn’t swim at this beach.You are not allowed to park your car here.用心



1.能听得懂,会说单词Su Hai, Mike, Helen, Wang Bing .

2.能正确地运用日常交际用语Hello, I am ,激发学生学习英语的兴趣,并能在相应的场景中自如地表演运用

Step 1 Free talk

师生之间互相问好,打招呼,复习句型Hello/Hi, I’m ….

T: Hello/Hi, I’m MissJiang…. S: Hello/Hi, I’m ….

Step 2 Presentation

出示头饰,逐个介绍新朋友Su Hai, Wang Bing, Helen, Mike。用中文讨论图画,他们来自哪儿?会说些什么?

师戴头饰T: Hi, I’m Su Hai.S1: Hi, I’m S1.

T: Goodbye, S1.S1: Goodbye, Su Hai.


Step 3Practice.



3、分组操练,四组分别是Su Hai, Wang Bing, Helen, Mike,学生下位找朋友,最少找五个,巩固本课句型。

Step 4Act .



间说:“Hello/Hi, I’m …”,然后握手,接着说“ Goodbye.”

Step 5 Consolidation


Step 6 Homework.
