


摘要:《上海市高中英语学科教学基本要求》中规定,学生在态度情感方面要达到如下要求:1.积极参加英语交际活动,初步养成使用英语进行交际的习惯,并有一定的自信心。2.具有较好的自主学习能力,具有评价自己学习效果、总结有效学习方法的能力。3.具有较强的合作意识,乐于与他人合作完成学习任务。4.具有跨文化意识,了解中外生活方式的异同,中外语言文化差异;尊重异国文化,具有民族自尊心。因此,英语教师在日常教学中要进行跨文化教学,这已成为共识,只有将语言教学与跨文化教学相结合才能激发学生英语学习的兴趣和跨文化交际能力的培养。跨文化交际是学生应具备的基本素质之一,同时也是外语教学目标之一。但是在目前高中英语教学中,教师注重的往往是学生对于语言技能知识的掌握而忽视学生的跨文化能力培养。从长远看,这样的教学方法会给学生造成一定的负面影响。跨文化能力的缺乏会导致学生在用英语交流时产生障碍。即使学生有着良好的语言技能并能在考试中获得好成绩,他们的语言学习也缺少相应的文化语境。一旦他们进入陌生的文化环境,在用英语和别人进行交流时,他们不可避免地会遇到困难甚至产生误解。因此,怎样将语言教学和跨文化教学有机整合是高中英语教学中主要讨论的问题。 本论文主要运用文献研究法和问卷调查法研究了在高中英语教学中语言教学和跨文化教学有机整合以及跨文化交际能力培养的可行性。论文首先引入了语言教学和跨文化教学的关系、跨文化教学的必要性、目标和技能等理论文献,接着,在文献研究的基础上通过课堂教学实践论证语言教学和跨文化教学有机整合的可行性。论文中涉及的研究对象为上海的一所区实验性示范性高级中学高一到高三年级学生,在对课程目标,学生特点进行分析的基础上,论文以文学名著,词汇,阅读,听说和写作为切入点,引入跨文化理论,设计了五个方面的课堂活动,将语言教学和跨文化教学在实际课堂中有机结合,课后又通过问卷调查了解学生对于跨文化学习方面的情况。研究发现,在学习跨文化理论后,学生对英语学习的兴趣大为提高,跨文化意识明显增强。显然,在高中英语教学中引入跨文化教学可以有效提高学生的跨文化交际能力,从而培养跨文化的人。






Chapter One Introduction

1.1 Background of the Study

1.1.1 Overview of Intercultural Teaching in America and Europe

1.1.2 Overview of Intercultural Teaching in China

1.2 Significance of the Study

1.3 Structure of the Study

Chapter Two Literature Review

2.1 The Existing Problems of English Teaching in Senior High School

2.2 Relationship of Language Teaching and Intercultural Teaching

2.2.1 Intercultural Competence

2.2.2 Conceptual Knowledge About the L2 Culture

2.3 Necessity of Intercultural Teaching in Senior High School

2.4 Objectives of Intercultural Teaching

2.5 Techniques of Intercultural Teaching

2.5.1 Creating an Authentic Classroom Environment

2.5.2 Providing Cultural Information

2.5.3 Cultural Problem Solving

2.5.4 Behavioral and Affective Aspects

2.5.5 Cognitive Approaches

2.5.6 The Role of Literature and the Humanities

2.5.7 Real-life Exposure to the Target Culture

2.5.8 Making Use of Cultural Community Resources

Chapter Three Integrating English Teaching and Intercultural Teaching in Senior High School

3.1 Principles and contents of Intercultural teaching

3.1.1 Principles of Intercultural Teaching

3.1.2 Contents of Intercultural Teaching

3.2 Methods of Intercultural teaching

3.2.1 Teaching Culture Through Literary Works

3.2.2 Teaching Culture Through Vocabulary

3.2.3 Teaching Culture Through Reading

3.2.4 Teaching Culture Through Audio-Visual Method

3.2.5 Teaching Culture Through Essay-Writing

Chapter Four Classroom Practice and Pedagogical Suggestions

4.1 Cultural Penetration in Curricular Time

4.1.1 The Lecture

4.1.2 Native Informants

4.1.3 Audio-taped Interviews

4.1.4 Videotaped Interviews/Observational Dialogues

4.1.5 Using Readings and Realia for Cross-Cultural Understanding

4.2 Cultural Penetration in Extracurricular Time

4.2.1 Cultural Excursion

4.2.2 Cultural Appreciation

4.2.3 Cultural Exchange

4.3 Requirements of English Teachers in Senior High School

4.4 Improvement of Students’ Awareness of Learning Intercultural Communication

Chapter Five Conclusion

5.1 Summary

5.2 Limitations of the Study

5.3 Suggestions for Further Research

