



Level 1 Unit 1 A New Friend 教学步骤详案: Before the book 1.自我介绍

Hi, boys and girls, I am your new friend Sally.From now on, I will lean English with you.中文解说:Hi,小朋友们,你们好。我是你们的新朋友Sally。从现在开始,我将会和你们一起来学习英语。(半蹲,微笑,热情的张开双臂,和全班小朋友打招呼)

So,listen carefully and read after me.(比手势:听。把手张开放在自己的耳朵旁边。读。将手掌一张一合,放在嘴巴边上,表示张口说话)


I am Sally, I am Sally, I am Sally.(比手势:指着自己说I am Sally,放慢速度让孩子们跟读3-5遍)在孩子们重复跟读的同时,用very good, wonderful等鼓励话语表扬孩子们 2.立规

Now, keep silent.(比手势:嘘。将食指放置嘴唇中间)Let’s play some games.中文解说:现在我们来玩一些好玩的游戏。If Sally say “Attention”, you should say “one two!”中文解说:如果Sally一说到“attention”,你们就说“one two!”(发出“attention”指令之后,Sally自己也说“one two!”并且半蹲下,跺脚两下。意在告诉孩子们说“one two!”的时候要跺脚两下。重复做,并改变说“attention”的语速增加趣味性。)

在孩子们回应整齐的时候,用very good, wonderful,give me five等鼓励话语表扬孩子们 You all did a good job.Next, when Sally say “one two three” you should say “four!” and put your hands on you legs.中文解说:当Sally说“one two three”时候,你们就说“four!”并且将你的小手放在你的腿上。

(比手势:“one two three four!”,再将自己的双手放在大腿上,示意孩子们跟着Sally一起做。)在孩子们回应整齐的时候,用very good, wonderful,give me five等鼓励话语表扬孩子们 When Sally speak “who can try?”you must say:“let me try!”(这一遍基本是不要解释,小孩就能听明白的。Sally says “who can try?”时候,比手势左手手臂横放,右手手臂竖放,让手臂呈现一个九十度的举手姿势。之后用左右手在胸前交换两到三圈再作举手状。意思为“let me try!”。)

在孩子们回应整齐的时候,用very good, wonderful,give me five等鼓励话语表扬孩子们 3.热身歌曲《The hello song》 分组

Now Sally will divide you into two groups.This is the group A, and this is the group B.If your group performs better, you will get an egg.中文解说:现在Sally要将我们的小朋友们分成两个组,这边的小朋友们为A组,这边的小朋友们为B组。哪个组表现好呢,Sally就给他们组加一个蛋!(选好分组点,将班级中的孩子们分成两个组,在黑板上画两根竖线,表示两个组。给每组的孩子一个蛋,表示鼓励,也让他们明白加蛋是一种奖励。蛋由下而上累加。)

Now, Group A attention!Group B one two three!在孩子们明白了分组的时候,用very good, wonderful,give me five等鼓励话语表扬孩子们,并给他们表现更好的一组加蛋 《The hello song》放映

Ok,very good.Up, up, stand up.Let’s sing now.中文解说:我们一起来唱歌跳舞吧!

(播放《The hello song》,Sally 跟着视频的舞蹈跳起舞来,带动孩子们也动起来。3-5遍。)

孩子们跟着音乐动起来了,用very good, wonderful,give me five等鼓励话语表扬孩子们,并给他们表现更好的一组加蛋。Open the books


Good job!Very good!Ok, take out of your books and open it, and then turn to page1.(做打开书的手势或自己拿出书打开)

Page1!(不断强调Page1.中文释:小朋友们,翻开书本第一页。)表扬翻书翻得快的学生:You’re right!Now, look at the screen.And watch the carton.Listen and look!中文解说:小朋友们,Sally要给你们播动画片了,认真听,仔细看!(同时做倾听和看的动作。)VCD第一遍:只让孩子看。(中间维持课堂秩序,说keep silent!)播放动画。发声练习


Ok, let’s review the words.Listen carefully and read after me.(做手势:倾听,说话)拿出Beth 大卡,念Beth,Beth,Beth.学生跟读三遍。

Very good!And then, touch the card and read it!

(示范给孩子看:拍打卡片,读出单词,让孩子一个一个轮流拍打。)(Role play!一组小朋友代表Beth,另一组代表Sammy,然后互相问好。再变换觉得进行,主要让学生记住I’m句。)能够拍打卡片并读出单词的小朋友,教师给予 Give me one!Give me five!等鼓励。

换成 Sammy 的卡片,用相同的击打念读的方式训练。每个学生都要训练到。表现好的组,给予eggs奖励。

B、颜色(pang-pang 活动)

Now,let’s look at these colors.拿出 blue 大卡,念blue,blue,blue。学生跟读三遍。

That’s right!Look!Blue, blue, blue, blue, boom!


表扬学生 Good job!用同样的方式学习green和red。表现好的组,给予eggs奖励。

C、物品(choose 活动)活动准备:课前准备好蜡笔和纸张的实物。

Everyone look here!What’s this? It’s a crayon.Read after me.Crayon, crayon,crayon.中文解说:小朋友们,跟Sally一起读,crayon.crayon.crayon.(拿出 crayon 实物展示。)

Here are crayons.(拿出多根蜡笔。放在旁边备用)

Now, look!This is paper.Paper.Paper.Paper.中文解说:小朋友们,这就是paper。跟我读:paper,paper,paper.(拿出几张 paper 展示。再带读3-5遍。)

Ok, Sally will play a game with you.And who can try?(用 who can try? 的方式选一个小朋友上来。)

Sally says crayon , you should pick up all crayons.(一边说,一边演示给孩子看。)

Ok, listen carefully!Um, crayons!


然后利用paper,crayon 交替进行活动。

Good, good, very good!

做完游戏后及时表扬孩子。以及给孩子所在的小组加egg.D、小结(flash cards 活动)You all did a good job!Ok, let’s have a review.Look at me carefully!


Beth Sammy Red Blue Green Paper Crayon 单词都复习完了,带领小朋友为自己鼓掌,同时按 Right!Right!Right,right,right!的节奏。两组小朋友都加egg。

VCD第二遍:Ok, we will watch the cartoon once again!(中文解说:现在,我们再看一遍动画。)播放动画

This is Beth.(动画暂停,Sally在大屏幕上指着Beth。念:this is Beth。Beth, Beth, Beth.同时拿出缩放的人物卡片,说who can try? 谁愿意当 Beth? 分发卡片给两个小朋友)

She’s playing with her crayons.(动画暂停,Sally在大屏幕上指着crayon。念:this is crayon.Crayon, crayon, crayon.同时拿出缩放的人物卡片,说who can try? 谁喜欢crayon? 分发卡片给两个小朋友)

She has a green crayon, a blue crayon, and a red crayon.(动画暂停,Sally在大屏幕上指着green。念:green, green, green.同时拿出缩放的颜色卡片,说who can try? 谁喜欢green? 分发卡片给两个小朋友。三种颜色的分发方式相同。)Beth has paper, too.(动画暂停,Sally在大屏幕上指着paper。念:paper, paper, paper.同时拿出缩放的人物卡片,说who can try? 谁喜欢paper? 分发卡片给两个小朋友)Look outside!Oh no!It’s raining.Who’s at the window!It’s a kitten!Poor kitten.Come in, kitten!(This is the kitten, Its name is Sammy.拿出图片说:这就是小猫Sammy。Sammy, Sammy, Sammy。)发完卡片后,说:OK, it’s the game time!

When Sally says “Beth, stand up!” The ones who have the Beth card should stand up!Understand? 中文解说:现在是游戏时间啦!当听到Sally说“Beth, stand up!”,你们手中拿着Beth的小朋友就要站起来。(Sally同时自己也要举起卡片。重复,然后换单词,每个单词最少stand up 三次。)游戏的同时,要记得给表现好的那一组加egg.B.Now, when Sally says “Sammy touches me!” the ones who have the Sammy card should come to here and touch my arms!中文解说:当Sally说,“Sammy touch me!”的时候,拿着Sammy 卡片的小朋友就要到Sally这里,然后触碰Sally的手臂。(重复,换单词,每个单词最少touch 三次。)

游戏的同时,要记得给表现好的那一组加egg.C.Ok, when Sally says “crayon hand in!” the ones who have the crayon card should bring your cards to Sally!As fast as possible!中文解说:当Sally说“crayon hand in!”的时候,手中有crayon的小朋友,就要把卡片交到Sally这里。看看谁最快!(每个单词小卡都必须回收)给速度快的小组加egg。过渡鼓励:let me have a look.Which group gets more eggs.Group A: one, two, three„ Group B: one, two, three, four„ OK, Group A gets more eggs.Come on, Group B!中文解说:A组的小朋友比B组的小朋友成绩好,B组的小朋友要加油咯!指认书上的人物和物品

Ok, every one take out of you fingers.One finger!


And point to the books, show me Beth!Where is Beth?

(老师自己拿出书本,手指在书本上的Beth上,走到小朋友身边,指导小朋友找出书本上的Beth。重复这个步骤,直到小朋友找到书上的Beth Sammy Red Blue Green Paper Crayon)

So, you can find all the things in your book!And close your books.(老师做合上书的动作,或者老师把自己的书本合上。)

用 wonderful 表扬学生做的好。After the books

1、复习故事 Ok, let’s review the story.Look at the screen.Listen and have a look!中文解说:小朋友们,现在我们再来看看这个动画片。(播动画VCD,老师在动画播放的同时,也可在一旁辅助补充,如出现Beth的画面,老师可指着屏幕上的Beth说,Beth。)


2、Magical time(代替手工制作环节)课前准备:老师自己用的背胶Beth和Sammy卡纸。每个学生两张纸。胶棒。


It’s the magical time now.中文解说:现在Sally要给你们变魔术了。(把之前准备好的两张卡纸贴在手背上。)当当当当,Who is it? And who is it?(举起两只手,分别问小朋友Who is it? And who is it? 再次复习Beth和Sammy。)等待小朋友的回应。

Would you like to have ones?


Everyone should stick Beth and Sammy on your hands.中文解说:现在,我们用胶棒把Beth和Sammy贴在手背上。(帮小朋友贴纸片)

(纸片贴完后)And the, show me Beth.(自己举起Beth那只手,让小朋友跟着举起。)

Now,show me Sammy!



给表现好的小组加egg.同时,带领小朋友一起数eggs.给予egg多的那组小朋友,Good, good, very good!的奖励。可以考虑是否要奖励贴纸。

3、Goodbye Song!Ok, it’s time to stop.We have say goodbye to Beth and Sammy.中文解说:小朋友们,时间到了,现在我们要和Beth和Sammy说再见了。

Up, up, stand up!

(用手示意小朋友起立。)Now, listen and follow me.We will sing the goodbye song!中文解说:我们现在唱歌和他们说再见!(播放 goodbye song,鼓励学生一起唱一起做动作。歌曲共两遍。)



Thank you everyone!

中文解说:小朋友们,跟Sally说,Thank you Sally!

(带着学生重复3-5遍,再做 Byebye, Sally的动作)

Byebye, Sally!(重复3遍)结束课程:Ok, see you next time!中文解说:小朋友们,我们下次再见!Goodbye!









































3、教师必须按时上、下课。教师一般应于上课铃响前 1--2分钟到教室门前等候,或进教室督促学生做好上课准备。、教学思想端正。各科教学都要重视挖掘教材的思想教育因素,正确处理教书与育人的关系;教师要努力为学生创设动口、动手、动脑的机会,正确处理传授知识和培养能力的关系;努力贯彻“教为主导、学为主体、练为主线”的原则,正确处理教与学的关系。、教学目标明确。教学过程的各个环节要紧紧围绕既定的目标组织教学,做到教学目标“当日清”。



































小学生中有一部分同学是喜欢唱歌和跳舞的,这些学生特别喜欢在课堂上唱歌,不论是什么歌曲,他们都喜欢唱, 正所谓音乐无国界,很多小音乐迷非常喜欢唱一些英语歌曲,为此教师在进行教学时,可以结合学生自身喜欢唱歌和跳舞的特点,结合学习内容为学生讲授一些歌曲,使学生在歌曲的学习过程中记忆单词。

比如,在讲授课文 《Chinese New Year》一文时,教师可以这样引导学生: “新年是一个非常值得大家开心的事情, 在这一天我们往往会唱歌,大家想想我们最先想到的歌曲是什么歌?”“新年好。”学生回答,老师说:“对,那么如果我们将这首中文歌曲转换为英文歌曲,不知道大家能不能唱出来?”于是教师开始为学生将编号的歌词给大家展示:“-Happy new year,Happy new year,Happy new year to you all,we are singing,we are dancing,Happy new year to you all. -Happy new year,Happy new year,Happynewyeartoyouall,eating dumplings,takingredpackets,Happy new year to you all.”

教师将课文中的单词引入到歌曲中, 使学生边唱歌边记忆,身心会得到很大的放松,而且要想将歌曲唱好,前提条件是必须将单词很好地记忆清楚,这就需要学生自己主动地进行单词的记忆,不仅单词记忆要清楚,而且单词的发音也必须准确,才能确保在唱歌过程中将每一个英文单词唱清楚。


小学生对于一些幽默笑话也非常感兴趣,我们经常会看到一些小学生聚在一起给其他的同学讲笑话,大家听完笑话后都捧腹大笑,有时即使没有太大的笑点, 对于小学生来说也会感到非常好笑,为此教师在进行讲课时,可以将所学的单词变成一个小笑话,让学生先感到好笑,然后再学着给别人讲,这样学生就会在谈笑风生中记会单词。

比如,在讲授课文《Asking the way》 一单元时,教师可以给学生讲这样的一个笑话,Teacher:“Tom,why are you late for school every day? ”Tom:“Every time I get off and come to the corner,I can say a sign says,‘School-Go Slow,please’.”随后教师可以给学生解释这个笑话的含义,即汤姆每天迟到的原因是他发现学校门前有一个牌子,写着学校——且慢行走,于是他就经常迟到。学生们听到老师的笑话后,顿时感到非常好笑,大家都认为汤姆的回答太有意思了。于是学生们就开始无意识地进行记忆这个笑话,而这个笑话中正好包含着get off,corner等单词,学生在记忆并给别人讲笑话的同时,这些单词就很快被记忆下来。



小学生对于玩有着极大的兴趣,特别是对于一些有趣的游戏,不论玩的内容是什么,他们都会产生极大的兴趣,为此教师在进行单词记忆和讲解的过程中,可以带领学生玩一些趣味游戏,让学生在游戏中逐渐掌握需要记忆的单词, 让学生在游戏中加深对游戏的记忆和理解,使学生以后再玩游戏时也会马上想到这些单词,这样就能保证学生长时间的记忆这些单词。比如,在学习《In the library》一单元时,教师可以带领学生玩这样一个游戏,本单元需要记忆的单词有“shot,eat,run,talk,sleep,drink”,教师可以带领学生玩找朋友的游戏,教师给每个学生身后粘一张带有字母的卡片,然后教师喊出:“shot”时,背上粘有s、h、o、t的同学就会凑在一起,喊出eat时,背上粘有e、a、t的同学就会凑在一起,看似简单的游戏,学生要想很顺利地完成游戏,前提是必须对单词非常熟悉, 只有非常熟悉才能更好更快地粘贴在一起。这样的游戏要想玩好必须做到以下几点:首先学生必须对单元中的单词有深刻的记忆,清晰地记住每一个单词的含义;其次学生要有较强的快速记忆和印象的能力。因此这样的游戏对于小学生来说非常感兴趣。

篇4:小学英语 趣味教学


中图分类号:G632 文献标识码:B 文章编号:1002-7661(2014)18-347-01



激趣性导入有很多,比如:歌曲(sing a song)、韵句(chant)、交谈(talk)、故事(story)、游戏(play a game)等等。



故事,利用学生对故事的热爱来激发学生的学习兴趣,故事教学对于低年级学生而言我们可以采用“三文治”的教学方法,也就是汉语加英语加汉语。汉语是桥梁,故事是载体,学好英语是最终目的,可以根据学生的知识层面,加入不同程度的英语,可以从简单的单词到词组,最后到整句话都用英语来表示。比如举个例子:在神笔马良的故事中有一句话,简单的说“他有一支magic pen。”难一点我们可以说“He has a magic pen.”在这里我给大家推荐厦门大学教授纪玉华自编的整套《大胡子爷爷讲故事学英语》,他就是根据孩子喜欢听故事的心理特点,把英语学习融入到故事中去学习。故事教学对高年级的学生而言,我们可以让学生们用整段英语来讲,培养学生的叙述和总结能力。故事的情节多样,更能充分发挥学生的发散性思维和想象力,同时拓展学生们的视野,从而提高学生的综合能力。

游戏,有游戏就会有竞赛,分小组竞赛、男女生之间竞赛、自由组合竞赛、个人挑战竞赛等。游戏的目的性一定要强,不能只流于热闹而没有达到真正的目的。在英语课堂中用“动的方法”激发学生的学习兴趣,让学生通过大脑、口、手、脚等全身活动,促进思维的发散,提高学习兴趣和学习效率。如:listen and touch(听音,快速指出所读单词,锻炼学生的反应能力和掌握情况);传声筒(根据实际情况给同学们分组,每组的最好一名同学看一下卡片上的内容,可以是一个单词,一个词组,或者是一句话。然后悄悄的告诉前面的同学,一个接一个,到最好一个同学大声的说出卡片上写的什么,这样锻炼学生的口语,听力和记忆能力。);Listen and do(听指令做动作,可以做指令的动作,也可以做和指令相反的动作,锻炼学生的听力和理解能力)。









再拿我刚才讲到的四年级下册Module4中,Unit1 Do you like meat?中我觉得可以有三点教育思想可以渗透,一是虽然我们有自己喜欢吃的,也有自己不喜欢吃的。但是我们不可以挑食、厌食,不喜欢吃的我们可以少吃一点,这样我们才能够涉足全面的营养,健健康康。二是拓展我们常见的动物,与其喜欢吃的食物,开拓视野,丰富课外生活。三是和我们现在的社会主题相吻合的“勤俭节约,道德风尚”,节约粮食,不要铺张浪费。


By the end of the lesson, students are expected to Pronounce and understand new words and phrases, such as greedy, hut, although, with the help of the pictures and the context.Get the general idea of the story and the specific information of three wishes and the replies.Form a new view on happiness.2学情分析



Main points: To understand the specific information of three wishes and the replies(---,although-----)Difficult points:

To form a view on happiness 4教学过程 第一学时


活动1【导入】Pre-task procedures:

Brainstorm to learn some new words and cultivate their background knowledge.活动2【讲授】While-task procedure While-task procedure Read the title to predict the text.1 Questions:Who were they? How was their life? Skim the text and answer the questions.: Questions:How was their life? Did they want to get wishes from the Luck Fairy? Scan the text and complete the table A: Name: _________________ Job: _______________ Place to work in: ____________ Place to live in: ________________ The events(what happened on a winter night): __________________________ B:How many wishes did Luck fairy give Fred and his wife? Fairy Farmer and his wife I am going to give you_wishes.Although we are old,we work in the fields every day.C.Change although into but in pairs.4.Make a dialogue in pairs.5.Skim paragraph 10 and answer the questions What wishes did the Luck Fairy give them at last? How was their life after the fairy disappeared? Inferring 活动3【活动】Post-task procedure 1.Read and act out the text in roles.2.Retell the story according to the table.3.Have a discussion: What can we learn from Fred and Doris? How is your life?How can we have a happy life? 活动4【作业】homework Read and report the story.(oral)Write down your impressions(读后感)of this fairy tale(the fairy tale and your feelings)Which is the most important , happiness, health or money? Why? 活动5【练习】Unit 5 What can we learn from others 基础练习

Unit 5 What can we learn from others? 学习要点:

学会用所学的形容词来描写人 eg: Long ago, there was a poor farmer called Fred.学会用一般过去时谈论过去发生的事。eg:One winter night, the Luck Fairy visited them.理解though/although句型的用法。

eg: Although we’re old, we work in the fields every day.中文:__________________ 课前预习:

New words.(单词)根据课文36页的词汇表,写出下列单词的中文,词性和音标。中文 词性 音标

wife __________ __________ __________ 3 hut __________ __________ __________ fairy __________ __________ __________ hard-working __________ __________ __________ although __________ __________ __________ earn __________ __________ __________ gold __________ __________ __________ coin __________ __________ __________ comfortable __________ __________ __________ reply _________ __________ __________ greedy __________ __________ __________ happiness __________ __________ __________ forever __________ __________ __________ disappear __________ __________ __________ 2.phrase(词组)请从课文第32页和第33页找出下列词组。

1.向别人学习_______________________ 2.很久以前_______________________ 3.住在一个陈旧的小屋____________________4。一个冬天的晚上_________________ 5.幸运女神____________________ 6。辛勤的农民____________________ 7.对彼此微笑____________________ 8。给某人一些金币____________________ 9.过得幸福 ____________________ 10保暖____________________ 11表演____________________ 12。满足某人的三个愿望____________________ 13在田里劳动____________________ 14。祝某人永远快乐健康___________________ 活动6【测试】阅读测试 词汇: Fred is a good f_____.He and his wife Doris lived h____together in a tiny h____One day,Luck Fairy v_____ them and wanted to give them three w____.But they didn’t want anything.At last,Luck fairy wished them happiness and health f______and then d____.A:Report:One winter night, I visited Fred and Doris.I’d like to give them „.But they said “No”.Although „, they„.They were not greedy.I wished them„ at last.I hope other people will learn from them Names: ____________ Job: ____________ Three wishes for them at first: ______________ They said “No” because:


模块三Unit1---Unit2 常 敏 .06

1. I wonder whether senses affect one another.

2. He has made great achievements even if he has lost hearing.

3. ‘We are sure to win!’’ he said firmly.

4. The girl was frightened with fear the moment she saw a terrible dog running at her.

5. At last, we found out the secret way they connected (联系) each other.

6. At the top of the mountain I felt the stars were much brighter than usual when I observed (观察)the sky.

7. The footsteps in the darkness held her still for a moment.

8. He glanced (匆匆瞥一眼)his eyes over the classified ads

9. They were caught in the big rain and hurried into a deserted .small house.

10. The road was so rough that we had to drive slowly.

11. The principle of the high school welcomed us personally, which made us very happy.

12. I wonder if he can answer all the questions confidently (自信) in the interview.

13. Such students both excellent in studies and sports are rare (稀少) in our school.

14. Nowadays people are worried about the attack (袭击) of bird flu.

15. Are you sometimes confused by the difficult problems?

16. You can’t imagine how I was excited at the news.

17. She has made much more progress compared with other students.

18. Last night the wind was so fierce that many trees were blown down.

19. He was murdered by one of his deadly enemies.

20. Unfortunately the girl didn’t catch the bus and got to school late.

21. I was so tired and wondered whether or not I could get to my destination (目的地) in time.

22. Although our sense of sight is over used, our sense of smell and touch is ignored (忽视).

23. They could see thunder and lightening coming in the distance.

24. The graduate had to work in the hotel temporarily (暂时 ) before he found a better job.

25. The treatment (治疗) plan made by several famous doctors will surely work.

26. He is to receive several weeks of spoken English training.

27. Recently the possibility that lack of sleep might put on weight has been suggested (建议)by some scientific research.

28. The dead-end street was the only access to her home.

29. The Chinese language consists of many words borrowed from other languages.

30. The new world we will create is sure to be better than the old one.

31. Our state leaders prefer to use Chinese for all official occasions.

32. We’d like to adopt your idea.

33. We have experienced/undergone (经历) a lot of changes in the past few years.

34. Almost every language is always inventing (发明) new words every year.

35. Many of the old customs have been replaced by the new ones.

36. Altogether twenty people went to cinema, including Mr. Wang.

37. Japan invaded china in the 1930s.

38. The adopted (收养) son refused to support his father.

39. The King ruled (统治) the people wisely.

40. The country used to be conquered (占领) by the foreign invaders in the 15th century.

41. He promised to his parents that he would do better in the exams next time.

42. The orphan was raised (抚养) by his uncle in the country.

43. Despite his age, he took the second place in the race.

44. Chinese characters are very difficult for foreigners to learn.

45. In my opinion, grammar rules should be simplified.

46. Your carelessness will certainly result in failure.

47. Smoking is banned in this building.

48. The English language has developed from combining (结合) the words of several languages.

49. The process (进程) of the development is slow but steady.

50. He has lots of difficulty in making himself understood in English.

51. The only means of access (通道) to the factory is a muddy track.

52. Simplified Chinese characters were introduced in the 1950s by the Chinese government.

53. Ba Jin’s works reflects (反映) great changes in the 1920’s in china.

54. Who will represent our school to attend the meeting?

55. Can you describe what you saw in the picture?

56. Their opinions often differ from each other’s in many respects.

57. Group activities help to form a child’s character.

58. It’s better to combine knowledge with practice.

59. This is a newly painted wall; you should try to keep it untouched.

60. The little girl brushed the tears from her face.

61. The boss reduced the works’ pay to half its usual amount, which made the workers very angry.

62. It is reported that the Olympic Games needs a lot of volunteers to work for it without any pay.

63. It is well- known that an invention usually follows quite a few experiments.

64. This medicine can’t be misused (误用), otherwise it will do great harm to you.

65. Hearing the footsteps (脚步) on the stairs, the young man knew his wife had gone home from work.

66. She slipped don the shiny (发亮) floor and fell.

67. The policeman was wounded in the arm.

68. The cheers of the students drowned the headmaster’s voice.

69. When the factory caught fire, there was a panic (惊慌).

70. There is a chance that I will see him these days.

71. Miss Chen is showing us a new method of writing.

72. The vocabulary used in the course book is printed at the back.

73. Ministry of the Foreign Affairs calls for development and Eastern European cooperation.

74. We’ve created a beautiful new building from out of an old ruin.

75. She seldom contributes to the discussion.

76. Her friendly manner is an important factor in her rapid success.

77. The war has impacted (挤满) the area with military and defense workers.

78. They asked me so many questions that I got confused.

79. The resolution was adopted (采纳) by a vote of 180 in favor to 10 against it

80. The tongue is one of the organs for pronunciation. (发音)

81. These families may raise (抚养) children as their chief occupation, leaving the childless families free to move from job to job.

82. I don’t feel too confident about his chances of success.

83. He liked to observe the stars when he was a child.

84. He carried out a series of simple experiments to test his theory.

85. She works for the China Red Cross as a volunteer.

86. Reforming the education system will be a difficult process.

87. The news is almost certainly true through it is not official.

88. The green colors on the map represent plains.

89. When the boiler exploded, many people were injured.

90. They are very seriously concerned about the problems involved.

91. I sensed that there was someone in the classroom with me.

92. Don’t whisper (窃窃私语) to each other in class.

93. It’s not a question to be ignored (忽视).

94. Mr. Han sets high standards (标准) for every student in his class.

95. The parcel is sent to the wrong destination (目的地)

96. Spanish and French are Romance dialects.

97. He is fond of using high- sounding phrases.

98. Nobody has access to the restricted area.

99. The characters in Chinese writing look like small pictures.

100. The first real picture- words were pictographs.

101. In this map, the towns are indicated (表明) by a red dot.

102. I live here now, but I wonder who lived here originally (最初).

103. White is the symbol (象征) of purity.

104. The English in this story has been simplified (简写) to make it easier to understand.

105. He worked so hard that eventually (最终) he made himself ill.

模块三Unit3---模块4 Unit1

黄爱娟 2006.06

1. In order to promote a product or a service, businessmen often use different forms of advertisements on the radio or TV.

2. The purpose of nine years of compulsory(义务) education is to educate all schooling age children.

3. As a college graduate, he managed to live(实践) his dream of teaching students in poor areas.

4. Generally, most people don’t like being scolded or made embarrassed in public.

5. After the long journey, the Smiths are completely tired and need a good rest.

6. All in the office find the man hard to deal with, so they are unwilling to co-operate with him.

7. It is clear that China will do more to stop bird flu nationwide(全国范围的)

8. Different comments are often made by people after a fresh thing appears, as we can see in our daily life, because of different opinions of people.

9. The general public are leading/living a happy and active life in China.

10. Don’t play a trick on that poor old man, for he seems a stranger here.

11. It usually takes great imagination (想象力), warmth and patience to do such a dull job, you see.

12. After the star’s excellent performance on the stage, the audience all burst into cheers.

13. There are various ways of learning, but three basic ways are learning through doing, seeing and listening.

14. Only by working hard can you reach the goal you have already set.

15. In modern society, to get information across, people are using different methods, for example, TV, radio, newspapers, the Internet, ect.

16. Different people always react to the same advertisement in the different way.

17. Some countries use Distance Learning method to teach children far away from schools by two-way radio and mailing.(邮件)

18. This kind of digital camera is so cute and highly(非常) functional.

19. Few have mastered the approach to solving the problem of the matter.

20. Once the plan for the project is determined(确定), you need to start at once.

21. The company is concentrating on developing new products.(产品)

22. When he walked out of the cave after four hours, he drew a deep breath. (呼吸)

23. To be a successful politician, first of all have to be a persuasive (有说服力的) speaker.

24. Shops are being forced to put their prices down in order to attract more consumers/customers.

25. The course is intended for intermediate-level students instead of these advanced.

26. To promote their new shampoo, they are selling it at half price for a month.

27. With the development of economy, most villages are connected by roads in the north of Jiangsu province.

28. It wasn’t until after the game that he became aware of the pain on his leg.

29. To tell you the truth, my view is similar to yours that the market should not be moved here.

30. It is known to all of us that smoking is committing suicide slowly.

31. All the media are very concerned about social (社会) issues, such as unemployment and education.

32. My husband usually doesn’t make any comments(评论) on my new haircut.

33. Children should be allowed to develop their creative(具有创造力的)abilities as well as their academic abilities.

34. The company claims(声称) that it is not responsible for the pollution in this river.

35. Please come whenever it is convenient(方便的) to you.

36. Men are usually more concerned with sports news than fashion reports.

37. Compared with the pattern, bright colors appeal to small children even more.

38. Whatever has made principal determined to introduce new absence regulations next week instead of next month?

39. Have you found out the approach to solving the problems?

40. After the long journey, the Smiths are completely tired and need a good rest.

41. All in the office find the man hard to deal with, so they are unwilling to co-operate with him.

42. It is clear that China will do more to stop bird flu nationwide(全国范围的)

43. Different comments are often made by people after a fresh thing appears, as we can see in our daily life, because of different opinions of people.

44. The general public are leading/living a happy and active life in China.

45. Don’t play a trick on that poor old man, for he seems a stranger here.

46. It usually takes great imagination (想象力), warmth and patience to do such a dull job, you see.

47. After the star’s excellent performance on the stage, the audience all burst into cheers.

48. There are various ways of learning, but three basic ways are learning through doing, seeing and listening.

49. Only by working hard can you reach the goal you have already set.

50. In modern society, to get information across, people are using different methods, for example, TV, radio, newspapers, the Internet, ect.

51. Different people always react to the same advertisement in the different way.

52. Some countries use Distance Learning method to teach children far away from schools by two-way radio and mailing.(邮件)

53. This kind of digital camera is so cute and highly(非常) functional.

54. Few have mastered the approach to solving the problem of the matter.

55. Once the plan for the project is determined(确定), you need to start at once.

56. The company is concentrating on developing new products.(产品)

57. When he walked out of the cave after four hours, he drew a deep breath. (呼吸)

58. To be a successful politician, first of all have to be a persuasive (有说服力的) speaker.

59. Shops are being forced to put their prices down in order to attract more consumers/customers.

60. The course is intended for intermediate-level students instead of these advanced.

61. To promote their new shampoo, they are selling it at half price for a month.

62. With the development of economy, most villages are connected by roads in the north of Jiangsu province.

63. It wasn’t until after the game that he became aware of the pain on his leg.

64. To tell you the truth, my view is similar to yours that the market should not be moved here.

65. It is known to all of us that smoking is committing suicide slowly.

66. All the media are very concerned about social (社会) issues, such as unemployment and education.

67. My husband usually doesn’t make any comments(评论) on my new haircut.

68. Children should be allowed to develop their creative(具有创造力的) abilities as well as their academic abilities.

69. The company claims(声称) that it is not responsible for the pollution in this river.

70. Please come whenever it is convenient(方便的) to you.

71. Men are usually more concerned with sports news than fashion reports.

72. Compared with the pattern, bright colors appeal to small children even more.

73. Whatever has made principal determined to introduce new absence regulations next week instead of next month?

74. Have you found out the approach to solving the problems?



1. He felt greatly honored to have been invited to the party.

2. Your coming saved me phoning you.

3. My grandma is a retired nurse.

4. He shares some interests with his brother.

5. I _recognized (认出) him as soon as he got off the train.

6. The suggestions they made at the meeting were of great importance (意义)

7. His _absence_(缺席)from the meeting made us very disappointed.

8. The _well-known_ (著名) athlete won two gold medals in the Olympics.

9. You should keep this one separated(分开) from the others.

10. The wedding ceremony_ will be held on Feb 14th, which is Valentine’s Day.

11. The professor’s lecture on Shakespeare excited our interest.

12. Which events will they compete in in the next Olympic Games?

13. Children should be taught to show honor to their elders.

14. The prisoners attempted to escape, but failed.

15. He was given an honorable burial.

16. Liu Hulan died a glorious death at her early age.

17. The excited parents couldn’t go to sleep at the good news of their son’s passing the college entrance examination.

18. I am delighted to hear of your success.

19. Bajin has made great great contributions to Chinese literature.

20. He was honorable in word and in deed, so we all think highly of him.

21. Thousands of Olympians from all over the world will come to Beijing to take part in the 29th Olympic Games.

22. He failed to set a new record, but it was a good attempt_.

23. All the members tried their best at the game and their team won a glorious victory.

24. We must limit ourselves to one cake each because there are few left.

25. Some companies only employ female workers, we are generally considered as both careful and patient.

26. Many countries, headed by America, are fighting against the international terrorism.

27. This book deals with the origin (起源)of life on earth.

28. The rice here grows well because there is __________ (充足) of rain in this area.

29. The visitors invited here are mainly(主要)doctors and teachers.

30. They seemed quite (十分) satisfied with the result.

31. His advice was of great use to improve my English.

32. Who was the previous owner of the house?

33. He was one of the leading writers of his time.

34. The twin brothers have similar taste in music.

35. There is a change in the law that will ensure the fair treatment for all the people.

36. Does this meet(满足)requirement?

37. We monitor the enemy’s radio broadcasts for political information.

38. We can deliver goods to your door.

39. We were thrilled when we saw the high mountains.

40. The information can be interchanged on the internet.

41. Rooms for men and women are on the first and second floors respectively(分别的)

42. No one likes his character.(性格)

43. He signed to me to be quiet.

44. Tom also attended the meeting besides John..

45. She is a fantastic swimmer.

46. I can walk no more than 10 miles; I know my own limit_ (极限).

47. I’m delighted to have been invited to your school to talk to you about the history and significance__(意义)of the Olympics.

48. Unmarried women were allowed to take part in their own competition at a _separately(单独的)festival in honor of the wife of the Greek god Zeus.

49. What the old headmaster said at the graduation _ceremony (仪式)impressed us greatly.

50. Please look after my house during my _absence (不在).

51. I’ll __briefly (简要地)introduce myself to you.

52. Our country has a long _glorious (光辉的)history.

53. Usually men retire (退休)from their work at the age of 60.

54. The movement (运动)towards greater freedom for women still has a long way to go.

55. About 1000 athletes from 50 schools competed (比赛,竞赛)in the games last month.

56. This is one of the most significant studies of the subject.

57. He believed that nobody could compete with him.

58. Tom has been married to Kate for five years.

59. She separated the good apples from the bad ones.

60. There is a party tonight in honored of our old president.

61. This room is lighted_ by electricity.

62. There is no need for ceremony between friends.朋友之间不必拘礼。

63. His words were deeply impressed on her mind.

64. I take full responsibility (责任) for losing the money.

65. She is employed in watering the garden.

66. She works very hard and I am sure her dream will turn into a reality sooner or later.

67. Sports and games are very useful for the students’ character building.

68. The media like the radio, the TV, the Internet and so on have enabled us to know what’s going on in the world.

69. Besides working as a teacher, she also writes songs.

70. Good health mainly depends on good food and a proper amount of sleep.

71. Would you please deliver (传递) my massage on to Mr Wang?

72. I missed a good opportunity(机会) to give my opinion on it.

73. The teacher made a sign (手势) to us to be quiet.

74. She impressed (印象) me as a woman of great kindness at yesterday’s party.

75. The game is carried out in small interactive (互动的) groups.

76. Who is the major character in the book Harry Potter?

77. The government yesterday announced to the media plans to create a million new jobs.

78. After the storm, the survivors were rescued by helicopter.

79. Only by hard work can we turn our dreams into reality.

80. During the test, he showed his extraordinary (非凡的) memory.

81. My first impression (印象) of the city was favourable.

82. The fire had been put out before the firefighters (消防员) arrived.

83. I was so fascinated by the sight that I could not take my eyes off.

84. The room was situated on the ground floor.

85. If you don’t pay me the money, I’ll sue (控告) you.

86. He voiced his opinions to everyone.

87. Many things thought impossible in the past have been turned into reality, as we can see now.

88. The film made by a Chinese famous director, Feng Xiaogang, was set in Chinese Kungfu.

89. To our happiness, all the students in our class have passed the oral test this time.

90. The Internet enables us to communicate with each other though it is a long distance.

91. The building was burnt down because of a big fire caused by an end of a cigar.

92. So many wonderful books are on exhibition this time at the Book Fair.

93. The company has advertised for some Information Technology experts recently.

94. We will be questioned on the Grammar rulers we learned last time by the teacher today.

95. What impresses us most is his honesty but not his cleverness.

96. “Super Voice” girls are very popular with people now in China.

97. Science fiction based on fantasy and imagination is well received by children.

98. We are all impressed by his heroic deeds of fighting against three enemies alone.

99. John is so gentle and warmhearted a man that his workmates all like him.

100. Being inexperienced means being lacking in experience.

101. The old man’s money was taken away by three young men in the street by force.

102. At last the lost children were guided safely back to their parents by an old man.

103. The two astronaunts did a lot of experiments during their space journey, after the spaceship Shen Zhou VI was launched.

104. The old farmer trapped in burning house had no choice but to wait to be rescued by others.

105. Every day in the street we see the nameless child walking here and there begging. None of us knows what his name is.
