




壁画 mural 国画 Chinese traditional painting 水墨画 ink and wash painting 绢画 silk painting 木刻画 wood engraving 版画 engraving 贝雕画 shell carving painting 年画 new year picture 2.陶器类

陶器 pottery ware 玉器 jade article 瓷器 china ware 青瓷 celadon 青铜器 bronze ware 景泰蓝 cloisonné enamel 漆器 lacquer ware 彩陶 painted pottery 唐三彩 trio-colored glazed pottery of the Tang Dynasty 3.雕刻类 冰雕 ice carving 玉雕 jade carving 石雕 stone carving 骨雕 bones carving 贝雕 shell carving 木雕 wood carving 根雕 tree root carving 瓷器雕 porcelain carving 象牙雕 ivory carving 4.塑像类

彩塑painted sculpture 画塑 dough figurine 泥人儿 clay figure 5.扇类 绢扇 silk fan 檀香扇 sandal wood fan 折扇 folding fan 6.宝石类 珍珠 pearl 玛瑙 agate 珊瑚 coral 翡翠 green jade 琥珀 amber 玉 jade 7.工艺类 刺绣 embroidery 双面秀 two-sided embroidery 挂毯 tapestry 蜡染 batik 藤条制品 wickerwork 真丝 pure silk 烟嘴 cigarette holder 鼻烟壶 snuff bottle 图章 seal 盆景 potted landscape 屏风 screen


轿子sedans 风车 pinwheel 杂技 acrobatics 魔术 magic 拨浪鼓 shaking drum 竹苗 bamboo flute 皮影 shadow puppet 糖人 sugar-molded 四合院 courtyard homes 踩高跷 stilt walk 武术 martial arts 人力车 rickshaw 宫灯 palace lantern 猜拳 finger-guessing game 说书 monologue story-telling 老字号 time-honored 相声 cross talk


拜年 pay a new year call 爆竹 firecracker 鞭炮 a string of small fire crackers 大扫除 year-end household 灯谜 lantern riddles 庙会 temple fair 年画 new year’ s picture

挂年画 to hang out new year’s picture

年夜饭 family reunion dinner on lunar new year 守岁 to stay awake all night 年糕 glutinous cake for new year 大年初一 the first day of the first lunar month 八宝饭 eight-treasure rice pudding 对联 poetic couplets 贴春联 to put up antithetical couplets 糊窗花 to put up window paper-cuts 压岁钱 money given to children as a lunar new year gift 四,京剧相关词汇

地方戏:local opera 戏剧脸谱theatrical mask 生 male characters 旦 female characters 净 painted face characters 末 middle-aged male characters 丑 clown


火药 gunpowder 指南针 compass 造纸术 paper-making techniques 印刷术 paper-printing techniques


武术 martial arts 气功 Qigong 打擂台 to fight a challenge fight in an arena 听评书 to listen to historical or traditional stories 下象棋 to play Chinese chess 练习书法 to make special studies of calligraphy 画国画 to do traditional Chinese painting 题诗 to inscribe a poem 求对 to match an antithetical couplet 元宵节 the Lantern Festival 端午节 the Dragon-Boat Festival 中秋节 the Mid-autumn Day 荔枝节 the Litchi Festival 西瓜节 the Water Melon Festival 风筝节 the Kate Festival 国庆节 the National Day 劳动节 the Labor Day 妇女节 the Women’s Day 儿童节 the Children’s Day 教师节 the Teachers’ Day 建军节 the Army Day 解放 the Liberation in 1949 建国 the founding of the People’s Republic of China in 1949 改革开放 to carry out reforms and adopt open policies 基层 at grass-root level 干部 cadre 文革 the Cultural Revolution 上山下乡 to settle down in the mountainous areas and in the countryside 国民党 the Kuomintang 四世同堂的大家庭 an extended family with four generations living under the same roof 独生子女家庭 family with only one child 大龄未婚青年 elder unmarried youth 离退休人员 retired people 贫困地区 poverty-stricken area 贫困户 poverty-stricken family 承包 to adopt the responsibility system 致富 to become well-off 铁饭碗 iron rice bowl/a secure job 吃大锅饭 to eat from the same large caldron 2.旅游热点/景点英语词汇大全

3.秦始皇陵 the Mausoleum of Emperor Qinshihuang兵马俑 Terracotta Warriors and horses/Terra-cotta Army青铜战车战马bronze chariots and horses 与实物一样大小life-size 临潼区Lintong District 大雁塔Big Wild Goose Pagoda丝绸之路the Silk Road敦煌 Dunhuang敦煌莫高窟 Mogao Grottoes / Caves, Dunhuang千佛洞Thousand-Buddha Cave壁画murals / fresco佛经Buddhist Sutra塔里木盆地Tarim Basin 土鲁番 Turpan华清池 Huaqing Hot Springs河西走廊 Hexi Corridor昆山市 city of Kunshan帕米尔山区Pamir Mountainous Region三峡 Three Gorges月牙泉 Crescent Spring桂林 Guilin阳朔 Yangshuo板石街(又名 “西洋街”)Slabstone Street, also known as “the Western Street”象鼻山 Elephant Trunk Hill独秀峰the peak of unique beauty七星岩the seven star crag叠彩山 Piled Silk Hill骆驼山 Camel Hill漓江游 cruise on the Li River三山晓色 three Hill at Dawn青峰倒影 Green Peaks Reflected on Water月牙山 Crescent Hill千佛岩Cliff of Thousand Buddhas滇池 Lake Dianchi黑龙潭 Black Dragon Pool珠江夜游 Pearl River Night Cruise岷江Minjiang river野生动物园 Safari Park中国民俗文化村 China Folk Culture Villages佛教四大名山Four famous Buddhist Mountains五台山 Wutai Mountain普陀山 Mount Putuo九华山 Jiuhua Mountain峨嵋山 Mount Emei五岳 China’s five great / sacred mountains武当山 Wudang Mountain嵩山 Songshan Mountain少林寺 Shaolin Temple泰山 Mount Tai岱庙 Dai Temple日光顶Riguan Peak-the Sun Watching Peak玉皇顶 Peak of the Heavenly Emperor黄山 Mount Huangshan;Yellow Mountain迎客松 Guest-Greeting Pine半山寺Mid-Hill Temple云谷寺 Cloudy Valley Temple光明顶Bright Summit天都峰 Heavenly Capital Peak莲花峰 Lotus Peak奇松strangely-shaped pines 怪石grotesque rock formations 云海seas of clouds 温泉hot springs 紫金山天文台 Purple Mountain Observatory南天门The Heavenly Southern Gate午门meridian gate天坛 the Temple of Heaven紫禁城the Forbidden City 故宫the Imperial Place故宫博物院 the Palace Museum护城河Moat回音壁echo wall居庸关Juyongguan pass长寿山the longevity hill九龙壁the nine dragon wall黄龙洞the yellow dragon cave大清真寺great mosque黄帝陵Huang Di Mausoleum十三陵Ming Tombs中山陵Dr.Sun Yat-sen’s Mausoleum成吉思汗陵 Mausoleum of Genghis Khan鲁迅故居Luxun’s former residence(重庆)渣滓洞 Cinder Cave(重庆)红岩村 Red Crag Village(延安)宝塔山 Pagoda Hill东方威尼斯Oriental Venice苏州园林 Suzhou gardens 狮子林 Lion Grove Garden怡园 Joyous Garden留园lingering Garden网师园 Garden of the Master of Nets耦园(谐音偶,佳偶之意)Garden of Couple’s Retreat西湖 West Lake苏堤 Su Causeway白堤 Bai Causeway断桥 Broken Bridge外西湖 Outer West Lake九寨沟jiuzhaigou布达拉宫Potala Palace日月潭 Lake Sun Moon名胜古迹places of scenic beauty and historical interests / scenic spots and historical sites 堡fort, fortress城堡castle长廊The Long Corridor殿hall拱顶vault鼓楼 drum-tower荷塘lotus pond湖石假山Lakeside rocks and rockeries祭坛 altar角楼watchtower九曲桥Bridge of Nine Turnings廊 corridor陵墓 emperor’s mausoleum/tomb楼 tower;mansion牌楼pailou, decorated archway桥bridges水榭 pavilion on the water塔 pagoda;tower台 terrace坛altar梯staircase亭阁 pavilion亭台楼阁pavilions, terraces, and towers;a general reference to the elaborate Chinese architecture溪streams行宫A temporary imperial palace钟楼bell-tower柱pillar, column, post碑刻, 碑文, 碑铭inscriptions on a tablet碑林the forest of steles, tablet forest碑座 pedestal of the tablet壁画 murals;fresco避暑山庄 mountain resort避暑胜地 summer resort 冬季旅游胜地Winter resort度假胜地 holiday resort佛教胜地 Buddhist resort滑雪胜地Ski resort 冰山iceberg火山 volcano青山green hill场所site, venue, locale, seat 出土unearth 道观Taoist temple道教名山Taoist mountain堤防embankment地下军团buried legion雕塑Sculptures 雕像 statue顶点Summit定情之物token of love洞穴/岩洞 cave;cavern仿古制品 antique replica复制品Replica高超工艺 superior workmanship孤柏Lone cypress古董antique, antiquity, curio古迹place of historical interest古建筑群 ancient architectural / building complex古墓 ancient tomb古松Age-old pine trees古玩店 antique/curio shop国家公园 national park海平面Sea level号称五岳之首 rank first of the five great mountains in china后裔Descendant回廊corridor甲骨文 inscription on bones and tortoiseshells 假山rockeries 建筑风格Architectural style 江南水乡 south of the lower reaches of the Yangtze River景象Spectacle领略自然景观的魅力 appreciate the charms of natural landscape蜜月度假胜地 honeymoon resort名山 famous mountain / mountain resort名山大川 famous mountains and great rivers 摩崖石刻Carved out of a cliff瀑布 waterfall, fall小瀑布 cascade飞瀑plunging waterfall曲阜Qufu 曲径winding path人文景观places of historic figures and cultural heritage 人造物品Artifact日出Sunrise日落Sunset溶洞water-eroded cave溶岩景色,喀斯特地貌Karst scenery 石舫 stone boat石灰池Calcified pond石灰岩洞limestone cave石窟 grotto石牌Stone steles石桥Stone bridge石笋stalagmite石像Portrait stone世界第八大奇迹eighth wonder of the world 世界七大奇迹seven wonders of the world 世界文化遗产保护地World Heritage Sites(WHS)世界之窗 Window of the World书法真迹 calligraphic relics水乡景色 riverside scenery私家园林Private garden四大奇观Four wonders 缩影Miniature天下第一洞The most spectacular cave unparalleled elsewhere in the world天下第一泉The finest spring under heaven武当功夫 Wudang martial arts险峰perilous peaks 香格里拉Shangri-la(earthly paradise or utopia--generally secluded and peaceful)镶嵌inlay修复Renovate雪峰snow-topped peaks雪山Snow-capped mountain釉面砖Glazed tile御花园 imperial garden园林建筑Garden architecture原始森林virgin forest藻类algae植物园botanical garden 主题公园 theme park自然景观natural attraction;natural landscape / scenery 综合建筑building complex坐佛Sitting Buddha 历史人文 history-related 春秋时期The Spring and Autumn Period吐蕃王国Tubo Kingdom王朝dynasty旧石器时代Paleolithic times 清朝帝王Qing emperors文成公主Tang Princess Wencheng春秋时代The Spring and Autumn Period大思想家和教育家A great thinker and educator慈禧太后Empress Dowager CiXi祭祀offer sacrifices君主monarch皇妃Imperial concubine丞相Prime minister太监Court eunuch古装Ancient costume朝代dynasty 历代various dynasty 少数民族ethnic minority蒙古族Mongolian 藏族Tibetan 维吾尔族Uygur 纳西族Naxi minority阿坝藏族自治州Aba Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture古代器具Ancient utensils考古学家archaeologist发掘unearth吉尼斯世界纪录The Guinness Book of World Records公元 AD 公元前 BC诞生地Birthplace历史文物historical relics历史遗迹Historical site青铜器Bronze ware文人men of letters 雅士refined scholars 文物cultural relics 西域western countries


地雷战 The Mine Warfare

霸王别姬 Farewell to My Concubine群英会 Gathering of Heroes

借东风 East Wind

将相和 General and Premier Make Up凤阳花鼓 Flower Drum Dance

醒世恒言 Lasting Words to Awaken the World梁祝(小提琴协奏曲)Butterfly Love红楼梦 A Dream of Red Mansion/Chamber桃花扇 The Peach Blossom Fan

儒林外史 The Scholars

京剧 Peking Opera

炎黄子孙 Chinese descent

五行 five elements

观音菩萨 Avalokitesvara

菩萨 Boddhisattva

清真寺 mosque

道士 Taoist

和尚 monk

尼姑 nun

罗汉 arhat

财神爷 the God of Wealth

阎王爷 King of Hell

炉火神 the Fire God

佛经 Buddhist scriptures

七十二般变化 seventy-two different forms弼马温 the Protector of the Horses八卦炉 Eight Trigrams Furnace



1 司法词语反映的法律制度







2 刑法词语反映的法律文化











【关键词】中国传统文化 专用词汇 英语翻译特色






1.翻译策略。在汉英翻译中国传统文化专用词汇时,需要利用特殊化以及异化方式进行归化,主要是异化,而归化只是起着辅助翻译的作用,在进行英译的过程中,需要结合意译、音译以及直译一起,这样在一定的程度上可以保留中国民族的语言风格以及传统文化的特色。然而,一般情况下常常会见到具有中国传统文化浓厚气息的专用词汇,倘若无法正确掌握好英译这些专用词汇内涵的方法,就会容易失去中国传统专用词汇所独有的特点以及文化内涵。所以,在选择英译的过程中,就需要利用意译策略进行翻译,这样可以很好地将专用词汇所含有的内涵翻译出来,尽可能地避免出现其存在的文化背景。尤其是当前中国传统儒家文化思想专用词汇,读者在不理解作品含义的时候,就无法正常翻译出来其所涵盖的特点和内涵,这样的翻译就不具有文化特色。例如,儒家文化的礼被翻译成ceremony、义被翻译成justice、仁被翻译成benevolence、智被翻译成wisdom,这样的英译成果明显地将中外语言文化差异体现出来。但是,对于专用词汇处于不同的文化背景,那么其具有的含义很本身的内涵就具有相似性,可以进行直译,例如,庙会就可以直译成temple fair等。









宣纸 rice paper

衙门 yamen

叩头 kowtow


牌楼 pailou;pai-loo

武术 wushu(Chinese Martial Arts)

功夫 kungfu ;kung fu

中庸 the way of medium (cf. Golden Means)

中和 harmony (zhonghe)

孝顺 to show filial obedience

孝子 dutiful son

家长 family head

三纲:君为臣纲,父为子纲,夫为妻纲 three cardinal guides: ruler guides subject, father guides son husband guides wife

五常:仁、义、理、智、信 five constant virtues: benevolence (humanity), righteousness, propriety, wisdom and fidelity

八股文 eight-legged essays

多子多福:The more sons/children, the more blessing/ great happiness






gift book 礼薄

clam 蛤

six ceremonies of betrothal and marriage 三书六礼

squid就鱼,钓乌贼的钓钩,反潜艇 发射装置

bans of marriage 结婚预告

poultry 家禽

placing names of couple in front of


ancestral altar .问名(原产北美、欧、亚),柏树枝(用dowry婚妆作哀悼的标志)

marriage paraphernalia 结婚用物


brideV family 女方


groom’s family 男方


family in come家庭收入



family status 门户

family head 家长


lucky day黄道吉曰


marriage leave 婚假

seclusion 隔离

marriage day 婚期


informing bride of marriage date 请假

propitious 吉利的

marriage registration 结婚登记


gift of money to the couple 结婚礼金

wedding announcement 结婚启事



a. meat b. soups c. vegetables d. staple food (rice, bread, noodles, cake) e. drinks f. fast foods g. snacks (ice cream, chips, etc.) h. eating customs (ways of eating, kinds of food, times to eat, table manners, chopsticks, knife, fork) i. ordering and offering different foods and drinks j. likes and dislikes (favorite food, favorite drinks, etc.)


1. 当今节食的人越来越多,你也可以谈谈自己对节食的看法。


today, there are more and more people going on a diet. it keeps people from growing too fat and saves them from many inconveniences and diseases related to being overweight. at the same time, it provides people with sufficient nutrition to keep them in a fit condition. besides its good effect on people’s health, going on a diet can also help many young girls become slim and be able to look good in the latest fashions.

however, if carried too far, going on a diet could become extremely dangerous. some young girls risk their lives to lose weight because they are eager to have a beautiful figure. the risk can damage their health and even can be life threatening.

on the whole, being on diet has its positive effects, it also has its bad side-effects. the proper way on diet is to put your health first. if it is good for your health, stick to it, if not, just give it up.

范文点评:本文观点正确,论证有力;采用了对比手法,说服力强;today, there are more and more people going on a diet.直接点题,为引出下文做好铺垫。if carried too fat省略运用恰当。on the whole起承上启下的作用。本文正确运用了较多较为复杂的句型结构,值得学习。

2.以 “bread in china”为题,构思五分钟的食品介绍。

提示:1 面包是从欧洲传到中国的。2 欧洲人教中国人用许多不同的方法制作面包。 3 制作面包的原料是面粉,奶酪,鸡蛋,水等等。4 随着时间的流逝中国人逐渐喜欢上了这种方便(convenient)而又营养丰富的(nutritious)食品。

bakery面包房 mobile流动车

bread was brought to china from europe. the europeans taught the chinese to prepare bread in many different ways. but bread is mostly made of flour. the flour is mixed with cream, eggs, water and other things, and then made into bread.

as time went on, the chinese liked this convenient and nutrient food. there were more and more customers in the bakeries; there was not enough room for so many people. so mobile bakeries began to appear in the streets.

today, bread is so popular in china that most of the owners in the bakeries are chinese.

点评: 以极简洁的文字,简约的篇幅介绍了面包如何传入中国,如何制作,以及又是如何在中国流行。语言准确、有相当的水准。

3.以different people, different diet为中心议题,比较不同地区人们的饮食习惯。


in the southeastin the northeastin the westin the southwest

rice, soup, fish, meat with vegetables, fruit, green tea,sugarpork, steamed bread, beancurd, noodles stew, pickle (酸菜)noodles, meat, beef, strong wine, black tea

vegetablesrice, vegetables, wine, sausages, cooked hot

smoked meat, spicy

food in china is prepared differently from place to place and the most popular ones are sichuan food and canton food. people in the southeast prefer rice, meat with vegetables, fish and soup. they have formed the custom of drinking soup before meals and like to put sugar in the dishes while people in the north hate sugar in dishes. the most popular food in the northeast is pork stewed with beancurd, cabbage, bean noodles or pickled cabbage. they also eat steamed bread and noodles often. people in the west like noodles most and often cook meat, like beef and mutton in big pieces and serve on big plate with strong wine. they prefer black tea. food in the southwest is spicy and hot. for example, hot pot is very popular all over china now. they also like smoked meat and sausages.

4. 围绕bite and sup habit,谈谈你对饮食习惯的看法。

today, i want to write something about our life habits. taking eating for example, everyone is familiar with it, but how much do they know about it? maybe some of us just don’t care about such matters. we all know when we should eat and how much we should eat, but not the balance of diet. if someone just eats a little, he doesn’t store enough energy for daily activities. if we turn things around, eating too much may not only result in disease but also bring other problems, such as overweight, weariness. so a healthy diet is necessary for us if we want to have good health. generally speaking, a balanced diet includes meat, vegetables, fruit and staple food with a regular quantity at certain times.

5. 风俗习惯:去美国主人家作客时应注意的事项。

提示 a small gift on time 3.praise your host(男主人)or hostess(女主人) for the meal. 4.don’t stay too long! 5.say thank you.

how to be a polite guest for an american dinner party

being a polite guest of an american dinner party, you should follow those things. first, you should buy a small gift such as flowers or wine for your host or hostess, because flowers stand for warm friend-ship. second, arrive on time. if the dinnertime is 7:00, don’t arrive before 6:30 or after 7:30 without calling. third, during dinner, be sure to praise your host or hostess for their dishes, such as “it’s nice.” “very delicious.” “i like it very much.” etc. after you finish eating, you shouldn’t stay too long. finally, thank your host or hostess for the dinner when you leave.



chinese food is healthy/ delicious/ good the difference between chinese food and western food i’ve learned to make stir-fried egg/ rice/ vegetables/ meat i love beef noodle soup can you find beef in beef noodle soup hot pot is very popular here what is fast food children like western fast food why the western fast food is so popular in china chinese people can’t do without vegetables or staple food chinese fast food fast food in front of the school gate having dinner with my family/ friends at teahouse with friends the shop by the school gate we love ice-cream the food store near my home eating custom in china learning to use folk and knife/ chopsticks the food/ drink i love /hate learning to cook food in the north /south my mother is a wonderful cook cooking while mother is not at home my father’s menu for the week food / eating in the school dining hall



a: what would you like to have/eat? 你想吃点什么?

b: i’d like some chicken./i’d love some chicken/i’d like to have(eat) some chicken.我想吃点鸡肉。

a: help yourself to the chicken. 请随便吃点鸡肉。/

b: thank you. it is nice /delicious/unusual. 谢谢。味道很好/很美/很有特色。

a: would you like some more chicken? do you want some more chicken? / would you like some more chicken to eat (have)? / have some chicken, please? 不想再来点鸡肉吗?

b: no more, thank you/ no, i won’t have any more, thank you.(i’m full, thank you/ thank you, i have had enough.) 不要了,谢谢。

a: what (how) about some tea? / would you like some tea to drink?喝点茶,好吗?

b: yes, please. just a little.好的,只要一点点。


a). can i have the table by the window? 我们可以坐在窗边的那张桌子吗?

b). is it possible to have dinner now? 现在可以就餐了吗?

c). are you ready to order? sir. 您准备点菜了吗? 先生?

d). anything to drink? 喝什么饮料?

e). do you want any soup? 要汤吗?/ anything cold? 有凉菜吗?

f). what kind of fish do you prefer? 你喜欢哪种鱼?

g) show me the menu, please. 请把菜单给我看看。

h). i think i’ll start with the soup. 我想我开始先来份汤。

i). don’t go easy on the garlic. 不要放太多的大蒜。

j). i’m sorry, but i’m really full up. 对不起,我真的吃饱了。

k). it’s very nice, but i don’t think i should. 这非常可口,不过我想我不该再吃了。

l). give me the bill, please. 请把帐单给我。

m). i’m going to pay, waiter! 我来付,服务员!

n) a: what’s on today’s menu?今天菜单上有什么菜?


政府工作报告是典型的政治文件, 具有一定的政治倾向, 从政治的角度看当前的社会热点和重要事件。它不仅包括国家党和政府领导人的重要讲话, 也包括国家基本政策文件。更重要的是, 外国读者想要全面正确认识中国, 这为中国走出去提供了一个很好的机会, 中国可以好好利用这个机会, 赢得世界的支持和认可, 从而促进中国社会经济的发展。一年一度的政府工作报告反映出中国的最新动态, 措辞简明准确, 包括中国特殊的文化负载词、缩写词、无主语句式、平行结构的句式和长短句结合等。德国的功能目的论从一个新视角看待政论文的翻译, 与传统的“等值观”不同的是, 功能目的论将重点放在文本功能和翻译的目的, 认为翻译的目的决定翻译的方法 (The end justifies the means) (Nord , 2001:29) 。[1]

2 功能目的论

功能目的论起源于20 世纪70 年代的德国。与传统“等值观”不同, 传统的等值观强调的是原文与译文的对等, 功能目的论是以翻译目标文本的预期功能为出发点, 在翻译过程中, 根据各种语境因素, 选择最佳翻译方法。功能目的论有三原则, 译文的预期目的或功能是摆在首要位置的, 根据目的来决定翻译的方法, 即所谓的“目的法则”。同时, 译文必须符合“连贯法则”, 即译文需兼顾可读性和可接受性, 译文必须内部连贯。第三个原则是“忠实原则”, 即译文与原文之间的语际连贯, 真实地传达源语文本的准确含义。后两者都必须服从于目的原则。

3 目的论视角下的中国特色文化词的翻译及其策略

政府工作报告的最鲜明的特性之一是中国特色词汇表达的广泛使用。中国特色词汇既反映了特定民族文化, 又直接表现在语言系统中。研究报告中的中国特色词汇, 不仅可以为语言学的发展做出贡献, 也提高翻译和跨文化交际的实践。由于地理位置、生活环境、宗教信仰、历史背景、生活方式和思维模式的不同, 特色词汇反映出了特定的语言丰富多彩的文化内涵。汉语有许多属于自己的形象表达, 有些旧词在新时期被赋予新的意思而产生了中国特色词, 我们可以将这些新单词和短语翻译成具有中国文化特色的英语, 这将成为中国走向世界的一个重要组成部分, 增进国与国之间交流。

3.1 直译

直译是既忠实于原文内容又忠实于原文形式的翻译方法。对于政治色彩鲜明, 具有浓厚中国特色的词汇, 翻译时应尽量保留中文词汇的语言特色。

原文1:要实施中国制造2025, 坚持创新驱动、智能转型、强化基础、绿色发展, 加快从制造大国转向制造强国。

这里中国制造2025的内涵是为中国制造业未来10年设计顶层规划和路线图, 通过努力实现中国制造向中国创造、中国速度向中国质量、中国产品向中国品牌三大转变, 这里将“中国制造2025”直译成“Made in China 2025”有利于这个中国特色新词更快走向世界, 被译语读者接受。


草根指的是群众的、基层的, 和英语的grassroots正好语义对应, 因此直译为grassroots最好不过。虽然英汉语言存在很多的差异, 但随着彼此文化交流不断深入, 漫长历史的积淀使得英汉中也有不少结构和语义都相近的词语, 在翻译这类词语时, 借用译文中语义相似的结构来直译, 译语读者完全能理解并接受原文含义, 也使源语含义充分表达在译语中。

3.2 直译加注

2015政府工作报告, 提出了很多新的方针政策, 其中包含了很多中国特色的新词汇。为了保留原文所包含的文化信息, 所以采用加注的方法弥补文化空缺, 使外国读者更好地理解。对于具有中国特色、反映中国特有文化的新词, 译者必须符合英语语言习惯, 适当增加一些词汇, 进行解释或说明, 即直译加注。


这句话的译文为:Structural problems have become“tigers in the road”holding up development. 拦路虎常比喻前进道路上的困难、遇到的障碍, 这里先直译拦路虎再增加holding up development, 能够让外国读者深刻理解这个中国特色词的含义。


这里清晰地解释了“两个一百年”奋斗目标, 提出了它的科学含义。译文为:“The Two Centenary Goals are to finish building a moderately prosperous society in all respects by the time the CPC celebrates its centenary in 2021; and to turn China into a modern socialist country that is prosperous, strong, democratic, culturally advanced, and harmonious by the time the People’s Republic of China celebrates its centenary in 2049.”

汉语表达中还有很多类似于上文所举的例子, 表面上看起来言简意赅, 但在翻译的过程中, 译者首先要弄清楚词语的深层含义, 然后再以译文译语读者的视角为导向采用加注的翻译策略, 从而使译语读者可以更好地理解原文。

3.3 意译

在报告中, 还有一些带数字的缩略表达, 翻译成英语之后, 笔者更注重表达内容, 将形式舍弃, 直接翻译出了内在含义。意译的使用体现出不同民族的语言、宗教、地域等方面的文化差异。翻译策略的选择应以实现翻译目标、达到翻译目的为主, 在特定的语境中, 如果按字面意思翻译不能被译入语读者所接受时, 我们应该不拘泥于形式地将中国特色词所包含的内涵和信息用解释性的语言表达出来, 提高受众的接受度。因此意译可以充分表达出该词语的内在含义, 弥补外国读者相应背景知识的缺乏, 实现信息传播和交流的目的。

原文1:2015 年政府工作报告中提到“把一带一路建设与区域开发开放结合起来, 加强新亚欧大陆桥、陆海口岸支点建设。”

一带一路建设实质是借用古代丝绸之后的历史符号, 积极主动地发展与沿海国家的经济合作伙伴关系。这里把一带一路的具体内涵翻译出来, 即“the Silk Road Economic Belt”和“the 21st Century Maritime Silk Road ”有助于外国读者更好地理解并接受这个新词。


四大板块, 指的是东部地区、西部地区、中部地区、西北地区;译文为“the western region, the northeast, the central region, the eastern region”

三个支撑带, 指的是一带一路、京津冀、长江经济带。同样, 若不把四大板块和三个支撑带一一译出, 即“the Silk Road Economic Belt, the 21st Century Maritime Silk Road, the BeijingTianjin-Hebei region, and the Yangtze Economic Belt”, 目标语读者就会困惑到底指的是哪些地方, 所以采用意译直接把意思解释出来。

原文3:我们严格落实党中央八项规定精神, 持之以恒纠正“四风”。

“四风”的意思第一个是形式主义formalism, 第二个是官僚主义bureaucracy, 第三个是享乐主义hedonism, 第四个是奢靡之风and extravagance。译文把这四个主义一一译出, 是希望译语读者能够了解这个中国特色词语的内涵。


硬骨头在这里指的是艰巨的任务。译文为:We tackled many tough issues.把硬骨头翻译成tough issues非常准确地表达出它的深层含义。

原文5:完善出口退税负担机制, 增量部分由中央财政全额负担, 让地方和企业吃上“定心丸”。

定心丸是非常具有中国特色的词语, 如果直译吃上“定心丸”会让读者不知多云, 应该结合语境, 这里的吃上“定心丸”意思是为地方和企业着想, 因为翻译为for the benefit of贴切到位。

4 结束语

基于功能目的论的三原则, 《政府工作报告》的中国特色文化词汇采用了直译、直译加注、意译的方法。功能目的论认为译文是由译文预期的目的决定的, 而不是把原文放在主要地位, 这一理论对2015 政府工作报告的翻译具有非常重大的指导意义, 既忠实准确地表达原文的思想内容, 又能够传达跟原文相似的意图, 尤其是对中国特色文化词汇的翻译, 有利于中国文化的传播和英语词汇的丰富。


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[2]Newmark, Peter. (2001) .Approaches to Translation[M].Shanghai:Shanghai Foreign Language Education

[3]王弄笙.十六大报告汉英翻译的几点思考[J].中国翻译, 2004 (1) :56-59.

[4]程镇球.政治文章的翻译要讲政治[J].中国翻译, 2003 (5) :18-22.

[5]贾玲.从《政府工作报告》的翻译谈如何克服“中式英语”的倾向[J].上海科技翻译, 2003 (4) :26-28.

[6]王小萍.政治文献英译的疑难及其解决办法[J].山东外语教学, 2006 (5) :109-112.
