





They were heading towards the German border.


Mr. Brooke moved on from LA to Phoenix.


The school is taking a party of 40 children to France.


Voters are due to go to the polls on Sunday to elect a new president.


We drove onwards towards the coast.


We wound our way southeast.


You said you knew the way.


There just might be a way.


He continued on his way.


【课堂实录】这是《牛津小学英语》六年级下册Unit3《Asking the way》第二课时, 教学目标是掌握问路中常涉及的相关用语:Can you tell me the way to…?How far is it from here?How can I get to…?及其答语来进行问答与交流。在上课一开始, 我先复习了B部分的单词, 接着便让学生与同桌对照课本上C部分的图片用新句型开展问答活动, 以操练新单词和句型。

学生按我预设的那样, 纷纷与同桌交流起来。看到他们认真操练的模样, 我感觉教学开展得很顺利, 自己感到很满意。忽然, 我看见小A愣愣地坐在座位上玩转笔, 他的同桌和座位后面的同学在交流。于是我走到他面前, 轻声地问:“现在是pair work时间, 用书上C部分的句型与同桌交流, 有困难吗?”他停下了转笔, 说了一句:“我早会了。”然后我听到他嘟囔着:“真没劲!”我的怒火上来了:他没有完成老师布置的任务, 竟然还有意见!我正欲开口批评小A, 他却抬起头来说:“昨天回家作业就是C部分的对话啊!”这时班里其他学生都停了下来, 纷纷同意小A的说法。大部分学生都表示刚才进行的对话早已经会了, 觉得很枯燥无聊。一时间, 教室里乱成一团。局面一下子让我措手不及, 我心里急了:这可怎么办呢?学生对这样照本宣科的操练感到乏味, 但这个重要句型假如不操练如何才能扎实掌握?

我意识到学生的厌倦情绪源于我低估了学生已掌握的知识, 如果我继续坚持原先的教学设计, 可能会适得其反, 不能进一步激发学生积极思维的热情, 课堂知识也就不能突出重点, 难以达到预定的教学目标。突然, 我看到学生穿着的校服, 心生一计, 及时调整了了原先的教学设计。我在百度上搜到了本市地图, 指着地图某一处对学生说:“I’m here.Can you tell me the way to our primary school?”热闹的教室一下子就安静下来, 学生都在认真思考中。一段时间的静思默想后, 一只手举了起来, 是平时比较活跃的David。他首先问:“Miss Wang, 我能到前面指着地图说吗?”我回答“Sure”。David走到讲台上, 指着地图说:“Go along this street, and then turn left at the first crossing.Our primary school is on your left.”我朝他做了个很棒的手势, 并问道:“Any different answer?”一只手, 两只手, 三只手举了起来……S1:“Go along You Che Road, and our school is on the left.”S2:“Go along Tong Yu Road, our primary school is near the bus stop.”在学生纷纷发言之后, 我出示一句英语谚语:“All roads lead to Rome”, 并告诉学生这句谚语的中文意思:“条条道路通罗马”。在一个回合的操练之后, 我让学生进行Pair work, 一位学生扮演游客, 另一位学生扮演路人, 编写一段对话。学生积极性高涨, 热烈地开展对话, 直到下课, 学生的思维都很活跃, 不断地碰撞出思维的火花。有一对学生编了一个很完整的对话:

A:Hello!I’m a visitor.I want to go to the Wang Ya Shopping Centre.Can you tell me the way to the Wang Ya Shopping Centre?

B:Go along this street and turn left at the first crossing.The shopping centre is on your left.You can’t miss it.

A:Thank you.

B:You’re welcome.

【教学反思】课堂教学既有预设的一面, 同样也有生成、意外的一面。课堂上不能保证一成不变地按照教学设计实施。学生小A的质疑是我在备课中没有考虑到的, 如果我置之不理或轻描淡写地一笔带过, 搪塞过关, 这节课就不可能取得好的效果。这节课给我留下了深刻的印象, 同样也给我今后的教学带来一些启发———

1.教师应做到与学生平等对话, 尊重学生的现实思考。新课程改革强调人与人之间心灵的沟通, 强调教学应在师生平等对话的过程中进行。这就要求我们教师要平等对待每一个学生, 学会“蹲下身子倾听”, 使学生敢于发表意见, 善于思考问题, 乐于同教师对话, 从而使师生之间达成相互碰撞、接纳、融合的同构共生状态。在这节课的教学中, 我充分尊重学生的个人感受, 耐心去倾听学生的发言, 善于捕捉学生的想法, 发现学生思维的亮点, 进而对学生因势利导。虽然学生对于我预先设计的活动表现出厌倦的情绪, 也让我倍感受挫, 但对于小A意外的回答, 我没有回避, 更没有简单粗暴地否定, 而是立刻调整自己的教学设计, 出示一张本市的地图, 创造出一个游客问路情境, 促使学生思维发散, 让课堂教学始终充满生机与活力。

2.及时捕捉动态教学资源, 点燃动态生成的智慧火种。课堂上学生学习的顿悟、灵感的萌发、瞬间的创造是亮点, 更是我们课堂宝贵的动态生成资源, 它稍纵即逝。相对于预设性静态教学资源来说, 动态教学资源是不可预设的, 也是不可预知的。学生的发言往往会成为教学中有效的动态资源的生成点。这就要求我们的课堂教学不再是教师按照预设的教学方案机械地、僵化地传授知识的线性过程, 而应根据学生学习的实际需要, 不断调整, 动态发展, 及时捕捉和善于利用。本课中小A意料之外的回答打乱了我原本的教学计划, 我及时捕捉到了学生发言中的价值, 改用吴江市地图进行“问路”句型的操练就是一次精彩的生成的过程。我及时捕捉到了课堂上的生成性资源, 意识到充分利用好动态生成的新资源, 根据学生的思维脉络调整了教学过程, 在师生互动中很好地达成了教学目标。

3.抓住教材生活性特性, 优化课堂教学。牛津版小学英语教材出现了个人情况、家庭人员、日常生活、学校生活、节假日活动、体育和文娱等20多个话题, 问候、介绍、告别、感谢、道歉、打电话、就餐、就医、购物和问路等约40个语言功能项目, 与现实生活是紧密相关的。教师要以开放式的教学理念来优化课堂教学, 在设计任务型教学活动时不应局限于课本, 而应延伸到学生能接受并热衷的活动中, 创设与现实生活相关的情境, 优化课堂教学。本课话题“问路”就是生活中一个真实的场景, 当我展示吴江市地图, 看到地图上一个个熟悉的地方, 学生热情高涨。我果断决定调整教学方案, 就用现实生活中的地图让学生开展“游客问路”活动, 结果取得了令人惊喜的教学效果。虽然有的学生句子说得不是那么熟练, 甚至有语病, 但他们一个个饶有兴味, 全情投入, 轻松掌握了问路的句型。


My parents always let me have my own__________of living. 



分析:A。本题考查词义辨析。way 表示“方法”。 

再如:That is the best way to show that you care and that we don’t have to feel lonely. 这是表明你的关心让我们不会感到孤独的最好的方式。本句中的way指方式,方法。

中学英语中,way 构成的短语很多,常见的如下:

一、 介词短语

on one’s way, In this way, in a way, in no way, in the way, by the way


1. on one’s way 意思是“在路上”,“即将”,也可以写成on the way, 后常跟介词to。

On her way to school, Li Ping picked up a wallet. 在上学的路上,李平捡到了一只钱包。

My sister is on the way to becoming a doctor. 我姐姐即将成为一名医生。

The young workers are still on the way. 年轻的工人们还在途中。

2. in this way 意思是“用这种方法,手段”。如:

Only in this way can you improve your English. 只有用这种方法,你才能提高你的英语。

You can’t operate the machine in this way. 你不可以用这种方法来操作机器。

I don’t like the way in which he walks. 我不喜欢他走路的方式。

3. in no way 意思是“绝不”。位于句首时要倒装。如:

In no way will China be the first to use the nuclear weapon. 中国决不第一个使用核武器。

The two accidents are in no way connected. 这两起事件没有联系。

We can in no way give in to the enemy. 我们绝不能向敌人投降。

4. in a way意思是“在某种程度上”,“有点”。如:

You are correct in a way. 从某种程度上看,你是对的。

The old man is strange in a way. 这位老人有点怪。

This change is an improvement in a way. 这种变化在某种意义上说是一种进步。

5. by the way 意思是“顺便说一下”,“顺便问一句”,也可以表示“在途中的路上”。多位于句首。 

By the way, where has he gone ? 顺便问一下,他去了什么地方?

He stopped for a picnic by the way. 他在途中停在路边野餐。 

注意:by way of的意思是“通过……的方法;经由”。如:

They are traveling to France by way of London. 他们经过伦敦去法国。

6. in the way, 也可以写成in one’s way, 意思是“挡了某人的路” “妨碍了某人”。如:

The box is just in my way to the room. 这个大箱子挡了我去房间的路。 

Don’t stand in the way when I am carrying out the plan. 在我实施这项计划的时候,不要阻挠我。

Don’t get in my way. 别挡路。

7. under way在进行中,在前进途中

The project is now well under way. 这一项目现正顺利进行。

二、 跟动词搭配的短语

lose one’s way, come this way, make one’s way, ask one’s/the way, give way, feel one’s way

1. lose one’s way迷路

They lost their way in the forest. 他们在森林中迷路了。

2. come this way这边走

Come this way, please. 请走这边。

3. ask the way问路

They had to ask the way at the crossing. 他们不得不在交叉路口问路。

4. make one’s way 去,前往

We made our way in the crowd. 我们在人群中开道。

They made their way to the forest. 他们往森林中去。

5. show sb. the way to给某人指路

Would you please show me the way to the No. 1 Middle School. 请你告诉我一中怎么走好吗?

6. give way让步,屈服

We must not give way to their demands. 我们绝不能向他们的要求让步。

7. feel one’s way摸索前进,谨慎行事

三、 way的其他搭配

1. all the way 一路上,一直

They talked and laughed all the way. 他们一路上一直又说又笑。

2. the way to do sth.或the way of doing sth. 做某事的方法

The farmer has found the way to keep the fresh fruits. 那个农民已经找到了保存新鲜水果的方法。

3. “No way”意为“决不”,“没门”,用在口语中。如:

—Give up your tea break? 

—No way! 

注意:No way放句首,主句谓语动词使用部分倒装。如:

No way will I go on working for that man. 我决不再给那个人工作了。


by way of经由;当作;

that way那样,那边;

no way决不;一点也不;

same way同样;同样的方法;同样的感受;

all the way一路上;自始至终;

one way单向的`;单程的;单方面的;

long way远路;

way out出口;解决之道;

way of life生活方式;行为准则;

in a way在某种程度上;有点儿;[口]十分激动;

in the way of妨碍;关于…方面;

any way无论如何;

way above远远高于;

way below远远低于;


The Best Way of Traveling英语作文

People travel by plane, by train, by ship, by bus. To me, the best way of traveling on a summer vacation is to go on foot.

My preference depends on the purpose of the travel. On a summer vacation I travel to refresh myself and to see the countryside. When I use my feet and walk on a grass covered path along a river or among the hills I feel detached from the noise of the city and closer to the nature. And when I travel on foot I get more freedom. I can plan my own schedule. I can choose my own route. I can stop where I like. And I can see things and people that I might miss if I travel on a train or on a bus. netWhen faster and more convenient ways for travel are becoming available, I still favor using my own feet. I get much pleasure from it. People travel by plane, by train, by ship, by bus. To me, the best way of traveling on a summer vacation is to go on foot.


People travel by plane, by train, by ship, by bus. To me, the best way of traveling on a summer vacation is to go on foot.

My preference depends on the purpose of the travel. On a summer vacation I travel to refresh myself and to see the countryside. When I use my feet and walk on a grass covered path along a river or among the hills I feel detached from the noise of the city and closer to the nature. And when I travel on foot I get more freedom. I can plan my own schedule. I can choose my own route. I can stop where I like. And I can see things and people that I might miss if I travel on a train or on a bus. net

When faster and more convenient ways for travel are becoming available, I still favor using my own feet. I get much pleasure from it. People travel by plane, by train, by ship, by bus. To me, the best way of traveling on a summer vacation is to go on foot.






江苏译林版《牛津小学英语》“6B Unit3 Asking the way”主要围绕“问路”这一话题展开各项语言活动,学习问路中常涉及的相关用语及词汇。要求学生不仅能掌握各知识点,还能对各知识点进行综合运用,构建自己新的知识结构体系。本多媒体课件针对小学六年级学生的年龄特点,应用Flash MX制作而成,在设计时力求达到寓教于乐的效果,具有良好的动画效果,图像质量高,而且采用矢量图像,动画体积小,输出文件下载速度快,画面流畅。学生输入网址可直接进入主网页。为方便学生自主选择学习内容,在主页设置了一个主菜单,分六大模块:Songl,Expressions,Song2,Drills,Exercises,Game。同时每页均以苏州地图作为背景,设置了返回主菜单、返回上页、进入下页和重播等相关按钮,学生可以根据需要随机选择学习的入口和出口,主动控制信息的流向及内容,有利于学生主体作用的发挥。

1. Songl模块

画面出现随音乐内容做动作的卡通人物,形象直观,学生可看着画面边做动作边唱已学过的歌“Do some exercises with me”,歌中唱到的“Turn left,turn right”是本课的重点词组。熟悉的曲调激发了学生浓厚的学习兴趣,又活跃了课堂气氛,为网络学习做下铺垫。

2. Expressions模块

在学生面前出示一张地图(a map of a town),涵盖了本课所涉及的词汇,点击6个建筑物,2个路标,2辆公交车的任意一个,会放大出示拍摄处理的苏州市相关的实景照片,贴近生活的亲切画面,引起了学生极大的兴趣和好奇心,每幅图均配以原声标准读音及文字书写。使学生在了解本课教学目标的同时,产生一种强烈的想法:我要用英语来描述我的家乡——“我要学”。此时学生可戴上耳机随意点击听标准读音跟读,根据自己掌握的情况反复点Read键播放直至完全掌握,省去了传统教学中学生盲目的大量枯燥、机械的跟读。学生在这一环节中兴趣盎然地习得了新知识,本课难点在此突破,提高了教学效率,有个性,有自由度。

3. Drills模块


4. Exercises模块

有了前面听、说、读的训练,根据学生水平设置了两套拓展练习题Listen and number和Read and write供学生进行在线考试,在答题的过程中可随时修改答案,检查完毕后按End键提交阅卷,计算机会给出正确答案及获得的成绩。教师对满意自己表现的学生予以鼓励,若不满意自己表现的学生课后还可重复再来练习。这样,学生练习的深度与广度得到了全面的体现,及时的反馈能让学生随时纠正学习误差,成绩的再现又能激励与调动学生的内在能动性。教师在学生的活动中也能立即得到信息,从而调整教学策略,组织补偿教学,完善教学过程。

5. Game模块


6. Song2模块

在教学的空隙或课余可播放“Excuse me”这首歌,用此来复习巩固问路句型,随着音乐画面会出现歌词,学生可课外上网学唱,留给学生很大的学习空间,充分调动学生的学习积极性。










我区举办“青年教师优质课”评选大赛,所上的内容是牛津英语教材7B Unit 4 Finding your way,Reading的第一课时。



7B Unit 4 Finding your way,本单元的话题是学习问路,了解问路的表达方式,能为他人指明路线以及对他人指引的路线做出反应。本单元围绕中心话题设计了阅读、语法、听力、写作等几个部分。其中Reading部分是让学生通过一篇阅读文章“A trip to the zoo”,学习一些问路的方式,更重要的是让学生通过阅读训练,培养学生的阅读分析理解能力。















本课为阅读课的第一课时,课后生词本出示22个生词,都为四会单词。这其中有些单词不是那么好理解,所以如果完全让学生们去猜词还是有些困难,因此将会把一些有难度的单词在Pre-reading 部分进行程序。


Step 1: Introduction

1.我用投影给学生呈现一张该学校的一张地图,并说:Hello, everybody! I am happy to see you in this beautiful school. I want to know about some public places around our school. So I looked for a map of our school on the Internet. Well, where is Wanshou Hospital?…这里通过问当地的一些代表性的建筑物,来让学生了解方位词。north, south, east, west, north?鄄east, north?鄄west, south?鄄east, south?鄄west, turn left, turn right,go straight on.

2.Your English teacher tells me that you will go on a school trip to Sunshine Zoo. Now I will take you to visit Sunshine Zoo. What kind of animals can we see in the zoo? Lets listen carefully and try to find out the answer to this question.


虽然本单元Welcome to the unit部分有学习方位词内容,但是因为是借班上课,因此我需要是直接跳过这部分教学而进入Reading的学习。Reading部分游玩Sunshine Zoo需要对方位词熟悉才好更好理解文章的内容,所以课前引入这些方位词是很有必要的,为新课的学习作好铺垫。接着通过听课文,介绍文中谈及的动物名称的生词,逐渐帮助学生扫除阅读学习时可能出现的障碍。

Step 2: Reading for gist


Step 3 Reading for details

1.让学生进行再次阅读,完成Part B 1部分的内容。根据Sunshine Zoo的地图,对文中方位的理解,在正确的位置写成各种动物的名称,并能写成正确的方位词。

2.展示另一张Sunshine Zoo的地图,Say: We will start from South Gate. How can we get the Panda House? Read the passage again and work in groups and try to put more information on the map.




2.本课的教学目的之一,是要求学生了解常见动物的名称和生活习性。因此这部分的教学设计,就是为了让学生们根据文中的内容,进行分析归纳,从来对动物的基本Looks,Food,Abilities 等进行了解。

Step 4: Role?鄄play







每个单元的话题都不一样,每节课在单元中所起的作用和处于的位置也不一样,因此教学目标的确立就不能千篇一律。本单元的主题就是Finding your way。因此Reading教学中,必然要围绕这个话题而展开,与问路有关的表达方式在整个阅读材料中一定会有所体现,并也是文章的主旨,只是放在了一个特定的语境中进行展示。因为本课的阅读背景是动物园,因此有关动物的话题和对他们的了解,自然也要被定为是本课的教学目标。由此可见,教学目标的确定不是那么随心所欲的,是要根据教材的要求和文本的特点而定的。






This paper discusses how to reform the traditional teaching rules. In the traditional English lessons, most of the teachers are traditional enough but no creative. The teacher taught all the new words in the text .Then the text sentence by sentence .They spent most of the time in translating text and explaining grammar . The students had no opportunity to practice and develop listening ,reading and other abilities. Language teachers should achieve language teaching approach to situate their teaching. How to embody our new concept in teaching today? Today ,under the vigorous initiation of quality education, it is the teaching concept that should be transformed first. That is to say, transform the traditional teaching into the modern teaching .As an English teacher, we should be sober and ask ourselves whether object of today’s lesson is to make students remember some words and structures or is to let them know which words can be used to communicate under some special situations. How to create an environment for students in teaching today? A classroom ,that’s what is needed for test education, in order to meet demands of knowledge education. However, it can absolutely not meet the demands of quality education. We must remind ourselves every day that we should create a colorful sense environment as possible as we can. The sense environment which including seeing, hearing, touching is designed to develop students’ sense. Also, we should create an abundant activity environment, like TV station, English corner and so on. Besides, in order to develop students’ abilities, we should create a vast social environment. They can make groups of two or three to make daily talk, situation dialogues or free talk, which will improve their English abilities.


I Introduction

II Interest,love,openatmosphere,confidence,self-taught

2.1 Focus on arousing students

2.2 Teachers’ love in teaching

2.3 Form open atmosphere for classroom interaction

2.4 Build up the students’ confidence

2.5 Teach the students how to studyIII Conclusion

III References

Key words:interest,love,open atmosphere, confidence, self-taught.

Over the last century ,second and foreign language teachers have experienced a variety of language teaching methods and approaches ranging from The Grammar Translation to the Natural Approach, and to the Communicative Language Teaching .While some have achieved wide recognition and acceptance at different time, others faded away soon after they came into existence .What kind of method is better and more effective?

In traditional English lessons ,mostly in the countryside, teachers used to follow a procedure as the following: They taught all the new words in the text in isolation, went through the text sentence by sentence ,phrase by phrase, pausing to explain and translate ,asked individual students questions as a check of their understanding ,then let students listen to the tape and read the text . They had spent too much attention to grammar, and the students had never practiced or developed reading or listening. Although they have learnt English for quite a few years, even more than ten years, when they met some foreigners with English as their native language, they will feel puzzled and they can’t speak a word. For example, in such a context, you went to a shop center. You need some help. You say, “ Excuse me,” but the response you got is “Yes?” In such situation ,they felt confused . They thought, “what does “yes” mean?”

What is language for? Some people seem to think it for practicing grammar rules and learning lists of words---the longer the words the better. That’s wrong. Language is for the exchange of ideas, for communication. It’s no good knowing all about a language if you can’t use it. Many students I have taught know hundreds of grammar rules but they can’t speak correctly or fluently. They’re afraid of making mistakes too. And we break the rules. Bernard Shaw wrote: “ foreigners often speak English too correctly.”

How to imply the better arrangement of process in teaching today? In order to improve student’s quality, we should ask ourselves the following questions now and then. What problems can be placed first to make student willing to explore? What effective information can be provided next to let the students learn to absorb, deal with and gain? Finally how to design activities to transform the students’ knowledge into the language abilities.

What kind of new method can be taken in teaching today?

I. Focus on Arousing Students ’interest

A successful English class is one which doesn’t simply pass on knowledge, but arouse students ’enthusiasm for knowledge. Interest is the best teacher. It can urge the students to take an active role in study. If students enjoy the English language ,they will show great interest.

In English class ,the teachers can use material objects, models, cards, pictures, sketches, recorders and slides to create communicational situations to arouse the students ’interest of learning English and to develop the students ’thinking, listening and speaking abilities.

Some class activities are helpful to the students. Singing songs, reading texts, telling stories and playing games etc, are interesting. All these activities make the students change “ want me to study” into “ I want to study” and “ I love study”.

The students are usually very excited about learning English when they’re first introduced to the subject during their first year at middle school because it is a totally new subject, and the textbook is very well written, full of pictures and interesting activities. But the excitement and freshness fade as days and weeks by.

How can teachers keep students in English and even transform their initial interest into motivation.

(1)Conquering Shyness

Chinese students are usually very shy about opening their mouth to speak English , especially those from the countryside . To help them open up ,creating a relaxed, lighthearted class atmosphere will ease their fear of speaking English . The teachers can employ language and gesture, playing games and singing English songs and acting in different roles. If only the students ’interest and eagerness are aroused, they can certainly concentrate on learning and forget their fear of speaking English and even about themselves.

(2)Taste of Success

Everyone class has advanced students and also has students who lag behind. The teachers should give a praise to weaker students as soon as they make even a little progress. This experience of tasting the fruits of their success stimulates their interest in studying English and builds their confidence at the same time . Of course, the best way of giving opportunities to different kids for displaying their own talents is adopted in accordance with their aptitude.

(3)Tolerant –minded

The students aren’t willing to speak English in the class or out of class, the one of the main reasons is to fear of making mistakes. How to deal with this problem without losing enthusiasm of learning is strategic. The teachers needn’t correct immediately when the students are speaking. If not, it affects their fluent expression. The teachers should choose an appropriate chance to discuss with them. This also helps them build up confidence and encourage them to strive forward.

II. Teachers’ Love in Teaching

Teachers’ love is the catalyst in the teaching field, the keys to the students’ heart and soul, and the bridge leading to the inside of the students.

Teachers’ love to the students is different from others’ love. For example ,mothers’ love is easy to spoil a child ,while teaches’ love is an intellect and scientific love with strict. Friends’ love needs rewards while teachers ’love is selfless offer and an active love. Sweet-hearts are constant and selfish in love, while teachers’ love is widely spread and great.

(1)Teachers ’love can help students to change and even cure their hearts.

A greater once said, “what does a good teacher mean? At first it means he loves his students, cares for their happiness and sorrow, and always knows what the students think. Above all, thought all the excellent teachers have different teaching methods, they have one thing in common, that is to love their students.” To love students means to understand them first. But it’s not very easy to understand the students today, especially the senior middle school students . As they grow up, they have rather independent characters. They don’t like have a heart-to- talk with adults. So we hardly know what are their really thoughts. Only the good teachers can touch their hearts by love and make them become good students. That is why most of those “slow” students can remember their teachers and often call on them after they graduate. Maybe it is because the teachers spent more time and energy on them than on the other students, usually criticized them at when they did something wrong. Once they knew their wrongs, they realized how good the teachers were and how hard they worked , they certainly felt grateful to their teachers.

(2)Teachers’ love can improve the quality of teaching.

Teachers and students are just like mothers and sons. But teaching and learning is not just a kind of simple and boring machinery labor. It’s a spirit activity . The feelings of teachers and students in classes have a great effect on the results of the teaching . In classes if the teachers always have smiling faces, friendly eyesight and sweet voice with some acting, the students may feel how kind the teachers are and what hard work they do. Especially when the teachers praise the encourage them for their progress, they will be very excited and study even harder. On the contrary , if the teachers only teach the students knowledge ,don’t care whether the students can accept it, and never encourage the students in class, I think this is not good for teaching. As the result, it makes the students hate to go to school and fail to learn all the subjects. It is well known to all that only when the students like their teachers, they can learn their lessons well, and they put their hearts in learning by themselves. That’s to say they can make rapid progresses. So teachers ’love is very important in teaching.

The best method of teaching English is one that arouses in a pupil a love of learning English . Everyone in the class is like a member of a big family. The teachers should give their love to each member , especially to those who lag behind in study. Fewer exams and more exercises make the students love English .The teachers should always smile to them and speak gently to make students feel confident. The teachers need encourage them and care for them by saying the following: OK. Very good. Wonderful. Excellent. You are clever. You are a good boy/girl. I’m very pleased with you. Let me give you a star. Let me give you a red flower. Try again. I believe that you can do it well.

A good teacher-student relationship makes learning interesting and enjoyable and makes a teacher’s job worthwhile. In such a relationship, the teachers don’t force the students to learn as the students learns of his own accord. Such a relationship is a prerequisite for an effective education.

(3)Teachers’ love for students is the soul of education , as is said by Mr.Youkuang Ding, “Where there is no love there is no education.” Education takes effect when the teachers love the students and the students look forward to the teachers’ love. The teachers’ love brings the students close to the teachers a feeling of confidence of hope and value in themselves and therefore is a motive force in their process of learning.

The teachers should give loving care to the students in their daily life and studies .Making friends with them, sharing their laughter and tear. When anyone is in trouble, the teachers comfort him and lend him a helping hand . The teachers should take the students to be part and parcels for granted.

III. Form Open Atmosphere for Classroom Interaction

To obtain better interaction, the social style encourages students to be more self-reliant. In the atmosphere, students can have more room to consult with their teacher instead of just obeying orders or being left alone. First of all, to encourage students is basic in teachers’ minds. As a teacher, never desert any student no matter how slow they are. Every student has some advantages in some ways. Teachers try to catch her or his good aspects, encourage them to do better and better . Praise acts as encouragement to the young all the time. The better result is that teachers build up learners’ confidence and interest in their study and bring about affection for their teachers. If their enthusiasm can be aroused ,everything seems quite easy for kids to learn. What is more, to keep students active in class, teachers never make them depressed all the time. Let them talk in pairs. Let them debate among boys and girls. Let them argue with the teacher. Let them play games in class. Let them feel that the teacher is always the sunshine in the morning. In the last place, to make the class more lively and interactive, teachers must have a wide range of knowledge and the ability to create any kinds of learning activities in order that teachers might freely communicate with the class. Teachers must be quick-witted to give response in time, they must be up-to –date about the current affairs as well especially about the hot topics that everyone is keenly concerned (Olympic Games, WTO). Teachers have to learn some pop songs that students are fond of . It is the best way that teachers encourage students to add music to play even re-write song lyrics to teach a concept ,or play mood music in order to set the emotional atmosphere for a lesson. In that case, students will show more interests on what teachers teach.

Besides, as a teacher, he or she must pick up a bit sense of humor to melt away the embarrassment if students or teachers get into. Most importantly teachers are good at using a variety of learning activities , so that pupils high in a certain learning style are not consistently exposed to having to learn in a non-preferred approach, because students learning styles are as different as colors of the rainbow. Variation by the teachers in learning activities ensures that all pupils will be taught in their favorite style at least some of the time. Teachers play roles as friends , motivators and film directors. Above all, teachers treat students like a human being, not just a container into which teachers keep on pouring patterns and usage day after day. Teachers should try to keep them in high spirits ,in happiness, in glory, so that they can easily get rid of barrier and produce more in return for teachers’ hard work. All the mentioned are the foundation of active classroom interaction. .

IV. Build up the students’ confidence

We know, self-confidence holds a key to anything you do. Have you had any experience of forgetting the words you tried to memorize a moment ago? Someone used to keep forgetting the words that one learned the day before, or even a moment ago At the beginning they hit their scull with the fist. They lost confidence in themselves. But they soon realized that it would not help them at all. Frustration will be no solution to the problem, and no one is free from frustrations . Never let difficulties and frustrations hurt the students’ confidence. On the contrary, what one should do is do one’s best to overcome them.

Help students to set up a series of realistic goals, short ones as well as long-term ones. Short-term goals will give the students a sense of achievement week by week. As for long-term goal, try to achieve them at a time, step by step, and year by year. Don’t fail to see the daily achievement. There will never be any big achievement without a bit of this one day and a bit of that the other day.

V. Teach the students how to study

A teacher must be a scholar ,a guider, an instructor, but not a driver, a governor, even an officer. Give a man a fish and he’ll eat for a day, teach a man to fish and he’ll eat for ever. The teachers not only teach the students the English language, communicational skills and abilities, but also guide them to study and train their self-taught ability. For example, guiding the students to learn words and sentence patterns through context , to make notes in class ,to revise their lessons in time and to do more practice in listening, speaking, reading and writing. Thus ,the students can grasp the English language effectively.

The teachers will get a great deal of happiness from teaching ,and take great pride in the progress and success of the students.

L.G. Alexander says, “The teacher is just a facilitor, teachers can not teach anybody anything. The student is not an empty glass that will be filled with liquid, with knowledge and with wisdom. The teacher can only facilitate, make it possible to motivate students.”

So the teachers must teach the students how to learn. Such as good learning habits, go over what they studied, correct mistakes carefully, do more reading, speaking, writing, listening , recite important language points. Tell them to spend much more time on English study, etc.

We know ,English in China, is still a foreign language, but not a second language. That’s to say ,we have no atmosphere, we have no language sense. How to resolve these problems? The first thing is that we should give students more opportunities to practice in class and after class. The students are sensitive to their environments. So the students should used English as much as possible ,as often as possible. Secondly ,fluency is the primary goals. So the teacher should be tolerant of students’ mistakes. Otherwise, they will not say anything, and they will feel too shame to go on speaking. So the teachers should encourage student as to communicate from the very beginning, the teachers should encourage students to express themselves by gesture or facial expressions. In a word, effective communication is sought everywhere.

To develop and train the linguistic sense is very important. The teachers should teach the students to do more reading, listening. The students can listen to the radio, watch TV, and read the books that they can understand . Taking any chance to learn English . Furthermore, the students should do more recitation . recitation is one of the best ways of English study. Third, the students should speak English as much as possible.

Though the ways we involved play a vital role in teaching, there are still a lot of things to do. Many advanced methods are rising, such as the methods of Zhang Daozhong ’s , LiYang ’s crazy English ,etc. Language capacity includes listening, speaking, reading , writing and interpreting. How to resolve these problems? Lin Yutang, a well-known linguistist, said, “The only way of learning English is imitation and recitation .In another word, that means the teachers teach the students to spend more time on reading. They read not only words, sentences, but also articles, stories, prose, poems and so on. So that the students develop their linguistic sense as soon as possible.


Ju Liu. Re-conceptualizing methods in the post-methods era. Foreign Language Teaching in School

Liang Yi A Research into English Didactics Beijing Press, .

Zhang Ying English Teaching Method for Primary School. Northeast Normal University Press.

Chen Jun How to Improve English Classroom Teaching Efficency English Weekly .7

刘世沐: <<怎样学英语>>.北京出版社.1979年.
