



1. What’s the meaning of your English name? 你的英文名字有什么含义么?

问题分析: 有些申请人的英文名字不合常规, 比如叫King, 或者Sushi, 或者Monk等等。面试官询问这些申请人名字的含义, 主要有几个目的: 第一, 缓解面试的紧张气氛; 第二, 面试官也有一点点好奇心; 第三, 给申请人一个展示自己独特个性的机会, 因为敢于给自己起独特名字的人往往具有很独特的个性, 这些人希望引起别人的注意。

普通回答: Actually, Sushi is my nickname. My friends gave me this name because I like to eat the Japanese food sushi.

点评: 这个回答体现出你是个什么样的人呢?在中国吃寿司价格不菲, 如果吃寿司吃到了朋友给你起了“寿司”这个外号的地步, 这个申请人一定不会是囊中羞涩的人。同志们想一下, 我们在面试的时候, 是把自己伪装成“艰苦朴素”, 还是“锦衣玉食”呢?即使现如今寿司已经跌价到人尽可食的地步, 你这个回答也只是在告诉面试官: 嘿, 我可是个好吃的人啊!比较一下以下的这个回答, 你就知道哪个更胜一筹了。

回答示范1: As a matter of fact, Sushi is a nickname my friends gave me, because I like sushi and like to make sushi. I can make about ten different kinds of sushi! My friends say that my personality is a bit like sushi, simple but good, hehe.

点评1: 与刚才的回答相比, 这个回答体现出你是个什么样的人呢?一个擅长制作寿司的女孩子一定是动手能力比较强的, 而且喜欢做一些琐碎小事的人。同时, 把寿司的优点引申成自己的个性优点: 简单而美好, 真是一个不错的比喻。

回答示范2: The name King may sound a bit aggressive, I hope it won’t make you feel uncomfortable. As a matter of fact, I chose the name King simply because it sounds like my Chinese name Jing. But, there is also a hidden meaning in it, that is, I wish to conquer diseases like a King!

点评2: 如果你给自己起了一个类似“国王”这样比较aggressive的名字, 就得想好怎么样解释才能让面试官知道你并不是一个过分aggressive的人。这个回答体现了该申请人热爱自己医生职业的特点。

回答示范3: My given name in Chinese is Meng, so I chose Monk to be my English name. I admire the spirit of monks, you know, abstinence and tolerance.

点评3: 回答得妙呀, 不仅仅真实, 而且展现了自己的独特个性, 告诉面试官自己身上有和尚般的优秀品质: 克制欲望、容忍。面试官只要不想嫁给你, 就一定会喜欢这样的回答。

2. What’s the meaning of your email address? 你的电子邮件地址有什么寓意么?

问题分析: 当代青年男女个性张扬, 所以连email地址也颇为独特。令笔者或迷惑或微笑的email 地址有很多, 比如neverlazy, bighead, lazyfish, 52n52n, yulovehong等等。与上一个问题一样, 善于交流的面试官往往乐于给你一个机会展示自己的个性。

较差回答: Lazyfish? Oh, I admire the goldfish for living an easy life. Compared to goldfish, human beings live a fast-paced life. So I chose this email address to make me feel a bit relaxed.

点评: 个性倾向于过慵懒的生活, 唉!

较差回答: 52n52n? oh, it means “I love you, I love you,” because 5 sounds like “I” in Chinese, and 2 for “love”, n for “you”. I registered this address to please my girlfriend, hehe.

点评: 公开示爱?啧啧, 除了他的女朋友会觉得甜蜜蜜, 别的人一律会露出特虚伪的笑容或胃里泛酸。唉!

回答示范: Neverlazy? Oh, I want to encourage myself never to be lazy! You know I am a hardworking person. So, it’s my slogan!

点评: 在email地址中都要给自己励志的女子, 一定是个超级工作狂,好呀! (这名女子如愿进入了宝洁公司的CBD部门。)

3. Where are you from? Where is your hometown? 你是哪里人?家乡在什么地方?

问题分析: 很多老外在中国工作居住多年, 甚至自诩为中国通, 他们可能会顺便问问你是哪里人, 拉近和你的距离。

回答示范1: I was born and raised in the city of Wuhan. As far as I know, our company has a branch office near Hanzheng Street, and it’s quite a big office.

点评1: 这个回答说出了该公司在武汉的地址, 展示了一下自己提前所做的功课。

回答示范2: Well, my hometown is a small town which you probably have never heard of. The name of the town is Dehui, which means “good moral” in Chinese. The town is located in the middle of China’s Northeast. When you look at the map, it looks like the eye of the rooster. You know, China looks like a rooster on the map, and the Northeast region looks just like the head of the rooster. My hometown “Good Moral Town” is unknown to most people because it’s quite poor. The average income for a family is less than one thousand RMB per month.

点评2: 绝妙的回答!一方面生动地告诉外国面试官, 你的家乡是东北这个鸡头上眼睛部位的一个小县城, 另一方面, 让他知道你家乡的人们平均一个月才不到1,000元的收入, 令日入斗金的老外颇为欷觑。让他欷觑了, 你就被记住了。被记住, 是被录取的前提。

4. Would you briefly describe this company to me? 介绍一下你的原单位, 好吗?

问题分析: 当老外提出这个问题的时候, 他心里的疑问是: “这个公司我从来没有听说过, 是否是个名不见经传的小公司?”所以, 在向老外介绍自己工作单位的时候, 要着重强调公司的优点, 规模大的强调规模, 人数多的强调人数。如果你所在的公司业务总量很小, 你可以告诉面试官, 业务总量不大但是平均到每个员工的业务量却相当惊人!

回答示范: “广盛发”, the name means “a big, prosperous company”, hehe, although it’s not really a very big company. But, it’s true that the company is quite prosperous. It specializes in exporting women’s shoes. With only 10 employees so far the turnover last year was up to 15,000,000 RMB. I am one of the three customer service officers, with the responsibility of order taking, tracking and general customer service roles. Due to the limited number of staff, we all work more than 10 hours a day, 7 days a week in busy season.

点评: 很明显, 这个回答既体现了自己原来的公司的规模, 也暗示了自己能够适应繁忙工作的特点。

5. Would you describe your typical working day? 请你描述一下自己典型的一天的工作吧。

问题分析: 在这个问题上, 面试官希望捕捉到的信息点是: 第一, 这个家伙原来干的工作和我们现在这份工作到底有多少是类似的?第二, 他在原来工作单位表现到底怎么样?所以, 在描述自己的工作内容时, 要注意突出两个信息点: 第一, 用事实突出自己繁忙并且业绩不错的优点; 第二, 要着意强调一下和所申请工作类似的内容。

回答示范: Yes. I would arrive at office half an hour earlier as my boss often gives me a lot of work once he comes in, and I have to be ready for it. My responsibilities are mainly to assist the sales manager and representatives with order tracking, stock reporting, document preparation and translation, using Excel, Word and PowerPoint. When the reps are on a business trip, I will deal with their share. Two thirds of my work involves computers, working on tables and forms precisely and quickly. The rest of time is to take care of the managers and reps, you know, do what they need me to.

点评: 用事实说明自己是个敬业的人。在描述工作内容的时候, 有细节性描述, 也有总结性描述, 非常清晰。



2. secretary (s) : yes, miss lin, mr. zhu is expecting you. go right in.


3.(a): have i the pleasure of speaking to mr.john zhu?


4.(z): yes, i am mr.zhu.miss lin, i have read your letter of application. you don't seem to have any working experience.

(朱):是的,我就是朱先生。林小姐,我已经看过你的 求职信 了。你似乎没有什么工作经验。

5.(a): yes and no. yes,i just left college and i don't have any working experience. however, the rigid training at my college should make up for my lack of working experience.


6.(z): what do you expect for a starting salary?


7.(a): i'll leave that to you,sir. i'm sure you know what is best for me.

(求):由阁下决定好了。我肯定您知道什么对我是最适合的。 ”

8.(z): miss lin, are you married?


9.(a): i can't say i am.i don't even have a steady boy friend.


10.(z):what are your future plans, if you don't mind my asking.


11.(a) :i'm a doer,not a day dreamer.


12.(z):okey, miss lin,we will let you know.


13.(a):thank you,sir for giving me the time.i hope to see you again and soon.


注:1.句1中,“excuse me.”不是做错事的对不起,而是一句开场白。请人家通报你来了,不要用“please tell him i am here。”,这是比较俗气的用法,应该用“would you mind…”来代替“please…”;用“announce”代替“tell”,这是比较高雅的语句。

2.要知道对方是不是某人,不可以用“are you mr.john zhu?”,应用句3。

3. 面试 时,最重要的就是要表现你的机智和应对能力.一般的雇主一定会因为你没有工作经验而给你较少的月薪,此时就像句5,你一方面承认没有工作经验,一方面说明学校的严格训练可以弥补这项不足,藉此让对方知道你是个机智的人。


5.句9.多数雇主都会同是否结婚。“若未婚,不要单用”no“,一个字回答,应说”i can't say i am.“,比较能表现你的风趣和幽默。



根据几所高校的办学特色, 主办方将活动定位不同的主题:“从企业文化谈自我认知”、“职场商务礼仪和中西方文化差异”、“职场精英打造卓越团队”、“外企优秀员工职业素养”……尽管内容大不相同, 但每所高校的活动都吸引着众多学子的参与。记者采访时了解到, 前来参加活动的学生中既有即将走出校门的毕业生, 也有大一新生。对于职场, 他们都希望了解更多的知识。活动中, 志愿者与学子亲切对话, 对同学提出的问题悉心给予解答, 并给予了意见和建议。在此, 记者对几场活动中同学们提出的问题进行了整理, 希望业内人士的建议能给学生提供一些帮助。


A:北京泰康源饮料有限公司H R D王岩

文化是很软性的东西。对企业来说, 往往跟企业价值观联系到一起。如果你的价值观能够跟企业价值观相吻合, 在企业里面会有很好的发展。

说到怎么样和企业文化匹配, 通过短短十分钟或半个小时的面试过程, 很难理解企业文化是什么样。企业文化从概念上来说, 是经过长期发展一个企业的价值观、制度、企业行为的组合。简单来说, 有一些员工进入公司, 看重这一家公司有没有好的培训机会和教育机会, 比如说在职培训、考证等等。还有一些学生进入公司之后, 比较看重的是工资待遇。而在一些媒体工作, 或者搞设计的人, 可能喜欢比较弹性的工作制度。那么, 自己在选择公司时候的想法就是你的价值观。然而, 进入一家公司的时候, 不要想方设法去改变你的主管或者你的老板, 你是改变不了的。只能够用自己的方式去适应你的主管或你的老板。同样, 我们在应聘的时候, 是双向选择, 你可以选择企业。但是进入这一家公司来说, 作为员工有一点被动, 只能够适应主管和老板, 才能在这一家公司发展下去。


A:施耐德电气 (中国) 投资有限公司BU HR Partner牛浬杰

我做HR以来, 分别在三家公司工作, 有不同的感受。有人说, 大公司选文化, 中公司选行业, 小公司选老板。这一个是很民间的说法, 但是很有道理。如果你希望到500强公司去的话, 从文化角度来说, 这是我们应该关注的一个内容。像日常的培训、薪资福利、发展机会等等, 国际化的公司都类似, 不会有太大的差异。西门子、施耐德、松下电器从这一些方面来说, 差不太多, 但是文化上有差异。

美资公司强调结果导向, 用各式各样的方法达成最终的结果就非常好, 就是NO.1。像我们看过的美国大片, 一个人可以把俄国军队整个连干掉。欧洲公司更加关注人, 认为人是组成公司、团队非常必要的因素。每一个人是非常重要的。我所在的欧洲公司来说, 对人的关注是非常强的。

我举两个小的例子。年终和年初的时候我们做了一个非常大的工作, 绩效评估。这是非常综合的一个内容, 把培训、招聘等等全都结合在里面。我负责我所在的部门, 这一个部门有200多人, 跟每一个人做面谈。在面谈的过程当中, 我们会用聊天的方式, 比如说某某去年工作表现怎么样, 工作过程当中遇到什么困难, 有哪些不足, 今后需要公司或者老板给你什么样的支持。不足的方面, 我们自然而然把相关计划放进去。这是一个非常好的工具和模式, 我们并不关注他的职位、工资, 只是把一个人全方位的需求和工作当中的需要加进去, 这也是我们非常重要的工作之一, 人在这里面体现得重要性非常大。

第二个例子, 施耐德电气是传统行业的工业公司, 在技术导向方面非常强。HR部门, 也有技术课程, 要求我们在技术方面有相关的培训。对新的同事和新的员工, 尤其是刚毕业的同学们, 在公司内会有非常完善的培训机制和方式。技术人员培训六个月, 这六个月有薪资增长和培训具体安排, 我们也会让他到工厂实习, 用很多方式帮助他从一个校园人转变成一个社会人。

所以, 选大公司要看文化。美资公司强调结果导向, 欧洲公司更加关注人。以上从我个人角度来说, 不能代表我们公司或者我们这一类欧洲企业普遍性的东西, 仅供大家参考。


A:佳能 (中国) 有限公司培训与开发部副总经理J u d y K w a n (下简称Judy)

行动力的意思, 应该说是任何事情都从我开始做, 并且积极主动地开始。你进入公司以后, 如果是正规的公司, 企业会给你岗位描述。假设你是秘书, 上面写了五项你的岗位职责, 需要你把它贴在你的办公隔断上很明显的位置, 每天检查这五项有没有积极主动地做。相反的, 因为我是秘书, 我不能随意地做, 要听领导的指挥, 领导每天安排我做什么就做什么。安排我三项那我做三项, 没安排那我可以喝茶、看报纸。这是行动力不强的表现。



在企业管理中都是1+1>2, 也就是说, 任何概念都不是狭义的概念, 而是广义的概念。“leadership”在管理中的定义是“影响他人的能力”, 而不仅仅是“领导他人的能力”。言外之意, 假设你做领导秘书, 同时也扮演一个领导得力助手的角色, 帮助他协调部门里面的事情, 去影响其他人, 这样你就具备很高的领导力。当然, 领导力还有其他很多方面的, 比如沟通等。



任何企业都有规则, 像佳能这样的公司是非常宽容的, 可以说给你的时间超过你的想象。你认为你三个月才能学会这件事情, 企业可能给你六个月, 甚至一年的时间, 最后你都不好意思了, 说我实在学不会了, 那我自己走了算了。

一定要记住, 公司给你时限, 并不表明你要把这个时限延长更多, 这样才是积极主动的态度。所以我们要自控, 自己控制自己。并不是说企业难道不知道我们是学生吗, 你就应该给我更多的时间, 别人给两个月, 那你应该给我两年。也许这个公司可以做到, 换到另外一家公司也许变得更加严格。因此我们应该变得自控, 碰到问题找自己的原因。我们讲职业生涯的规划是从本职工作做起的, 就是你要把本职工作做好。本职工作是从对结果负责做起的。对结果负责的人是从找自己的错做起的, 而不是找别人的错。



第一个体现是胸怀。比如在集体面试的最后环节考官向你提问, 如果你是评委的话, 选出一位最棒的、团队合作精神最好的人, 会选哪一位, 为什么?其实, 这个问题着重考察你是不是真的聪明, 是不是具有大智。具有小智慧的人会觉得这个投票很重要, 我要投给自己, 具有大智的人则有全局观点。说实话, 你到底选谁重要吗?面试官才是真正的评审团、公司的决策者, 他们不会因为你推荐谁而最终选谁, 所以作为应聘者要明白他们为什么问这个问题。当考察的主题是团队合作, 当然也不排除你真的很棒的时候说“我是最棒的”, 说明你自信心很强。可如果别人不选你, 我们也还选你, 那这时你选你自己, 只会给自己增加负分。所以团队合作最大的体现是当面临一个机会的时候你是怎么看待的, 你是愿意把这个机会让给别人, 还是一定要捆着留给自己, 即便发现根本得不到, 但是还要争最后一下。有的同学很聪明, 在自我介绍的时候说我团队合作非常棒, 我充满了激情, 诸如此类, 但是要注意, 我们会在后面的表现中更加注意观察。所以你说了什么一定要去做, 不然要尽量少说一点。

第二是你和别人的互动。你是来应聘一个职位, 没错, 多个选一个, 幸运的是几位当中有一位会进入下一轮面试, 不幸运的是一个都没有。你在这个过程中要做真实的自己就可以了, 你不用总看着面试官, 从始至终只对他们说不行。你们是临时组成的一个团队, 所以你有没有团队意识在于你和团队之间的互动。互动是什么意思?那意味着团队合作当中倾听的能力是特别重要的, 你没有倾听, 那说的理由会站不住脚。

第三, 如果你是团队合作态度很好的人, 你会有微笑, 有点头, 有鼓励给其他人, 即便说有人表现得不够出色, 你是幸灾乐祸, 还是说没关系?这就是团队合作的精神。当然你在现场不是很方便说话, 但你的微笑别人是看得懂的。



越来越多的公司采用集体面试的形式, 而不是一对一面试。因为一对一面试时, 应聘者可以把很多优美的词列在自己身上, 说自己很优秀、很聪明、很善于乐于助人等等, 但是不容易验证。我们不看你怎么说, 而看你怎么样做。所以, 要非常在意团队合作的素质培养, 而这方面通过集体面试比较容易做出准确判断。

我有两点建议:第一, 请特别注意礼节, 这是你可以做到的。我从以下三个方面来谈一下:1、你说到了, 你要做到。我们更多看到的是你怎样做的, 而不是你怎样说的。有的公司面试中会设有计时员, 为什么要有计时员?为了保证公平、公正, 这是职业化的体现。如果你陈述的过程中被提醒, 那么你就要自觉遵守规定, 停下来, 而不是继续把自己的话说完, 这样只会为你减分而不会增光。2、一定要做很正直的人。大家尤其要注意这一点。在夸自己、展示自己的时候, 你们都愿意积极回答。问你们放弃过什么, 谁都不愿意回答, 甚至有人说没有放弃过任何事情。你放弃了应该放弃的东西, 这是好的事情。有的时候不能聪明反被聪明误。有的同学特别好, 说我放弃了一个很好的机会, 我以后会吸取教训。我们看的是你的态度, 而不是放弃这一个事情本身你是不是够聪明。你们要想我们提问题的核心和用意。3、礼貌用语。如果形成习惯, “谢谢”会经常挂在口上。请大家刻意做有礼貌的人。另外, 有时我们面对的问题很难回答, 这时我们要做职业人, 职场只有职业人是最受欢迎的。在职业场合, 需要用包装过的你, 而不是用没有修饰过的你。如果碰到一个问题你真的认为它很难, 有一个标准说法——“你提了一个非常好的问题”。你说这句话的时候就在思考怎么回答, 因为思考的速度远远快于说话速度。

第二, 肢体语言。肢体语言非常重要, 因为它是下意识的行为, 是很难控制的。但是对评委和招聘官来说, 我们更多看的是你的肢体语言。传达信息有三种方式:文字、音量语调、肢体语言。三者加起来是100%, 肢体语言占得最多55%, 文字只占到7%。在集体面试过程当中, 求职者表现出来很多下意识动作被我们尽收眼底, 然后做出判断。举两个方面的例子说明肢体语言表现出来的跟其他人的互动非常重要。多一些微笑, 多一些点头表示赞赏别人, 而你要想拿到这一张入职入场券是需要胸怀的。另外, 如果两个人同时要发言的时候, 你可以示意另一位应聘者先回答, 也许面试官赞赏的是你。大多数的人在面试中是独立自我的状态, 最多看一看考官, 或许在看谁更喜欢你这不行。可以看考官, 但是不能一直盯着某一位, 有的时候会适得其反。队友之间的互动是很重要的。











1. 面试官的姓名和职位一定要写对。应聘者在写面试官的姓名和职位时,一定要非常小心,一旦写错了,将被视为非常不礼貌的行为,不但达不到预期效果,反而会弄巧成拙。

2. 信函内容要让人感到热情真诚。如果应聘者在信中只是一味地重述“我非常喜欢或者仰慕贵公司”,或只是平淡地说“谢谢您的考虑”,会让人感到空洞无物、缺乏诚意,起不到实质性的作用。因此,除了客套话外,应聘者应着重谈及一些实质性的话题,例如自己的专业知识与经验能满足应聘职位的需求,以及自己对面试时某些问题的补充看法等。这样的内容才会引起主考官的兴趣,让他们看到应聘者的诚意。

3. 感谢函的措辞要言简意赅、重点突出。外企人力资源部门的工作人员大多很繁忙,很少有时间来读那些长篇大论的感谢函,所以应聘者的感谢函要简洁明了、重点突出。

4. 给每位主考官都发送感谢函。如果面试时有多位主考官,那么应聘者应尽可能给每位主考官都发送感谢邮件,每封邮件的内容也应根据面试的具体情况而有所不同。

5. 反复检查,避免错误。应聘者在发送感谢函前一定要反复检查几遍,看看信的段落结构是否清晰,语言是否礼貌得体,避免出现拼写与语法上的错误。



感谢函1 (应聘职位:营销部助理)

Dear Mr. Smith,

It was very enjoyable to speak with you about the marketing assistant position at the HBC Agency this morning. The job, as you presented it, seems to be a very good match for my skills and interests. The creative approach to marketing management that you described confirmed my desire to work with you.

In addition to my enthusiasm, I will bring to the position strong writing skills, assertiveness (自信十足) and the ability to encourage others to work cooperatively with the department. My artistic background will help me to work with artists on staff and provide me with an understanding of the visual aspects of our work.

I understand your need for administrative support. My detail orientation and organizational skills will help to free you to deal with larger issues. I neglected to mention during my interview that I had worked for two summers as a temporary office clerk. This experience helped me develop my secretarial and clerical skills.

I appreciate the time you took to interview me. I am very interested in working for you and look forward to hearing from you about this position.

Kind regards,

Sandy Anderson

感谢函2 (应聘职位:客户服务)

Dear Susan,

I would like to thank you again for interviewing me for the Customer Service position yesterday. I really enjoyed meeting you after all our phone calls and learning more about the position and DLP Retail Corp.

As I told you during the interview, I am very excited about the possibility of joining your team. I am convinced that my previous customer service experience in a similar environment will contribute positively to your department and the company as a whole.

I would love to work as a member of your team and look forward to hearing from you soon with regard to my application.

Thank you again for your time and interest. Please contact me if there is any further information I can provide.

Kind regards,

Sonia Wong

感谢函3 (校园招聘面试)

Dear Ms. Jones,

Thank you for the time you spent interviewing me yesterday during your visit to the SBC Institute. I am very interested in your retail management trainee program, which sounds both challenging and exciting.

As we discussed, I will complete my marketing degree in two months and am convinced that the skills I have learned during my studies will be of real benefit in undertaking this program. The temporary jobs I have had in various retail outlets have helped me gain a practical understanding of the retail environment and how to deal with the public.

I would like to arrange an on-site visit to POP Outlets (商店) to learn more about the company. I would be grateful if you could arrange this visit for me. I am looking forward to hearing from you soon.

Thank you again for your time and interest.


Wang Dongzhi

感谢函4 (实习生面试)

Dear Mr Smith,

I would like to thank you for the time you took this morning to discuss the internship position available at REP Corporation. Both the interview and the company tour were very informative and enjoyable. I am excited about the possibility of an internship with such a respectful and dynamic organization.

I am confident that this internship is an excellent fit for my abilities and skills. My accounting knowledge and computer skills will allow me to quickly become a productive staff member.

I am enthusiastic about how much I am going to learn at REP Corp and can assure you of my commitment and motivation in this regard.

I am very grateful for your time and the efforts you made to arrange my visit. I look forward to hearing your final decision.


Zhang Maozhong

感谢函5 (请求获得第二轮面试)

Dear Mr. Brown,

It was a pleasure finally meeting you after our numerous emails and phone conversations this morning, regarding the editor position.

After talking with you, meeting the team and getting a better understanding of what is involved in the position, I am even more confident that there can be no better a match. During the interview, Mike Peterson showed me several recent projects, and Rose Anderson explained the process and gave me a look at the computer applications typically used. I am very familiar with the entire set-up and have done work almost identical to the ones shown.

Currently, my schedule is flexible, and knowing your urgency to fill the position, I would like to meet Mr. Jones at his earliest convenience. Please drop me an email or a quick call with date and time and I’ll be sure to arrange my schedule around it.

I really appreciate the time you took to interview me, and I am looking forward to hearing from you soon.

Best regards,

Sandy Williams



bright ability plus flexibility ability to learn good health

mature dynamic energetic honest stable personality

high sense of responsibility resourceful excellent presentation and communication skills

ability to innovate strong initiative technically sound

good analytical mind to solve complex issues personal confidence

proven problem solving / analytical skills acute and dynamic easy to get together with people

strong technical commercial sense strong negotiation and communication skills pleasant personality



highly-motivated strong ambition and determination to succeed career ambition ambitious ability and desire to advance rapidly aggressiveness


well organized preparedness to work hard bilingual good people skills strong inter-personal skills hard-working enjoys working with people work(operate) independently strong leadership skill a great team spirit work under high pressure and time-limitation result-oriented have the commitment to meet deadlines team player good people management skills

Language Proficiency(描述语言能力的用词)


working good proficiency above-average excellent effectively fluent familiarity fluency


1. Working command of spoken and written English

2. Good command of English with ability to understand hand-written English

3. Proficiency in written and spoken English and Chinese

4. Above-average English/ Chinese communication and organization ability

5. An excellent understanding of English

6. Ability to communicate in English orally and in written form

7. Effectively bilingual in English and Chinese

8. Be able to communicate in and translate from English to Chinese and vice versa orally and in written form

9. Fluent in English

10. Familiarity with technical English

11. Fluency in English

Computer Literacy(描述计算机水平的用词)


sound high hands-on high proficiency solid skillful literate good experienced


1. Knowledge of microcomputer and software programming

2. Sound knowledge and experience in computer

3. Having experience in computer operation proficiency in Microsoft Windows, Word and Excel

4. High proficiency in computer operation

5. With hands Con experience in system development including system analysis and design

6. High proficiency in computer networking and office productivity software

7. Solid knowledge in personal computer operation

8. Be skillful in computer application

9. Computer literate in both English and Chinese languages

10. Good working knowledge of Lotus 123 or other related financial software

11. Experienced in Oracle, Informix or Sybase and UNIX

Occupational Experience(描述工作经历的.用词)

1. experience in international sales and ability to produce results

2. experience working in multinational environment

3. market-oriented with knowledge of shipping documentations and some technical background

4. experience in auditing, cost accounting and taxation

5. familiarity with or interest in international trade issues

6. 2 years working experience in commerce and consumer products

7. 1-2 years marketing experience in advertising and promotion

8. experience in the computerization of financial functions

9. media planning or servicing international clients

10. experience in staff management

11. experience in networking business

12. clerk experience

13. 3 years working experience at supervisory level in production operation

14. excellent experience in administrative accounting

Job titles (各种职务名称)

commerce and accountant(商务会计类职务)

CPA----Certified Public Accountant

Chief accountant

Accounting analyst

Accounting assistant

Accounting clerk

Accounting manager

Accounting staff

Accounting supervisor

Bond analyst

Bond trader

Export Sales Manger

Export staff

Financial analyst

Financial controller

Financial executive

Financial manager

International sales staff

Marketing assistant

Marketing executive

Marketing manager

Marketing officer

Marketing personnel

Marketing representative

Market analyst

Market development manager

Market oriented staff

Market researcher

Market executive

Sales assistant

Sales clerk

Sales engineer

Sales manager

Sales planning staff

Sales promotion manager

Sales representative

Sales supervisor


administrative assistant

administrative manager

administrative service manager

administrative staff

administrative clerk


area representative

assistant manager

assistant to general manager

business assistant

businesses manager

executive director

executive secretary

human resources manager

office administrator

office assistant

personnel administrator

personnel manager

personnel supervisor

senior clerk

senior consultant

senior secretary

Technology and engineering(技术工程类职务)

Production inspector

Production manager

Production planner

Production supervisor

Project staff

QC inspector

Architectural engineer

Programming engineer


teamwork: a cooperative effort by a group or team to pursue a common objective. Teamwork spirit is very important for modern cooperation culture.

communication: the exchange of information between individuals, for example, by means of speaking, writing, or using a common system of signs or behavior. Good communication is critical for the smooth operation of any organization.

sales: the exchanging of goods or services for an agreed amount of money, or a single transaction

marketing: the business activity of presenting products or services to potential customers in such a way as to make them eager to buy. Marketing includes such matters as the pricing and packaging of the product and the creation of demand by advertising and sales campaigns.


1、Performance (n,) 人业绩、表现

His performance this month has been less than satisfactory。


2、Performance Evaluation 定期的员工个人评定

The performance evaluation test is a way of seeing how efficient a workers performance is。


3、Challenge (v。) 在外企的英文中它不当“挑战”讲而是“谴责、批评、指责”

His poor performance gave rise to the challenge from his boss。


4、Presentation (n。) 做介绍(一般指打投影仪的那种汇报)

His presentation on the Earth Summit proves that we really need to pay more attention to the global environment。



5、Quota (n。) 员工的(一年或半年的)任务量

Have you reached your predicted quota for this quarter?


6、Solid (n。) 可靠的、稳妥的

Their partnership is solid as a rock。


7、Complicated (adj。) 复杂的

The quota assignment is very complicated。


8/9、Vacation = Leave 休假 (n。)

It is my vacation soon, I think Ill go to Huang Shan to relax。


10、Follow up把某件事情继续负责追究到底

Have you been following up on the news recently?
