



1.Some people think that people will forget their own tradition and history because they no longer wear their traditional costumes.Do you agree or disagree?


纠正逻辑:people’s preference to certain kinds of apparel has little to do with their attachment to their history and tradition.解释:穿衣跟场合和时尚流行有关


Abandoning of traditional clothes is necessitated by the changing lifestyle.The hectic life most people lead nowadays requires costumes that can offer comfort and convenience.This is more a matter of practicality than of preference.Traditional costume is only one reminder of one’s tradition, nothing more.Education plays a far more important role in enhancing one’s understanding of one’s history and culture.It is by no means a betrayal of the past or tradition.History and tradition should be borne in mind rather than merely put on our body.2.Some people think that machine translation is highly developed in today’s society.Therefore it is not necessary for children to learn a foreign language.What’s your opinion?


1.Computer-aided translation is far from doing a satisfactory job at the present stage of development.Rhetorical expressions such as metaphor , puns and irony

When it comes to interpreting spoken languages, machine translation is further crippled by the mediocre performance of speech recognition technology.2.even if---, would there be no point in learning foreign languages?

3.Some people think science contributes more to the society;other believe subjects such as language or business make a bigger contribution.What is your opinion?

科技 vs 人文


Science is a rather broad category.In this essay, science refers to natural science as opposed to social science, which also includes economic and business theory.While all subjects contribute to the progress of mankind, science should get the most credits.2段说理,1段让步

理由:1.Natural science deals with nature.It is our ways to understand and tap our mother nature.Through science and technology, we made numerous inventions that vastly improve and facilitate our daily life ,from cars, computers to cell phones.It is beyond the wildest dreams of our ancestors that men can see each other thousands od miles apart.科技的创举

2.科技改变思维: objective when assess , the right way to approach a problem.No supposition or

assertion can be valid unless it can be proved by experiments.让步:civilization , natural science, in its modern sense, came into being only in the past few decades.Before that, philosophy provided explanation for most natural occurrences.Natural science and social science are both employed in our everlasting quest toward the total understanding of the world, neither of which can be discarded.4.Creative artists should be given the freedom to express their ideas(through words, pictures, music or films).However, some people think government should impose certain restrictions on them.To what extent do you agree or disagree?



In a real democracy people should enjoy the freedom of speech.Everyone should be able to freely express his or her ideas and views.This kind of freedom must not be curtailed when it comes to artistic creations.Freedom of speech is a basic right for all citizens, more so for artists.The idea of an artist are often expressed not in his speeches but through his realistic work.2.没有自由的表达,就没有艺术。

让步:遵守法律,在享受自由创作的同时。Abide by the law.色情,传播谣言,诽谤都不可以。

Freedom doesn’t mean doing whatever one likes but doing whatever one likes as long as he doesn’t infringe on others’ freedom or rights.5.Each year some languages die out.Some say this is good because fewer languages would make communication easier and relieve people of the burden of learning foreign languages.Do you agree or disagree?

6.Some people think that traditional culture is being damaged as it is used as a tool to make money in the tourism industry.Others think it is the only way to preserve and protect culture and tradition.Discuss and state your opinion.7.The spread of English and growth of international tourism have some negative effects on countries’ language and traditional culture.To what extent do you agree or disagree?


引入话题,观点提出:提供知识,并提升知识 ; 说明理由:1)正 2)反 ; 回答第二个问题

Serve a larger population of students that are more culturally and socially diversified.Universities should be perfectly aware of their main tasks : providing students with easy access to knowledge and, at the same time, encouraging them to make active contribution to the advancement of human knowledge.Universities, first, should be the learning communities where knowledge is not only disseminated but also advanced.As full-fledged members of this community, students should not be information recipients who learn the knowledge in a passive way.Instead, they should be challenged to achieve their potential and, indeed, to excel.Therefore, rather than focus merely on knowledge dissemination and transfer, universities should contrive to provide learning conditions that encourage students to remain curious, to value diversity in opinions and perspectives, and to think critically and communicate effectively.In this way, students can gain problem-solving experience and confidence.Furthermore, universities will never attain their goals if they tailor all their courses or programs to meet the needs of specific employers or occupational sectors.Today’s social environment is more dynamic and turbulent than ever before.Only those graduates who possess certain personality traits and can do well in diversified situations can distinguish themselves from other job applicants.In order to fulfill the main tasks of universities, university education should contain amply opportunities for independent learning which can cultivate students who are more likely to adapt to the changing society.Students can also learn to exercise their autonomy more effectively, and they may clarify their own professional interests while learning in an independent way.2.Nowadays computers are widely used in education.As a result, some people think teachers no longer play important roles in classrooms.To what extent do you agree or disagree?

计算机是否可以取代老师 观点:老师仍重要

理由:1.电脑的缺点:不能创造性思维 2.老师的优点:组织学生,启发学生 3.老师的优点:互动


Invented less than a hundred year ago, computers are now used everywhere, even inside the classrooms.While teachers remain more or less the same, computers are doubling in speed and capability on a yearly basis.In light of the increasing presence and importance of computers in classrooms, people can’t help wondering whether teachers are as important as they once were.As far as I am concerned, teachers still play a major role are still of great importance.It is well known that computers are better at repetitive work but incapable of creative thinking.However advanced they may be, computers are nothing more than human contrivances, programmed to perform certain tasks.They are unable to deal with students with different background.Needless to say, a classroom is a place where individual attention and creativity matter most.Therefore, computers are no better than other tools used by teachers and couldn’t possibly undermine the roles played by them.It might be argued that in terms of accuracy and the amount of information , computers outshine humans;but to make a good teacher means far more than being an encyclopedia where one can access all relevant information.Indeed, a good teacher organizes and inspires the students, putting them into different groups and sharing with them his or her own experience and understanding of a certain subject.Instead of being the source of knowledge, a teacher is more like a guide who shows students the right path towards their destination.Besides, the interaction between students and teachers is vital for learning.According to most education authorities, real learning occurs during the discussion and sharing of ideas with one’s teachers and classmates, which is a task beyond the power of a computer.Moreover, a teacher is there to monitor every slight change in students’ attitude, to respond to and encourage them whenever they show a sign of frustration and impatience.Without this kind of interaction, education is unimaginable.In conclusion, despite the increasing presence of computers inside classrooms, teachers are just as essential, if not more so, as instructors were in the past.Some inherent drawbacks make it impossible for computers to replace teachers in classrooms where creative thinking and interpersonal skills are vital to ensure success.3.As science and technology contribute most to the development of society, science students should get more financial support from government than students in other fields(e.g business, language, etc.)to what extent do you agree or disagree with this statement?


反驳时,可以从因 下手: 前提不存在,科技并没有做出最大的贡献 其次,财政资助 真正应该由什么决定 :学生的学习成绩

4.Some parents maintain that co-education is better for their children while others believe it is better if boys and girls go to single-sex school.Discuss.Discussion 类:从正反两面展开论述,一段写:混和教育的好:自然,消除偏见,一段写:单一性别教育的好:安全,特别是对女生; 专心学习,防止早恋。最后一段指出两种各有利弊,因此不同人有不同的选择。

There have been schools catering exclusively to boys or girls in many countries.Co-education seems the natural mode of education.They can ride on the same bus, eat at the same restaurant and work in the same company.There is no justification to set up separate schools.Co-education resembles the real world.After graduation, those students will not have difficulty adjusting to a world where the opposite sex also exists because they have learnt how to tolerate, appreciate and cooperate with each other in school.Besides, co-ed schools help to reduce the prejudice against the opposite sex.By mingling with one another on a daily basis, boys and girls can relinquish the stereotype view about the other sex.They will find that a girl can be as brave as any boys and that gossiping is also common among boys.Thus, we are equal.On the other hand, single-sex schools have their unique appeals as well.safety is regarded as the foremost reason for choosing those schools, especially girls’schools.It is safe to send one’s kids to a place where they won’t be seduced, molested or even assaulted by the other sex.of course , it is to assume that none of the teachers an staff is criminally inclined.In addition, the students can focus more on their study.Free from the burden of co-existing harmoniously with the opposite sex, boys and girls often turn their attention to scholarly pursuits.This might explain why many prominent scientists went to single-sex school at one time or another.Last but definitely not least, single-sex school bars the possibility of the much-dreaded puppy love among students.It might be gathered from the above that each type of school has its strength and weakness.5.Many schools are troubled by students’ behavioral problems.What are the causes? What solutions do you recommend?

6.Should the teacher in physical education class encourage the students to be more competitive or urge them to cooperate with one another? What is your opinion? 竞争还是合作 +体育

选择合作 :理由1,2 让步竞争

竞争:a sense of competition can certainly bring about improvement.Driving force 合作:1.cooperation is more essential to success.Most sports require cooperation among team members.Football, basketball, for example.To defeat another team, all team members must work together, adjusting to and communicating with each other.The total synergy is far more important than the strength of an individual player.After all, rarely can one accomplish much all by himself.2.compared to competition, cooperation gives a greater impetus to progress.Whereas the urge to improve provided by competition is based on personal gratification, i.e.The seeking of glory and victory and the avoidance of pain and humiliation, that of cooperation is grounded on one’s devotion to a common goal.To put it simply, to compete one often works for himself;to cooperate one works for others.One will try his uttermost because his performance will affect others’ and because he cannot bear the thought of letting others down.---success is not achieved by defeating others but improving ourselves.7.It is right that college graduates earn higher salaries than the less well-educated in the community.But they should also pay the full cost of their study.Do you agree or disagree with this statement?


观点类:不应该:1.否认它的前提:大学生并不比那些没有学历的人享受更高的工资 2.教育对社会有利

In reality, college graduates are far from enjoying higher salaries than those without a diploma.工资与贡献有关,一个人的工作表现与他收到的教育没有直接联系

Long gone are the days when college education guarantees enviable salaries.A university does not and should not act as a career training center, whose aim is merely to prepare students for the work ahead.Rather, college education cultivates the mind of the students and improve one’s overall abilities.With more people receiving higher education, the whole nation benefits in numerous ways.This had been testified in the developed countries, all of which put a premium on education.Thus, it is fitting that gifted students with potential not be barred from universities simply because they cannot foot the bill.Adequate grants and scholarships should be set aside to alleviate the financial burdens of those underprivileged students.7.Many people believe that subjects such as music or sports are not useful.Thus school should concentrate on subjects that offer better career prospect.What is your opinion? Not justified.理由:1.教育的目的不是给学生提供就业培训,其目标在于完善一个人的综合能力。

Career prospect is on most’s people’s mind when choosing a major, but this can hardly justify the overemphasis on certain disciplines.It is not the goal of education to provide job trainings to students.Education aims to improve one’s all-round abilities.2.雇主看中的不只是专业技能。

8.Is distant learning as effective as school education?

9.Some think students can learn more effectively in groups, while others think they should study alone.What are the benefits of each method? Which one do you think is more effective?

10.Nowadays college students or even high school students start to work at a younger age.Do you think that it is a positive or negative development?

11.Many people think that education is losing its value.Do you agree or disagree?




std::string s1;

std::string s3(s2);

std::string s2(“this is a string”);

begin 得到指向字符串开头的Iterator

end 得到指向字符串结尾的Iterator

rbegin 得到指向反向字符串开头的Iterator

rend 得到指向反向字符串结尾的Iterator

size 得到字符串的大小


max_size 字符串可能的最大大小

capacity 在不重新分配内存的情况下,字符串可能的大小 empty 判断是否为空

operator[] 取第几个元素,相当于数组

c_str 取得C风格的const char* 字符串

data 取得字符串内容地址

operator= 赋值操作符

reserve 预留空间

swap 交换函数

insert 插入字符

append 追加字符

push_back 追加字符

erase 删除字符串

clear 清空字符容器中所有内容

resize 重新分配空间

assign 和赋值操作符一样

replace 替代

copy 字符串到空间

find 查找,返回基于0的索引号

rfind 反向查找

find_first_of 查找包含子串中的任何字符,返回第一个位置

find_first_not_of 查找不包含子串中的任何字符,返回第一个位置 find_last_of 查找包含子串中的任何字符,返回最后一个位置

find_last_not_of 查找不包含子串中的任何字符,返回最后一个位置 substr(n1,len)得到字符串从n1开始的长度为len的子串


compare 比较字符串

operator+ 字符串链接

operator+= += 操作符

operator== 判断是否相等

operator!= 判断是否不等于




getline 从输入流中读入一行



std::vector name;

std::vector name(size);

std::vector name(size,value);

std::vector name(myvector);

std::vector name(first,last);

assign(first,last)用迭代器first,last所指定的元素取代向量元素 assign(num,val)用val的num份副本取代向量元素









erase(start,end)删除迭代器start end所指定范围内的元素















std::deque name;

std::deque name(size);

std::deque name(size,value);

std::deque name(mydeque);

std::deque name(first,last);







std::list name;

std::list name(size);

std::list name(size,value);

std::list name(mylist);

std::list name(first,last);





merge(listref)把listref所引用的链表中的所有元素插入到链表中 remove(val)从链表中删除所有值为val的元素






unique(pred)根据谓词pred删除所有重复的元素,使链表中没有重复元素 注意:vector和deque支持随机访问,而list不支持随机访问,因此不支持[]访问!




std::stack name;





std::stack IntStack;





std::queue name;
















std::vector IntVector;

std::vector::iterator first=IntVector.begin();

//begin()得到指向vector开头的Iterator,*first得到开头一个元素的值 std::vector::iterator last=IntVector.end();



6月28日,IEEE通过了在平衡双绞线布线系统(balance twisted pair cabling)上支持千兆以太网的IEEE802.3ab标准,由于当时还没有制定5e的布线标准,而令人头痛的是作为在五类级别上传输千兆以太网是要在4对线上同时双向收发信号就需要对当时已经安装的五类布线系统进行新传输模式下的再评估(或者说再认证)。这时就增加了如下的新指标:

Delay skew

Return Loss

qual Level Far End Crosstalk (ELFEXT)

ower Sum Equal Level Far End Crosstalk (PSELFEXT)

TIA/EIA布线工作组发布了一个技术公告: “TIA/EIA-TSB 95: Additional Transmission Performance Guidelines for 100 Ω 4-Pair Category 5 Cabling”。TSB 95中的新参数被IEEE 802.3ab所采用。这个公告中的测试参数被建议用来对已经安装的五类布线系统进行增加了新参数的再认证,所以在指标上没有提高,有人将它称为新五类标准。

由于TSB 95不是正式的官方标准,所以TIA委员会在考虑了布线技术已经提升而且有必要在当时的TAI-568A标准中增加新的附路,于是更加严格的5e(即超五类)标准诞生了,这个标准被建议用做传输千兆以太网的新安装系统的最低要求。下面的这个标准对五类、新五类、超五类从测试参数和指标上进行了对比: (学电脑)

Category 5

TSB95Category 5e

Traditional Cat 5

“New” Cat 5

Enhanced Cat 5

Frequency range

1 – 100 MHz

1–100 MHz

1 – 100 MHz

Propagation Delay



= TSB95

Delay Skew


= TSB95



= Cat 5

= Cat 5



= Cat 5

41% tighter





5% tighter



= TSB95

Return Loss

