考研英语冲刺 搞定作文


考研英语冲刺 搞定作文(共8篇)

篇1:考研英语冲刺 搞定作文









篇2:考研英语冲刺 搞定作文







这个题目非常简单,只用了极限存在的两个准则之一:单调有界数列必有极限。只要知道这个准则,该问题就能轻松解决,因为对于该题中的数列来说,单调性 与 有界性 都是很好验证的。像这样直接可以利用基本原理的证明题并不是很多,更多的是要用到第二步。

























美好的第一印象, 不论在哪个领域都是至关重要的。高考阅卷工作的繁重度超乎想象, 阅卷老师几乎要达到每几十秒就阅完一篇作文的速度, 所以娟秀的字体、整洁的卷面无疑成了一块得高分的“敲门砖”。许多同学进入高三以后, 错误地把关于作文的练习都放在钻研如何运用复杂的句型, 而忽视了练字的重要性, 殊不知, 字的美观度及卷面的清晰程度瞬间就能决定一篇作文的起评分档次。此外, 考生在重大考试前, 心理波动较大是很普遍的现象, 书法练习无疑是稳定心绪最好的方法, 因此, 临考前每天抽出半小时到一小时的时间练字, 绝对是明智之举。


英语中有五大基本句型, 即:主系表, 主谓, 主谓宾, 主谓双宾语, 主谓宾宾补。这五大基本句型是英语学习的基础, 所有语法结构都是基于这五种句型之上的演变, 因此, 熟练运用这五种基本句型, 正确地将中文提示转化成文章的能力, 也是高考英语写作的考查重点。考生在临考前的写作训练中可反复练习运用五大基本句型, 完成中文提示与英文的转换, 确保不出任何语法上的致命错误, 为拿到基本分数提供保障。


文章的开头与结尾是一篇文章的点睛之笔, 一篇作文的分数, 在很大程度上是由这两部分决定的。因此, 初稿完成后, 务必要运用精美的句型和高级词汇修饰润色这两部分, 这样做, 绝对可以为文章增色不少。此处推荐几种既可以博得高分又不太难掌握的语法结构:强调句、定语从句、名词性从句、倒装句, 等等。这些语法结构既是平时我们反复练习的语法考查重点, 又是能体现学生英语功底深厚的标志, 正确使用这些结构, 无疑会为作文锦上添花, 使分数提升一个档次。

四、科学归类, 灵活套用

英语作文的简单之处就在于其考查类型与题材是有限的, 并且有规律可循。从全国近几年高考英语作文类型分布上, 我们不难看出, “提纲式”作文仍然占据很大比重, 因此, 只要我们科学地加以归类, 并将一些具有代表性的好句套用到文章里, 就会达到事半功倍的效果。


类别一:回复别人的信件/邮件, 表祝贺/安慰, 并给出建议!

例:假如你是李华, 你的朋友王雷发邮件告诉你他被自己理想的大学录取了, 请你给他回信表示祝贺, 并给他的大学生活提出建议。

经典开头:Hearing the news that you have been admitted into your dream university, I feel more than excited.I can’t wait to write this letter to congratulate you.

经典结尾:I would appreciate it if my suggestions will be helpful to you!


例:假如你是李华, 你从互联网上得知某跨国公司正在招聘一名英语秘书, 你打算发邮件申请该职位, 希望能被录取。

经典开头:Knowing online that a secretary is wanted in your company, I am so interested that I can’t wait to write this letter to apply, because I think I am suitable for it.

经典结尾:I would appreciate it if I can be a member of your group!


例:一项针对全国中学生进行的调查发现, 70%的中学生最崇拜问题明星, 23%的学生崇拜乔布斯等创造商业神话的科技人物, 只有2.3%的人以科学家为偶像。描述以上调查结果, 并发表个人看法。

经典开头:As can be seen in the result, most of the surveyed students regard pop stars who enjoy both fame and money as their idol.

经典结尾:As far as I am concerned, ...

类别四:描述一种社会现象 (多为不好的社会现象) , 发表看法, 并提出解决之道!

例:近年来, 在很多知名旅游景点, 都出现了游客在文物古迹上乱涂乱画的情况, 这一现象引起了公众的愤慨。就该现象发表一下你的看法并提出解决之道。

经典开头:Recently, the phenomenon that...has aroused wide anger among the public.

经典结尾:Effective measures should be taken to solve the problem. Above all...

类别五:正反观点加自己观点 (议论类) 。

例:目前, 许多家长宁可牺牲孩子学习和玩耍的时间, 也要让孩子参加各种“才艺秀”, 对于家长的这种做法, 人们的态度各异。请据此写一篇英语短文。

经典结构:P1:Nowadays, it is common for some parents to urge their children to perform in many talent shows. Attitudes towards it vary from person to person.

P2:The supporters hold the view that...On the contrary, others are strongly against it. They believe that...

篇4:考研英语冲刺 搞定作文





那么,图画作文整体应该怎么写呢? 从历年真题的Directions部分,考生可以看出来,图画作文的写作包含三个方面:一是描述图画(description);二是解释含义(intended meaning),即图片反映了什么问题;三是发表观点(comment),指出某种现象产生的原因、利弊以及改进的建议等。每个方面可写成一个段落。本文就先来介绍描述图画的段落如何写。

简单而言,考研大作文的图画描述段落包含“一个引入句型”+“具体描述”,“具体描述”一般写清楚图片中的人在做什么事就好。引入句型的基本意思就是“如图所示……”, 其实这个意思的各种句型考官都看滥了,所以大家不必纠结此句,简单明了地写就行。下面笔者列出可参考的三个句型。

① As is 副词 depicted in the 形容词 cartoon, +句子

例:As is vividly depicted in the thought-provoking cartoon, …

② The 形容词 drawing 副词 portrays a scene in which +句子

例:The compelling drawing graphically portrays a scene in which …

③ In the center of the 形容词 picture 动作1 +主体+ who 动作2 ... (此为地点倒装句)

例:In the center of the enlightening picture stands a football player who is going to shoot the ball.

这些都是可接受的版本,笔者认为它们没有孰优孰劣之分,考生只要在用词方面新颖一点就不错了。考生不要在这里写一些“又长又臭的模板句”,例如: 啊!多么有趣的图啊!/这张图初看很有趣,含义很深刻!/最近网络上的一张图片吸引了我的注意……这些句子除了给评卷人留下凑字数的感觉外没有多大意义。






A large group of graduates with bewildered expressions on their faces are standing in front of four different paths …


It is obvious (It seems that) they have not thought about what to do after graduation before.



In addition, there is a caption under the picture which reads “Graduates standing at the crossroads.”


As is depicted in the picture, a group of graduates with bewildered expressions on their faces are standing in front of four different paths, namely hunting for a job, continuing to study for a master’s degree, seeking further study abroad, and starting one’s own business. What arouses our attention is that they do not seem so sure about their future plans and have no idea about which one to choose. In addition, there is a caption under the picture which reads “Graduates standing at the crossroads.”


As is depicted in the picture, a group of graduates are standing at the crossroads (站在岔路口) and are confused about what they should do after graduation.


As is depicted in the picture, a group of graduates (who are standing in front of four different paths, namely hunting for a job, continuing to study for a master’s degree, seeking further study abroad, and starting one’s own business) are confused about what they should do after graduation.

在这个句子中,are confused about是主句的谓语动词,are standing是括号中的定语从句的谓语动词。


Standing in front of four different paths, namely hunting for a job, continuing to study for a master’s degree, seeking further study abroad, and starting one’s own business, a group of graduates are really confused about what they should do after graduation.




第一段的可写点可以列出至少两个:一个是“如图所示,一群毕业生正站在四条不同的路面前(四条路分别是……)”;另一个是“他们感觉很困惑,不知道该选哪一条”。在这两个可写点中,我们可以用类似“What arouses our attention is”(引起我们注意的是)等过渡表达来连接两个可写点,请看下面的例句。

As is depicted in the picture, a group of graduates are standing in front of four different paths, namely hunting for a job, continuing to study for a master’s degree, seeking further study abroad, and starting one’s own business. What arouses our attention is that they seem quite confused about what they should do after graduation.






A large group of graduates with bewildered expressions on their faces are standing in front of four different paths …


It is obvious (It seems that) they have not thought about what to do after graduation before.


In addition, there is a caption under the picture which reads “Graduates standing at the crossroads.”


As is depicted in the picture, a group of graduates with bewildered expressions on their faces are standing in front of four different paths, namely hunting for a job, continuing to study for a master’s degree, seeking further study abroad, and starting one’s own business. What arouses our attention is that they do not seem so sure about their future plans and have no idea about which one to choose. In addition, there is a caption under the picture which reads “Graduates standing at the crossroads.”



Motto—New Beijing, Great Olympics 口号——新北京,新奥运

Reform and opening up to the outside world have brought about great changes in Beijing, a city with a 3,000-year history.The city has taken on a co mpletely new look as it enters the new century.It will embrace the athletes and friends from the rest of the world attending the Olympic Games with great enthusiasm.The great modern Olympic Movement has gone through many changes in the past 100 years.The Olympic Games should be held in China, the most populous nation in the world, the Olympic spirit will be even further disseminated and a new page will be turned in the Olympic history;and the Olympic Movement will show its unique splendor to the world in the new millennium.reform and opening up to the outside world 对外改革开放

bring about great changes 产生巨大变化

a city with a 3,000-year history 三千年历史的城市

take on a completely new look 呈现新的面貌

with great enthusiasm 极度热情地

populous nation 人口众多的国家millennium 千年

高中英语范文2 A Pair of Red Shoes 一双鞋子

I have ever seen a pair of red shoes with some colored butterflies on them.They were so beautiful that I like them at first glance.But I couldn’t persuade my mother to buy them for me.I had to make up my mind to realize my wish by myself.So I kept on saving money for several months.The shoes were bought at last.However, to my surprise, the shoes didn’t fit me.When I was walking, my feet were blistered from the rubbing.From then on, I didn’t dare to wear them any longer.Day by day, I am growing up.Thanks to the pair of shoes, I have set up my own philosophy.There are so many temptations all our lives, but what we choose should first suit ourselves.We can’t wrong ourselves for other’s eyes.The shoes on our feet may be neither pretty nor charming, but both of which just fit ourselves.So no matter what we may do, perhaps it isn’t interesting or after our heart s, if we devote ourselves to it, we are sure to make great success.at first glance 乍看

persuade my mother to buy them for me 说服母亲给我买鞋

make up my mind to do sth.下定决心做某事

keep on 继续,持续 to my surprise 令我感到惊奇

temptation 诱惑

thanks to the pair of shoes 由于那双鞋

高中英语范文3 The Use of Computer 电脑的使用

According to the survey by “Robert Computing Magazine”, computer sales increased greatly from 1992 to 2002.The total sales in 1992 were shown to be less than 5 million.However, from 1992 to 2002, computer sales rose rapidly.For example, computer sold to businesses increased from 2.5 million to 22 million while computers sold for home use went from 2.0 million up to 12.5 million.Schools also bought computers, but the sales wasn’t as big as that of homes and businesses, only rising to 4.7 million.It can be predicted that more computers will be sold in the following years because computers have already come into every field in people’s lives.according to the survey 根据调查

less than 不到,少于

for example 例如up to 达到

it can be predicted 据推测

come into every field in people’s lives


高中英语范文4 Students Like Optional Course 学生喜欢选修课

This term our school has offered more than 10 optional courses, from which students can choose.The courses are given from 3∶30 to 5∶00 every Tuesday afternoon.Students take great interest in the optional courses.Their favorites are computer, spoken English, arts and so on.They say they have learned a lot that is not taught in textbooks and they have got a great deal of practice.However, students are not quite sat isfied.They hope more optional courses will be offered while their homework should be less.They suggest more trips and visits should be organized so that they can learn more about what is going on outside school.Students take great interest in the optional courses.学生对选修课非常感兴趣。

learn a lot 学会许多(知识)

a great deal of practice 大量的练习

learn more about what is going on outside school


Watching Film or TV?


There are fewer people watching films now than before.Meanwhile, people watching TV are more and more.The reason for this is that TV industry has devel oped rapidly.TV provides many kinds of interesting programs.People prefer to stay at home watching TV rather than go out to see a movie.Besides, people are richer than before and many families can afford color TV sets.Although movies are giving way to TV, there are still some people who like seeing films not only because good films are not shown on TV but also because film has its own advantages.[来源:Zxxk.Com]

prefer to...rather than 宁愿„„而不愿

afford 支费

give way to 让步,在先

not only...but also 不仅„„而且

高中英语范文5 How to Practice Our Spoken English 怎样练习我们的英语口语

In class you need to answer your teacher’s questions.If you meet a foreigner, you’d better talk with him in English.And it is a good way to practice our spoken English.Secondly, you’d better buy a short wave radio to pick up the English programmes.There are a lot of good English language programmes broadcast on the radio.Those programmes are usually easy to receive and not difficult to understand.They are of great help to you in learning English.At last, you can find some pen-friends in English-speaking countries and write to them in English.If you have some questions, you can write them down and ask for some information you need.Thus, I’m sure every learner can learn English well.[来源:Z。xx。k.Com]

had better talk with him in English 最好和他用英语交谈

It is a good way to practice our spoken English.这是练习英语口语的好办法。

short wave radio 短波收音机

pick up the English programmes 收听英语节目

pen-friends 笔友


How I Improve My Writing 我是怎样提高英语写作的

I began to practice English writing a year ago.Though I’m very glad to say that I have made some progress, I still have a long way to go.Some pen friends and my classmates asked me how I improved my writing.Here I’d like to tell my story.When I began to learn writing last term, I made many mistakes in grammar and also in idioms.I often thought in Chinese and just translated what I had in mind into English.My English teacher, Mr.Sun, helped me.He pointed out my mistakes and told me that I should try to think in English, not in Chinese, pay attention to English grammar and idioms, and use simple sentences whenever I can.I did as he said.When I finished writing, I read it very carefully and checked it up.As soon as I found out mistakes, I corrected them at once.I have kept on doing this and found I am making fewer mistakes than before.My teacher says I have improved a lot and he encourages me to continue practicing.No pains, no gains.Through nearly a year of practice, my writing has improved.I’m very lucky that two of my short English articles have been carried in the newspapers.I have become even more interested in writing.I’m an ordinary girl and I’m not very clever.But I know it is very important to keep on practicing.Practice makes perfect.So I think three things are important in learning writing: first, we must be sure of ourselves;second, we sh ould pay attention to English grammar and idioms;third, we must keep on practicing and be more careful in writing.Do you think so?

practice English writing 练习英语写作

make some progress 取得一些进步

make many mistakes in grammar 在语法上犯错

point out my mistakes 指出我的缺点

No pains, no gains.没有付出,就没有收获。

be sure of ourselves 相信我们自己


Learning How to Swim 学游泳

During summer holidays, my good friend Chuanchuan and I went to join a swimming class.Before, I only knew how to do dog paddle—like a dog falling into the water and tr ying to swim.At the swimming class, my teacher told us how to really swim.First, she taught us how to do the crawl.For the crawl we had to breathe on both the left and the right sides.After that, my teacher taught us how to do backstroke.For swimming backstroke, our arms needed to go back in a circular motion.My teacher demonstrated the backstroke first before teaching, and then we followed her.Sometimes, our teacher let us play a game called “catch the ring”.This was how we played it: someone took a rubber ring and threw it into the water, then we dived down in the water and brought it back up to the surface.We all played happily.Now I know how to swim!

a swimming class 一个游泳班

how to do dog paddle 怎样狗刨式游泳

how to do backstroke 怎样仰泳

throw it into the water 把它扔进水中

bring it back up to the surface 把它拿到水面上


because of 因为as a result of 由于„„原因

thanks to 幸亏,由于due to由于

owing to因为,由于therefore因此

thus 这样as a result 结果so因此

to conclude 据推断in a word总之

in brief 简而言之to sum up总计,合计

Smoking will shorten people’s life.吸烟将会缩短人们的寿命。

Many rare animals have disappeared.许多珍稀动物消失了。

The balance of nature is broken.自然界的生态平衡被破坏了。

To save animals means to save the earth.拯救动物就是拯救地球。

The medicine should be kept in cool, dry places.此药应保存在阴凉、干燥处。

This medicine has a great effect on him.这药对他很有效。

Plants are very important living things.植物是非常重要的生物。

Life could not go on if there were no plants.没有植物,生命就无法维持。

According to a recent survey, four million people die each year from diseases linked to smoking.依照最近的一项调查,每年有4,000,000人死于与吸烟有关的疾病。

The latest surveys show that quite a few children have unpleasant associations with homework.最近的调查显示相当多的孩子对家庭作业没什么好感

篇6:备考 考研英语作文冲刺准备

关于大作文,明年的考研仍然关注的重点是图画作文。翻开历年真题,我们不难发现,过去的10年的大作文,都是图画作文。笔者认为,2010年的考试90%的可能性考图画作文。大家要注意的是,其实图画作文要考的是学生真实的表述实力,当然图画作文也有一些话题是考研中反复考察的,考研重点无非是社会、教育、文化和道德几个层面的话题。2001年的话题是年轻人要培养爱心,2002年的话题是年轻人要发扬民族文化,2003年的话题是年轻人要自立自强,2004年的话题是年轻人要坚持不懈,2005年是年轻人要孝敬父母,2006年是年轻人要正确看待偶像,2007年是让年轻人充满自信,2008 年是让年轻人懂得团队协作,2009年是要正确对待网络及背后的人际关系处理。所以,看到这些不难发现,这么短的时间内,仍然要重视这些历年的真题,因为,一道真题的出现,是“太师”级的专家命题者经过一年的时间“造”出来的。虽然不可能重复考,但是很多语言还是可以重复利用的,因为毕竟考来考去都是在关注年轻人的道德素质话题。

( )

篇7:考研英语冲刺 大作文高分技巧






The table above clearly reflects the statistics of(对象)happening in a Chinese city(地点)。According to the table(表格,图用chart),in 【the traffic accidents】in the Chinese city still failed to arouse concerns of both drivers and pedestrians.From the information given in the above column chart,we can see a striking contrast in【mobile-phone subions】between developing and developed countries from to .

During this period,there has been a dramatic increase from【0.4 to 4 billion mobile phone subions】in developing countries,while(转折)that of developed countries remained steady under 1 billion during the decade.




同时,一定要注意连接词的运用,这是非常关键的。Firstly secondly finally不推荐,At the top of the list,in addition,Last but not the least等就比较好。这些均在各种资料里有所涉及,复习时要注意多做积累和练习。



Taking into account what has been argued,we can come to the conclusion that this established trend is positive积极的and therefore acceptable可接受的。And I am firmly certain that this trend will continue in the years to come. In my point of view…In order to……………,relevant laws and regulations must be established and enforced to……………。Drastic measures should also be applied to ensure that…………



其次,鉴于近几年英语二作文平稳中有提高,对于小作文而言,复合型考点如:欢迎、建议等元素有所增加。因此,自己在练习过程中要按照题目要求写,给了几个括号就一定要涉及到里面的内容,不要遗漏。还有注意署名,就有不少人按照以往经验写了署名zhangwei,而题目的要求是Li Ming(足可见审题是多么的粗心)。


篇8:考研英语冲刺 搞定作文





1. Lead-in

T:Today,we'll talk something about writing.Atfirst,let's have a look at this passage.Are you familiar with it?What do you think of it?Which level can it belong to,according to the requirements?Right,it can’t belong to the 5th level?Why?What needs improving?

Conserving Energy in Daily Life(温二模某一位学生的作文)

From the chart,we learn that 45%of the students havethe habit of saving electricity and 35%of them use paper well.Fewest students realize that water is a very serious problem.Only 20%of the students care about saving water.From the figures,the students’awareness of conserving energy is rather low.

I think,energy is very limited.We can’t afford to waste it.We should prevent water from running when we are brushing teeth or taking a bath.Besides,we should turn off lights and electrical appliances before we are leaving.Finally,it,s important to recycle every piece of paper for further use.We can protect our home only in this way.

Remember that every little contribution counts!


2. In put

T:According to the requirement of the 5th level,weshould learn to use advanced phrases and good sentence patterns.How?Would you read the passage again and find out some phrases or sentences that need improving?(让学生自己先找找。)

T:I have found some.Let’s improve them together.(老师再呈现需要改进的句子。)



T:Let's come to the first sentence.Could you pleasereplace the underlined word with a phrase?Which one is better?So what should we do to improve our writing?(让学生自己去发现、总结。)

S:To use the advanced phrases.

T:Let’s see more examples.(通过“真题再现”这个环节,呈现2009、2010全国满分作文中部分例句,让学生更深刻地体会:在写作中要尽量使用高级词汇。)

笔者针对学生在写作中经常使用自己比较熟悉的、低级的词汇这个现象,根据高考评分标准,鼓励考生尽量使用较高级词汇,让学生在对比中,自己去发现、总结出:尽量使用较高级词汇,如短语替词:用make full use of代替use sth.well;用be of great importance代替be important。一方面使文章生动,另一方面则会展示学生实力,这会使阅卷老师刮目相看,从而提高文章的档次。


T:Could you please fill in blanks?Which one is better?Why?What should we do to improve our writing?(给学生足够例子,让学生自己发现、总结。)



T:Could you improve the sentence by changing the or-der of the sentence?“We can protect our home only in this way.”

S:Only in this way can we protect our home.

T:Good.What could we do to make our sentences bet-ter?


T:Could you please give me more examples?



T:Could you please combine the two sentences?Whichone is better?Why?


T:We should learn to use some special structures toexpress the related information.More examples?

S:such as:so…that;not only…but also;…(笔者便利用契机,向学生展示更多不同的表达方式。同时也为最后的输出做了铺垫。)

笔者针对学生总是喜欢用简单句来表达一个个的信息点,从而忽视了信息点之间的关联这一问题,如Energy is very limited.We can’t afford to waste it.通过这个环节,学生可以学会去发现信息点之间的关联之处,并使用复合句、固定句式等来表达相关联的信息点(如,用so…that…来连接等等)。此时笔者要鼓励学生用不同的表达方式。


T:Could you please pay attention to the last sentence?It’s a proverb.Could you give me more examples?


T:Great!Let's learn more.


T:Now let's have a look at the passage that has im-proved.What do you think of it now?


T:How many marks can it get?Then what should we do to improve our writing to get more marks?


Conserving Energy in Daily Life(下划线的句子是修改后的。)

From the chart,we learn that 45%of the students havethe habit of sa ring electricity and 35%of them make full use of paper.With fewest students realizing that water is a very serious problem,only 20%of the students care about saving water.From the figures,the students'awareness of conserving energy is rather low.

As far as I am concerned,energy is so limited that wecan't afford to waste it.We should prevent water from running when brushing teeth or taking a bath.Besides,we should turn off lights and electrical appliances before leaving.Finally,it’s of great importance to recycle every piece of paper for further use.Only in this way can we protect our home.

Remember that every little contribution counts!

3. Out put

T:Great!It,s your turn to improve the following pas-sage by using what you have learnt today.




Dear Wang Lin,

I can't wait to tell you my experience of my first classas a teacher.

After I greeted my new students,I began to introducemyself.Suddenly,all the students were staring at me.I felt very nervous at that time.You know,I was very nervous.I couldn’t keep myself calm.However,all the eyes made me nervous.All the eyes also spread encouragement to me.The encouragement made me continue my class.This class,I think,is successful in general.

Practicing more is better,so I believe I can do it well inthe future.What's more,I have decided to devote myself to the education,to the lovely children.

I’m expecting to share your experience.

yours ever,

Li Hong



