




















描述目标:对主题单元的多样目标进行描述; 单元划分:将主题划分为若干个单元;


设计成果、规划任务:设计主题单元可包含的学习成果以及学习任务; 设计过程:根据学习成果及学习任务设计相应的学习过程; 创建资源:为主题单元设计和创建资源;


2.结合自己的工作实际,思考这则主题单元的教案与传统的教案有哪些相似和不同之处? 答:

相似之处:都包含三维目标,教学设计等元素。在每一个主题之下,包括专题学习目标,专题问题、专题教学过程。不同之处: 1.教材内容和学习活动的关系:传统的教学方式是一课一课的按照教材内容组织学习活动,在主题单元的设计中,则可以将相关的多个教材内容作为一个有机的整体来看,从而在设计活动时可以打破教材内容的束缚,设计若干专题来组织学习活动,这样既源于教材,又不拘泥于教材,而是用主题活动的形式展开。






《新课程标准》强调指出, “课堂教学应改变以教师为主、学生为辅的单纯灌输式的教学模式, 尽量采用任务型的教学途径”, 提倡让学生在教师的指导下, 通过学生自身的体验、实践、参与、交流和合作的学习方式, 从而实现任务的目标, 感受成功。

2 目前阅读教学中存在的问题

古人云:思之则活, 思活则深, 思深则透, 思透则新, 思新则进。笔者反思自己多年的阅读课教学及所听同行的阅读课教学, 对整个教学过程进行回顾、分析和审视, 发现阅读课教学中还存在以下问题:重词句操练, 轻语篇理解;重阅读结果, 轻过程指导;重知识传授, 轻能力培养。

下面我就谈谈如何围绕新课程标准对高中英语阅读技能的要求, 设计合理、富有实效的阅读课教学任务和活动。下面就以牛津高中英语模块四第三单元reading为例, 谈谈我对英语阅读教学的一些做法与思考。

3 教学实例

3.1 Brainstorming

阅读之前设计目的是激活学生已有的相关知识, 激发学生的好奇心, 增加学生与阅读课相关文化背景及知识, 并预测阅读材料中的内容, 为阅读教学做好铺垫, 同时也为读后的延伸教学奠定基础。

本单元课文“Not just watching the film...”, 体裁是商业计划书, 题材是介绍一种学生不太熟悉而且很抽象的科技产品RealCine, 学生对此没有什么背景知识。但在备课时, 恰逢3D版的Titanic热映, 所以笔者将Titanic宣传片精彩的部分作为导入播放给学生观看, 再通过阅读文章标题和借助于课本背景图片, 预测文章将要讲述的内容。以下是该部分的设计步骤:

(1) Play a propaganda piece of the 3-D Titanic, which lasts about 2 minutes.

(2) Complete the title with the help of the picture in the text book and ask the following questions.What are they wearing?What are they doing, in your opinion?Use your imagination to make a prediction:what will be discussed in the passage?

播放长达2分钟的电影宣传片给学生以感官刺激, 立刻吸引了学生眼球, 从而激发学生阅读课文的兴趣, 他们渴望解决由读前活动产生的疑惑:图中的人物为何要穿戴成这样?这是怎样的电影?在这种电影背后有什么科技支撑?它是如何运作的等等问题。以上的设计活动意义在于使学生处于积极的准备状态, 带着目的和愿望去读, 充满信心去读, 变被动式阅读为主动式阅读, 这有助于学生形成良好的阅读习惯:在阅读过程中积极主动地把从文本中获得的知识与自己已有的知识联系起来, 从而帮助提高理解能力。

3.2 读中环节

读中环节分为skimming、scanning、detailed reading

(1) Skimming

该部分要求学生快速浏览全文, 目的是让学生掌握快速阅读的方法和培养学生在阅读中快速捕捉有关信息并能找出文章主题、预测故事情节的发展和可能的结局。

“Not just watching the film...”一文结构清晰, 对这篇文章的“阅读活动”教学, 我从整体语篇出发, 让学生带着两个问题去略读文章, 把握文章的整体结构。然后再通过问题的答案, 划分文章结构, 概括段落大意, 最后通过三个问题进行细节信息的捕捉。通过这三个问题, 与学生一起总结商业计划书的文体特点。以下是该部分的设计步骤:

1) What is the article about?—It is a presentation about RealCine.

2) What information about RealCine does the writer give?

(1) How RealCine works

(2) Why RealCine is better than a fi lm

(3) How RealCine can be used in other ways

教师设定一分钟的阅读时间, 让学生找出文章的topic paargraph, 因为topic paragraph会涉及主要内容, 并且通过此查找, 学生会发现在英语文章中topic paargraph通常为文章的第一节和最后一节。基于商业计划书的文体特点, 我通常会在文章的开头介绍文章主体部分将要谈论的内容。这样的设计可以提高学生概括段落大意的自信心, 克服对英语的恐惧心理。


(2) Scanning

扫读是培养学生捕捉具体信息和重要信息的能力, 使他们进一步理解阅读材料中细节问题。提高学生提取、筛选、重组文章中信息, 并进行归纳、概括等能力。

通过上述步骤理清文章脉络后, 我回到文章主体部分的三个具体问题, 以不同的方式, 训练学生寻找信息与归纳概括的能力。三个问题具体如下:

第一个问题:Why is RealCine better than fi lms?请学生阅读文章第二节迅速查找文章关键词, 然后通过完成句子, 对比realcine与普通电影院的不同, 这一对比非常感性化, 学生很容易理解。

课件展示:Why is RealCine better than fi lms? (Para 2)

_____a fi lm, where a___audience watches and hears what is happening on a screen, RealCine____you into the_____and____with your senses of___, ____, ___and___in an____way

而第二个问题How does RealCine work?讲述的是RealCine的工作原理, 相对而言要抽象一些, 这时可以借助于图片和一些箭头表示, 将抽象问题具体形象化, 这样学生理解起来要轻松一些。

通过师生对话, 很多关于RealCine的信息都被挖掘出来, 最后让学生思考:作者是如何支持其观点的?从而归纳出通过给出具体的信息, 是商业计划书的写作特点之一。

至于问题 (3) How can RealCine be used in other ways?我通过让学生阅读相关段落, 用简明扼要的语言进行归纳而不是照搬课文;通过对段落内容的分析, 以及段落之间的逻辑关系, 思考作者是如何支撑其观点的?从而归纳出通过例子的运用, 也是商业计划书的写作特点之一。

课件展示:How can RealCine be used in other ways

Para.4 a good treatment

Para.5 do things that could never be achieved in real life

Para.6 skills training and education

Para.7 urban planning

(3) Detailed reading

细读的目的是让学生对语言进一步理解, 在具体的语境中理解词句的意思、理解作者的观点以及写作意图。在这一阶段我的做法是:让学生讨论并总结:If you werethe boss, would you like to introduce the technology after reading the proposal?Why or why not?通过对此问题的讨论, 师生共同归纳一篇好的商业计划书所要具备的条件, 既回顾了所学的内容, 同时也为本单元的TASK写一篇商业计划书部分作好铺垫。

3.3 Post-reading

阅读之后环节被称之为评价性阅读, 即:reproduction, 对文章的主题、观点、人物形象、语言特点、写作手法等进行分析、评论的任务活动。我对这篇课文的读后活动处理如下:设置一个情景让学生编一个对话。具体设计如下:

Nowadays, there are many“homebodies”staying at home and staring at a screen all the time!Suppose you are a salesman of a VR company.You want to change the situation.Make up a dialogue with a boss of a modern cinema to introduce the product—RealCine.

学生通过对话表演, 既活跃了学生的思维, 又有效地强化了对课文的理解, 同时还培养了学生口头表达能力。

4 结束语

英语阅读教学有效性是我们永恒的话题, 也是我们研究的主要内容。作为教师, 我们要精心设计好每一堂课, 把抽象的语言、单调的词汇具体化, 突破时间和空间限制, 创设理想的英语教学情景, 就会深深地吸引学生的注意力, 使学生快速地进入学习状态, 迅速提升英语学习兴趣, 从而能让学生品尝成功的喜悦。

摘要:新课标提倡学生在教师的引导下, 通过学生自身的体验、实践、参与、交流和合作的学习方式, 从而实现任务目标, 让学生体验成功。本文将从《新课程标准》的要求及其教学实例, 探讨如何进行阅读课教学中的有效任务设计, 从而提高课堂教学的实效性和完整性。





[3]罗云兰.浅析高中英语教学模式[J].读写算教育教学研究, 2010 (10) .

篇4:模块三 交流主题单元选题





2、能正确、流利、有感情地朗读课文,背诵自己喜欢的段落。并能摘录课文中的好词佳句和语段,积累语言。过程与方法:引导学生学习作者观察和表达的方法。情感态度与价值观: 引导学生搜集有关资料,加深对大自然的了解。










Welcome to the unit 中的:

1.一个短期的解决贫困问题的方法 Reading 中的:

1.Line 1 导致

3.Line 3 组织一个慈善音乐会

4.Line 3-4 为……筹款

5.Line 4 发生

6.Line 6 为……打算

7.Line 6 饥饿的减轻

10.Line 13 死于饥饿

11.Line 13 与……有关的14.Line 19 把紧急事务救援送到……

15.Line 20 处于危险中

16.Line 22 养活自己

17.Line 29 远远落后于

18.Line 30 几片面包

19.Line 31 有一则谚语说到

20.Line 37 改善基础设施

21.Line 38 让一切平稳运作

22.Line 39 41 依靠,依赖

23.Line 43 解决失业的问题

24.Line 50 传统商业

25.Line 52 在某人的手中

26.Line 57 通向更美好未来的良好开端6.补上,补做 7.警钟 8.实施 9.除……之外 10.迫切要求 2.Line 2 情况的严重性 8.Line 7 意识到 9.Line 8 为……提供 12.Line 16 为抗击 13.Line 16 建立 1

27.Line 59 填饱肚子

书上Page 9文章中的:




Project 中的:

1.Line 3-4 拉响警报

3.Line 13-14 可持续发展

4.Line 15-16 保护环境和自然资源

5.Line 18-19 提高生活水平

6.Line 25 处于危险中

8.Line 39-40 以非常快的速度小号燃料

9.Line 45-46 对……有害

10.Line 47 导致

11.Line50 替代能源


1.Oh, the day is too hot.I wish there could be more r___________.2.We must realize the __________(严重性)of the situation.3.Tom failed in the exam, which made the h__________ in our school.4._________(政客)or __________(政治家)is always failing to do what we want them to do.5.Should I go on or give up? I am in a d___________.6.She is ___________(怀孕的)with her first child.7.In order to find a p______________(永久的)solution to this long-term problem, we must work hard.8.I___________ is one of a country’s infrastructures.9.It is a c____________ practice that we shake our hands when we first meet.10.I will spare no e_________ to improve my English.11.A good teacher can encourage artistic ___________(想象力).12.We must make some a____________ to survive in the following decades.13.After d_______ some money, I left the bank.14.Not knowing the potential consequences, he took t________ steps to carry out the plan.15.Those who make the s_________ destruction of the environment should be punished.4.削弱发展 5.只要 6.感到经济的拮据 7.关注长期的经济的发展来结束贫困2.Line 8 与……不同 7.Line 38 用完,耗尽 12.Line 55 意识到 13.Line 70 风能 14.Line 97-98 蓄意破坏

模块10第1单元语法(linking words)


1.time sequence words时间顺序关联词

finally最后 then 然后 next 其次,接下来

to begin with;first of all;in the first place首先,起初

above all首先,尤其是

last but not the least最后一点,也是非常重要的一点

first and most important首先也是最重要的一点是

2.cause and effect words因果关联词

because; since; as;因为now that既然,因为

for this reason由于这个原因due to;thanks to; because of; owing to因为,由于so that所以in order that 为了,以便于as a result;as a consequence结果thus; hence; so; therefore;accordingly因此

3.contrasting words对比关联词

while, yet,whereas然而be different from,unlike和···不同


4.addition words.附加关联词

besides; in addition此外,而且,另外furthermore此外,而且,moreover而且,此外additionally此外,加之

二、Fill in the blank

1.You should be fully prepared before going walking in the mountain.______ ______ , bring plenty of drinking water with you.2.I can not thank my friends enough for what they have done for me._____ _______ ______, they lent me money to buy my first house;_____ _____ _____, they helped me find a good job.3.Jill has no chance of winning the next match.The other players are much better than her._____________, she is ill.三、Multiple choice

1.I have got no interest in it;____, I have lots of work to do.A.otherwiseB.besidesC.howeverD.therefore

2.I would like a job which pays more, but ________ I enjoy the work I’m doing at the moment.A.in other wordsB.on the other handC.for one thingD.as a matter of fact

3.-Do you think I should get a good guide book?

-Yes, of course._____, you also need a good camera and comfortable shoes.A.What’s moreB.In other wordsC.By the wayD.All in all

4.I’d like to buy a house – modern, comfortable, and ___ in a quiet neighbor-hood.A.in allB.above allC.after allD.at all

5.He came home after midnight, and _______, he was drunk..That made his parents very angry.A.What is moreB.On the other hand

C.In my opinionD.In another word

6.This Englishman is good at writing, reading and _____ is kind to others.A.above allB.first of allC.in allD.after all

7.---I’d like to go home now.---Why not stay here for the night?

It is so late now.________, it is rainingso hard.A.BesidesB.ThereforeC.InsteadD.As a result

8.I can’t tell you the exact time when I will get there, ______, I’ll be there as early as I can.A.No matterB.AnyhowC.ThereforeD.Besides



______, there are _____some problems with this teaching method.2.因此,我更喜欢我的老师用英语和汉语来教学。

_______,I prefer my teacher to teach us in bothEnglish and Chinese.3.任何东西都不可浪费,尤其不可浪费时间。

Never waste anything, and ________ neverwaste time.4.我之所以喜欢他,有三个理由:首先,他很诚实;其次,他很善良;第三,他很英俊。There are three reasons why I like him: ____he’s honest, ________he’s kind, ________ he’s handsome.5.一来我们买不起,二来这东西也难看。

_______________ we can’t afford it and __________ it’s ugly.6.我没有病;恰恰相反,我健康极了。

I’m not sick;_____________ , I’m in the peak of health.7.我想去参加聚会,但从另一方面来说,我应该留下来。

I want to go to the party, but ________________ I ought to be studying.8.总之,形势很严峻。


(Comprehension focus)

Teaching objectives:

To develop studentsˇ ability of reading a play

To know about American family life and problems that happen between American teenagers and their parents

To form a positive attitude towards solving problems between teenagers and parents

Important and difficult points:

Learn to analyze the emotions of each character from the instructions of the play.

Teaching procedures:

Step 1 Lead-in:

Get students to think about the following questions:

Have you ever watched the famous American TV comedy ¨Growing Pains〃?

Could you list some of the members of the family? (Show them a photo and tell them the family members.)

What do you think of the play?

If you were left alone, can you imagine what might happen?

Step 2 reading

Please go through the Reading strategy and tell me how to read a play.

(make sure students know how to read a play.)

First reading:

Get students to read the play and finish Part A individually.


1.Eric,Daniel, Mom and Dad.

2. The room was a mess./ There was trash all over the place.

3. Spot was ill.

Second reading

1.Mom and Dad were back from their holiday a week earlier.

2.Eric was happy when seeing his mother.

3. Parents left Daniel in charge.

4.The boys spent the money seeing the vet for Spot.

5.The room was very clean and tidy when their parents came back.

6.Daniel didnˇt have a chance to explain what had happened.

7.Mom felt regretful for what they said to Daniel.

8.Boys didnˇt use up the money from their parents.

Word study

Choose the correct one:

1.I just finished my vacation to Yunnan.

A. work B. holiday

2. The man explained to the people that the factory had been close.

to give meaning of sth. B. to give a reason for sth.

3. When I went into the room, I found the room was in a mess.

a difficult state B. a dirty or untidy state

4. A teacher should trust his students.

look after B. believe that sb. is good

5. The woman was mad at the dog for eating her shoes.

A. worried B. angry

6. It is rude to run into otherˇs house without knocking at the door.

A. not polite B. anxious

Detailed reading

1.Please read Act One of the play carefully and fill in the form

Characters Things they do Feelings

Mom and Dad just coming back from vacation




Eric playing soccer at home

surprised and frightened

Daniel stay in another room



2. Please read Act Two carefully and fill in form:

Characters Doing sth. Feelings

Daniel expressing his anger


Eric comforting his brother


Mom talking about the things that happened today

feeling sorry and regretful

Dad strong-willed/ stubborn


Divide students into groups of five and one is the narrator and the others are the main characters. Role-play Act One and Act Two.


1.Suppose you were one of the children what would you do?

2.How do you think good parents should treat their children?

3.Do you think there is a generation gap between you and your family? How can you deal with it?


1 Write an end to the play.




1)cultural 2) remains 3)belonging 4)search 5)designed, style

6)gift, return 7)mirror 8)wonder 9)doubt 10)furniture

11)property, secretly 12)considered, evidence, proved 13)opinion, apart 14) pretend 15)highly


1.To tell the truth 2.in search of 3.think highly of 4.in return

5.be taken away 6.were at war 7.insisted on 8.agree with

9.look into 10.was made into


1) Surely it will take you much time to master English.

2) It took him nearly 3 years to collect their criminal evidence.

1) Some researchers believe that there is no doubt that a cure for AIDS will be found.

2) There is no doubt that he is qualified for the job.



1.honest 2.ancient, compete 3.interview 4.admitted 5.stadium

6.gymnasium 7.replace 8.physical 9.relate 10.advertise

11.foolish 12.promised 13.athletes, gold, medals


1.to take turns 2.every four years 3.had no chance 4.take part in

5.Make sure 6.one after another 7.plays an important role

8.Related to 9.have heard of 10.was admitted into


1) He used to be addicted to stories about martial arts. However, he has mended his ways and studies hard now.

2) My mother used to ask me what is the most important part of the body.

1) They said goodbye, little knowing that they were never to meet again.

2) You are to do your homework before you watch TV



1.common 2.calculators 3.simple瞞inded 4.artificial, intelligence

5.advantages, disadvantages 6.choice 7.Personally, disagree

8.materials 9.coach 10.wander


1.After all 2.make up 3.with the help of 4.deal with

5.have made a decision 6.was watching over 7.In my opinion

8.In fact 9.in a way 10.going by


1) He works so hard that he can finish the work on time.

2) We got up so early as to catch the first train.

=We got up so early that we caught the first train.

=We got up early so that we caught the first train.

1) There were times when Brian called on his grandpa.

2) There were times when my sister who was 10 at the time, had to look after us.



1.protect, enemies 2.stomachs 3.apply, government, permission

4.suggested 5.contains, including 6.Mosquitoes, insect

7.affected 8.attention 9.butterflies 10.powerful


1.is dying for 2.be applied to 3.at a loss 4.hunted for

5.result in 6.in danger of 7.were concerned about

8.comes into being 9.in peace 10.have a bad effect on


1) With the boy leading the way, we had no trouble in getting to

the station.

2) The weather was even colder with the wind blowing.

1) I have to move to different classrooms for different classes. As a result, it is difficult to remember all the faces and names.

2) The wall had caused great losses on the wealth and human life of the country. As a result, an angry population rose up in rebellion against the Qin Dynasty.



1.dreamed, clapping 2.honest 3.formed 4.passers-by, earn, extra

5.jokes 6.loosely 7.advertisement 8.attractive, fans

9.instruments 10.broke 11.performance 12.saying

13.stick 14.reputation 15.ability


1.be honest with 2.have gone wrong 3.has formed the habit

4.play jokes on 5.came up with 6.by chance

7.be confident in 8.sort out 9.based on 10.Above all


1) It is curious that she left without saying goodbye.

2) Lots of students are already doing it without realizing it.

1) You must solve the problem at once before it becomes too serious.

2) Grandpa passed away before he had time to tell me the secret.







南京三中 秦永法 刘巧

Teaching aims: 1. Enlarge students’ vocabulary about personalities.

2. let them recognize positive and negative

adjectives that describe personality.

3. make a list of synonyms and antonyms about the adjectives describing personality

Teaching important points:

1.Remember these words

2.try to use these adjectives that describe personality. freely.

Teaching difficult points:

1 how to make them to describe a person with these adjectives that we have learnt today

.Teaching methods:

1. Students-centered. (Discussion to make every student work in class.)

2. Teacher and students’ interaction (Talking to improve the students’ speaking ability.)

3. Multimedia way.( Practice to get the students to master what they’ve learnt.)

1. Discussion to make every student work in class.

Teaching aids:

1. the multimedia

2. the blackboard.

Teaching procedures:

Step 1 Revision and lead in

1 . Let students guess who is he

He was a soldier and died at an early age after the founding of PRC.

He is ----helpful -----warmhearted

------ unselfish/selfless

Chairman Mao encouraged us to learn from him on March 5th.

In March every year, we learn from him to offer help to others

2. He was Lei Feng

Step2 1. Have you paid attention the adjectives?

All these adjectives are used to describe Personalities.

2 Let’s have a try

.Use some adjectives to describe people’s personalities

1 What kind of person is “Dae Jang Geum”?

Smart Strong-willed Helpful Kind friendly Hardworking/diligent Creative Warm-hearted

2 try to describe other people

3 exercise

(1) Match these adjectives to their meanings


step 3 read the dialogue on the text book

1 The adjectives in red are negative The adjectives in blue are positive

2 exercise


Generous warm-hearted reliable open-minded honest helpful polite

Friendly dishonest narrow-minded

Stubborn bad-tempered moody impolite unkind boring



shy ------timid



Try to tell the synonyms




Diligent ------hard-working


3 discussion

Do you know Eight Honors and Eight Disgraces?

What kind of personalities belong to Honors and what kind of personalities belong to Disgraces ?

Step4 synonyms and antonyms

1 Having the same or similar means------synonyms

Having the opposite meaning-----antonyms

2 exercise

Try to tell the synonyms and antonyms

3 discuss

(1) read the story

(2) Can you describe the personalities of the prince

(3) What your decision will be if you were the old king?

Step 5

1 keys to page7


1 easy-going 2 quiet 3 shy 4 friendly

5 honest 6 hard-working 7serious 8 strict

2 competition

Try to speak highly of your friends with as many positive adjectives as you can to make the others believe that your friend is the best

3 discussion

In your opinion, what kind of person is easy to get along with and make friends with?

What characteristics would you not like a friend to have.


1 Try to find more adjectives that describe personalities


江苏东海高级中学 杨金锋

Teaching Aims:

1. Learn and master the following words and expressions:

goal; times; devote; remain; adapt; apart; rush; cheer; spirit; focus…on; cost; due to; range;

2. Train the students’ reading ability.

3. Get the students to learn about the gymnast Sang Lang.

Teaching Important Points:

1. Learn to use the following useful phrases:

goal; times; devote; remain; adapt; apart; rush; cheer; spirit; focus…on; cost; due to; range;

2. Train the students’ reading ability.

Teaching Difficult Points:

How to help the students understand the text exactly, especially the following sentences:

1. She must have been very sad.

2. While she was injured and in hospital, the world was amazed by the way she remained cheerful.

Teaching Methods:

1. Fast reading to get a general idea of the text.

2. Careful reading to get the detailed information.

3. Asking-and-answering to help the students understand the text exactly.

4. discussion

Teaching Aids:

1. the multimedia

2. a tape recorder

Teaching Procedures:

The search for happiness

Lead in:

T: We talked about happiness yesterday, do you think happiness is easy to get?

S: Yes.

T: Can you give some examples?

S: Spending time with family; learning new things, reading Doing excitings …

T: But different people have different opinions ,do you think so?

Happiness changes when age changes. I n children’s eyes, it is a toy or candy or a delicious meal . in elder’s eyes it is peaceful in young men’s eyes, it is money or honour what is the happiness to you ?

S: Reach our goal… make rapid progress…

T: what’s the happiness in the disabled eyes?

S: without pain or be alive

T :However everyone try to find happiness.

Presention : ( Learn reading strategy P19) Let’s read an interview how to find happiness> do you know what an interview is? ( Learn reading strategy P19)

S: An interview takes place when one person asks another person a series of questions on a topic

Where is the topic ? in the first para.

What should we pay attention to ? questions and answers


Read the text quickly and answer the following questions:

1. What is the topic of the TV interview?

2. What is the name of the psychologist?

3. When and where was Sang Lan born?

4. What does Sang Lan hope to do in ?


Listen to the tape of the text and then try to do True or False questions. If it is False, correct it.

(1) The topic of the TV interview was the story of Sang Lan.

(2) Dr. Brain studies happiness.

(3) Sang Lan became a gymnast when she was eleven years old.

(4) Sang Lan was injured in China in , while practicing for the Goodwill Games.

(5) Before her accident, Sang Lan’s best event was the vault.

(6) Sang Lan broke her legs and will never walk again.

(7) Leonardo DiCaprio visited Sang Lan in the hospital.

(8) Sang Lan believes doing no work keeps her happy.

Since the topic of this interview is happiness, let’s see how does Sang Lan find happiness and try to describe what kind of girl she is. Fill in the following form.

How to find happiness Before going to hospital (1) She had been a _____ junior gymnast for 11 years.

(2) She started winning _____ in 1991 and kept working hard.

(3) She was happy, _____, hard-working and successful in her sport.

(4) She was happy to _____ herself to gymnastics though she had to live apart from her parents.

(5) She was working towards something _____, and making her parents proud.

While staying in hospital (1) She is in good spirits, remaining _____.

(2) She is able to overcome her _____ and just be proud of the things she had accomplished.

(3) She feels happy to be _____ and lucky to have the rest of her life to learn new things.

(4) She finds happiness through reaching much smaller _____, and through the love of the people around her.

After leaving hospital (1) She went back to China and studied _____ at Peking University.

(2) She is _____ a sports programme about the 2008 Olympics.

(3) She likes to think about _____ things and stay _____.

(4) She believes that keeping _____ help her to stay positive.

Consolidation :

1. We’ve learn more about sang lan. Can you describe her? What great personality of her? Using a spider and ask ss to write adjs to on the Bb.

Dedicated, energetic, hard working, successful, outgoing, positive, optimistic…

2. Suppose you were a reporter from CCTV5, you will interview Sanglan , what would you ask her according to the interview or others?

For example

Reporter: What’s the secret to happiness?

Sanglan : to think about good things…


what can you learn from Sanglan?

Draw a conclusion:

with happiness, life becomes colorful and wonderful

Without happiness, life is dry and meaningless, we should work hard


Write a short passage about Sanglan.


The Search for Happiness

All about Sang Lan Detailed information

Her life and work She was born 1. _________ in 1981 and began learning 2. _________ at the age of 6;her best event was vault.

Her characters She is 3. _________, happy and hard working. She likes to think about positive thins and stay 4. _________.

Her accident and result Sang made a mistake while practicing a 5. _________ and fell and broke her neck. She would never 6. _________.

Her bravery and courage She was in good spirits; she didn’t cry about what she had lost and feeling hopeless, but thought about what she could do to get better. She was able to 7. _________ and just be proud of the things she had accomplished. She felt happy to be alive and lucky to have the rest of her life to8. _________.

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