




主备人:孙 楠 于洪丽


Module 4 Unit 3

Task Writing a proposal Teaching aims and demands: 1.The Ss will learn how to distinguish between facts and opinions, how to ask for

information and how to write formally.2.The Ss are expected to complete some notes, to find out more about the computer

room and write a proposal for a new computer room.Teaching procedures Skills building 1 : distinguishing between facts and opinions 1.A fact is________________________________________.

2.An opinion is____________________________________.3.Translate the following phrases: 区别A 和B








4.Explanations: ① China has a total land area of over 9.6 million km2.这套间面积有90m2.② In my opinion, it is about time we had new computers.It’s(high/about)time(that)sb.did/should do sth.= It’s time for sb.to do sth.是我们体育锻炼的时候了。

It’s time for us _____________________________________.It’s high /about time that______________________________.It’s about/about time that _____________________________.③ Some mouses and monitors are not functioning properly.n.功能,作用,机能

起有益的功能 __________ 身体功能 __________




_____________________________________________________.function as sb./sth.起...作用;具有...的功能

这沙发还可以当床用。__________________________________.Skills building 2: asking for information

Skills building 3: formal writing

Step 1 When we write a business proposal , a report or a letter to a stranger, we

should follow some general rules.Always be_______________.Be very _________________.Use______________ greetings and endings.Use________________and family names.Use _______ _______ /________ if you don’t know the person’s name.Step 2 Translate the following phrases: 1.从书架上掉下来 2.打中某人的头 3.介意某人干某事 4.过时

5.opening hours

Step 3 Write a proposal to your headmaster explaining why you would prefer

the school to improve the computer room.Dear Mr Dai,Recently, a survey about the school computer room was_______ ________ in our school.The students find the design of the computer room i__________.They are not interested in studying there d________ to this.We believe that the computer room needs i___________.There are not enough computers in our computer room.The computers there are old and slow, and sometimes they even do not w_______at all.And they have no a__________ to the Internet, so we can not get the information that we need for our homework.What’s m_________, there is only one printer in the room.As a r__________, we often w____________a lot of time waiting.A_________ more and more subjects require the use of computers, the

computer room is p_____________ a more important role in our studies nowadays.We are encouraged to use computers to do our homework and get information from the Internet.Now many factories and companies cannot work without computers, so those who have computer skills are easier to find a job.In order to get ourselves well p____________ for the future, we need a well-equipped computer room.I am sure that most parents would a___________ with our proposal that our school should improve the computer room._______ is the government’s policy that we should be taught more

information technology and more subjects are developing rapidly with the help of IT.Computer skills are becoming more and more important in further studies.We will not keep _______ with the development of society if we are not good at using computers.So we really need a new computer room and h________that you will seriously consider our r____________.Best wishes, Senior High Li Hong


Unit Three (Module III)

I. 重点单词

1. 文明 2. 讲座 3. 爆发 4.不幸地

5. 埋葬 6. 主管,负责人 7. 毁坏,摧毁 8. 富有的

9. 商业的 10. 渐渐地 11. 文化的 12. 机构,研究所

13.材料,物质 14. 文献,文件 15. 木制的 16.解决办法

17.担心的,关心的 18. 市民的 19.爆炸

20. 总统 21.共和国 22. 混乱 23.影响

24.推翻 25.形成 26. 重新统一 27.下沉


II. 重点词组

1. 赢得这次旅行的一个名额感到很幸运

2. 作为……很出名 3. 被活埋

4 被任命为总指挥 5. 每逢雨天

6. 想像做某事 7. 埋在沙子下面的建筑物遗址

8. 阻止某人做某事 9. 被选为加拿大代表

10. 第一个做某事的人 11. 参与做某事

12. 经过保护的一个妇女尸体

13. 使某事取得极大的成功 14. 使某人发狂

15. 本(不)该做某事 16. 影响…….发展

17. 成立时以长安作为其首都

18. 在使用中 19. 设法做成某事

20. 作为……的回报 21. 在接下来的一年中

22. 经过困难的时期/光 23. 接管

24. 处于良好的状况 25. 在(上)船上(机、车上)

26. 纪念 27. 对……关心/担心


III. 重点原句(注意划线部分)

1. I feel lucky to have won a place on this trip.

2. Next week we are flying to China, and going to Loulan, which is known as China’s Pompeii.

3. Unfortunately, all the people were buried alive, and so was the city.

4. The city was forgotten for many years until the 18th century.

5. Fiorelli was made director of the Pompeii dig.

6. So you didn’t have to step in the mud in the streets on rainy days!

7. It is believed by many people to have been gradually covered over by sandstorms from AD200…

8. Sven found the remains of buildings buried under the sand.

9. Even that didn’t prevent the city from being buried by sand---What a pity!

10. I was so excited to be picked to represent Canada.

11. In 1980 I was involved in discovering the preserved body of a woman.

12. His work has made the discovery of Loulan a huge success.

13. Not only was Rome a city and a republic, but it was also to become the capital of one of the largest empires in history.

14. The Han Dynasty was founded with Chang’an as its capital city.

15. What is interesting is that the other largest city was Rome.

16. Chinese people managed to travel further, introducing silk, china, etc.

17. In return for silk, China received wine, spices, wool and other goods.

18. In the following hundred years both Rome and China had a difficult time.



1. We didn’t expect that Sara was made _____ of the Students’ Union.

A. chairman B. a chairman C. the chairman D. chairmen

2. The noise of the planes taking off and landing time and time again nearly_____ the people around the airport mad.

A. left B. kept C. drove D. caused

3. The visiting guests sent us some of the pictures drawn by the students of theirs schools, and we sent them some of our calligraphy_____.

A. in return B. in turn C. by turn D. for return

4. The general manager has to retire due to his illness. Who do you think will_____ the business?

A. take in B. take up C. take on D. take over

5. Mike woke up to find himself _____ by flowers, which he later found out came from the ______ villages.

A. surrounding; surrounded B. surrounded; surrounding

C. surrounded; surrounded D. surrounding; surrounding

6. We should never forget the days_____ China was invaded and many people were buried_____.

A. when; live B. which; alive

C. when; alive D. which; living

7. The government has taken some measures to prevent more trees from_____.

A. cutting down B. cut down.

C. being cut down D. been cut down

8.Yesterday evening I tried to call you, but I couldn’t get through as the telephone was always in _____.

A. need B. use C. case D. addition

9. Now ______ as a hero for the journey into outer space, Yang Liwei has earned much respect from people all over the world.

A. knowing B. being known

C. known D. having known

10.The government is considering the environment-friendly plan which some scientists would like to see______ soon.

A. to be carried out B. be carried out

C. carrying out D. carried out

11.A cook will be immediately fired if he is found _____ in the kitchen.

A. smoke B. smoking C. to smoke D. smoked

12.The murder was brought in, with his hands _____ behind his back.

A. being tied B. having tied C. to be tied D. tied

13.Either you or the headmaster_____ the prize to these gifted students at the meeting.

A. is handing out B. are to hand out

C. are handing out D. is to hand out

14.One-third of the area _____ covered with green trees. About seventy percent of the trees ______ been planted.

A. are; have B. is; has C. is; have D. are; has

15.Having a trip abroad is certainly good for the old couple, but it remains_____ whether they will enjoy it.

A. to see B. to be seen C. seeing D. seen

II. 单词拼写

1. Many famous buildings such as the Great Wall and the Summer Place can represent the ancient c___________ of China.

2. The garden that was once so beautiful was d___________ in the flood.

3. Since the law of wildlife protection came into effect, the number of the milu deer has grown g_____________ year by year.

4. Manhattan is well known as the c____________ centre of America.

5. He grew up in a w___________ family, so he knows nothing about the life of the poor.

6. Many American p____________ served in Congress before they have the highest political position.

7. The __________(残留物) of lunch were still on the table.

8. He committed the crime under the __________(影响) of a strong passion.

9. The party is in complete ____________(混乱) after its election defeat.

10. There are some _____________(相似处) between the two poets.

11. America ___________( 宣布) war on Japan in 1941.

12._______________(不幸地), Karen got seriously injured in a car accident on her way home.

III. 翻译句子

1.I consider myself______________________________________(很幸运有机会参观印度)

2. __________________________________________(他烟酒不沾), but is still in bad health.

3. 我从公共汽车上下来时,发现钱包被偷了。

When I got off the bus I _________________________.


What can we do _______________________?


The library was built _____________________ the scientist

6. Peter 很友好, 作为回报我们给他送了一份漂亮的礼物。

We gave Peter a nice present__________________ his kindness.

Key: I. 1~5 ACADB 6~10 CCBCD 11~15 BDDCB

II. 1 civilization 2 destroyed 3gradually 4 commercial 5 wealthy

6 presidents 7 remains 8 influence 9 confusion 10 similarities

11 declared 12 Unfortunately/Unluckily


《新课程标准》强调指出, “课堂教学应改变以教师为主、学生为辅的单纯灌输式的教学模式, 尽量采用任务型的教学途径”, 提倡让学生在教师的指导下, 通过学生自身的体验、实践、参与、交流和合作的学习方式, 从而实现任务的目标, 感受成功。

2 目前阅读教学中存在的问题

古人云:思之则活, 思活则深, 思深则透, 思透则新, 思新则进。笔者反思自己多年的阅读课教学及所听同行的阅读课教学, 对整个教学过程进行回顾、分析和审视, 发现阅读课教学中还存在以下问题:重词句操练, 轻语篇理解;重阅读结果, 轻过程指导;重知识传授, 轻能力培养。

下面我就谈谈如何围绕新课程标准对高中英语阅读技能的要求, 设计合理、富有实效的阅读课教学任务和活动。下面就以牛津高中英语模块四第三单元reading为例, 谈谈我对英语阅读教学的一些做法与思考。

3 教学实例

3.1 Brainstorming

阅读之前设计目的是激活学生已有的相关知识, 激发学生的好奇心, 增加学生与阅读课相关文化背景及知识, 并预测阅读材料中的内容, 为阅读教学做好铺垫, 同时也为读后的延伸教学奠定基础。

本单元课文“Not just watching the film...”, 体裁是商业计划书, 题材是介绍一种学生不太熟悉而且很抽象的科技产品RealCine, 学生对此没有什么背景知识。但在备课时, 恰逢3D版的Titanic热映, 所以笔者将Titanic宣传片精彩的部分作为导入播放给学生观看, 再通过阅读文章标题和借助于课本背景图片, 预测文章将要讲述的内容。以下是该部分的设计步骤:

(1) Play a propaganda piece of the 3-D Titanic, which lasts about 2 minutes.

(2) Complete the title with the help of the picture in the text book and ask the following questions.What are they wearing?What are they doing, in your opinion?Use your imagination to make a prediction:what will be discussed in the passage?

播放长达2分钟的电影宣传片给学生以感官刺激, 立刻吸引了学生眼球, 从而激发学生阅读课文的兴趣, 他们渴望解决由读前活动产生的疑惑:图中的人物为何要穿戴成这样?这是怎样的电影?在这种电影背后有什么科技支撑?它是如何运作的等等问题。以上的设计活动意义在于使学生处于积极的准备状态, 带着目的和愿望去读, 充满信心去读, 变被动式阅读为主动式阅读, 这有助于学生形成良好的阅读习惯:在阅读过程中积极主动地把从文本中获得的知识与自己已有的知识联系起来, 从而帮助提高理解能力。

3.2 读中环节

读中环节分为skimming、scanning、detailed reading

(1) Skimming

该部分要求学生快速浏览全文, 目的是让学生掌握快速阅读的方法和培养学生在阅读中快速捕捉有关信息并能找出文章主题、预测故事情节的发展和可能的结局。

“Not just watching the film...”一文结构清晰, 对这篇文章的“阅读活动”教学, 我从整体语篇出发, 让学生带着两个问题去略读文章, 把握文章的整体结构。然后再通过问题的答案, 划分文章结构, 概括段落大意, 最后通过三个问题进行细节信息的捕捉。通过这三个问题, 与学生一起总结商业计划书的文体特点。以下是该部分的设计步骤:

1) What is the article about?—It is a presentation about RealCine.

2) What information about RealCine does the writer give?

(1) How RealCine works

(2) Why RealCine is better than a fi lm

(3) How RealCine can be used in other ways

教师设定一分钟的阅读时间, 让学生找出文章的topic paargraph, 因为topic paragraph会涉及主要内容, 并且通过此查找, 学生会发现在英语文章中topic paargraph通常为文章的第一节和最后一节。基于商业计划书的文体特点, 我通常会在文章的开头介绍文章主体部分将要谈论的内容。这样的设计可以提高学生概括段落大意的自信心, 克服对英语的恐惧心理。


(2) Scanning

扫读是培养学生捕捉具体信息和重要信息的能力, 使他们进一步理解阅读材料中细节问题。提高学生提取、筛选、重组文章中信息, 并进行归纳、概括等能力。

通过上述步骤理清文章脉络后, 我回到文章主体部分的三个具体问题, 以不同的方式, 训练学生寻找信息与归纳概括的能力。三个问题具体如下:

第一个问题:Why is RealCine better than fi lms?请学生阅读文章第二节迅速查找文章关键词, 然后通过完成句子, 对比realcine与普通电影院的不同, 这一对比非常感性化, 学生很容易理解。

课件展示:Why is RealCine better than fi lms? (Para 2)

_____a fi lm, where a___audience watches and hears what is happening on a screen, RealCine____you into the_____and____with your senses of___, ____, ___and___in an____way

而第二个问题How does RealCine work?讲述的是RealCine的工作原理, 相对而言要抽象一些, 这时可以借助于图片和一些箭头表示, 将抽象问题具体形象化, 这样学生理解起来要轻松一些。

通过师生对话, 很多关于RealCine的信息都被挖掘出来, 最后让学生思考:作者是如何支持其观点的?从而归纳出通过给出具体的信息, 是商业计划书的写作特点之一。

至于问题 (3) How can RealCine be used in other ways?我通过让学生阅读相关段落, 用简明扼要的语言进行归纳而不是照搬课文;通过对段落内容的分析, 以及段落之间的逻辑关系, 思考作者是如何支撑其观点的?从而归纳出通过例子的运用, 也是商业计划书的写作特点之一。

课件展示:How can RealCine be used in other ways

Para.4 a good treatment

Para.5 do things that could never be achieved in real life

Para.6 skills training and education

Para.7 urban planning

(3) Detailed reading

细读的目的是让学生对语言进一步理解, 在具体的语境中理解词句的意思、理解作者的观点以及写作意图。在这一阶段我的做法是:让学生讨论并总结:If you werethe boss, would you like to introduce the technology after reading the proposal?Why or why not?通过对此问题的讨论, 师生共同归纳一篇好的商业计划书所要具备的条件, 既回顾了所学的内容, 同时也为本单元的TASK写一篇商业计划书部分作好铺垫。

3.3 Post-reading

阅读之后环节被称之为评价性阅读, 即:reproduction, 对文章的主题、观点、人物形象、语言特点、写作手法等进行分析、评论的任务活动。我对这篇课文的读后活动处理如下:设置一个情景让学生编一个对话。具体设计如下:

Nowadays, there are many“homebodies”staying at home and staring at a screen all the time!Suppose you are a salesman of a VR company.You want to change the situation.Make up a dialogue with a boss of a modern cinema to introduce the product—RealCine.

学生通过对话表演, 既活跃了学生的思维, 又有效地强化了对课文的理解, 同时还培养了学生口头表达能力。

4 结束语

英语阅读教学有效性是我们永恒的话题, 也是我们研究的主要内容。作为教师, 我们要精心设计好每一堂课, 把抽象的语言、单调的词汇具体化, 突破时间和空间限制, 创设理想的英语教学情景, 就会深深地吸引学生的注意力, 使学生快速地进入学习状态, 迅速提升英语学习兴趣, 从而能让学生品尝成功的喜悦。

摘要:新课标提倡学生在教师的引导下, 通过学生自身的体验、实践、参与、交流和合作的学习方式, 从而实现任务目标, 让学生体验成功。本文将从《新课程标准》的要求及其教学实例, 探讨如何进行阅读课教学中的有效任务设计, 从而提高课堂教学的实效性和完整性。





[3]罗云兰.浅析高中英语教学模式[J].读写算教育教学研究, 2010 (10) .
