
















Unit 1 Friendship

语法点 直接引语与间接引语Ⅰ(陈述和疑问语序)
考点 1. 辨别宾语从句


2. 宾语从句连接词选用。

3. 宾语从句用陈述语序。

存在的问题 1.分不清主句和宾语从句。


2. 不能根据句意选择正确连接词。

3. 疑问语序和陈述语序的辨别。

Unit 2 English around the world

语法点 进行时用法总结
考点 1. 进行时表正在进行的动作或存在的状态


2. 进行时表将来

存在的问题 1. 进行时的正确结构不明确。


2. 进行表将来和将来表将来的异同点不明确。

Unit 3 Travel journal

语法点 进行时用法总结
考点 1. 进行时表正在进行的动作或存在的状态


2. 进行时表将来

存在的问题 1. 进行时的正确结构不明确。


2. 进行表将来和将来表将来的异同点不明确。

Unit 4 Earthquakes

语法点 定语从句Ⅰ(关系代词)
考点 1. 定语从句辨别。


2. 定语从句中先行词的辨别。

3. 定语从句中选用关系代词。

存在的问题 1. 主从复合句中分不清主句和定语从句。


2. 找不出定语从句的先行词

3. 分辨不清先行词在定语从句中担当句子成分

Unit 5 Nelson Mandela—a modern hero

语法点 定语从句Ⅱ(关系副词)
考点 1. 定语从句辨别。


2. 定语从句中先行词的辨别。

3. 定语从句中选用关系副词。

存在的问题 1. 找不出定语从句的先行词


2. 分辨不清先行词在定语从句中担当句子成分


❙必修1❙Unit 1❙

❙You will know the result when you add up all the numbers.


❙We tried to calm him down but he kept shouting excitedly.


❙After a long stay in hospital, Mary recovered.


❙Since Li Ming settled here, he has got along well with his neighbours.


❙I am only able to look at nature through dirty curtains hanging before very dusty windows.


❙If you don̓t want to stay with me, you can pack up and go.


❙During the war, I suffered a lot. I wrote my diary to set down my experiences so I would remember them when I was old.


❙The dark, rainy evening, the wind, the thundering clouds held me entirely in their power; it was the first time in a year and a half that I̓d seen the night face to face.


❙必修1❙Unit 2❙

❙Visitors are requested not to take photos in the museum.


❙Deng Xiaoping played an important part in developing the economy in China.


❙The reporter asked the writer who he based his characters on.


❙“I’ll be wearing a long red coat so you̓ll be sure to recognize me,” she said.


❙Go along the road for three blocks and then turn right. You’ll see the hospital on your left.


❙Native English speakers can understand each other even if they don̓t speak the same kind of English.


❙We have a lot of work to do, so we have to make good use of time.


❙He went straight to New York, without stopping in Hong Kong.


❙Rains are frequent in this city in early summer.


❙Believe it or not, there is no such thing as standard English.


❙必修1❙Unit 3❙

❙It was midnight when we found the cave.


❙On that mountain lies a temple at an altitude of more than 3,000 metres above sea level.

在那座山上有一座海拔高达3 000多米的庙宇。

❙The flame of the fire burnt brightly and the kettle began to boil.


❙Ever since middle school my sister Wang Wei and I have dreamed about taking a great bike trip.


❙Every year thousands of butterflies fly to the spring from all places around it / everywhere.


❙He looks like a nice and reliable man, but in fact the only thing he cares about is money.


❙Once she has made up her mind, nothing can change it.


❙The children are building sand castles beneath a blue sky.


❙It makes wide bends or meanders through low valleys to the plains where rice grows.


❙必修1❙Unit 4❙

❙The judge gave a prize and his congratulations to the cyclist who won the competition.


❙The title of that book is The Ship Buried at the Bottom of the Sea.


❙The miners who had been trapped in the mine for two days were finally rescued.


❙The reporter realized that the girl who was so frightened was trying to avoid the question.


❙The fire destroyed two shops which are about four blocks from here.


❙The balloon burst suddenly and we were shocked by it.


❙People began to wonder how long the disaster would last.


❙When he wakes up every morning, he will read the headlines in the newspaper very quickly.


❙The army organized teams to dig out those who were trapped and to bury the dead.


❙必修1❙Unit 5❙

❙As a matter of fact, parents don̓t want their children to be in trouble.


❙After Mandela came to power and became president, his government did their best to change the unfair situation for black people.


❙Robert was sentenced to three years in prison for stealing and released a month ago.


❙He begged me to let him join the club we have just set up.


❙As they were out of work, Mr and Mrs Black had to turn to their relatives for help. 布莱克夫妇由于失业,不得不向亲戚们求助。

❙John wanted to give 100 yuan as a reward to the taxi driver who had found his wallet.


❙If you fail, you should not lose heart.


❙After the attack, her eyes filled with terror every time she saw a dog.



对合作学习的内涵, 学术界有不同的理解。 通过对国内外对合作学习具有代表性的定义进行概括梳理可以发现一些共性。 美国约翰逊大学的莱斯文教授认为:“合作学习是使学生在小组中学习, 并依据小组成绩获得认可的课堂教学方法。 ”此外, 嘎斯基教授认为, 合作教学是一种教学模式, 他要求学生在少量人数组成的小组中一起学习活动, 共同完成教师布置的任务, 在每个小组中, 学生通常需要合作与互补提高任务的完成水平。 我国一些专家对合作学习进行了分析与有效指导, 王坦研究员认为, 合作学习的根本目的是促进学生小组间的活动, 努力实现同一学习目标, 并将小组成绩作为教师教学评价的重要依据。 著名教育学家网红宇一直注重对学习理论的研究, 他认为以小组为教学模式的合作学习方法, 让学生在异质小组中共同学习, 有助于提升学生的各方面能力。

在课堂实践活动中, 合作学习模式主要通过划分小组完成不同的学习任务, 对比传统学习模式, 在合作过程中, 学生在相互交往中增进同学之间的感情, 同时培养他们独立思考的能力, 并且相互学习对方的优点, 可以在一定程度上推动学生智力的开发, 并在合作中变得更成熟。 而学生的学习自觉性是合作学习的前提, 如果忽略培养学生的学习自觉性, 就会造成学生养成不良的学习习惯, 诸如懈怠学习、不善于思考、严重依赖教师等。

合作学习形式, 以小组活动为主, 合作学习成功要素取决于师生合作、生生合作。 在合作学习中, 在教师的指导下, 小组成员之间的互动, 使得学生之间的学习交流加强, 这有利于学生提高沟通能力, 提高合作效率。 不仅如此, 学生与教师之间的关系也颇重要。 在教师的鼓励下, 激发学生的自信心, 让小组成员在合作中自行解决学习中出现的问题, 让学习能力优秀的学生帮助学习能力薄弱的学生, 这样教师的压力将适当减轻, 此时的教师更像学生的朋友。 合作学习是一项对教师和学生都有较大帮助的学习方法。

二、高一政治 (必修一) 合作学生策略

合作学习的策略, 可以从教师的教与学生的学两个层面分析, 教师要改变角色, 由主导者变成合作者和监督者, 学生由被动学习变成主动学习的主人。

1.发挥教师作用, 激发学生参与合作学习。

为了进行合作学习, 教师需要在教学前进行精心的设计和规划活动, 还要有极强的应对能力, 对课堂进行有效的调控, 做到精心预设与精彩生成。 在合作学习过程中, 教师要关注学生的实时动态, 比如当学生的学习目标不明时, 教师应该对学生保持足够的耐心, 对学生在合作中产生的问题进行分析, 采取有效的鼓励措施, 使每位学生都平等参与合作, 从而达到合作学习的预期效果。 当课堂上不同意见的时候, 教师应该尊重每个学生的意见, 在合作的基础上进行讨论。 在小组讨论出现偏离主题时, 教师应该给学生适当的点拨, 而不是直接给出答案, 要让学生在思考中得到答案。


学生需要良好的学习氛围, 这样他们的思维和思路才能得到更好的激发。 但是我们发现, 在学生讨论问题时, 一些教师更像主导者, 控制学生的思维进度, 让学生的合作活动缺少主动性。 教师应该把自己当做学生中的一员, 融入学生中, 在学生的讨论中起到协助的作用。 以第一章“货币的本质和职能“为例, 教师可以利用生活中应用货币的例子, 激发学生对货币的兴趣, 使学生更积极地参与学习活动, 从而活跃课堂气氛。 教师在讲解文章的内容后, 可以进一步引导学习对学习内容的进一步探索, 比如“废品是不是商品”、“纸币是不是发行越多越好”等问题, 让学生深刻理解货币的本质。


在传统教学模式中, 教师往往是主导, 学生更像配角。 学生的地位只能通过考试体现, 学优生和后进生都会受到不同的对待。 然而在合作教学中, 教师和老师的主体性都会发生变化。 在合作教学中, 学生的地位受到高度的重视, 许多教师原来需要教学的任务可以通过学生的小组合作完成, 教师从主导者变为学生学习中的监督者, 教师的工作重担得到减轻, 有更多的时间对课堂进行合理设计, 确保教学质量。


在课堂教学中, 教师应运用正确的教学策略, 推进学生积极参与合作学习, 激发学生学习的兴趣。 合作学习往往围绕新课开始, 在此过程中教师应该先指出学习中的疑难问题, 然后由小组活动完成教学任务。 在小组活动中, 教师应该让学生参与教学过程中, 体会到解决问题的乐趣, 发挥学生的主动性, 对于学习有困难的学生, 更应该积极鼓励他们参与交流活动, 让学生在交流中掌握知识, 体验到学习的快乐, 从而对合作学习充满期待。


学生在分组之后应该明确本组的学习目标, 学生的学习任务应该是把团队的目标作为重点, 将团队的要求作为活动的引导。 因为学习的任务是属于团体的, 若脱离团体, 小组的成员反而没办法实现预期的目标。 在学习过程中, 学生应该对学习目标进行分析, 不同的组员负责不同的任务。

在当今的社会中, 合作起到越来越重要的作用, 合作学习最大的优势是给学习成绩较差的学生带来更多的学习机会, 提高他们的学习水平。 但是合作学习不一定都能达到预期的要求, 所以只有小组的每个成员都积极努力配合、参与, 才能使合作取得最好的效果。


[1]李春华, 主编.合作教学操作全手册.江苏教育出版社, 2010.6.



中图分类号:G632 文献标识码:B 文章编号:1002-7661(2014)21-075-01


价值取向(value orientation)是价值哲学的重要范畴,它指的是一定主体基于自己的价值观在面对或处理各种矛盾、冲突、关系时所持的基本价值立场、价值态度以及所表现出来的基本价值取向。价值取向的突出作用是决定、支配主体的价值选择。价值取向的合理化是进步人类的信念。






在广义的人道主义思想体系中,生命是其关注的中心,并构成价值的来源和价值的归宿(唐代兴 2004)。教科书借助了一些故事或人物形象的塑造来传递,如第一单元的“friendship”。

课文“Annes Best Friend”以德国法西斯残害犹太人这段历史为背景,讲述了一个叫安妮的犹太小女孩在躲避纳粹的过程中与日记“交朋友”故事。日记中体现了对美好的自由的向往,对感受自然的渴望。于是,读者在形象的、直观的、情绪化的、感悟的阅读里体会着小女孩的处境和乐观的心情,一点一滴地塑造着对人的尊严、价值、命运的维护、追求和关切。

贯穿第四单元课文“A Night the Earth didnt Sleep”的文化主线,也是悲天悯人的对生命极度珍视的情怀,因此在阅读的整个过程中,读者都不能够放下对灾难中人们的挂念与担心,尤其是在最后一段,读者还能够感觉到许多的暖意:

“All hope was not lost. The army sent 150000 soldiers to Tang Shan to rescue workers. Hundreds of thousands of people were helped...Slowly, the city began to breathe again.”



我们这里指的是儒家所提倡的一种终极的价值、人生的境界、道德的觉悟和最高的智慧(姚新中, 何丽艳 2008)。具有超越性的生活意义关于人自己的生存的问题,但是也没有一个确定的概念可以归纳,它可以是追求更真更善更美,可以是思考众生万物的奥秘,也可以是为了人类文明的进化。






克拉克洪-斯多特贝克(Kluckhohn & Strodtbeck, 1961)曾经概括出五种价值取向模式人性取向、人与自然的关系取向、时间取向、活动取向和关系取向。克拉克洪与斯多特贝克提出某一社会所青睐的解决这些问题的方法反映的就是这个社会的价值观。








设计人:邓婷婷 时间:2013-10-15 学习目标: 1.从本单元找出以下的重点短语并识记。

从...以后_ever since_关心;惦念__worry about____喜爱;喜欢__be fond of____ 下决心___make up one’s mind___ 让步;投降___give in____ 通常;照例____as usual___ 2.理解并记忆文章中的语言点;



学习过程: 1.语言点学习

(1)When I told her the air would be hard to breathe and it would be very cold, she said it would be an interesting experience.(P18)

[句型]: 主语 + be + adj.+ 不定式 [例]: I am glad to meet you.很高兴遇见你。[点拨]:1)用不定式的主动形式表达被动含义。

2)该句型中adj.常用 easy /hard / beautiful等。

此句型还可以转换成It + be + adj.+ 不定式


It + be + adj.+ for / of + 代词(名词)+ 不定式

[观察句子] : 1)It is good of you to come and meet us.你能来看我们真是太好了。

2)It was selfish of you to do so.你那样做真的是自私了。

3)It is necessary for us to study hard.对我们来说努力学习是必要的。

4)It is possible for them to catch up with us in a short time.对他们而言,短期内赶上我们是有可能的。

[归纳]:在”It + be + adj.+ for / of + 代词(名词)+ 不定式”句型中,表示的形容词后常用of.这类词有kind/ nice/ careless等;而表示的形容词后常用for,如easy /difficult /possible等。

(2)现在进行时的用法 现在进行时的一般用法:

①表示正在进行的动作:She is watching TV.她正在看电视。


The weather is getting colder and colder.天气变得越来越冷了。③与副词always 连用,表示赞赏、厌烦、生气等情绪。You are always thinking about others.你总是为别人考虑。现在进行时的特殊用法: 现在进行时态表示将来,即表示按计划或安排将要发生的动作,但仅限于几个表示起止动作的动词,如:arrive, come, go, start, leave, stay, move.①I’m leaving tomorrow.我明天要离开。

②Are you staying here till next week? 你要在这儿待到下周吗? ③I’m going.我就走了。

④We are leaving for Nanjing tomorrow.我们明天就去南京。⑤They are coming here this afternoon.他们今天下午来这儿。

(3)It was my sister who first had the idea to cycle along the entire Mekong River from where it begins to where it ends.(P18)

[句型]:强调句的结构It is / was +被强调成分+that/ who + 其它部分

[点拨] 1)强调距中it 不能更换;is / was 与”其余部分”的时态一致,不受被强调部分单复数的影响。


(4)Although she didn’t know the best way of getting get to places, she insisted that she organize the trip properly.(P18)[点拨] 1).这是一个主从复合句。Although引导让步状语从句,不能再和but, and, however

连用。有时候从句的主语和be可省略.2).insist + that从句:”坚持要求(做某事)”,that从句用虚拟语气,谓语用”

(should)+动词原形”,3).insist on doing sth.”坚持要求(做某事)”


(1)___little boys spent ____little time planting ______many trees.D



C.So;such, so

D.Such;so;so(2)The teacher told the students to stop _____ to him.D

A.To write and listen

B.writing and listening C.writing and to listen(3).______,but he insisted on going to school.C

A.Though he was ill B.He was ill

C.Having been ill

D.To be ill(4)He is so _______that no one can persuade him to change his mind.D

A simple

B hard-working

C fortunate

D stubborn(5).To climb the mountain is ___ hard work and to go down the mountain is ___great danger.B




D./, a

(6)________ will be sent to Ning Xia to work as a teacher.D

A.Do you think who

B.Whom do you think

C.Do you think whom

D.Who do you think(7)There are __________ many beautiful sweaters in the shop that I can’t decide which to choose.A





To give a brief introduction to attributive clause

To teach students the functions of relative pronouns and relative adverbs in attributive clauses

To develop students’ cognition in grammar, especially the basic elements of sentences

Teaching Important & Difficult Points:

The basic usage of the relative pronouns and learn to use them in different situations

How to apply relative clauses to situational use

Teaching Methods:

Introduction, task-based in-class activities; explanations of some rules of the attributive clause

Teaching Aids: a multimedia classroom

Teaching Procedures:


1. Check students’ homework in writing on page 93. Ask some students to read their note of Part B on page 93.

2. Choose some words and expressions in Period 3 and dictate them before grammar is staged.

Step Ⅱ Lead-in

1. Ask Ss to recall what can be used to modify a noun in English and write down the following phrases on the blackboard.

a happy moment

blue sky

a girl student

bus station

a monkey in the tree

the article about your experience in the UK

T: A noun, an adjective or the prepositional phrases can be used to modify a noun.

2. Summarize the rules of the order in the examples above.

We put adjectives or nouns before nouns to modify them while we put prepositional phrases after nouns to modify them.

More examples(P8):

Adjective: the green team

Prepositional phrase: the team in green

Attributive clause: the team who are wearing green

T: The last sentence is an attributive clause. That means a sentence is used to modify a noun in the same way that an adjective or prepositional phrase does. The nouns they modify are called antecedents.

Step Ⅲ Introduction to attributive clause

Give some examples of AC on the screen and ask Ss to fill in the form below.

1. The girl who/that is standing next to our teacher is her daughter.

2. The girl whom/who /that my mother is talking to is my classmate.

3. The girl whose name is Rose sits next to me.

4. I can’t find the book which/that is borrowed from you.

5. I can’t find the book which/that you lent to me.

6. I can’t find the book whose cover/the cover of which is red.

Example Antecedent Attributive clause Function of the relative pronoun

1 the girl who/that is standing next to our teacher subject

2 the girl whom/who /that my mother is talking to object

3 the girl whose name is Rose possessive

4 the book which/that is borrowed from you subject

5 the book which/that you lent to me object

6 the book whose cover/the cover of which is red possessive

T: The nouns or the antecedent usually refers to a person /people or a thing/things, for example a story, a cake, books and so on. We use which/that as a relative pronoun to refer to things, while we use who/whom/that as a relative pronoun to refer to people. Which/that is used as the subject or object in the AC. Who/that is used as the subject and whom/who/that is used as the object in the AC. And they will know when which, that, whom, who can be left out if it refers to an object in the AC.

Step Ⅳ Identifying the attributive clause

1. Let students to read the guidelines in Point 2 on page 8.

2. Ask students to read the example sentences in Point 2 and let them say what function of the bold part in each sentence is. Then ask them to point out the attributive clause in sentence and put the whole sentence into Chinese, so they can compare the different ways in which the attributive clause is expressed in English and in Chinese.

Step ⅤPractice

1. To test how well they understand AC, the teacher is to give them a timely self check ---- tick the sentences with AC in C1 on P88. Puzzles like 3, 8 may be ignored for the time being, left to be thought over after class and solved in the next period.

2. Ask students to identify the attributive clauses in the article on P9. Show their findings on a screen, and ask them to mark “antecedents”, “relatives” and translate the sentences into Chinese. Explain some key words and expressions such as “upon”, “develop an interest in”, “donate”, “display”, “make a speech” etc. What’s more, students are asked to classify these marked relatives into “relative pronouns” and “relative adverbs”. As for relative pronouns, they are also required to tell the functions they play in each attributive clause.

1) David was one of the most important helpful students that we ever had. ( object )

2) In , he went to Oxford where he got interested in Chinese culture.

3) Some of the cities in China which he likes most are Beijing, Shanghai, Harbin and Nanjing. ( object )

4) Most of the students that he taught have become his friends. ( object )

5) Some of the books were gifts that he got from his Chinese friends and students. ( object )

6) The paintings that David donated to the school are being displayed in the assembly hall. ( object )

3. Learn the new words from page 9 to page 11.

Ask students to turn to page 68 and study the new words (former-please).

Step Ⅵ Homework

Ask students to read the article on page 9 again and again

Ask students to finish C1 on page 88. Get them to point out the antecedent, the relative pronoun or relative adverb in the sentence with an attributive clause.

Period 6§Grammar and usage (2-2) Introduction to attributive clauses§

Teaching Aims:

To consolidate what’s learned the day before

To focus Ss’ attention on the usage of relative pronouns

To teach Ss in which situation who, whom, which or that can be left out.

Teaching Important & Difficult Points:

How to choose the right relative and use it properly

Teaching Methods:

Introduction, task-based in-class activities; explanations of some rules of the attributive clause

Teaching Aids: a multimedia classroom

Teaching Procedures:


1. Check the homework with the students. Make sure that students know what an attributive clause is and the function of each relative word.

2. Have a dictation to go over the words we learnt last period.

Step Ⅱ Presentation

Question: What does a noun usually refer to?

(Students should know a person/people or a thing/things. For example, story, cake, and book are things, while friend, teacher and monitor are persons.)

Step Ⅲ Using relative pronouns

1. Ask students to read Point 1 on page 10 and point out the antecedent and the attributive clause in each sentence. Then ask: What does that/which function in each clause?

Ask students to read the tip box, so the student will know the difference between that and which.

2. Ask students to read Point 2 and point out the antecedent and the attributive clause in each sentence. Then ask: What does who function in each clause?

Ask students to read the tip box, so the students will know that can also be used to refer to a person/people.

3. Ask students to read Point 3 and Point 4, and point out the antecedent in each sentence.

4. Ask students to read the following sentences:

Bb: She has a bother. I can’t remember his name.

Question: What does his refer to? (His refers to a brother’s.)

Bb: She has a brother whose name I can’t remember.

Questions: Which part is the antecedent here? (a brother)

What is it used as in the attributive clause? (attribute)

Ask students to read Point 5 and point out the antecedent in each sentence. Then ask: What does the relative pronoun whose refer to in the two sentences.

5. Show the following table on the screen and ask students to fill in.

Antecedent Subject Object Attribute Note

For persons who/that whom/who/that whose A relative pronoun can be omitted when it is used as the object in an attributive clause.

For things which/that which/that whose/of which

Step ⅣSupplementation

注意that which在代物时常常可以通用,但有时只宜于用that ,不用which.

(1) 当先行词为不定代词all, much, little, only, just, every, last, one of, no, little, few, any, something, everything, anything,nothing, none, the one......及the very, the last, the next, the only或被不定代词修饰时

e.g.: Is there anything (that) I can do for you? You should hand in all that you have.

All that can be done has been done. In this factory I saw little / much that was different from ours.

The only thing that I want to do is to have a rest. This is the very book that I’m looking for.

We heard clearly every word that he said. She is the only person that understands me.


e.g.: He was the first person that passed the exam. This is the most interesting film that I have ever seen.

The first thing that should be done is to get the tickets. Is that the best that you can do?

That’s the most expensive hotel that we’ve ever stayed in.

This novel is the second best one that I have ever read.

When people talk about Hang Zhou, the first that comes to mind is the West Lake.


e.g.: Do you know the things and persons that they are talking about?

The film star and her film that you have just talked about is really well-known.

She described in her compositions the people and places that impressed her most.

The guests spoke highly of the children and their performances that they saw at the Children’s Palace.


e.g.: Which is the bike that you lost? Which is the car that killed the boy?

Who is the boy that won the gold medal? Who is the man that is reading the newspaper over there?


e.g.: Shanghai is no longer the city that it used to be. He is not the person that he used to be.

c.f.: Shanghai is no longer what it used to be.

(6)如果两个从句,其中一个关系代词用which, 另一个用that以避免重复。

e.g.: He built up a factory which produced things that had never been seen before.

Step ⅤPractice

1. Complete a conversation with “who, whom, which, that or whose” on P11. There might be more than one answer for some blanks.

2. Learn and consolidate by correcting errors in sentences.

1) My brother who is in the army he came to see us. 去掉he

2) A small amount of money was all which was taken in the robbery. which改为that

3) The path was made by walkers who crosses mountains each summer. crosses改成cross

4) The difficulties of living near a volcano are well understood by the people farm the land there.


5) The danger of driving is something which worries me each time I travel. which改为that

6) The park which I usually go running is across from the road. which改为where

7) I bought the present that I gave him it for Christmas in Japan. 去掉it

8) It’s one of the most interesting books which I have ever read this year. which改为that

Step Ⅵ Consolidation

Students are encouraged to conclude the usage of relative pronouns. Afterwards, the teacher gives a brief conclusion as follows.

She is the teacher who taught us English Literature.

I am going to see a friend who has just come back from the UK.

In attributive clauses, we use who to refer to people. that is less usual.

I sat next to a girl whose name is Diane.

The club whose members are music fans meet in the school garden every Saturday afternoon.

We use whose to mean possession. It usually relates to a person, but it can also relate to things.

I don’t know the name of the teacher who / whom I saw in the computer room the other day.

The student who / whom we saw at the school gate is from America.

When ‘who’ functions as the object, it can be replaced by whom. In this case, whom is more formal than who.

The girl (that/who/whom) you have just seen is very good at English.

I’ll tell you something (that) I have heard.

We can leave out who, whom, which and that when they are the objects.

All my classmates enjoyed the cake that / which I made.

The book that / which I borrowed from the library is very interesting.

In attributive clauses, that and which are used to refer to things. that is more usual but less formal.

Step Ⅶ Homework

◆ Ask students to make five sentences, each with an attributive clause.

◆ Do Part C2 on page 88 and do the first five exercises in their exercise-books.
