





本课的教学内容是人教版高中英语必修一unit5阅读部分,该部分的重点学习内容是通过不同的阅读技巧(如通过略读和查读从文章中获取主要信息等)理解全文,并能针对阅读内容表达自己观点。话题贴近历史人物的学习。本课的重点词汇有found, republic, principle, peaceful, mankind, lawyer…etc.等。教师在课堂上要通过一系列的课堂活动和任务培养学生的阅读技能,提升学生的阅读能力。

2. 学情分析

1.学生在学习本课之前已学的词有hard-working, active, generous, selfless等及描述人物品质的形容词。因此,在导入环节,教师要遵循从已知到未知的学习规律,展现学习过的词进入新课的学习。在阅读活动环节利用填空,判断题使学生在完成课堂任务后能快速获取主要信息。

2. 高一的学生相对来说好胜心比较强,课堂竞赛是激发学生学习积极性的好方法。

3. 本课主题以历史人物为话题,教师要充分激活学生对历史人物的崇拜之情,让学生富有爱戴之情完成阅读任务。教师可让学生在课前上网查找曼德拉的相关信息。

4. 学生基础一般,学生程度参差不齐。在设计这堂课时,任务应考虑学生的认知能力,从简到难,以适合各个层次的学生,使教学有效、高效。


1. 知识与技能目标:

1学习新单词found, republic, principle, peaceful, mankind, lawyer…etc.

2)重点短语:out of work, as a matter of fact, blow up;


2. 过程与方法目标:


3. 情感态度价值观:

1) 了解纳尔逊 曼德拉的生平事迹,学习伟大人物的优秀品质,不断提高自身的品格修养。

2) 通过竞赛、小组合作学习等形式,调动学生的学习主动性和 积极性。





1. 本节课根据学生的特点和教学内容的`实际,采用任务型教学法和交际法相结合的方式来教学。

2. 采用计算机多媒体辅助教学,增加阅读兴趣,降低难度。

3. 通过竞赛、小组合作等多种形式,提高学生的学习兴趣、学习主动性和积极性。




Stage1 Pre-reading

Step1 Leading-in & Presentation




Step 2 Prediction

Predict the passage though the title and the picture


Stage 2 While-reading

Step 3 Fast reading & Careful reading


Stage 3 Post-listening


Step 4: 1. Discussion

2. Video

Step 5 Summary


Step 6 Homework

1. Memorize the new words and phrases.

2. Preview the language points of the passage.



Unit5 (Reading) Elias’ story


Part 1 before


Elias met Mandela


Part 2 after Para.4











1. Help students learn the structure and the content of the reading.

Help students learn and understand some difficult sentences:

a. The last thirty years have seen the greatest number of laws stopping our rights and progress.

b. We were put into a position in which we had either to accept we were less important, or fight the government.

2. Instruct the students to understand long and difficult sentences in two ways:

a. finding the new meaning of a learned word

b. breaking down a long sentence with an attributive clause into two short sentences

Instruct the students to learn the hidden messages through careful reading.

3. Instruct students to observe, experience, think and explore using task-based teaching.

Instruct students to learn the historical background from plain statement and think about the root of problems.

4. Under the guidance of the teacher, the students must first be willing to learn.

Students should learn the good qualities of Mandela and apply them to daily life.



Some difficult sentences in the reading.

How to analyse and understand the article.


1. How to analyse a long and difficult sentence.

2. The strategies of understanding an article.



Learning aims:

1. To learn about Elias’ life and great qualities of Mandela.

2. To understand long and difficult sentences in the passage.

设计意图:展示学习目标,让学生明确学习任务,有助于提高学生的学习效率。   步骤2:导入(4’30’’)

Show some pictures of famous or great people. The students are free to choose any person they like, say whether he is famous or great and present the reasons.

Show the students a sentence structure to help them:

In my opinion, he is a famous/ great person, because…

After the students’ presentation, show them a picture of another great person-Nelson Mandela. Ask them what they know about him and show some information about him.

He spent 67 years struggling for the equal rights of the black, including 27 years in prison.

He won the Nobel Peace Prize in 1993.

He was the first black president of South Africa.

July, 18th every year is International Nelson Mandela Day.



1. Read paragraph 1 and predict the general idea of the passage:

A. Mandela’s growing experience.

B. Elias’ working experience.

C. How Elias changed with Mandela’s help.


2. Read paragraph 2 quickly and find out the topic sentence:

Answer: I needed his help because I had very little education.

From Elias’ bad situation, draw a conclusion that black people’s situation was bad.

Show some pictures about black people’s life and introduce more.


3.Read paragraph 3&4 carefully and fill in the form.

There are many long and difficult sentences in these two paragraphs. Before reading the two paragraphs, help the students learn how to analyse long and difficult sentences.


a. The last thirty years have seen the greatest number of laws stopping our rights and progress, …

Paraphrase this sentence: In the last thirty years, there have been a great number of laws stopping our rights and progress, …


(1) The golden week has seen a sharp increase in tourists.

答案:In the golden week, there has been a sharp increase in tourists.

(2) Last thirteen years has seen big changes of Han Han.

答案:In last thirteen years, there have been big changes of Han Han.


b. We were put into a position in which we had either to accept we were less important or fight the government.   Sentence one: We were put into a position.

Sentence two: In that position we had to accept we were less important or fight the government.


(1) Shijiazhuang No.1 Middle School is a school in which many famous people studied.

答案:Sentence one: Shijiazhuang No. 1 Middle School is a school.

Sentence two: Many famous people studied in this school.

(2) November 11 will be the lucky day when Guo Jingjing and Huo Qigang will get married.

答案:Sentence one: November 11 will be the lucky day.

Sentence two: On that day Guo Jingjing and Huo Qigang will get married.


After reading the two paragraphs, let the students fill in the form.

What Mandela did good qualities

1. He told Elias how to get correct _____. generous, kind

2. He organized _______________. ?

3. He decided to _____ the laws and took _____ when peaceful ways were useless. ?


1. papers

2. the ANC Youth League; active, brave, wise

3. attack; violence; brave, determined


4. Read paragraph 5 carefully and fill in the blanks.

Why did Elias help Mandela to blow up buildings? Because he knew it would help them _____ ____ _____ of making black and white people ______.

答案:achieve their dream; equal

5. Complete the chart (group work).

determined to change a loyal follower and

the unfair situation fighter

After finishing the chart, draw a conclusion:

Elias changed from a ____, _____, _____ worker into a _____ fighter with Mandela’s help. And check the students’ prediction.

答案:poor, worried, helpless; determined


步骤4:语言总结输出(5’ )

What kind of person is Nelson Mandela? What can we learn from him?

Some adjectives will be offered to help the students: determined; wise; active; generous; brave; selfless; devoted; active.





1. Must: Retell the story of Elias using the third person.


Who was Elias?

How did he meet Nelson Mandela?

What did he do later?

Why did he do that?

2. Optional: Make a poster about Mandela by yourself using what we’ve learnt.





这节公开课的主题是主题公园 (人教版高中英语教材必修4 Unit 5) 。课堂上, 该老师紧紧围绕主题公园这个话题, 巧妙分析文章结构与内容, 同时将阅读所学灵活运用到写作中, 激发学生兴趣, 提高了课堂效率。该老师是这样循序渐进地完成教学目标的。


【镜头一】由于公开课的学生是该老师之前未接触过的, 因此该老师首先利用自我介绍这个契机, 与学生进行自由交谈, 从而自然地导入阅读中的部分生词, 同时活跃了班级气氛:

师:Hello everyone, I used to introduce myself a lot, you can call me Vivian.


师:Yes, Vivian.Not that Vivian in Taiwan, she is a goddess.OK, but when you pronounce my name, you need to be very careful, because the word can be easily pronounced as“feifeian”.


师:Do you know this is a terrifying name.Do you know terrifying?Terrifying, it’s a terrifying name, because it sounds like“fei fei an”.


该老师利用自我介绍, 创设了真实交际的语境, 通过随意的交谈, 学生可以放松心态, 集中注意力, 更活跃地投入到课堂教学活动中去。同时, 新词的累积能够降低之后的阅读难度, 提高阅读效率。


【镜头二】在巧妙导入课堂后, 该老师以启发式教学为主, 带领学生找出文章中有关各种主题公园的内容, 并加以概括归纳:

师:Please read paragraph 2 to 4, and while you are reading, try to find when the author introduced the parks, what information is included?

生:The three parks have three different themes.

师:Yes, excellent!Themes, right, themes.Anything else?

生:And Disneyland is about fairy-tales and Disney characters.

师:Characters, yes!Is other information included?

生:There are different activities.

师:Yes, excellent, there are different activities.Anythingelse?“Several parks of the world, smoking mountains, southeastern USA and England”, what’s this?


师:Yes, good!So these three, theme, location and activities, are the three factors we need to be included in an introduction.

【镜头三】在归纳了文章的主要信息之后, 教师运用生活中的实例, 自然地从文章的内容过渡到词句的理解, 帮助学生积累好词好句。接着, 教师进一步引导学生把握文本类型 (广告型的介绍文) , 找出文中的口号。至此, 文章的内容成分、写作的技巧、好词好句都得到了充分的学习:

师:If you want to attract more people to come to your theme park, what else information do you need to give?For example, she is beautiful.If I only give you the sentence, she is beautiful, you feel nothing.But what if I say she is a girl with long dark hair and deep black eyes and rosy lips?So what do we need?


师:Yes, details, or we need to use attractive words.We need to use very attractive words to attract people.So I want you to read these three paragraphs again and try to locate some attractive words that used to describe the parks.


师:OK, so now we have attractive words.But actually, in addition to the words, what other things should be included?Words, and we have... (用手势做长条状)



师:We have another very important thing.That’s“If you want to have fun and more than fun, come to Disneyland...”.So these sentences are not beautiful, but what are they?



【镜头四】读写整合课上的阅读属于交际性阅读, 而不是以语言知识为主要目的的分析性阅读, 因此, 在词汇用法和语法结构的讲解上不应耗时过多, 要安排足够教学时间供学生进行初稿写作和修改。同时, 读写整合课有助于提高学生写作学习的动机和水平, 进而有效地达到以读促写的目的。因此, 该老师关注了学生的兴趣, 以此为动机, 号召学生以感兴趣的内容设计一个主题公园, 且写作以小组合作方式展开, 学生的积极性得到了提升, 现场气氛十分活跃:

师:Suppose you are a designer, design a park you like.Four people a group, use the paper on your desk, you need to write down introduction, a brief introduction.

生:Our park’s name is“Sherlock Homes is in the park”.There are serious exciting and amazing cases for you to solve with Sherlock Homes and Doctor Watson, many classic things from the novel will come true in the real life.As you wander around the fantastic park, you will see them.What’s more, a film about the wedding of Sherlock Homes and Doctor Watson.Come with us, Sherlock, Watson and Moriarty are all here waiting for you.

生:The theme of our apartment is Love Apartment.You can bare to miss it.It will provide with great opportunities to see memorable things and drama by yourself, and souvenir can be a small part, there is a chance that you can see the stars face to face.Just coming!


新课程倡导“自主、合作、探究”的学习方式, 从写作模式来看, 充分的小组合作促进了生生、师生、师生与书本之间的多项互动, 协商调整, 集思广益, 学有“新”得。从学生习作来看, 学生充分结合了自己的兴趣以及阅读部分所学的知识, 这些习作充分展示了他们对本节课知识点的掌握和恰当运用。总体来说, 读写结合的英语教学方式比传统读写分开的教学方式更有实效性, 更有利于挖掘学生的潜能, 提高学生的综合语言运用能力。结果证明, 这堂课十分受学生欢迎, 教师语言幽默风趣, 学生边学边玩, 又在最后习作展示环节形成竞争, 课堂气氛也因有了思考、交流和讨论变得生动活跃。

摘要:阅读是学生英语学习的重要输入途径之一, 而写作则是语言输出的一种方式, 两者相辅相成, 有助于提高学生的综合语言应用能力。读写整合课融合了阅读与写作, 需要教师在阅读教学的同时进行写作能力的培养, 分析阅读文章的篇章结构, 输入相关词汇和句型, 为写作打下坚实基础。



[1]徐浩、高彩凤.英语专业低年级读写结合教学模式的实验研究[J].现代外语, 2007 (2) :184~190



中图分类号:G632 文献标识码:B 文章编号:1002-7661(2014)21-075-01


价值取向(value orientation)是价值哲学的重要范畴,它指的是一定主体基于自己的价值观在面对或处理各种矛盾、冲突、关系时所持的基本价值立场、价值态度以及所表现出来的基本价值取向。价值取向的突出作用是决定、支配主体的价值选择。价值取向的合理化是进步人类的信念。






在广义的人道主义思想体系中,生命是其关注的中心,并构成价值的来源和价值的归宿(唐代兴 2004)。教科书借助了一些故事或人物形象的塑造来传递,如第一单元的“friendship”。

课文“Annes Best Friend”以德国法西斯残害犹太人这段历史为背景,讲述了一个叫安妮的犹太小女孩在躲避纳粹的过程中与日记“交朋友”故事。日记中体现了对美好的自由的向往,对感受自然的渴望。于是,读者在形象的、直观的、情绪化的、感悟的阅读里体会着小女孩的处境和乐观的心情,一点一滴地塑造着对人的尊严、价值、命运的维护、追求和关切。

贯穿第四单元课文“A Night the Earth didnt Sleep”的文化主线,也是悲天悯人的对生命极度珍视的情怀,因此在阅读的整个过程中,读者都不能够放下对灾难中人们的挂念与担心,尤其是在最后一段,读者还能够感觉到许多的暖意:

“All hope was not lost. The army sent 150000 soldiers to Tang Shan to rescue workers. Hundreds of thousands of people were helped...Slowly, the city began to breathe again.”



我们这里指的是儒家所提倡的一种终极的价值、人生的境界、道德的觉悟和最高的智慧(姚新中, 何丽艳 2008)。具有超越性的生活意义关于人自己的生存的问题,但是也没有一个确定的概念可以归纳,它可以是追求更真更善更美,可以是思考众生万物的奥秘,也可以是为了人类文明的进化。






克拉克洪-斯多特贝克(Kluckhohn & Strodtbeck, 1961)曾经概括出五种价值取向模式人性取向、人与自然的关系取向、时间取向、活动取向和关系取向。克拉克洪与斯多特贝克提出某一社会所青睐的解决这些问题的方法反映的就是这个社会的价值观。














1) 语言知识:

语音 句子中的重音

词汇 abandoned cassette circus colorful desert diamond expert farm fields helicopter law tram shoot kindergarten product recently scenery supply

词组 in the central part of, a long-distance train, dark red, until the 1920s, on the coast of, out of date, a dining car, comic books, for the first time, feel nervous, a speed of

语法 -ed形式作形容词;表达过去时间的词语或词组

功能 礼貌用语

话题 介绍旅游经历;介绍童年故事

2) 语言技能:

听 听懂对事件的回忆、旅游介绍并获取信息

说 礼貌地进行Everyday English中的对话;运用过去时间回忆;运用含有-ed句子介绍风光

读 Scanning, skimming, careful reading, generalization; inference等阅读微技能训练

写 用所学的词汇、词组、及含-ed的句子写介绍旅游情况的文章和各种回忆

3) 学习策略:


认知 联系,归纳,推测,速读,略读,查读等技能

调控 从同伴处得到反馈,对自己在叙述及作文中的错误进行修改

交际 积极、有效同时礼貌地进行对话

资源 积极有效阅读从网上及各种媒体所获取的有关旅游及介绍各地风光的信息

4) 文化意识:了解我国现代化建设的最新成就;了解我国及各地不同的旅游文化

5) 情感态度:热爱祖国河山;为祖国建设感动自豪;倡导文明礼貌


重点:1. 如何使用地道英语描述风光、事件或回忆

2. 正确理解并应用-ed形容词

3. 如何礼貌进行日常对话

难点: 能用得体的.英语表达自己,描述过去的难忘经历





Pre-task: 学生回忆往事,激活背景知识,重温情感体验

Task-cycle: 通过整个模块听说读写的训练,强化“描述风光或一件难忘的事”的表达及语篇能力,为完成任务做好铺垫

Post-task: 达成任务,展示成果,反馈学习情况。



Period 1: Introduction, Reading and vocabulary (1.2)

Period 2: Reading

Period 3: Grammar 1&2, Function, Culture Corner

Period 4: Vocabulary, reading and speaking

Period 5: Listening, pronunciation, Everyday English

Period 6: Task, writing



Ss=students; T=teacher; =group work; = pair work; =individual work =screen

Period 1 Introduction, Reading and vocabulary (1.2)






Task 1: Describe a trip ( 15m) – Introducton

Pre-task Brainstorming

Try to bring out as many words about transportation as possible.

Task-cycle Learn different verbs and nouns about traveling.

Activity 1 Matching ( 1 )

Activity 2 Put me in the right place!

A: Draw a picture with road, rails, water and clouds on the blackboard. Put

different vehicles in the right position on the picture.

B: Ask and answer Qs in (2) according the picture.

Activity 3 Filling & Guessing game

get on (off)

get into (out of)



take off/ride


B: Show pictures taken in Hainan. Q: How did I get there? (different answers should be encouraged)

Post-task: Describe the first time you traveled a long distance

A: Q: When someone want to describe his first trip, what do you want to know?

5W & 1H ( who, when, where, what, why & how )

B: Describe the first trip Report to all

Task 2: Describe Australia ( 25m )-Reading & vocabulary

Pre-task: Search information about Australia before class

Task-cycle: Australia

Activity 1 Brain-storming (words about Australia)

Activity 2 Talking ( 1 )

A: Talk about the pictures on P22 + things about the country brought by Ss

B: Get questions in (1) solved

C: Dialogue between “Australians” and “tourists” Report to all

Activity 3 Vocabulary ( Part )

A: Choose the words which you think can be used to describe a train trip to Australia from the list shown on the screen (a dictionary is recommended)

B: Match the words with pictures (camels, cassette, desert, diamonds, sand, soil)

C: Choose a word in the blanket to match the underlined part in a passage (2)

Not long ago, I had a wonderful trip to Hainan. It’s not an area of dry land, because it’s surrounded by sea. There you can always enjoy the beautiful sunshine, green trees and blue water. On the beaches, you can’t find any valuable stones, but you can always touch the soft sand instead. On my way back, I made friends with some of the people traveling on the train.

Post-task: Display ( A brief make-up story about a trip to Australia using some of the new words)

Recalling(4m) Recall what we learn today. & Questions unsolved.

Homework(1m) Workbook P80 4. 5.

Describe your first time you travel to a place of interest.

Period 2 Reading







Task Learn and retell the passage

Pre-task Content Prediction(2m) According to the picture and the title, try to predict what we will be able to learn from the passage.

Task-cycle Reading(40m)

Pre-reading Map reading Look at the map of the railways in Australia, discuss which city you would like to travel and how to get there.


Activity 1 First ( Fast ) reading

A. Match: Find out what main idea each paragraph is about. ( my first ride on a long-distance train, the food, the passenger, the Ghan )

B. Main sentence in each paragraph.

C. Main idea

D. Guide Ss to find out the structure of the passage.

Activity 2 Second ( Detailed ) reading Deal with 6 questions in (4)

Activity 3 Third reading ( Reading Strategies Applying )

A. Find out appropriate information to fill in the form below:

Part One (1)

Who When Where What Why How

Part Two (2-3)

Food Scenery

First hundred kms After that Suddenly

B. Put me in the right order and form a passage, adding in the time signals.

Camels were trained to carry supplies back from the central part.

Camels were shot because of the new railway line built by the government.

They brought camels from Afghanistan.

Australians needed a way to the central country.

They tried riding horses, but failed.

C. Word-guessing ( abandon, diamond, supplies)


Activity 1 Retelling Retell the passage with the help of the form

Activity 2 Discussion P24 (5)

Activity 3 Small debate “They should shot the camels”

Recalling(2m) Recall what we learn today. & Questions unsolved.

Homework(1m) Write a reading note


Title__________________________ Module _________ Date___________

General idea:

Words & Phrases:


BS=beautiful sentence

Period 3 Grammar 1&2, Function, Culture Corner







Task 1 Find out rules of “–ed adjectives”

Activity 1 Competition The group which write the most right –ed forms of the verbs given by teachers win.

Activity 2 Find out the rules of “-ed adj.”

A. Look, say, write and combine

a. T act out the sentences: I threw the paper away. The paper was used before.

b. Ss write out the sentences

c. Try to combine the sentences to one: I threw the _______ paper away.

d. Talk about the pictures using –ed form and write them down.

B. Observe, compare and find out the rules (Grammar 1 )

Activity3 Workbook P79 1. 2.

Task 2: Story-making using past tense time expressions

Activity 1 Brainstorming ( past tense time expressions)

Activity 2 Complete the sentences (2)

Activity 3 Story-telling Make stories according to the pictures given to different groups

Task 3: Polite conversation

Activity 1 Act and discuss 2 Ss act out the dialogue. Discuss Qs in (2)

Activity 2 Make new dialogues Suggestions given by Ss-Make new dialogues according to (3.4)

Task 4: Interview ( about Maglev )

Activity 1 Read and compare

Activity 2 Interview & Report (one interviewer + one mayor + designer + assistant)

Activity 3 Your idea of new transportations

Period 4 Vocabulary, reading and speaking





Task Childhood memories

Pre-task Words and expressions

Activity 1 District map Draw an imaginary district map with names on it with Ss

Activity 2 Tell me your first time to...

I will never forget the day I ...

I remember the day I ...

my first visit to...


Task-cycle Jigsaw reading & Interview 5 groups read, other groups bring out Qs.-Interview

Post-task Talk show Three famous persons & one TV host on a TV talk show talking about childhood memories.

Period 5 Listening, pronunciation, Everyday English






Task 1 Knowing things about her

Pre-task Getting information about Mary Lennon

Task-cycle Listening

Activity 1 When & Where & By what Get basic information from the first listening

Activity 2 Interview (Ex.1 & 2)

Post-task “I am Mary Lennon...” Suppose you are Mary, talk about your experience with the help of the Qs

Task 2: “My Pronunciation is better!”

Activity 1 Listen & Imitate

Activity 2 Competition

Task 3: Show your response!

Activity 1 Ex. 1 & 2

Activity 2 Show your response One of you is a superstar, the other is an interviewer. You’re having a talk on CCTV. (Try to use expressions to show your response or attitude towards the other person.)

Period 6 Task, writing





Task 1: Display one of your trips to a tourist spot

Pre-task: Things about the trips

A. Collect information about the tourist spot

B. Collect English signs in the tourist spot

C. Collect pictures, photos, postcards, magazines reports, maps or souvenirs about the tourist spot

D. Make notes on 5W & 1H

Task-cycle: Share & Choose

Activity 1 Share the things your collect with your partners

Activity 2 Choose the best S to do the talking, the others offer help when needed

Post-task: Display Talk about your first trips to a tourist spot with the help of all kinds of information. ( an album with comments on it is recommended )

Task 2: Writing

Pre-task: Choose topics

Task-cycle: Writing

Brainstorming --Writing ---Evaluation by oneself & partner ---Correction -- Choose the best one & Correct

Post-task: Show the best writing & Comment

Recalling Recall what we learn today & Questions unsolved.
