



Unit Six TEXT I

DULL WORK Eric Hoffer

Objectives: To catch the central idea of each paragraph.To discuss that eventful life kills rather than stimulates a man’s instinct for creation./all work and no play makes Jack a dull boy.Pre-class work:

Find out more about the figures mentioned in the text than those provided in the notes: Amos, Socrates, Omar, Jesus Christ, Albert Einstein, Niccolo Machiavelli, Immanuel Kant, John Keats, Sophocles, John Milton, Benvenuto Cellini.Pre-reading Questions: 1.Do you think you can achieve much if you live a plain, ordinary life? 2.Does monotonous, routine work dull one’s mind?

In-reading Comprehension Para.1 1.There seems to be general assumption that brilliant people cannot stand routine;that they need a varied, exciting life in order to do their best.to do their best: to achieve their potential creativeness;to best exercise their talent(comp.3-1)

It is generally believed that a colorless life can freeze a creative mind, and only a colorful life can inspire a man to creative work.2.Tell about this para.in your own words.There is an assumption that brilliant people cannot stand routine life, and they need a colorful life;while dull people are suited for dull work.The present-day young are more brilliant than the young of the past because they are better educated.Therefore they prefer a colorful life to a dull, routine one.3.What is the purpose of this para.?

This is an introductory para.to put forward an assumption(successful mendull, routine life)so as to raise a question: Is the assumption right or wrong? Para.2 1.What is the ‘opposite’ that H says is ‘nearer the truth’? What is the purpose of this para.?(comp.3-2)

As it goes in the 1st sentence, the successful men do not crave for(= long for)colorful life.The contrary is also true(反过来说): people who achieve much are often those content with the routine, uneventful life they live, or, the successful men are satisfied with the routine/uneventful/colorless life they are leading.This is the central idea of this para.and H supports it by citing examples of some well-reputed men who led a colorless routine life.2.Identify those great figures mentioned in this para.and say something about them.Amos the sheepherder: a minor prophet in the Old Testament 阿摩斯,旧约中12个小先知中的第三名

Socrates the stonemason: Greek philosopher well known for his sophistry

Socrates of Athens, who flurished in the last half of the 5th century, was the 1st of the great trio of ancient Greekswho laid the philosophical foundations of Western culture.He was born in or about 470 BC.His father Sophroniscus was a sculptor, mother a midwife, 3 sons, one an infant.There were 2 counts in the accusation: ‘corruption of the young’ and ‘neglect of the gods whom the city worships and the practice of religious novelties.’ An escape was planned by his freind Crito, but S refused to hear of it, on the grounds that the verdict, though contrary to the fact, was that of a legitimate court and must therefore be obeyed.The story of his last day, with his drinking of the hemlock, has been perfectly told in the Phaedo of Plato.Though a good fighting man, his outward appearance was grotesque.Stout and not tall with prominent eyes, snub nose, broad nostrils, and wide mouth, he seemed a very Silenus.But as his freinds knew, he was ‘all glorious within,’ ‘the most upright man of that day.’(Plato)

Omar the tentmaker: Persian astronomer and poet

Jesus Christ: 上帝的独生子。大约罗马建城748年,在犹太的伯利恒,童贞女玛利亚由圣灵感孕生下耶酥,由约瑟抚养成人。出世不久,有几个博士从东方来到耶路撒冷,说是来拜生下来作犹太之王的人,因为他们在东方看到了他的星。犹太王希律听说后,心里十分不安,派人到处寻觅,找不着,便命把二周岁以内的男孩全部杀死。耶酥一家逃到埃及才得以幸免。耶酥回国来到拿撒勒作工匠,30多岁时施洗约翰在约旦河给他施洗,而后圣灵引他去接受魔鬼的试探,此后成为救世主。他召了12个门徒,和他们一起到犹太各地传教,要人们严守诫条。后来他的门徒加略人犹大为30块钱出卖了他,把他拘送到马总督彼拉多那里,他被钉死在十字架上。死后第三日复活,多次向门徒显现。复活后第一十日升天,第五十日差谴圣灵降临。众门徒领圣灵,开始传教。

Albert Einstein(1879-1955): German-American scientist and one of the greatest of all time, is best known as the special and general theories of relativity.From 1896-1900, he was a student at the Polytechnic Institute of Zurich, Switzerland.From 1902-1909, he was hired by the Swiss Patent Office at Berne as ‘Probationary technical expert, third class’.It was in 1905 that he published 4 papers of major importance in the journal Annalen der Physik, including his first memoirs on special relativity.Later it was revealed that, although it took him only 5 weeks to write his first paper on relativity despite working all day at the patent office, he had been mediating since he was 16 on the fundamental problem concerning the velocity of light that gave rise to this theory.Niccolo Machiavelli: Florentine statesman and political philosopher.His removal from political activity forced him to a retired life and to enter the career of a political writer.Immanuel Kant(1724-1804): German philosopher.His attempt to define precisely the domain of rational understanding is a landmark in Western thought.On the one hand, he opposed Hume’s skepticism, the idea that pure reason is of no real use in understanding the world, and on the other hand, he challenged Enlightenment faith in the unlimited scope of reason.The basic formulation of what is called his critical philosophy is contained in the Critique of Pure Reason(1781), the Critique of Practical Reason(1788), and the Critique of Judgment(1790).The quiet regularity of Kant’s everyday life in Konisberg, where he was a university professor(1770-1804), became proverbial.According to an anecdote of Heinrich Heine(1797-1856), German poet, satirist and journalist, the residents of the town set their watches by Kant’s daily walks.So, the purpose of this para.is to show that the lives of many truly great men are extremely ordinary.Or, people who achieve do not necessarily live eventful lives.Para.3 1.Tell what you know about John Keats and Sophocles.John Keats(1795-1821): probably the most talented of English romantic poets.Long poems as Isabella, Lamia, The Eve of St.Agnes, shorter poems as Ode on a Grecian Urn 希腊古瓮颂, Ode to Autumn, Ode to a Nightingale.Sophocles: 2nd of classical Athens’ 3 great writers of tragedycapacity for concentration, i.e.the curiosity of the immature to be interested;mature-inner resources to turn the dullness of work to good avail).This is why H put them into one category.2.Who are the really dull people, according to H? And why?(comp.3-8)

The adolescents.They lack the inner resources of the mature to turn the dullness of work to good avail, and the curiosity of the immature to be interested.3.What does this essay tell us?

Dull people cannot stand dull work so that they can hardly accomplish anything when at leisure or in solitary.They love eventful life life, but this kind of life exhausts them rather than stimulates.Only those who find dull life endurable can derive something from it(this is creativeness)and achieve something.So they may become successful.*** What is the purpose of H’s writing?(comp.1-D)

To convince that creativeness of a man’s mind is primary to what he can achieve.Post-reading discussion Step one: Organization and Development 1.The title of the essay ‘Dull Work’ only tells us what the author is going to focus on but not what he thinks of it.Can you find his thesis statement in the essay? If not, can you summarize in one sentence H’s view on dull work?(Org.& Devl.)

No.What a man achieves does not depend on the type of work he does, or the life experiences he has;rather, it depends on his ability to transmute what seems dull and routine into what is momentous.2.What is H’s main technique to demonstrate his thesis?

H cites numerous examples.3.How does he arrange the examples?

Well-reputed men are cited before his own experience.4.How does his argument go?

The possible harmful effect of an eventful life is illustrated only after he has made it clear that an eventful life is not a must for creative achievement.Step two: Comp.2 Step three: Discussion

Discuss that eventful life kills rather than stimulates a man’s instinct for creation./all work and no play makes Jack a dull boy.(LW 8)


DOING CHORES August Heckscher

1.Read the text before class and prepare for the answers to the questions in the textbook.2.Go through the text within 2 minutes in class and discuss the questions.8



"今天能做的事情决不要推到明天。”切斯特菲尔德伯爵在1794年劝告儿子时说道,但是这位文雅的伯爵却从没有抽出时间来完成与孩子母亲的婚礼,也没有戒除让约翰逊博士此类名人在接待室久候的坏习惯,这足以证明,即使是有心人,也绝非毫无拖延,罗马的一位大将军昆塔斯 费边 马克西姆斯为了赢得尽可能多的喘息机会,推迟战斗时间,被冠以“拖延者”。摩西为了使自己向法老传递耶和华法令过程中的犹豫合理化,颓唐语言有缺陷,当然,哈姆雷特把延迟上升为一种艺术形式。































美在古典时期是理想的人类美德,而将其从这中心位置赶走的首要原因来自基督教的影响。通过美德(拉丁语为virtus)的概念限定到仅仅指伦理道德的范畴,基督教放逐了“美”—— 它成为一种异化的,武断的,肤浅的诱惑。同时美不断丢失了它原本的名声。到二世纪末的时候,美成为一种既定概念,仅用于修饰两性之的一个性别:这个性别虽然是悦目的,但却处于第二位。将美与女性联系起来,使得美的概念在道德层面上更加脆弱。




在男人之中,好的外表是一个整体,是那种一眼扫过的东西。并不需要通过测量身体每个部分来做出最后的确认。没有人会鼓励男性去一部分一部分地细查自己的外貌。至于完美,那是被认为无关紧要的,并且几乎是不男性化的。的确,对于一些理想中的美男子,一点小瑕疵反而是让人喜欢的。有一位电影评论家(女性),她是Robert Redford的影迷,她觉得正是因为其脸颊一侧有一颗肉色的痣,才使得Redford不被仅仅认为有一张“漂亮的脸蛋”。想想这个评价里既暗示了对女性的贬低,也暗示了对“美”的贬低。













第九单元 对藐视法律者的警告


支持里斯曼这一说法的证据是再明显不过的了,藐视法律者以各种各样的方式存在,其数目令人吃惊。喜欢涂鸦的人把公共场所变成了视觉垃圾,骑自行车的人经常把车骑得好像两轮的交通工具不受所有的交通法规约束一样。喜欢乱丢垃圾的人把自己的社区变成了垃圾堆。一阵一阵的法规虽然到处都是 来势汹汹,但是却无法把高分贝的便携式无线电广播电台从公共场所清除出去,这就像早先的法律无法消灭因啤酒饮用过度而导致骚扰众多公园的流氓行为一样。令人绝望的是,吸食烟草上瘾的人仍对“禁止吸烟”的标记熟视无睹。穿着体面的吸食大麻的人再也不会为了分发烟卷而劳烦自己,巧妙的避开公众的视线,公然使用可卡因这一丑行正在中上阶层人生活当中逐渐恶化。此外还有〔一边说“各位好”一边行走〕乱穿马路的人。










手稿是作者创作过程的极其重要的记录,它们现正濒于灭绝。文字处理程序得以出现,其成本相对较低,且日渐变的简单容易起来。所有这一切意味着,甚至那些穷困潦倒、未发表过东西﹑以作家自诩(以及那些名列最畅销书排行榜前几位的人士),也回向王氏﹑IBM和苹果等各种品牌的电脑求助,安装Wordstar﹑Scriptsit和Apple Writer程序,开始忙于写作﹑编辑﹑审校其创作成果。结果是什么呢?只是一张软盘而已!














又比如全 书增加了 一个新的 词类——“ 限定词”(determiner),这一概念未曾出现在传统语法书中,但章振邦在《体系特征》一文中论述到“限定词作为一类功能词 (或结构词)早已在现代英语语法中确定下来。”学生理解其中内涵之后,能更好地将原先散乱的词类,如冠词,代词,名词属格等加以整理归纳,并且对某些代词,如物主代词,指示代词,不定代词等涉及的范围形成更为科学合理的认识。



关键词:英语教学 影视资料 语法研究

中图分类号:H319 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1673-9795(2013)05(a)-0110-01

1 英语影视视频数据库简介

笔者构建的英语影视视频数据库包括:2.5TB英语影视视频,包含近10000集电视剧,700多部电影。影视视频更新到2012年12月,实时追踪IMDB(The Internet Movie Database)内容,动态更新最新视频。对应英语影视视频数据库,建立了英语字幕语料库,达到1.1亿词,11627个文本文件。

2 英语影视语料在语法研究中的应用


《新编英语语法教程》第30页,“……个别表示游戏名称的名词作复数用。例如: Cards are not allowed here.”[1]而视频语料显示的情况与其有冲突:

That’s right.Cards is all about knowing the numbers.(The Wire S04E07《火线》)



One potato,two potato,three potato, four.Five potato,six potato,seven potato, more.(The Business《黑帮生意》2005)

One Mississippi,two Mississippi,three Mississippi,game over!(Friday Night Lights S03E04《胜利之光》)

第140页,“但若人称疑问代词紧跟于介词之后,则只能用宾格。例如:From whom did you receive a letter?”[1]《张道真实用英语语法(全新版)》(修订本)[3]和《薄冰实用英语语法详解》(修订版)都是与此相同的表述。不过,视频语料显示,介词后用主格who 的情况很多,有很高的可接受度。

Don’t look.Don’t look.-At who? (Dance Flick 2009 《跳舞大电影》)

I,I use them to pray.- For who? (Into Temptation《引诱》,2009)


Hey,I was called down here.By who? By whom.By Dr.Weaver.(ER S02E02《急诊室》)

To who?To whom. But that’s cool. Everybody makes that mistake.(Dead Like Me S02E04《死神有约》)


I was young I couldn’t do good. Now I can’t do bad.(Next Day Air《次日到达》,2009)

Mr Samuels!You did good.(Up In The Air《在云端》,2009)


So,how you doing over there, Theo Huxtable?/-I’m doing good./- Unh-unh.Superman does good.You’re doing well.You need to study your grammar, son.(30 Rock S01E02《我为喜剧狂》)

And it’s“drive well,”honey,not“drive good.”/-Wait.Don’t drive good?/- Proper English is“drive well.”I want you to drive well.(Post Grad《毕业生生存指南》,2009)


Because they’re never ever what they appear to be.(Bigger Stronger Faster 《更大,更强,更快》,2008)

3 结语



[1] 章振邦.新编英语语法教程[M].4版.上海:上海外语教育出版社,2003.

[2] 薄冰.薄冰实用英语语法详解(修订版)[M].山西:山西教育出版社,2008.


Objectives: to take notes as completely as possible in class.to present their interpretations of each paragraph.Section one Pre-reading questions:

(15 mins.)

1.What does ‘hobby’ mean?(refer to Lib.work)2.Do you have any hobbies? What are they? 3.Do your hobbies do you any good? In what ways? 4.Who is W.Churchill? What’s his hobby you know from what you have learned or from this text?(refer to Lib.work)

In-reading interpretation:

The teacher explains every sentence to the students while the latter try to take notes as quickly and completely as possible.After the text interpretation, the students are required to explain some sentences by their own.Para.1(15 mins.)

1.Worry is a spasm of emotion;the mind catches hold of something and will not let it go.spasm: an involuntary muscular contraction;here, a sudden violent spell(of);a sudden convulsive movement

Worry is a kind of feeling which catches you suddenly so that you can’t have any peace of mind.This feeling arises when you think about something without being able to discontinue thinking about it.Thus worry results.2.It is useless to argue with the mind in this condition.in this condition = when the mind catches hold of something and will not let it go

It is of no use trying to stop the troubled mind / the worry when it catches hold of something and will not let it go.i.e., when worry comes.3.The stronger the will, the more futile the task.(LW6-1)

The stronger your will(to argue with the mind, or to stop the worry)is, the more ineffective/unsuccessful/useless it will be for you to achieve this task of stopping the worry.The more you attempt to shake off your worry, the harder it will be for you to get rid of it / have it off your mind.Then what can we do to stop the worry? 4.One can gently insinuate something else into its convulsive grasp.insinuate = introduce indirectly and subtly

convulsive grasp = the worry

The only way is to have something else in mind so that it will not be grasped by worry / so as to replace the worry.What does ‘something else’ imply?

Something else implies the hobby.5.And if this something else is rightly chosen, if it is really attended by the illumination of another field of interest, gradually, and often quite swiftly, the old undue grip relaxes and the process of recuperation and repair begins.attend = accompanied(comp.3-2)

illumination = enlightenment, edification

another field of interest = hobby

the old undue grip = worry

recuperation and repair = not becoming worried any longer

If you choose the right thing to conquer your mind, if you have another field of interest to enlighten you, your worry, gradually or swiftly, will be relieved./ you will be released from the worry.6.This para.is about worry, which is repeatedly talked about.Instead of mentioning ‘worry’ again and again whenever it is talked about, Churchill uses some other phrases to refer to this annoying state of mind so as to avoid the monotony of expressions.Identify these phrases in the 1st paragraph.(comp.3-1)

a spasm of emotion, its convulsive grasp, the old undue grip


(10 mins.)

1.The cultivation of a hobby and new forms of interest is therefore a policy of first importance to a public man.It is the most important for a public man to cultivate a hobby, because he is likely to have more worries in his work concerned with interrelationships with various kinds of people.2.But this is not a business that can be undertaken in a day or swiftly improvised by a mere command of the will.The growth of alternative mental interests is a long process.improvise = make or do without preparation, practice, sufficient material, etc.But a hobby cannot be cultivated and developed so quickly as you expect in your business.No matter how strong your will is, hobby cultivation has to undergo a long process.3.The seeds must be carefully chosen;they must fall on good ground;they must be sedulously tended, if the vivifying fruits are to be at hand when needed.(comp.3-3)This is a metaphor to describe the cultivation of a hobby.Explain it.The author compares ‘hobby’ to ‘seed’, ‘fitness(of a hobby)to an individual’ to ‘good ground’, and ‘the effect(in lessening one’s worry)’ to ‘fruit’ so that the reader can have something concrete to look at.This is certainly a more effective way to explain an idea, esp.an abstract or complex idea.(Analysis)

sedulously = diligently, carefully, assiduously

vivifying fruits = results that give one relaxation / refreshment

The cultivation of a hobby is compared to that of a plant.First of all, the right hobby(the seed of a plant)must be carefully chosen for a person(good ground);then the process of cultivating a hobby, like that of growing a plant, requires care and effort.Only in this way can one reap in due time the fruit of one’s laborfor them a new pleasure, a new excitement is only an additional satiation.(LW6-4)

command = have within reach, be master of, possess

gratify = give pleasure or satisfaction to, indulge

caprice = sudden wish to have, or do sth., whim

satiation = complete satisfaction, wearying oneself with too much

Since those very wealthy people can afford to get access to almost anything they may think of(those people can get whatever they want)and to turn the most fanciful ideas into reality(to turn whatever they dream or desire into reality), there is nothing in this world that can interest or excite them any more.To them, a new pleasure, a new excitement may very often make them even more bored about life.They are the unfortunate people.(comp.3-5)Why does Churchill classify as unfortunate those people who can command everything they want, gratify every caprice and lay their hands on almost every object of desire? Do you think Churchill’s attitude towards those people is really one of sympathy?

These people are simply hopeless;nothing works to relieve them of their boredom.Churchill does not really feel sympathetic towards them.Note the phrase ‘avenging boredom’.He seems to think that this is what they deserve.2.In vain they rush frantically round from place to place, trying to escape from avenging boredom by mere clatter and motion.frantically = widely excited(with joy, anxiety, pain, etc.)狂乱地

avenging boredom =(note 3)boredom that gives(them)no peace or that inflicts suffering(upon them)

clatter and motion =(note 4)This refers to the frantic rush from place to place of those who can command all they want.These kind of people rush frantically here and there(which implies, do this and that as their hobbies), talk this and that, intending to escape from the boredom they are deeply involved in, but their effort is in vain.3.For them discipline in one form or another is the most hopeful path.How do you understand ‘discipline’ here?(comp.3-6)

Regularity, a more regularized way of life

This sentence is a suggestion for this kind of people: to lead a regularized way of life.Only in this way can they escape from the boredom.Para.5

(15 mins.)1.It may also be said that rational, industrious, useful human beings are divided into two classes: first, those whose work is work and whose pleasure is pleasure;and secondly, those whose work and pleasure are one.Here another classification of human beings is made: 1)those who take work and pleasure as two distinguished things, 2)those who combine work and pleasure together, getting pleasure from the work.2.Of these the former are the majority.They have their compensations.The long hours in the office or the factory bring with them as their reward, not only the means of sustenance, but a keen appetite for pleasure even in its simplest and most modest forms.compensation = sth to make up for, here referring to the following sentence.sustenance =(flourishing quality of)food and drink 营养, 食物

Their long-hour work brings them bread, or they have to earn their living by working hard.After work, they relax themselves and enjoy themselves in a simple way.(comp.3-7)Can you suggest one or two of the simplest and most modest forms of pleasure?

Jogging, taking a walk, listening to music on the radio, watching TV, gardening 3.But Fortune’s favored children belong to the second class.In what sense are the second class of people, i.e., those whose work and pleasure are one, ‘Fortune’s favored children’?(comp.3-8)or, why does the author call the 2nd class ‘fortune’s favored children’?

There is never a clash between work and pleasure.They are always happy to work.They are just like children who take everything as pleasure.4.Their life is a natural harmony.For them the working hours are never long enough.Each day is a holiday, and ordinary holidays when they come are grudged as enforced interruptions in an absorbing vocation.grudged = accepted with great reluctance(comp.3-9)

This class of people enjoy their work, and take it as a kind of pleasure.They enjoy every working day so much that they regard the weekends and the public holidays as the interruptions of their delightful work.They are quite reluctant to take any holidays.5.Yet to both classes the need of an alternative outlook, of a change of atmosphere, of a diversion of effort, is essential.An alternative outlook, a change of atmosphere, a diversion of effort all refer to ‘hobby’.So it is of the first importance / of the great necessity for both of the classes to cultivate a hobby.Everyone should have a hobby.6.Indeed, it may well be that those whose work is their pleasure are those who most need the means of banishing it at intervals from their minds.(comp.3-10)What does the word ‘it’ refer to?

their work

(comp.3-11)the means of banishing it at intervals from their minds refers to the notion of ‘hobby’.(LW6-5)In fact,(it is probably those whose work provides them with their enjoyment who are most in need of periodic distractions from it.i.e.,)the second class of people are most in need of cultivating a hobby.Homework assignment:

Read your own notes and consult others’ to make it complete in order to understand the text fully/thoroughly.Mark where you find difficult and raise your questions in the next class.Read O & D and try to answer the question.Section two 1.Pose your problems for discussion(20 mins.)2.Comp.1: the purpose of the writing(B)-to bring home to the reader the importance of cultivating a rightly chosen hobby.(5 mins.)3.Comp.2: True or false

(5 mins.)4.O & D: What Churchill argues for in this passage is obviously the significance of a good hobby for rational, industrious human beings.But the 1st para.is devoted to a definition of ‘worry’, and a large portion of the rest of the text to the classifications of human beings.How are they relevant to his argument?

(10 mins.)

Churchill’s concern here is the role hobbies play in relaxing the mind of rational, industrious, useful human beings.To explain how a hobby works, he must first of all explain what worry really is.But Churchill is not of the opinion that any given hobby can produce this soothing effect under all circumstances.To make this clear, he has to make the first classification.He then turns to classifying the majority of human beings into two further categories.The purpose of doing this is to emphasize the point that hobby is necessary for all including those who think they do not need one as a diversion from work;as a matter of fact, they are the ones for whom the cultivation of a hobby is even more necessary.4.Interaction activity:(LW7)Talk about how a hobby can sometimes help to release your worry.a.Brainstorming in the groups(10 mins.)

b.Air the opinions in class(15 mins.)

Section three TEXT 2 A DEBT TO DICKENS Pearl S.Buck

Read the text by the students themselves and retell it by using ‘I’ or ‘Pearl S.Buck’.Cues: a seven-year child, in a remote Chinese countryside, the valley, the Youngtze River;

the boat folk and the farm folk, lingered and saw the customs, the way of living, fishing and thrashing, the babies alive and dead;

foreign devil, yellow curls and blue eyes, alien and isolated, parents too busy to care for her;

an impossibly voracious reader, read everything she could get;

novels by Charles Dickens, deep in them, read them again and again, over and over for about ten years, feel herself at home, not alien, entered into her own heritage;


New Practical English 2

Unit One

Invitation Etiquette Teaching Objective In “Talking Face to Face”, learn how to invite friends to attend a party or a dance in oral English.In “Being All Ears”, students will fine tune their listening and comprehension skills through exercises relating to inviting people out.In “Maintaining a Sharp Eye”, students will learn how foreign people deal with invitations, when one wants to accept or does not accept.In “Trying Your Hand”, get some practical experience and writing a invitation and a reply to the invitation one gets.Teaching Procedures

Section I Talking Face to Face


Patterns and expressions for talking about invitations: I’d like to invite you to dinner.我想请你吃晚饭。

Why don’t you come and join us for disco? 你为什么不和我们一起跳迪斯科? It’s very kind of you to invite me.谢谢你邀请我。

How nice of you!Many thanks.你真好!多谢。

I’d love to.That would be great.我很愿意去。太好了!

Oh, dear, I’m afraid I’m busy tonight.Perhaps tomorrow evening? 哦,亲爱的,今晚我很忙。明晚也许可以吧?

Could you make it another time, perhaps next Sunday? 你能改个时间吗,下个星期天怎样?

It’s very kind of you, but you see I’ll have to prepare for my exam.非常感谢,可你知道我得准备考试。

I’m sorry I can’t, but thank you all the same.真抱歉,我不能去。可还是要谢谢你。

2.Introduction of the samples of invitation cards and letters 3.Practice the two dialogues in Follow the Samples 4.Practice dialogues according to the given tasks

Unit 1

New Practical English 2

Thank you.I’ll be happy to come.谢谢.我很高兴接受你的邀请. I’d love to.That would be great.我很愿意去.太好了. Thank you for invitation.谢谢你的邀请. I’d be glad to come.我很高兴前往.

3.Expressions for Declining an Invitation I’d love to, but I can’t come.我很想参加,但是不能来.

Thank you for your invitation, but I don’t think I can make it.感谢你的邀请,但我恐怕不能赴约. Unfortunately, I’m already busy that day.很遗憾,我那天事情太多了.

It’s very kind of you, but you see I’ll have to prepare for my exam.非常感谢,可你知道我得准备考试。

I’m sorry I can’t, but thank you all the same.真抱歉,我不能去。可还是要谢谢你。

Could you make it another time, perhaps next Sunday?


Sentence Writing

Word Order in a Subordinate Clause 从句的顺序

在写英语复合句时,除了需要注意照应主句与从句的时态、人称、连接词语 等等之外,还应特别致意从句部分的语序。

英语从句经常用疑问词引导,如what, who等,但与疑问词引导的简单问句不同。从句不使用疑问句语序,而使用陈述句语序,即按主语在前、谓语在后的顺序排列。还应注意,因为从句不使用疑问倒装结构,所以一般现在时和一般过去时不再用do, does, did等助动词帮助构成从句结构。

1.常用来引导从句的疑问词有what, when ,where, who, whether, how等,这些疑问词一般仍保留原有的疑问含义。

She wanted to know when my brother had visited Paris.她想知道我哥哥什么时候游览过巴黎。

Could you please tell me where we are going.你能告诉我我们到哪里去吗?

How he plays the trick is a secret.他怎么变这个戏法是个秘密。

2.Whether可以引导主语从句,if 不能引导主语从句,但是两者都能引导宾语从 句。引导宾语从句时,两者都表示“是否”的意思,只是if 后面不能加or not。1)主语从句

Whether he will accept the job is difficult to say.(对)

Unit 1

New Practical English 2

Section IV Maintaining a Sharp Eye Passage I Business Invitation Explanation of Difficult Sentences

1.(Para.1)Although invitations are usually sent through the mail, informal

invitations such as e-mails and phone invitations are becoming

more acceptable.Analysis: such as means “of the same kind, like” and should be followed by

nouns or noun phrases.Translation: 虽然邀请函通常通过信函方式发出,但目前像电子邮件、电话邀请等非正式邀请越来越被普遍使用。

Example: Our discussions were all about issues such as education and climate change.2.(Para.4)It’s also acceptable to include an RSVP notation and your phone

number or address on the invitation for more accurate planning.Analysis: It’s also acceptable to do … means “It’s also good enough to be

received to do …”

Translation: 如果为了使计划更加周密,也可以在邀请函中加上请回复的字样,以及电话号码或联系地址。

Example: It’s acceptable to play tricks on your friends on April 1st.3.(Para.5)If a “Please reply by” a given date is included in the invitation, be polite enough to reply by that date.Analysis: If … is a conditional clause followed by an imperative sentence

Translation: 如果邀请函中包括“请于某日之前回复”的字样,则需要在规定日期前回复。

Example: If you choose to invite your guests by phone, remind them again in writing two weeks before the gathering.4.(Para.6)Never ask to bring a guest unless the invitation states “Mr.Louis Winthorp and Guest.”

Analysis: Never … unless … is “double negative”, which means “You can bring a guest if the invitation states …”

Translation: 如若邀请函上没有说明“邀请某某先生和朋友”,不要向邀请方要求带同伴。

Example: Some people are never happy unless they are in the limelight showing off.Important Words 1.in advance

before in time 提前

e.g.Can I sign up for this course in advance? Quality Buildings usually hire its temporary workers well in advance as the need arises.2.seminar n.a small class of usually advanced students meeting to study some subject with a

Unit 1

New Practical English 2

Passage II An Invitation Letter

Text-Related Information

This is an informal invitation letter between friends.The tone of this letter is casual.The language is not so formal.This kind of informal invitation letter is often in the third person.For example, “in the hope that it will be possible for you both to spend a few days with us during your stay in England.” “and it would be nice if you could come then, too.” But a formal invitation card is usually written in the third person.Text Explanation Para.1 November 2002 My dear Michael,It seems ages since we heard from you — and even longer since you went to work in China.But recently we happened to bump into Charlie Wright at a party, and from him we learnt that you and Lucia will be coming to England over the Christmas holidays.So I am writing straightaway — to make sure this reaches you well before you leave Shanghai — in the hope that it will be possible for you both to spend a few days with us during your stay in England.Language Points:

1.Explanation of Difficult Sentences 1)It seems ages since we heard from you Analysis: It seems ages since...means “it seems a long time since...” Translation: 似乎很长时间没有收到你的信了。

Example: It seems ages since I saw you in Shanghai.2)So I am writing straightaway — to make sure this reaches you well before you leave Shanghai — in the hope that it will be possible for you both to spend a few days with us during your stay in England.Analysis: To make sure… is an adverbial of purpose, and in the hope, a prepositional phrase used also as an adverbial of purpose.Translation: 所以我马上写信,好让你在离开上海之前肯定收到这封信 —— 希望你们俩能在英格兰逗留期间和我们一起住几天。

Example: I am sending this card to you today —to make sure you receive it before the Christmas Day.2.Important Words

1)bump into meet somebody by chance 偶然碰到, 偶然遇到

e.g.We bumped into Kate when we were in London last week.She bumped into his tray, knocking the food onto his lap.2)straightaway ad.do without delay, especially it has to be done urgently 马上,立刻

e.g.I’ll come around straightaway with the files.We’d better start work straightaway.Unit 1

New Practical English 2

1.Explanation of Difficult Sentences 1)I am still working for Sanderson’s and liking it well enough — though occasionally pining for the footloose days of long ago.Analysis: Sanderson’s here refers to Sanderson’s company;though is introducing a participle clause pining for...and serving as the adverbial of concession.Translation: 我还在桑德森公司工作,而且工作很称心 —— 虽然偶尔我也渴 望从前自由自在日子。

Example: They are working happily with Kent’s, though sometimes pining for the footloose school days.2.Important Words

1)terrify v.frighten someone severely 威胁,恐吓

e.g.We terrified the girls with spooky stories.He terrified her by jumping out at her from a dark alley.2)pine for v.strongly desire(esp.something which is difficult or impossible to obtain)渴望

e.g.It’s at this time of year that I start to pine for the snow-topped mountains.As a young girl, I always used to pine for a more glamorous existence.Para.5

I’d better stop here now;I’m supposed to be spending this evening writing Christmas cards.Write or phone as soon as you can —— and come!Love from us all!

Yours ever, Richard
