


模糊语言翻译 篇1

查德 (L.Zadeh) 先生的模糊理论为我们提供了一条认识客观事物的新途径。引导了国内诸多学者对模糊语言理论的研究。那究竟什么是模糊语言?有这样一类语言:它具有两重性特点。即在本质上是明确的, 在表象上是模糊的;在定性表述上是肯定的, 在定量表述上是变化的;在内容上是确指的, 在形式上是灵活的[1]。

长期以来, 翻译课程的教师在教学过程中, 一直灌输给学生的理论是“忠实”“符合原文”, 使译文“准确”[2]。然而在实际操作中去很难达到译语与原语的对等, 最终导致死译、误译。模糊语言理论的使用在很大程度上解决个这个问题。模糊性是语言的一个自然属性, 它存在于语言的各种领域。所以理解语言模糊性对做好翻译有很大帮助。本文将对模糊语言如何影响翻译做详细说明。

2 模糊语言对翻译的影响

2.1 翻译中的艺术美感效果

虽然“准确性”是翻译过程中首要坚持的原则, 然而译作表达的优美性, 艺术性同样重要。在文学作品的翻译中该原则尤其显著。在文学领域, 翻译工作不像其他领域那样追求精确性。文学的世界是充满想象的, 它追求和谐的美感和优雅的表达。这一点与理性的现实世界不同。在此意义上, 模糊语言能帮助我们把诗歌翻译的优雅, 唯美。

行宫见月伤心色;夜雨闻铃肠断声。 (白居易:长恨歌)


He sees the moon over the traveling palace

Painful in its loneliness.

He hears the bells in the night rain

Tinkle with a heart-breaking sound.

诗人要表达的思想是:因为思念杨贵妃, 唐玄宗在行宫看见月色就伤心, 雨夜里听到铃声就断肠痛苦。诗中作者运用了移情和对仗的写作手法烘托出唐玄宗的忧伤, 进而达到艺术表达上的美感。而英语译文也同样注意到了这种表达效果。这就有赖于模糊语言的应用。例如“he hears”来对应“the bells”;“over the traveling palace”与“in the night rain”相匹配。因此译文在形式上忠于原文, 吸引了大量英语读者。


Unless the sun were post, ——

The man i'th'moon's too slow——till new-born chins

Be tough and razorable

月亮的使者太慢。除非叫太阳给他们捎信, 那么直到新生婴儿柔滑的脸上长满胡须的时候也许可以送到。 (zhang Jinghao P.115)

该例中, 译者运用了增词和假借的手法以达到形式和内容上的平衡。由此可见, 模糊语言配合其他修辞方法能够达到翻译的美感。虽然有可能违背忠实原则, 但不可否认, 这是一种很重要的翻译方法。

2.2 幽默效果

搭配双关, 夸张, 比喻及讽刺等手法, 模糊语言可以制造很好的幽默效果。读者和听者在从译文中获得信息的同时还能享受幽默的乐趣。

Ben Battle was a soldier bold,

And used to a war's alarms;

But a cannon ball took off his legs,

So he laid down his arms (Wen Xiaoping)

“arms”在句中一语双关。既可以指“Ben Battle”的手臂也可以指他的武器。所以“laid down his arms”我们既可以理解为“放下手臂 (手臂着地) ”也可以认为是“放下武器投降”。这个例子说明模糊语言可以通过言外之意来达到幽默效果。然而这种效果能否实现还取决于读者和听者的理解。再看一个例子:

An irritated father asks, “Tell me, what's one plus two?”Then son says, “I don't know.”The impatient father then says, “For example, you, your mother, and I altogether are how many, idiot?”The son proudly answers, “Three idiots.”

这个例子取自丁聪卡通从书, 它很好的为我们展示了模糊语言制造出来的幽默效果。父亲恨铁不成钢骂儿子是“傻瓜”, 儿子却误认为父亲问他一共有几个“傻瓜”。

2.3 礼貌效果

要礼貌地向听着表达自己威胁, 粗鲁或不好的意思, 很好的方式就是使用模糊语。典型的例子是“死亡”的表达方式。英语中除了“die”, 还有“pass away”, “go west”, “cross the Jordan”, “be with God”, “to breathe one's last”, “to meet one's Maker”, “to go to the way of all earth” (Bible) , “to go to glory”这些委婉表达方式。汉语中也有“作古”“仙游”等含蓄说法。再如:

A:And, it being low water, he went out with the tide.

正如退潮的时候, 他也跟潮水一道走了。


Dickens:David Copperfield

B:A man is helping the police with their inquiries. (Zhang Jinghao P.85)

这句话的意思是嫌犯被拘留并有可能入狱。西方惯于用这种模糊语表达方式。比如他们用“The culturally deprived”“disadvantaged”of“the underprivileged”代替“the poor”, “ethnic neighborhood”表示“slum”等。

由以上模糊语言对翻译的三个影响可以引起几点思考。首先模糊语言是客观存在的。每个独立存在的单词都有其模糊性。从这个意义上讲, 对模糊语处理的如何直接影响译文的质量。其次, 模糊语言的存在让我们意识到翻译不是纯粹的“复制”, 而是语言的再创造。这就需要我们灵活掌握比喻, 夸张, 双关等修辞方法以使翻译达到合理。最后, 译者不是单纯的翻译机器, 而应该熟练掌握译入语与译出语的文化。只有理解了文化, 才能对语言灵活应用。

3 结论

综上所述, 模糊语言是一个繁杂但有趣的研究领域。它是语言的一个重要组成部分并大量出现在言语与写作中。语言的模糊性必然引起翻译的模糊性, 所以语言的模糊性与翻译有着密不可分的关系。我们可以利用这种模糊性对复杂的语言进行解构, 分析, 整理。从而更好的完成翻译, 达到精确地认知和理解原语。

摘要:模糊性是人类语言的本质特征, 是语言研究不可回避的研究对象。模糊语言在人类言语表达中占有重要地位。它被广泛地应用于各种领域。在英汉翻译中, 语言模糊性的存在对翻译有着很大影响。灵活的掌握这些语言的模糊性, 能帮助我们翻译得更贴切合理。本文主要从语言模糊性层面探讨了模糊语言对翻译的影响。



[1]应用写作.浅谈模糊语言在公文写作中的应用, 1991 (2) .

英美文学当中模糊语言翻译 篇2



英语模糊语言及其翻译初探 篇3





A:Can we have coffee together Tomorrow ?

B:Oh,sorry,I haven’t made sure that I will be free tomorrow . You can ask Mary.


A:What’s the weather like in the winter?

B:It’s always cold then.


在英语中,许多词语表达只是有一个模糊的概念,并不精确。比如, “morning”可以指的时间范围是黎明至中午12点以前,afternoon可以指的时间范围是中午过后直到天黑以前。


1. Look, someone is picking up the wallet.

2. We can set out early in the morning before it gets too hot.



She is standing on my left side.

另外,部分数词在特定情况下,变为非精确数词,不表示精确的数目。事实上,这是一种文学的夸张手法,多在文学作品出现。莎士比亚多次使用forty和forty thousand,表示“many”, “a lot of”的意思,例如:

I loved Ophelia; forty thousand brothers Could not, with all their quantity of love, Make up my sum.(Shakespeare:Hamlet,V,1.)




这种翻译方式就是直译,直接遵循原文的意思,精确对应精确,模糊对应模糊,一般是两种语言文化没有冲突的情况下以这种方式来翻译。例如:adropinthe ocean(沧海一粟)、kill two birds with one stone(一箭双雕)、The twosides will maintain contact and hold appropriate consultations onbilateral and international issues of common interest(.双方将就共同关心的双边问题和国际问题保持接触并进行适当的磋商)、One takes the be-havior of one's company(近墨者黑,近朱者赤)。


以精确对模糊的译法就是指把话语的深层次含义,直接翻译出来,因为原文中只是隐含这一意思。例如:There is more to their life than political and social and economic problems,more than transient everydayness(.他们的生活远不止那些政治的、社会的和经济的问题,远不止一时的柴米油盐的问题。)“Everydayness”是一个模糊词,无法使用汉语直接对应。故而,我们将其具体化,译成中国人民生活所需的“柴米油盐”,反映了原文的内在含义。

浅析模糊性语言的翻译策略 篇4


1 模糊性语言及其理论背景

1)模糊性语言的存在人类语言中存在着数量众多的模糊性词汇或表述,它们用来表达一些灵活的不明确的意义。我们在高速公路上常常看到这样的标语:Bad weather,careful driving.对于这里的bad一词的意义没有一个确切的界限,所以可译成“雨雪雾天气,谨慎驾驶”。模糊性语言除了在日常生活中应用外,还实际应用于多种领域。如在英汉互译中,talk horse应理解为“自吹自擂”,而不是“吹马”。同样的,句子“he is as cunning as a dead pig”应该译成“他像狐狸一样狡猾”,而不是“他像死猪一样狡猾”。从上面例子中,可以看出,模糊现象是确实存在的。对于译者而言,了解和掌握模糊性语言是非常重要的。2)模糊性语言的理论背景。

自然语言的种类数以千计(估计有六千多种),但是人类却可以克服或者解除各种语言之间存在的各种各样的障碍进行有效的交际,这就表明不同语言之间存在一定的共性。也恰恰因为这种存在于不同语言间的共性才使得翻译成为可能。张培基先生曾经写道:“要做到忠实、通顺,译者首先必须对原文有透彻的理解,然后把所理解的东西用另一种语言加以确切的表达”,但这里所说的“确切表达”并非要求表达的绝对精确,片面追求精确往往适得其反,因为自然语言在语音、语法、语义方面本来就存在着一定的模糊性。翻译等值论的倡导者Nida曾经说过:“In any translation there will be a type of'loss'of semantic content,but the process should be designed as to keep this to a minimum.”著名语言学家Jakobson在论翻译时也有一句至理名言:“差异之中的对等,这是语言的根本问题,也是语言学的关键课题。”果戈里在谈翻译也说:“谈到翻译,我对你说这样一句话:有时候需要远离原文的字句。故意离开它,为的是更接近原意。”前苏联着名诗人马尔夏克也指出:“逐词逐句地译词是不行的。……逐字‘准确’翻译的结果并不准确。”国学大师钱钟书先生在谈翻译时也有过一段精辟的论述:“从一种文字出发,积寸累尺地度越那许多距离,安稳到达另一种文字里,这是很艰辛的历程。一路上颠顿风尘,遭遇风险,不免有所遗失或受些损伤。因此,译文总有失真和走样的地方,在意义或口吻上违背或不尽贴合原文。”朱光潜先生在谈严复的翻译标准时也指出:“绝对的‘信’只是一个理想,事实上很不易做到。”

2 翻译策略

1)字面翻译法一些词语本身就含有模糊的意义,因此可以直接按字面的意思进行翻译。例如:他家是出了名的万元户。译文:His family is a well-known ten thousand yuan household inthe village.在这个句子中,很明显数字无法确切的给出,它主要的重点在于说话人对这个数字的反映。同时,听者从中的实际数字几乎得不到任何指示,他们会简单的认为它很大。


2.1 模糊对模糊翻译

在英汉翻译中,语义上都存在着一定的模糊性,但这种模糊性并不会影响不同语言之间的翻译。在翻译实践中,在不影响原文真实含义的基础上,译者可采用寻找对等的模糊词进行翻译的方法,即用一种语言的模糊词去翻译另一种语言的模糊词。例如:(1)抱歉,我忙得很,现在不能和你外出,我要洗衣服,要拖地板,还有许许多多的书要看———真不知道先从哪件事做起。I am sorry I am too busy to go out with you,because I have got to wash cloths,to clean the floor and to read a thousand and one books———I just don’t know where to start.在本句里,“许许多多”让读者并不知道确切的数字,在翻译这类模糊词语时,译者可以试着寻找相对应的模糊词语,例如本句中使用了“a thousand and one”,也可使用“thousands of”“hundreds of”等。(2)考生们出来了,三三两两地谈论着试题。The candidates came out from examination rooms and discussed the examination questions in two and threes.本句中,可将two and threes译成三三两两。

2.2 文化替代翻译

文化替代翻译是指在目标语言中寻找对应的词去替代原文中有特殊文化含义的词语或表述,这个词对目标语言读者的影响与原文中的表述一致。采取这种翻译方法是使读者更通俗生动的理解原文中的一些说法。例如:(3)情人眼里出西施。(《红楼梦》第七十九回)译文A:Xishi is in the eye of the beholder.译文B:Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.从这两种不同的译文中可以看出,译文B选择了生动的词beauty,beauty一词在英语中更通俗、易接受,从而确保读者更好的理解,也使得因文化差异带来的影响降到最低。

2.3 省略法

我们在翻译过程中,在保证原文的本意的前提下,可以采取省略法对模糊性的语言进行翻译,即一些语义模糊的词可以不必译出来,例如:(4)红军不怕远征难,万水千山只等闲。(毛泽东《七律?长征》)译文:The red army regards the LongMarches nothing but a game,Ten thousand mountains and rivers are easy for them to tame.(辜正坤)在这个例句中,译者没有将“千山万水”直接翻译成英文,如果采取绝对的对等的翻译方法,读者是无法理解译文。

2.4 增字法

有时译者会反其道而行之,当他们认为有必要时会在译文中增加一些模糊性语言,有人把这种翻译方法称之为“增字法”。也就是译者根据原文的精神实质,为使译文更加贴切的表达原文含义,而增加适当的模糊词语。例如:(5)That was and still is my dream.译文:那过去是,现在仍是我的梦想。译文中的“过去”和“现在”确保了目标语言的读者得到了与原文读者一样多的信息,虽然在原文中没有出现像“in the past”或“now”这样的词,但是be动词was和is就已经表现了不同的时间,而译文只是用“过去”和“现在”这两个词将其中的意思明确的表达出来。再如下面的例子:(6)吕布背后一人,高声出曰:“……吾斩众诸侯首级,如探囊取物耳。”(罗贯中《三国演义》)译文:But some one behind Lu Pu broke in upon this speech crying,“…I will cut off their heads every one as easily as I would take a thing out of my pocket.”

3 总结

英美文学的模糊语言翻译分析论文 篇5





关键词:英美文学模糊语言翻译 《名利场》





一 模糊语言辨析

模糊语言翻译 篇6

【关键词】语言 模糊性 英汉互译 翻译策略


模糊性是人类语言的本质属性,它使我们在日常谈话中不用处处受语言精确性的困扰而自由地表情达意,从而使我们的交流更为流利。美国自动控制专家扎德(L.A.Zadeh)于1965年发表了《模糊集合》一文,提出了“模糊理论 (Fuzzy Theory)”。在此基础上,模糊语言学(Fuzzy Linguistics) 问世,为语言翻译研究开辟了新领域。模糊语言是指“不确定的、指代模糊的语言单位”,如生与死、富与贫、年老与年轻等。

语言的模糊性从何而来?首先,语言本身就是模糊的,这是由其客观属性决定的。语言不仅承载着基本句法和语法信息,还携带着大量的语用、社会及文化等附加信息。其次,语言交际者受到交际环境的制约。如交际者A想邀请交际者B去参加一个聚会,A会说“Would you like to come to the party tonight?” 若B无法给对方肯定的答复,可能选用“模糊”表达法。B可能会说“I’d like to,but I’m afraid that I can’t go with my homework unfinished.” 由于中英民族的历史渊源、民族性格及思维模式等方面存在巨大差异,反映在语言模糊性上,就会呈现众多差异,各有各的特色。










After work,we went out of office two and three.


“Two and three”译为“三三两两”。模糊含义已传达,同时为中英民族所接受。



译:My whitening hair would make a long long rope,yet could not fathom all my depth of woe.

古诗中“三千丈”是虚指,在这里是“长”的意思。若把“三千丈”译为“three thousand”,会使缺乏汉语文化背景的英语使用者感到困惑。译者首先要理解原作中模糊语的意义,再在目标语言中选择一个对等的模糊语。




[1]Fan,Showyi.A statistic method for translation quality assessment[J].International Journal of Translation Studies, 1990(1):43-67.

商务英语中模糊语言的翻译策略 篇7


1 模糊语言:概念与特征

清晰与模糊作为一对矛盾体, 在语言中形成辩证统一的关系, 完全清晰而不具备模糊属性的语言与只有模糊而不清晰的语言无法形成完整的语言体系。从概念上来看, 模糊性就是在人们的认识中关于事物类属边界或性质状态方面的亦此亦彼性。商务语言作为语言在商务活动中的应用和跨文化交际的重要工具, “模糊”和“精确”这两种语言属性也在其中得到充分的体现。众所周知, 商务英语中精确是大多数情况下的基本属性, 即确保在商务电函与合同的书写与定制过程中, 或进行商务交际过程中应当避免使用可能引起歧义的语言, 这样可以避免造成误解。但是, 在很多实际的商务实务中, 为了达到某种语用目的, 进而促使商务目的的实现, 保障商务活动的顺利进行, 商务语言的模糊性是必需的。模糊语言就其表现形式来看, 可以分为模糊词语和模糊语句两种形式, 模棱两可、由此及彼是这类语言元素的基本特征, 而从心理学的角度来看, 模糊语言的功能是激发认知者从低层次未形成语言的模糊感觉直到高层次清楚表达的合理思维。在一定的语境和场合下, 模糊语言的使用可以发挥其对于认知者心理的影响作用, 表面上看似模糊的语言信息, 并不能像准确清楚地语言一样传达字面信息, 实质上却能够起到相对准确地表达人们更为复杂的情感、动机以及潜在意识, 这种相对客观的表达方式, 是表达商务活动参与者真实思想和内心世界的方式, 在特定情况下比准确的语言表达设计的范围更加广泛。本文将在分析模糊语言在商务活动中作用的基础上, 深入分析这类语言的翻译策略。

2 模糊语言在商务英语中的作用

2.1 提高商务交际中表达的准确性

在商务交际特别是跨文化交际中, 准确的表达自己的意思十分重要, 但是由于客观事务本身就具有不确定性, 用精确的语言有时很难达到描述事物实质的作用。语言学家Grice指出, 在语言表达中遵守的四个合作原则 (Cooperative Principle) :数量准则、质量准则、关联准则与方式准则中, 质量准则就是要求说话人提供的信息是真实的, 这种信息的真实指的是不说虚假的话, 在缺乏足够证据的情况下也不能妄下结论。从这个角度来看, 商务英语中模糊语言的使用无疑能够起到准确表达交际者意思的作用。

2.2 在商务交际中表达礼貌

在商务交际中, 礼貌是首先考虑的要素, 在友好礼貌的气氛中商务活动才能够顺利的进行, 特别是在跨文化交际中, 保持对不同文化背景谈判对象的尊重是必要的, 出于这样的目的在谈判、信函中运用模糊语言可以把话说得含蓄婉转, 特别是对一些触及到双方利益和矛盾的话题, 模糊语言能够起到避其锋芒、迂回前进的作用, 对商务交往的双方而言都是有利的。

2.3 增强商务交流的灵活性

在商务交际中遇到不便于直接表明态度或者尚未得到证实的事件时, 用模糊语言能够增强语言表达的灵活性, 给言语交际双方留下一个缓冲的空间。在信息化水平高度发达的今天, 商务信息瞬息万变, 商业机会稍纵即逝, 在国际商务交流中, 出于获取更多商业利益的目的使用模糊语言, 可以在友好和睦的气氛中完成贸易, 维护谈判双方的共同利益。

2.4 根据具体情况加强自我保护

商务英语中模糊语言另一个重要的目的, 是加强商务活动中的自我保护。因为在很多时候, 实际情况的变化很可能超出所能控制的范围, 合理使用模糊语言能降低在出现这类问题时承担额外责任的程度。在商务广告特别是跨文化商务广告中这种情况比较多见。尽管国际上大多要求广告用语必须真实地表达商品本身特点和用途, 但实际上模糊语言在商务广告中仍然十分常见。

3 例析商务英语中模糊语言的翻译策略

3.1 注重显化与隐化的翻译方式

显化翻译, 即外显化、明晰化的翻译, 具体是指“目标文本以更明显的形式表述源文本的信息, 是译者在翻译过程中增添解释性短语或添加连接词等来增强译本的逻辑性和易解性, 从而使原文艰涩晦暗之处在译语中变得清晰、明白、浅显”。与之相反的过程则被称作隐化, 是指根据译语语言的规范, 隐去被翻译语言中原有的语言成分的过程。如何正确的使用显化与隐化的翻译策略, 主要还要根据具体的语境和语言文化特征。例如与印欧语系相比, 汉语各方面的显化度都相对较低。

显化的翻译方法能够揭示原文中重要的内在含义, 特别是在跨文化交际中, 这种消除文化差异的翻译方法能够使我们更为明了原文的实际内涵, 例如:

Let us remember that if this financial crisis taught us anything, it's that we cannot have a thriving Wall Street while Main Street suffers.

这段话中“Wall Street”众所周知是指美国的金融中心华尔街, 而“Main Street”一词对于大多数非英美文化的受众而言却比较难以直接理解, 实际上这一词语是指中小城市中的中心街道, 及中小城市的经济金融中心, 因此, 这句话应当显化翻译为:

让我们清楚的记得, 如果这次金融危机给我们带来什么教训的话, 那就是我们不能一味让华尔街的大资本财源滚滚, 而却让无数的小厂商和普通民众受到惨痛损失。

隐化翻译的策略也十分常见, 特别是在比较尴尬的商务交际中, 隐化翻译既能够表达原文的意思, 又比较含蓄, 例如:

We have examined all the cartons one by one, and found each of them was leaking.

其中“each of them”词组既可以翻译成“每个都……”, 但更多情况下为了避免尴尬, 可以根据具体的环境, 将其翻译为“或多或少”等。

3.2 遵守语言翻译的关联原则

商务英语翻译中的关联性是指翻译者应当结合其翻译的具体环境与条件, 使其所进行的翻译能以最低的加工成本产生使听者得到的语境效果。如前文所述, 模糊语的使用与精确语言不同, 可以提供更为广阔的语境空间, 也更不容易为听着所完全理解。因此, 原文的意图与听者的期望之间的有机关联是商务英语中模糊语翻译的重要原则。例如, 在很多商务信函中出现的“good quality and low prices”, 直译过来是“好的质量与低廉的价格”, 并不符合中国人的语境, 而如果翻译成“物美价廉”, 就能够更好的被听众所接受, 所付出的理解成本相对较低。

3.3 重视翻译的结果与反映的信息

结合翻译的具体语境与文化背景, 相对客观与准确的反映原文想要表达的意思, 是商务英语模糊语言翻译中的重要目的。特别是商务活动本质上是一种交际, 而模糊语的使用容易产生一定的歧义, 因此更应当注重翻译信息产生的效果, 从而达到交际的根本目的。例如亚洲四小龙”一般被翻译为“Four Asian Tigers”, 之所以不翻译为“Four Asian Dragons”, 是因为在英美文化当中, Dragon一词代表的是一种凶猛的爬行动物, 是暴力与邪恶的象征, 无法体现出亚洲四小龙的褒扬之意。在品牌翻译中也有同样的例子, 例如“飞鸽”品牌的翻译, 最早被翻译为“Flying Pigeon”, 而Pigeon一词在英美文化中是指飞不动的肉鸽, 带有愚蠢的意思;再比如白象电池的品牌翻译最早直译为“White Elephant”, 在英美文化中, 该词是指大而无用的东西, 翻译出来的效果大不如意。这些词语表面上看起来并不属于模糊词的范畴, 但是由于身处具体的文化背景之下, 带有了模糊语的性质, 因此需要准确的翻译, 才能够带来良好的效果。


[1]高现伟.商务英语中模糊语言的显化和隐化翻译[J].太原城市职业技术学院学报, 2010, (5) .

[2]田敏, 贾德江.从关联翻译理论视角分析商务英语信函中模糊语的汉译[J].新西部, 2010, (4) .

[3]高现伟.商务英语中模糊语言的翻译策略[J].中国电力教育, 2009, (2) .

[4]史雯娜, 陈跃.模糊语在商务英语中的运用分析[J].安徽农业大学学报 (社会科学版) , 2009, (1) .

[5]杨梅.商务英语的语用特点及其模糊性[J].衡阳师范学院学报, 2008, (4) .

浅谈商务语言中模糊语的翻译 篇8

这里的“模糊“一词源于“模糊语言学”。它不同于“含混不清”,“含混不清”是对本应该说清楚的事物而没有说清楚。常指人们运用语言不当而产生的消极结果,是尽量要避免的现象,而模糊则是不确定性,对某些事物我们有时无法说得很精确,甚至有意说得“模糊”点。“。。。not on all occasions do practical English writing try to be concrete and specific.Sometimes vagueness is preferred.”就是这个道理。

2. 商务语言中模糊语义




It gives my hair a top-quality look.

It gives my hair super shine,superbody,and leaves it smelling fresh as a meadow.




A:Now,here is a list of my re-quirements.If the quality of your goods exported is as good as that of the samples displayed,and the prices are reasonable,we expect to place regular orders for fairly large numbers.

B:Mr.Brown,I can assume youof our fine quality and reasonable prices.Here are our latest question sheets,and you will see that our prices are most competitive.

上面例句中的reasonable、regular、fairly large numbers等都是一些含义相对模糊的词语,正是运用了这些模糊语,才使得谈判向成功方向发展。



“Business Communications”中也指出,在不需要或不可能获得具体数据时,或是让对方乐于接受时,我们使用模糊语义会更有外交性和策略性,如:

Please make serious efforts to getthe goods dispatched with the least possible delay.






3. 商务语言中模糊翻译







译文:The registered capital shall generally be represented in Renminbi,or may be in a foreign currency agreed upon by the parties to the point venture.

A:How does one register the jointventure?


B:We’ll prepare all the necessary documentation and present it to the responsible authority.We’ll do it well in three months.


Due to heavy demand,we can ac-cept orders only for May/June delivery.








模糊语言翻译 篇9

1.improve the accuracy of the expression in business communication

In business communication especially cross-cultural communication, the accurate say what you mean is very important, but because the objective affairs itself has uncertainty, with precise language sometimes difficult to describe something substantial effect.Linguists Grice pointed out that, in the language of the four with cooperation Principle (Cooperative Principle) : quantity standards, quality standards, correlation rule and the way standards, quality standards is the request to the information provided are true, this information is not the real refers to a false word, lack of sufficient evidence in the case also can't jump to conclusions.From this perspective, business English in the use of fuzzy language can have undoubtedly exactly mean role as the communicator.

2.in the business communication express politeness

In business communication, courtesy is first consider elements, in the friendly and polite atmosphere of business activity to going well, especially in cross-cultural communication, to keep the different cultural backgrounds of respect to negotiate is necessary, for such a purpose in negotiations, letter using fuzzy language can put the words implicative tactfully, especially for some to touch to the interests and conflicts topic, fuzzy language can rise from its sharpness, snakes function, to both sides of the business contacts is favorable.

3.enhance the flexibility of business communication

In business communication to meet directly or attitude that has not been confirmed event, the use of fuzzy language can enhance the flexibility of language expression, to verbal communication both sides leave a buffer space.In the information level highly developed today, fast changing business information, commercial opportunity won't last forever, and in the international business communication, to get more business from the interests of use of fuzzy language, can be in a friendly atmosphere of peace complete trade, maintaining the negotiations both sides common interests.

4.according to the specific circumstances strengthening ego to protect

Business English fuzzy language in another important purpose, it is to strengthen the business activities to protect themselves.Because in many cases, the change of actual condition is likely to exceed of control, reasonable use of fuzzy language can reduce on this kind of problem when the extent of the additional responsibilities.In business advertising especially cross-cultural advertising business in this kind of circumstance is more see.Although most international requirements must be true advertisements to express commodity itself characteristics and use, but in fact of fuzzy language in business advertising is still very common.

5.pay attention to manifest the way of Cain and translation

Manifest translation, namely the manifestation, exhausted, translation of specific refers to “the target text with more obvious form expression of the source text information, the translator is in the process of translating add explanatory phrases or add connection, the word to enhance version of the logic and solution, so that the original is dry dark source language in becomes clear, and understand, plain”.The opposite of the process is known as the secret, refers to the language translation norms, and to be translated language zhongyuan some language ingredient of the process.How to correctly use manifest the translation strategies and Cain, mainly depends on the specific context and language culture characteristics.Such as compared with the indo-european language, Chinese all aspects of manifest degrees are relatively low.Manifestation of translation methods can reveal text important implications, especially in cross-cultural communication, eliminate the cultural differences between the translation method can make us more clear of the actual text content

6.abide by the principle of relevance language translation

Business English translations of relevance is refers to the translator should be based on the translation of the specific conditions and environment, which can translate at the lowest cost of processing produce the listener get contextual effect.As stated above, vague language use and the precise language of different, can provide wider context space, also more not easy for listening to have complete understanding.Therefore, the original intention and the listener's expected the organic relation between business English as fuzzy language translation in the important principle.

7.the results and reflect on translation of information

Combined with concrete translation context and cultural background, relatively objective and an accurate reflection of the original meaning to be expressed, business English language translation is the important goal of fuzzy.Especially business activities in essence is a kind of communication, and the use of fuzzy language to produce some ambiguity, so more shall pay more attention to the effect of the translation information, so as to achieve the basic purpose of communication.Such as the “Flying” brand of translation, the translation of “Flying Pigeon”, and a Pigeon word in the British and American culture is to point to fly fixed in the RouGe, with stupid mean; For another example of the elephants battery brand translation literal translation as “White Elephant”, in the British and American culture, this word is the large useless things, the effect of translation big ideal.These words on the surface looks does not belong to the category of fuzzy words, but because in specific cultural background, with the nature of the vague language, so need to accurate translation, to be able to bring the good effect.

摘要:在所谓特定的语言以及不同的标准之下, 利用模糊语言可以有效的传导出其对于认知者内心深处的不同影响。这些看似非常模糊的言语, 其信息则未必是模糊的, 可以让人们将自己的各种思维以及情绪做出一定的表达。

模糊语言翻译 篇10

Concerning translation techniques, the present author tends toassume the following attitude.It is quite different from the onewhich is inclined to ignore translation methods or dismiss themlightly as something inconsequential.On the other hand, it is alsodistant from the one which is prone to exaggerate the importance of“translation methods”, or to look upon them as“panacea”.In termsof concrete techniques of translation, there exist too many that mer-it our attention and are to be applied to translation practice.Here, the present author is going to illustrate several commonly-usedtechniques in translating fuzzy language of some American andBritish literary works:diction, extension, explanation, amplifica-tion, and conversion.

1 Commonly-used Translation Techniques of Fu-zzy Language in Literary Works

1.1 Diction

Diction means proper choice of words and phrases availablein the dictionary on the basis of accurate comprehension of the orig-inal.“There is no single, correct diction in the English language;instead, you choose different words or phrases for different con-texts.”[5]As Jonathan Swift noted, “proper words in proper placesmake the true definition.”It is evident that without proper words inproper places, there would be no translation which could functionas a reliable and unambiguous vehicle of intercourse between peo-ple speaking different languages.Nor would translation be pro-claimed as a science or a skill.

It is a hard nut to crack for translators to master the art of us-ing proper words in proper places.Furthermore, owing to the inher-ent characteristics of fuzzy language, the translation of fuzzy lan-guage is a much more difficult task to undertake.Accordingly, translators should weigh and consider every fuzzy word or expres-sion conscientiously in the light of the context before setting theirpen to translation.The following are involved in the translators’choice of expressions from the dictionary on the basis of propercomprehension:

So that Lieutenant Osborne, when coming to Russel Square onthe day of the Vaux hall party, said to the ladies, “Mrs.Sedley, Ma’am, I hope you have room;I’ve asked Dobbin of ours to comeand dine here, and go with us to Vaux hall.He’s almost as modestas Joe.”

到游乐场去的那一天, 奥斯本中尉到了勒塞尔广场, 就对太太小姐说:“赛特笠太太, 我希望您这儿有空位子。我请了我们的都宾来吃饭, 然后一块儿上游乐场。他跟乔伊斯差不多一样怕羞。[6]

As to the fuzzy word“modest”, Oxford Advanced Learner’s English-Chinese Dictionary (Extended Fourth Edition) gives thefollowing meanings:

1. (a) not large in amount, size, etc;moderate (b) not showy orsplendid in appearance;not expensive

2. (a) having or showing a not too high opinion of one’s abili-ties, qualities, etc;not vain or boastful (b) rather shy;not puttingoneself forward;bashful

3. (esp.of women or their appearance or behavior) having orshowing respect for conventional ideas of decency and purity

For what reason has Yang Bi decided meaning (a) of item 2 asher choice?Certainly, it is based on the context that she made thechoice.As a matter of fact, the above excerpt is from chapter 5 ofthe novel.At the end of the third chapter of the novel, the followingsentence let fall a hint of Joe’s character:Poor Joe, why will he beso shy?In addition, in the latter half of chapter 5, another sentencecan serve as another clue:He had arrived with a knock so very tim-id and quiet.Hence, both the evidences have justified Yang’s prop-er diction of“modest”.

1.2 Extension

As already noted, a Chinese dictionary does not necessarilysupply a proper meaning of the fuzzy language to be rendered.Then the technique of extension can be made the best of.It is evi-dent that the goal of adjustment and extension is not to seek the for-mal equivalence but to transfer the real connotation of the sourcelanguage.

It is a practice that translators will turn to a dictionary for theexact meaning of a perplexing word or expression so as to hunt for acounterpart in meaning in the target language to fit in the transla-tion.However, seldom can a dictionary provide a suitable version.For instance:

His eyes were warm and fierce and bright and his moustachewas thin and coarse.[7]

In rendering the above sentence, Wu Ningkun and Fan Zhon-gying have presented distinct Chinese versions.Wu’s renderingis:他的眼睛热情, 凶猛又明亮, 胡子又稀又粗.Fang’s render-ing is as follows:他的眼睛热情、锐利、炯炯有神, 胡子稀疏粗硬.Comparing the two versions, readers will notice their key differencejust lies in the rendering of the fuzzy word“fierce”.Without a fixedcontext, both the renderings, from the present author’s viewpoint, can be acceptable.However, being the protagonist of the novel, Ki-no is depicted as a positive figure.He is rustic, brave, and honest.Therefore, it is not fitting and proper to modify such a positive im-age using such a derogatory term as“凶猛”.In this sense, Fan’srendering“锐利”turns out to be more suitable and faithful.

1.3 Explanation

The technique of explanation is employed when there does notexist some corresponding Chinese expression or the above-men-tioned techniques fail to make sense.

The following instance is also quoted from Pearl, written byJohn Steinbeck:

Slowly he put his suppliant hat on his head.[8]

Wu Ningkun puts this sentence into Chinese as follows:慢吞吞地, 他把他那求情的帽子戴在头上.It is most likely that read-ers will be bewildered by the translation of“suppliant”:how the in-animate cap can possess the ability of“求情”?When looking it upin the dictionary, readers will find that it seems reasonable to ren-der it this way, for it means“to ask for or pray for help from some-one in power or from God”according to Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English. (English version) .Nevertheless, in such asetting, translators should flexibly consider the diction of such afuzzy word.To lucidly elaborate the meaning of this word, FanZhongying logically extends its original meaning and explains it as“为了表示谦卑而脱下的”.In this respect, readers have such afaithful and smooth translation of the above sentence:“他慢慢地把刚才为了表示谦卑而脱下的帽子又重新戴上”.[9]

In fact, none of the outstanding translators will inflexibly clingto the interpretations of the English-Chinese dictionary.They areexpert at working out a proper rendering based on their keen per-cipience and comprehension.Another instance worth noting is fromYang Bi’s translation of Vanity Fair:

He spoke of the honor of the family:the unsullied reputationof the Crawleys;expressed himself in indignant tones about her re-ceiving those young Frenchmen—those wild young men of fashion, my Lord Steyne himself, whose carriage was always at her door, who passed hours daily in her company, and whose constant pres-ence made the world talk about her.[10]

In translating the underlined part“those wild young men offashion”, Yang has illustrated the meaning by converting from theabstract to the concrete and put it as“他们全是花花公子, 行为不检点”.Provided that it was translated into Chinese as“他们全是追逐时尚的粗野男人”, hardly would such a rendering give read-ers a clear and lifelike image.Only when the translator has graspedthe author’s creative purpose and profoundly comprehend the artis-tic world, can he reproduce the style of the original.

1.4 Amplification

Amplification, also called addition, means supplying neces-sary words in the translation on the basis of an accurate comprehen-sion of the original.[11]On the whole, as a rule, a translator is notsupposed to add any meaning or subtract any meaning from theoriginal work at random.However, this does not mean that a trans-lator should refrain from supplying the necessary words in order toconvey the original meaning accurately or faithfully.It rests uponthe fact that both the English and the Chinese languages are two en-tirely different languages and each has its own historical and cultur-al background.Accordingly, many ideas that are easily compre-hended in the country of their origin can hardly make sense to peo-ple speaking a different language.Owing to the features of fuzzylanguage, the translation of fuzzy language is a much more typicalcase.As a result, it is necessary for translators to adopt the tech-nique of amplification or omission in coping with the rendering offuzzy language.As the present author has observed, nevertheless, omission is much less employed in translating fuzzy language.Thus, amplification will be elaborated in particular by citing the fol-lowing examples:

What scrubbing, baking, errand-running, and nursing therehad been to do she did.擦地板, 烤面包, 跑差使, 喂孩子, 哪一样都是她的事。[12]

In rendering the above underlined fuzzy expressions, Fu Dong-hua, a translator of considerable repute of last century, adds respec-tively four objects“地板”, “面包”“差事”and“孩子”after thefour verbs.By this means, the meaning the original means to con-vey becomes complete.Such a rendering, in the meantime, alsoconforms to the convention of Chinese expression.

The above sentence is specifically fuzzy.For the purpose ofrhetoric or coherence, and hence making the translation expressive-ly convey the original, the translator adds the underlined parts inthe Chinese version.It seems as if the amplification was overem-phasized, but the translation is still confined to and thus faithful tothe source text.

It is sometimes possible to make clear to the target languagereaders the original meaning by adding further information of thefuzzy image, as in the following example:

Phoebe Anna was thin and black, a very umbrella of a woman. (Driesel) 安娜是一个又瘦又黑的女人, 上身粗大, 下身细长。简直像一把雨伞。[13]

For the native reader, the analogy of comparing a woman’sbody to an umbrella is both vivid and humorous.Without the under-lined amplified words, however, probably most Chinese readerswill feel completely at sea.It is the proper addition that further ex-plains the analogy and hence adds to the vividness and beauty.

It is evident that to add some words or expressions, for theskilled translators, does not mean random addition.The applicationof addition should ensure that any meaning will not be subtractedor distorted.Certainly the above examples have achieved this aim.

1.5 Conversion

By conversion, it means in the present thesis the change ofparts of speech or various elements of a sentence in translation.Itis a technique required essentially by the syntactical differencesbetween Chinese and English.As a matter of fact, a word, which be-longs to a certain part of speech in one language, has to be convert-ed into another part of speech to coincide with usage of the lan-guage to be translated into.For this reason, translators are sup-posed to observe with great care the shift and change of parts ofspeech between the two languages.Accordingly, the technique ofconversion is called for.As one of the commonly adopted transla-tion techniques, this technique is widely employed in the transla-speech takes a host of forms, for instance, conversion into verbs, nouns, adjectives and adverbs.The conversion of verbs will behighlighted in particular in this part.

It is widely believed that one of the most remarkable differenc-es between English and Chinese syntax is the use of the verb.Aclose study of the English sentence, especially when comparedwith the Chinese version, will reveal that an English sentence con-tains no more than one predicate verb, while in Chinese it is not un-usual to have clusters of verbs in a simple sentence.Take the fol-lowing sentences for example:

“By Jove, she has taste!Exclaimed Henry Lynn.”

“嗬, 她还挑肥拣瘦呢!”亨利·利恩嚷道。[14]

In search for a fitting and proper Chinese rendering of thefuzzy word“taste”, Zhu Qingying has put the fuzzy noun“taste”in-to Chinese as a verbal phrase“挑肥拣瘦”.It is meant for the con-text that Rochester, the protagonist, who disguised himself as anold woman fortuneteller, only works for nobody except young la-dies.Another instance:

The furnishings of the room were heavy and dark and gloomy.[15][16]

屋里摆着深色的笨重家具, 给人一种忧郁之感。[16]

The above sentence is the depiction of the setting of a wickedquacksalver in the story.In terms of conversion of parts of speech, among other things, the adjective“gloomy”is converted into thenoun phrase“忧郁之感”.From the perspective of conversion of el-ements of a sentence, the translator Fan Zhongying converts in thetranslation of the underlined part from the predicative to the attribu-tive“深色的笨重”and objective”忧郁之感”.It is certain thatsuch a rendering has achieved the translator’s aim of readingsmoothly as well as faithfully.However, as for the translation of“gloomy”, the present author holds that it is appropriate to put it in-to Chinese as“阴森之感”, for this term can accurately convey themeaning that the place where the quacksalver dwells is like a dev-il’s den.

2 Conclusion
