




My family lives on this street. In the morning, my father goes to work and all the children go to school. My mother takes us to school everyday. She does the housework. She always has her lunch at home, and sees her friends in the afternoon. In the evening all the children come home from school. They always get home early. My father goes home from work and he is often late. After supper my two brothers and I do our homework. We go to bed at ten.



Now, the new term begins. I live the life normal as before. Every morning, I get up at 6:30. After washing, I eat breakfast at home. My mother always cooks delicious and nutritious breakfast for me. I usually go to school at 7:20 by bike. It only takes me ten minutes to get to the school.

We have the morning reading at 7:40 and the classes begin from 8:00. I usually have Chinese, math, English and other subjects. I go home at noon and have a short rest at home. Classes are over at 5:30. I usually play at school for a while and then go home. At night, I usually finish my homework and then watch TV. About 10:00, I go to bed. This is my all day.


英语委婉语是人们在社会交往中为谋求理想的交际效果而创造的一种适当的表达形式。英文euphemism(委婉语)一词源自希腊语。词首“eu—”的意思是“good”(好),词干“phemism”的意思是“speech”(言语),合起来的字面意思是“good speech”(好的语言)。美国著名作家门肯(H.L.Mencken)称委婉语为gilded words(镀金词),而斯蒂芬·坎费尔(Stefan Kanfer)把它说成cosmetic words(化妆词),他们无疑都对委婉语的含义和作用做了确切的描述。委婉语涉及民族、历史、文化、心理、语境、交际目的等方面。委婉语如此深深地嵌入我们的语言,以至我们中间没有谁——即使那些自诩为直截了当的人——能够在不使用委婉语的情况下过完一天的。

2 日常生活中的英语委婉语


2.1 老年委婉语



home for adults养老院

advanced in age(原义)年龄超前的,(委婉义)老年

distinguished gentle man(原义)尊贵先生,(委婉义)老人


golden age(美)(原义)黄金时代的人,(委婉义)老年人

golden age dub老年俱乐部

grande dame(原义)贵妇人,(委婉义)老妇人

longer living(原义)生活经历较长的人,(委婉义)老人,

seasoned man(原义)经验丰富的人,(委婉义)老人

well—preserved man(原义)保养好的人,(委婉义)老人

sunset years(原义)日落之年,(委婉义)暮年、晚年

sunset years在英语中是一个带有乐观情绪的委婉语。

2.2 死亡委婉语



be at rest(原义)在休息,(委婉义)死去、安眠

e.g.Having not heard from him for almost twenty years.I’m afraid he is at his rest.几乎二十年都没有听到他的音信了,恐怕他已长眠九泉了。

go home(原义)回家,(委婉义)死去

e.g.Doctor said:“We have tried our best.we think she is going home”.医生说:“我们已经尽了全力,看来他不行了。”

go to heaven(原义)进天堂,(委婉义)死亡

e.g.Jack went heaven after a traffic accident.杰克死于一次车祸中。

breathe one’s last(原义)作最后一次呼吸,(委婉义)断气,气绝

e.g.The general kept working until he breathed his last.这位将军一直工作到生命的最后一息。

2.3 缺点委婉语


2.3.1 表示吝啬与贪婪这方面缺点的委婉语

beat a bargain(原义)成交,(委婉义)讨价还价

count the pennies(原义)数点便士,(委婉义)精打细算



e.g.He is too tight fisted to give his wife a birthdaypresent.他小气得很,连给妻子买份生日礼物都舍不得。

live upon nothing(原义)喝西北风过日子,(委婉义)(含讽刺义)持家过于节俭,饿着肚子生活


Penny wise and pound foolish.



2.3.2 表示嫉妒方面缺点的委婉语

eat one’s heart out(原义)将心吞掉,(委婉义)妒忌得要命


e.g.He is green with envy when he saw hisneighbor’s new car.当她看到邻居的新车时,心中十分嫉妒。

green—eyed monster(原义)青眼怪物(委婉义)妒忌,犯红眼病的人

have a long nose(英)(原义)长了长鼻子,(委婉义)妒忌

have eyes in the back of one’s head.(原义)脑后长眼,(委婉义)妒忌心重


2.3.3 表示骄傲、傲慢方面缺点的委婉语

be(get)on a high horse(原义)骑上高头大马,(委婉义)摆架子,气势凌人

e.g.I have no objection to his coming,but he is abit too fond of riding the high horse.我不反对他来,不过他这个人有点喜欢摆架子。

blow one’s own born(trumpt)(原义)自吹号角(喇叭),(委婉义)自吹自擂

e.g.A person who does things well does not haveto blow his own horn.


give oneself airs(原义)做出样子,(委婉义)摆架子,自负

put on airs(俚)(原义)装出,(委婉义)装腔作势,摆架子

take a back seat to no one(原义)不愿居他人之后,(委婉义)不肯谦让,骄傲自大

turn up one’s nose at(原义)翘起鼻子,(委婉义)瞧不起,不屑一顾

2.4 身体功能委婉语


除了眼泪以外,所有身体排泄物的词汇都被认为是禁忌语。“男厕所”(Men’s lavatory)被称Gent’s,the John,the washroom。“女厕所”(Women’s lavatory)被称作Lady’s,the powder room,Mrs.Jones.“比如在开会中,某人要中途上厕所,大庭广众之下,说出“Sorry!I have to go to the toilet.”这是极不礼貌,不适宜的。可以用模糊性自由想象解决问题说“Sorry,I have to do my duty”或“Sorry,I have to fix my face”或“Sorry,I have to give myself ease”。”而克林顿总统与莱温斯基“性丑闻事件”(Clinton’s sexual scandal)被风趣的说成“拉链门事件”(Zip Gate event)。

与性有关的词汇也都有替代的委婉说法,如:“性知识”叫做(facts of life),“黄色电影”(pornographic movies)称为“成人电影”(adult films),“非法同居”(free love)美其名为“试婚”(trial marriage),“私生子”(illegitimate child)则说成是“爱情所生的孩子”(love child),至于不合法的男女关系,则用一个affair就都概括进去了。

3 结语





[1]Collins Cobiuld English Language Dictionary,1988 Harper Collins Publishers,London.






2.1 语气委婉语

语气委婉语是英语委婉语的重要体现,它表达了说话人的温文尔雅、彬彬有礼。当我们求助别人时,我们常用“请问”、“请”、“劳驾”等 礼貌用语,这就是语气委婉语。英语口语中的委婉客气也常常用语气来体现,比如 Would you like to…? /Would you mind… ? /Could you please…?/1 would prefer to…? I think it would’ve been better if you should have…?

另外,在許多公共场合我们还可以看到如下的语句:“Thank You For Not Smoking Here.”(此处禁止吸烟),“Thank You For Being Quiet”.(请 安静 )。“Thank You For Not Spitting Here.”(请勿吐痰)。这些以thank you来开头的句子实际上是一种要求,但是其语气形式温和、婉曲,既表达了真实态度,又传达了认识和礼貌情感,又使听者不觉得刺耳,容易接受。这种礼貌客气的语气向对方暗示一种意思,或把批评寓于充满希望的话语中,避免冒昧或非礼,比起直接使用祈使语气,更容易被接受。

2.2 避讳委婉语


以与怀孕有关的委婉语为例:由于怀孕与性有着直接的关系,所以大多数人都羞语说出口,于是有了与之相关的大量委婉语。例如,未婚先孕的说法有以下几种:She is in trouble. (她碰到麻烦。)She has been unwise.(她不够明智。)

She has been too friendly. (她过于友善。)即使是正常怀孕,也有大量的委婉语来替代,很少直言“pregnant”, 而是委婉地说:She is in an interesting condition. (她处在很有趣的情况中。)She is expecting. (她快要生了。)She is knocked up. (她有了。)Be in a family way.(有孩子了);to be in a delicate condition(处于碰不起的状态);a lady-in-waiting(处于等待中的妇女);eating for two(吃两份饭);have one’s watermelon on the vine(藤上有瓜了);an expectant mother(期待中的妈妈);full of heir(怀有继承人);或者说She is knitting little bootees. (她在织幼儿的毛绒鞋。)

此外在描述女性的某些生理现象时,英语中都有相应的委婉语。女性羞于把月经叫做“menstruation”,而是转弯抹角地说成“in one’s period”(在周期中), “problem days”(难处理的日子),“blue days”(忧郁的日子),“month difficulties”(每月的困难),the monthly courses(每月的程序),to have a visitor(客人来访),the red flag up(红旗升起来了)。

上厕所这一行为因为于人的私密器官相关,人们羞于提及,也有了很多委婉的表达方式。例如课堂上,学生要方便时,可问老师:May I be excused? 在口语中,常说wash up, fix my face, powder our noses, tidy myself up, visit john to do No.1 job(大便),visit john to do No.2 job(小便)等。另外,body refuse, human waste products, excrement等文雅词则用来表达人们不愿提及的排泄物。

同样,疾病也有很多委婉的说法。比如crippled(瘸的, 有残疾的)常常委婉地说成是handicapped 或physically challenged; 而disabled(残疾的)也婉称为differently abled (体能不同的人) ; Blind(盲的)说成 sightless;称 constipation(便秘)为 irregularity; 癌症说成是Capital Letter C (Cancer);Syphilis(梅毒)是French disease(法国病)等等。比如,要表达的意思是She is deaf.(她是聋子。)但是直接说可能会给她造成伤害,就可以使用委婉的方式来表达She is hard of hearing.(她听力有困难。)

在英语国家中,老和死也很受忌讳,往往用委婉语来表达。老意味着生命走向尽头,意味着力量的衰退和活力的消失,对很多人来讲是一件恐怖的事情,当不得不提到老的时候,各种委婉语应运而生。如:elderly(上了年纪),senior citizens(资深公民), the mature(成熟的人), the advanced in age(年长的人), the longer living,(生活经历较长的人) seasoned man(历练的人)。自然的,养老院说成了 home for adults/the aged(上了年龄的人的家),an adult community(上了年龄的人的区域),等等。同样,关于死的委婉语就更多了。比如:pass away (过去了),be gone, expire(逝世),go to heaven(去天堂), breathe one’s last(咽气),join the majority(加入大多数人), go the way of all fresh(走了所有人都要走的路), be gone to a better world(去了更好的世界),fall asleep (睡着了),rest (休息),depart (离开),be gone (走了), safe in the arms of Jesus(在耶稣的安全怀抱里),join the angels(和天使在一起),be gone to a better land(去了更好的地方),quit the world(离开这个世界),depart from the world(离开这个世界),go to another world(去了另一个世界),go to one’s home (回家了),pay one’s debt to nature(偿还自然的债务), troubles be over now (烦恼结束了), to go to one’s long home(回到永久之家),to have found rest(得到安息),in heaven(在天堂),with God(和上帝在一起)、 to be present at the last roll call(出席最后一次点名)、to be written off (被勾销) 、to fall(倒下)、to fire one’ s last shot(射出最后一发子弹)。例如,Smith先生的太太去世了,前去悼念的人说I feel sorry for the loss of your husband,用loss这个词替代death是为了不使Smith先生感到难过。

2.3 职业委婉语

职业委婉语也是委婉語研究的一个重要内容。在传统意义上,有一些职业被认为是低下的、不体面的,而为了使这些职业“体面化”,人们使用各种其他的词汇来指代它们。例如,当人们将餐厅中的waiter或waitress(服务员)称为dining-room attendants(餐厅管理员)时,服务员的地位被提升为管理员。同样地,cook被称为chef时,其地位立刻由厨子变成了烹饪大师。 butcher(屠夫)也可以被委婉地称为meat technologist(肉类技术专家)。maid(女仆,女佣人)被美化为domestic help(家政助理);将染发的人委婉称为dye artist (染发艺术家);家庭主妇也被美称为domestic engineer(室内工程师,内务工程师)。另外secretary(秘书)常常被婉称为administrative assistant(行政助理); washwoman(洗衣女工)说成是clothing refresher(清理衣服者)更为好听;salesman(销售员)称为是manufacturer's representative(生产商代表)就显得更体面了; hairdresser(理发师)也有更为体面的说法beautician,cosmetologist(美容师);janitor(看门人)的委婉语是security officer(安全官员);prostitute(妓女)常常被委婉地称为sex worker(性工作者)。

值得一提的是,英语中engineer (工程师)一词在委婉语中出现的频率非常高;这个词常常用来提升一些体力劳动职业者的地位;它是英语中最受人们喜爱的职业拔高词(uplifting word) 。众多的一般的工作因为engineer 这个词而得到提升,比如灭鼠者变成了exterminating engineer(清理工程师),管道工人成为了maintenance engineer(维护工程师)。一些“体面”的职业,也因为加一个engineer 的头衔,成为了更为体面的职业。如: optician (眼镜商)改称为vision engineer (视力工程师) ;bedding manufacturer (床具制造商) 改称为mattress engineer (床垫工程师) 或sleep engineer (睡眠工程师) 。school principal ( 中小学校长) 称为educational engineer ( 教育工程师) 。publicity engineer (广告工程师) 是press agent (宣传员,广告员) 的委婉语。 再如,advertising engineer 其实就是 advertising man (广告员) ,sales engineer 也就是 salesperson (营业员,推销员),不同的是,因为委婉语的使用这些职业得到了美化和拔高。

3. 结论



[1]陈艳丽.英语委婉语与语用原则——从英语委婉表达看礼貌原则的取舍[J]. 湖北经济学院学报(人文社会科学版). 2009,(06).

[2]马炜娜.委婉语的语用分析[J]. 考试周刊, 2011(47).

[3]陈蕾.英语委婉语的语用分析[J]. 时代文学(下半月), 2010(10).

[4]杨晓春,王亚妮.从语用学视角看英语委婉语[J]. 绥化学院学报, 2009(04).


Today is Monday. I got up at 6:30 am. Then I washed my face and ate breakfast. Milk, bread, egg and porridge are my favorites. My mother always getsup early and cooks for me. This morning, I drank a cup of milk and ate bread and an egg. After breakfast, I went to school at 7:00. School started at 7:50 and I usually get there at 7:30. I had English, history, math and geography in the morning.

I liked English very much, because my English teacher is very nice. After school in the morning, I went home at 11:30. Then I ate lunch and then had a short rest. I went to school at 14:00. In the afternoon, I had four classes: music, biology, and two periods ofChinese. I liked Chinese, too, because Chinese is our national language and its very beautiful. After school, I went home for dinner. After dinner, I spent half and an hour inmy homework. Then I watched TV and played computer games.


★ 我的一天英语作文

★ 我的一天生活英语作文

★ 我的一天英语作文详解

★ 我的一天英语作文初一

★ 我暑假的一天英语作文

★ 我的一天英语作文60词

★ 六年级英语作文我家人的一天

★ 一天的日程安排英语作文

★ 完美的一天英语作文


When it was time to leave, the children in the welfare home were reluctant to say goodbye to us. Walking on the way home, my heart cant be calm for a long time. Compared with the children in the welfare home, how happy and happy we are living in the arms of our relatives. We should cherish our present life, study hard and repay our parents with outstanding achievements. At the same time, we should also care about the vulnerable groups, so that they are no longer lonely and self abased, and the world is full of love.



各民族的语言都有替代‘死’的委婉语在英语委婉语中表达“死亡”的历史十分悠久。也有多种表现形式,有不少源自英语圣经,如:To rest in Abraham’s bosom(在亚伯拉罕的怀里安息);to go the way of all flesh(走众生之路);to go to one’s last reward(得到最后的报偿);to be at rest(安息 );to yield up one’s ghost(断气)等等均表示“死亡”之意, 沿用至今。莎士比亚则是一位划时代的语言大师,在哈姆莱特那篇有关生与死的著名独白中,die和death各仅出现了两次,其余的地方皆使用委婉的隐喻来暗示“死亡”。在这段二百来词的独白中,“死”的委婉说法竟达十种之多,而且构思奇巧,真乃千古绝唱!如:not to be(不复存在);to end them(i.e.a sea of troubles)(结束人世无涯的苦难);to sleep(安眠);to be no more(不再活着);to end the heart-ache and the thousand natural shocks that flesh is hair to(结束心头的创痛及其他无数血肉之躯不能避免的打击);to shuffle off this mortal coil(摆脱这一具朽腐的皮囊);to make one’s quietus(偿清一生的债务);to fly to other ills that we know not of(向我们所不知道的痛苦飞去);a consummation devoutly to be wished(求之不得的结局);the undiscovered country,from whose bourn no traveler returns(从来不曾有一个旅人从那里回来过的神秘之乡)。这些委婉语绝大多数是通过隐喻来创造的。这种方法叫隐喻转换法(metaphorical transfer),是构成委婉语的最重要和最为常用的一种方法。(480、893)此外,如用answer the final call,be asleep in the Arms of God,be at peace,to go to one' s long home,go to sleep,return to dust,going to a better world,go to heaven,depart from this world,be out of pain, breathe one’s last,be knocked out,lay down one's pen,be no more,be gone,go to sleep forever,expire,go to the other world,to give up one’s ghost to be gathered to one's fathers, to be taken to paradise等。在比较庄重的书面语中则常用pass away或depart(逝世)西方的基督教徒把‘死’称之谓,to be with God(与上帝在一起)go to one's maker(去见上帝)等。还有一些与死相关的词汇也尽量回避直言其词。如用the loved one,the dear departed,goner婉指死者。当代汉语中的同义委婉语是“去见马克思”为了淡化人们的恐惧心理,coffin(棺材)常被说成casket(匣子)或box(盒子);graveyard(墓地)现在被称为memorial park(纪念公园).这些有关死亡的委婉语都表达了西方人的一种良好的向往,希望离开人世的亲人朋友都能够入土为安,甚至希望他们去世以后有个像大堂、极乐世界这样的好去处

英美文化中大多回避使用“老”这个字眼。“老”意味着衰朽残年,来时不多,人一旦变老,就意味着要被逐出主流社会,表示对社会无用了。特别是由于美国人口老龄化日趋严重,养老压力越来越大以及越来越多的年轻人选择丁克式生活,老年人似乎成为了社会的累赘。这些便是有关 “老”的委婉语产生的缘由。所以在英美文化中人们总是爱用委婉语来代替“老”这一字眼,有的干脆对其冠以美称。如指老人可用如下委婉语:distinguished,seasoned man, senior citizen,well- preserved man,resident婉指老人院的老人。golden age,adult,third age婉指老年、晚年。to be advanced,elderly,mature婉指老的,年老的。养老院在西方社会十分盛行。因此很多婉指养老院的词汇就产生了。如 :a convalescent hospital,a home for adults,a nursing home,a private hospital,a rest home等。

关于病症和病人的名称也是西方人忌讳的字眼,人们常避粗就细,避俗就雅,表现出一种尊重和超脱的态度。如: 用under the weather来代替sick(患病);用big C,long illness, C.A等来代替cancer(癌症);用have a heart condition来代替heart attack disease(心脏病);用be a little confused,mental trouble, mental来代替insanity(精神病);用the old man's friend(老年之友 )代替pneumonia(肺炎)把leprosy(麻疯病)称为Hansen's disease( 汉森病)把apoplexy(中风)称为accident(偶发症)把indigestion(消化不良)称为overeating(饮食过度),有些使人惊愕的病症常以缩写词或缩写式表示,较易接受T.B.代替(tuberculosis)结核病 ;Venereal(性病,花柳病)用V.D.代替;body odor(狐臭)用BO代替;influenza(流感)用flu代替。

英语中,各种残疾人都可被称为handicapped近年来开始用the mobility impaired(行动障碍者)一词来专指肢体残缺者把the deaf(聋子)称为hard of hearing(耳背);把the crippled( 跛子)称为the handicapped(残废者);把the mad(疯子)称为mentally disturbed(精神紊乱者);把drunkards(醉汉或酒徒)称为alcoholics(嗜酒者)“dumb”“哑”用mute或speech-impaired代替。blind一词可用visually impaired或partially-sighted,甚至还有people with low visual acuity或people with low vision的说法。


在美国的学校里也开始时兴使用委婉语,使用委婉语被视为一条教学规则。美国教育心理学上有一个相当流行的术语,就是self-fulfilling prophecy,意思是学生的学习效果是随着教师的语言、态度而变化的。这就要求教师在评价学生时要仔细推敲其措辞,用“积极用语”来代替“消极用语”。因此,教师对学生的评论一般都采用“抬高词”(uplifting words),因为这样做听起来更温和,典雅和体面;且不会伤害学生的自尊心。恰当地使用委婉语对协调师生之间、教师与家长之间的关系十分重要,老师常用能使学生和家长都能接受的方式来描述那些不求上进或学习落后的学生。比如, 一位考试成绩较差的学生在谈到学生学习成绩差时,教师避免用poor,bad等词,而用:He is a below average student,也可说He is working at his own level.当想表达一个学生比较“迟钝”或“笨”时,不用slow或stupid,而是说He can do better work with help.如果说一个生性较懒的学生时,不用lazy,而用underachiever(未能充分发挥潜力的学生),但有时也用于一些委婉的批评,The student is lazy.(这个学生很懒)表达为I’m afraid he has to exert himself in his study.(恐怕他在学习上对自己得施加压力.)如果一位学生在考试中作弊(to cheat in the exam)则称作to depend on others to do his/her work。这样听起来就不刺耳。又如,把“低能儿”说成educable,trainable, a bit slow for his age等;special students通常指有残疾的学生;visually retarded students则指盲人学生。credibility gap经常撒谎的学生;seems to feel secure only in group situation结帮做坏事的学生;resorts to physical means of winning his point or attracting attention动辄动武的学生,等。“文盲” 说成verbally deficient。诸如此类的委婉语还有:用to have a tendency to stretch the truth.(有夸大事实的倾向)来代替to lie sometimes。





【关键词】委婉语 日常生活 文化教育 用法



各民族的语言都有替代‘死’的委婉语在英语委婉语中表达“死亡”的历史十分悠久。也有多种表现形式,有不少源自英语圣经,如:To rest in Abraham’s bosom(在亚伯拉罕的怀里安息);to go the way of all flesh(走众生之路);to go to one’s last reward(得到最后的报偿);to be at rest(安息);to yield up one’s ghost(断气)等等均表示“死亡”之意,沿用至今。莎士比亚则是一位划时代的语言大师,在哈姆莱特那篇有关生与死的著名独白中,die和death各仅出现了两次,其余的地方皆使用委婉的隐喻来暗示“死亡”。在这段二百来词的独白中,“死”的委婉说法竟达十种之多,而且构思奇巧,真乃千古绝唱!如:not to be(不复存在);to end them(i.e.a sea of troubles)(结束人世无涯的苦难);to sleep(安眠);to be no more(不再活着);to end the heart-ache and the thousand natural shocks that flesh is hair to(结束心头的创痛及其他无数血肉之躯不能避免的打击);to shuffle off this mortal coil(摆脱这一具朽腐的皮囊);to make one’s quietus(偿清一生的债务);to fly to other ills that we know not of(向我们所不知道的痛苦飞去);a consummation devoutly to be wished(求之不得的结局);the undiscovered country,from whose bourn no traveler returns(从来不曾有一个旅人从那里回来过的神秘之乡)。这些委婉语绝大多数是通过隐喻来创造的。这种方法叫隐喻转换法(metaphorical transfer),是构成委婉语的最重要和最为常用的一种方法。(480、893)此外,如用answer the final call,be asleep in the Arms of God,be at peace,to go to one' s long home,go to sleep,return to dust,going to a better world,go to heaven,depart from this world,be out of pain,breathe one’s last,be knocked out,lay down one's pen,be no more,be gone,go to sleep forever,expire,go to the other world,to give up one’s ghost to be gathered to one's fathers,to be taken to paradise等。在比较庄重的书面语中则常用pass away或depart(逝世)西方的基督教徒把‘死’称之谓,to be with God(与上帝在一起)go to one's maker(去见上帝)等。还有一些与死相关的词汇也尽量回避直言其词。如用the loved one,the dear departed,goner婉指死者。当代汉语中的同义委婉语是“去见马克思”为了淡化人们的恐惧心理,coffin(棺材)常被说成casket(匣子)或box(盒子);graveyard(墓地)现在被称为memorial park(纪念公园).这些有关死亡的委婉语都表达了西方人的一种良好的向往,希望离开人世的亲人朋友都能够入土为安,甚至希望他们去世以后有个像大堂、极乐世界这样的好去处

英美文化中大多回避使用“老”这个字眼。“老”意味着衰朽残年,来时不多,人一旦变老,就意味着要被逐出主流社会,表示对社会无用了。特别是由于美国人口老龄化日趋严重,养老压力越来越大以及越来越多的年轻人选择丁克式生活,老年人似乎成为了社会的累赘。这些便是有关“老”的委婉语产生的缘由。所以在英美文化中人们总是爱用委婉语来代替“老”这一字眼,有的干脆对其冠以美称。如指老人可用如下委婉语:distinguished,seasoned man,senior citizen,well- preserved man,resident婉指老人院的老人。golden age,adult,third age婉指老年、晚年。to be advanced,elderly,mature婉指老的,年老的。养老院在西方社会十分盛行。因此很多婉指养老院的词汇就产生了。如:a convalescent hospital,a home for adults,a nursing home,a private hospital,a rest home等。

关于病症和病人的名称也是西方人忌讳的字眼,人们常避粗就细,避俗就雅,表现出一种尊重和超脱的态度。如:用under the weather来代替sick(患病);用big C,long illness,C.A等来代替cancer(癌症);用have a heart condition来代替heart attack disease(心脏病);用be a little confused,mental trouble,mental来代替insanity(精神病);用the old man's friend(老年之友)代替pneumonia(肺炎)把leprosy(麻疯病)称为Hansen's disease(汉森病)把apoplexy(中风)称为accident(偶发症)把indigestion(消化不良)称为overeating(饮食过度),有些使人惊愕的病症常以缩写词或缩写式表示,较易接受T.B.代替(tuberculosis)结核病;Venereal(性病,花柳病)用V.D.代替;body odor(狐臭)用BO代替;influenza(流感)用flu代替。

英语中,各种残疾人都可被称为handicapped近年来开始用the mobility impaired(行动障碍者)一词来专指肢体残缺者把the deaf(聋子)称为hard of hearing(耳背);把the crippled(跛子)称为the handicapped(残废者);把the mad(疯子)称为mentally disturbed(精神紊乱者);把drunkards(醉汉或酒徒)称为alcoholics(嗜酒者)“dumb”“哑”用mute或speech-impaired代替。blind一词可用visually impaired或partially-sighted,甚至还有people with low visual acuity或people with low vision的说法。


在美国的学校里也开始时兴使用委婉语,使用委婉语被视为一条教学规则。美国教育心理学上有一个相当流行的术语,就是self-fulfilling prophecy,意思是学生的学习效果是随着教师的语言、态度而变化的。这就要求教师在评价学生时要仔细推敲其措辞,用“积极用语”来代替“消极用语”。因此,教师对学生的评论一般都采用“抬高词”(uplifting words),因为这样做听起来更温和,典雅和体面;且不会伤害学生的自尊心。恰当地使用委婉语对协调师生之间、教师与家长之间的关系十分重要,老师常用能使学生和家长都能接受的方式来描述那些不求上进或学习落后的学生。比如,一位考试成绩较差的学生在谈到学生学习成绩差时,教师避免用poor,bad等词,而用:He is a below average student,也可说He is working at his own level.当想表达一个学生比较“迟钝”或“笨”时,不用slow或stupid,而是说He can do better work with help.如果说一个生性较懒的学生时,不用lazy,而用underachiever(未能充分发挥潜力的学生),但有时也用于一些委婉的批评,The student is lazy.(这个学生很懒)表达为I’m afraid he has to exert himself in his study.(恐怕他在学习上对自己得施加压力.)如果一位学生在考试中作弊(to cheat in the exam)则称作to depend on others to do his/her work。这样听起来就不刺耳。又如,把“低能儿”说成educable,trainable,a bit slow for his age等;special students通常指有残疾的学生;visually retarded students则指盲人学生。credibility gap经常撒谎的学生;seems to feel secure only in group situation结帮做坏事的学生;resorts to physical means of winning his point or attracting attention动辄动武的学生,等。“文盲”说成verbally deficient。诸如此类的委婉语还有:用to have a tendency to stretch the truth.(有夸大事实的倾向)来代替to lie sometimes。






A lovely pring day, I had finihed a whole day’ tudy, riding back home. Suddenly, I found I couldn’t ride eaily and felt exceedingly tired at that time. So, I got off and took a look at my bike. It wa omething wrong with my bicycle’ tyre, it had been punctured by a mall nail. What wa wore, I wa frutrated by that there wa no money in my pocket for I couldn’t repair it.

Walking along the treet, I wa extremely excited becaue a repairman on the roadide wa fixing the bike. But, I wa bewildered a oon a I thought of no money. Surpriingly, the man found me and aked me to come to him. I aid to him:” I’ m orry that I have no money to repair the bike.” “It doen’t matter!” he replied bluntly. After a few minute, my bike wa repaired well by him without pay.


It was the third day of the First Lunar Month in the year. Snow was falling fast. Large snow flakes swirled in the strong north winds, cutting the faces of people walking in the snow. One would feel a shudder. It is the day for the married women here in Chinawho lost their moms or dads to pay a visit to their former families.

Marry together with her family have lived inChinafor ten years. Last year her father died from a car accident. Following the Chinese tradition, she was on her way to visit her mother right on the third of the First Lunar Month.

The ground was covered with a thick layer of snow about 20 centimeters and everything was looking white. To walk on the ground would be quite difficult. It’s not easy for her to pull out her legs from the thick snow and make other steps further on the ground. Sometimes she fell on the snow, although she was not hurt much since the ground had a soft cover of deep snow, she would lose much of her strength after a long struggle on the ground. She couldn’t cheer herself up, since that day was the Third of the first Lunar Month. And she had no time to enjoy the natural scene with snow, but felt much boring on the unfortunate date.


today is a wonderful day,because i went to play with my friends. We wondered in the street, where is a lot of people that are very big and wide. At throe same time, we bought a lot of funny toys, which as a present to our dear english teacher. Today is sunny,but in the afternoon ,it turned to be cloud,then it was very cool now. Altough we wear coat, we still feel a kind of cold, which iis a kind of enjoyment. After five hours walking around the mall, we felt very tired, so we walked to the park, where is very beautiful and romantic.There is a lot of old men and pet in the park, these old is happily talk with each other, one of them sang even dance like a child, what a harmonious scene!I like it very much. Whats more, the animals is run quickly, palying games with people , how cute they are. Them I realise what is more important for human beings.
