





He should work harder.


You should help your mother with the housework.


Crime should be punished.


Should I wear a coat?


2、表示“可能,该(=will probably) ”

He should arrive soon.


The train should have already left.



If it should rain tomorrow, don’t expect me.



It’s strange that he should be late.



What time does the film start?


How should I know?


Ann’s very unhappy.


Could your wife help us in the office tomorrow?


6、should加完成式:should have done表示“本应该做某事,但事实上却没有做”;shouldn’t have done表示“本不该做某事,但事实上却做了”。如:

You should have got up earlier. 你本应该早点起的。

You shouldn’t have told him about it. 你本不该把这件事告诉他的。


He should work harder. 他应该更加努力。

You should help your mother with the housework. 你应该帮你母亲做家务。

Crime should be punished. 犯罪应受惩罚。

Should I wear a coat?我要穿大衣吗?

2、表示“可能,该(=will probably) ”

He should arrive soon他可能很快就到了。

The train should have already left. 火车大概已经走了。


If it should rain tomorrow, don’t expect me. 万一明天下雨,就不要等我了。


It’s strange that he should be late. 真奇怪,他竟会迟到。


—What time does the film start? 电影什么时候开始?

—How should I know? 我怎么知道?

—Ann’s very unhappy. 安非常不高兴。

—Why should I care? 这管我什么事?

—Could your wife help us in the office tomorrow? 你妻子明天能到办公室来帮帮我们吗?

—Why should she? She doesn’t work for you. 她为什么就该去? 她又不是为你们工作的。

6、should加完成式:should have done表示“本应该做某事,但事实上却没有做”;shouldn’t have done表示“本不该做某事,但事实上却做了”。如:

You should have got up earlier. 你本应该早点起的。

You shouldn’t have told him about it. 你本不该把这件事告诉他的。

7、should与ought to的比较

(1) 除表示“万一”“竟然”等只能用should外,表示“应该,应当”“可能”等,两者可互换,只是ought to的语气稍重。如:

You ought to/should work harder than that. 你应当更努力地工作

She ought to/should finish it by next week. 下星期她可能完成了。

You ought to/should have told him about it earlier. 你本应该早点把这件事告诉他的。

You oughtn’t to/shouldn’t have wasted time like that. 你本不该像那样浪费时间的。

(2) should 强调主观看法,而 ought to 强调客观要求。如:

We ought to go and see my mother in hospital tomorrow, but I don’t think we will. 我们按理应当在明天去看看住院的母亲的,但我主认为我们不会去。

(3) 在公告、须知或条例中,出于礼貌,常用should。如:

You shouldn’t run alongside the swimming pool. 不准在游泳池边奔跑。

(4) 在虚拟语气中只能用should。如(from

He suggested that I should go there. 他建议我去那里。

(5) 注意ought to的否定式与疑问式。如:

You ought not to do it. 你不应该做此事。

—Ought he to start now? 他现在该动身了吗?

—Yes, he ought (to) . 是的,该动身了。


赵华(2001:9)认为,如I suggest you speak English with your friends as often as possible之类的间接言语行为,所涉及到的说话者和听话者具有复杂的角色。[1]说话者是表达“建议”意向的言语行为的主体,并指向受到作用的客体。而听话者,则具备两个角色:一个是说话者的意向对象;另一个是动词“speak”所代表未来行为的主体。也就是说,这类间接言语行为具有两个主体,发出指令行为的是“我”,而实际完成未来行为的是“你”。


Searle(1975,1979)根据字面意义和言外语力之间的联系,Searle还将间接言语行为分为了规约性和非规约性。所谓规约性间接言语行为,是指根据句子的句法形式,按照习惯可立刻推断出间接的“言外之力”,而非规约性间接言语行为则须根据语境来判断。按照Searle的分类,则在一个语言中是规约性的间接言语行为,如果读者不讲本族语,或者译者直接按照源语的语句句法形式来翻译,则很可能变成了一个非规约性的间接言语行为。则可能造成交流的失败。另外,Searle将英语中标准的指示性间接言语行为组合成了不同的范畴,其中第5个范畴,是有关听话者实现言语行为理由的语句:比如you ought to…,you should…must you…等等。

马刚,吕晓娟(2007)比较了CLEC ST6和BNC Written两个语料库中情态动词(can,should,would,等)在每一百万词中出现的频数,发现中国英语学习者和英语本族语在情态动词使用的总体频数方面存在显著差异,前者为25731,后者为14487,前者约是后者的两倍。更为重要的是,中国英语学习者所使用的should,dare,can,have to呈现超用现象,分别是后者的3.9倍,3.8倍,3.3倍2.2倍。[2]笔者所关注的,是should这个词的使用频数,在中国英语学习者中,居然是本族语使用者的3.9倍。而Euthanasia should be legalized in China作文中,中国英语学习者大量使用了should,所导致的语用效果就是语气不够委婉,听起来具有强制性,过于直接,甚至唐突,冒犯对方。

王宇等(2008)通过比较CLEC-ST6,LOCNESS,ICLE-French三个英语议论文语料库,检验了认知情态词汇的文化差别,并且比较了中、美、法三个文化之间关于“I think”这个词的用法。王宇等引用Aijmer(2001),Cameron(1999),Granger(1998),Hyland(1995)的研究成果,认为“I think”作为话语标记,通常意味着不确定性。一方面,作者通过这个词暗示自己的观点有待读者的进一步认可;另一方面避免任何强加于人的可能性。并通过手动筛选,王宇等发现,中国英语学习者倾向于在“I think”后的从句中用上“should”这个词,高达30%,而美国本族语的英语学习者的相关比例只有12%。事实上,王宇等发现,在表达不确定性方面,美国本族语学习者更倾向于加上更多的论据,而在句式上则使用了if引导从句,或者以“although,somehow,while,well”让步副词和连词等较多。





当然,教导和法规又有所区别。和基督教的十诫相比,十诫的句型是“You shall not murder…”可以将“murder”换成其他动词,比如steal,covet,等等。主语是“你,你们”,谓语是“不能”做某事。这是一种针对别人的法令。在”Analects of Confucius”,“shall”这个词的使用,完全是另外一个含义,表示一般将来时,“将要,会”或者和“we”一起连用在疑问句中,表示“好吗?要不要?”,而且主语都是“我”。

《论语》有很多英译者,有些是汉语为母语者,有些是英语为母语者。本文将选择James Legge[4]的译本,王福林[5]的注译本,和刘殿爵[6]和Arther Waley[7]的英译本。本文将从《论语》汉英对比和不同英语译本对比,来找到中国英语学习者在使用should的频率是英语为母语者的3.9倍背后所隐藏的文化差别,具体而言,是3.9倍的差距背后,中国英语学习者所自动忽略或过滤的多种表达方式。


刘译中使用should的小节总共有47处,其中23处表示“应该”,21处表示虚拟,3处表示意愿,“I should like to…”“I should say…”,表达“应该”的should词汇的使用,占到49%;

而James Legge译本中有62小节使用了should,其中30处表达“应该”的含义,23处表达虚拟,8处表达“意愿”,还有1处表达惊异和意外,例如“Why should he have such a sickness”。在此译本中,表达“应该”的should的使用,占到48%。

Arthur Waley译本中有58小节使用了should,其中3处表示惊讶(痛苦,或喜悦),11表示意愿,例如“I should say,I should like…”等,24处表示虚拟语气,而20处表示“应该”。表示“应该”的should的使用占到34%。

在所有四个译本中,都采用了“should”来表示“震惊,悲痛”的意思,“斯人也而有斯疾也”,王译本为,“Such a good man should suffer such an illness!”James Legge译本为,“(It is the appointment of Heaven,alas!)That such a man should have such a sickness!”刘译本为,“(It must be Destiny.)Why else should such a man be stricken with such a disease?”而Arthur Waley译本为,“(Heaven has so ordained it—)But that such a man should have such an illness!”


根据笔者对王福林译本和刘殿爵译本和James Legge译本的统计,将三个译本都自动选用should“应该”含义的句子加以整理,发现只有五句。1)子曰:“弟子入则孝,出则第,谨而信,泛爱众,而柔仁。”2)定公问:“君使臣,臣事君,如之何?”孔子对曰,“君使臣以礼,臣事君以忠”。3)非夫人之为恸而谁为?4)闻斯行诸?5)必不得已而去,于斯之者何先?

根据笔者将王福林译本、刘殿爵译本、James Leggge译本和Arthur Waley译本的比较,四个译本都不约而同选用“should”这个词的应该含义的句子,总共有两句。1)定公问:“君使臣,臣事君,如之何?”孔子对曰,“君使臣以礼,臣事君以忠”。2)闻斯行诸?


2.1 一般现在时的特殊社会功能:表示“应该”,语气最为强烈

一般现在时有着多种社会功能。第一,可以用来描述事物或人物的特征,比如The sky is blue。第二,可以用来描述经常性或习惯性动作。比如,I get up at six fifty every day。第三,用来表达客观规律或者说“永恒的真理”,比如The earth is no the center of the universe。周立华(2002)[8]引用Palmer功能语言学的观点认为,一般现在时从本质上而言,是表情态,而非时间。要么指此地和当下的现实,或者指说话人的态度,也就是情态,更多地,取决于语境。那么,“见志不从,又敬不违”的James Legge翻译,“When he sees…he shows an increased degree of reverence”,作为《论语》的圣人语录,作为描述一种大家可以遵循的孝顺行为,使用了一般现在时,表达了一种强烈的“应该”模仿和遵守的语气。

英语一般现在时陈述句的特色社会功能,在英语口语中表现得相当突出。表达“应该”的语气,用于一个国家的口号,比如“IN GOD WE TRUST”,就相当地强烈。这个陈述,比“we should trust in God”或者“we shall trust in God”或者“we ough to trust in God”或者“we must trust in God”或者“we may not by no means trust in God”或者“we would trust in God”或者“we will trust in God”或者“we have to trust in God”等等都要语气坚定得多。

从另外一个角度而言,说明文用一般现在时,而议论文用“should”。议论文表达观点,比如有这样一个例句,my opinion is that you should not go alone,或者in my opinion,we should try our best to take buses or bikes instead of driving cars。而如果是说明文,则会用上一般现在时,比如how do we choose our goals?How do we decide how to spend our time and energy and where to direct our attention?等。说明文解释现实,而议论文尝试说服别人。现实和说服比较,显然现实更为使人信服。

类似的例子在三个译本的比较中屡见不鲜。比如“见志不从,又敬不违。”这个句子的英译,王译和刘译都采用了should(表示应该),王译为,“when he sees that they don’t take his advice,he should be filial and reverent to them as usual…”刘译为,“If you see your advice being ignored,you should not become disobedient but should remain reverent.”而James Legge采用的是一般现在时的形式。“…when he sees that they do not incline to follow his advice,he shows an increased degree of reverence…”。

又如,子曰,“事君,敬其事而后其食”王译为“In servinghis prince,one should fist perform his duties completely and reverently and then get his official’s salary”而刘译为“In serving one’s lord,one should approach one’s duties with reverence and consider one’s pay as of secondary importance”,而James Legge的译本却为,“A minister,in serving his prince,reverently discharges his duties,and makes his emolument a secondary consideration”。

根据统计,刘译用了should,而王译用了一般现在时的情况有7处(其中一处用了一般过去时,“吾不试,故艺”,王译为“Since I was not employed as an official,I learned many skills”而刘译为,“That is why I am skilled in many menial things Should a gentleman be skilled in many things?No,not at all”),王译和刘译用了should,而James Legge使用了一般现在时的情况有三处。

2.2 其他情态动词的使用

1)may not和must

子曰:“父母在,不远游,游必有方”。王译和刘译都采用了“should”(应该)这个情态动词,并且连续使用两次:“When hisparents are alive,the son should not leave his parents for a faraway place.Even if he has to do so,he should make his whereabouts known to his parents.”(王译;“While your parents are alive,you should not go too far afield in your travels.If you do your whereabouts should always be known.”)但是James Legge则采用了may not和must,“while his parents are alive,the son may not go abroad to a distance.If he does go abroad,he must have a fixed place to which he goes.”

May可以表示“允许”“许可”,虽然一般情况下,否定回答“may I…”的问句时,用mustn’t。但是“may not”可以表示“不允许”,“不许可”,“禁止”。例如:Visitors may not feed the animals。而must则表示必须,应该,而否定回答“must I…”的问句时,用needn’t,或者do not have to。

从社会功能上而言,应该和不应该做某事的语气,是一种责备、教导的语气,而may not,和must则语气更为强烈,达到了法规的地步,“禁止”,和“必须”的地步。


“非夫人之为恸而谁为?”王译、刘译、Lames Legge的译本都选用了should的应该含义,而Arthur Waley译本则使用了would,用虚拟的语气,来表达孔子对颜回之死的悲痛之情。“Well,if any man’s death could justify abandoned wailing,it would surely be this man’s!”

“必不得已而去,于斯二者何先?”王译、刘译、James Legge的译本都选用了should,表示“应该”,而Arthur Waley则用了would,采用虚拟的语气,“Suppose you had no choice but to dispense with one of these three,which would you forgo?”


吾何执?王译为,“What shall I do?”而刘译为,“Wha should I make myself proficient in?”鸟兽不可与同群,吾非斯人之徒与而谁与?王译为,“Human beings can’t live together with the birds and beasts.If I don’t live with these human beings whom should I live with?”而James Legge则译为,“It is impossible to associate with birds and beasts,as if they were the same with us.If I associate not with these people,—with mankind,—with whom shall I associate?”

4)Ought to取代should

“君子一言以为知,一言以为不知,言不可不慎也。”王译为,“A word can show that a superior person is wise.A word can show that a superior person is not wise.Therefore,the superior person should be very careful in what he says.”而James Legge翻译为,“For one word a man is often deemed to be wise,and for one word he is often deemed to be foolish.We ought to be careful indeed in what we say.”


何为则民服?王译和James Legge都用了should,“Wha should be done to make the people submissive to me?”(王译),“What should be done in order to secure the submission of the people?”(James Legge译本),而刘译则用了must,“What mus I do before the common people will look up to me?”而Arthur Waley则使用了can,“What can I do in order to get the support of the common people?”


当仁,不让于师。王译为,“One should not yield the practice of benevolence even to his teacher”,而Arthur Waley则译为,“When it comes to Goodness one need not avoid competing with one’s teacher”。


譬诸草木,区以别矣。王译为,“They should be carefully arranged just as the grasses and plants are assorted according to their classes.”而Arthur Waley则译为,“Disciples may indeed be compared to plants and trees,.They have to be separately treated according to their kinds”。

2.3 have to的使用:应该

“莫己知也。斯已而已矣”王译为,“If one is not known by others,he should give up the hope to be known.”而刘译为,“i no one understands him,then he should give up,that is all.”而James Legge则从客观的角度,使用了have to这个词,“When one is taken no notice of,he has simply at once to give over his wish for public employment”。

Have to表示从客观的角度来说某人必须做某事,但是也可以表达某种强烈的愿望或要求,比如“You have to believe me,please”,而在以上的例子中,“he has simply at once to give over his wish for public employment”,表达了强烈的“应该”的语气。

2.4 祈使句的使用

子曰,“见贤思齐焉,见不贤而内自省也”。James Legge译为,“When we see men of worth,we should think of equaling them;when we see men of a contrary character,we should turn inwards and examine ourselves”。王译为,“When we see virtuous persons,we think of trying to equal them.When we see nonvirtuous persons,we inwardly examine ourselves in order to try not be like them.”用了一般现在时。而刘译则采用了祈使句,“The Master said,'When you meet someone better than yourself turn your thoughts to becoming his equal.When you meet someone not as good as you are,look within and examine your own self.”

James Legge的译文用的主语是“we”,“我们”这个词所隐含的人际语义,其实是指包括自己在内的所有人,类似于教师或者教练或者军官等等的语气,所以居高临下的教导意味很浓。那么针对“你们”的祈使句,根本就省略了是否“应该”的语气,直接指导如何做。

2.5 不定式,主要用于how之后,取代了how we should do…而变成how to do。或者用于系动词之后,充当主语补语

季路问事鬼神。王译为,“Ji Lu asked about how to serve the spirits.”而刘译为,“Chi-lu asked how the spirits of the dead and the gods should be served.”

2.6 表示“应该”的名词的使用:比如duty

“弟子入则孝,出则悌,谨而信,泛爱众而亲仁,行有余力,则以学文”,王译、刘译、James Legge译本都采用了should,表示“应该”,而Arthur Waley则采用了一般现在时的时态,并且采用不定式的形式,“A young man’s duty is to behave well to his parents at home and to his elders abroad,to be cautious in giving promises and punctual in keeping them,to have kindly feelings towards everyone,but seek the intimacy of the Good.If when all that is done,he has any energy to spare,then let him study the polite arts”。那么“应该”这个含义是如何表达的呢?――通过“duty”(职责)。

3 结论






[4]Confucian Analects in James Legge[EB/OL].,accessed on March 6,2010.



[7]Arthur Waley.The Analects[M].外语教学与研究出版社,1998.


1. In order to speak English better, we _________ be afraid of losing face. Because the most important thing is to practice. Remember, practice makes perfect.(2011年黑龙江省哈尔滨市)

A. shouldB. shouldn’tC. have to

2. —How was the youth club last night, Mark?

—It was great fun. You _________ come.(2010年江西省)

A. mustB. canC. shouldD. may


英语中,should是个常见的情态动词,意为“应该;应当”,后接动词原形,没有人称和数的变化。其否定形式为should not,可缩写为shouldn’t。下面我们一起来学习一下它的用法:


You shouldn’t play computer games all the time. 你不应该一直玩电脑游戏。

You should lie down and rest, and you shouldn’t eat anything for 24 hours. 你应该躺下来休息,并且24小时不能吃任何东西。


We should study hard. 我们应该努力学习。

You shouldn’t draw on the wall. 你们不应该在墙上乱画。


They should be there by now. 他们现在可能已经到达那儿了。

The dictionary should be in the reading—room. 那本词典可能在阅览室。


How should he know the result? 他怎么会知道结果呢?

Why should you be so late today? 今天你为什么来得这么晚?


I. 选择填空。

1. —I don’t care what my teachers think about.

—Well, you ________.

A. couldB. wouldC. shouldD. might

2. The plan isn’t perfect, so we should _________ and make a new one.

A. give up itB. give it upC. give out itD. give it out

3. Sam, you ________ be late for school!

A. don’t shouldB. not should

C. aren’t should D. shouldn’t

4. Maybe you ______ say sorry to her.

A. mustB. shallC. shouldD. ought

5. I want to know ________ next.

A. how to do B. what we should do

C. what should we do D. how we should do

II. 根据汉语完成句子。

1. 你应该早点上床睡觉。


2. 动物是我们的朋友,我们应该好好照顾它们。


3. 他不应该上课听音乐。


4. 我们不应该吃太多的垃圾食品。


5. 汤姆应该去哪所学校?



I. 1—5 C B D C BII. 1. You should go to bed early.

2. Animals are our friends. We should look after them well.

3. He shouldn’t listen to music in class.

4. We shouldn’t eat too much junk food.


i telephoned him yesterday to ask what i should do next week.



“what shall i do next week?” i asked.


2) would也无词义,是will的过去形式,与动词原形构成过去将来时,用于第二、第三人称,例如:

he said he would come. 他说他要来。


“i will go,” he said. 他说:“我要去那儿。”


he said he would come.



此用法常用在I think/I don’t think/Do you think…?后面的从句中。

——Do you think I should apply for this job? 你认为我应该申请这个工作吗?

——Yes, I think you should.


What do you think I should do next?



You should be strict with yourself in everything. 你应该处处严格要求自己。

ought to也可表示责任和义务,一般可以通用,但有些细微的差别。should表示自己的主观看法,含有“按我的想法应该如何”的意思;ought to更多地反映客观情况,含有“按理说应该如何”的意思。试比较:

You should/ought to go and see Mary sometime. 你应该抽时间去看看玛丽。(两者均可)

We ought to go and see Mary tomorrow, but I don’t think we will.



1. should 可表示很大的可能性

——When can I come for the photos? I need them tomorrow afternoon.


——They should be ready by 12.

(NMET 1999)


It’s nearly seven o’clock. Jack should be here at any moment. (NMET 1995)


2. should 还可用在if, in case, so that, for fear that等后面的状语从句中,表示可能性不那么大。

I’ve left the washing outside. If it should rain, can you bring it in?



We’ll buy some more food in case Tom should come.


She’s working hard for fear that she should fail. 她工作非常努力,唯恐失败。


在这个结构中should 也可用ought to/was(were) to来代替。它的否定式表示“过去本不该做而实际上做了”的意思。

I told Sally how to get there, but perhaps I should have written it out. (NMET 1994)


I was really anxious about you. You shouldn’t have left home without a word.

我真为你担心,你不该不辞而别。(NMET 2001)

五、用在一些名词性从句中,should 还可省略。

1. 用在suggest, propose, recommend, insist, request, demand, order, command等表示“建议”,“要求”,“命令”这类动词后的宾语从句中;也可用在suggestion, request, order等这类名词后的表语从句和同位语从句中以及It is suggested/requested/ordered(等这类词)+that主语从句中。

I suggested that you (should) ask Mr. Wu for advice. 我建议你向吴先生请教。

They insisted that we (should) have dinner with them. 他们坚持要我们留下来一起吃饭。

His suggestion that you (should) try once more sounds reasonable.


It’s ordered that the work (should) be started at once. 已命令立即开始工作。

2. 用在It’s necessary/important/vital/essential that后面的主语从句中,表示事情的必要,重要。

Was it necessary that my uncle (should) be informed? 有必要通知我叔叔吗?

It’s essential that you (should) be here on time. 你很有必要按时到这儿。

3. 用在It’s strange, natural, surprising, a pity, a shame 等 that 后面的主语从句中,表示个人对某件事的反应。

It’s strange that he (should) be late. He’s usually on time.


It’s a pity that he(should) fail in the College Entrance Examination. He always works hard. 真遗憾,他在高考中落榜了。他学习一直很刻苦。

六、用在与将来事实相反的虚拟条件句中。如省略if, 可用“should+主语+动词”的倒装结构来代替。

If it should rain tomorrow, the meeting would be put off.





He could speak French when he was a child. 他在小的时候就会说法语。


Could you give me more juice? 你能再多给我点果汁吗?



Maybe he should say sorry to you. 也许他应该跟你说对不起。

You shouldn’t go to his room. 你不应该去他房间。


The dictionary should be in the reading room. 那本字典可能在阅览室里。

They should be home by now, I think. 我想他们现在应该已经到家了。


Should I open the window? 我可以开窗户吗?


You should listen to the teacher carefully in class. 在课堂上你应该认真听讲。



1. “Look at the boy running on the ground. Is it Davis?” “It ____ be him. I saw him go to the teacher’s office just now.”

A. must B. can’tC. could D. might

2. “David, may I have a look at your camera?” “Yes, of course you ____.”

A. canB. mustC. willD. could


1. 你能借点钱给我吗?___________________

2. 北京的冬季可能会很冷。___________________

3. 我该做什么?___________________

4. 你应当听医生的建议。___________________

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