




n. 学校,上学,学院,群

vt. 训练,锻炼,教育,教导,约束,给…上学

变形:过去式: schooled; 现在分词:schooling; 过去分词:schooled;




school还可表示大学里的“学院”。作“学派,流派”解时常用于习语a school of thought。


She studies in a high school.她在一所中学学习。

Soon, the whole school knew about her win.不久,全校师生都知道她获胜了。



动词+名词/代词+名词。常用的动词有:call (称呼) , appoint, name (命名) , leave (使….处于某种状态) , think, find等。如:He named the boy Jack.他给男孩取名叫杰克。We would make him monitor.我们将选他为班长。They appointed him chairman of the committee.他们任命他为委员会主席。

注意:充当宾语补足语的名词若表示正式的或独一无二的头衔、职位时, 前面一般不用冠词。


动词+名词+形容词。常用的动词有:find, keep, leave, make等。如:He found the film interesting.他发现这部电影有趣。He found the film interesting.他发现这部电影有趣。Can’t you keep the children quiet?你不能让孩子们安静些吗?


1.动词+名词/代词+动词不定式, 带to的不定式作宾补。常见的动词有:ask, tell, want, expect, wish, help, order, allow, like, love, teach等词后作宾补的不定式都带to。如: I would like him to come.我愿意让他来。 (like的宾语是him, “him”要发出的动作是to come。“to come”就是him的宾语补足语)

They don’t allow people to smoke in the office.他们允许人们在办公室吸烟。 (动词allow的宾语是people, “people”要发出的动作是to smok.“to smok”就是宾语“people”的宾语补足语)

The teacher asked me to clean the window.老师让我擦洗窗户。

注意:①hope后不能接带to的不定式作宾补, I hoped him to leave. (错误) , 应为:I hoped that he would leave. I wished him to leave. (正确)

②help后面作宾语补足语的动词不定式可以带to也可以不带to。如:I often help my mother (to) do some housework.

2 . 不带t o的不定式作宾补。在感官动词五看 ( s e e , watch, observe, notic, look at) , 两听 (hear, listen to) , 一感觉feel和使役动词:make, have, let等词后作宾补的不定式不带to。如: They saw the boy fall suddenly from tree.他们看见那孩子突然从树上跌下来。I’ll have Tom repair the radio for you. 我让汤姆给你修收音机。

注意:如果上述结构变为被动语态, to不能省略。如:The boy was seen to fall suddenly from the tree.有人看见那孩子突然从树上跌下来。

3.在believe, find, feel, prove, think等动词后面, 不定式作宾补可以接to be 形式。如:We believe her to be innocent.


动词+名词/代词+分词 (现在分词v-ing或过去分词pp) , 现在分词作宾补强调宾语正在进行或一直持续的动作, 在逻辑上与宾语构成主动关系。而过去分词作宾补则表示宾语已经完成的动作或存在的状态, 在逻辑上与宾语构成被动关系。常跟分词作宾补的动词有感官动词feel, hear, watch, notice, smell, find等和“使役”或“致使”动词set, have, keep, get, make等。如:When I entered the room, I found him watching Tv.当我进入房间时, 我发现他正在看电视。

注意:在“set”的宾语后通常接现在分词作宾补, 而不用过去分词作宾补。即set sb doing, 而不用set sthe done.但是“make”的宾语后只能用过去分词, 而不能用现在分词。如:His words set me thinking deeply.他的话让我深思。

When you speak, you should make yourself understood. 当你讲话时, 你应该使人家懂得你的意思。


I saw the bus getting on the bus. (我看见司机上公共汽车)

I saw the bus driver and drive off. (我看见司机上公共汽车把车看走了)


A: Do you hear the bell ringing at the door?你听见门铃响了吗? (现在分词表示铃响的动作正在进行。)

B:yes, Idid. I heard it ring twice.是的, 我听见门铃响了两下。 (不带to的不定式表示铃响的动作已经完成, 并完成了两次。)


常用的动词为keep, find, leave等。如:I found the goods in good condition.我发现货物情况良好。 (in good condition是宾语补足语, 说明found的宾语the goods的状态)


1.Let those in need ______ that we will go all out to help them. (2013陕西卷)

A. to understand B. understand

C. understanding D. understood

【解析】从句意上看, 空处表达的是“让某人做某事”, 而let之后的宾语接不定式作宾补的时候, 要省去不定式符号to, 即要用let sb do的形式, 故答案是B。

2.I looked up and noticed a snake ______its way up the tree to catch its breakfast. (2012四川卷)

A. to wind B. wind C. winding D. wound

【解析】此题考查现在分词作宾补。winding its way与宾语snake之间为主动关系且此动作正在进行, 故选选C。

3.Michael put up a picture of Yao Ming beside the bed to keep himself ________ of his own dreams. (2011重庆卷)

A. reminding B. to remind C. reminded D. renmind

【解析】keep sb/sth done/doing/ 表示使某人或某物处于某种状态。句意为Michael在他的床头贴了姚明的照片提醒自己不要忘了自己的梦想。动词Keep的宾语himself与动词renmind之间存在被动关系, 所以选过去分词reminded作宾补。

摘要:在英语中有些及物动词, 接了宾语意义仍不完整, 还需要有1个其他的句子成分, 来补充说明宾语的意义、状态等, 称为宾语补足语, 简称宾补。宾语与其补足语有逻辑上的主谓关系。可以充当宾语补足语的有名词、形容词、动词不定式、分词、介词短语、副词。一般来说, 有宾语补足语的句型结构为:动词+名词/代词+宾补。



a river five metres wide


a boy sixteen years old


注:当这类词组作定语放在名词前时,表示量的名词应用单数形式,且数词与量词之间应加上连词符号“-”。上述例子可改写为:a five-metre-wide river, a sixteen-year-old boy。


The boy in the room is my brother.


He lives in a tall building in the city of Shanghai.





The boys there are reading English.


The man downstairs can’t sleep well.



He is a teacher, both kind and strict.


They lived in a house, clean and bright.



They saw many bags full of apples.


There are a lot of things too far away to see in the sky.




He will tell us something interesting.


There is nothing new in the room.



The boy called Tom is in Class One.


These girls sitting under the tree are my friends.



He has enough money(money enough) to buy a car.


We often go fishing in the river nearby(the nearby river).



What else did he say?


He is taller than anyone else in his class.



We have much work to do.


The best time to come to China is in spring.



He is the man who I am looking for.


This is the lesson that we should remember.


n. 火车,行列,一系列相关的事情, 拖裾

v. 训练,教育,培养,修整


politics作“政治活动”“政治事务”“政治生活”解时是不可数名词,作主语时,其谓语动词可用单数,也可用复数; 作“政治观点”“政见”解时谓语动词用复数; 作“政治学”解时谓语动词用单数; 作“权术”“派别之争”解时含贬义,谓语动词用单数。


This letter does not pertain to politics.这封信的内容与政治无关。

He is not interested in politics.他不喜欢政治。

In politics Britain has preferred evolution to revolution.在政治上,英国喜欢渐进而不喜欢革命。



2、A close look at the statistics reveals a troubling picture.


3、Their governments have no reason to “massage” the statistics.


correlational statistics的中文翻译及用法

phr. 相关,关联;相互关系


· a statistical relation between two or more variables such that systematic changes in the value of one variable are accompanied by systematic changes in the other


· correlational statistics phr. 相关,关联;相互关系

· correlational analysis phr. 因素相关性分析

· correlational grammar 关联语法

· correlational hierarchy 相关的等级体系

· administrative statistics 行政统计资料

· employment statistics 就业统计,就业统计

· decentralized statistics 分散统计

· field statistics 现场统计

· genetic statistics 遗传统计

· inventory statistics 库存统计,库存统计表


· correlational adj. 相关的

· Statistics n. 统计,统计数字

· statistics n. 1.一项统计数据 2.统计资料,统计数字 3.统计学


There is a problem that in some middle schools, the grade of English of some classes are not good.From some observations, the author found some situations:

1) Some students especial first-year students can’t adapt themselves to the new learning environment;

2) Some are always active and curious about what others are doing and want to touch something besides them;

3) A part of students confuse about themselves and have less confidence to learn English well because their bad grade before.

It can be realized that teachers don’t exactly know what students want and think, therefore teachers can’t meet students’needs and manage them well.

2 Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs

Maslow's hierarchy of needs is a theory in psychology proposed in 1943 includes Physiological, Safety, Belongingness and Love, Esteem, Self-Actualization and Self-Transcendence needs to describe the pattern that human motivations generally move through.

2.1 Physiological needs

Physiological needs are the physical requirements for human survival.If these requirements are not met, the human body cannot function properly and will ultimately fail.

2.2 Safety needs

Safety needs includes personal security, financial security, health and well-being, and safety net against accidents/illness and their adverse impacts.Here focus on the personal security.

2.3 Love and belonging

This level of human needs is interpersonal, involves belonging, love, and affection.Maslow also indicated that humans need tofeel a sense of belonging and acceptance among their social groups, regardless if which are large or small.

2.4 Esteem

All humans have a need to feel respected, which includes the need to have self-esteem and self-respect.Esteem presents the typical human desire to be accepted and valued by others.

2.5 Self-actualization

"What a man can be, he must be."which forms the basis of the perceived need for self-actualization.This level of need refers to what a person's full potential is and the realization of that potential.Maslow describes the level as the desire to accomplish everything that one can, to become the most that one can be.

3 Classroom Management and Classroom Efficiency

Classroom management is a teaching conduction that teachers use to complete teaching tasks, control interpersonal relationships, create a harmony teaching and learning environment, guide students to learn orderly.Lv li (2009) stated that an efficient classroom management can create a positive learning environment to improve teaching and learning.Dunkin and Biddle (1974) also pointed that a good classroom management is a guarantee to the conscious learning.

4 Suggestions

Comparing to the traditional classroom management idea that English teachers just teach knowledge, the modern English classroom needs teachers to care more about students’needs.Everstone and Emmer (1982) regarded managing classroom as creating learning atmosphere.It becomes urgent for teachers to change their managements.

Physiological needs have little influence on students’behaviors in the English classroom.So in this paper, this kind of needs is out of the discussion.The author will focus on the following needs:

4.1 Safety needs

Some students are so sensitive to their surroundings that a small change may occur their distraction.When there emerges some disturbances, teachers can add some exiting and novel ideas properly to attract students’attentions.

4.2 Belonging and love

Students in the middle school are at the age when they need others’carings and attentions mostly.Some students may regard teachers’less questions and feedbacks as their ignorance to them.To conduct it, teachers should create an atmosphere of love, let students feel that teachers care and love them as well as their parents.

4.3 Esteem

As we all know, everyone is equal, yet, which is difficult to kept it in the classroom, even when students think their esteems are threatened.Some teachers never noticed that an unsuitable sentence or a word may hurt students.Instead criticizing students, it’s effective to discover their merits.Sometimes a“Yes”, “Good”can meet students’need of esteem.

4.4 Self-actualization

Everyone has a desire to present himself, earn reputation and self-worth to achieve the need of self-actualization.So do students.For meeting students’needs, teachers can organize activities, like role play games.In this way, students can feel that they are available.Sometimes, the spiritual satisfaction is more important and significant than the material satisfaction.

5 Conclusion

A good grade od English needs teachers’efficient teaching, which includes teachers’professional knowledge, skills and correct classroom management.There’s no doubt that sometimes the ability of classroom management is more crucial.An optimization of classroom management needs teachers’s more attention on students'needs and try to meet them.Only students acquire the need of safety, belonging and love, will they try to persue the need of esteem and self-actualization.So teachers should observe their students’performance in and out of class, analyze their characters and needs, then design more effective and targeted plans and use them properly.


[1]Dunkin M, B Biddle.Natural sequences in child second language acquisition[J].Language Learning, 1974 (24) :37-53.

[2]Evernstone C M, E T Emmer.Preventive classroom management[J].In Duke, D.K. (ed.) , 1982.

[3]程磊, 戴菁.马斯洛需要层次理论在大学英语教学上的映射[J].教科文汇, 2011 (3) :107-109.

[4]丁红星, 赖黎明.马斯洛动机理论与学习动机的研究[J].教学研究, 2003 (1) :17-19.

[5]龙茜霏.马斯洛需要层次理论对大学英语教学的启示[J].教育教学论坛, 2011 (35) :92-93.


一、强调句型的基本结构:It is/was+被强调成分+that/who+其余成分

【说明】1.强调句型能强调除谓语之外的任何成分,强调谓语要用do/did/does+动词原形。2.如果被强调部分所在的句子是一般现在时, 就用is; 如果是一般过去时,则用was。3.如果被强调部分是“人”,一般用who, 但也可用that; 如果被强调部分是“人”以外的“事/物”等,仅能用that。例如:

It was because he fell ill that he was absent from class this morning.


It is I who/that am to blame for the accident.


It is an English composition that Mary is writing now.


二、判断是不是强调句型的标准:如果把句中的“It is/was”和“that/who”同时去掉,句子成分不残缺,句意完整,就是强调句型,否则,就不是。例如:

It was at eight that he got up. (强调句型) 他是在八点起床的。

It was a surprise that John got full marks in the English test.(不是强调句型)



否定句为:It is/was+not+被强调成分+that/who+其余成分.

一般疑问句为:Is/Was it+被强调成分+that/who+其余成分?

特殊疑问句为:特殊疑问词+is/was it that+其余成分? 例如:

It is not only blind men who made such stupid mistakes.


Is it the girl in red who is your sister? 那个穿红衣服的女孩真的是你的姐姐吗?

Where was it that you found your wallet? 你究竟在什么地方找到了你的钱夹?

四、若对“not…until…”中的“until…”进行强调时,“not”必须置于“until…”之前,即形成了如下结构:“It is/was not until…+that+其余成分”。例如:

It was not until eleven o’clock that I came back. 直到11点我才回来。

It was not until she spoke that I had realized she was foreign.




①It is in the place that they knew each other. 正是在这个地方,他们彼此认识。

②It is the place where they knew each other. 这是他们彼此认识的地方。

分析:句①是强调句型,强调的是地点状语in the place, 若去掉It is和that, 剩余部分成分不残缺,句意完整。句②划线部分是定语从句, 修饰先行词the place, where引导定语从句并且在从句中作地点状语,不可换成that/which。


①It was at 12:00 a.m. that Jack came to visit me. 杰克是在上午十二点来看我的。

②It was 12:00 a.m. when Jack came to visit me. 当杰克来看我的时候是上午十二点。

分析:句①是强调句型,强调的是时间状语at 12:00 a.m., 若去掉It was和that, 剩余部分成分不残缺,句意完整。句②划线部分是时间状语从句。


①It is the museum that I will pay a visit to. 那正是我将要参观的博物馆。

②It is true that I will pay a visit to the museum. 我将要参观那家博物馆是真的。

分析:句①是强调句型, 强调的是原句的宾语the museum, 若去掉划线部分, 剩余部分成分不残缺,句意完整。句②是主语从句, It是形式主语, 真正主语是划线部分that I will pay a


prep. 在…下面,在表面之下,在…的假定表面或掩饰下,少于,小于,在…情况下

adv. 在下面,少于,在水下,在昏迷中



under表示方式指身份和行为的假托,作“凭借”解; 表示环境作“在…情况下”解; 表示法规、条例的依据作“根据,按照”解。


vi. 由于兴奋或激动而感到一种突然的颤动,颤动、战栗或振动

n. [病]震颤,震颤感,兴奋感


【教材分析】此课是高中学生上的第一节语法课, 教师可以借助多媒体, 提供丰富情境, 以新学校、新老师、新同学为话题, 让学生根据自身经验, 从形式、意义、用法三个维度去学习语法知识、理解语法结构。教师应该努力做好初高中知识的衔接, 通过多维度的评价体系, 保护和培养学生的英语学习兴趣, 以逐渐形成正确的学习策略。

【课前准备】根据班级规模以及学生的英语水平、性别、性格等方面差别, 把学生分成若干学习小组, 每组4至5人。根据“高中英语课程标准”的评价要求, 规定学生的评价任务:由小组评出课堂表现中的最佳小组和1至3名最佳学生, 评价时要说明理由。

【设计意图】由特点迥异的学生组成学习小组, 有助于学生在活动过程中取长补短、学会包容与合作。最佳团体和最佳个人的评选, 既能避免因个体学习而产生的封闭心理, 又能调整因合作学习而导致的依赖心理。



利用多媒体课件呈现教学情境:刚来的外教想了解我们学校, 请你来介绍。通过设计贴近学生生活的话题和半开放性的任务, 激发学生的参与热情。表达内容与刚学过的单词有较多的交互空间, 能有效促进个体间的知识交流和更新, 为学习定语从句做好铺垫。

同时教师要及时对学生在角色扮演中表现出来的表达力和想象力作出评价, 营造民主、和谐、合作的课堂环境。

Step2:Language focus

Part A:Language focus on the meaning of attributive clauses.

基于师生对话中出现的内容, 多媒体呈现以下句子:

It is a beautiful school.

It has many modern facilities.

It is a beautiful school with many modern facilities.

It is a beautiful school which is covered with trees and flowers.

It is also a modern one that has many facilities.

It is not only a beautiful school which is covered with trees and flowers but also a modern one that has many facilities.

学生通过比较几段文字的异同 (定语和定语从句的使用) , 体会定语从句表达时的意思衔接。教师在此基础上明确本节课的学习任务———在对话和语篇中正确使用定语从句。

Part B:Language focus on the form of attributive clauses.

小组竞赛, 听句子, 猜出所指人物。将其中可以同时使用其他关系代词或省略的情况用多媒体呈现出来, 让学生注意观察定语从句的形式并体会其功能。快速找出教材短文“Former student returns from China”中的定语从句。通过小组讨论, 概括定语从句的概念, 完成下列表格:

学生通过听句子, 对材料进行推理和判断, 而材料阅读则为学生提供了发现、讨论和归纳语法规则的机会。这样, 学生在提高理性认识的同时, 语感也越来越敏锐。

同时, 教师充分考虑学生完成任务的速度、正确性和发展性, 坚持定性评价与定量评价的合理结合。

Step3:Language practice and use in dialogues

巩固练习, 完成教材中的对话填空。学生根据图片或自拟情境, 在规定的时间内模仿对话。要求:表达自然, 逻辑清晰, 定语从句使用正确。

教师要合理利用教材, 及时检查学生对新知识的掌握情况。根据学生个体学习能力和兴趣的差异, 设计开放式或半开放式的语言活动, 为学生的独立学习留下空间和时间。

在准备过程中, 教师要注意鼓励性格内向和英语基础较薄弱的学生。在对话过程中, 教师应通过描述性的语言, 点评学生在听力理解、语音语调、语词用法、交际策略、行为表现等方面展现出来的闪光点, 促其发生正面强化, 增强自信心。

Step4:Language use in passages

学生以“My new friend”为题进行短文写作, 分发评价表, 10分钟后小组互评。

教师有目的地指导学生将语言应用范围从语句扩展到篇章, 使学生对所学定语从句的语法内容在语篇的高度做出总结, 从而培养学生根据特定目的和逻辑关系, 养成合理有效地组织信息的能力, 并帮助学生形成良好的写作习惯。

教师对学生的写作内容、语法应用、标点符号、单词拼写、逻辑表达和创造力等方面进行评价, 帮助他们形成正确的写作策略。

Step5:Language appreciation

安排适量与定语从句有关的谚语, 让学生朗读、欣赏并翻译。

学生通过体会英语语言的结构美和韵律美, 并比较中文意义表达的精妙, 让学生感受两种不同文化背景下语言的魅力, 产生文化认同感。在扩大视野的同时, 加深对中国文化的理解, 从而提升学生的文化素养。

同时, 要及时肯定学生灵活多样的谚语翻译, 并给出参考译文。

【教学反思】本节语法课围绕模块单元话题, 采用“探究式”教学法, 参照“观察→发现→讨论→归纳→巩固→运用”的教学模式, 通过多媒体技术提供丰富的语言情境, 学生在听、说、读、写等综合语言活动中, 通过体验、实践、讨论、合作和探究, 感悟语言规律, 培养语用意识, 并进行适当的语法训练, 达到语法形式、意义和功能有机结合, 使语法教学充满趣味性、真实性和实用性, 着力改变英语课程过分重视语法和词汇知识的讲解与传授、忽视对学生实际语言运用能力的培养的倾向。

本节课采用同伴互评和教师评价的策略。学生主动评价他人, 既可以避免因个体学习产生的封闭心理, 又能调整因合作学习导致的依赖心理。根据学生认知风格、学习方式及阶段性发展水平差异而采用不同的评价方式, 有利于发挥评价的激励作用, 促进学生在学习过程中形成有效的学习策略, 逐步培养自我发展的意识。


persuade的基本意思是“说服”,指通过晓之以理或动之以情的各种方法如劝说、辩论、恳求等,能使或已使某人相信某事或者接受某建议而做或不做某事。强调不仅“说”,而且使之“服”。假如只表示“说服”这种动作,而不知对方已经或者能否“服”,则不用persuade,应该用try〔want〕 to persuade。

persuade既可用作及物动词,也可用作不及物动词。用作及物动词时,后可接名词或代词作宾语; 作不及物动词时,主动形式常含有被动意义,即主语是被说服的对象,这种用法通常见于一般时态,并带 easily 之类的状语,说明“说服”的难易度。persuade还可接以动词不定式充当补足语的复合宾语。

persuade作“使相信,使确信”解时,其后可接of引出相信的内容。当of的宾语是that从句时, of须省略。


How can I persuade you of my sincerity?我如何能够让你相信我的诚意?

We are persuaded of the justice of her case.我们确信对她案件的审理是公正的。



They clearly take a perverted delight in watching others suffer.


Outsiders will continue to suffer the most blatant discrimination.


They suffer from health problems and fear the long term effects of radiation.



2、You have to take capital appreciation of the property into account.


3、“Take That” are the best group in the whole world. So there.


万能单词 TAKE,附10种使用方法说明


打个比方好了,我们经常会说“have a break”、“have a look”,同样也可以说“take a break”、“take a look”。那么,这另一个万能动词take具体有哪些意思呢?华生为你挑选了比较常见的10个,看看你会不会用,或者能不能帮到你。

1. 动作


Let me take a bath.(让我洗个澡)

I want to take a breath.(我想要喘一口气)

2. 带去


Please take me to the airport.(请把我带去机场)

Who can take Robert home?(谁能把Robert带回家?)

3. 拿掉


Take your feet off the seats.(把你的脚从座椅上拿掉)

Don’t take my laptop.(不要拿走我的笔记本)

4. 耗费


How long will you take to come here?(你到这里来会花多久?)

It took me ages to find a good car.(我花了大把时间来找一辆好车)

5. 接受


Will you take this job?(你接受这份工作吗?)

Please take my advice.(请接受我的建议)

6. 拿着


What are you taking?(你拿着什么?)

Let me take your coat.(让我来帮你拿着外套)

7. 搭乘


We can take a bus.(我们可以坐公交车)

I took a taxi.(我坐了出租车)

8. 控制


I’m taking control of the server.(我正在夺取服务器的控制权)

Enemy forces have taken the airport.(敌军已经占领了机场)

9. 吞服


I need to take the medicine before sleep.(我睡觉前需要吃这药)

I don’t want to take any drug.(我不想吃任何药)

10. 参与


Do you want to take an English lesson?(你想要上一堂英语课吗?)

I need to take an exam tomorrow.(我明天要参加一场考试)


使用take的多为美式英语,如take a bath(洗个澡),take a lesson(上个课)等;

使用have的多为英式英语,如have a bath(洗个澡),have a lesson(上个课)等。

英语 | 常见词 “Take“ 的用法总结





先以常见词之一 ”take” 来示范吧,如果觉得有用,欢迎文末点个“在看”

用法一:take + 名词组成的常见搭配

Take charge/ Take charge of 简历中的工作内容是不是经常看到负责balabala, 英文就是这个。

Take responsibility/ Take responsibility for sth 对...负责, 承担责任。

Take action. 采取行动;

Take place 发生

Take advantage/ take advantage of sb 占据优势/利用某人

Take a break 休息一下。

Take a look 看一看

Take a shower 冲个澡

Take a seat 坐吧

Take a message 捎个信

Take a picture/ photo 拍个照

Take a deep breath 深呼吸

Take your time 不急,慢慢来。

当然,还有一个固定搭配,take it easy,等同 relax,放轻松。

take turns to do sth 轮流做某事。


It will take you two hours to become a super star, I promise



Take left/right. 是不是很熟悉?有没有被老师叫起来看着课本上跟迷宫似的地图让你指路? 简直是我的噩梦。

用法三:Take sb/ sth 表示携带,移动,乘坐交通工具

Take your girlfriend with you 带你的女友,该干嘛干嘛去。

Take it away 啤酒烧鸡快拿走,拿走拿走别客气。

Take a taxi 打的/ a bus乘公交。


take it as sth, 把...当做

I will take it as compliment你这么说,我就当是赞美喽。

Take sb for sb 把某人当做,误认为成...

Dont take me for a fool 别把我当傻瓜

Take me for your bf? 误认为我是你BF? (这我可以考虑)。


Take off 脱掉,拿开

take your hand off, 拿开你的脏手,让我来


Take down 拿下,取下 Take over 接管。

I will take it over from now on 从现在起,我来接管董事会(美梦)

Take out 取出。等等等等。


This is the only one left, take it, now or never 就剩下这一个,爱要不要

Cant take it any more. 受不了了。Take it apart ,拆开


Take it seriously 认真对待

Take me by surprise吓我一跳

Take pride in doing sth 做某事感到自豪



Step 1 Lead in

Play a video and ask the students to answer what kinds of transportation Wang Baoqiang and Xu Zheng take in the movie?

Go over the words about transportation and lead in the topic“How do you get to school?”

【设计意图】通过观看视频《人在囧途》中男主人公乘坐的交通工具引出本课的词汇和话题。既唤起注意力, 又激发学生兴趣, 同时也明确任务:视频中有哪些交通方式, 句子问答展示。

Step 2 Presentation

T:I walk to school every day. How about you?

The students will answer “I go to school on foot /by bus”. The teacher will introduce the verb structure.

【设计意图】通过师生对话引出本课表示乘坐某种交通工具的动词形式。并通过图片, 由词的学习过渡到词组表达, 达到由视觉输入到语言输出的转化。

Step 3 Pair work

The students practice in pairs.

A:Howdo you get to school?

B:I take/ride+a/the.../walk to school.

A:Howlong does it take?

B: It takes 10 minutes.

Then the teacher asks the third student “How does he get to school?”lead in the third person singular.

【设计意图】通过两人一组的结对活动, 进一步学习句型:

A:Howdo you get to school?

B:I take a bus./ride a bike/walk.

A:Howdoes he/she go to school?

B: He /She takes a bus /rides a bike...

小组对话练习, 熟悉所学句式并熟练掌握目标语言。由第二人称到第三人称单数的训练, 由普遍对话到特殊句型, 加深练习的深度与广度。

Step 4 Listening

Two tasks in this part:

1. Listen and write.

2. Listen and number.

【设计意图】学生通过1a, 对本课的重点知识进一步巩固, 提升听力水平又在听力中巩固所学知识。

Step 5 Group work

The weekend is coming. Ask three students about their vacation plans and fill in the chart. Then report to us. Think about what we should pay attention to when we go to other places for vacation, then make a survey and report in oral.

【设计意图】周末即将到来, 采访三位学生, 了解他们的假期计划, 以小组方式汇报。填写表格, 每组选出一名学生做报告。通过设置情景, 培养学生在生活中运用英语的能力, 并提醒学生出行时须要注意的事项, 实现情感态度价值观目标。

Step 6 Homework

1. Collect more words about transportation. Show them to others tomorrow.

2. Interview your friends and your parents how to get to school, and give a report.

【设计意图】分层作业, 请学生根据自己的程度选择作业, 让不同程度的学生有事可做。


Unit 3 How do you get to school? (1a- 1c)

1.How do (es) sb.get to...?



Can I use this plug for my iron?


They use a lot of big words.
