



Module 6 Problems

Unit3Language in use

Ⅰ、Teaching model:Revision and application

Ⅱ、Teaching method: Formal and interactive practice Ⅲ、Teaching Objectives  Knowledge objective 1.To review the key words, phrases, and sentences of M6.2.To understand the problem on Interpersonal communication.3.To give advice on Interpersonal communication. Ability objective 1.To summarise and consolidate the ways of giving advice on Interpersonal communication.2.To give advice on Interpersonal communication. Moral objective.Thanks for others’ advice on give advice on Interpersonal communication.Ⅳ、Teaching importance and difficulty 1.To summarise and consolidate the ways of giving advice.give advice on Interpersonal communication.2.To practise the new vocabulary and expressions.V、Teaching method PWP method, task-based method VI、Teaching aids A tape recorder, multimedia and some pictures Ⅶ、Teaching Procedures Learning Aims(学习目标)

1.To review the key words, phrases, and sentences of M6.2.To understand the problems on give advice on Interpersonal communication.3.To give advice on give advice on Interpersonal communication.Step 1:Review the knowledge(知识回顾)1.师友互查

1.Review the phrases 1)make a deal “达成协议”

2)get into the habit of 意为“养成..的习惯”+v.ing.3)That’s a shame.,表示“真遗憾,多可惜” 4)instead of “而不是”

5).Come around 拜访“某人的家” 6).Try out 试用,7).no longer 不再 8).Be angry with sb.生某人的气 9).At least 至少,起码 10).Offer to do sth.主动提出做某事 11).Warn sb.not to do sth.警告某人不要做某事


1.Tony’s parents want to stop him enjoying music,although they have made a deal with him before.2.If I start after dinner, I will finish it before I go to bed.3.I want you to get into the habit of doing your homework as soon as you come from school.4.That’s a shame.5.Last week,my friend David came round with a new computer game and asked to play it on my dad’s computer.6.The reason is the he thinks something will go wrong if I play games on it.7.If you tell him the truth now,you will show that you are honest.(友情提示:先自主完成再互助检查,说明原因)II.教师点评 1.make a deal “达成协议”

2.get into the habit of 意为“养成..的习惯”+v.ing.3.That’s a shame.,表示“真遗憾,多可惜” 4.instead of “而不是”

5.Come around 拜访“某人的家” 6.Try out 试用,7.no longer 不再 8.Be angry with sb.生某人的气 9.At least 至少,起码 10.Offer to do sth.主动提出做某事 11.Warn sb.not to do sth.警告某人不要做某事

Step 2: Explanation.(题型讲解)I.师友互讲

1.Rewrite the sentence with “if”(课本part1)2.Complete th sentences so that they are true for you(课本part3)(师友自主练习,学友讲给师傅听,师傅纠正错误,并说明原因。师傅帮助学友完善笔记!)II.教师点评

由if引导的条件状语从句的复合句。使用原则:主将从现 Step 3: Practice and improving.(拓 展 提 高)I.师友练习

Complete the conversation with the correct form of the word and expression in the box(课本part4)


Tip1: 点拨共性问题

Tip2: 动词重形式,时态和人称,前后要一致。Step 4 Writing.(练笔巩 固)I、师友练笔

1.Complete the passage with the correct form of the expressions in the box.(课本part5)2.Write a letter about a problem.II、教师点拨

学习范文优点,纠正语言错误。帮助学生树立信心,鼓励写作积极性 Step 5: Summary.(总 结 归 纳)I.师友归纳

1.What have you learned in this class? Key words phrases sentences 2.What do you think of your partner and yourself ? 3.Which is the best pair ? What can you learn from them ? II.教师归纳


1.Review important phrases in Module6..2.Write your own ideas about a problemInterpersonal communication.



Unit 3 Teenagers should be allowed to choose their own clothes.   单元整体说明 单元教材分析 本单元围绕“允许做什么、不允许做什么”这一话题,设计了三个任务型活动。任务一:谈论自己想做的事情;任务二: 我可以做什么、不可以做什么。任务三:讨论自己想做什么、自己需要什么样的生活。 单元总体目标 通过本单元的学习让学生学会用不同的句型来谈论应该允许做什么、不允许做什么、同意和不同意。 单元重难点一览 重难点词汇: 1.at that age  2.instead of 3.the other day4.be a good way to do 5.keep sb happy  6.at present 7.the same as8.be proud of 9.give directions  10.way cool= very cool 11.learn from sb 12.agree with 13.disagree with 14.in fact 15.take time to do sth 16.chat with 重难点句式 1.I think sixteen-year-olds should be allowed to drive. 2.Do you think thirteen-year-olds should be allowed to have part-time jobs? 3.The young should be proud of their culture. 单元教学建议 采用Concluding,Accumulating,Roleplaying和Comparing的学习策略,利用多媒体课件,来展开课堂Pairwork问答式的口语交际活动和讨论活动来谈论允许做什么和不允许做什么。本单元的教学法建议:词汇教学:情景操练、反复使用;口语教学:师生互动,生生互动、对话练习、交际活动;阅读教学:寻找关键语句、对文中任务和事物发表见解;语法教学:总结规律、比较异同、模仿操练。 单元课时分配 本单元用4课时教学 Section A 部分用 2 课时 Section B,Self Check 部分用 2 课时 Section A 教学课题 Unit 3:Teenagers should be allowed to choose their own clothes. (Section A) 学科 英语 授课教师   授课班级 初三九班 授课时间 /4 教学目标 1.知识目标:掌握 agree and disagree 的用法。学会使用 I think ...  I agree ... 和 I dont think ...  I dont agree ... 来表达自己的意见。 2.能力目标:对所学知识的灵活运用及用所学知识解决生活中实际问题的能力。 3.情感目标:培养学生良好的合作意识,鼓励学生大胆表达自己的想法和意愿。 教学分析 1.教材分析:Section A 主要围绕着 agree 和 diagree 这一话题来进行课堂教学和语言实践。Section A 中主要涉及到的语法项目是被动语态,要求学生熟练模仿及操练这一语态的句型转换,为以后的谈论和交际做好铺垫。 2.学生分析:初三的`学生有较丰厚的语言积累和知识储备,他们有较强的求知欲和好奇心,在课堂上他们善于表现自我,乐于积极思考,敢于发表自己的观点,这些个性心理特点都有利于师生在课堂上进行交流。 3.重点及其突出方法:被动语态的讲解:总结规律、比较异同、模仿操练。 4.难点及其突破方法:培养良好的语言表达习惯。发挥教师良好的示范作用,注重教师在课堂教学中对学生无意识的影响。 教学准备 1.多媒体: 多媒体,幻灯片,英语影音资料。 2.其他参考资料。 教学过程 Unit 3: Teenagers should be allowed to choose their own clothes.(Section A) Step One:   Free talk and discussion. Step Two: 1.at that age 2.instead of 3.the other day 4.be a good way to do 5.keep sb happy 6.at present 7.the same as 8.be proud of Step Three:   Finish 1a/1b. Step Four:   Practice the conversation in activity 2c. Step Five: Make a new conversation in groups according to the one in 2c.Then act it out. Step Six: Make a survey, then show the results to the whole class. Step Seven: Make a summary. Step Eight: Homework: Recite the conversation in 2a. 教学反思 1.如何在英语课堂教学中有效地进行中外文化的渗透? 2.如何培养学生的跨文化意识? 3.教师如何布置个性化的作业? 4.如何解决本套教材大词汇量问题?   Section B and Self check 教学课题 Unit 3:Teenagers should be allowed to choose their own clothes.   (Section B and Self check) 学科 英语 授课教师 齐宪波 授课班级 初三九班 授课时间 2005/4 教学目标 4.知识目标:掌握 agree and disagree 的用法。学会使用 I think ... I agree ...和 I dont  think ... I dont agree ... 来表达自己的意见。 5.能力目标:对所学知识的灵活运用及用所学知识解决生活中实际问题的能力。 6.情感目标:培养学生良好的合作意识,鼓励学生大胆表达自己的想法和意愿。 教学分析 5.教材分析:Section B 主要围绕着现代中学生感兴趣的话题来进行课堂教学和语言实践。 6.学生分析:初三的学生有较丰厚的语言积累和知识储备,他们有较强的求知欲和好奇心,在课堂上他们善于表现自我,乐于积极思考,敢于发表自己的观点,这些个性心理特点都有利于师生在课堂上进行交流。 7.重点及其突出方法:被动语态的讲解:总结规律、比较异同、模仿操练。 8.难点及其突破方法:培养良好的语言表达习惯。发挥教师良好的示范作用,注重教师在课堂教学中对学生无意识的影响。 教学准备 3.多媒体: 多媒体,幻灯片,英语影音资料。 4.其他参考资料。 教学过程 Unit 3: Teenagers should be allowed to choose their own clothes.(Section B and self check) Step One:   Free talk and discussion. Step Two: 1.learn from sb 2.agree with 3.disagree with 4.in fact 5.take time to do sth 6.chat with Step Three:   Finish 1a. Step Four:   Practice the conversation in activity 1b. Step Five:   Make a new conversation in groups according to the one in 2c.Then act it out. Step Six:   Discuss what you are allowed to do and what you arent allowed to do during your stay at school/ home/ library and so on. Step Seven:   Read the text then suggest the questions according to the text. Step Eight:   Discuss what is cool in your mind. Step Nine:   Homework:   Write some sentences about “cool”. 教学反思 1.如何在英语课堂教学中有效地进行中外文化的渗透? 2.如何培养学生的跨文化意识? 3.教师如何布置个性化的作业? 4.如何解决本套教材大词汇量问题?    




重点是以课本为纲领, 按照教材顺序, 归纳语言点, 讲透语言点的运用。对各单元的知识进行梳理, 注重基础词汇、词组、常用句型和课本对话等知识的复习。这个阶段要多做配套练习题, 多反思自己的错误, 比如自己错得多的是哪个知识点、哪一类型的题。在每次从七年级接新班级的时候我都会让他们准备一个“错题本”, 认真记录自己做错的题目、错的原因、正确答案及相关知识, 记录的时候写得整洁详细一点, 每天拿出来看看, 做到温故而知新。这样学生们可以在复习的过程中, 只要翻阅“错题本”就可以节约大量的宝贵时间集中精力在这些曾经出错的知识点上进行重点复习回顾, 从而提高复习效果。在复习过程中, 要求学生一步一个脚印, 扎扎实实做好基础知识的复习, 切实抓好单元过关和基础知识的过关。


在学生第一轮对基础知识掌握得比较扎实的基础上, 进行系统的整理和消化。从近年的中考题型来看, 注重的是考查听、读、写的能力, 我重点谈下面几点:

1.听力测试题型。语言学认为听、说、读、写是四项语言技能。听力测试在相当长的时间内仍然会占有非常重要的地位, 即使在今年也不例外的占有25分的比例。而九年级学生想在中招考试英语上取得理想成绩, 听力绝对影响着英语成绩的好坏, 作为农村的毕业生, 在最后的复习阶段, 无论是在心理上还是在时间上都不可以忽视复习阶段听力的冲刺提高, 在复习的过程中有必要进行适量的听力强化练习。在这方面我们英语组九年级的老师们共同收集了搜集了一些听力训练题。然后拿到课堂上给学生进行训练, 坚持每周不间断地练习。每天进行必要的训练是必不可少的, 但在训练的同时如果能够掌握一些听力方面的技巧会更好的, 总结起来就是以下几句话:稳定情绪, 集中精力;审清题意, 预测内容;捕捉信息, 做好速记;抓住重点, 果断答题;分析推理, 优化信息。

2.阅读理解题。阅读理解题是检查考生英语基础及阅读能力的命题形式, 通常而论, 阅读理解题的分值基本上是40分, 占到卷面的三分之一, 所以阅读理解题是我们中考题中不容有失的得分项目, 它有如下特点:1阅读材料丰富多彩, 趣味性、科学性、生活性溶于一体, 既考察学生的阅读理解能力, 又增长知识开阔视野。2.阅读材料后的题目设计具有多样性。3.题材多样, 包括社会、经济、体育、故事和文章的逻辑推理等;体裁也是力避单一化, 包括记叙文、说明文、议论文和应用文等。4.考生在做阅读理解题时, 应该掌握一些行之有效的解读阅读理解解题方法, 这些技巧得益于良好的阅读习惯和平时每天坚持阅读。那么, 如何做阅读理解题呢?

1) .浏览问题, 明确要求;

2) .速读全文, 了解大意;

3) .通篇寻读, 猎取信息;

4) .认真复查, 避免失误。

3.书面表达题型。我国中学英语教学对于四项语言技能的要求的水准是不一样的, 比较之下, 写作的要求, 是最低的。但经过3年学习之后, 相当一部分学生的基本书面表达能力依旧非常差。我觉得最主要的就是因为教师在初中三年的时间内忽视了系统的写作练习而导致的结果。书面表达能力的考查是英语试卷中的重中之中的大题, 是试卷的压轴题, 更是拉大考生分数的关键性题目。此题型考查考生的综合运用英语的能力和学生应用所学英语语言知识进行文字表达能力, 即考察学生的书面交际能力。要想在最后短短的时间内大幅度提高英语作文的成绩是有点困难的, 如果能够掌握一定的写作技巧, 对提高作文的写作能力或者写比较优秀的作文有一定的必要性。写完以后要认真细致地把文章从头到尾浏览一遍, 要点是否全部写出, 是否有用词、语法、行文的错误, 动词时态运用是否准确。还要提醒学生在誊写作文时一定要书写规范, 标点符号完全正确。做到干净整洁, 行文流畅, 使判卷老师在阅读文章时不至于产生厌烦的情绪, 更不会因为书写潦草而丢失卷面分。



2. go past the bank

= pass the bank 经过银行

3. make a telephone call 打电话

同义短语: call sb. (up); phone/ telephone sb.; ring sb. (up); give sb. a ring/ call

4. get some information 得到一些消息

get in 收获

get off (从……)下来

5. save money (to do sth.) 存钱(去做某事)

6. hang out 闲逛

7. dress up (as...) 组装,乔装,伪装

8. have fun(doing sth.)玩得开心

同义短语:have a good time/ enjoy oneself

9. spend time/ money on sth./ (in) doing sth. 在某事上(做某事上)花时间/金钱

10. kind of 有点儿,相当于a little

a kind of 一种

kinds of 各种各样的

11. hand in 将某物交给……

12. depend on 依靠,信赖

13. on the other hand 另一方面

14. such as 例如

15. be the same as 和……一样

1. Could you please tell me where the restrooms are? 请问洗手间在哪里?

2. The drugstore is between the furniture store and the bookstore. 药店就在家具店和书店之间。

3. And you would not usually say, “Peter, lend me your pen.” 并且你通常不说,“彼得,把你的钢笔借给我。”

4. Excuse me, I wonder if you can help me. 打扰了,我不知道您是否能帮帮我。

5. The expressions you use might depend on whom you are speaking to or how well you know them. 你使用的表达方式应该取决于你说话的对象或你对他们的了解程度。

6. However, in order not to offend people, learning about language etiquette is just as important as learning grammar or vocabulary.然而,为了不冒犯人,学会语言礼节和学习语法或词汇一样重要。

7. It might seem that speaking politely is more difficult than being direct, and in a way this may be true. 似乎讲礼貌比直率更难,在某种程度上这可能是真的。




目标语言(Target Language)

1.I think sixteen-year-olds should be allowed to drive 我认为应该允许16岁的孩子开车。

2.I disagree.I think sixteen is too young.我不同意,我认为16岁这个年纪太年轻了。

3.Do you think thirteen-year-olds should be allowed to have part-time jobs ? 你认为应该允许13岁的孩子们做兼职工作吗?

4.No , I don’t.不,我认为不应该。5.Anna is allowed to wear her own clothes.安娜可以选择自己的衣服。

6.They are not serious enough at that age.那个年龄的他们不够稳重。

7.-What rules do you have at home ? 你家有什么规定吗?

-Well , I’m not allowed to go out on school nights.噢,我在周一至周五不能外出。

词汇和短语(Vocabulary and expressions)

allow 允许 drive 架车 pierce [pi s]刺穿 license 执照 driver司机 silly愚蠢的、傻的 earring 耳环 concentrate集中 volunteer自愿、志愿者 Local地方的 perform表演 primary初级的 go out with their friends 和朋友一块出去 part-time jobs 兼职工作

driver’s license 驾驶执照 get their ears pierced 穿耳孔

choose one’s own clothes 选自己的衣服 sixteen-year-olds 十六岁的孩子

seem to 好像 at that age 在那个年龄 so do we 我们也一样 get to class late.上课迟到 fail a test 考试不及格 be strict with 对„要求严格 the other day 前几天 get to doing sth 着手做某事 look smart 看起来整洁 concentrate on 关注„ be a good way to do 是„的好方法

It’s a good idea for sb to do 是„的好主意

get noisy 变得嘈杂 at present 目前

have an opportunity to do sth.有做„的机会

be a good experience for sb.对„来说是很有意义的经历 take time to do things 花费时间做事情

old people’s home 敬老院

be sleepy 睏 after a long week of classes 上完一周课之后 have Friday afternoons off 周五放假

语法内容: 一.被动语态

1.“语态”表示主语和谓语动词之间的关系。英语中有“两态”的说法,即主动语态和被动语态,本单 元中反复出现的should be allowed 就是一个含有情态动词(should)的被动语态。






The office is cleaned every day.The office was cleaned yesterday.Compare active and passive:

动作的接受者the office成了句子的主语,就应该用被动语态。从上面的例句我们可以总结:

一般现在时的被动语态为:主+am / is / are(not)+过去分词

一般过去时的被动语态为:主+was / were +过去分词

如:Butter is made from milk.This house was built 100 years ago.以前我们学过的was / were born 生于,就是一个被动语态 born是个过去分词(bear)

-When were you born ? -I was born in 1989.如果要特别强调动作或行为的执行者,句子后面需接by ~,译为“被(由)„”

如:We were woken up by a loud noise.我们被嘈杂的声音吵醒。



主语+is / am / are + being +过去分词


My car is being repaired now.Some new houses are being built near the park.公园附近在建一些房子。




主语+have / has +been +过去分词


My key has been stolen.My keys have been stolen.I am not going to the party , I haven’t been invited.含有情态动词的被动语态


A note had better be left to him.Teenagers should be allowed to wear their own clothes 这里我们列举了几个主要时态,那么其它时态呢?

一般将来时 主语+will +be +过去分词

过去将来时 主语+would / should + be +过去分词

过去进行时 主语+was / were + being +过去分词

过去完成时 主语+had + been +过去分词

被动语态的时态是由be的时态决定的,be是什么时态,全句就是什么时态,be动词后面的过去分词不 变。


肯定句:主语+be + 过去分词+(by ~)

否定句:主语+be not +过去分词+(by ~)

一般疑问句:Be +主语+过去分词+(by ~)? 特殊疑问句:疑问词+be+主语+过去分词+(by ~)


(1)不知道或没有必要说明动作的执行者是谁,不用by+动作执行者短语 Such books are written for children.这些书是为儿童写的。

I haven’t been told about it.没有人告诉我这件事

(2)强调动作的承受者,这时应用by短语。The cup was broken by David.(3)作客观说明时,常采用一种被动语态句型

It’s / was said / believed / reported / + that „

It’s reported that about three hundred people were killed in this earthquake.

















如:He gave me a book.-I was given a book by him.(以I做主语)

-A book was given to me by Tom.(以物book作主语)He teaches us English.-We are taught English by him.(以人当主语)

-English is taught us by him.(以物作主语)


keep, make 三类的动词常常有宾语补足语,在被动语态中,宾语补足语位置不变。We keep food fresh in the fridge.主 谓 宾 宾补

-Food is kept fresh in the fridge.I saw him go into the office building.-He was seen to go into the office building.英语中有“十大动词”的说法,即feel , hear , listen , have , make , let , look , watch , see , notice,这些词在主动句中,其后的动词不定式不加to,但变被动句时必须加to.(3)含有短语的主动语态变被动语态




They take good care of my child.-My child is taken good care of 他们把我的孩子照顾得很好。I turned off the radio.

-The radio was turned off(by me)


take care of -be taken care of cut down -be cut down laugh at -be laughed at look after-be looked after 下列这些短语本身即是被动语态的形式,不需再加-by be covered with „用„覆盖着

be interested in „对„感兴趣

be surprised at „对„感到惊奇 be made of(from)用„制造的(4)由情态动词形成的被动语态


肯定句:主语+情态动词(can , may , must)+be+ 过去分词„

否定句:主语+情态动词+not + be + 过去分词„

疑问句:情态动词(Can , May , Must)+主语+be+过去分词+„.如:We should allow teenagers to surf the Internet.-Teenagers should be allowed to surf the Internet.Can you use it ? 你会使用它吗?

-Can it be used ? 6.不能用于被动语态的几种情况


他在镜中看见了自己的模样。We often help each other.我们常常互相帮助。

(2)当谓语是表状态的及物动词时(如have , like , take place , belong to „)


I like these flowers.我喜欢这些花。I will have a meeting.不说A meeting will be had.应说A meeting will be held.二.重点、难点: 1.the other day 我们还可以说the other day , morning , week , month.不久前的一天,一个上午、一个星期、一个月等 I saw him in London the other day.我最近有一天在伦敦见过他。2.get to 着手做某事

„ and I got to talking about the rules „

He got to doing the homework after supper.

3.concentrate on sth.专注于某事(做某件事而不做其他事)

He decided to concentrate on English because he just failed the exam.他决心专攻英语因为他刚刚考试不及格。

This company concentrate on the Chinese market.这家公司把重点集中在中国市场。

4.be good for 对„有好处 有益于(„that is good for studying „)This kind of food is good for me.这种食物对我身体有益

Sunshine is good for plants.阳光对植物有益。

5.It’s a good idea for sb to do sth.做„对„来说是个好主意(It’s also probably a good idea for parents to allow „)

It’s a good idea for us to travel to the south.6.get noisy 变得嘈杂(I know we got noisy sometimes , „)noise -noisy

7.learn from 向„学习,从„中学习

„ but we learn a lot from each other.We should learn from our mistakes.我们应从错误中学习。

8.at present.(At present they’re too short.)at present 此刻、现在=at this time , now I can’t help you at present --I’m too busy


9.„ have an opportunity to do sth


have no opportunity to do 没机会做„

I hope to „„ have an opportunity to go to the States.I have no opportunity to have a talk with her I 注意:文中在谈论将来时,用了一些动词过去式和would + 动原的形式




它相当于一个名词 相当于sixteen-year-old kids.“一个16岁青少年的表达方式” a kid sixteen years old a kid of sixteen a kid of sixteen years old.a sixteen-year-old kid

2.stop doing

He should stop wearing that silly earrings.(Section A 2a)


We two stopped talking.我们俩个停止了谈话。3.主+seem to do sth.好像

His temperature seems to be all right.他的体温好像完全正常。seem其他用法


The question seems quite easy.那个问题好像很容易。


That seems a good idea.那好像是个好主意。

(3)It seems + that 从句

It seemed that nobody knew anything about the matter.看来没有人知道这件事。4.So do we(Section A 3a)

So do we 为倒装句,其结构是So + be 动词/助动词/情态动词+主语,在时态上应和上一句保持一 致。应翻译为“我们也是这样”用英文解释是: We have a lot of rules at my house , too.5.on school nights , on Friday nights , on Saturday afternoons.我们在说某个具体的,特定的早晨、下午、晚上时应用on.6.be strict with 对„要求非常严格

She’s very strict with her children.她待子女很严。

7.old people’s home 敬老院

以前我们曾学过old folk’s home

8.take time to do things 花费时间做事情。take在这里为“花费”的意思。


It takes sb some time to do sth.it为形式主语


It took me 2 hours to finish the homework.9.be a great experience for sb.对„来说是一次很棒的经历。10.volunteer(1)n.志愿者

volunteer groups 志愿小组

volunteers to run Christmas show.自愿操办、圣诞节表演的人。


Tim’s busy but I’ll come , he volunteered.蒂姆很忙,我来吧,他主动说道。11.sleepy想睡的(a.)Are you sleepy ? 你睏吗? asleep 睡着的、熟睡的

He waits until the children are asleep.他一直等到孩子们睡着了。

词组fall asleep 入睡


Unit3 Family life

Family life in cities Paula interviewed two teenagers for a programme on family life.She asked them some questions.Here are their answers.Emily(aged 15)1 well, there are just three of us: my mum, my dad and me.2 Have I got many possessions? Yes, I’ve got a lot of things: a big TV, a new computer and a mobile phone.3 No, I’m not expected to do the housework.4 We go out for dinner together sometimes, but my dad is often abroad on business, and my mum works too.We usually just do our own personal things.5 No, they don’t usually set rules for me and since I’m a good daughter they never punish me.6 Well, I like our new flat.It’s much bigger than our last one.But I feel lonely when my parents are away from home.Jerry(aged 14)1 My mum, dad, grandma and my sister Rosie.Although it sometimes feels crowded in our little flat we don’t mind.No, I haven’t got many possessions.I have no interest in things like fashionable cloth4e.new fashions soon go out of date, don’t they? That’s what my grandma says.3 Yes, I help with the housework.I wash the dishes and even iron my own shirts.My grandma says young people should learn to look after themselves.4 Yes, we like doing things together.We eat meals together every day, and my family always come to school events.5 Yes, I suppose they set some rules for me.For example, unless I finish all my homework, I can’t watch TV, and I can’t go out with my friends either.6 I love all my family very much.We have a close relationship, and we always support each other.More practice

How to communicate with your parents Many young people have trouble communicating with their parents.However, there are some very useful tips to help solve this problem.First, make a list of the things you and your parents disagree about most.With each of these things, try to find an answer acceptable to both you and your parents.It is no good for you to require everything to go your way.You have to be ready to change a little if you want them to change.Second, talk to your parents when it is convenient for them.Remember that your parents my have to work long hours and this can make them tired, so be patient with them.Third, listen to what your parents have to say.How can you expect them to listen to you if you are not ready to listen to them? In addition, your parents were once young like you, so they understand your situation better than you expect.Finally, if you do not get a satisfactory result, try not to get too angry.Talk with your parents and find out their reasons.Part of growing up is learning to live with these kinds of disagreements, and learning to understand another person’s way of looking at things.With a little had work, you can learn to communicate better with you parents.




1.in English 2.excuse me 3.computer game 4.lost and found 5.call…at… 6.a set of keys

二.重点句型.1.----Is this that your pen? 2.---Is this that hisher book?-----Yes, it is.-----No, it isn’t..-----Yes, it is.-----No, it isn’t..3.---Are thesethose yourhisher pencils?----Yes, they are.----No, they aren’t..三.知识点

1.一般疑问句: 是以be动词(is, are等),情态动词(can等)或助动词(do, does等)开头,表示疑问的句子。




1.分析学生学情, 做好思想工作

随着新课的结束, 九年级学生将面临各门功课的复习, 此时, 学生可分为两类:一类是想方设法要进入自己理想学校的学生, 一类是觉得自己没什么希望, 具有自暴自弃想法的学生。我们教师首先要确定好这些学生名单, 然后分别找其谈话。对于压力过大的学生, 我们要帮其解压, 做好疏导和调节工作;对于自暴自弃的学生, 我们要倾注更多的关爱和耐心, 可以讲一些名人成才的曲折故事和例子, 经常找出他们身上的闪光点来表扬和鼓励等, 扭转他们的思想, 使其进入复习的正常轨道。

2.研读中考有关材料, 正确把握中考动向

每年中考前, 各市教研室都会下发当年中考的考试说明, 我们拿到手后应仔细研读, 把握好考纲的精神和动向, 这样我们就可以有的放矢地进行复习, 不会偏离中考轨道, 也不会让学生走冤枉路。

3. 发挥备课组优势, 制定周详复习计划

一个人的智慧是有限的, 所以应充分发挥备课组这个集体的优势, 把大家召集在一起, 根据考纲的要求, 各成员将复习的计划列出, 然后由备课组长进行整合和筛选, 通过大家的一致认可后制定出一份周详的复习计划, 然后大家再进行分工合作, 根据中考的不同题型做好不同的复习课件并出好专项练习, 为复习做好准备。


1.充分利用早读课、辅导课抓词汇默写, 夯实基础

很多学生学不好英语最关键的原因是词汇掌握得不够、不牢靠。我们可以利用早读或辅导课的时间进行词汇过关。当然在布置任务时我们应当把四会单词作为重点来抓, 默写时既要重基础也要作相关拓展, 如单词的词性、名词的单复数、动词各种形式的变化等, 复习单词时不可像新授课那样单一, 而应综合化、全面化。

2.课本复习以教材内在联系为主线, 综合归类

课本是学生掌握基本信息、基本词汇和常用句型的载体, 所以复习时我们首先要帮学生过课本上的知识。对课本复习我们不能按部就班, 因为我们时间很有限, 不可能在短短的不到三个月的时间内复习完六册书, 所以我们可以将这六册书按照教材内在联系归在一起复习。认真研究六册教材, 我们可以发现教材的内在联系为:7A——人与人的关系; 7B——人与环境的关系;8A——人与人、人与自然的关系; 8B——人与社会的关系;9A——人与人的关系; 9B——人与社会 (未来世界、文化、伟人) 的关系。我们教师可以根据这个信息将课本内容进行整合, 然后细心周详备好课本复习课, 最好能做课件来上, 因为这样做不仅可以扩大课堂的容量, 同时还能达到视听结合的效果。

3.用好《中考复习指导》, 搞好专项复习

在复习课本的同时我们还要兼顾《中考复习指导》这本练习册, 因为其中有专项复习题, 课本复习中我们可以训练词汇句型, 专项复习时我们可以让学生运用课本上的知识来做题, 同时起到巩固课本知识的作用。

4.精选综合模拟卷, 指导应试技巧

我们的复习应该是由点到面的复习, 点就是各种题型的专项训练, 面就是各种题型的综合训练。复习到一定程度后我们要给学生做综合模拟卷。模拟训练是一种综合性的测试, 它旨在考查学生的综合能力。为了避免学生重复机械做题, 我们应精选模拟卷, 同时我们还要适时地对学生指导应试技巧, 主要是针对英语考卷上的不同题型进行不同的指导, 这样既省时, 又高效。


1.学生交互批改, 教师及时纠错

复习时教师有很多工作要做, 如果再忙于学生大量练习的批改, 必然会顾此失彼, 那么怎样能让学生所做的练习得到及时的反馈呢?我觉得还是利用好学生。我们现在提倡小组合作学习, 可以在课堂上先批阅各小组中做得最快的那位学生的练习, 然后再让这样的一些学生当助手传好接力棒, 而且这样做既激发学生的热情, 又发挥了小组合作的优势, 教师可以在学生批改作业的时候进行巡视, 发现个别问题个别解决, 共性问题全班解决, 这样就让复习得到了及时反馈。

2.建立错题集, 滚动再训练, 吸取教训

在前面所做工作的基础上, 我觉得课后不要再给学生印发大容量的练习卷了, 因为学生中考有六门功课, 如果每个老师课后都发一张试卷, 学生会没有消化知识的时间, 反而搞得学生筋疲力尽。我认为应让学生建立一本错题集, 把自己当堂课做错的题目在老师讲解后重新写下来, 再做, 并且写上为什么要用这个答案的简明理由, 或在题目上圈圈画画, 让自己加深对自己曾做错题目的印象, 这样就充分给了学生消化知识的时间。这样滚动训练后, 他们就吸取了教训, 一般不会再犯同样的错误。


1. One day we got to ____ about the rules in school.

A. talkingB. talkC. to talkD. talked

2. You must concentrate more ____ your English.

A. toB. inC. onD. at

3. That is a good way to keep ____ teachers and students happy.

A. eitherB. noneC. allD. both

4. Don’t get ____ when you study in groups.

A. noiseB. noisesC. noisyD. noising

5. We should learn ____ each other.

A. toB. fromC. forD. of

6. You have to be 18 years before you ____ to drive a car.

A. are allowedB. areC. allowedD. allow

7. The children often take time to do things like ____.

A. volunteerB. to volunteerC. volunteersD. volunteering

8. It is not an easy task to choose a personal computer, for technology

____ rapidly.

A. is changingB. has changedC. changedD. will changed

9. The teachers should teach us ____ our lives ____ hard work, not


A. to build; onB. building; onC. to build; inD. build; in

10. Mrs Green is always proud ____ her children.

A. toB. inC. ofD. at



1. Doris wrote a letter yesterday. (改为一般疑问句)

____ Doris ____ a letter yesterday?

2. My parents should allow me to study with friends. (改为同义句)

I should ____ ____ to study with friends.

3. They finish basketball practice at 4:30 every day. (就划线部分提问)

____ ____ do they finish basketball practice?

4. The students are sleepy after a long week of classes. (改为感叹句)

____ ____ the students are after a long week of classes!

5. The children cried because they heard the bad news.


____ ____ the children cry?


1. A good medicine tastes bitter.A. 既来之,则安之。

2. One is as old as one’s heart.B. 瑞雪兆丰年。

3. Believe well and have well.C. 精诚所至,金石为开。

4. A snow year, a rich year.D. 良药苦口。

5. Take things as they come.E. 心多老,人多老。


Yesterday evening, when I went to town __1__ my mother, we met a strange old man.

It was raining __2__ and we had no umbrella. We were trying to __3__ a taxi when he came up to us. He was carrying a nice umbrella and he said that he would give __4__ for only a pound. He had forgotten his wallet; he said he needed a taxi to go back home. My mother didn’t believe what he had said at first, and __5__ him a lot of questions. But she finally believed the man and gave him the pound. She was happy to __6__ a good umbrella for so little. But the old man didn’t get into a taxi. We walked __7__ him and found he went into a pub and bought himself a glass of __8__ with the pound. After he drank it, he __9__ his hat and took up one of the many wet umbrellas there and went off with the new one.

Soon after that, he __10__ it again.

1. A. inB. nearC. withD. by

2. A. hardB. bigC. heavyD. small

3. A. get out ofB. get intoC. get upD. get off

4. A. it usB. it to usC. us itD. us to it

5. A. showedB. askedC. lentD. borrowed

6. A. haveB. buyC. seeD. make

7. A. withB. forC. beforeD. after

8. A. orangeB. teaC. coffeeD. whiskey

9. A. put onB. took offC. put upD. put down

10. A. lostB. droppedC. soldD. wore



Mascots(吉祥物) for the Olympic Games


1. From the information above, we know the Olympic Games are held every ____ years.

A. 3B. 4C. 5D. 8

2. The mascots for Beijing Olympic Games are 2 more than those for____ Olympic Games.

A. SydneyB. Los AngelesC. AtlantaD. Munich

3. The mascot for the ____ Olympic Games was the first Olympic mascot in Olympic history.

A. 1996 MunichB. 1984 BeijingC. 1972 MunichD. 2000 Sydney

4. The 23rd and 26th Olympic Games were held in the same ____.

A. townB. cityC. countryD. place

5. Which of the following information is NOT true? ____.

A. The 1996 Olympic Games was held in America

B. The 27th Olympic Games was held in Europe

C. Beijing held the 29th Olympic Games

D. Munich is in Europe


A young officer was at a railway station. On his way home, he wanted to telephone his mother to tell her the time of his train, so that she could meet him at the station in her car. He looked in all his pockets, but found that he did not have the right money for the telephone, so he went outside and looked around for someone to help him.

At last an old soldier came by, and the young officer stopped him and said, “Have you got change for ten pence?”

“Wait a moment,” the old soldier answered, beginning to put his hand in his pocket, “I’ll see whether I can help you.”

“Don’t you know how to speak to an officer?” the young man said angrily. “Now let’s start again. Have you got change for ten pence?”

“No, sir,” the old soldier answered quickly.


1. The young officer wanted to telephone his mother to tell her ____.

A. that he was going to visit her

B. when his train would leave

C. when his train would arrive

D. that he was now at the railway station

2. He looked around for help because he ____.

A. didn’t have coins for the phone call

B. had no money to make the phone call

C. didn’t have the local money

D. wanted to change money

3. The old soldier ____.

A. was glad to help himB. didn’t know if he had coins

C. didn’t want to help himD. was angry

4. The young officer was angry because he thought the old soldier ____.

A. didn’t know how to speak to him

B. didn’t want to help him

C. didn’t answer him correctly

D. was not friendly to him

5. The old soldier in the story was ____.

A. cleverB. stupidC. politeD. friendly


When Mary was a student she always wanted to be a teacher because she liked children. When she was 21 years old, she began teaching in a small school. She was a good teacher and laughed a lot with the children in her class. They liked her teaching.

One day one of the girls in her class said to her, “Mary, why does a man’s hair become grey before his mustache(胡子)?” Mary laughed and answered, “I don’t know, Helen. Why does it become grey before his mustache?” “I don’t know, either,” answered Helen, “but it happened to my father.”

Then one of the boys said, “I know, Helen. Men’s hair becomes grey first because it is 16 years older than their mustache.”


Mary wanted to __1__ a teacher when she was very __2__. She __3__ a teacher at the __4__ of twenty-one. She __5__ well and the children __6__ her very much. One day __7__ asked her a hard question. She wanted to know why __8__ hair became grey before their mustache. It was hard for Mary to answer. But a boy could. He thought a man’s hair became grey first just __9__ a man __10__ have mustache when he was young enough.

1.____ 2.____ 3.____ 4.____ 5.____

6.____ 7.____ 8.____ 9.____ 10.____


请以 What’s Cool为题写一篇小短文,发表一下自己对cool的看法。
