



Unit 2 reaching out across the ocean跨越大洋


众所周知,很早很早以前,非洲就与印度和红海文明有联系。中国的丝绸沿丝绸之路运往印度、中东和罗马去交换香料和玻璃--这些在中国根本没人知道的东西。沿印度洋海岸也有丝绸贸易。锡兰,凭借其中心位置,成为中国商人会见阿拉伯商人和了解西方先进科技文化的地方。因此,汉朝人了解非洲并且有书籍描述了红海和非洲沿岸国家。公元,甘英,一位中国大使,从陆路到东罗马并且把一位非洲国王所赠的礼物--犀牛角带回到洛阳。在以后的几百年间,索马里王国以及非洲沿海的岛屿发展成为世界贸易中心,主要经营象牙、香料、犀牛角、贝壳、动物皮毛和糖。这些物品远销到阿拉伯国家、埃及、希腊、罗马、印度、锡兰和中国的商人手中。这些阿拉伯人与非洲海岸国家的接触未后来一位中国人和黑人的会谈准备了条件。公元751年,中国的旅行家--杜环被阿拉伯军队所俘虏。他逃跑了,在经历了阿拉伯国家的长途跋涉之后,于公元762年乘小船回到祖国。回国后,他写了《经行记》,讲诉了中亚、阿拉伯以及非洲国家的情况。在十一世纪,非洲人曾几次通过海路到达宋朝王宫。这是非洲人开始了解中国的一次大发展。在非洲发现的最早 亚洲文化遗产也是从这一时期开始的。一个小青铜狮子塑像已经在尚加的索马里城发现了。还没有类似的东西在东非被发现。中国和非洲几个世纪的接触让双方知道了彼此的存在,但当时还没有精确的地图描述印度洋周围的国家。到了15世纪除,召开了一次大型会议的时机已经成熟。东非沿岸城市正鼎盛时期。而在东方,中国在一个新的朝代的统治下也繁荣起来了。明朝政府拥有一只强大的海军并且也有发挥这只海军作用的想法。从14到1433年,7艘大型的珠宝商船到东方进行贸易和探险航行。在郑和的带领下,这个船队从中国南海出发,跨越印度洋到达红海口,然后继续向南,结果发现了非洲东海岸。郑和常常被成为“中国的哥伦布”。郑和增进了和非洲东部海岸国家的联系。非洲国王送给明朝皇帝一个皇室的礼物:两只长颈鹿。这个精美的礼物和与非洲王室的接触令中国人对非洲如此好奇,以至于郑和给那个国王和别的非洲国家送信,邀请他们派大使并在明朝首都--北京开办大使馆。这些非洲国王很慷慨,他们给明朝皇帝送来了斑马、长颈鹿、贝壳、大象象牙和犀牛角药品。作为往来,明朝皇帝给他们送去了金子、香料、丝绸和各种别的礼物。这种礼物的交换的象征意义远远重于这些物品价值本身。通过和这个船队的贸易,非洲国王开始表示对中国皇帝的友谊。这个船队在结束探险之前或许是为了经济原因进行了几次远征。短期内,中国成为海上霸主。1433年以后,明朝意识到国内存在着巨大的机遇和挑战。



如同在其他国家一样,中国政府意识到中国市民的将来福利与教育密切相连。在20召开的世界教育论坛会上,计算出有一亿一千三百万个孩子未进入学校。在论坛会上,联合教育成员国,科学和文化组织(UNESCO)做了一个承诺,目的是去提供“在之前,为所有孩子提供完全免费的高质量的义务教育”。他们称这个目标为 “全民教育“。现在,这些国家正努力去争取让每一个孩子都入学,而且他们也正经历着类似于中国所面临的困难。





























当蜜蜂发现了一个喂食点,他们从蜂箱直接飞去,片刻后一群蜜蜂就像一条溪流一样来回于喂食点和蜂箱之间。几个世纪之前就出现了“bee-line”这个词,现在”to make a beeline for someone or something”这种表达的意思是沿着直线迅速地去某处。


Teaching aims:

I. Words and expressions:


telegram L 18

L 19 四

firm typist express satisfaction description

umbrella board gift jokingly review researcher


translation handsome companion blame housewife

librarian luggage tense

L 17

L 18

L 19

advertise Legend Computer Group Corporation product

boring comment ad = advertisement bring in humor

humorous description

hand in hand poster try out failure microcomputer

viewer freeway

fragile insert split SOS sincerely

L 17

L 18

L 19

L 20

II. Everyday English:

I think it would be a good idea to…

Do you think so? I (don’t) agree with… I (don’t) think so.

Do you think that … I’m afraid I can’t agree with you.

That’s true/right. Of course. I agree.

What exactly are you suggesting? No problem.

III. Grammar:

Review the usage of the past participle used as attribute,

Predicate, object complement and adverbial.

IV. The use of the language:

运用所学语言,围绕广告的作用这一题材, 完成有关的听,说,写的任务; 阅读课文 “Advertising”, 确切理解, 让学生了解广告的一般常识及其作用, 并完成有关课文内容的练习.

Lesson 17

Step 1 Presentation

SB Page25 Part 1. Ask questions about advertising like these:

Where can you find advertisements? / Why do companies advertise?

Do you watch advertisements on TV? / Which are your favorite


Step 2 Reading

Read the dialogue silently and find out the answer to this question:

Whose ideas for the advertising program are the best? Bob’s ideas.

Ss try to guess the meaning of user , product , humorous , comments ,

typist , satisfaction. Teach the new words.

Step 3 Dialogue

Go through the dialogue briefly and make sure the Ss understand it.

1. Any ideas? = Have you got any ideas? Or Are there any ideas?

在对话中经常出现这种省略句. 如: OK = That’s OK. No problem

= There’s no problem. Easy = That’s easy.等

以any 或 any 的合成词开头的省略句, 常用于对话, 以征求意见或了解情况. 例如:

Any questions? / Any news? / Anything to say? / Anything else? = Do you want anything else? / Anybody else? = Is there anybody else?

2. I think it would be a good idea to have comments from secretaries and typists: A secretary is usually paid more than a typist. A secretary, in addition to doing typing, may be asked to arrange a manager’s appointments, to take notes during meetings and so on.

I think it would be a good idea to do sth. 是委婉地提出建议的交际用语. Eg. ①A: I’m afraid I’m putting on weight.

B: I think it would be a good idea to keep on doing mor-

ning exercises.

②A: I haven’t got any information on this matter.

B: I think it would be a good idea to ask your secretary.

3. express their satisfaction with the product = to say that they are happy

with the quality of the product they are using.

express one’s satisfaction with… “对…表示满意”

①The organizers expressed their satisfaction with the preparation

for the conference.

②His wife has never expressed her satisfaction with the living con-


4. Do you think so? A polite way of disagreeing with someone.

Eg. A: How do you think of Bob?

B: Perhaps he’s nice, but he’s very quiet. He seldom says anything

A: Do you think so? Do you think he doesn’t like talking? There

he comes, talking with friends. Look, how cheerful he is.

5. So what exactly are you suggesting?

So 是连词, 有”因此” “那么”的意思

…are you suggesting 句中用现在进行时表示将来, 原句相当于

So what exactly are you going to suggest?

eg. ①Who is designing the advertisement?

②When are you having a holiday?

③How long are you staying in London?

6. We can bring in some humor too.我们还可以插进点幽默的话语.

bring in “带进”, “引来”

eg. ①Bring the washing in. It’s raining.

②The foreigners brought in new things and new ideas.

③The Normans brought in many laws and social customs.

7. ad: short for advertisement.

8. A list of recent customers = a list of people who have recently bought the product.

9. What kind of advertisements do you read or watch on TV, if any?

…if any = …if you read any.在复合句中,如果从句的某成分同主句


Eg. ①We’ll certainly help you if we can.(help you.)

②They’ll get everything ready tomorrow if not earlier? =

…if they can’t get it ready earlier?

Step 4 Practice

SB Page25, Part2 Free discussion to practise oral fluency.

How to express agreement or disagreement.

Agreement: Of course./ That’s true./ Right./ I agree./ I think so.

Disagreement: Do you really think so? / I don’t agree with you.

I don’t think that…/I’m afraid I can’t agree with you.

Step 5 Workbook

Wb Lesson 17, Page 89 Exx, 1and2


Ss try to retell the story.

Lesson 18

Step 1 Revision

1.Revise the dialogue in Lesson 17.

2.Check the homework exercises.

Step 2 Presentation

SB Page26, Part 1. Read aloud the questions at the top of

the passage. Then read the passage, at last find the answers

to the questions. Answers: 1. It makes a product cheaper.

2. Five.

Step 3 Reading


1.Why is advertising so popular? 2. What can be advertised?

3.What forms of advertisements can be used?

4. How are advertisements made?

5. What is done when an ad is ready?

Ss guess the meaning of hand in hand/think up/try out

Language points:

1.highly developed = extremely developed, using many

different techniques.

2. has gone hand in hand with = has progressed at the same

time as

3. large boards: known as billboards

4. Once managers would say jokingly = Once managers

used to talk about the money which they spent on adver-

tising in the following way.

would do 此处表示过去的习惯

e.g. ① Often he would take a seat at the back before the

lectures began.

②He would make a suggestion or two when he read a report

from his men.

Jokingly adv. 在此作状语 类似的词有:smilingly/surprisingly/


Eg. ①She explained the whole story and her boss nodded under-


②He replied laughingly, “Aren’t you making the same mis-


③The musician smiled approvingly while the little girl was

playing the piano.

5. “I know…which half.” = I know that much of the money

which I spend on advertising is wasted, but I do not know

exactly which part of this money is wasted.

6. Also present will be a person who thinks up…

Note the inversion. A person who thinks up …will also be


Eg. ①With him was a man of no more than forty.

②Present at the conference were scientists and writers

from many countries.

③ Also attending the meeting were government officials, business-

men and bankers from different parts of the countries.

Also note the use of the Present Simple for describing a


think up = imagine; invent “想出”, “设计出”

eg. ①She thought up a funny game for the children to play.

②The prisoners tried to think up a plan for escape.

7. buy space = technical term for buying part of a page in a

newspaper for an advertisement

8. buy time : technical term for buying a period of time on

TV for an advertisement (e.g. 15seconds/ 1 minute)

9. try it out: try using the advertisement.

10. P27 图片的下面LX P5/90-the highest level of Chinese

Microcomputer 指联想P5/90型最高级的中国微机.

P = Pattern(型)的缩写.

11.Isn’t it time you made someone’s life a bit easier? 该是


It’s time sb. did sth. 虚拟语气的一个句型

① It’s time we started our work.

② It’s time you gave a reply to us.

③Is it time you got things ready?

Step 4 Reading aloud

Play the tape of Lesson18 for the Ss to listen and follow.

Step 5 Note making

SB Page27, Part2 Ss do it individually. They can refer to

the text. Suggested notes are on Page39 TB.

Step 6 An advertisement

SB Page27, Part3 Do it in class.

Step 7 Workbook

Wb Lesson 18,Exx1-2. Let the Ss review how to write a

business letter first. We can refer to TB Lesson20 Step7

Step 8 Consolidation

Ask the Ss what they have learned about advertising in this

unit. Get them to retell the text.


Finish off the Workbook exercises.

Lesson 19

Step 1 Revision

1. Check the homework exercises.

2. Ask Ss to tell you about 5 advertisements which they’ve

seen recently.

Step 2 Preparation for reading

SB Page28, Part1. Ss read the passage quickly and answer

this question:

What is one danger with selling your product abroad?

(You must make sure that the translation is correct.)

Step 3 Reading

Ss read the passage quickly. Answer the following ques-


① Why do people read advertisements?

② What mistake was made in the translation of the ad for hair cream?

③ What mistake was made in the car ad?

Language Points:

1. What makes a good advertisement? = What makes an ad a good one. Make “有条件成为”

①David will make a very good football player.

②Cold tea makes a good drink in summer.

③What makes a good translation? It must be true to the

the original, and clear and easy to understand.

2.Th translation = the translation of the ad.

3.Nobody bought the product, however, because when translated it

meant “X puts living things into dry hair.”

when translated = when it was translated 相当于一个时间状语从 句.当从句的主语与主句的主语一致, 而从句的谓语是be时,则主语和be均可省略,而成为when + done

eg. ①Your exercises must be handed in immediately when finished.

②The shop assistant when spoken to didn’t make an answer.

4. living things = insects.

Step 4 Practice

SB Page28 Part2 Teach the new words: telegram, blame

companion, freeway, housewife, librarian.

Ss do it themselves. Then check the answers.

Step 5 Practice

SB Page29 Part3 Ss have to make sensible sentences. For

answers, refer to TB P40.

Step 6 Practice

SB Page29 Part 4. Practise: have sth. done. TB P41

Step 7 Practice

SB Page 29 Part 5. For answers refer to TB P41

Step 8 Workbook

Wb Lesson 19, Exx1-3


Finish off all the workbook exercises.

Lesson 20

Step 1 Revision

1. Check the homework exercises.

2. Revise the structure have sth. done

Step 2 Checkpoint

Go through checkpoint 5. Revise the past participle.

Step 3 English in use

SB Page30 Part2. Ss do it in pairs, then check the answers.

“SOS” , 这是国际通用的(船舶,飞机等的)呼救信号, 即

无线电报中所用的摩尔斯电码: …---…

Step 4 Writing

SB Page30 Part3. A plan for the letter.

Para1 Introduction: He Xianlin’s letter

Para2 Reply to her offer to sell the computer.

Para3 If interested, arrange a time. if not interested, thank


For sample version, refer to TB P43. Pay attention to the

notes below the letter.

try out: “试验”, “检验”

eg. ①Have the advertisers tried out the microcomputer


②The idea seems fine but we need to try it out in


Step 5 Workbook

Wb Lesson20 Exx.1-3


Finish off the workbook exercises.

Listening (omitted here)


Going High: The Pioneers of The Third Pole

Step 1 Led- in

In the last reading passage we talked about navigation exploration. That is to say, the Ocean exploration As we know, by the middle of the1920s , the farthest corners of the earth had already been explored by human being. Continents had not only been reached, but also mapped out. People had even reached the North and South Poles Now what new limit did human being endeavour to cross or conquer?

Step 2 Reading

1. First look at the title “Going High: The Pioneers of the Third Pole”. What does “going high “ mean in this text?

-----Climbing the mountain.

2. What does” the pioneers “ means?

----Of course the climbers who try to conquer the mountain.

3. What new exploration did people want to challenge?

-----How to climb the highest mountain-Mount Qomolangma

4. Why does the writer call it “ the third pole” ?

-----Because Mount Qomolangma can be compared with the North and South Poles

for its extreme condition. The exploration is as tough and risky job as reaching

the North and South Poles. It is said that climbing is like going to the moon.

5. What difficulties and dangers do you think a person will face when he climbs Mount Qomolangma?

---- I think the climbers will face the cold, thin air and low oxygen levels. Besides, continuous bad weather may endanger the climbers’ lives. Worse still, they may meet with snow collapse, which is fatal. Lastly, there will be no chance to survive if the oxygen runs out.

6. What are needed to conquer the Mount Qomolangma besides all the necessary equipment and preparations ?

---- climber’s skill, courage, strong will and wisdom

7. Since it is such a dangerous place , why can the Tibetans live at ease in such extreme conditions ?

---- Because they lived in Himalayas for centuries and have adjusted to the

conditions at such a height.

8. What makes Sherpas the most reliable guides in every attempt to climb Mount Qomolangma?

----Sherpa strength, skill, honesty and dedication have made them the most reliable


9. We know the Sherpas are the local people who live there many years and can be used to the weather there but why don’t they climb that mountain?

----Because in their eyes the mountains were sacred.

10. What might have been the possible reasons that made the British expeditions fail in 1922 and in 1924?

----They were not prepared for many unexpected difficulties and they were not very

familiar with Mount Qomolangma.

11. Why could Edmund Hillary and Tenzing Norgay make it to the summit of Mount Qomolangma?

----Because after World War II, technological advances in clothing and equipment

had been made and more was known about the mountain itself.

12. How do you understand the sentence “ Like winning in the Olympic Games, climbing a mountain such as Mount Qomolangma is a great personal achievement”?

----Mountain climbing itself means exploring human possibilities and every success

proves the conqueror’s courage, endeavour and ability.

13. After the first successful climbing, why did so many people still want to climb Mount Qomolangma?

---- Because different people represent different countries and different “number


14. Did the Chinese team ever reach the summit of the mountain? How do you know?

---- They left behind an iron container with our national flag and a portrait of

Chairman Mao Zedong on the summit.

Step 3 Understanding

1. Read the text again and finish Ex. 2.

(1). Going to Mount Qomolangma was like going to the moon.

= it was regarded as difficult as going to the moon.

(2). The death zone = people find it almost impossible to live in the area.

(3). They had no idea what they were up against.

= They didn’t what conditions were to be faced with.

(4). English air = oxygen

(5). Some suggested that it could not be accomplished. = thought

Step 4 :Language points:

1. accomplish: 1). complete / finish

(1). We accomplished such a difficult task in one day

(2). He has accomplished a great deal of work in the past few weeks.

Cf. finish

_____his homework, he went out to play.

_____the following sentences.

2). be accomplished in / at = be clever / skilled / expert in / at

(1). She is accomplished at several foreign languages.

(2). …………………… in a great many arts.

2. apart from: 1). except / except for / but ….

(1). Apart from a few faults, he is a reliable friend.

(2). Apart from you and me, I don’t think nobody knows this matter.

(3). To tell the truth, apart from the slow salary, I don’t think it is a bad job.

2). in addition (to)/ besides / as well as 除了…外,还;;;

(1). Apart from the cost, the dress doesn’t suit me.

姑且不论价格, 这件衣服不适合我穿.

(2). Apart from being used as a building material, wood is also made into paper.

(3). Apart from a dictionary, he presented me with a dozen pencils.

3). to / at a distance ; separately

(1). The two houses stand 80 meters apart ( from each other.)

(2). He keeps himself apart from other people.

(3). He lives apart from his parents.

3. adjust (sth. /oneself )to = adapt oneself to

= 1). become / get/ make suited ( to new conditions)

(1). If you want to work in Tibet , you must first adjust / adapt yourself to the

new climate.

(2). In order to get adjusted / adapted to the life there, he took an active part in

the activities there.

2). arrange / put …into correct order / position

(1). Astronauts in flight must adjust to their weightlessness.

(2). The desks and seats can be adjusted to the height of any child.

(3). This lady carefully adjusted her clothes and hair before going out.

4. dedicate …to… vt. 1). give / devote (oneself / time / energy / effort ) to…

(1). He dedicated his life to the service of his country.

(2). Madam Curies dedicated herself to the cause of science.

(3). His dedication to teaching gained the respect of his students.

2). be dedicated / devoted to = be absorbed in / bury oneself in

/ be busy with

(1). He is dedicated / devoted to the cause that he likes.

(2). When entered, he was dedicated to his work.

5. refer to 1). mention / speak of / mean

(1). The man referred to yesterday has arrived at the airport.

(2). In his speech he often referred to his past experiences as a peasant.

(3). I knew he was referring to Bill Gates when he spoke of a promising boy.

2). turn to ….for information 向。。。查询

(1). If you don’t know the words, please refer to the dictionary.

(2). In the course of his speech he referred several times to his notes.

(3). This traveler referred to his guide book for details of his journey.

3). send…..to…for help / advice / action 提/送交。。。以求。。。

(1). They sent the patient to a big hospital for treatment.

(2). It’s suggested that the nuclear problem on Iran should be referred to the UN.

4). owe ….to….

(1). When asked about the secret of his success, he said he referred his success

to his wife and children.

5). refer to……as = regard / consider / look on…as

(1). The local people laughed at the strange bottles containing what they

referred to as “English air”.

6. arise (from / out of ) iv. 1). appear / come into existence(being)

(1). A new situation will arise when the examination system comes into being.


(2). Nobody knows how the quarrel between them arose.

2). result from

(3). New difficulties will arise from such situation.

(4). Some accidents may arise out of carelessness.

7. sth.(food/money/time/patience/strength) run out

= sth. give out / be exhausted

sb. run out of sth. = sb. use up sth.

(1). ---- Have we run out of food?

---- Yes, our food has run out. We’d better buy some.

(2). That day his patience ran out , so he got very angry with you.

8. have no chance of doing / that… = possibility / hope

(1). --- Do you think he has a good chance of winning? --- I don’t think so.

(2). Is there any chance that he will be rescued ?

/ Does he have any chance of being rescued?

9. …be the first to make it to summit of Mount …

make it 1). succeed in ( one’s career )

(1). --- Do you think we can catch the train?

---- I hope we can make it.

(2). He says he’ll get up at six tomorrow morning, but he’ll never make it.

2). arrange

(3). -- When shall we start? -- Let’s _____it 8:30. Is that all right? (02 Beijing)

A. set B. make C. meet D. take

Cf. mange it. = deal / cope with

(1). ---- May I help you to carry your suitcase?

---- No, thank you, but I can manage it.

(2). Without your help, I shan’t be able to manage the job.

10. leave ….. behind = fail / forget to take / bring ……

(1). Wait --- don’t leave me behind.

(2). It won’t rain. Please leave your umbrella behind.

Cf. leave + n. / pron. + o.c. =cause….in a certain state of….

(1). Don’t leave the door open / locked / shut / closed.

(2). The crash of the aircraft left more than 80 passengers dead.

(3). Most men in the village left for the big cities for better job, leaving the

women and children doing their farm work.

11. be( go / come) up against sth. = be faced with ( problems / difficulties…)

(1). He really doesn’t know what problems he will be up against in the future.

(2). He is really up against difficulties./ in great difficulties.

12. try to remember:

by the middle of the 1920s

at such a great height

act as a guide

rely on = depend on

make an / the attempt to do

in one’s attempt to do

a great personal achievement

on one’s return

be praised as

succeed in doing / be successful in doing

= manage to do

fail to do

ideal companions
