



情态动词的区分 情态动词可以广泛分为四大类。第一类只能做情态动词,包括may、might、must等。第二类既能做情态动词,又能做实义助词,包括need、dare、can等。第三类既能做情态动词,又能做助动词,包括shall、should、will、would等。第四类是指具有情态动词特征的短语,包括have to、used to、ought to等。Can/could通常代表许可的意思,能够广泛用于肯定句、否定句和疑问句中,而且could的表达效果通常要更加委婉。Cannot是指“禁止”,通常用于警告和告示。May/might的意思与can/could相似,用法也没有明显区别,不过其与后者相比大多用于正式文体,通常含有尊敬之意,其中,might较may表达的效果更加委婉,但不是很常用。Shall通常用于表示征求意见,常用于疑问句中。而will/would同样是表示请求,其中would的表达效果更为客气委婉,且大多用于第二人称。Must则是表示必须、必要。






1. 日语情感动词的定义和分类

一般把表达或描述情感的动词称之为情感动词, 这类词通常与心理有关, 所以也有学者 (堀川, 1992;吉永, 1997;三原, 1999) 称之为心理动词。工藤真由美 (1995) 称之为“内的情態動詞”。本文根据汉语的习惯表达把这类动词称为“情感动词”。

山冈政纪 (2000) 指出日语中的情感动词指的是表达自己或他人心情、感觉、心理的动词, 并从语用学的角度对日语情感动词进行了比较全面的分析, 根据语用功能, 将日语情感动词分为:情感表述、情感变化和情感描述三大类。这类动词包括表达思维、情感、感觉、知觉的动词。

1.1 情感表述动词

所谓情感表述指的是言语交际时说话人对自己目前内心感受的表达和吐露, 包括喜、怒、哀、乐。日语中用于情感表述的动词通常具有如下特征:自动词, 在句中从当谓语, 以“る”形终止, 时态为一般现在时, 像“腹が立つ、いらいらする、どきどきする、わくわくする、痛む、虫酸が走る、気になる、癪に障る”等。


(1) 今日の仕事を思い出してイライラする。

(2) 隣の部屋がうるさくていらいらする。

(3) 初めて日本に行くのでわくわくする。

(4) ああ、腹が立つ。

1.2 情感变化动词

所谓情感变化动词指的是言语交际时说话人表达自己的感觉、知觉和情感的变化, 且强调的是某种结果, 通常以“た”形终止的情感动词。虽然以“た”形终止, 但表达的是变化后持续的情感状态, 其“时态”体现为现在。

情感变化动词的基本特征: (1) 表达情感变化的瞬间动词, (2) 通常采用过去助动词“た”表达变化后的现在的情感状态。如:「ほっとした、びっくりした、がっかりした、腹が減った、あきれた、困った、足が痺れた、肩が凝った」等等。


(5) 会社内は整然としていて、ほっとした。

(6) 急に大きな音がしてびっくりした。

(7) 楽しみにしていた旅行に行けなくなってがっかりした。

(8) ああ、腹が減った。

(9) これはあきれた。

(10) ああ、驚いた。

(11) すばらしい考えがひらめいた。

1.3 情感描述动词

所谓情感描述动词指的是客观描述他人或本人的情感的动词。这类动词无论以“る”形终止, 还是以“た”形终止, 其话语功能都不是说话人对自己的情感表述、吐露, 语义上和情感表述动词、情感变化动词具有相同的语义特征, 都是表达喜怒哀乐的意思, 如:「怒る、悲しむ、苦しむ、喜ぶ、楽しむ、がっかりする等。


(10) カナダ農家、遺伝子組み換え小麦の栽培地非公開に怒る。

(11) 先生は健二がうそをついたことで怒っている。

(12) 子供のいたずらの弁解に苦しんだ。

(13) 父は週末をゴルフで楽しんだ。

(14) 母は絵を描いて人生を楽しむ。

2. 情感表述动词的语法特征

以上对情感动词进行了简单的分类和描述, 其实情感表述动词从语用的角度来看, 既可用于说话人的情感表述, 又可用于情感描述。但两者的语法特征是不同的, 下面再来看看情感表述动词的语法特征。

2.1 情感表述动词用于表述情感时的语法特征

情感表述动词用于表述情感时, 表述的是一种心情、心理状态, 不含动作性。翻译成汉语时多为形容词。日语的现在时通常表示现在、将来、意志。而情感表述动词的原形或“连用形+ます”既不表示将来, 又不表示意志, 只表示说话人目前的心理状态。


(15) 今日は仕事をしようと思ってたのですが、なかなかうまく行かずいらいらします。

(16) 知れば知るほど腹が立つ。

句中「いらいらする」和「腹が立つ」的主语是说话人, 即第一人称, 也就是说是说话人对自己的情感的吐露。

「いらいらする」和「腹が立つ」采用的是原形和连用形+ます。时态表示的是现在而非将来。而且没有后续任何表达情态和动态的助词。通过例句 (1) — (4) 和 (15) (16) 可以看出情感表述动词在表达情感时有如下特征:

(1) 主语为第一人称;

(2) 谓语动词为原形或连用形+ます;

(3) 时态为现在时;

(4) 不能后续表达语气、语态的助词;

(5) 不能后续与体有关的助词。

2.2 情感表述动词不表述情感时的语法特征

情感表述动词在表述情感时, 和其他的动词有所不同, 但除此上述情况之外, 和其他情感动词没有什么不同。


(17) 次郎はきっと腹が立つ。 (时态是将来)

(18) 次郎は騒音に腹が立っている。 (ている表示动态)

(19) 次郎は騒音に腹が立つらしい。 (らしい表示情态)

(20) 私たちは皆、騒音に腹が立っている。 (ている表示动态)

(21) バスを待つ男はいらいらしていた。

例句 (17) — (21) 不是说话人的情感表述, 不受上述条件的约束, 和其他的情感动词没有不同。

2.3 情感表述动词的“时态”和“动态”的特征

2.3.1 时态特征

日语动词原形从时态来看, 既可表示现在, 又可以表示将来。情感动词同样如此。


(25) a.息子は遊んでばかりで困ります。 (情感表述→现在)

b.君、遊んでばかりいると今に困るよ。 (告诫→将来)

c.さすがのあの男も、これでは困るにちがいない。 (推量→将来)

d.あいつ、ずいぶん困るみたいだ。 (情感描述→现在)

(26) a.ああ、腹が立つ。 (情感表述→现在)

b.君、あの男と話してごらん。きっと腹が立つよ。 (告诫→将来)

c.こんなことでは、みんな腹が立つだろう。 (推量→将来)

d.あいつ、かなり腹が立つらしい。 (情感描述→现在)

2.3.2 动态特征

情感表述动词不能后续「~オワル」「~テイク」, 但可以后续「~ハジメル」「~テクル」。


(27) 正夫は腹が立ちはじめた。

(28) 正夫は次第に腹が立ってきた。

(29) 正夫は今に腹が立ってくる。

(30) *正夫は腹が立ちおわった。 (错句)

(31) *正夫は次第に腹が立っていった。 (错句)

(32) *正夫は今に腹が立っていく。 (错句)

2.3.3 与表达时间的词的关系

情感表述动词在充当谓语表述情感时, 与“时间”、“动态”不相容。无论是「きのうからずっと」还是「今」这类词, 都不能放在句中。


(33) 私は今、腹が立っています。 (时间副词「今」=现在)

(34) 私は今、ドキドキしています。 (时间副词「今」=现在)

(35) ?私は今、腹が立ちます。

(36) ?私は今、ドキドキします。

例 (33) 和 (34) 不是用于情感表述, 而是用于对说话人自己的状态的描述, 属于情感描述, 所以句子成立。例 (35) (36) 是用于情感表述, 所以句中一般不用表达时间的词。但是如果时间副词被提示助词或副助词强调的话, 则另当别论, 是表示相对于其他时间的现在, 并不限定在说话的时候。


(37) 私は、あの頃は平気だったが、今は腹が立つ。

如果和时间副词搭配使用的话, 情感表述动词就具有动作性了。与表示“动态”的副词搭配是也是如此。


(38) *次第に (/*突然/*とうとう) 腹が立ちます。 (表示“动态”的副词)

(39) 私は (/正夫は) よく腹が立つ。 (频度副词→非情感表述句)

(39) 是错句, 时间并不是限定在说话时, 是超时的表达, 是一种习惯, 因此, 不是情感表述句。

从以上情况来看, 情感表述动词如果与表示时间的词搭配的话, 就具有动作性了。

2.3.4 情感表述动词的“格”特征

一般来说, 情感表述动词不能用“を”格。通常用对象格“ガ”或原因格“ニ”。


(40) a.あの言い方が癪に障る。


(41) a.あの言い方に虫酸が走る。


其实, 是ニ格还是ガ格由固定词组来决定。
















但是也有例外, 像表达对某人的“爱”“恨”“敬仰”“信赖”等意义时采用“を”格。这类动词有:?疑う、恨む、軽蔑する、信じる、尊敬する?等。


(42) 僕は君を憎む。

(43) 私は先生を尊敬します。

(44) あいつを信じるよ。

3. 结语

综上所述, 情感表述动词用于表述情感时, 表述的是一种心情、心理状态, 不含动作性, 翻译成汉语时多为形容词。日语的现在时通常表示现在、将来、意志。而情感表述动词的原形或“连用形+ます”既不表示将来, 又不表示意志, 只是说话人对目前的心理状态的吐露, 有以下具体特征。

3.1 情感表述动词在表述情感时有如下特征: (1) 主语为第一人称, (2) 谓语动词为原形或连用形+ます, (3) 时态为现在时, (4) 不能后续表达情态的助词, (5) 不能后续与动态有关的助词。

3.2 情感表达动词在表述情感时, 除此在情感表述时, 和其他情感动词没有什么不同。

3.3 情感表述动词不能后续「~オワル」「~テイク」, 但可以后续「~ハジメル」「~テクル」。

3.4 情感表述动词在充当谓语表述情感时, 与“时间”、“动态”不相容。

3.5 情感表述动词如果与表示时间的词搭配的话, 就具有动作性了。

3.6 一般来说, 情感表述动词不能用“を”格。通常用对象格“ガ”或原因格“ニ”。但像表达对某人的“爱”“恨”“敬仰”“信赖”等意义时可采用“を”格。





[4]吉永尚.「心理動詞の意味規定とその特性について」.『日本語.日本文化研究』第7号.大阪外国語大学日本語講座, 1997:81-98.

[5]三原健一.「日本語心理動詞の非非対格性」.『日本語.日本文化研究』第9号.大阪外国語大学日本語講座, 1999:45-59.

[6]三原健一.「日本語心理動詞の適切な扱いに向けて」.『日本語科学』第8号.国立国語研究所, 2000:54-75.


【关键词】动词不定式 句法功能 时态语态 否定式 疑问词+不定式 省略





To love and to be loved are both happiness.


It is very nice to get up early and do morning exercise.

It is a great honor to make a speech at the meeting.

It took me five hours to finish my homework yesterday.

It is against my will to tell her the secret.

(2)不定式的逻辑主语用of或for引出。用for时,它前面的形容词说明不定式的性质,而不是说明逻辑主语,常见的形容词有:important, necessary, difficult等;用of时,常用表示人的品质的形容词,常见形容词有:nice, good, cruel, typical, silly, foolish, stupid, bright, clever, wise, right, wrong, mistaken等,也可以用“逻辑主语+系动词+该形容词”模式改写:

It is very important for us to fasten safety belts.

It was silly of her to believe what he said = She was silly to believe what he said.


(1)agree, beg, choose, decide, afford, fail, expect, hope, long, offer, manage, plan, prepare, pretend, strive, refuse, intend, promise, seem, wish, want等后常跟不定式作宾语。不定式一般不作介词宾语,但可以作but, except的宾语:

My parents agreed to send me abroad for holidays if I passed the exam.

He had no choice but to have a rest at home.

(2)like, love, hate, continue等动词后跟不定式和动名词作宾语意义接近,区别在于不定式表示具体的动作,动名词表示抽象概念:

I like reading, but I don’t like to read in the classroom today.


We consider it necessary to learn English well in case you go abroad.

We have made it a rule not to watch TV during dinner time.



He is always the first to come and the last to go. (主谓关系)

I have a very important meeting to attend this afternoon. (动宾关系)

I will go to Shanghai. Do you have anything to be taken there? (主谓关系)


I will do some washing. Do you have any clothes to wash (to be washed)?

There is a lot of homework to do (to be done) today.


I have bought a pen to write with and some paper to write on.

(3)某些抽象名词ability, way, need, possibility, determination等后也跟不定式作定语:

The girl has the ability to operate this modern machine.

He has showed the determination to finish the work ahead of time.



I was very pleased to hear the satisfactory news. (原因)

In order to go to college, I have to learn English well. (目的)

The question is very difficult to answer. =To answer the question is very difficult.


The woman is very difficult to deal with.= To deal with the woman is very difficult.

He woke up at midnight, only to find the door was open.(结果)

He hurried to the school, only to be told that in was Sunday. (结果)


He was late again and again, thus making the boss angry.

He smoked again at work, thus caught by the boss.


(1)作宾补或主补时,不定式的逻辑主语就是句子的宾语或者主语,有主动和被动之分。常用动词有:advise, allow, ask, beg, cause, consider, desire, encourage, expect, force, get, invite, oblige, order, permit, persuade, prefer, request, teach, tell, want, warn等:

Our school doesn’t permit anyone to smoke in the school campus.(宾补)

We were forced to leave the classroom when school was over. (主补)

(2)动词notice, let, make, hear, listen to, see, look at, watch, observe, have, feel跟省略to的不定式作宾补,但这些动词变为被动语态时,作主补的不定式要加上to:

I noticed a young lady enter the room hurriedly.

A young lady was noticed to enter the room hurriedly.



My job is to teach children English after graduation.

Who is to blame for the broken window?




He likes to swim in the small river this afternoon.

Nobody likes to be criticized in public.


He was lucky to have met a kind and helpful man.

The book is said to have been translated into English.


He pretended to be sleeping when his mother told him to do washing.


He seems to have been standing there for five hours.



The teacher ordered us not to make any noise in the classroom.



When to start for the journey has not been decided.

If you don’t know when to start for the journey, you’d better call him.

The problem is when to start for the journey.


(1)在had better, would rather…than…, would…rather than…, do nothing but \ except \ other than, might as well, cannot help but \ cannot choose but \ cannot but以及情态动词、助动词之后:

I would rather stay at home than go to the cinema in such terrible weather.

There is nothing I can do other than \ but \ except ask for a leave.

(2)动词help后可直接跟省略to的不定式,即help do sth.;help后的不定式作宾补时,如果句子主语直接参与不定式动作时省略to,句子主语不直接参与不定式动作时,一般不省略to:

Please help do housework, as I am too busy.

Would you please help me carry the box upstairs?

The book will help me to improve my writing skills.

(3)在why 或why not开头、表示建议的疑问句中:

Why argue with your mother?

Why not go outside and breathe some fresh air?


She will come to help us and give us a lecture.

We haven’t decided whether to go to America or to stay in China during the vacation.

(5)不定式作表语时,系动词前边有动词do的任何形式;句子主语是all或what引导的从句;主语被only, first, one, least及形容词最高级所修饰时:

The first thing I want to do now is (to) thank all the people who have helped me in my life.

All I can do is (to) offer him some money to buy food and clothes.

What she really hopes is (to) marry an honest man.

The only thing he can do is (to) do well in the exam.




1. 不定式-主、表、宾、补语(宾补&主补)、定、状、同位语

2. 动名词-主、表、宾、定、同位语

3.分 词-表、补语(宾补&主补)、定、状



1、动名词做主语往往表示普通的、一般的行为,不定式做主语常表示某次具体的行为。Collecting information about children’s health is his job.

It’s necessary to discuss the problem with an experienced teacher.


常用结构:It+be+ adj./n.+ for sb. to do sth.

(常见形容词: difficult , important, necessary, impossible, etc.)

It+be+ adj. + of sb. to do sth. =sb. be + adj. + to do sth.

(常见形容词:clever, silly, foolish, stupid, wise, kind, rude, impolite, careless, cruel, crazy, etc.)

3、常用动名词做主语的句型有:It’s no good (use, fun) doing sth.

It’s (a) waste of time one’s doing sth. It’s worth while doing sth.


1、不定式做表语常表示谓语动词所表示动作之后发生的动作。不定式一般紧跟在系动词如: be, seem, remain, appear等后面, 用来说明主语的内容。这类结构中的主语一般为名词,如:idea, purpose, hope, plan, intention, wish, dream, etc.

eg.) My purpose is to teach them a lesson.


Eg.) To be strict with students is to be responsible to them.

What I want to do is (to )tell you the truth.

The only thing he could do was ( to) tell the truth.

如果主语中含有do的任何形式, 那么不定式可以省去to.


Its full-time job is laying eggs.


现在分词作表语:一般表示主动或主语的性质和特征, “令人……”的, 主语多数情况是sth.

过去分词作表语: 一般表示被动或说明主语情感心理上的感受, “感到……的”,主语多数是sb.

exciting, excited annoying, annoyed amazing, amazed

boring, bored confusing, confused encouraging, encouraged

embarrassing, embarrassed frightening, frightened; inspiring, inspired


The task of this class is practising the idioms. (现在分词做表语)

With the help of the teacher, the students are practising the idioms. (现在进行时)


The village is surrounded by high mountains.(过去分词做表语)

The enemy was surrounded by the Red Army.(被动语态)

He is well educated.(过去分词做表语)

He has been educated in this college for three years.(被动语态)

注意: 过分除修饰sb.以外,还可修饰表示神态、声音等的名词, 说明主语的心理状态。

Eg.) He had a _________ (terrifying, terrified) look in his eyes.

The boy answered in a ________ (frightening, frightened) voice.



want, wish, hope, expect, ask, demand, pretend, care, decide, happen, long, offer, refuse, fail, plan, prepare, order, cause, afford, beg, manage, agree, promise等。


常见动词: advise, avoid(避免), appreciate(感激), admit(承认),consider(考虑), complete, delay, deny(否认), enjoy, excuse, escape, finish, forbid, forgive, imagine, miss, mind, mention, permit, practise, risk(冒险), suggest (建议), understand, etc.

常见短语: be busy, be worth, burst out, feel like, can’t help (忍不住), can’t stand, set about, succeed in, be engaged in, persist in, insist on, be fond of, dream of, prevent…(from), keep…from, stop…(from), protect…from…, set about, spend/waste…(in)

be/get used/accustomed to, look forward to, object to, pay attention to, get down to, devote oneself/one’s life ( energy, effort, time) to, make contributions to, admit to, owe to,

【lead to, stick to, listen to, refer to, turn to, thanks to, owing to, due to后接名词,一般不接动名词】


常见动词: begin/start, continue; love, like, dislike, hate, prefer; need, want, require; forget, remember, regret; mean, try, go on, stop, be used to, can’t help

3. begin/start

三种情况下,一般接不定式做宾语:①主语是sth.;②本身用于进行时;③做宾语的动词表示情感、思想或意念时(如:like, love, understand, realize, understand, know, etc.)

A.) love, like, dislike, hate, prefer, 如表示经常性的动作, 用动名词作宾语;如表示特定或具


Eg.) I like___(play) chess during my spare time.

I like___(play) at chess with the chess master now.

B.) need, want require

eg.) He wants _____(repair) the bike for me.

The bike needs/wants/ requires______(repair).

4. forget, remember, regret

eg.) The light in the office is still on. I forgot ____ (turn) it off.

I’ll never forget ____(see) the musical comedy in New York.

Remember____( meet) me tonight.

I remember ____(take) to Beijing when I was a child.

I regret ____ (inform) you that you are dismissed.

I regret ______( not take ) his advice.

E.) mean, try, go on, stop, be used to, can’t help

Eg.) What do you mean _____ (do ) with it?

____(miss) the train means __(wait) for another two hours.

He’s been trying ____ (get) you on the phone.

Let’s try___ (knock) at the back door.

He paused and went on __ (explain) the text to us.

Go on _____(do) the other exercise after you have finished this one.

Wood is used to ___(make) paper.

He is used to _____(get) up early.

She couldn’t help_____( do ) the housework, for she was busy.

People couldn’t help____(laugh) at the foolish emperor in the procession.

4、动名词作need, want, require, be worth的宾语时,用主动式代替被动式。

The washing-machine needs repairing.(或用:needs to be repaired)

The point wants referring to.

This English novel is well worth reading.

The situation in Russian required studying.


Eg.) The house is to let/to be let. 这房子待出租。

He is not to blame for everything.




常见动词: want, wish, ask, tell, order, beg, allow, permit, help, advise, persuade, cause, force, warn, invite, urge, encourage, prepare, call on, would like, wait for, etc.

eg.)I got them to join us in the discussion.

They are waiting for the school bus to come.

The doctor advised him to stay in bed for another few days. (注suggest后不跟不定式做宾补。)

We wish him to remain and accept the post.(注hope后不跟不定式做宾补。)


常用动词: feel (一感) ; hear, listen to(二听); make, let, have(三让); see, watch, observe, notice, look at(五看) ;help (半帮助,可带to或不带to)etc. 但改为被动语态时,不定式要加to.

Eg.) I saw him cross the road. He was seen to cross the road.

比较: I saw him crossing the road. He was seen _____the road.

I saw him carried downstairs. He was seen ____ downstairs.

2、下列动词后的复合宾语用分词做宾补:see, watch, notice, observe, find, hear, feel, make, get, set, send, start, catch, have, leave, keep,等。用现在分词还是用过去分词做宾补,要看分词与宾语的关系。

We heard him ____ (sing) the song when we came in.

We have heard the song _____ (sing) in Japanese.

He watched the bed _____ (carry) out of the door.

He felt a great weight _____ (take ) off his mind. 他感到心头如释重负。

How would you like your hair ___ (cut)?



He had no house to live in but a lot of work to do.

Our monitor is the first to arrive.



a walking stick 拐杖(动名词, a stick for walking)

a sleeping car 卧铺车厢(动名词, a car for sleeping)

the rising sun 正在升起的太阳(现在分词)

the changing world 变化中的世界(现在分词)


a piece of disappointing news =a piece of news which disappointed us)

in the following years =in the years that followed)

a well dressed woman =a woman who is dressed well)

a car parked at the gate =a car which was parked at the gate)



He hurried home only to find his money stolen.(结果状语)

To make himself heard, he raised his voice.(目的状语)

All of us are surprised to see his rapid progress. (原因状语)


Seen from the top of the hill, the town is beautiful.(条件状语)

Having been hit by the big boy on the nose, the little boy began to cry. (原因状语)

He put a finger in his mouth, tasted it and smiled, looking rather pleased.(伴随状语)


① 物主代词或名词所有格+ 动名词(作主语、宾语、表语)

② 代词宾格或名词普通格+ 动名词(作宾语、表语)

Eg.) My father’s being ill worried us greatly.=That my father was ill worried us greatly.

His not being present at the party annoyed the hostess.

It’s no use your pretending that you didn’t know the truth.

What angered me most was the students failing to fulfill their duties.

I think the problem is their/them not having enough time.

注意: 若动名词的逻辑主语为无生命的东西,只用普通格:

eg.) The experiment can’t be carried out because of the equipment being out of order.

The news of the new hotel catching fire shocked everyone.= The news that the new hotel caught fire shocked everyone.

The noises of the boxes being opened and closed could be heard.


存在句的非限定形式是there to和there being结构。这两种结构在用法上有相同点。为便于比较,我们把它们放在一起介绍。

1) 作介词补足成分

两种结构都可作介词补足成分。如果介词是for,便只能用there to be结构。

Eg.) It is too early for there to be anyone around here.

It is important for there to be a fire escape.


They planned for there to be another meeting.

如果介词不是for, 则要用 there being结构。

Eg.) John was relying on there being another opportunity.

2) 作宾语

作宾语时, 通常用there to be结构。

Eg.) Members like there to be plenty of choice.

能这样用的及物动词为数有限,常见的有expect, mean, intend, want, like, prefer, hate等。

3) 作主语和状语

there being结构还能用作主语和状语。

Eg.) There being a bus stop so near the house is a great advantage.

There having been no rain, the ground was dry.


For there to be so few people in the streets was unusual.

(=It was unusual for there to be so few people in the streets.)


Eg.) It is said that there are troops on the frontier. =There are said to be troops on the frontier.


1. This is the fastest train there is to Beijing.

2. He asks for the latest book there is on the shelf.

3. ---- What did the football player you were talking to want?




