



Come on now. You know you must be hungry


The boy cannot be hungry; it is sheer greedy.


“I have bought no books,” said he, I gave my money to some poor people, who seemed to be very hungry and tired.


“I have bought no books,” said he, “I gave my money to some poor people, who seemed to be very hungry then.”


“Now you must be tired and hungry,” said his mother.



。每天早上,我的早餐都是萝卜。 one morning, i woke up. i was very hungry. but i didn’t want to eat carrots. 一天早上,我醒来了,很饿,但我不想再吃萝卜了。 i saw lots of foods on the table. there was no one at home. i jumped on the table. 我在餐桌上看见了许多食物。没有人在家,我跳上了桌子。 i started tasting the food one by one. everything looked very yummy. 我开始一样一样尝食物,每样食物看起来都很好吃,


i ate eggs, but it was too dry. i ate a sandwich, but it was too salty. i drank milk, but it tasted funny. 我吃鸡蛋,但是太干了。我吃三明治,但是太咸了。我喝牛奶,但是尝起来味道怪怪的。 i didn’t like anything. 我不喜欢别的任何食物。 the next morning, i woke up. i was hungry again. 第二天早上,我醒来了,又饿了。 but this time, i ate my carrots. the carrots tasted good. i ate all my ca


人类对语言的运用、理解和表达会因认知方式的不同而有所差异, 同时认知方式的不同也是造成各民族语言差异的重要原因之一。认知语法认为, 词语意义与该词在说话人大脑里被激活的概念是对等的, 意义包含了各种知识系统, 信息和视觉影象。每一个语义都与一种意象相对应, 名词的意象既可以是静态、具体和抽象的事物, 也可以是不同程度上的动态意象, 这就为词性之间的转换使用提供了认知基础。正如赵艳芳所言, 在所有语言中, 词性之间无论有无形式变化都是可以互相转换的, 这是自然认知的结果 (2001:145) 。动词化现象涉及名词、形容词、副词、数词、象声词等词类, 本文选取名词的动词化现象作为基点, 从认知的角度对现代汉英两种语言名动化现象进行对比。


(一) 汉语中的名词动词化。

古汉语中“词类活用”这一语法概念, 但是, 现代汉语的活用现象也比比皆是。CHAN


1.放置动词。例如:漆qī to paint


2.处所动词。例如:窖jiào to store in a cellar, to cellar

上秋的时候, 这一带的农民都喜欢窖上一窖白菜萝卜, 以备冬天食用。

3.目的动词。例如:串chuàn to string


4.工具动词。例如:锄chú to hoe


事实上, 随着社会的不断进步, 语言也在逐渐演变。在现代汉语中, 词汇由单音节向多音节转变, 句法也在不断复杂化, 还新出现了一批被用作动词的名词, 如:流水、宝贝等, 表现出若干现代汉语独特的语法特点。如动词化后可以加动态助词“着”、“了”、“过”, 表示动态, 后边可以带宾语、补语, 前边可以受“不、没、已经”等的修饰, 还可以重叠。如:

例1:他要是和所长有一腿的话, 我不是收拾他, 就得狗着他点, 先狗一下试试。 (老舍《离婚》)

“狗”是名词, 在句中用作动词, “狗着他点”即“像狗讨好主人一样讨好他”之意。

例2:十多年后……才明白, 耿直、粗野, 什么也不想不怕不愁, 石头打到头上, 也不躲不避的罗怀净, 原来也这样人情过, 忏悔过, 痛苦过…… (傅天琳《我的小屋》)

句中“人情”本来是名词, 作者却用作谓语, 还带时态助词“过”, 是将它当作动词用, 意思是“有人情味”。

例3:这天塌下来, 有我朱老忠接着。朱老忠穷了一辈子, 可也志气了一辈子。 (梁斌《红旗谱》)

“志气”是名词, 在句中后面加时态助词“了”, 当作动词来用。

例4:张国劲认准了林总是和某一个男人廊桥遗梦来了。 (毕飞宇《林红的假日》)

“廊桥遗梦”本是一本流行小说的书名, 此句中用作动词, 指发生小说中男女主人公那样浪漫的故事。

(二) 英语中的名词动词化。

较之汉语, 英语的名动化现象范围更广, 用法也较广泛。无论是单纯名词、合成词还是专有名词, 在英语中均可以发现其动词化的用法。

例1:Don't baby your child.


baby, 宝贝 (n) → 娇惯 (v)

例2:He foxed me out of 20 dollars.


fox (n) 狐狸。由于狐狸具有狡猾、善欺骗的特性, 所以可以被用作动词“欺骗”。

例3:Let’s chopstick for dinner again.


句中复合动词chopstick (chop+stick) 来自复合名词chopsticks (筷子) , 等于“have Chinese food”, 即从原义引伸为“吃中餐”。

例4:The angry audience rotten-egged the speaker.


句中的复合动词来自复合名词rotten-egg (臭鸡蛋)

此外, 一些包括人名、地名、商标名、科技名词、体育术语等专有名词也能动词化例如:

例5:They are boycotting the shop because the people who work there aren’t allowed to join a union.

他们联合抵制那家商店因为它不许员工加入工会。 (boycott来源于Charles Boycott.查尔斯·博依克特。他因拒绝减租而被革职, 于1880年流放到爱尔兰。专有名词Boycott 后来被转化为普通名词, 作“联合抵制、联合拒绝购买”来用。后来被转化为to Boycott, 等于 (usually a group of people) refuse to do business with 即“联合抵制、联合拒绝购买”。)

例6:Mother Hoovers the rooms every other week.


此句中, 工具型动词Hoover来自《胡弗牌》吸尘器的商标名Hoover, 它是以美国吸尘器制造商W · H · Hoover的姓氏来命名的。动词化了的Hoover相当于口语中的“vacuum”, 即“用吸尘器打扫”。

例7:He’s going to O. J. his way out of his marriage.


(O.J.是美国上世纪90年代著名的橄榄球运动员O.J. Simpson.他因被控谋杀妻子以达到摆脱婚姻关系而闻名于全美国。此处, O.J.代表O.J. Simpson的这一典型行为。)

通过对比汉英两种语言中名词动词化的例句会发现, 两种语言的名动方式基本相同, 只是转换程度和处理态度有所不同。从认知角度解释, 这是由汉英两种语言不同的语言观造成的。汉语词汇词性转换了, 并不认为是另外一个词, 词义还存在于此词中;而英语则不同, 一旦词性转换, 各自引申各自功能的意义。因此动词化成了英语中不可或缺的一种构词方式, 而在汉语中, 动词化逐渐演变成了一种修辞手段。

(三) 名词动词化的作用。

名词动词化, 不但解决了符号有限性和表达无限性之间的矛盾, 而且还使词汇量得到控制、使用率得以提高, 更使得语言简洁流畅, 减轻了人们记忆的负担。在某些用法中, 名词动词化后所包含的信息量远远超过了原生词, 相当于一个小句的内容。举例来说:“别张飞了。”《三国演义》中的张飞勇猛善战、嫉恶如仇, 却鲁莽暴躁, 其形象深入人心。如果对某人说“别张飞了”, “张飞”后面加了动态助词“了”, 很明显是把“张飞”当作动词来用。其中包含的意思就是:“别像张飞那样暴躁、鲁莽了。”把“张飞”当做动词来用, 既使其中包含的浓厚劝解意味得到委婉表达, 又使听话人的自尊心得到了巧妙维护。否则, 要想表达这么多的信息, 达到这么好的表达效果是很难的。


Jack often uncle-Tomed his boss.

杰克常常对他的老板谄媚逢迎。 (Uncle Tom, n. 汤姆叔叔。他原本是美国女作家斯托的小说Uncle Tom’s Cabin (《汤姆叔叔的小屋》) 中的主人公, 1927年Uncle Tom 被喻为“逆来顺受的黑人”。) 这里把“Uncle Tom”动词化, 巧妙地传达了“Jack”这个人喜欢溜须拍马、献媚逢迎的性格特点, 达到了很好的讽喻效果。

可见, 动词化使原生词的形象具有了动作意义, 把复杂的动作转变、发展浓缩在一个词之中, 扩大了词汇的意义层面与表达层面之间的弹性空间。动词化现象反映了人类抽象思维能力的共性, 更多地承载着思维过程的简化与凝练。此外, 汉英名词动词化除了最初目的“为了弥补词汇缺项”相同外, 而且在使用上也有很多相似之处, 都可以视为修辞现象, 名词动词化可以使语言简洁生动, 新颖别致, 幽默风趣, 生动形象;并且能伸缩文身, 使语言具有均衡美、变化美, 句式灵活多变。请看以下例句:

比喻: Boys threw rocks at her and then ducked out of sight.


夸张: Settlers flooded from Europe to America in the 19th century.


借代:The newspaper headlined the artist’s arrival in the town.


双关:The dialogue sparkled with wit. 这段对话闪烁着智慧的火花。

就目前情况看, 名词动用虽然是临时的, 具有偶发性的特点, 但从认知上来看, 动词化现象体现了人类思维的同一性。例如:


Swallows are nesting in the woodshed.


“窝”与“nest”在语义上对等, 都指的是鸟窝。然而在动词化的过程中, 汉语以形象为视角, 表现的是鸟窝的形状;而英语以概念为视角, 表现的是概念的动作化。这与两个民族语言的发生、发展与及其历史、宗教、信仰、社会文化生活、风俗习惯和民族心理以及地理环境都有着密切的关系, 也因此, 英汉两种语言的名动化也存在一定的差异, 值得我们继续探究。


从认知角度看, 汉语与英语两种语言的名词动词化没有质的区别, 其相似性揭示了汉英动词化中的突显是源于同样的身体和生活经验, 具有相同的生理和心理基础。但两种语言有不同的语言观, 就其原因是两个民族有不同的语言思维。

汉语是“意合”语言, 词类缺乏形态变化, 没有形式标记, 只要字义之间的组配有现实根据, 符合社会习惯要求, 就可以组合成句。“意合”的总规则在语言表现形式大体为前字管辖后字的组配选择, 上句启示下句的注意范围和陈述走向。与印欧的形态性语法规则相比, 汉语语法规则隐性的。人们要想辨别一个词在使用过程中的意义及其所属的词类是否有所变化, 必须借助上下文语言环境才能作出正确判断。

英语则属“形合”语言, 词语形态标志丰富, 词类界限明晰, 在句子中充当的成分也较稳定, 更加强调结构的完整性与严密性。正因为如此, 英语中的名词动词化, 就是把一个词从外表上完全地转化成动词来用, 具有动词的一切用法特征。

总之, 语言本身就是一个可以自我调节与重组的复杂体系, 词汇也是在不断地保持平衡有序规则的同时, 通过不断创立新词或使用词类转变来实现自身的发展, 名词动词化是语言不断演变发展的必然结果。而人类认知的同一性是理解任何语言的前提, 没有这一基础, 任何理解与交流都是无法实现的。这不仅为更加深入研究英汉两种语言的异同指出了方向, 而且对语言教学中的词汇教学也具有一定的现实指导意义。也就是说, 学生既要识记字词的指称义, 还要熟知其隐含义、引申义和联想义。需要注意的是, 要防止学生刻意转变词性的倾向, 滥用动词化。

摘要:词类转化是解决语言符号的有限性与语言表达要求无限性之间矛盾的重要手段之一。本文通过对汉英两种语言中名词动词化现象进行比较, 试图从认知的角度探究造成两种语言转化异同的深层次原因, 以期对日后的对外汉语和英语的词汇教学提供新的思路。



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[2].何善芬.英汉语言对比研究[M].上海:外语教育出版社, 2002

[3].黄伯荣, 廖旭东.现代汉语[M].北京:高等教育出版社, 1997

[4].王薇, 孙毅.现代英汉语名词动用对比分析[J].广东外语外贸大学学报, 2007

[5].王寅.认知语法概论[M].上海:上海外语教育出版社, 2006

[6].许余龙.对比语言学概论[M].上海:上海外语教育出版社, 1992

[7].杨龙秀.名词动化的动因、条件及机制研究[D].湖南师范大学硕士学位论文, 2005

[8].赵艳芳.认知语言学概论[M].上海:上海外语教育出版社, 2001


活动名称: the very hungry caterpillar

活动目标: 1、能够正确用英文表述故事中相关的各种食物名称。



活动准备: 一个神秘箱 、一个果篮






(1) 将部分毛毛虫的食物及毛毛虫放在神秘箱里,让幼儿摸其中一样, 然后猜一猜摸到的是什么,然后拿出来验证猜测结果。 教师首先示范, 用动作提示幼儿操作。 look, it’s a secret box . what’s in it ? i will feel one kind of, will feel what it is?幼儿摸到毛毛虫,教师说 the caterpillar can -------(用动作引导幼儿说creep)。

(2 ) t: a le is sweet, do you want to eat ? s: yes 。t:caterpillar is sweet ,do you want to eat? t: a le pinea le banana orange peach and pear are all sweet ,we like eating them,and the caterpillar also likes eating them . what did the caterpillar eat ? let’s see.

2 、欣赏课件,了解故事内容。

(1) 完整欣赏课件,让幼儿初步了解故事内容。

(2) 教师讲述故事,让幼儿进一步理解故事内容。

t :one sunday morning ,the caterpillar was hungry, on monday the caterpillar ate one a le, but he was still hungry(星期天的早晨毛毛虫很饿,星期一它吃了 一个苹果,但是它还是饿) t: where is the a le,stand up ? (老师问孩子苹果在哪里) s: i’m here (幼儿根据各自的头饰做扮演的角色来回答)。t: what did the caterpillar eat on monday ?s: a le.t:how many a les did the caterpillar eat? s: one. 教师出示图谱,让幼儿验证自己的回答。t&;am say on monday the caterpillar ate one a le(师幼一起回顾故事情节,每说一天回顾一次) (后面每天都这样进行。)t :on sunday again, the caterpillar became a big, fat caterpillar, he was going to sleep…… oh, he was a beautiful butterfly!

(3) 老师再次讲述故事,幼儿听故事给图片排序。

t: look , the caterpillar became a big, fat caterpillar ,because it’s eat lots of food .what did the caterpillar eat from monday to saturday ? can you arrange these pictures with the story?(看,毛毛虫变得又大又胖,因为它吃了很多东西。毛毛虫从星期一到星期六都吃了些什么东西啊,你能边听故事边将这些图片按毛毛虫吃东西的顺序排列一下吗?)



(1) 按角色故事表演。

(2) 换角色故事表演,由幼儿扮演毛毛虫。



Back and forth I walk next to the barbed wire fence, trying to keep my emaciated body warm. I am hungry, but I have been hungry for longer than I want to remember. I am always hungry. Edible food seems like a dream. Each day as more of us disappear, the happy past seems like a mere dream, and I sink deeper and deeper into despair. Suddenly, I notice a young girl walking past on the other side of the barbed wire. She stops and looks at me with sad eyes, eyes that seem to say that she understands, that she, too, cannot fathom why I am here. I want to look away, oddly ashamed for this stranger to see me like this, but I cannot tear my eyes from hers.

Then she reaches into her pocket, and pulls out a red apple. A beautiful, shiny red apple. Oh, how long has it been since I have seen one! She looks cautiously to the left and to the right, and then with a smile of triumph, quickly throws the apple over the fence. I run to pick it up, holding it in my trembling, frozen fingers. In my world of death, this apple is an expression of life, of love. I glance up in time to see the girl disappearing into the distance.

The next day, I cannot help myself-I am drawn at the same time to that spot near the fence. Am I crazy for hoping she will come again? Of course. But in here, I cling to any tiny scrap of hope. She has given me hope and I must hold tightly to it.

And again, she comes. And again, she brings me an apple, flinging it over the fence with that same sweet smile.

This time I catch it, and hold it up for her to see. Her eyes twinkle. Does she pity me? Perhaps. I do not care, though. I am just so happy to gaze at her. And for the first time in so long, I feel my heart move with emotion.

For seven months, we meet like this. Sometimes we exchange a few words. Sometimes, just an apple. But she is feeding more than my belly, this angel from heaven. She is feeding my soul. And somehow, I know I am feeding hers as well.

One day, I hear frightening news: we are being shipped to another camp. This could mean the end for me. And it definitely means the end for me and my friend.

The next day when I greet her, my heart is breaking, and I can barely speak as I say what must be said: “Do not bring me an apple tomorrow,” I tell her. “I am being sent to another camp. We will never see each other again.” Turning before I lose all control, I run away from the fence. I cannot bear to look back. If I did, I know she would see me standing there, with tears streaming down my face.

Months pass and the nightmare continues. But the memory of this girl sustains me through the terror, the pain, the hopelessness. Over and over in my mind, I see her face, her kind eyes, I hear her gentle words, I taste those apples.

And then one day, just like that, the nightmare is over. The war has ended. Those of us who are still alive are freed. I have lost everything that was precious to me, including my family. But I still have the memory of this girl, a memory I carry in my heart and gives me the will to go on as I move to America to start a new life.

Years pass. It is 1957. I am living in New York City. A friend convinces me to go on a blind date with a lady friend of his. Reluctantly, I agree. But she is nice, this woman named Roma. And like me, she is an immigrant, so we have at least that in common.

“Where were you during the war?” Roma asks me gently, in that delicate way immigrants ask one another questions about those years.

“I was in a concentration camp in Germany,” I reply.

Roma gets a far away look in her eyes, as if she is remembering something painful yet sweet.

“What is it?” I ask.

“I am just thinking about something from my past, Herman,” Roma explains in a voice suddenly very soft. “You see, when I was a young girl, I lived near a concentration camp. There was a boy there, a prisoner, and for a long while, I used to visit him every day. I remember I used to bring him apples. I would throw the apple over the fence, and he would be so happy.”

Roma sighs heavily and continues. “It is hard to describe how we felt about each other-after all, we were young, and we only exchanged a few words when we could-but I can tell you, there was much love there. I assume he was killed like so many others. But I cannot bear to think that, and so I try to remember him as he was for those months we were given together.”

With my heart pounding so loudly I think it wil1 explode, I look directly at Roma and ask, “And did that boy say to you one day, #39;Do not bring me an apple tomorrow. I am being sent to another camp#39;?”

“Why, yes,” Roma responds, her voice trembling.

“But, Herman, how on earth could you possibly know that?”

I take her hands in mine and answer, “Because I was that young boy, Roma.”

For many moments, there is only silence. We cannot take our eyes from each other, and as the veils of time lift, we recognize the soul behind the eyes, the dear friend we once loved so much, whom we have never stopped loving, whom we have never stopped remembering.

Finally, I speak: “Look, Roma, I was separated from you once, and I don#39;t ever want to be separated from you again. Now, I am free, and I want to be together with you forever. Dear, will you marry me?”

I see that same twinkle in her eye that I used to see as Roma says, “Yes, I will marry you,” and we embrace, the embrace we longed to share for so many months, but barbed wire came between us. Now, nothing ever will again.

Almost forty years have passed since that day when I found my Roma again. Destiny brought us together the first time during the war to show me a promise of hope and now it had reunited us to fulfill that promise.

Valentine#39;s Day, 1996. I bring Roma to the Oprah Winfrey Show to honor her on national television. I want to tell her infront of millions of people what I feel in my heart every day:




理解并灵活运用下列句型 :

Who is hungry? I am/ He is/She is / We are / They are hungry.What would you like to eat? I would like „.Would you like some______? Yes, please./No,thanks.2、能力目标: 学会用以上句型在日常情景中交流及对话

3、情感态度与价值观: 学会与他人合作,学会关心他人


Who is hungry? I am/ He is/She is / We are / They are hungry.What would you like to eat? I would like „.Would you like some______? Yes, please./No,thanks.教具学具准备




Step1.Greetings and review


Step2.Leading-in and listening

T: When you are thirsty, you drink.But when you are hungry, what do you do? Yes, when you are hungry, you eat.Then what do we eat every day?

Ss: Rice, dumplings, noodles, apple, hamburgers„

T: Yes, you are right.For breakfast, lunch, or supper, we have rice, dumplings,noodles, and many other kinds of food.But do you like to eat snacks? What’s a snack? Look, these are snacks.(show them to the class).Step 3: Teaching new lesson



T: Who is hungry ? T: I am hungry „(教师在引入此句型中充分运用体态语言并板书此句型)

T: Who is hungry,too?

Sa;I am hungry.Sb: I am not hungry.T: Yes, Sa is hungry but Sb is not hungry.T: Would you like some soup/a sandwich /some fruit /soe dumplings?(教师同时板书此句型)

Sa: I would lkie some soup.Sb: I would like a sandwich.„


Sa: Are you hungry ?

Sb: yes

Sa: Would you like some soup ?

Sb: yes , I would like some soup.„


Sa: Who is hungry ?

SB: I am hungry ?

Sa: what would you like some ?

Sb: I would like a sandwich.Sc: I am hungry ,too?

Sa: What would you like some ?

Sc: I would like some dumplings.„

Step4.Read and discuss(小组合作学习)

Read the text

discus and answer the question

“What would Jenny, Li Ming and Danny like to eat on the train?”

(Write the question on the blackboard)


Read the text after the teacher to understand it better.1.Read the text aloud in groups and try to make it into a dialogue.Step4.Optional-practice

Ss can read the text in groups or practise the dialogue in groups



1.Collect as many words about food as you can.2.Go on with the dialogue about the text.3.Do the exercises in the Activity Book.板书设计

Lesson5 Who Is Hungry?

I am hungry

1.Who is hungry ? She/He/Dany is hungry.We/They ary hungry.2.What would you like to eat ?

some soup

some fruit


英语中的“名词+名词”结构有三种表现形式:1.两个名词分开来写, 如dust storm (沙尘暴) ;2.两个名词间有连字符“-”联结, 如sky-jacker (劫机者) ;3.两个名词词根组成一个独立的词, 如snowman (雪人) 。

本文仅以第三种形式的英语“名词+名词”复合名词为对象来同汉语中的“名词+名词”复合名词做比较。由于对各词的划分还不十分明确, 本文讨论的名词, 其指称的事物是具体的单一的事物, 且不包括专有名词和术语。

这类复合名词, 英语和汉语有同样的结构形式, 都是“名词+名词”, 现代汉语又称为“联合式”。无论在形式上还是在组合词语的词义关系上, 汉语的两个组合部分都处在平行的地位, 是并列而平等的关系。如“路”和“线”、“眉”和“目”、“手”和“足”、“分”和“寸”、“人”和“物”等。它们关系密切, 或同义或反义, 都处在同一语法和语义的层次上。与汉语不同的是, 英语的两个组合部分的语义关系是修饰和被修饰的关系, 前一词语修饰后一词语, 限定和说明后一词语的属性。词义的重点落在后一词语上, 两个组合词语的语义关系较为松散。如:


路线→路+线boyfriend (男朋友) →boy (男孩) +friend (朋友)

眉目→眉+目cowboy (牛仔, 牧童) →cow (牛) +boy (童)

分寸→分+寸moonlight (月光) →moon (月) +light (光)

笔墨→笔+墨toothbrush (牙刷) →tooth (牙) +brush (刷子)

潘文国等的《汉语的构词法研究》一书中详尽研究了汉语的构词法, 阐明了汉语有别于英语的一个极为显著的特点, 即音韵特征在汉语构词法中扮演着至关重要的角色。只有真正了解了汉语构词法的特点, 我们才有可能对基于英语语言产生的西方语言学理论的阐释做出客观合理的评价。他认为, 对复合词意义的研究可以从两方面入手, 一是研究复合词构成成分之间的意义关系;二是研究复合词的语素义和整个复合词义的关系。

根据复合词的语素义与整个复合词义的关系, 可以把“名词+名词”复合名词分为三类:

A.两个词根的意义并列, 可以互相说明。如“体制”、“价值”等。英语中几乎没有这类词。

B.两个词根结合起来后产生新的意义, 如“骨肉”是至亲的意思, “眉目”是头绪、条理的意思。英语中也有很多这种类型的复合名词, 如“snowman”是“雪人”的意思, “rainbow”是“彩虹”的意思。

C.两个词根组合成词后, 只有一个词根的意义在起作用, 另一个词根的意义完全消失, 如“忘记”只有“忘”的意思, “动静”只有“动”的意思。这类词又称“偏义词”。英语词汇中没有这种现象。


A.构成关系。两个语义成分, 一个所表示的人或物组成了被另一个所表示的人或物。如snowman (雪人:表示用雪做成的人形物体) , teenageer (青年人:表示由十几岁的年纪的人组成) 。这类关系表示两部分语义之间构成材料和成品之间的构成关系。

B.从属关系。两个语义成分, 一个表示整体, 另一个表示为整体的一部分或特征之一。如:houseroof (屋顶:表示房屋的顶部) , hillside (山坡:表示山体倾斜的部分) 。这类关系表示的就是整体与部分之间的从属关系。

C.行为与行为者之间的关系。如:firefighter (消防队员:从事扑灭火灾活动的人员) , sportsman (运动员:从事体育运动的人) , 这类关系表示从事的行为与行为主体之间的关系。

D.同位关系。两个语义成分分别代表了两个相互补充类别的交叉分类关系, 在深层结构上可以互换位置, 如:girlfriend (女朋友:表示朋友和女性这两者意义的交集) 。

E.比喻关系。两个语义成分在某个或某些方面相似, 如:egghead (书呆子:光头和鸡蛋很相似, 光头则给人聪明“绝顶”的感觉) , brainstorm (头脑风暴:形容脑子转得快, 像暴风一样) 。

F.工具或者目的的关系。一个语义是另一个语义的工具, 如:mailbox (邮箱:用来放邮件的箱子) 。

另外复合名词的两个组成词根之间还有时间、空间和来源等关系, 这类词多为分开写的两个部分, 前一部分是后一部分的限定或修饰成分, 本文不进行详细讨论。
