




1.Project Manager 项目经理

2.Project Stakeholders 项目干系人

3.general engineer 总监理工程师

4.vice-general engineer副监理工程师

5.supervising engineer 监理工程师

6.supervisory staff 监理人员


1.Senior System Architect高级系统架构师

2.Software Architect软件架构师

3.Network Architect 网络架构师

4.system analyst 系统分析师

1.Senior Software Engineer 高级软件工程师 QA engineer(software quality assurance engineer)软件测试工程师

3.Test Engineer 测试工程师 administrator(SA)系统管理员 administrator 网络管理员

3.database administrator(DBA)数据库管理员

1.designer 设计师

2.developer 开发人员(开发者)

3.Programmer 程序员

4.Data Processing Specialist 信息处理员 software engineer 软件工程师 network engineer 网络工程师 database engineer数据库工程师 Information Security Engineer 信息安全工程师


1.Telecommunications network planner 电信工程网络规划师

2.Telecommunications Engineer 通信工程师

3.Data Communication Engineer 数据通信工程师

4.Mobile Communication Engineer 动通信工程师

5.Wireless Communication Engineer 无线通信工程师

6.Senior Telecom Engineer 高级通信工程师


发布时间: 2005-12-2 16:32:31





















1 我国IT业发展现状

随着市场经济的发展, IT企业综合实力得到了显著增强, 经济效益明显提高, 结构优化步伐加快, 从而带动了整个产业乃至整个社会经济的发展。互联网行业的快速普及和极其深远的社会影响让人们感觉到了这种新技术、新生产力背后的生命力;软件市场发展步伐加速, 协同软件与网络安全服务将成为新的增长点, 应用软件市场蕴涵巨大的市场空间, IT服务市场逐步规范, 行业竞争日趋激烈。网络营销更加平民化、便捷化, 网络营销者们创新意识不断增强, 全面走进了3G时代, 其他诸如数字音乐市场、即时通讯市场和网络游戏市场等产业也都在各自领域有着迅猛的发展。总体来说, 国有IT企业近年来呈良好态势发展。

高职院校的毕业生作为知识经济时代的主力军——知识型员工, 知识己成为他们的第二生命。学习知识、体验工作成为他们变动工作的最主要原因。因此, 高职院校教师应该把对学生进行必要的职业生涯规划的指导提到日程上来, 使其更好地伴随IT企业的成长而成长。

2 高职学生如何进行IT职业生涯规划

高职院校有必要将职业生涯规划作为专业基础课或选修课开设, 教师可从职业生涯的不同阶段着手对学生进行相关方面的教育和引导。

2.1 起步阶段

从事一个行业, 首先要喜欢这个行业。由于IT行业的快速发展, 对从业人员的要求也逐渐由专业技能型向适应型转变。作为职场新人, 应该了解足够的入门技巧, 做好充分的从业准备工作。

(1) 简历制作。简历对于求职者来说, 是一块敲门砖, 简历的好坏, 影响着求职者的命运。有很多失败的简历让招聘者第一眼就决定放弃, 成功的简历却能吸引他人的目光、获得更多机会。在本部分的教学中应重点强调以下注意事项:简历要保证没有拼写错误;了解自我, 明确自我, 独具特色;简洁明了, 清晰易读;诚实可信;针对特定岗位制作;准备电子简历等。另外, 在简历的制作过程中, 需要将个人能力重点清晰地强调出来, 让招聘者明了应聘人员最适合做的工作。

(2) 面试技巧。通过了简历关, 就会幸运地收到面试通知, 那么如何帮助学生闯过面试这关是个关键问题。在面试之前, 要了解企业的面试方式, 判断企业面试时考核的内容, 有的放矢, 才会给自己创造机会。面试官提出的每个问题, 都是经过精心设计的, 隐藏着所考核的项目。应聘者在接受面试时, 要掌握一些简单的方法, 遵循一些基本的原则, 这样才能给面试官留下一个好印象。如懂得感恩、自信、注意细节、学会倾听、深思熟虑等。

2.2 IT职场营销策略

对于工作在一线的销售人员来说, 理应具备营销人员的基本素质, 才能在职场竞争中立于不败之地。可以通过大量案例和幻灯片演示等方法, 让学生全方位多角度地了解营销人员所应具备的基本素质。

作为一名营销人员, 需要做好知识、技能、态度各方面的准备。首先, 营销人员需要具备三方面的知识:市场知识, 商品知识和公司知识;其次, 营销人员需要具备五方面的技能:发掘客户的能力, 商谈能力, 促销能力, 时间管理能力和客户管理能力;再次, 营销人员必须具备专业的营销态度。因为“态度决定一切”, 因此, 态度是成功的决定性指标。

IT人员营销技巧也很重要。与其他行业不同, IT企业具有市场需求的多样性、产品更新换代的快速性、技术性、服务性、高风险等营销特点。IT产品虽然己经是大众生活的组成部分, 但由于其高尖端的技术因素而显冰冷。IT产品的广告创意如何拉近消费者与商品的距离非常重要。IT广告的创意中要有更多的人文因素。在给IT产品作宣传时, 要有精神方面的内涵, 即创意中应有一定的文化含量, 这无疑使IT产品有了灵魂。因为广告既是一种商业行为, 也是一种文化行为。同样作为IT服务也是与客户建立稳定和依赖关系的一种重要手段, 要想做好IT服务, 就要做到耐心细致, 诚信为本, 这样才能在IT职场的竞争中立于不败之地。

2.3 IT职场技巧

作为一名IT职场从业人员, 仅仅具备了基本职场入门和营销知识是不够的。要想在激烈的职场竞争中立于不败之地, 还需具备能够游刃IT职场的诸多技巧。

(1) 沟通技巧。沟通是同周围环境进行信息互换的一个多元化过程, 一个在沟通方式和表达技巧上不够完善的人会到处碰壁, 相反, 有效的交流却可以达到事半功倍的效果。发送者、编码、信息、通道、解码、接收者和反馈是沟通的七大要素。

在商务沟通中, 倾听是有效沟通的一个重要组成部分。在对雇主的调查中发现, 倾听是员工应具备的各种职业技能中最重要的一个方面。它为员工们开启了通向晋升和成功的大门。通过增强倾听技能, 你可以为自己的职业和人生的成功增加了一个重要的砝码。一个优秀的倾听者应该具备良好的素质, 如积极的态度、真诚坦率、积极参与和记忆功能。


(2) 适时给自己培训充电。在IT行业竞争激烈的今天, 只有对自己的知识储备不断地进行更新, 才能不被淘汰出局。经济的全球化使得IT人员要具有弹性的思维, 要顺应市场让自己一路充电。在知识爆炸的年人, 知识更新、培训充电是职业人士不可缺少的必修课。培训不等于单纯地获得证书, 而且证书并非越多越好;也未必选择昂贵的课程, 课程的价格不等于知识的含金量, 最重要是要学习适合自己的课程。

3 IBM公司员工职业生涯规划设计案例分析

IBM公司是国际商用机器公司的简称, 其总部在美国纽约, 是世界最大的信息工业跨国公司。IBM公司是计算机产业长期的领导者, 在大型/小型机和便携机方面的成就最为瞩目。

3.1 职业生涯规划系统的组成部分

建立完善和可执行的技术职位序列系统。要想构建一个完善和可执行的技术职位序列系统, 首先须根据行业常规、公司所提供的产品和服务以及专业人员的自身特点, 确立技术职位的细分领域。其次, 还需要选择合适数目的序列和级别, 定义完整的、容易理解的序列和级别。

建立正式的知识技能培训系统。根据现有的职业发展序列和级别, 开发与之相适应的具有层次性和系统性的培训项目, 为不同级别的技术人员开展行之有效的培训活动。

做好技术层面的认证与鉴定。需要特别强调专业技术人员的研究、总结概括、架构和设计等高端技能, 这些是技术员工职业发展生涯中至关重要的技能。

重视非技术层面的培训。对技术人员沟通能力和团队领导能力培养的态度往往是管理人员和技术人员自身的一个误区。多数人认为技术人员只要精通自己的专业就可以了, 而交流及沟通能力也是至关重要的。

3.2 IBM职业生涯规划模式特点

篇4:2006 IT政策:规划与治理


2006年是我国“十一五” 规划的开局之年。信息产业如何在开局之年打开一个良好的开端?在2005年底召开的一年一度的信息产业部厅局长会议上,信息产业部部长王旭东给出了答案。他在专题讲话中强调,2006年要把工作重点和工作重心放在与“十一五”规划相关的各项重要项目中,信息产业的工作仍将围绕五大主题展开。












今后15年,IT企业将有以下四大机会: 1.企业可以大量承接国家“技术”类创新项目。2.企业可以开始承接军方订单。这意味着,军方对IT产品采购的范围和数量都可能大量增加。3.政府对自主知识产权高新装备和产品实施首购政策。这意味着,政府补贴企业进口设备的政策,将逐渐改为补贴企业采购国产高新技术设备。4.企业可以利用财税优惠政策扩大研发投入。





为了规范互联网电子邮件服务行为,保障公民、法人和其他组织的合法权益,根据《中华人民共和国电信条例》和《互联网信息服务管理办法》的规定, 2月20日,信息产业部公布了第38号令《互联网电子邮件服务管理办法》(下称《办法》)。该办法自3月30日起施行。

















jenny carter

889 north street, marshalltown, ia 15014

tell:****** email:***********

objective: to obtain a positon that utilizes my potential as software engineer

computer skills

languages: c, c++, (x)html, css, javascript, visual basic, xml,

operating systems: windows, mac osx and unix

databases: ms-access, sql server XX

software: ms visual studio, windows nt 4.0, ms office, ms visual studio

hardware: installation of simm chips, hard disks, motherboards and printer configurations


oracle, ia, XX to present

systems developer

.responsible for transferring an extensive filepro database to ms access with the help of macros and vba

.assisted in-house staff by troubleshooting pc and unix related problems

.maintained and updated the ms access database for the marketing department

netex, johnston, ia, XX--XX support engineer

.assisted in creation and testing of new software and troubleshoot operating systems related problems

.debugging program bugs and modifying programs with advancements

.providing prompt technical support to in-house staff


bachelor of science degree in computer science, des moines, ia, may XX

major: computer programming and analysis


Project Management:

Microsoft Project 98/.


Experience with SAP R/3 MM module.

Database Management:

Microsoft Access, Oracle 8i, MS SQL Server 7.0 and

Dbase IV,FoxPro


C, C++, Object Oriented design and analysis, Java.

Web Development:

HTML, JavaScript, Dream weaver, Fireworks,

MS FrontPage, Visual Basic


XXXX, Inc.,XXXX Division

Marketing/Web Development Consultant - Internship

6/00 - 8/00

Created the Internet communication strategy and aligned it with the overall strategy of Lycos to generate traffic for the a leading sites.

Shaped the division’s Internet strategy and created its identity as part of a marketing plan.

Developed the web site and documented maintenance procedures. The web site increased the

division’s visibility (more than 5000 hits in less than 4 days).


MBA candidate with consulting background in E-Commerce, ERP implementation, business process redesign and supply chain integration. Deep knowledge of Information Technology, and programming languages. Excellent problem solving, analytical, project management and team skills. 3 years of International professional experience. Fluent in English and Spanish. Seeking a position as a business technology consultant.


XXXXXGraduate School of Business, Bentley College Master of Business Administration May Graduate courses taken include E-Commerce, Business Processes, and Management Consulting.


To be a good car salesman will be the goal I have been striving for. As a major in auto industry. During the school period, I have always aimed to improve my comprehensive quality, and I have developed a correct outlook on life, values and world outlook in the direction of my all-round development. Through the four years of study and life, and took part in the social practice for many times, I have a healthy outlook on life, the correct political orientation, have certain ability to analyze and solve problems, has the strong beginning ability.

Three years of technical secondary school life like mischiefs, never returned, the only thing left is my knowledge and skills, now Im going to to my favorite job, in the face of the fierce talent competition, I know your knowledge is limited, but I more clear I have unwilling to lag behind the desire of the spirit, and constantly learning, constantly improve. I have my own young and persistent career passion, I believe I will do better! I need an opportunity to present myself and e-ercise myself. Ill give it a shot if Im tired.

“To eat bitter, to be human”, in the work, I will be a conscientious, e-cellent staff.



(xxx) xxx-xxxx


To work in the well known company as a computer operator and there by monitor and control numerous computer systems, equipments, peripherals and networks efficiently.


Bachelor of Computer Programming, XYZ Institute,xxxx

Professional Certifications:

Certificate in Tally, Sams Institute, xxxx


Expertise in installation of various software and operating systems namely UNIX, Windows.

Expertise in the usage of oracle database and MS office tools namely word, Power point, MS- Excel, Ms-Access

Knowledge and certification in Tally

Expert in using search engine tools and Internet.


XYZ Company, Sep xxxx - Present

Employer Job-content

Compose & type correspondence.

Maintain record of incoming & outgoing correspondence.

Make reports, receive, take dictation, check files, records, & all the correspondence.

Submission of various statements related to reporting and monitoring after compilation of data on MS office.

All accounting work.

ABC Software Pvt. Ltd., Aug xxxx - Dec xxxx

Computer Operator/Office assistant

Receive visitors, place calls and answers telephone enquiries.

Maintains records, files & other references materials and perform related clerical duties.

Search files, documents and maintain library for information.

Drafting of letters & Noting for approval of proposal.

Report preparation

Some sort of Data Entry related work.

All Company work in Word, Outlook Express, Excel, Photoshop, Scanning and Internet.


Available on request.

★ 水利水电工程设计的论文

★ 教师职业个人英文简历制作

★ 日语翻译-英文简历制作

★ 简约型英文简历制作

★ 医学-英文简历制作

★ 日语翻译英文简历制作

★ 前台人员英文简历

★ 客户代表英文简历制作

★ 数据分析员英文简历制作


·in charge of internet market segment analysis, and strategy alliance. setting marketing communications strategy and plan.

·well-established contacts with media, import & export agents, and government units.

·fluent in both written and spoken english. translation articles with 200,000 words published during 1990 to 1992 on transmission magazines.

·active, responsible, reliable and hardworking, self-confident.

·leadership and inter-personal communication skill.




date of birth:august 23th,1978

martial status:married

email address:@


mobile phone:


june, 1994 - march,

business operation


·conducting market studies on access development trends and competition, setting marketing communications strategy and plan, managing and coordinating technical promotion.

·annually organizing more than 10 various levels exhibitions and seminars all over the country.

·maintaining close relation with media in telecom for solutions promotion and technical advertising.

·coordinating vip customers participation of important events.

·working together with the sales team on wireless, wireline and internet access solutions promotion in china.

·as an interface between the headquarters and local team, in charge of making target market business plans, business opportunity analysis and sales report; controlling project status and making manufacture forecast; collecting customer information and making action plan.

·controlling the agents sales of line-transmission equipment, developing potential agents and arranging training programs plan.

·supporting contract implementation and customer coordination during and , solving problems arising during contract implementation.

december, 1992 - june, 1994

import & export corporation

sales manager

·in charge of import and export machinery & electronics equipment, including marketing, customer relations setting up, sales and contract implementation.


august, 1988 - june, 1992

university of post and telecommunications

computer & telecommunitcations

bachelor of computer engineering

·with the highest total score by graduation in the studied major.

·graduation thesis officially published.

·received university special english prize.

·being the division chief of student union for two years.


key account management, july 1997

篇10:英文简历模版--IT 市场经理


·In charge of Internet market segment analysis, and strategy alliance. setting marketing communications strategy and plan.

·Well-established contacts with media, import & export agents, and government units.

·Fluent in both written and spoken English. Translation articles with 200,000 words published during 1990 to 1992 on transmission magazines.

·Active, responsible, reliable and hardworking, Self-confident.

·Leadership and inter-personal communication skill.


Name: Stella Li Gender:Female Date of Birth:August 23th,1968

Martial Status:Married Email Address:stellali@ .com

Tel:(010)67183945-7869 Mobile Phone:13911216789


June, 1994 - March, 2000 XXXX Business Operation Manager

·Conducting market studies on access development trends and competition, setting marketing communications strategy and plan, managing and coordinating technical promotion.

·Annually organizing more than 10 various levels exhibitions and seminars all over the country.

·Maintaining close relation with media in telecom for solutions promotion and technical advertising.

·Coordinating VIP customers‘ participation of important events.

·Working together with the sales team on wireless, wireline and Internet access solutions‘ promotion in China.

·As an interface between the headquarters and local team, in charge of making target market business plans, business opportunity analysis and sales report; controlling project status and making manufacture forecast; collecting customer information and making action plan.

·Controlling the agents‘ sales of line-transmission equipment, developing potential agents and arranging training programs plan.

·Supporting contract implementation and customer coordination during and 1998, solving problems arising during contract implementation.

December, 1992 - June, 1994 XXX Import & Export Corporation Sales Manager

·In charge of import and export machinery & electronics equipment, including marketing, customer relations setting up, sales and contract implementation.


August, 1988 - June, 1992 University of Post and Telecommunications

Computer & telecommunitcations Bachelor of Computer Engineering

·With the highest total score by graduation in the studied major.

·Graduation Thesis officially published.

·Received University Special English Prize.

·Being the Division Chief of Student Union for two years.


Key Account Management, July 1997


I am steadfast, hard work, strict demands on themselves, motivated, meticulous, new things have a strong ability to accept. We have to master the technology innovation, excellence, able to properly handle around relationships, your peers, and with a strong team spirit.


Fluent in English, you can use English communication barrier and writing technical documentation. Cheerful and lively, like innovation, challenge. Like sports, I love reading. Curious about new things, willing to accept new knowledge. Team leadership ability, independent thinking but good communication; calm, wise, able to work under pressure.

JavaEE over 5 years of experience and 3 years of project management experience. Management 10-15-person cross-functional teams. Kanemichi technology and management of both worlds. Familiar with the financial industry knowledge. PMP, CertifiedScrumMaster, through the CFA Level I exam.

Features: Financial distributed systems experience;

Requirements analysis, software architecture design, object-oriented analysis and design, domain-driven design, GoF design patterns, enterprise application architecture patterns;

Use Struts, HTML / CSS, Javascript for Web application development;

Use Hibernate and Oracle databases O / Rmapping;

Use Spring IoC and AOP to achieve development;

Use design reviews, code reviews, refactoring, unit testing, automated testing, continuous integration and other methods to ensure the quality of the code. Use JUnit, JMock, Selenium testing tools;

Define and improve workflow, and both CMMI compliant, but also to adapt the project to the actual situation.

American customers and maintain close contact, adapt the business, engineering and management team, such as different communication;

Multiple travel overseas work experience;
