




课内阅读参考译文及课后习题答案(Book 4)Unit 1 享受幽默—什么东西令人开怀?

听了一个有趣的故事会发笑、很开心,古今中外都一样。这一现象或许同语言本身一样悠久。那么,到底是什么东西会使一个故事或笑话让人感到滑稽可笑的呢? 2









著名的中国漫画家和幽默家丁聪便是一位俏皮话大师。在他的一幅幽默漫画中,一位老师说:“你为什么一字不改地抄别人的作业?”那位年轻的学生回答道:“我没有一字不改地抄。我把作业上的名字改成自己的了。”在丁聪的另一幅经典漫画里,一位生气的父亲问道:“告诉我,1加2等于几?”儿子说:“我不知道。”这位不耐烦的父亲接着说道:“比方说,你、你妈妈和我,我们加起来一共是几个,傻瓜?”儿子得意地回答道:“是三个傻瓜。” 这些故事无论是漫画还是笑话,是由演滑稽剧的喜剧演员说还是由搭档的相声演员讲,都为各地人们所喜爱。人们喜爱这些有趣的故事,因为它们贴近现实生活,而且里面那些出人意料的妙语十分有趣。


DOUBLE ENTENDRES(法语中的“一语双关”)是双关语的特殊形式, 其中的词或短语有双重意思。两个意思往往很不相同,一个比较恰当,另一个往往比较粗俗—但并不总是这样。我喜欢那个关于一位中学教师和校长因看见学生在学校操场上接吻而感到担心的故事。故事并不过火。那位教师对学生们说;“我和校长已经决定停止在学校操场上接吻。”听到笑声,她意识到她没有把意思表达清楚,于是补充说:“我的意思是不能再在我们的鼻子下面发生接吻这样的事了。”当然,这个解释并没有纠正她的第一句话,反而使这个笑话的双重含义变得更加好笑。



















D.analysis 6)A.valuable












2.1)a sense of responsibility

2)a sense of safety/security

3)a sense of inferiority

4)a sense of superiority

5)a sense of rhythm

6)a sense of justice

7)a sense of shame

8)a sense of helplessness

9)a sense of direction

10)a sense of urgency

3.1)Lively behavior is normal 2)Fast cars appeal to

3)diverse arguments

4)I asked my boss for clarification

5)sensitive to light

6)Mutual encouragement

7)made fun of him

8)persists in his opinion/viewpoint 9)to be the focus/center of attention

10)we buy our tickets in advance 4.1)certain/sure





6)agreed 7)individually








15)trouble Unit 2 便笺的力量









那些通常做作的公司高层经理们,其领导作风只能被形容为强硬、冷漠、脱离群众。甚至这些人也开始学习写便笺去鼓舞人心,且从中获益匪浅。唐纳德?彼得森,福特公司的前主席,把每天写便笺鼓励同事当作一件日常工作。该公司在80年代时走出低谷取得成功主要是他的功劳。“我只不过匆匆地在备忘录或信的角上写一些鼓舞人心的话,然后传递出去,”他说道。“每天最重要的一段时间,就是鼓舞那些为你工作的人的那10分钟。” 10

“太多的时候,”他发表自己的看法说,“那些我们真正喜欢的人并不知道我们是怎么看待他们的。太多的时候,我们会以为,我并没有说过什么批评的话,为什么非得去说好话呢?我们忘了,人类需要正面的肯定或鼓励——事实上,我们靠这个取得进步,获得成功!” 11

怎样才能写出振奋精神、温暖人心的信呢?只要我们怀有要表示感激之情的心愿。写这种便笺的高手都具有我所谓的 “4S”技巧。12



3)具体(specific)。赞扬一位业务伙伴 “演讲精彩”太笼统含糊;告诉他“关于沃伦?巴菲特的投资策略讲得很精彩”才是一语中的。





今天,我收到了以前的老板和精神导师诺曼?文森特?皮尔的一封温暖的赞扬信。这张小小的便笺上满是鼓舞人心的词句,这促使我坐到了打字机前来完成几封我早就该写的信。我不知道这些信会不会使别人的一天别有意义,但是,对我自己确实如此。正如我的朋友堂?沃尔夫所说的:使别人充满信心,也就使我自己感觉很好。Vocabulary 1.Creating Compound Words


Column A

Column B

The compound words created through


throughout up


upbeat, uplift draw


drawback teen


teenage hand


handout, handwritten birth


birthday, birthstone chair


chairman rag


rag-eared ever


ever-ready over


overdue, overage



long-distance, long-eared self


self-conscious mile


mileage, milestone type


typewriter, typewritten well


well-wishing, well-written











10)rag-eared 11)birthday








n.the act or practice of secretly planning to harm someone or make them lose their position of power


v.try very hard to do something using all your physical or mental strength


n.a force that stretches, pulls or puts pressure on something




v.enjoy the taste or flavor of;enjoy as much as you can


v.treat something as being very special, important, or valuable


n.a store of gold, silver, jewels, etc.5)A.credited

v.consider … as having achieved something or being the reason for it B.credit

n.trust;faith 6)A.boost

n.an encouraging act of cheering somebody up


v.make someone feel more confident and less worried 7)A.note

n.a short, usually informal, letter


v.notice or pay careful attention to something 8)A.signed

v.write your signature on a letter or document to show that you wrote it, agreed with it


n.gesture used to express one’s meaning, idea, etc.9)A.totaled

v.come to a certain amount


n.the whole amount


v.fill something with a substance


n.substance or material


n.the number that is reached when something is being counted


v.be important


v.manage to remain in the same situation


n.the remaining part of something


v.express praise or admiration of somebody


n.an expression of praise, admiration, approval, etc.14)A.flood

n.a large number or amount


v.arrive in large numbers


n.communication with a person, organization, country, etc.B.contact

v.reach(someone)by message, telephone, etc.3.1)thrives








9)follow up

10)characterized 11)lingered


4.column: 1)D




tough: 1)D





6)A 5.1)A.complementary


C.complimentary complimentary: 1)expressing admiration, praise, etc.2)given free of charge complementary: making something complete or perfect;supplying what is lacking or needed for completion 2)A.stationery


C.stationary stationary: not moving, or not changing stationery: writing materials(e.g.paper, envelopes, etc.)3)A.typist


C.typist typewriter: a machine with a keyboard that you use for typing words directly onto a sheet of paper typist: a person who types, especially one employed to do so 4)A.vulgar


C.vague vague: 1)not clearly expressed, known, described or decided 2)not clear in shape;not clearly seen vulgar: not having or showing good taste or good manners;not educated 5)A.pad


C.pad pad: 1)several sheets of paper fastened together, used for writing, drawing, etc.2)a piece of soft thick cloth or rubber which is used to protect a part of the body, give shape to something or clean something




D.owned owe: 1)have to pay, for something already done or given

2)feel grateful own: 1)a.belonging to oneself and to no one else 2)v.possess(something), especially by lawful right 6.1)searched











12)replaced 13)appreciation




Unit 3 从文化角度看性别角色

在过去的几十年里,已经无数次地证实了这样一个事实:构成男子阳刚之气和女子阴柔之气的各种不同类型的行为、情感、和兴趣都既是遗传又是文化熏陶的结果。在成长的过程中,每个孩子学会了细微的行为举止,数量之多数以百计,这一切都带有文化的烙印,成了他们性别特征的一部分。有些行为举止是直接学到的。也就是说,别人教孩子如何恰如其分地行事, 男有男的规矩, 女有女的标准。另一些跟性别有关的具体举止是无意识地或间接地学会的,因为文化为女孩子和男孩子提供的形象、向往的目标以及成人的榜样各不相同。2















2.conscious – unconscious

positive – negative

encourage – discourage

superior – inferior

directly – indirectly

biased – fair

sexist –


limited – unlimited

dependent – independent

appropriately – inappropriately








8)B 4.1)turn out

2)carry over

3)calling on

4)put away

5)fallen behind

6)take over Unit 4 关于创造力的培养——鼓励孩子思考

教育界和商业界的专家们说, 具有创造性是通向光明前程的关键。本文将介绍一下学校和家长如何才能鼓励孩子发展这一至关重要的能力。











1.1)confused, confusion

2)intelligence, intelligent

3)humorous, humor

4)strategy, strategic

5)motivated, motivation

6)combination, combined

7)creation, creative

8)pursuit, pursuing

9)multiplication, multiply

10)employ, employment










10)value 3.1)dismiss












5)Imagination 6)aware









15)Apply Unit 6 风险与你



风险几乎总是一个可能性的问题而无确定性可言。你也许会问:“我该不该系安全带?”如果你坐的车要与其它车正面相撞,那当然该系安全带。倘若你的车侧面被撞,结果你被困在车里,又因安全带装置遭破坏而无法挣脱,那怎么办呢?这是否意味着你该再花些钱在车内安一个保险气袋呢?同样,在正面相撞的情况下,保险气袋完全可以救你一命。但是,万一正当你在高速公路上开车时,保险气袋突然意外充气膨胀,从而导致了本来绝不会发生的事故,那又该如何是好? 4



在我们尚不知所涉及的风险程度之前,我们还无法回答这些问题。那么,我们该如何去衡量风险程度呢?有些人似乎认为答案只不过是一个简单的数字。例如,我们知道每年大约有25,000 人死于车祸。相比之下,每年只有大约300人死于矿山事故和灾难。这难道就意味着乘坐汽车要比采矿危险得多吗?未必。事实是,在美国每年大约有两亿人经常性地以车代步;而大概只有70万人从事采矿作业。我们评估一种风险时,所需要的有关数字是一个比率或分数。该分数的分子告诉我们在某个特定时期由于从事某种特定活动而丧生或受伤的人数;其分母告诉我们在这一时期从事这种活动的总人数。这样,所有的风险程度都是由比率或分数表示,其大小介于0(无风险)到1(完全风险)之间。7


我们一旦明白了风险是永远无法从任何情况中完全去除的,因而就没有绝对安全的事,我们也就会明白问题的关键不是要彻底避免风险,而是要理智地管理风险。风险管理需要两大要素:常识以及与我们可能要承担的风险的性质和程度相关的信息。Vocabulary Practice 1.1)sensible sensible: having or showing good sense;reasonable sensitive: easily hurt, upset, or offended by things that people say 2)relative relevant: directly connected with the subject or problem being discussed or considered relative: considered in relation or proportion to somebody/something else;comparative 3)mechanism machine: 机器

mechanism: a structure of working parts functioning together to produce an effect 4)requires require: need something request: ask for something politely or formally 5)eliminate reduce: make something smaller in size, number, degree, price, etc.eliminate: completely get rid of something that is unnecessary or unwanted 6)crash crash: a breaking to pieces especially by or as if by collision collision: an accident in which two or more people or vehicles hit each other while moving in different directions 2.1)character

2)end up




6)all manner of



9)definitively 3.1)On the strength of

2)all manner of

3)feed on


5)end up

6)associated with

7)focus on

8)turned to

9)participate in

10)involved in


Section A A Love Affair with Books PART I Background Information 1.Rio de Janeiro Rio de Janeiro, the second largest city and former capital of Brazil, is the capital of Rio de Janeiro State.Rio, as is known, is the cultural center of the country as well as the heart of finance, communication, and transportation.2.Ernest Hemingway(1899 ~ 1961)

Ernest Hemingway is a great American novelist and short story writer.During World War I he joined a volunteer ambulance unit in France and then fought briefly as a soldier in Italy.After the war Hemingway worked as a journalist in Chicago.As one of the representative writers of the Lost Generation, Hemingway wrote all his life about one theme “grace under pressure” and created heroes who act this theme out.Hemingway received the Nobel Prize for Literature in 1954.He’s been known for works like The Sun Also Rises(1926)(《太阳照常升起》), A Farewell to Arms(1928)(《永别了,武器》), For Whom the Bell Tolls(1940)(《丧钟为谁而鸣》), and The Old Man and the Sea(1952)(老人与海), etc.3.The Old Man and the Sea

The Old Man and the Sea is one of Erneast Hemingway’s most famous works.It was written in Cuba in 1951 and published in 1952.In 1954 it won the author the Nobel Prize for Literature.It is the story of a struggle between an old, seasoned fisherman and the greatest catch of his life.For eighty-four days, Santiago, an aged Cuban fisherman has been out on the sea.On the eighty-fifth day of his unlucky trip, Santiago sails far beyond the island and ventures into the Gulf Stream.He catches a marlin, the largest fish he has ever seen.As Santiago sails on with the fish, the marlin’s blood leaves a trail in the water and attracts sharks, who devour the marlin’s precious meat, leaving only skeleton, head and tail.Santiago returns home empty-handed.In language of great simplicity and power, Hemingway describes the classic theme of courage in the face of defeat, of personal triumph won from loss.Some well-known quotes from this novel are: “Man is not made for defeat” , “A man can be destroyed but not defeated”.PART II Language Study

1.When I was young, I thought that reading was like a drug which I was allowed to take only a teaspoon at a time, but which, nevertheless, had the effect of carrying me away to an enchanted world.(Para.1)When I was a small girl, I thought that reading was like taking drugs.I could only read a little each time;however, this amount of reading had an enormous effect upon my life in that it took me into a charming world.The author here describes reading books by comparing it with taking drugs, which led her into a new world and later changed her life totally.By using words “like” and “as”, the figure of speech the author applies is called simile(明喻,直喻).More examples: “Time flies like an arrow”(光阴似箭), “She eats like a bird”(她吃得很少), “He smokes like a chimney”(他是个大烟鬼);as white as snow(雪白), as brave as a lion(威猛如狮), etc.teaspoon: n.[C]

1)small spoon used for eating, for adding sugar to tea or coffee, or when cooking, for adding small amounts of a liquid or powder 茶匙,小匙

Add some sugar and milk in your coffee and stir it with a teaspoon.往咖啡里加糖和牛奶,用小匙搅一下。

Drop the dough onto a baking sheet with a teaspoon.用小茶匙把生面团一勺勺舀放到烤盘上。2)amount held by a small spoon 一茶匙容量

Help me mix a quarter cup of mashed strawberries with half a cup of cottage cheese and a teaspoon of sugar.帮我把1/4杯捣碎的草莓、半杯农家乳酪和一茶匙糖混合一下。He wants three teaspoons of sugar in his coffee.他想在咖啡里加三匙糖。

at a time: used for saying how many things there are in each group or on each occasion 每次,一次

Deal with each question separately, one at a time.问题要分开处理,一次一个。

Pass me the books two at a time.把书递给我,每次两本。

nevertheless: ad.despite a fact or idea that you have just mentioned, used as a way of showing how a sentence, phrase, or word is related to what has already been said 仍然;不过;尽管如此

It’s a difficult race.Nevertheless, about 1,000 runners participate every year.这是一场艰难的比赛。尽管如此,每年约有1 000名赛跑者参赛。Alexander II was an obscure but nevertheless interesting Scottish king.亚历山大二世是一位让人难以琢磨但仍然很有趣的苏格兰国王。

Our defeat was expected but it is disappointing nevertheless.我们的失败是意料之中的事,尽管如此,还是令人失望。

effect: n.1)[C/U] change that is produced in one person or thing by another 结果;影响;作用 Scientists are studying the greenhouse effect on the environment.科学家正在研究温室效应对环境的影响。

Any change in lifestyle will have an effect on your health.生活方式的任何改变都将影响你的健康。

The serious drought in southwest and parts of eastern China will have some / no effect on China’s total grain output.中国西南地区以及东部部分地区的严重干旱将对全国的粮食总产量有一定/没有影响。Relaxation can reduce the negative effects of stress on the immune system.放松可以缓解压力对免疫系统的负面影响。

The leadership discussed a plan of economic measures to counter the effects of such a blockade.领导层研究出了一个方案,以经济措施抵制这种封锁带来的影响。

2)[C] appearance or reaction that is deliberately produced, for example, by a writer or musician(刻意营造的)效果,感受

The stage lighting gives the effect of a moonlit scene.舞台灯光产生月夜景色的效果。

Students should learn how they can achieve different stylistic effects in their writing.学生应该学会如何在自己的写作中呈现出不同的文风。

carry away: 1)become so excited or involved in something that you lose control of your feelings or behavior 忘乎所以,使狂喜

He let his anger carry him away.他愤怒得不能自制。

He was carried away by her beauty.他被她的美貌给迷住了。2)take away 带走,搬走

The wounded men were carried away.受伤的人们被抬走了。

Let’s carry away the refuse.让我们把垃圾运走。

2.As time went by and I took that drug again and again, I became addicted to it.Books became an intrinsic part of my life.(Para.1)As I grew up, I devoted myself more and more to reading and books had already become an important part of my life without which I could not live.(The author fell in love with books.)The author is now applying the figure of speech called “metaphor” as she indirectly compares reading books to taking drugs without using words such as “like” or “as”.More examples: the sunshine of her smile(她阳光般的微笑), “The rain came down in buckets”(大雨如注/大雨倾盆), etc.addicted: a.1)(fig.)enjoying a particular activity very much and spending as much time as one can 入迷的 Addicted webworms lose not only their time, but money as well.着迷的网虫不仅浪费了时间,也浪费了金钱。

My children are hopelessly addicted to television.我的孩子们都成了电视迷,简直是不可救药了。

2)unable to stop taking illegal or harmful drugs(吸毒)成瘾的,上瘾的 It doesn’t take long to become addicted to these drugs.服用这些毒品不要多久就会上瘾。

He admitted that he was addicted to cocaine and couldn’t get himself out of it.他承认自己吸食可卡因上了瘾,而且无法自拔。

intrinsic: a.(fml.)being part of the nature or character of someone or something;inherent 固有的;本质的;内在的 her intrinsic goodness 她那出自本性的善良

the intrinsic value of one’s work 某人作品的真正价值

He admitted the intrinsic merits of my idea, but said that it would need a lot of improvement before it could be put into practice.他承认我提的意见的内在价值,但又说这意见在付诸实施之前,需要作许多改进。

Providing service to the customer is intrinsic to a successful business.为客户提供服务是企业成功的根本。

3.faithful(Para.1): a.1)continuing to do or believe something, even in a difficult situation 忠诚的;恪守的;虔诚的

a faithful friend / servant / follower 忠实的朋友/仆人/追随者 Dr.Still gave years of faithful service to people in the community.斯蒂尔医生多年来一直恪守职责为社区的人们服务。

He remains faithful to his belief.他坚守自己的信仰。

Most dogs are easy to train and are very faithful and loyal to their owners.大部分的狗很容易训练也非常忠诚于他们的主人。

2)showing or describing something in a way that is exactly correct;accurate 逼真的,如实的;准确的

The painting displayed in the museum is a faithful reproduction of the original one.博物馆展出的画是原画逼真的摹本。

The carpets they made today remain faithful to their ancestors’ methods.他们今天编织的地毯沿用了祖先的方法。

4.fall in love(Para.2): start to have very strong feelings about someone / something 爱上某人/某事

I fell in love with her because of her kind nature.由于她善良的天性,我爱上了她。

Working with the well-known director closely, I fell in love with the cinema.与这位知名导演的紧密工作使我开始喜爱上了电影。5.I don’t even recall when I started to read and how.(Para.2)I cannot even remember when and how I began to read books.recall: vt.1)remember 回忆

Twenty years later my father could still clearly recall the event.20年后我父亲还能清楚地记起这件事。

I seem to recall that you said you would do that yesterday.我好像记得你说过你昨天要做那件事。

2)make one remember 使回想起

a style of film-making that recalls Alfred Hitchcock


The music recalls my childhood memories.音乐勾起了我对童年的回忆。

6.remember(Para.2): v.1)(with noun or gerund or clause)bring back into one’s thoughts 记得;回忆起

I remembered the sharp sound as the car came towards me.我记得汽车向我驶来时发出的刺耳声音。

I remember her as a rather tall woman.如果我没有记错,她是一位身材较高的妇女。

Do you remember me asking you that same question? 你记得我曾问过你同样的问题吗?

She suddenly remembered that she had not locked the door.她突然想起她没有锁门。

2)(with infinitive)keep in the memory;not forget 牢记,记住;不忘记

Did you remember to post the letter?


He never remembered to lock the door when he went out.他出去时从来不记得要锁门。

Note: The difference between remember doing something and remember to do something.I remember locking the door as I left the house.(= I locked the door and can call this event to mind now.)(我记得离开家时锁了门。)(现在还能回忆起这件事。)I remembered to lock the door as I left the house.(= It was in my mind then that I must lock the door, and I locked it.)(我离开家时没忘记锁门。)(我把门锁上了。)

7.In spite of this, every time I had an opportunity I would sneak somewhere with a book and read one page, two pages, three, if I were lucky enough, always feeling my heart beating fast, always hoping that my mother wouldn’t find me.(Para.2)Although my mother wouldn’t like me to read books, whenever I had a chance I would try to find a quiet place to do some reading.I was so nervous at that moment, for I feared to be found reading by my mother.in spite of: taking no notice of, or not prevented from;despite 虽然;不顾;尽管

In spite of a slight improvement in sales, the company is still making a loss.公司的销售情况虽然稍有改善,但还在亏本。

In spite of what you say, I still believe he is honest.不管你说什么,我还是相信他是诚实的。

In spite of his old age, he still leads an active life.尽管他年事已高,他依旧过着一种忙碌的生活。

in spite of oneself: although one did not want to expect to do so不由自主地

I laughed in spite of myself.我不禁笑起来。

I thought she had a good time in spite of herself.我想尽管她自己都不知道怎么回事,她还是过得非常愉快。

Note: In this sentence, the first “would” is an auxiliary verb, indicating a repeated action which happened in the past, usually with a strong personal feeling of the author.The second “would” indicates a wish in a sentence of subjunctive mood.Occasionally she would come to see us.她偶尔来看看我们。

Now and then an owl would call.不时会有猫头鹰叫。

I would do it if they would let me.要是他们让我干我是愿意干的。

opportunity: n.[C] chance to do something, or a situation in which it is easy for one to do something 机会,良机

I think this trip sounds like a wonderful opportunity.我觉得这次旅行听起来像是个绝妙的机会。

The program gives students the opportunity to learn more about global warming.这个节目让学生有机会了解更多有关全球变暖的情况。

I’d like to take this opportunity to thank all of you for coming.我愿借此机会感谢诸位的光临。


vi.move somewhere quietly and secretly so that no one can see you or hear you 偷偷摸摸地 走;潜行

While his parents were busy, Joe sneaked off to play.父母正在忙碌时,乔偷偷地溜出去玩耍。

The cops sneaked around to the back door.警察蹑手蹑脚地绕到后门口。

vt.(sl.)take something secretly or illegally 偷偷地拿;偷窃 I sneaked the book out of my father’s study.我偷偷地从父亲的书房拿出了那本书。

She sneaked a chocolate when no one was looking.她趁没有人看时偷走了一块巧克力。

sneak a look / glance at: secretly take a quick look at someone or something 偷偷看一眼 I managed to sneak a look at the report on her desk.我设法偷偷看了一眼她桌子上的报告。

I sneaked a glance at Anna.我偷偷地看了安娜一眼。

8.For her, books were nothing.For me, they were everything.(Para.2)For my mother, books meant nothing;whereas for me, books meant everything.9.In my childhood I didn’t have a big choice of books.(Para.3)When I was small, there weren’t enough books for me to read.a big / wide choice of: much to choose from很多选择 There is a wide choice of software available for this model.适于这种型号使用的软件,有许多种类可供选择。

We found a big choice of vegetables in the market.我们看到市场上的蔬菜品种繁多。

10.At home, he loved to sit in his fantasy with all kinds of books.(Para.4)At home, my uncle loved to sit there, totally lost in the imaginary world as a result of the inspiration given by the books he was reading.fantasy: n.1)[U] imagination, esp.when unlimited or allowed complete freedom 幻想;胡思乱想 He indulged himself in fantasy when watching the television series Fantasy Island.在看电视连续剧《梦幻岛》时,他就沉湎于幻想之中了。

Fantasy and reality often overlap.幻想与现实时常部分交叉。

2)[C] something produced from the imagination, whether expressed in words or not 幻想(想象)的产物

The whole story is a fantasy.整个故事都是幻想出来的。

He is always having fantasies about becoming rich and famous.他老是抱着发财成名的幻想。

3)[C/U] genre of imaginative fiction involving magic and adventure, esp.in a setting other than the real world 魔幻小说,幻想小说

As a series of fantasies, The Lord of the Rings, written by John Ronald R.Tolkien(1892~1973), first appeared in 1945~1955 in trilogy: The Fellowship of the Ring, The Two Towers, and The Return of the King.作为一部系列魔幻小说,由约翰·罗纳德·R·托尔金(1892~1973)创作的《指环王》于1945至1955年期间首次以三部曲形式出现:《护戒使者》、《双塔奇兵》和《王者归来》。

The stories of Poe are fantasies of horror.坡的小说属充满恐怖的幻想作品。

11.If he happened to read a bestseller or a romance, when he was done he would give it to my mother …(Para.4)

When my uncle finished reading a book, if it was a bestseller or a romance, he always gave it to my mother …

romance: n.1)[C] story of love, adventure, mystery, etc., often set in a distant time or place, whose events are happier or grander or more exciting than those of real life(常以古代或异域为背景,以爱情、历险、奇遇为内容、富于想象色彩的)浪漫故事/小说;浪漫作品;传奇 Her taste in fiction was for historical romances.她喜欢阅读历史爱情故事。

a romance about a king who married a beggar girl 一位国王娶了一个穷人家女孩的传奇故事

a cheap romance in a magazine 杂志中的低俗浪漫故事

2)[C] exciting, enjoyable love affair, esp.one that is not very serious and long-lasting(往往短暂而刺激的)罗曼史;浪漫关系;风流韵事

a holiday romance with a happy ending 结局圆满的假日艳遇

It was just a summer romance.那不过是夏日里的一段罗曼史。

3)[U] love, esp.when sentimental or idealized(尤指充满柔情或理想化的)爱情;恋爱;浪漫

There’s romance in the air between her and Michael.她和迈克尔之间有点恋爱的味道。

She wasn’t in a mood of romance.她没有心情谈恋爱。

Despite the age gap, romance developed.尽管存在年龄差距,爱情之花还是盛开了。

Spring is here and romance is in the air.春天来了,到处洋溢着浪漫的气息。

12.But I would get to read the precious book anyway, even if I needed to do this in a hiding place, little by little.(Para.4)

I would try every means to read the book which I wanted so much, even though I had to hide myself somewhere again and again to read the book, doing only a part of it each time.get to do…: have permission or an opportunity to do something that you want to do 得到允许/有机会做„„

Tom gets to go to Disneyland this summer.今年夏天汤姆可以去迪斯尼乐园了。

You’ll get to like it in time.你终究会喜欢它的。

precious: a.1)rare or very necessary and not to be wasted 宝贵的,可贵的 Salt is as precious as gold in many places.盐在很多地方同黄金一样珍贵。

My time is precious: I can only give you a few minutes.我的时间是宝贵的,我只能给你几分钟时间。

2)greatly loved or treasured by someone 珍爱的;心爱的;珍视的 precious works of art 艺术珍品

Her daughter is the most precious thing in the world to her.对于她来说,女儿就是掌上明珠。

13.series(Para.5): n.[C]

1)set of books, documents, etc.that are published with the same design in order to show that they belong to the same group 丛书;辑

a popular new series of children’s books 一套新出版的广受欢迎的儿童丛书 We’re publishing a new series on ethnic music next year.明年我们将出版一套新的关于少数民族音乐的丛书。

2)set of similar things that follow one after another 连续发生的一组类似事件;系列 They carried out a series of experiments to test the new drug.他们对这种新药物进行了一系列试验。

We need to do a series of tests before we do anything else.我们需要做一系列的测试后才能做别的事情。

3)set of television or radio programs that are all about a particular subject, person, or group of people(电视或广播的)系列节目 a hit television series 热门电视系列片

Tonight’s program is the second in a three-part series.今晚节目是一部三集系列片的第二集。

14.Although the books were old, for me they seemed alive, and for a long time I devoured

them, one by one, pretending that I was the heroine and my lover would soon come to rescue me.(Para.5)

The books were old, but the stories seemed to be fresh and lively to me.For a long time I kept reading them with great enthusiasm one by one, and I imagined myself getting involved in a romance there, waiting for my prince to come to me.devour: vt.1)read, watch, or listen to something with a lot of interest or enthusiasm热切地读,凝视,倾听

For 12 hours each day, he devoured books on mathematics, physics, and chemistry.他如饥似渴地攻读数理化,每天长达12小时。

He was already devouring detective fiction as a young child.他小时候就已经在如饥似渴地阅读侦探小说。

2)eat something very fast because you are hungry 狼吞虎咽地吃;吞食

The hungry boy was devouring his dinner.那个饥饿的孩子在狼吞虎咽地吃饭。

According to one estimate, spiders devour enough bugs worldwide in a single day to outweigh the entire human population.根据一项估计,全世界的蜘蛛一天内吞食的害虫数量足以超过人类的总数量。


vt.save or set free from harm, danger, or loss 拯救;救援;使免遭(损失)

He rescued a child from drowning.他救起了一名落水儿童。

You rescued me from an embarrassing situation.我正感到尴尬,你为我解了围。

n.[C/U] act of saving someone or something from danger, failure, or unpleasant situation 营救 A rescue team is trying to reach the trapped miners.营救队正设法赶到矿工被困的地方。

We were about to close down the business, but the bank came to our rescue with a huge loan.我们几乎要停业了,但银行借出一大笔钱救了我们。

15.He didn’t come, of course.(Para.5)

In fact, my lover didn’t come to me.(The romance didn’t happen actually as it was only the author’s fantasy as a little girl.)

16.But inside myself I was taking my passion for books that would never abandon me.(Para.5)

I never left behind my desire for reading and pursuing knowledge.(Though I had to leave behind a lot of things in order to study and live in another city.)passion: n.1)[C] strong desire or enthusiasm for something 热情;极度喜爱,酷爱

Sports are the passion of the city’s masses.该市群众酷爱体育运动。

The English have a passion for gardens.英国人对花园情有独钟。

2)[C/U] powerful emotion such as love or anger(爱情、愤怒等)强烈的情感

She sang with great passion.她满怀激情地歌唱。

Passions run high when marriages break up and children are involved.当婚姻破裂且殃及孩子们的时候,人们的情绪就很激愤。

abandon: vt.1)leave(a person or thing or place)not intending to return;desert;forsake 离开(某人、某物或某地);抛弃;遗弃;离弃 His natural mother abandoned him when he was five days old.他出生才五天生母就遗弃了他。

When the fire got out of control, the captain told the sailors to abandon the ship.当火势无法控制时,船长吩咐水手弃船逃生。

2)give up completely(esp.something begun)完全放弃(尤指已开始的某事物)abandon a project / plan / scheme 放弃一项方案/计划/设计 The match was abandoned because of bad weather.比赛因为天气恶劣而取消。

17.boarding school(Para.6):(or residential college)寄宿学校

A boarding school is a school in which most or all of the students live during the part of the year when they go to lessons.The students who live in boarding school are called boarders or resident students.Most British public schools are boarding schools.Cf.day school 日校,走读学校

A day school is a school whose students attend only during the day, returning home at night and at weekends.18.…the lives of saints and the miracles of Christ.(Para.6)

saint: n.[C](abbr.St or S;pl.Sts)person who is officially recognized after death by Christian church as specially holy and worthy of formal honor 圣徒,圣人 Joan of Arc was made a saint in 1920.1920年,贞德被追封为圣女。

It was a holy place, the shrine of a saint.这是个神圣的地方,一个圣徒的神殿。

Note: “the lives of saints” refers to the activities of the holy people in the Bible.According to the Bible, Christ worked many miracles, such as turning water into wine.miracle: n.[C]

1)action / event that cannot be explained according to the laws of nature and is considered to be an act of God 奇迹;奇事;不可思议的事 The story of the weeping statue is hailed as a miracle by some people.会哭泣的雕像的故事被一些人惊叹为奇迹。

It’ll need a miracle to save the company from ruin.需要出现奇迹,才能使公司免于破产。

Miracle is everywhere as long as you believe in yourself.只要你相信自己,奇迹无处不在。

2)excellent achievement or example of something 卓越成就

a miracle of modern technology 现代技术的一大奇迹

He managed to raise a crop of 200 miracle tomatoes that weighed up to two pounds each.他居然种出了200个大得出奇的西红柿,每个重达两磅。

19.very(Para.6): a.(used for giving force to an expression)actual(用于加强语气)正是的This is the very pen he used when he was writing the book.他写这本书时用的正是这支笔。

I’ll go this very moment.我这就去。

The very thought of that terrible meal makes me feel sick.我一想起那顿糟糕的饭就恶心。20.spot(Para.6):

vt.1)pick out with the eye;see or recognize, esp.with effort or difficulty 找出,认出,看出

They’ve spotted us — let’s get out of here.他们已经发现了我们——咱们出去吧。

They were spotted by the police as they were entering the bank.他们进入银行时便被警察发现了。

2)(usu.pass.)mark with spots 使„„有斑点

I chose a white cloth spotted with green.我选择了一块带有绿色斑点的白布。

The dress is spotted with white and black dots.衣服上印有黑白小点。


1)small round area on a surface different in color from its surroundings 斑点; The flower is yellow with red spots.花是黄色的,带有红色斑点。He has a bald spot on the top of his head.他头顶有块斑秃。

2)particular place 地点,场所

We found him sitting in a sunny spot in the garden.我们发现他正坐在花园里一个阳光充足的地方。It took me about twenty minutes to find a parking spot.我花了差不多20分钟才找到停车的地方。

on the spot: at once;at the place of the action 立即;在现场 Anyone breaking the rules will be asked to leave on the spot.任何违反规则的人都要被责令立即离场。We’ll have a police officer on the spot immediately.我们马上派一名警察前往现场。

hit the spot: AmE(infml.)satisfy one’s hunger 满足某人的食欲 That pie really hit the spot, Michael.那个馅饼味道真合我口味,迈克尔。A cool glass of beer would really hit the spot.一杯冰啤酒正合我意。

a bright spot:(fig.)something encouraging despite the unfavorable situation 令人欣慰的事,亮点

It’s been a terrible week at the office, but there was one bright spot: the new assistant is very good.这个星期公司遭透了,还好新来的助手非常棒。

The one bright spot for the team last year was the match in France.这个队去年的一个亮点就是在法国的那场比赛。

21.intriguing(Para.6): a.very interesting, arousing the curiosity of, esp.because of being strange or mysterious 令人非常感兴趣的;引人入胜的;迷人的 an intriguing subject for future research 有待深入研究的有趣学科

To me that’s what is really intriguing about him.对我来说,他让人感兴趣的地方即在于此。

22.curious(Para.6): a.1)eager to know or learn, esp.about something unfamiliar or mysterious 好奇的;有求知欲的

Children are all curious about animals and how they live.孩子们对动物及其生活方式感到非常好奇。

A curious child is a teacher’s delight.老师喜欢有求知欲的孩子。(网络)

2)odd or unusual, esp.in a way that is hard to explain 奇特的;离奇的;难以解释的The visitors were attracted by a curious piece of 19th century art.参观者被一件19世纪的艺术珍品深深地吸引。

He felt a curious mixture of happiness and fear.他有一种幸福和恐惧交织在一起的奇特感觉。

23.…was already fascinated by Santiago, the fisherman.(Para.6)

…was already attracted by the hero and his story.fascinate: vt.capture the interest of;attract 迷住,吸引住;使神魂颠倒 The changing vivid colors of the sunset fascinated the eye.日落时变化多端的色彩使人看得入迷。

I’d be fascinated to know what you really think.我非常想知道你真实的想法。

The public is fascinated with the private lives of public figures.公众对社会名流的私生活具有浓厚的兴趣。We are all fascinated by new technology.我们都对新技术着迷。

24.…only one teaspoon at a time.(Para.7)

…each time I only read a little.The word “teaspoon” is used figuratively, meaning “a small amount of reading”.25.At the age of thirteen I was deeply in love with Ernest Hemingway.(Para.7)

When I was 13 years old, I liked Ernest Hemingway’s works very much.deeply: ad.1)very or very much 很;非常

deeply rooted customs / ideas根深蒂固的习俗/思想

deeply held beliefs / convictions / views 坚定不移的信仰/信念/观点

Opinion is deeply divided on this issue.对这个问题的意见分歧很大。

The government said it was deeply concerned about the situation.政府表示对局势非常关注。

2)long way down or through something 深深地 The needle had penetrated deeply into his skin.那根针深深地刺入到他的皮肤里。

The dog bit him deeply into his arm.狗咬了他的胳膊,咬得很深。

26.At that time I thought that my relationship with books was kind of odd, something that set me apart from the world.(Para.8)

At that time I considered my relationship with books strange.I was so indulged in the world of books instead of the real world around me that I felt myself to be different from the others in the world.kind of:(infml.)in a certain way, rather 有几分;有点儿 I guess I got kind of carried away, seeing you and Mom again.我想大概因为我又见到您和妈妈,有点晕头转向了。

In fact, she kind of enjoyed being in the minority, she says.其实,她说她还有点喜欢处于少数人的地位。

odd: a.1)different from what is ordinary or expected;unusual 奇特的,古怪的,异常的It’s odd that I cannot remember Mary’s address.奇怪的是我竟记不起玛丽的地址。

Mankind is very odd creature: one half censure what they practice, the other half practice what they censure.人类是非常奇怪的生物:一边指责自己的所作所为,一边做着自己所指责的事情。

2)not happening frequently or regularly;occasionally偶尔的

During the spring break, he did some odd jobs to earn a little pocket money.春假期间他打了点零工,以挣些零花钱。

The weather will remain cloudy with odd showers here and there.天气将仍为多云,部分地区偶有阵雨。

3)not integrally divisible by two(数目)奇数的,单数的Numbers like 3, 15, and 181 are odd numbers.3、5和181等数字都是奇数。

You must park your cars on the odd-numbered side of the street.请您务必将车停在街道两侧中门牌号码为奇数的那一侧。

4)separated from its pair or set(一双、一套中)单只的,不成双的an odd shoe 单只鞋

He went out wearing odd socks.他穿着不成双的袜子出门了。

set apart:

1)make someone or something special or different 使与众不同 Tom’s natural athleticism set him apart from other tennis players.汤姆天生的运动素质使他显得和其他网球运动员不同。Being good had been his way of setting him apart.他一贯以“为人诚实正派”使自己不同于一般人。

2)(usu.pass.)keep something separate in order to use it for a particular purpose(为特定用途)留出,划出 set some food apart for winter 储备一些食物过冬

Several acres of public land have been set apart for recreation.已经留出来几英亩的公共用地来建造娱乐设施。

27.Only when I read a short story by a Brazilian author, did I discover that other people could enjoy books as much as I did.(Para.8)Note: This is an inverted sentence using “only” at the beginning of a sentence to introduce an adverbial.Other examples: Only in this house do I feel safe and secure.只有在这个房子里我才感到安全。

Only in Paris can you buy these shoes.只有在巴黎你才能买到这样的鞋子。

28.For the first time I wasn’t alone.(Para.8)

For the first time in my life I found that I wasn’t the only person who enjoyed reading books.29.…to surmount another big challenge.(Para.9)

… to succeed in overcoming another difficulty.surmount: vt.1)(fml.)overcome;succeed in dealing with(esp.a difficulty)克服(困难等)

We had many problems to surmount before we could start the project.我们得克服许多困难才能着手做这项工作。

John was able to surmount all these obstacles to become an outstanding leader.约翰能够克服所有这些障碍并成为一位出色的领导人。

2)(usu.pass.)be above or on top of 置于„„之上

The house was surmounted by a tall chimney.屋顶上有一个高高的烟囱。

The peak is surmounted by the ruins of an ancient fort.峰顶有一座古老要塞的废墟。

30.For some years I was condemned again to the darkness;condemned to live without books, my friends, my guides, my lovers.(Para.9)

During the years when I was forced to give up reading books, which had been playing the important parts of friends, guides and lovers, I felt myself to be thrown back into the dark world of ignorance.condemn: vt.1)force someone into an unhappy state or situation 迫使„„陷入 His bad leg condemned him to a wheelchair.他的残腿使他离不开轮椅。

They were condemned to a life of hardship.他们不得不过着艰难的生活。

Most of the children will be condemned to spend their lives in abject poverty.这些孩子中,大多数都将终生生活在赤贫中。

2)express strong disapproval of 谴责;责备

The minister condemned the proposal as “very damaging”.大臣强烈指责这一提议“非常有害”。

We all condemn cruelty to children.我们一致谴责对儿童的摧残。

The law has been condemned by its opponents as an attack on personal liberty.这项法律被反对者指责为对人身自由的侵犯。

3)judge guilty 宣告„„有罪

He was condemned to life imprisonment.他被判无期徒刑。

They condemned him to be hanged.他们判他绞刑。

31.obstacle: n.[C] something which prevents somebody from achieving progress 障碍 We have managed to overcome all the obstacles that have been placed in our path.我们已设法排除了设置在道路上的一切障碍。

A lack of qualifications can be a major obstacle to finding a job.学历不足可能成为求职的主要障碍。

All major obstacles to peace have now been removed.所有通往和平的主要障碍都已被清除。

32.…they still hold a mystery for me…(Para.11)…for me books have always been a fascinating world(through which I was led into an unknown life)…

mystery: n.1)[C] something which cannot be explained or understood 神秘的事物;谜 It’s a mystery to me how she manages to work so fast.我真无法理解她如何做得那么快。

The exact origin of the universe remains a mystery.宇宙的确切起源仍然是个谜。

The police are trying to solve the mystery of his disappearance.警方试图解开他的失踪之谜。

2)[U] strange secret nature or quality 神秘性;神秘;不可思议性 I’d love to read stories full of mystery.我喜欢读充满神秘感的故事。

The trees and the mountains made a landscape with mystery and charm.树木和山脉构成了神秘而迷人的风景。

33.…which routes I am about to travel, which emotions I am about to sink into.Will this new book touch me as a woman, as a foreigner, as a romantic soul, as a curious person? Which horizon is it about to unfold to me, which string of my soul is it bound to touch, which secret is it about to unveil for me?(Para.11)

…every time I opened a new book, I felt curious about what new experience this book would offer me and what kind of emotional state this book would lead me into.Would this book have any emotional impact on me as a foreign woman with a romantic heart and an intense yearning for knowledge? What kind of new world would this book open before me? What effect would this book exert on me? What unknown thing of any sort would this book reveal to me?

route: n.[C] way or course taken(esp.regularly)from one place to another 路,路线(尤指固定路线)

What’s the shortest route from London to Cambridge?


We’ve had to take two of the evening buses off this route because of a shortage of fuel.由于缺乏燃料,我们不得不取消了这条线路的两班夜车。

emotion: n.1)[C] any of the strong feelings of human spirit情感,感情

As a nurse I learned to control my emotions.作为护士,我学会了控制自己的情感。

He left the scene with mixed emotions.他百感交集地离开了现场。

2)[U] strength of feelings;excited state of the feelings 激情;感动 She choked with emotion when she spoke about her late husband.当她说起她已故的丈夫时,她情绪激动得哽住了。

She described the accident in a voice shaking with emotion.她以激动而颤抖的声音描述事故发生的经过。

be about to do: be going to happen or do something very soon 正要发生;即将做

We arrived just as the ceremony was about to begin.我们到时典礼正要开始。

I’ve never done any cooking and I’m not about to start now.我从来没做过饭,也不想从现在开始做起来。sink into: go gradually into a state of 逐渐进入„„状态

Don’t allow yourself to sink into grief.It can do no good.不要使自己陷入悲哀之中,这样一点好处也没有。

He sank himself word by word into the literature.他字斟句酌,陶醉于文学作品之中。soul: n.1)[C](usu.sing.)an individual 人,个人

He’s had a lot of troubles to put up with,(the)poor soul!他有好多烦恼的事,可怜的人!

There wasn’t a soul in sight.一个人影也没有。

2)[C] part of a person that is capable of thinking and feeling 心灵;精神 Charms strike the sight, but merit wins the soul.美色中看,美德感人。

They say that hardship is good for the souls.他们说艰难困苦对心灵有益。

3)[U] moral, or emotional nature of a person 情操;热情

She puts soul into her teaching.她在教学中倾注了自己的热情。

It was a very polished performance, but it lacke soul.这场演出技艺很精湛,但缺少真挚的情感。

horizon: n.1)[C] line in the distance where the sky seems to meet the earth 地平线 The sun was setting on the horizon.太阳刚刚落在地平线上。

The moon rose slowly above the horizon.月亮从地平线上冉冉升起。

2)(pl.)limit of one’s mental perception, experience, or interest 阅历的范围;眼界 Traveling has really helped to expand her horizons.旅行确实有利于开阔她的眼界。

Science gives us new horizons.科学给我们新的视野。


vt.open something that was folded 展开;打开;摊开 Lewis unfolded the note and read it quickly.刘易斯展开条子并很快地看了一下。

We need to unfold the chairs before everyone arrives.我们必须在大家到达前把椅子都打开。

vi.become open after being folded 张开;伸展

The first bright green leaves were unfolding in the hedge.树篱上长出了翠绿的新叶子。

Modern films can show a rose unfolding.现代电影技术可以展示玫瑰开放的过程。string: n.1)[C] one of several long pieces of nylon, wire, or another substance stretched across a musical instrument, and used for producing sounds(乐器上的)弦

guitar / violin / harp strings 吉他/小提琴/竖琴弦

2)[C] group of similar or connected things 一连串,一系列(类似或相关的事物)

A string of cars traveled up the narrow mountain road.一长串汽车行驶在狭窄的山路上。

I was confused by a string of questions.我面临着一连串的问题。

3)[C/U] thin rope, usu.made of twisted fibers and used for tying things together 线;细绳 a parcel tied with string用细绳捆着的包裹

Puppets are worked by strings.木偶是用绳来操纵的。

The balloon was attached to a long string.气球系在一根长线上。

be bound to do: be certain or likely to happen, or to do or be something 一定会;很可能会 If you have problems at home, it’s bound to affect your work.如果你家里有问题的话,一定会影响你的工作。

You’ve done so much work that you’re bound to pass the exam.你下了这么大工夫,一定能考及格。

unveil: vt.uncover;announce something officially that was previously a secret 揭开;透露,使公布于众

They will be unveiling their new models at the Motor Show.他们将在汽车大展上首次推出自己的新款汽车。

In his statement, Brown unveiled a series of plans.布朗在陈述中首次提出了一系列计划。

34.After reading so many books that touch me deeply, each one in its special way, I understand now that my mother had a point when she tried to keep me away from books in my childhood.(Para.12)

I understand now that my mother had good reasons for stopping me from reading books when I was a child.My mother must have realized that books would influence me greatly and in various ways as they really did later.have(got)a point: said when you think someone’s idea or opinion is right(某人)说得有道理

You have got a point.If we’re going to work overtime, they’re going to have to pay us a lot extra.你说的是。如果我们要加班,他们就得额外给我们多得多的报酬

She has a point — some of the so-called family movies are the worst things you could take your kids to.她说得有道理——有些所谓的家庭影片是你能带孩子去看的最糟的东西。

keep sb./ sth.away(from):(make someone or something)stay away(from)(使)不靠近,(使)离开

The spectators have to keep away.旁观者不得靠近。

Children should be kept away from the river.不可让孩子们靠近河边。

He kept away from liquor and tobacco.他烟酒不沾。

Would you keep that dog away? 把那条狗牵走好吗?

35.She wanted me to stay in my little town, to marry a rich and tiresome man, to keep up with the traditions.(Para.12)My mother wished me to marry a rich but boring man and live an ordinary life as other women did in our small town.tiresome: a.making one feel annoyed or bored 令人讨厌的 Checking all the address labels was a tiresome task.核对所有的地址标签是件令人厌烦的工作。

Regular weeding is a tiresome but essential job.定期除草虽累人,但很有必要。

keep up(with): learn as fast or do as much as other people 赶上(人,潮流,形势等)a woman who always keeps up with the latest fashions 一个最赶时髦的女人 He reads newspapers every day to keep up with the latest happenings.他每天读报纸,了解最近发生的事情。

36.They made me dare to live another kind of life.They made me wish for more, and when I couldn’t have all I wished for, they were still there to comfort me, and to show me new options.(Para.12)

Books gave me courage to live a different life.Books gave me more hope for the future;and if my desires weren’t all fulfilled, it was books that eased my souls and showed new choices.comfort:

vt.make someone feel less sad, worried, or disappointed 安慰;宽慰

He went upstairs to comfort the baby.他上楼去哄婴儿。

She will be comforted to learn the news.听到这个消息她将得到安慰。n.[U] 1)physically relaxed state, without any pain or other unpleasant feelings 舒适,舒服

There is no comfort in the room.这个房间一点也不舒服。

There is plenty of room to lie down and sleep in comfort.有足够的空间可以躺下舒服地睡一觉。2)feeling of being less sad or worried about something than you were previously 安慰;慰藉

My mother was always there to offer comfort.我母亲总能及时出现给予安慰。

I found comfort in his words.我从他的话中得到安慰。

option: n.[C] thing that is or may be chosen 选择

She had no option but to admit the truth.她没有别的选择,只好说了实情。

We’ve discussed all the marketing options and decided to go for television advertising.我们对所有供选择的市场推广方案进行了讨论,决定选择电视广告。

We have three options for financing the house.我们有三种不同的供房方案。

The government has two options: to reduce spending or to increase taxes.政府有两种选择:或是削减开支,或是增加税收。

37.Books are dangerous;books are subversive.Because of them I left a predictable future for an unforeseeable one.(Para.13)

Books are powerful in that they may change people’s fate.Because I loved to read books, my entire life was changed from a small-town married life to something whose future is hard to predict.subversive: a.intended to destroy the power or influence of a government or an established belief(对于政府或已确立的信仰)破坏性的;颠覆性的 subversive speeches / warfare 颠覆性讲话/战事

They were expelled from the country for subversive activities.他们因为进行颠覆性活动被驱逐出这个国家。

predictable: a.1)that can be predicted or is to be expected 可预言的;可预料的

Most of the films we’ve reviewed this summer have had one thing in common — predictable plots.今年夏天我们评论过的大部分电影都有一个共同点——情节一看便知。The outcome of these experiments is not always entirely predictable.这些试验的结果并不是完全可以预测的。

2)always behaving or reacting in the same way 刻板的,墨守成规的;老套乏味的 Rock music is getting so predictable these days.摇滚乐近来变得愈来愈乏善可陈了。

How very predictable you are sometimes!你有些时候太墨守成规了。

unforeseeable:a.impossible to know about or expect 无法预见的;无法预料的 Too many unforeseeable political consequences could arise from such a decision.这一决定可能引发太多不可预见的政治后果。

She showed an unforeseeable willingness to discuss this awkward matter.没想到她好像很愿意讨论这个令人尴尬的问题。38.instead of(Para.13): in place of 而不是;代替

We should do something instead of just talking about it.我们应该有所行动,而不仅仅是在纸上谈兵。Instead of going to work thinking it’s totally boring, try to be positive.积极乐观起来,不要带着认为一切无聊透顶的心情去上班。

39.lackluster(Para.13): a.not lively, exciting, or impressive;uninspired 不精彩的;没有生气的;枯燥乏味的 The coach criticized his team’s lackluster performance.教练批评了球队死气沉沉的表现。

They are dissatisfied with their country’s lackluster economy.他们对自己国家的萧条经济不甚满意。

PART III Guided Writing

Learning to Write The task of writing has its own benefits for the writer:  Writing is a means of self-discovery.  Writing is a way to share these discoveries with a reader.The process of writing has its own rewards.To write clearly, the writer, whether a beginning college student or a professional author, must turn inward, listen to his or her inner voice, and give that voice expression.The results are often surprising.Effective writers are intellectually curious and driven by a need to understand their environment and their places within it.Writers not only write to express personal feelings, but also to share their discoveries with others — sometimes by providing the reader with useful information(i.e.to inform), by persuading the reader to accept the writer’s point of view(i.e.to persuade), or by entertaining the reader through humor(i.e.to entertain).Examples of informational writing include textbooks, technical manuals, and encyclopedias, and things like news articles in newspaper, etc.Persuasive writings include newspapers editorials and columns, print advertisements, sermons, letters of recommendation, and business proposals, etc.Magazine and newspaper columnists like to amuse the reader by relating a story or making fun of some aspect of their readers’ daily lives.And finally, any written communication involves risks on the part of the writer.“Will the reader enjoy what I have to say?” “Will the reader understand my message?” “Will the reader agree with my position?” All of these questions can lead initially to self-doubt.Yet for the writer who accepts these risks and communicates a message as well as he or she can, the most satisfying moment comes when the writing is finished and ready for the reader.Seeing the finished product, the writer can be proud of his or her accomplishment.Key to Guided Writing

Exercise 1.I








Now You Try It 1.The writer writes this article to, on the one hand, express her personal feelings towards books, namely, she loves book;on the other hand share her personal discovery regarding books, namely, books change her life.2.Books give me the greatest pleasure I can ever have.Part IV Key to Exercises II.1.The author thought that books were magical.By reading books, she was given the chances of stepping into another wonderful world.2.The author’s mother didn’t like her to read books since she thought that too much knowledge would ruin her daughter’s life.However forbidden fruit is always the sweetest.Mother’s disapproval would do nothing but encourage the author to seek any opportunity to read books.It was Uncle who greatly influenced the author’s reading habit since he loved to read books of all kinds and books she read were from him.3.Among a very small number of books at school, most of which were religious readers, the author found Ernest Hemingway by chance, and his works initiated her interest in literature.4.When the author left Brazil for America, the big difficulty was that she had no books to read.5.Books are the author’s lifelong companions without whom her life would be dull and unexciting.6.The author is a woman living in a foreign country, with a heart full of romance and curiosity.7.Mother was reasonably right because the author WAS carried away and chose an unusual kind of life as a result of reading books.8.No, she wasn’t.The “predictable” life was what most of the women had — “to keep up with the traditions.”

9.By using the present tense, the author expresses her attitude towards books.Books, as an indispensable part of her life, have already changed the author and will still influence her.10.The hunger for reading has led the author far away from home, venturing into a different world of life.And the passion for books have given the author full enjoyment of life.III.1.fascinates 6.odd

2.passion 7.abandon

3.predictable 8.fall in love

4.bound 9.miracle

5.obstacle 10.horizon IV.1.nevertheless 6.unfolded 11.opportunity 2.addicted 7.option 12.condemns

3.Kind of 8.rescued 13.heroine

4.In spite of 9.recall 14.soul

5.faithful 10.effect 15.at a time V.1.to 5.with 2.of 6.from

3.for 7.away

4.with 8.up VI.1.envious 6.furious 2.functional 7.changeable

3.painful 8.directional

4.masterful 5.knowledgeable 9.conventional

VII.1.Do I need to make a reservation for a room in Shangri-La Hotel? 2.You needn’t worry./ You don’t need to worry.He’s old enough to make his own choice.3.The house needs fixing up.4.Additional expenses don’t need reporting.5.To pass examinations you need to work effectively.VIII.1.need watering 2.needs a good wash/needs washing 3.you don’t need to apologize / you needn’t apologize 4.Need there be

5.Do I need to / Need I IX.1.He was so cruel that he was hated by everyone.2.His hometown has changed so much that he can hardly recognize it.3.The story is so interesting that I read it twice.4.He spoke so loudly that people in the next room could hear him.5.The city is so beautiful that it leaves a deep impression on foreign visitors.X.1.The girl was left alone in the room, weeping bitterly.2.They stood there for half an hour, watching the stars in the sky.3.We enjoyed ourselves in the park, singing and dancing.4.I just stood there, feeling foolish and watching him.5.The thief sneaked out of the house by the back entrance, looking over his shoulder to see if he was followed.XI.1.Having given up the bad habit of smoking before bedtime, I no longer have to hear my wife complaining all the time.2.What sets him apart from other people of his age is that he is addicted to Peking Opera.3.She is so much in love with him that she’s ready to overcome any obstacle to marry him.4.Only after the result of the exam came out did I realize I would have to work harder to keep up with the others.5.As chief negotiator she has performed miracles in breaking down barriers between the two sides.6.You don’t need to worry.Men are not allowed to get into this room.7.If I had to make a choice between going to college and finding a job, I would choose the former instead of the latter.8.In spite of the instruction of taking one pill at a time, he took three all at once.Part V Translation

书之恋 小时候,我认为读书就像服用麻醉剂,一次仅可服一匙,但足以令我进入一个魔幻世界。随着时间的推移,一次次服用之后,我便对这一麻醉剂上了瘾。书就像这药剂,已然成为我生活中不可或缺的一部分,犹如我的朋友、我的导师、我的爱人。我最忠诚的爱人。2 一开始我从未想到自己会爱上书,甚至现在都回忆不起来自己是何时以及怎样开始读书的。只记得母亲不喜欢我读书。即便如此,一有机会我就会拿上一本,偷偷找个地方读上一两页;如果足够幸运不被发现的话,就可以读上三页。读书的时候心跳得厉害,总担心被母亲发现。对她而言,书百无一用;对我而言,书即是一切。小时候,因为我住在巴西的一个小镇里,书很难到我们镇上,因此我并没有很多书可读。不过,幸好舅舅是名飞行员。在家时舅舅总喜欢坐在那里读书,沉浸在书的世界里。每每读完一本畅销书或是一 本爱情小说,他就会把书送给母亲。母亲也爱读书,但她却不喜欢我读书。可无论如何我 都会想方设法读上那本宝贝书的,即便是要我躲起来一点点地读完整本书也罢。5 还记得有一套小书,已经很旧了,可我却觉得一点儿都不旧。很长一段时间里,我一本本如饥似渴地读着,把自己假想为书中的女主人公,等待心上人早日前来拯救。当然,他并没有来。倒是我离开了小镇,仅仅带着衣物到里约热内卢开始求学生活。但我心底却带着对书籍那永远挥之不去的深情。我被送到一所寄宿学校上学。教室的书架上大概有50本书,几乎都是关于圣徒生活和耶稣故事的。正愁没什么可读之时,我在书架的末端发现了一本尘封已久的小书。书的内容似乎与宗教无关,因为书名格外引人注意 ——《老人与海》。书的作者我以前从未听说过,叫欧内斯特·海明威。于是,我好奇地读了起来,没过几分钟就被书中的渔夫圣地亚哥深深地吸引住了。我太喜欢那本小说了,去姨妈家度周末时,我就问她是否有海明威写的书。她借给我一本《丧钟为谁而鸣》,我每周日去她家都要读一点,每次只读一点。那段日子里,我总是焦急地期待着下一个周日的到来。13岁时我便深深地迷恋上了海明威的作品。8 那时,我觉得自己与书的关系有些奇怪,它让我觉得自己与众不同。只是在读了一位巴西作家的小说之后,我才突然发觉有人同我一样爱着书。我第一次感觉到自己并非形单影只。我一生自始至终保持着那份对于书的热情。但在31岁搬到纽约的那年,这一热情却不得不经受了又一个巨大的考验。当时我几乎一文不名,所以不得不将所有的书都留在了巴西。而且,我对英语知之甚少,无法用英语阅读。有好几年,我又被打入黑暗的世界,被迫在没有书的天地中度日,离开了我的朋友,我的导师,我的爱人啊。但是对于书的深深爱恋让我还是克服了这一困难。我学会了英语,并且最终又可以赏读我最喜爱的作品了。书已成为我生命中的一部分,但对我而言,它仍然保持着一份神秘感。每每翻开一本新书,我都会问自己:我会从中发现怎样的乐趣,踏上怎样的征程,进入怎样的感情世界呢?它会触动像我这样的一个女人、一个外乡人、一个浪漫的人、一个好奇的人吗?它又将向我呈现什么样的景象,触动我的哪根心弦,为我揭开哪些秘密呢? 我读过许多书,它们以各自独特的方式深深地打动着我。现在我终于明白了,儿时母亲试图让我远离书籍是有一定道理的。她想让我呆在小镇里,嫁给一个有钱的无聊男人,循规蹈矩地生活。但是书籍把我带离了家乡,为我插上了飞翔的翅膀,去找寻新的世界。书籍使我敢于尝试别样人生。它使我期盼更多,而当我所期盼的不能全实现时,它仍然在那儿安慰我,给我新的选择。是啊,母亲是对的。书是危险的,是有颠覆性的。正是因为书,我放弃了可以预见的未来,去追寻不可预知的明天。然而,如果要我重新做出选择,我仍然会选择书,而不是我可以拥有的枯燥乏味的生活。毕竟,离开了书,离开了我最忠实的爱人,我的内心深处还能找到什么快乐呢?

Unit One Enjoyment of Learning

Section B How to Find Time to Read PART I Background Information

1.Sir William Osler(1849 ~ 1919)

William Osler was born in Bond Head and raised in Dundas, Ontario, Canada.He trained in medicine at the University of Toronto and McGill, where he began his teaching career.In 1889 he became the first professor of medicine at Johns Hopkins University.He was particularly expert in diagnosis of diseases of the heart, lungs and blood.His textbook, The Principles and Practice of Medicine, published in 1892 and frequently revised, was considered authoritative for more than 30 years.He helped create the system of postgraduate training for physicians that is followed today.His description of the inadequacy of treatment methods for most disorders was a major factor leading to the creation of the Rockefeller Institute for Medical Research in New York City.He moved to England in 1905 on being appointed Regius Professor of Medicine at Oxford, and was created a baronet in 1911.His ashes rest in the Osler Library, Montréal.William Osler has been considered the “best-known physician in the English-speaking world at the turn of the century.” 2.Oxford University

Oxford is the oldest university in the English-speaking world and lays claim to nine centuries of continuous existence since it was established in 1168 in Town of Oxford, Oxford Region, England.As an internationally renowned centre for teaching and research, Oxford attracts students and scholars from across the globe.PART II Language Study 1.rate(Para.1):


1)speed at which something happens within a particular period of time 速度

Most people walk at an average rate of 5 kilometres an hour.大多数人步行的平均速度为每小时五公里。

Doctor monitors the patient’s heart rate.医生监控病人的心跳速度。

2)measurement of the number of times something happens or exists during a particular period 率

a high / low / rising rate of unemployment 高/低/不断增长的失业率

Local businesses are closing at the rate of three a year.地方企业正在以每年三家的速度关闭。

vt.consider that someone or something has a particular quality of 对„„作出估价;评价

The university is highly rated for its research.这所大学因其研究工作而受到高度评价。

Voters continue to rate education high on their list of priorities.选民们继续把教育看作是头等重要的大事。

2.You cannot maintain that average, however, unless you read regularly every day.(Para.1)

Make sure that you do a certain amount of reading every day, or you can’t keep the average reading speed of 300 words per minute.maintain: vt.1)make something stay the same;keep 保持;维持 The two countries have always maintained close relations.这两个国家一直保持着密切的联系。

Maintaining your current weight through exercise and healthy eating is important.通过锻炼和健康饮食来保持你目前的体重是很重要的。

2)make regular repairs to a building, road, vehicle, etc.so that it stays in good condition 修缮(房屋);养护(道路);修理(机器)

I can buy a car on a monthly payment plan, but I still will not have the money to maintain it.买车可以分期付款,但保养费我就付不出了。The house costs a fortune to maintain.保养这所房子花了不少钱。


n.[C/U] usual amount, extent, or rate 常量;平均值 The paper receives an average of nearly 100 articles a day.那个报纸一天平均要收到近百篇来稿。

Incomes here are nowhere near the national average.这里的收入根本达不到全国的平均水平。a.around a usual or ordinary level or standard

a child of average intelligence 智力平常的孩子

I was just an average sort of student.我只是一个普通的学生。

3.Nor can you attain that speed with hard books in science, mathematics, agriculture, business, or any subject that is new or unfamiliar to you.(Para.1)You can not keep the usual reading speed when you read difficult books concerning subjects such as science, mathematics, agriculture, business, etc., or when the subject matter is new or not familiar to you.Note: This is an inverted sentence because “nor”(which is a negation)appears at the beginning of the sentence.Examples:

She isn’t rich;nor do I imagine that she ever will be.她现在不富,我看她将来也富不了。

He can’t see, nor could he hear until a month ago.他现在看不见,一个月之前他还听不见。

attain: vt.1)reach a particular age, amount, or level 达到(某一年龄、数量或水准)

Dolphins can attain speeds in water which man cannot yet surpass.海豚在水中可以达到人类无法超越的速度。Not all athletes attain this standard of physical fitness.并非所有的运动员都能达到这个身体素质标准。

2)succeed in achieving something, esp.after a lot of effort;achieve(尤指经过努力)达到,获得

attain success by hard work 通过努力工作获得成功 Most of our students attained five “A” grades in their exams.我们多数学生的考试成绩都是五个优。

hard books: books dealing with difficult subjects 内容艰涩难懂的书

unfamiliar: a.having no knowledge or experience of;not familiar 不了解的,不熟悉的 The joke would not be understood by readers unfamiliar with Jewish tradition.不太了解犹太传统的读者可能无法理解这个笑话。

That city is not unfamiliar to me.那座城市对我来说并不陌生。

4.The chances are you will never attempt that speed with poetry or want to race through some passages in fiction over which you wish to linger.(Para.1)It is likely that you will not try to read poetry at the speed of 300 words per minute(since poetry always calls for more contemplation);nor will you read through at such speed a fiction which fascinates you and which you’d like to enjoy bit by bit.(The)Chances are(that)…: It is likely(that)… 可能„„ The chances are ten to one that we’ll succeed.我们十有八九会成功。

The chances are that she’s already heard the news.她可能已经听到那条消息了。

fiction: n.1)[U] books and stories about imaginary events and people(虚构)小说 She has no rival in the field of romantic fiction.她写的浪漫小说谁也比不了。

Truth is often stranger than fiction.事实往往比小说更离奇。

2)[C/U] report, story, or explanation that is not true 虚构(的故事);捏造的事;谎言

What he has said is a mere fiction.他说的纯属谎言。

It is sometimes difficult to distinguish fact from fiction in the book.有时很难区分书中的事实和虚构成分。

race: vi.move or progress swiftly or at full speed 快跑;快速移动 He raced to the bathroom when he heard Jack scream.听见杰克的尖叫声,他快速奔向浴室。

You’d better not race through it.You should pay more attention to the details.你最好不要一目十行。你应该更加注意细节。linger: vi.1)stay somewhere longer or spend longer doing something than necessary for your own enjoyment or benefit 逗留;留恋;磨蹭,拖延 He lingered about after all the others had gone.其他的人都离开后,他依然在附近徘徊。It is a dreary little town where few people would choose to linger.那是个沉闷的小镇,不会有几个人愿意在那里逗留。I like to linger over breakfast and read the newspapers.我喜欢一边慢腾腾地吃早饭,一边读报纸。

2)last or continue for a long time 长时间持续(或维持)The smell of fish lingered in the kitchen.厨房里仍有鱼腥味。

Did the ghost of that grand passion linger in some corner of his heart? 难道那种崇高的情感还萦绕在他心灵的某一角落吗? The custom still lingers on in some villages.此风俗在有些村里至今犹存。

Doubts about Tom’s honesty still linger on.人们对汤姆的诚实仍存有疑问。

5.…have no trouble at all absorbing meaning and pleasure out of 300 printed words every 60 seconds.(Para.1)

…have no difficulty at all understanding the meaning and enjoying the book at an average rate of 300 words per minute.absorb: vt.take in gradually 吸收

The walls of the house absorb heat during the day.房屋的墙白天吸热。

Anything black absorbs most of the light rays that fall on it.任何黑色的东西都能吸收照射到它上面的大部分光线。

6.Statistics are not always practicable, …(Para.2)

Statistics are not always true to facts / realities, …

practicable: a.able to be done or put into practice successfully 能实行的,可行的 turn principles into practicable policies 把原则变为切实可行的政策 The measures will be put into effect as soon as they are reasonably practicable.一旦切实可行,这些措施就会得到实行。7.multiplication(Para.2): n.[U]

1)process or skill of multiplying 乘法

the multiplication sign 乘号(×)

There will be simple tests in addition, subtraction, multiplication and division.会有有关加、减、乘、除运算的简单的测试。2)large increase in something 剧增

This is the newest drug that can slow the multiplication of the AIDS virus.这是最新研发出来的可以减缓艾滋病毒剧增的药物。

Increasing gravity is known to speed up the multiplication of cells.众所周知,引力的增强会加速细胞的增长。

8.result in(Para.2): cause or produce something 导致;造成 A sudden change in temperature will inevitably result in rain.气温的骤变会不可避免地导致下雨。

Excessive dosage of this drug can result in injury to the liver.这种药使用过量会损害肝脏。

The traffic accident resulted in the death of 14 passengers.车祸导致14名乘客死亡。

result from: arise as the actual, or followed as a logical, consequence 由„„而造成(产生),是„„的结果

The arrest resulted from an anonymous telephone call.一个匿名电话导致这些人被捕。

Hemingway’s novel The Sun Also Rises resulted from his experience in the Spanish Civil War.海明威小说《太阳照常升起》源于他在西班牙内战的亲身经历。

9.grand(Para.2): a.1)very impressive 壮丽的,壮观的

How grand the mountains look in the early light!


We had a grand view of a sea of clouds when we climbed to the top of the mountain.当我们爬上了山巅时,看到了云海的壮观景象。

2)(colloq.)very good or enjoyable;great 极好的;美妙的 We’ve been having a grand time.我们开心极了。

I’ve had a grand rest.我已经美美地睡了一阵子。


vi.be different in different situations(情况)有变化,相异

The students’ work varies considerably in quality.学生作业的质量甚是参差不齐。Customs vary from place to place.各地风俗习惯是各不相同的。

Her mood varied from optimism to extreme depression.她的情绪由乐观变为极度消沉。

These ropes vary in length from 10 inches to 20 inches.这些绳子长10英尺到20英尺不等。

Test scores vary from school to school.测试成绩因学校而异。vt.change something 改变;更改

We may vary these rates in line with interest rates.我们可能改变这些费率,使之与利率一致。He has varied his method of study.他已改变了学习方法。

11.At some point, nearly all of the practicing doctors had been brought up on his medical textbook.(Para.4)At some moment almost all of the practicing doctors had been educated by Osler’s medical textbook.at some point: at some moment in time that is not made specific 有时 At some point I decided she was no longer my friend.有时我认定她不再是我的朋友了。At some point I like to be on my own.有时候我喜欢一个人待着。bring up(usu.pass.):

1)used for saying where and how someone lived when they were a child 伴着„„成长;在(某地)长大

These kids have been brought up on endless television.这些孩子伴着没完没了的电视节目长大。He was brought up on Mother Goose.他是读着《鹅妈妈童谣》长大的。He was born and brought up in India.他在印度出生和长大。2)care for, raise 养育

He was well / badly brought up.他受过很好/不好的教育。

It is harder to marry a daughter well than to bring her up well.养女易,嫁女难。

practicing: a.AmE(= practising)working in a particular profession 执业的 a practicing attorney 开业律师

12.His greatness is attributed by his biographers and critics not alone to his profound medical knowledge and insight to his broad general education, for he was a very cultured man.(Para.5)

His biographers and critics think that only profound medical knowledge itself is not enough to make possible the greatness of Sir William Osler, and that only general education itself is not enough to make possible the considerable insight of him, because Sir William Osler is very well educated, which makes him not only an expert in certain fields(such as the field of medicine)but also a person of broad knowledge.Note: This is a sentence with some of the words and phrases already omitted from it.The full version of the sentence should be: His greatness is attributed by his biographers and critics not alone to his profound medical knowledge, and his insight is attributed by his biographers and critic not alone to his broad general education, for he was a very cultured person.greatness: n.[U] quality of being great, in particular distinguished or eminent伟大,杰出 She is a woman destined for greatness.她是一个注定会有所建树的女人。

Michelangelo’s greatness was recognized in his lifetime.米开朗琪罗的伟大生前就被人们认可了。


vt.1)regard something as being caused by 把„„归因于;把„„归咎于

He attributes his success to hard work / working hard.他把自己的成功归因于努力工作。

One day a neighbor asked him, “ To what do you attribute your good health and longevity?”


2)believe or say that something was written, said, painted, etc.by a particular person 认为„„由(某人)而作;认为„„出自(某人)

This song is usually attributed to Schubert.这首歌曲通常被认为是舒伯特的作品。

This play is usually attributed to Shakespeare.人们通常认为这出戏剧是莎士比亚所写。

n.[C](fml.)quality or feature of someone or something 属性;特征;特质

Peter had all the attributes of a first-class athlete.彼得拥有一流运动员应具有的所有特质。

Patience is one of the most important attributes in a teacher.耐心是教师最重要的品质之一。critic: n.[C]

1)someone whose job is to write or broadcast their opinions about things such as books, films, or plays, etc.(书、电影、戏剧等的)评论家,评论员 The critics loved the movie.评论家喜爱这部电影。

Michael is the paper’s literary critic.迈克尔是这家报纸的文学评论员。

2)someone who dislikes something and states their opinion about it 批评者;爱挑剔者

He is his own severest critic.他是个严以律己者。

She is one of the ruling party’s most outspoken critics.她是最直言不讳地批评执政党的一个人。

profound: a.1)showing great knowledge and understanding 博学的,渊博的 Much of what he said is very profound.他说的东西有很多非常深奥。

His intellect and range of interests were wide and profound.他的知识渊博,兴趣广泛。

2)important and having a strong influence or effect 深刻的,意义深远的 The impact of these changes will be profound.这些变化的影响将是非常深远的。This mission was profound in its implications.这一使命含意深刻。

insight: n.1)[C/U] chance to understand something or learn more about it 洞悉;深入了解;见解 The book offers a revealing insight into the mind of a violent murderer.这本书对于深入揭示暴力杀人犯心理有精辟的见解。I hope you have gained some insight into the difficulties we face.我希望你对我们面临的困难有所了解。

2)[U] ability to notice and understand a lot about people or situations 洞察力;领悟力 Children can sometimes show quite remarkable insight.儿童有时能表现出超乎寻常的洞察力。He was beginning to have a little insight into his friends.他这时已经多少看透了他的朋友了。

cultured: a.well-educated and polite and knowing a lot about music, literature, and other arts 有教养的;有修养的;有知识的;文雅的 He is a cultured man with a wide circle of friends.他是个交游甚广的文雅之士。

Cultured and fine manners are everywhere a passport to regard.得体的、优雅的风度常常是通行无阻的护照。13.He thought throughout the ages.(Para.5)Osler never stops thinking all his life.throughout:

prep.during the whole of a period of time or an event 在整个其间;自始至终;从头至尾

Movie music can be made memorable because its themes are repeated throughout the film.电影里的音乐很容易被人们记住,因为它的主题会在整部电影中反复出现。Pollution is a serious problem in major cities throughout the world.污染是全球各大城市的一个严重问题。

adv.in every part or respect 到处;全部地

It was a wonderful game and Johnson played brilliantly throughout.比赛非常精彩,约翰逊整场表现都非常出色。He remained silent throughout.他始终保持沉默。

14.find out(Para 5):

1)learn something by study or inquiry(经研究或询问)获知(某事物)

Can you find out what time the train leaves? 你能查出火车什么时候开吗?

I was relieved to find out that my healthy problems were just due to sleep deprivation.查出来我的健康问题只是由于缺少睡眠,我就放心了。

2)discover somebody who has done wrong, lied, etc.发现某人做错事、说谎等 He had been cheating the taxman but it was years before he was found out.他一直骗税, 但多年之后才被查出.The teacher was very angry when he found out that the students had been cheating.老师发现学生们一直在作弊异常生气。

15.But Osler’s problem was the same as everyone else’s, only more so.(Para.5)Osler was engaged with the problem faced by all the other people, and the problem he was faced with was even bigger.16.There was no time in a 24-hour day that did not rightly belong to one of these three occupations, except the few hours for sleep, meals, and bodily functions.(Para.5)Besides the few hours of eating, sleeping and dealing with bodily functions, the rest of Osler’s 24-hour day, as was very reasonable, was fully occupied with the busy work of being a physician, a teacher of physicians, and a medical-research specialist at the same time.rightly: ad.for a good reason 合理地;有充分理由地 The school was rightly proud of the excellent exam results.学校为这次出色的考试成绩感到骄傲,这是理所当然的。Whether rightly or wrongly, she is promoted to the position.不管是否合理,她还是被提拔到了这个位置上了。

belong to:

1)come from or be part of a group of similar things or people 来自;是„„的一部分

What party do you belong to?


We belong to the teaching profession.我们是当教师的。

2)be owned by someone 属于(某人)

The Porsche belongs to the woman next door.这辆保时捷是隔壁那个女人的。

All power in the People’s Republic of China belongs to the people.中华人民共和国的一切权力属于人民。

occupation: n.1)[C/U] job or profession(esp.on forms and in formal writing)职业,工作 I suppose I was looking for an occupation which was going to be an adventure.我想我在找一份有冒险性的工作。What is your present occupation? 你目前从事什么职业? 2)[C] pastime 消遣

Walking is now Dad’s favorite occupation.散步如今成了父亲最喜爱的消遣。

Bungee jumping is a dangerous occupation.蹦极是个危险的消遣方式。

3)[U] act of living or staying in a building, room, or other places(房屋等的)占有,占用;居住

Their occupation of the flat lasted only for six months.这套住房他们只住了半年。

The room showed signs of human occupation.这屋子显出有人居住的迹象。

4)[U] action of going into a place and taking control away from the people or government there 占领;占据

the Roman occupation of Britain 罗马帝国对英国的占领

The movie is about a story that happened during the Nazi occupation.电影讲述的是一个发生在纳粹占领期间的故事。

bodily: a.relating or affecting your body 身体的;肉体的bodily functions / changes / needs 身体功能/变化/需要

bodily harm(= physical injury)对身体的伤害

17.Osler arrived at his solution early.(Para.6)Osler soon found out the solution to the problem of how to find time to read.arrive at: reach(a conclusion or decision)得出(结论);做出(决定)After many hours’ talk, the committee arrived at a decision.委员会讨论了几小时以后作出了一项决议。The two studies arrive at very different conclusions.两项研究得出大相径庭的结果。

solution: n.[C] way to solve a problem or deal with a bad situation 解决办法 Resorting to violence is not the best solution to the argument.使用武力不是解决争执的上策。

UN leaders are working hard to find a peaceful solution to the conflict.联合国领导人正在努力寻找和平解决这场冲突的方法。

18.bedtime(Para.6): n.[U] usual time for going to bed 上床时间,就寝时间 In this case, supper may be a light snack before bedtime.在这种情况下,“supper”可能指临睡前吃的夜宵。Drinking alcohol near bedtime is something which also causes snoring.临睡前喝酒也会引起打鼾。He is telling his son a bedtime story.他正在给儿子讲睡前故事。

19.keep sb.up(Para 6): prevent someone from going to bed 使熬夜

It’s late;I’d better not keep you up any longer.时间很晚了,我最好别再耽搁你了。

Don’t keep the children up too late.别让孩子们睡得太晚。

20.Over a very long lifetime, Osler never broke the rule once he had established it.(Para.6)

Throughout his long lifetime, Osler never broke the habit of reading 15 minutes before sleep from the time that he set up the rule for himself.lifetime: n.[C](usu.sing.)period of time when someone is alive 一生,终生 He achieved a lot in his short lifetime.他在短短的一生中取得了很多成就。

In your lifetime you must have seen many changes.你一生中一定目睹了许多变革。

once:conj.from the moment that;when 一„„便,一经,一旦

Once she arrives, we can start.她一来,我们就可以开始。

Once in bed, the child began to ask his mother to read stories for him.一上床,孩子就开始让妈妈为他读故事。

establish: vt.set up;begin;create 建立;创立;使开业

The company has established a new system for dealing with complaints.这家公司为应付投诉制定了一套新方法。

This school has established a successful relationship with the local community.这所学校与当地社区建立了良好的关系。

The government agreed to establish two committees to examine the proposals.政府同意成立两个委员会来审议这些提议。

21.We have evidence that after a while he simply could not fall asleep until he had done his 15 minutes of reading.(Para.6)

Evidence proved that soon after he set up his reading rule, Osler just could not go to sleep without doing his 15-minute bedtime reading.simply: ad.1)completely or as much as possible 完全地;非常;实在;的确

I’d had a hard day and was simply exhausted.我已经辛苦一天了,实在是疲惫不堪。Joe was simply astonished to hear their news.乔听到他们的消息时的确大吃一惊。2)merely 仅仅,只不过

I simply don’t believe what she said.我压根儿不相信她说的话。

I don’t like driving;I do it simply because I have to get to work each day.我不喜欢开车,而我之所以开车只是因为我每天必须去上班。3)in a very ordinary or plain way 简单地;朴素地

To put it simply, the new proposals mean that the average worker will be about 10% better paid.简单地说,新的建议意味着普通工人的工资将增加约10%。On her small income they live very simply.他们靠她微薄的收入过着非常简朴的生活。

22.In his lifetime, Osler read a significant library of books.(Para.7)Osler read a great number of books during his lifetime.significant: a.1)very large or noticeable 相当数量的;显著的I think we can save a significant amount of time.我想我们可以节省相当多的时间。

Due to successful management the company has got a significant rise in profits.公司管理有方,因此利润获得巨大增长。2)very important 重要的,意义重大的There will be a significant change in tax laws.税收法将有重大变革。

This is one of the most significant studies of the subject.这是该领域最重要的研究课题之一。


n.1)[C] group or series of similar things;selection or variety 成套或成系列的东西;种类

The hotel offers a wide range of facilities and services.酒店提供一系列设施和服务。

Our training programme covers all ranges of ability.我们的训练计划包括了对各种能力的培训。

2)(sing.)region between limits of variation, esp.scope of effective operation 变化幅度;变动范围;有效范围 Such a decision is not within the range of my responsibility.做这样的决定不属于我的职责范围。Several cars are available within this price range.在这个价格范围内,有几种汽车可供选购。

v.1)include a variety of things 范围涉及„„;范围在„„之间

The paper deals with the nation’s problems, ranging from runaway inflation to a lowering of literacy levels.这篇论文论及了国家所面临的诸多问题——从失控的通货膨胀到文化程度普遍下降等等。

His expression ranges from a painful glimpse to a slight smile.他的面部表情十分丰富,时而痛苦一瞥,时而莞尔一笑。

2)be included in a group of numbers, ages, measurements, etc.with particular fixed limits 处在„„范围内

The prison terms of the five men range from 35 years to 105 years.这五人的刑期从35年至105年不等。Costs range from 50 to several hundred pounds.花费在50英镑到几百英镑之间。

24.variety(Para.7): n.(sing.)number or collection of different sorts of the same general type 种种,各式各样的事物 People study yoga for a variety of reasons.人们出于各种各样的原因而学习瑜伽。

Students are offered a wide variety of courses in this department.这个系为学生开设各种各样的课程。

25.specialty(Para.7): n.[C] AmE(=speciality)

1)special field of work or study 专业;专门研究;专长 His specialty is barbecued steaks.烤牛排是他的拿手好菜。Her specialty is ancient Greek poetry.她专门研究的领域是古希腊诗歌。

2)particular fine or excellent product 名产品;特产

I can recommend the vegetable pie — it’s the specialty of the restaurant.我推荐一道蔬菜馅饼,它是这家餐馆的名菜。The menu changes daily, though the specialty is seafood.菜单每天都变,不过特色菜是海鲜。

26.Indeed, he developed from the 15-minute reading habit an avocational specialty to balance his vocational specialization.(Para.7)In fact, due to the 15-minute reading habit, Osler developed other talents beyond his professional work.balance: vt.treat different features or aspects in the correct relationship to each other 使均衡;使协调;权衡

We have to balance the needs and tastes of all our customers.我们得平衡所有顾客的需求和趣味。

Development has to be balanced against environmental concerns.发展必须与环境问题相协调。

n.1)[U] position in which your body remains steady and upright平衡

I struggled to keep my balance on my new skates.我穿着新冰鞋,努力保持平衡。

She cycled round the corner, lost her balance and fell off.她骑车拐弯时失去平衡,摔了下来。

2)[C] amount of money you have in your bank account 结余;结存

check your bank balance 核对银行结存

The current balance in your account is £1,800.现在你账户上的结余为1 800英镑。

specialization: n.[U] the study of a particular part of a wide subject 专门研究;专修 There is too much of specialization of subjects too early in our schools.在我们的学校里,分科过专且过早。

The course offers three areas of specialization — fine art, graphic design, and fashion.该课程有三个专业领域:美术、平面造型设计和时装设计。

27.authority(Para.7): n.1)[C] person, book, etc.whose knowledge or information is dependable, good and respected 权威者,大师,泰斗;权威著作

The book is widely acknowledged to be the authority on regional English expressions.这本书被广泛认可为有关不同地区英语表达的权威著作。He is an authority on Ming china.他是中国明朝瓷器的鉴赏权威。

2)[U] power to give orders and make others obey 权力,权威 He doesn’t have the necessary authority to make this sort of decision.他没有作这种决定的权力。

In practice it is difficult for the President to exercise his authority.实际上总统很难行使其权力。

He had absolute authority over his subordinates.他对下属有绝对的管辖权。

28.No universal formula can be prescribed.(Para.8)It’s hard to find a method that can apply to everyone.universal: a.of or for everything;widespread;general 普遍的;一般的 a subject of universal interest 一个普遍关心的题目 universal primary education 普及的小学教育

formula: n.[C](pl.-s or-lae)plan or method for dealing with a problem or achieving a result 方案;方法

The company’s winning formula includes excellent service and quality products.该公司获胜的法宝是优质的服务和产品。

A good education and hard work seem to be a formula for success.良好的教育和勤奋的工作似乎是通向成功的定则。

prescribe: vt.1)say what should be done or how something be done 规定;指示

The syllabus prescribes precisely which books should be studied.教学大纲明确规定了哪些是必读的书。

All the conditions prescribed by law have been complied with.法律规定的所有情况均已得到遵守。

2)advise the use of(a medicine etc.)开处方,下医嘱

What can you prescribe for the pain in my back, doctor?


The drug should not be taken unless prescribed by a doctor.请遵医嘱服药。

29.Then all additional spare minutes are so many bonuses.And, believe me, the opportunity for reading-bonuses are many and unexpected.(Para.8)Apart from that fixed 15 minutes of regular reading, any extra time you can find to read is your unexpected gift.And this extra time is easy to find and usually comes out of your expectation.additional: a.extra and often more than expected 附加的;额外的

additional resources / funds / security 额外资源/附加基金/外加保安措施

The government is providing an additional $25 million to expand the service.政府打算另拨2 500万美元扩展该服务项目。

reading-bonus: something good that you get from reading beyond what you expect 阅读所带来的意外的好处

30.Last night an uninvited guest turned up to make five for bridge.(Para.8)

Last night a guest came unexpectedly so that there were five people ready for playing bridge.turn up: come somewhere unexpectedly or without making a firm arrangement(出其不意地或未做安排就)出现,来到 We thought he had been killed, but he turned up safe and sound.我们以为他已经遇害,但他却安然无恙地出现了。She failed to turn up for work on Monday.她星期一没来上班。

This is similar to waiting for a bus that never turns up.这类似于在等一辆永远也不会来的公共汽车。

bridge: n.[U] card game for four players developed from whist, in which one player’s cards are exposed on the table and played by his partner 桥牌 Make up a four for bridge at Sally’s.凑四个人到莎莉家打桥牌。Do you play bridge? 你玩桥牌吗?

31.I had the kind of paperback book at hand to make being the fifth at bridge a joy.(Para.8)Since bridge is a card game for four players, I didn’t join them.This turned out to be a joyful thing because I had a paperback book with me and by reading it I also enjoyed myself.paperback: n.[C] book with cover made of thick paper 简装书,平装书 Has this book come out in paperback yet? 这本书出平装本了吗?

His collection of poetry is now out in paperback.他的诗集现在以平装本的形式出版了。

Paperback editions of books are usually much cheaper than hard cover editions.平装本通常比精装本便宜得多。

at hand: quite close to you and easy to reach 在手边;在附近Help is always at hand if you need it.如果需要,你随时都能得到帮助。We believe that peace is at hand.我们相信和平近在咫尺。They live near at hand.他们就住在附近。

32.set out(Para.9): put something where it can be seen or used 放置;摆放 We will need to set out chairs for the meeting.我们要为会议摆好椅子。The meal was set out on a long table.饭菜摆在一张长桌子上。

33.in advance(Para.9): ahead of time, beforehand 预先,提前

Details of the meeting had been circulated well in advance.会议的详细内容事先已被传阅。We had to pay the rent two weeks in advance.我们不得不提前两周交付租金。

When you pay in advance, you receive a discount.若你提前付款,你就会享有折扣。

34.read(Para.10): a.(of a person)knowledgeable and informed as a result of extensive reading(人)书读得多的,有学问的,知识渊博的 Ada was well read in French and German literature.埃达对法国和德国文学涉猎甚广。

She is respected as a well-read woman.她学识渊博,受人尊敬。

PART III Reading Skills

Identifying the Topic Sentence A paragraph is a group of sentences dealing with a single topic or idea.Usually, one sentence, called the topic sentence, states the main idea of the paragraph.All the other sentences are related to this topic sentence, explaining or supporting the main idea.Topic sentences are useful to readers because they guide them through sometimes complex arguments.As the thesis statement is the unifying force in the essay, so is the topic sentence in the paragraph.There are some rules for finding the topic sentence.1.The topic sentence is usually at the beginning, though it could be in any position in the paragraph.2.A topic sentence is usually more general than the other sentences, that is, it talks about many things and looks at a bigger picture.Plurals and the words many, numerous, or several often signal a topic sentence.3.Detail sentences are usually more specific than the topic, that is, they usually talk about one single or small part or side of an idea.Also, the words for example, i.e., that is, first, second, third, finally, etc., often signal a detail.4.Most of the detail sentences support, give examples for, prove, talk about, or point toward the topic in some way.You may try this trick to ensure that you are having a topic sentence: switch the sentence around into a question.If the other sentences seem to answer the question, then you’ve got it.The Positions of Topic Sentences

Topic sentences usually occur at the beginning or end of the paragraph.Much less frequently, topic sentences may appear in the middle of the paragraph or may simply be implied. At the beginning of the paragraph:

Topic sentences appear most frequently as the first sentence in a paragraph.This position helps readers become oriented immediately to the paragraph’s topic and facilitates communication.For example: A midwinter vacation at Club Tropic has its good points and bad points.The beaches are clean and uncrowded.The surrounding countryside is lush and soothing to winter-weary eyes.Furthermore, being able to take sailing and scuba diving lessons, while friends back home shovel snow, makes the outdoor activities extra-enjoyable.On the other hand, several features of Club Tropic are substandard.The food is poor, and, because the club is isolated, eating elsewhere is impossible.Security could also be better, as thefts from several guests’ rooms indicated.So for some vacationers, nice scenery and fun activities may not be enough  to offset the possibility of poor service and lax security.At the end of the paragraph:

If the topic sentence is not the first sentence in the paragraph, it is often the last sentence in the paragraph, summarizing or generalizing the paragraph’s information.For example: Beginning at breakfast with flying globs of oatmeal, spilled juice, and toast that always lands jelly-side down, a day with small children grows into a nightmare of frantic activity, punctuated with shrieks, cries, and hyena-style laughs.The very act of playing turns the house into a disaster area: blankets and sheets that are thrown over tables and chairs to form caves, miniature cars and trucks that race endlessly up and down hallways, and a cat that becomes a caged tiger, imprisoned under the laundry basket.After supper, with more spilled milk, uneaten vegetables and tidbits fed to the cat under the table, it’s finally time for bed.But before they fall blissfully asleep, the children still have time to knock over one more bedtime glass of water, jump on the beds until the springs threaten to break, and demand a last ride to the bathroom on mother’s back.Constant confusion is a way of life for parents of small children. In the middle of the paragraph:

The interior position is not very emphatic, therefore topic sentences are less frequently found there.But sometimes the writer creates a different form of emphasis — one based on tension rather than on position — to offset the emphasis lost by not using the beginning or ending sentence slot.In the following example, the first sentence is limiting;but is the turn word that introduces the topic sentence.When we think of Gandhi fasting, plastering mud poultices on his belly, and testing his vow of continence by sharing a bed with his grand-niece, we can easily regard him as a fanatic who happened to be politically lucky.But the links between his private fads and his political methods turn out to be quite logical.Gandhi’s pursuit of personal rigors helped him to achieve a rare degree of discipline that allowed him to approach political crises with amazing courage.The example of his self-control, furthermore, was contagious;a more worldly man could not have led millions of his countrymen to adopt the tactic of nonviolent resistance. The topic sentence is simply implied: Sometimes, the writer doesn’t give a clear topic sentence.Instead, the main idea of the paragraph is implied by the details or examples given.Implied main idea of a paragraph is very popular in narratives.The readers can usually get the main idea by analyzing the logical relationship among the sentences in the paragraph.For example: Until the War of 1812, the United States had always bought its manufactured goods, especially its fine cloth, from England.During the war, however, the United States could neither sell its raw materials, nor buy manufactured goods in European markets.There were nothing to do but manufacture its own goods.By the end of the War of 1812 there were nearly 150,000 men and women working in cotton and woolen mills in the United States.We have no figures on the number of workers employed in the various stages of iron production, but we know that the iron industry had greatly increased.Besides the cloth and iron works, there was a great leather industry, including shoe factories, saddle shops, and harness-making shops, while American hatters were able to supply the market with wool hats and fur caps.By analyzing the details and examples given in this paragraph, we can get the main idea of this paragraph which is implied: After the War of 1812 the United States was far less dependent on Europe for its manufactured goods.Key to Reading Skills

Exercise 1.C.(The passage describes at length exactly how the parents were the big winners, making statement C the topic sentence.It’s the one general sentence that could sum up the paragraph.)2.B.(After this sentence is introduced, the remaining sentences describe the many deaths that have resulted from efforts to climb Mount Everest.)

PART IV Key to Exercises I.1.B 6.A 2.D 7.C 3.D 8.A

4.C 9.C



II.1.specialist 6.additional 11.arrived at 2.established 7.statistics 12.average 2.significant 6.occupation

3.universal 8.grand 13.critic 3.specialty 7.at hand

4.unexpected 9.attained 14.insight

5.turn up 10.lingered 15.variety III.1.maintained 5.outstanding


8.Chances are(that)IV.1.absorb 6.authority 2.varies 7.range

3.attributed 8.calculations

4.solutions 9.throughout

5.physician 10.formula PART V Translation

惜时如金破万卷 如果你是一位普通读者,你就能以每分钟300词的速度阅读一般性读物。但是,除非你每天坚持,否则就不能保持这个平均速度。如果读的书是有关科学、数学、农业、商业方面的,或是关于一门全新的、你不甚了解的科目,要达到这个阅读速度也会很难。你若想以此速度阅读诗歌或品味故事段落,那就更不可能了。但是如果读小说、传记或者关于旅行、爱好、个人兴趣方面的书,一位普通读者可以毫不费力地以每分钟300词的速度理解文章意义,享受阅读乐趣。尽管统计数据并不总是与事实相符,但看看下面这些数据:假如一位普通读者读普通读物平均每分钟能读300词,15分钟就能读4 500词。一周七天读31 500词,一个月四周是126 000词,一年12个月阅读的词汇总量可以高达1 512 000词。这就是一位普通读者读普通读物每天只读15分钟,在一年中所能阅读的词汇总量。书的篇幅从60 000词到100 000词不等,平均起来大约每本书有75 000词。阅读水平属于中等的读者,读普通读物,每天读15分钟,一年就可以读上20本。这个数目非常可观,是美国公共图书馆人均借阅量的四倍,然而这却并不难实现。威廉•奥斯勒爵士是当代最伟大的内科医生之一。他曾任教于约翰斯·霍普金斯(大学)医学院,在牛津大学结束了执教生涯。当今许多杰出的内科医生都曾是他的学生。曾经有一段时间,几乎所有执业的医生都是读他的医学教科书成长起来的。传记作家和评论家们认为,威廉•奥斯勒爵士的杰出不仅仅来自其渊博的医学知识,他卓越的见解也不只源于其丰富的通识教育,实际上,他是一位文化修养极高的全才。他一生都在思考。他知道,学习人类精华的惟一途径,是读人们写下的东西。但是,奥斯勒也有着常人都有的困难,而且更大。他是位忙碌的内科医生,而且要从事内科临床教学,同时他还是个医学研究专家。除了睡觉、吃饭、去卫生间的几个小时,他一天24小时中的其它时间都理所当然地被上述三项工作占去了。奥斯勒很快想出了解决问题的办法。他用每天睡前的15分钟读书。如果就寝时间定为晚上11点,他就从11点读到11点15分。如果研究工作进行到凌晨2点,他就从2点读到2点15分。自从立了这个规矩以后,年复一年,整个一生中他持之以恒,从未破例。事实上这样开始后不久,他如果不读上15分钟书简直就无法入睡。在奥斯勒的一生中,他读了数目相当可观的书籍。不妨心算一下,若每天阅读15分钟,这样坚持50年,你会读多少书呢?想想吧,人的一生中可以涉猎多少有趣的东西和纷繁的学科啊。奥斯勒就阅读了大量医学专业以外的书籍。事实上,由于养成了每天阅读15分钟的习惯,他得以在专业之外发展了他的业余专长。在研究英国文学的学者中,奥斯勒是公认的研究17世纪英国散文大师托马斯·布朗爵士的权威,他有关托马斯·布朗的藏书被认为是世界一流的。我们还可以举出众多事例说明奥斯勒在医学研究、医学教学改革以及现代临床方法运用等方面的贡献。但是,我们这里所谈的重点在于,他极好地解答了我们每一个工作繁忙的人必须回答的问题:如何才能找出时间读书? 这个问题没有固定的答案。每个人每天都必须找到自己的那15分钟。最好每天时间固定,那么这固定时间以外的许多阅读时间就是给我们的额外奖赏。相信我,额外的阅读机会很多,甚至是始料未及的。昨晚有位客人突然造访,这样打桥牌的人就多了一个。我手边刚好有本书,这样我虽没能打上桥牌,但同样乐在其中。读书需要有毅力,这是惟一的要求。有了毅力,无论多忙,你总会找出用来读书的15分钟时间。你要确保身边随时有本书,从开始阅读那刻起,这15分钟阅读时间一秒钟也不能浪费。把要看的书提前准备好,穿衣时放进口袋里;再放一本在床头;在浴室里放一本;在餐桌旁也放一本。你每天总能找出15分钟读书的。这意味着,一周下来你就会读完半本书,一个月读两本,一年读20本,一生就会读1 000本,甚至更多。轻而易举地,你就能成为一位博学之士。Unit One Enjoyment of Learning

Section C What’s the Secret to Getting Good Grades?

PART I Translation Techniques

Literal Translation and Free Translation Translating methods are undoubtedly the core problems we are faced with in the translation process.There are many kinds of translating methods, and among them literal translation and free translation are the two most commonly used.Literal translation is sometimes called word-for-word translation.It is aimed at preserving both the contents and the form of the source language text in accordance with the cultural tradition.During the translation process, we are supposed to replace individual source text words with individual target language words wherever possible, and cling as closely as possible to the source language word order in the target language.Free translation is also known as sense-for-sense translation.It lays more stress on the transfer of the meaning or the “spirit” of a source language text than on the accurate reproduction of the original wording.Unlike literal translation, free translation is aimed at producing a text that conforms to the linguistic and textual norms of the target language and culture.As to how to use literal translation and free translation properly, the discussion can be dated back to the ancient times when Buddhist scripture and the Bible were translated.Now people seem to have reached a general consensus that we should translate literally if possible, otherwise we just appeal to free translation.In other words, literal translation should be adopted whenever possible and free translation adopted whenever literal translation is not so good a choice.Therefore, literal translation and free translation are not contradictory, but complementary.Both can be used in translating words, idioms, proverbs and sentences.1.Words

Example 1: the moon

literal translation: 月亮

free translation: 玉兔;月桂;婵娟 Example 2: 笔记本(电脑)

literal translation: notebook free translation: laptop


Example 1: to teach a pig to play on a flute

literal translation: 教猪吹笛 free translation: 对牛弹琴 Example 2: 人云亦云

literal translation: to repeat what others say free translation: to have no views of one’s own 3.Proverbs

Example 1: The worst wheel of a cart creaks most.literal translation: 最坏的车轮最会嘎嘎响。

free translation: 才学最差,叫喊最响;出力最少,抱怨最多。

Example 2: 树倒猢狲散。

literal translation: When the tree falls, the monkeys scatter.free translation: When an influential person falls from power, his hangers-on disperse.4.Sentences

Example 1: He had one foot in the grave.literal translation: 他的一只脚踏进了坟墓,离死不远了。

free translation: 他已是风烛残年。

Example 2: 狗嘴里吐不出象牙。

literal translation: A dog’s mouth doesn’t spit out an ivory.free translation: A filthy mouth cannot utter decent language.It can be concluded from the above examples that some words, idioms, proverbs and sentences can be translated both literally and freely, so it is up to the translator to decide according to the context whether to adopt literal translation or free translation.Generally speaking, literal translation is used more in translating laws, political articles, academic works and news reports, while free translation is used more in translating lyrics, poetry, prose, plays, novels as well as biography.Key to Translation Techniques

Exercise 1



5.直译:她解雇约翰时流着鳄鱼的眼泪。意译:她解雇约翰时假装伤心。6.你以为我是好欺负的吗? 7.直译:小鱼吃不了大鱼。意译:胳膊拧不过大腿。



Exercise 2 1.If you give him an inch, he will take a mile.2.People of accomplishment never let a day slip by doing nothing.3.He has been wedded to translation.4.Laziness is his Achilles’ heel.5.When I think about what she said to me, it still makes my blood boil.6.We may call him Adam when we meet again.7.Don’t shed crocodile tears over his leaving.8.Speak of the devil(and he will appear).9.All eyes were on the President during the recent crisis.10.Mao Tse-tung was well bred, but inside he was made of steel.PART II Key to Exercise 1.N 6.N 2.N 7.NG 3.Y 8.Y

4.N 9.Y

5.Y 10.NG

PART III Translation



















§4.2.1 1. C 2. D 3. (1) 周长为17 cm或19 cm. (2) 10和7或8和11.

4. ∠C=90°. 5. (1) 略. (2) 当α=150°,即∠BOC=150°时,△AOD是直角三角形.理由略 (3) 当α为125°或110°或140°时,△AOD是等腰三角形.

§4.2.2 1. 提示:证△ABF≌△DCE,得AF=DE,∠AFB=∠DEC,故OF=OE.

2. (1) 略. (2) S筝形ABCD = AC·BO+AC·DO=AC·BD=×6×4=12.

3. 答案不唯一,如添条件∠A=∠B,得到△PAD≌△PBC.证明略.

§4.2.3 1. B 2. D 3. (1) ∠ABD=30°. (2) ∠APB=135°. 4. OE是△DEF的角平分线.理由略.

§4.3.1 1. A 2. C 3. 8 4. 12 5. 125°

§4.3.2 1. B 2. C 3. 25° 4. (1)答案不唯一,如△AEH与△DFH. (2) OE=OF,证明略.

§4.3.3 1. D 2. 平行四边形(答案不唯一) 3. AB∥CD 4. n-1

5. (1) 提示:证△AEF≌△DEB. (2) 四边形ADCF是矩形.证明略.


Unit 1 Growing Up Part II Language Focus Vocabulary Ⅰ1)、1.respectable 2.agony 3.put…down 4.sequence 5.hold back 6.distribute 7.off and on 8.vivid 9.associate 10.finally 11.turn in 12.tackle 2)、1.has been assigned to the newspaper’s Paris office.2.was so extraordinary that I didn’t know whether to believe him or not.3.a clear image of how she would look in twenty years’ time.4.gave the command the soldiers opened fire.5.buying bikes we’ll keep turning them out.3)、1.reputation, rigid, to inspire 2.and tedious, What’s more, out of date ideas 3.compose, career, avoid showing, hardly hold back Ⅱ.1.composed 2.severe 3.agony 4.extraordinary 5.recall 6.command 7.was violating 8.anticipate Ⅲ.1.at 2.for 3.of 4.with 5.as 6.about 7.to 8.in, in 9.from 10.on/upon Comprehensive Exercises Ⅰ.Cloze 1.1.hold back 2.tedious 3.scanned 4.recall 5.vivid 6.off and on 7.turn out/in 8.career 2.1.last 2.surprise 3.pulled 4.blowing 5.dressed 6.scene 7.extraordinary 8.image 9.turn 10.excitement Ⅱ.Translation 1.1.As it was a formal dinner party, I wore formal dress, as Mother told me to.2.His girlfriend advised him to get out of/get rid of his bad habit of smoking before it took hold.3.Anticipating that the demand for electricity will be high during the next few months, they have decided to increase its production.4.It is said that Bill has been fired for continually violating the company’s safety rules./Bill is said to have been fired for continually violating the company’s safety rules.5.It is reported that the government has taken proper measures to avoid the possibility of a severe water shortage./The local government is reported to have taken proper measures to avoid the possibility of a severe water shortage.2.Susan lost her legs because of / in a car accident.For a time, she didn’t know how to face up to the fact that she would never(be able to)walk again.One day, while scanning(through)some magazines, a true story caught her eye /she was attracted by a true story.It gave a vivid description of how a disabled girl became a writer.Greatly inspired, Susan began to feel that she, too, would finally be bale to lead a useful life.Unit2 I.Vocabulary 1..1)absolutely 2)available 3)every now and then 4)are urging/ urged 5)destination 6)mostly 7)hangs out 8)right away 9)reunion 10)or something 11)estimate 12)going ahead

2.Rewriting 1)It seemed that his failure in the examination was still on his mind.2)He was completely choked up by the sight of his team losing in the final minutes of the game.3)She was so lost in study that she forgot to have dinner.4)Something has come up and I am afraid I won’t be able to accomplish the project on time.5)The cost of equipping the new hospital was estimated at $2 million.3.Complete the sentences.1)were postponed the awful is estimated 2)reference not available an kind of 3)not much of a teacher skips go ahead

II.Collocation 1.to 2.for 3.at 4.from 5.in 6.to on 7.on 8.with

III.Usage 1.more or less 2.kind of/ sort of 3.something 4.kind of/ sort of 5.more or less 6.or something

Comprehensive exercises I.Cloze 1.text-related

1)choked up 2)awful 3)practically 4)neighborhood 5)correspondence 6)available 7 destination 8)reunion 9)Mostly 10)postponing 11)absolutely

2.Theme-related 1)how 2)savings 3)embarrassment 4)phone5)interrupted 6)touch 7)envelop 8)signed 9)message 10)needed

II.Translation 1.Translate the sentences.1)Half an hour had gone by, but the last bus hadn’t come yet.We had to walk home.2)Mary seems to be very worried about the Chinese exam because she hasn’t learned the texts by heart.3)Since the basketball match has been postponed, we might as well visit the museum.4)He stayed in Australia with his parents all the way through WWⅡ.5)Since I graduated from Nanjing University in 1985, I have kind of lost touch with my classmates.2.Translate the passage.It is not easy to keep in touch with friends far away.This is true in my case.It has been a couple of years since I left my old neighborhood and all the friends there.I have been meaning to write to them but things come up and I just don’t seem to find the time.They are always on my mind, however, and I think I will certainly make an effort to keep up correspondence with them in the future.Unit 3 I Vocabulary 1

1)brief 2)in terms of 3)cut off 4)tend

5)anyway 6)precise 7)in the form of 8)initiative 9)convey 10)in two minds 11)concept 12)grasp 2 1)has ensured their team a place in the Cup final.2)medical workers’ responsibility to heal the wounded and rescue the dying.3)entertain as well as educate the learner.4)can do without air and water.5)is likely to be held in June.3 1)lies in contact between

2)basis of is likely sufficient at the moment 3)the steady will be highly II Word Formation 1 regained 2 undecided 3 undersupplied 4 disabled 5 precondition 6 foresight 7 mispronounced 8 enrich IIIAntonyms

1)majority 2)accepted 3)increased 4)weaknesses 5)local 6)late 7)wrong 8)false Comprehensive exercises I Close 1.Text-related

1)highly 2)bring about 3)evident 4)rate 5)sufficient 6)put across 7)proportion 8)Hence 9)ensure 2.Theme-related

1)understand 2)travel 3)practical 4)use 5)Another 6)likely 7)affect 8)developments 9)supply 10)Someday II Translation 1)As is predicted by scientists, global pollution has become one of the most serious problems humans are faced with.2)Competition for these jobs is very tough –we have five times as many applicants this year as we did last year/ there are five times as many applicants this year as there were last year.3)As the facts show, educational programs need to fit into the national plan for economical development.4)The car burns too much gas, and moreover, the price is almost twice as much as I intend to pay.5)To understand a great international event, we, first of all, need to consider the historical and political background to it.2 It is hard to imagine how our forefathers could do without so many conveniences that modern technology has brought about.Back then only a small proportion of the population enjoyed the comforts of life.The majority didn’t even have sufficient food, not to speak of/ let alone the privilege of being educated.However, many people blame modern technology for creating so many problems.They want to slow down the rate of progress.But no one can put the clock back.Unit 4 Vocabulary 1)wreck 2)balance 3)approaching 4)handle 5)discard 6)Above all 7)diet 8)do with

9)checked on 10)cleaned up 11)weekly 12)principles 2.1)to look for survivors were abandoned after it had been/was determined that all the people in the sunken ship had died.2)was amazed that Bob left a well-paid job travel around the world.3)for a loan has been turned down by many a bank as her business is small and she could provide no guarantee.4)express her thoughts with precision, so people often misunderstand her.5)will weaken our determination to modernize our country in the shortest possible time.3.1)for sale hunting for be amazed by 2)become skilled handle their loans 3)character by calling on he passed away II Confusable words 1.1)personal 2)personnel

2.1)sometime 2)Sometimes 3)some time 4)sometime III Euphemism de hcgabf

Comprehensive Exercises I Close 1.Text-related

1)sponsored 2)determination 3)turned away 4)assumed 5)capacity 6)skilled 7)loan 8)character 9)hunting 10)for sale 11)send for 2.Theme-related

1)save 2)recent 3)modest 4)grow 5)dream

6)immigrants 7)business 8)engineering 9)invest 10)rich III Translation 1)It is reported that UN mediators have worked out a plan which they hope will be acceptable to both sides.2)Doris walked in the forest cautiously, afraid of being attacked by giant snakes.3)Earthquakes, typhoons and other natural disasters cannot be prevented, but action can be taken to protect life and property.4)I bought a new issue of my favorite sports magazine and hurried home, anxious to amuse myself reading it.5)Helen lacks confidence.I’ve never known anyone so unsure of herself.2.After graduating from college, Tony decided to start his own business.At the beginning, many a bank turned down his request for a loan.But he was not a bit discouraged, and continued to call on one banker after another seeking help.Impressed by his determination and optimism, one banker finally agreed to loan him the money.Now he has become a wealthy businessman.Talking about his amazing achievement, Tony says that it is important to create rather than wait for opportunities.Unit 5 Vocabulary I.1

1)monthly 2)acquaintances 3)classic 4)look;in the eye 5)manufactured 6)options 7)finance 8)replacement 9)survived 10)pick out 11)married 12)grabbed at 2.1)survived a car crash that killed both her parents.2)almost embarrassed to death when Sarah read my poem out to the whole class.3)of the Children’s Hospital will care for the seriously injured pupils.4)several phone calls making inquiries about the position of the Chief Financial Officer.5)straighten out all your financial problems if you join our club.3.1)inquiry;died of hunger;people survied 2)Instantly;give up his;retire;replace him;executive 3)his beloved;odd jobs;and all that II Word Formation 1.embarrassment 2.survivors 3.newly 4.marketable 5.monthly 6.competition 7.conceivable 8.respectable III.Usage 1.the poor 2.The deceased/The dead 3.the disabled 4.the French 5.The accused 6.the young 7.the unemployed 8.the latter…the former… Comprehensive Exercises I.Cloze 1.Text-related 1)died of 2)instantly 3)classic 4)ask around 5)surviving 6)retire 7)executive 8)replacement 9)stock 10)look…in the eye 2.Theme-related 1)impressed 2)diligence 3)Instead 4)Contrary 5)professionally 6)perform 7)personal 8)balance 9)commitment 10)revealed II.Translation 1.1)I’m not sure where you can find a good carpenter---you’d better ask around.2)Feeling a little embarrassed, he quickly cleared his throat and looked up at the painting on the wall.3)Michael was survived by three sons, two daughters, and his wife Elizabeth.4)As a financial expert, William advised us to invest our money in the stock market.5)We small retailers can’t compete with supermarkets in pricing and sales.2.My dad is a hard-working executive of a manufacturing firm.He works six days a week.Every day he has to straighten out various kinds of problems so that he often stays up late/nights.However, he tries his best to balance/maintain balance between work and family.On Sundays my dad usually stays at home and cares for us as much as he can.To my greatest joy, he cooks our favorite dished and plays ball with us.Unit 6 Homework Vocabulary Ⅰ

1.1.Fertile 2.Reflected 3.Overseas 4.Slim 5.Split 6.Sustained 7.Glow 8.Thrust 9.Keen 10.Bud 11.Previous 12.Whichever 2.1)The sickly smell of carpets and furniture in the bedroom disgusts me.2)Mary stopped corresponding with Henry after the death of her mother.3)A radio transmitter is best located at an isolated place far from cities.4)I was so absorbed in the game on TV that I didn’t hear Martin come in.5)The rough surface of the basketball helps players grip the ball.3.1)to broaden;make their way 2)disgusts;take a chance on 3)the grand;and overseas;reflected Ⅱ

1.1)frightened 2)afraid/ frightened 2.1)alike/similar 2)similar 3.1)alive 2)living 4.1)sleeping 2)asleep Ⅲ

1)disappointed 2)disappointment 3)disappointing 4)disappoint 5)disappointingly 6)disappointing 2.1)attractive 2)attract 3)attraction 4)attractively 5)unattractively 6)unattractive Comprehension Exercises ⅠCloze Text-related 1)Identifying 2)gripped 3)margins 4)corresponding 5)overseas 6)little 7)hesitate 8)grateful 9)made my way 10)going my way 2.Theme-related 1)first 2)ring 3)Nor 4)another 5)threw

6)deliberately 7)reasoned 8)himself 9)restaurant 10)matter ⅡTranslation 1)Before I went off to university, my grandfather gave me a few words of wisdom which impressed me deeply.Never tell my parents about my injuries and I’ll be very grateful to you(for it).At the meeting some of our colleagues put forward sensible suggestions about improving our working environment.The management has/have agreed to grant the workers a 10% pay rise in response to union pressure.It was very thoughtful of the hostess to give the house a thorough cleaning before we arrived.Not rich himself, Uncle Li never hesitates to help others.Previous to/Before his retirement, through Project Hope he located the addresses of two country kids who grew up in poor families but had a keen desire to study.From then on he sent them money regularly.Later the two made their way to college, and even got a chance to study overseas.Unit 7 Content Questions Pair Work 1.He thinks animals will probably do their best thinking when it serves their own purposes, not when scientists ask them to.2.Because he believes they may encounter animal intelligence in their daily life.3.He regards them as a new window on animal intelligence.4.She wanted to get more pineapple.5.He expanded the money supply by breading chips in two.6.It shows he is clever and sly.He ate up the fruit leaving nothing but stems to share with Miles.7.They say that animals cooperate when they learn it is in their interest to do so.8.The author thinks that what behaviorists say is right, but he doesn’t think their explanation is satisfactory enough.9.Because Orky was the most intelligent animal she had worked with.10.Corky is a female whale because she is Orky’s mate and delivered a baby whale.11.Because she thought the orange must have rolled off somewhere inaccessible.12.Towan hid his orange underneath his foot.The act reveals some animals are intelligent enough to know how to deceive.Text Organization 1.Eugene Linden wants to tell the reader that animals do have, at least, some limited intelligence, and the personal experiences of those who are in close contact with animals are more convincing evidence than that any experiments can provide.2.Let’s Make a Deal: Some animals are intelligent enough to know how to bargain with people.Tale of a Whale: Animals like whales can assess a situation and act accordingly.Primate Shell Game: Animals can attempt to deceive.Language Sense Enhancement 1.(1)controversy(2)consciousness(3)explore(4)serves their own purposes(5)encounter(6)lack of it(7)convinced(8)mental feats(9)captivity(10)humans Language Focus I.Vocabulary 1.1)go(very)far 2)has expanded 3)in the interest(s)of 4)only to 5)encountered 6)has cooperated 7)assessed 8)(had)switched 9)horizons 10)gaze 11)disaster 12)wiped out 2.1)… a long/long running controversy over whether the book should be published or not 2)… felt relieved after her first meeting with Tom had gone smoothly 3)...suddenly went wrong with my computer when I was in the middle of writing the essay 4)… is obvious that our company is still maintaining its composition as market leader in software.5)… give in until they give her a pay rise 3.1)have undertaken, original, to explore 2)evidence convinced, underneath, extending to 3)to negotiate, encounter, to figure out, explore II.Confusable Words 1.firstly 2.first, first 3.At first 4.First/Firstly 5.first 6.First 7.at first 8.first III.Usage 1.animal intelligence whose 2.zoo keeper where 3.eye contact through what 4.money supply of what 5.killer whale what kind 6.baby whale how old 7.family member of what 8.sea turtle what kind/where Comprehensive Exercises I.Cloze 1.(1)emergency(2)evidence(3)original(4)sizing up(5)negotiates(6)reveal(7)make a deal(8)dominant(9)in their interest(s)(10)deceiving(11)controversy(12)judgment(13)explore 2.(1)protect(2)However(3)type(4)situation(5)sights(6)together(7)rang(8)associate(9)without(10)environment II.Translation 1.1)A local business undertook the project but went bankrupt before it was completed.2)Let’s make a deal—you wash my car, and I’ll let you use it tonight.3)We got to the village which we thought must have been wiped out in the severe earthquake, only to find it slightly damaged.4)My garden is dry and shady—few plants thrive in that condition 5)Mystery still surrounds the exact truth behind the film star’s death/exact circumstance of the film star’s death.2.When I was young I used to visit the zoo in my hometown.There what attracted me most was a couple of tigers, especially the male.They were dept in a huge iron cage at first, but later were released from it and moved to a place called Tiger Hill.Twenty years later I revisited the zoo and was relieved to find Tiger Hill was still there, but greatly extended.Moving around now were six tigers, old and young, instead of two!Unit8 Pair work

1.She was amazed at the author’s ability to do mental calculation.2.Children can’t spell correctly;their knowledge of word history and geography is non-existent 3.He didn’t want to compete with the hard-working Asians at U.C.L.A.He preferred a less intellectually challenging life.4.A modern industrial state cannot function with an idle, ignorant labor force.5.To use the media to dramatize and drive home the message to today’s teenagers.6.He is fed up with the book he is forced to red.7.They can’t read or write.They place their hopes on their children.8.He works as a cleaner in a factory owned by the Japanese.9.Because he has no education, no useful skill, and no discipline.10.Americans stop demanding good education foe children.Machines do all the complex work and there is little manual work to be done.America is poorer than Japan and European countries.11.Hard work education, saving and discipline help a nation rise from the ashes.12.He finally comes to realize the importance of study.Work on your own 1.Part one paras.1-10 Teenagers’ idleness and ignorance will produce serious effects on all concerned and society as a whole.Part two paras.11-24 Kevin 1990 comes to realize in his dream how greatly lack of education costs his forebears, himself, his children and the society they live in, and how important it is to study hard.2.Part one Teenagers’ intellectual laziness and ignorance Part two Kevin 1990, his forebears(with the exception of his intellectual father),and his children lead a poor, miserable life.America is on the decline.There is no law and order in the country.America children have no chance to receive a good education.Businesses in America are owned by wealthy Europeans and Asians.Language sense enhancement Indifference(1)Summed up(2)Preferred(3)Financial(4)

Accumulated(5)Intellectual(6)Affect(7)Industrial 8)Idle(9)Break down(10)Vocabulary I 1.1.industrial 2.idle3.is functioning4.intellectual5.scared6.handful 7.luxury 8.private 9.work up 10.slice 11.miracle 12.was jammed 2.1.to be seriously affected by the rise in gas prices。2.is a matter of total indifference to me.3.drove home the point that they needed extra people 4.was found after they searched for it for a long time 5.had run out of water by the time they got to the camp 3.1.manual and complex its financial 2.was very upset make a living by swore was/became much better off 3.handful ignorant of paintings/ works summed up II 1.The young man made $5 an hour in his summer job.2.What made you change your mind? 3.I’m sure Jason will make a good lawyer.4.The vet put something down the dog’s throat to make it vomit.5.The story makes interesting reading.6.Five and five make ten.7.On foot they can only make about 20 miles a day.8.I don’t think she’ll ever really make it to the top III 1

(1)developing(2)develo p(3)development(4)develop(5)developing developed 2(1)amazed(2)amazes(3)amazingly(4)amazing(5)amazement Comprehensive exercise I.CLOZE 1.TEXT-RELATED(1)complex(2)idle(3)make a living by(4)accumulated(5)affect(6)function(7)faculties(8)ignorant(9)wake up 2.THEME-RELATED(1)dormitory(2)passing(3)leaping(4)department(5)burned(6)destroyed(7)seriously(8)marriages(9)report(10)perspective

II TRANSLATION 1)Without his personal file, an applicant can hardly expect to get/ be employed as a teacher.2)With enough ice, we would be able to chill the drinks.3)In my humble opinion, reading us the most pleasant way to spend one’s leisure.4)Some people said it was simply a miracle that the American athlete Michael Phelps won eight gold medals at the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games.5)The washing machine has broken down, so we have to wash our clothes by hand.This morning I heard an interesting piece of news over my portable radio: a man of 36 and his son of 10 attend the same class competing with each other for high marks.The story goes/ It’s like this: The man, Li Wei by name, was too idle to learn anything when young.With little education, with no useful skills, he could hardly earn an adequate living wage.His life experiences drove home to him the point that he had to acquire knowledge before he was able to accumulate wealth.So Li Wei swore that he would go to school with his son, determined to learn.翻译: 第一单元


课文A 我们写作时常常被告诫,脑子里要有读者,笔者所云一定要符合读者的口味和兴趣。但有一位读者特别不该忘记。你能猜出是谁吗?当拉塞尔·贝克找到这个问题的答案时,他自己和别人都感到大为惊讶。










于是他开始念了。是我写的!他给全班大声念我写的文章。更不可思议的是,全班同学都在听着他念,而且听得很专心。有人笑出声来,接着全班都笑了,不是轻蔑嘲弄,而是乐乎乎地开怀大笑。就连弗利格尔先生也停顿了两三次,好抑制他那丝拘谨的微笑。我尽力不流露出得意的心情,但是看到我写的文章竟然能使别人大笑,我真是心花怒放。就在十——年级,可谓是最后的时刻,我找到了一个今生想做的事。这是我整个求学生涯中最幸福的——刻。弗利格尔先生念完后说道:“瞧,孩子们,这就是小品文,懂了没有。这才是一知道吗——这才是小品文的精髓,知道了没有。祝贺你,贝克先生。”他这番话使我沉浸 在十全十美的幸福之中。












“我看大家写信都不那么勤快,”我说。“我自己笔头就很懒。我看,你认识他挺久了吧?” “差不多认识了一辈子了。我俩小时候就一起玩,所以我俩的友谊确实很长了。” “一起上的学?”.

“都一起上到高中呢。事实上,我俩从小学到高中都在一个班里。” “保持这么长久友谊的人可真不多见啊,”我说。

“其实呢,”司机接着说,“近25到30年来,我跟他一年只见一两次面,因为我从原来住的老街坊搬了出来,联系自然就少了,虽说你一直放在心上。他在的时候可真是个大好人。” “你刚才说他‘在的时候’。你是说——?” 他点了点头。“前两个星期过世啦。”

“真遗憾,”我说。“失去朋友真不是个滋味,失去个真正的老朋友更让人受不了。” 他开着车,没有接话儿。我们沉默了几分钟,可我知道他还在想着老埃德。他又开口时,与其说是跟我说话,还不如说是自言自语:“我真该一直保持联系。真的,”他重复道,“我真该—直保持联系。”







“你要知道,”我对他说,“信里说我们这些人当中留下的不多了,说得一点不错。比如说,每次我去参加老同学聚会,来的人总是越来越少。” “时间不饶人啊,”司机说。



“这一处写得好,”我说。“这里写道:‘你多年的友谊对我非常重要,远比我能说出来的重要得多,因为我不擅长说这样的话。,,我颔首称是。“这话准让你听着开心,是吧?” 司机说了句什么,可我没听明白,因为他似乎哽噎得厉害。于是我接着说:“我也真想收到这样一封老朋友的来信。”




他神情有点悲伤,似乎想看清远处什么东西。“我想我真该早些写这封信。” 我进了旅馆房间之后,没有马上打开箱包。首先我得写封信——而且要寄出去。



课文A 霍金教授认为使每个人都了解科学是干什么的非常重要。在这篇文章中,他对其中的缘由作了解释。










课文A 美国梦对不同的人有不同的意义。但对许多人,尤其是对移民而言,它意味着改善自己生活的机会。对于他们,美国梦的含义就是才能与勤劳能让你从小木屋走向白宫。托尼·特里韦索诺并没有爬到那么高,但他成功地使自己的梦想成真





“我割你的草坪,”他又说道,随后便走开了。我走进屋子,心里有点不快。没错,眼下这大萧条的日子是不好过,可我怎么能把一个上门求助的人就这么打发走呢? 等我第二天晚上下班回到家,草坪已修整过了,花园除了草,人行道也清扫过了。我便问太太是怎么回事。






夏去秋来,凉风阵阵。“克罗先生,快下雪了,”有天晚上托尼跟我说。“等冬天到了,你让我在厂里干扫雪的活。” 啊,对这种执着与期盼,你又能怎样呢?自然,托尼得到了厂里的那份活儿。几个月过去了。我让人事部门送上一份报告。他们说托尼干得挺棒。一天我在汽车库后面我们以前见面的地方看到了托尼。“我想学徒,”他说。,我们有个挺不错的培训工人的徒工学校。可我怀疑托尼是否有能力学会看图纸、用千分尺,是否胜任做精密加工工作。尽管如此,可我怎么能拒绝他呢? 托尼减了薪水当了徒工。几个月之后,我收到报告,他已从徒工学校毕业,成了熟练磨工。他学会了在千分尺上辨识一百万分之一英寸,会用镶嵌着金刚石的工具制作砂轮。我和太太都挺高兴,觉得他的事总算有了个令人满意的结局。




“哎,等等,”我应道。“有个人干活勤勉,人品端正,这一点我担保。他有个好工作。眼下,你从你那块地上—分钱也得不到。那块地空在那儿要好多年呢。至少他会付你利息嘛。” 那位银行家勉强开了两干美金抵押贷款,没要托尼首付就把房子给了他。托尼乐不可支。从那以后,只要我家附近有什么被人扔弃的零星杂物,坏了的屏风啦,五金器具啦,包装纸板啦,托尼都要收起来拿回家,看他这个样子真是有意思。


“克罗先生,我卖房子!”他得意地说。“我得了八千美金。” 我非常吃惊。“可是,托尼,没了房子你住哪儿呢?” “克罗先生,我买农庄。”











课文A 一个你从没有见过的人给你寄来一封信或打来一个电话,而你不知不觉地想象着这个人是个什么样儿,赋予这个隐秘的声音一张面孔。这事儿你干得来吗?有时候是很容易搞错的。





在接下来的一年当中,两人通过信件来往增进了了解。每——封信都如—颗种子撒入肥沃的心灵之土。浪漫的爱情之花就要绽开。布兰查德提出要一张照片,可她拒绝了。她解释道:如果你对我的感情是真实的,是诚心诚意的,那我的相貌如何并不重要。设想我美丽动人。我将会——直深感不安,惟恐你只是因为我的容貌就贸然与我相爱,而这种爱情令我憎恶。设想本人相貌平平(你得承认,这种可能性更大)。那我一直会担心,你和我保持通信仅仅是出于孤独寂寞,无人交谈。不,别索要照片。等你到了纽约,你会见到我,到时你可再作定夺。且记,见面后我俩都可以自由决定中止关系或继续交往——无论你怎么选择……” 他从欧洲回国的日子终于到了。他们安排了两人的第一次见面——晚上七点,纽约格兰德中央车站。








妇女的脸上绽开了笑容。“我不知道是怎么回事,孩子,”她回答说,“可是刚才走过去的 那位穿绿色套装的姑娘,她央求我把这支玫瑰插在衣服上。她还说,要是你请我吃饭的话;我I 就告诉你,她就在街对面那个大饭店里等你。她说这是一种考验!”




























课文A 初看上去像是一个旧盒子或破衣裳。可紧接着他们就明白过来到底是什么了。




“就呆在这儿,”凯特说。“妈妈去把食品放好,然后我们进屋吃午饭,好吗?” “好!”托德一面说,一面竖起大拇指,做着他以前看他父亲做的这个手势。“好!”斯科特随声应和,试着模仿他哥哥的样子。他们望着母亲提着几个袋袋走进屋子。





“唉,不干什么。大多是瞎混——看点儿电视,然后睡觉。还能干什么?” 坎普纳笑了。“嘿,你最好悠着点,安东尼——你都快成派对狂了。”


“那前面是什么?”司机问道。安东尼没回答。他日不转睛盯着前方看,试图辨识前方铁 轨上那怪形怪状的东西。是盒子?还是旧衣裳? 猛然间,两个人都明白过来那是什么东西。里奇用尽全力猛地紧急刹车,并拉响了汽笛。汽笛嘶鸣,与此同时安东尼大声嚷道:“铁轨上有孩子!”
















课文A 本杰明.斯坦编了一个故事,以使美国青年彻底认识他们必须改变对教育的态度。读一读这个故事,看看你是否认为它对我们大家同样也有教育意义。



去年一个秋日,我文件夹用完了,便去杂货店买。我拿了一大把文件夹搁在柜台上,问一个十几岁的售货员多少钱。“不知道,”她回答说。“反正单价12美分。” 我数了数文件夹。“二十三个,单价12美分,总共2.76美金,不含税,”我说。“你心算的?”她惊奇地问道。“你怎么会算出来的?” “靠魔力,”我说。“真的?”她问。















“美国在战争中打败日本?”凯文2050问道。他惊讶之极。这听起来就像说巴西在1990年打败美国一样不可思议。凯文2050发誓,如果他有孩子的话,他一定要让他们工作、上学、学习并约束自己。“能凭自己的脑力,而不是靠偷窃为生,”他说,“那将会是个奇迹。” 凯文1990醒了过来,身旁放着他的那本《各国的财富》他打开书,跳入眼帘的第一句话就是:“一个不能恰当运用人类智力的人极可能比懦夫更可鄙。” 凯文的父亲走了进来。“好了,儿子,”他说。“咱们去看耳机吧。” “抱歉了,爸爸,”凯文1990说。“我得看书学习了。”


Chinese Translations of Text B(Units 1-8)参考译文 第一单元


课文B 夏天打工时,作者常常替巴卢先生修剪草坪。惟一的问题是,巴卢先生似乎从来没钱支付工钱。然而,他实际上所给予的却远比工钱珍贵。





到了一年中最热的七月中旬,一天傍晚前,我走过他家,他开了门,示意我进去。门厅里凉凉的,帘子遮去了阳光,过了一会儿我的眼睛才适应室内的暗淡光线。“我欠你工钱,”巴卢先生开口道,“不过……” 我想省得他费神找新的借口了,就说,“没事。别放在心上。”







他眉一抬,头一侧,望着我,就像是在给我量体裁衣似的。过了片刻,他略—“点头,便在一堆书中搜寻,然后递给我一本暗红色封面的精装本,挺厚的。“《最后的正义》,”我念道。“安德烈·施瓦兹巴特著。是讲什么的?” “你来告诉我,”他说。“下个星期。”

晚饭后我坐在室外一张不舒服的餐椅里打开了书。(3)读了几页,院子就消息了,夏夜也消失了;我一下子就进入了二战期间纳粹对犹太人的大屠杀这一令人悲痛的惨剧中,进入了以一个正派人物为代表的善与恶之间非同寻常的冲突中。书译自法文,译文优美朴素,令人不忍释手。天色终于暗了下来,我回到室内,读了一个通宵。时至三—卜年后的今天,我仍清晰地记得当时的经历。那是我初次有心地接触世界文学,我被一部小说所能包含的集聚的力量深深震撼。但我缺乏足够的词汇表达我的情感,因此,第二个星期,当巴卢先生问我“怎么样”时,我只回答说:“书真好。” “那就留着吧,”他说。“要不要我再介绍一本?”





课文B 如果我不能挺住的话,我的朋友就会死在那里,老猎手比尔·麦金托什一次又一次地告诫自己。


























消防演习结束了,我们开始排队进入大楼,所以我不得不赶紧再谈谈土著居 1















亚历山大? 蒲柏如此写道,见第十四卷----从Paprika(红灯笼辣椒)到Pterodactyl(翼手龙)。


1.compulsory 2.relish 3.confidence 4.consequences 5.incentive 6.henceforth 7.invest

8.perceive 9.passion 10.scheming





1. Tom was translation to our school last year.He hung on Miss Yang’s every word in class and soon became the apple of her eye.2. Seeing his daughter graduate from high school,he felt a surge of love and pride that he couldn’t express in word.3. Last year when Mr.Li began first venture into the stock market,becoming a millionaire was beyond his wildest dream.4. On my holiday ,I was lucky enough to witness some wild seals feeding on fish.I took sXXXXXX photos of them,but unfortunately they were all out off focus.5. The price has been going steady with the actress for three years and nothing can alter their decision to get married next week.6. It is complete misconstruction that the poor do not need compulsory education because they do not even have enough to feed on.But without education,how can people ever overcome their poverty.7. All of David’s classmates are completely stumped---no one can work out how he became a top student overnight.8. It was obvious that her rejection of his proposal hit him hard, but in time he recoverd from his wounds.一位真正的女权主义者应该接受上救生船的优先权吗?查尔斯? 克劳瑟莫



















1.complement 2.indispensable 3.privileges 4.strategy 5.constraints 6.entitled

7.survival 8.instinct 9.randomly 10.faculty 11.urgent 12.depressing


