




1.trek through the jungle穿越丛林go trekking in the Amazon jungle穿越亚马逊丛林

the Amazon Jungle of Brazil巴西的亚马逊丛林 2.go on vacation 去度假 3.be stressed out 压力很大 =be under a lot of pressure

4.relax on the beach 在沙滩上休息 5.Niagara Falls

(北美洲)尼亚加拉大瀑布 6.some day(将来)

one day(过去/将来)某一天 7.somewhere warm/relaxing比较暖和/轻松的地方

8.consider doing sth.考虑做某事 9.the capital of France 法国首都 10.one of the liveliest cities最有活力的城市之一

11.fantastic sights迷人的景点 12.the Eiffel Tower(法国巴黎)埃菲尔铁塔 13.Notre Dame Cathedral(法国)巴黎圣母院 14.be convenient to do sth做某事很方便

15.take the underground train=take the subway乘地铁

16.in general 总的来说,大体上来说17.quite an expensive place=such an expensive place=so expensive a place消费相当高的一个地方 18.be supposed to do sth.理应/应该做某事

19.pack light/warm clothes打包轻便的/暖和的衣服 20.call sb.back 给某人回电话 21.go on a nature tour 自然之旅 22.have a great whale watch tour有一次很棒的鲸鱼秀之旅 23.depend on 决定于=It’s up to sb./sth.24.take a trip 旅游

25.in eastern China 在中国东部 26.provide sb with sth

=provide sth for sb.为某人提供某物=offer sth to sb=offer sb sth

27.outdoor activities 户外运动 28.save...by...通过...方式节省...29.travel spots 度假的好去处 30.Could you please...=Would you please...=Will you please...请你......好吗? 31.Let us

(请求对方允许,不包括对方在内)32.be away for three weeks=leave for three weeks离开三个星期

33.sail across the Pacific驾船横渡太平洋 34.ream of/about sth.dream of doing梦想,幻想,向往 35.thousands of

数以千计的,许许多多的 36.as soon as possible 尽快地 37.so that 以便

38.continue doing sth

=go on doing sth./ go on with sth.(继续做同一件事)continue to do sth

= go on to do sth(继续做另一件事)39.quite a few 相当多, 不少 40..according to 根据

41..be willing to do sth.乐意做某事 42.have similar hopes有着相似的梦想/希望 43.have a good education 受到好的教育

44.hold on to sth继续,坚持做某事 45.have a “winner’s” attitude拥有成功者的心态

46.take it easy从容,轻松,不紧张 47.translate …into… 把…翻译成… 48.A be similar to B


(sb.)be familiar with sth.某人对某事熟悉

(sth.)be familiar to sb某事对某人来说很熟悉


1.过去常常used to/be used to doing习惯于做/be used to do =be used for doing 被用于做2 对了。That’sright.3.be interested in对……感兴趣4 wait a minute.稍等5 on the swim team 在游泳队6 people sure change.人的确在变7 alone 单独强调数量lonely 孤独强调感情8 in front of 在……前面 in the front of在……前部(内部)9 be afraid of something/doing /be afraid to do sth./be terrified of 害怕10 do about 对……采取某种办法11.with the bedroom light on /off 让卧室的灯开着/关着12 with the door closed/open让门关着 13 in the dark在黑暗中 14 play the piano 弹钢琴15 play soccer踢足球16 walk to school/go to school on foot步行上学 17 all the time 一直18 so much +不可数名词/so many+可数名词复数 19 all day 一整天20 spend ….doing/on something花费时间 21 it takes sb.some time to do something 做某事话费某人多长时间22 pay for 付款、;赔偿/cost 物作主语23 不再no longer /not ….any longer时间上不再延长 /no more /not…any more 次数上不在增多24 in the past /last few years 再过去的几年中(用于现在完成时)25 in the past 在过去(用于过去时)26mind doing/one’s doing介意(某人)做27 move to 搬到……28 it seems that …..似乎29 change one’s life 改变某人的生活30 afford to do something能够做…… 31 take care of /look after 照顾32 as …as one can /possible 尽可能33 get into trouble with sb.与某人发生冲突34 be patient with sb./of sth.对……有耐心 35 give up doing 放弃做……(代词放中间)36 make a decision 下决心37 to one’s surprise令某人吃惊的是 /in surprise吃惊地38 even though 尽管/even if 39 take pride in /be proud of以……自豪 41 pay attention to +名词/代词/ving 注意……42 one of +形容词最高级+可数名词复数……之一43 waste one’s time浪费某人时间44be able to能;会 45 change one’s mind 改变主意46 join sb.加入到某人当中47make sb.Stressed out 使某人感到有压力 48 I used to be afraid of the dark.49--Did you use to be short ?—yes, I did /no, I didn’t

I didn’t used to be afraid of the tests.51 I go to sleep with the bedroom light on

My biggest problem is that I’m too busy.53 I really miss the old days.54 my life has changed a lot in the last few years.55 It seems that yu mei has changed a lot.56 It’s necessary for Martin to talk with his mother.It is +形容词+for sb.To do sth.57 How I’ve changed!



九年级第二学期的英语教学主要以复习为主,围绕《Go for it!》(旧版)五册教材,按照单元有序开展。在教学中通常反映出以下问题:





以在2012学年第二学期中考前复习阶段为例,教师对所任教九年级学生47人进行了《九年级英语中考复习情况的调查问卷》。调查结果统计显示,就“你是否喜欢上英语课?”这一问题,“很喜欢”占74.46%,“喜欢”占23.4%, 说明学生对英语学习充满兴趣。就“复习有助于你学习吗?”问题,17.02%的学生认为复习“很有帮助”,48.94%的学生认为复习“有帮助”,21.28%的学生认为复习对学习的助力“一般”,说明学生还是认可复习的作用。但就“你有复习习惯吗?”这一问题,8.51%的学生能“经常”进行复习,29.79%的学生复习频率为“一般”,40.43%的学生“偶尔” 进行复习,21.28%的学生“没有”复习习惯。数据表明只有38.3%的学生有复习习惯。



不同于常规按教材顺序的复习方式,以课标话题为主线的单元整合复习是一种全新再学习模式。这一模式要求教师将教材的内容按照《课标》的话题项目进行分类整合,达成复习的整体性。黄乔丰(2009)指出“整体”的表现形式是不统一的,它可以是一门课程,也可以是一个教学单元,还可以是一节课。但无论“整体”的表现形式如何, 一个基本的思想是:全面地整合教材,连贯地理解目标,关注前后内容,具有系统性、有序性和方向性。“减负增效、 促进成长”是整体教学设计观的理想追求。


区别于以往“教师讲授、学生被动”的填鸭式教学方式,以课标话题为主线的单元整合复习更注重学生自主学习能力的培养。通过学生独立地分析、理解、质疑、创造等方法来实现学习目标。《基础教育课程改革纲要(试行)》 提出:“改变课程实施过于强调接受学习、死记硬背、机械的现状,倡导学生主动参与、乐于探究、勤于动手,培养学生搜集和处理信息的能力、获取新知识的能力、分析和解决问题的能力以及交流与合作的能力。”自主学习强调能动的学习,即主动地自觉自愿地学习,培养学生强烈的学习动机和浓厚的学习兴趣。




从教材方面分析,《Go for it!》七年级上下册共包含3个预备单元和24个正式单元,课标话题涉及27个方面; 八年级上下册共包含22个单元,课标话题涉及22个方面;九年级共包含15个单元,课标话题涉及15个方面。综述 《Go for it!》教材的64个单元内容,一些单元话题存在相近部分。例如:






根据课标话题项目,梳理相应的单元内容。以“卫生与健康”话题项目为例,明确各个单元的话题指向、话题功能和需掌握的重点基本句型。如八年级上册《Unit 2 What’s the matter?》涉及的话题内容为健康,话题功能为谈论健康状况,掌握的重点基本句型是1用have表示存在的健康问题,如“I have a toothache.”;2用should或shouldn’t提出建议,如“You should see a dentist. / You shouldn’t eat candies before you go to sleep. / You should brush your teeth before you go to bed.”。









在《九年级英语中考复习情况的调查问卷》中,对于“在复习中,你最大的困惑是什么?”这一问题,指出“词汇量不足”的学生占25.53%,排列“困惑”问题第一位。针对学生关于词汇巩固的问题,一方面教师根据《2013年杭州市各类高中招生文化考试命题实施细则》英语词汇表一和词汇表二整理出与话题项目和各单元内容相关联的单词, 让学生有针对性地进行词汇巩固(见词汇练习一);另一方面,依靠备课组的力量,根据《细则》英语词汇表一和词汇表二,依托教材、谚语、字典等进行单词拼写题的编写,修订2012年我校九年级备课组编写的单词拼写题,旨在促使学生在地道的、原汁原味的语言中感悟、理解与运用词汇,体会英语文化(见词汇练习二)。



1. 多久一次___________ 2. 锻炼;运动______________

3. 踩滑板:参加滑板运动________ 4. 几乎不;几乎没有___________

5. 曾经;曾______________ 6. 购物_________________

7. 一次_________________ 8. 两次________________


1. One finger cannot l______ a stone.

2. P______ makes a perfect.

3. All w______ and no play makes Jack a dull boy.

4. Do you take your coffee black or w______ ?

(二)课中:课标话题项目的整合复习 模块一 相关资源的利用



1. 视频材料的运用。以课标话题“自然”为例,教师借用视频材料《WWF的公益广告》,引导学生关注生态平衡。 学生通过视频学习,完成生态平衡的图表:




2. 听力材料的运用。以课标话题“饮食”为例,教师选用了与饮食相关的听力材料。


学生在复习巩固话题相关知识的同时,能进一步了解世界,了解生活。通过WWF的公益广告,学生关注生态平衡;通过有关饮食的听力材料,学生进一步了解了rare、well-done、sunny-side up、over-easy等词的表达。


以课标话题“居住环境(Living environment)”为例。课标话题共涉及四个子话题:房屋与住所(Houses andapartments)、居室(Rooms in homes)、家具和家庭用品(Furniture and household items)、社区(Community)。

1. 话题基础知识的复习

活动一对于家具和家庭用品(Furniture and household items)单词及词组的复习整理,教师采用游戏的形式。学生分到不同颜色的卡纸,卡纸上展示家具和家庭用品的表达及相应的音标。学生根据手持卡纸的颜色分组,进行组间竞赛,全员参与认图读音标活动,有效复习了子话题3)中household items所涉及的内容,同时也进行了音标的复习和a / an区分,操练了句型“In my opinion, _____ is the most useful for you, because ______ .”。

活动二对于居室(Rooms in homes)单词和词组的复习整理,教师采用听力游戏的形式复习该子话题的内容。学生在了解房间功能的同时,听力能力也得以训练。

2. 话题知识的综合运用



与课标话题项目相关复习练习的设置主要是通过与杭州市历年中考考卷、全省、全国各地中考卷的真题链接, 使得学生能够恰当理解与运用相关的语言表达形式。复习练习涉及的题型主要为单项选择、阅读理解、完形填空、 词语填空和书面表达。




1. I’m feeling much better now so you _______ call the doctor.(2010杭州市中考)

A. couldn’tB. wouldn’tC. can’tD. needn’t

2. For breakfast, I usually have _______ and two pieces of bread.(2011杭州市中考)

A. a cup of milk halfB. half a cup of milkC. a half milk cupD. half a milk cup

3. Mom makes me eat an apple every day _______ the doctor away.(2012杭州市中考)

A. keeps B. is kept C. to keep D. kept

4. People who eat a balanced diet should be healthier than those who only eat biscuits and hamburgers,_______? (2012杭州市中考)

A. don’t they B. do they C. shouldn’t they D. should they




1. 复习资料的整理


2. 复习策略的指导


3. 复习指导的开展


(1) 该复习模式以话题为主线将《Go for it!》五册教材的内容整合在一起,避免了话题的重复性。教师系统地引导学生复习,体现了复习教学的层次性,由浅入深,从基础知识的整理到语言知识的运用。这达成了学生复习的针对性。

(2) 该复习模式改变了常规复习教学课堂中教师与学生的角色。教学过程不再以教师讲解为主,教师在复习教学中扮演着引领者、组织者、解惑者等多样的角色,课堂的主体是学生。这提高了复习教学的有效性。

(3) 该复习模式改变了常规复习教学的单一性。教师充分利用各种资源,设计丰富的教学活动,避免了常规复习教学的枯燥感,激发学生的英语学习兴趣。这促进了学生综合语言运用能力的提高。

4. 复习练习的设置

(1) 复习量的控制。如在课标话题项目“卫生与健康”自主式复习的开展过程中,就该话题的复习量曾做过调整。一开始设置了四个单元的复习量,即四个单元的知识梳理。学生在复习过程中反馈至少需花费一个小时的复习时间。这对于处于中考复习阶段的学生来说量偏多。经过实践,在以课标话题为主线的九年级单元整合复习过程中,设置两个单元的复习量是恰到好处的,利于学生对复习内容的掌握和自身的全面发展。

(2) 复习形式的多样化。围绕话题项目,练习涉及的题型除了单项选择、阅读理解、完形填空、词语填空和书面表达,还应加入听力训练等不同练习形式,丰富练习维度,加强练习实效性。另外,如何增加练习的趣味性也是需要改进的部分。如词汇巩固板块,除了纯粹的拼写单词,或在单句中完成单词拼写的形式,还可以运用crossword等形式,使复习更充满乐趣,从而对自主式复习起到促进作用。

以课标话题为主线的九年级单元整合自主式复习是一种全新的复习模式尝试,更是学生学习方式转变的实践与研究。自主式复习学习资料还有待不断完善,从而达成复习的系统化。学生自主式复习习惯还有待持续培养, 从而形成自主学习的能力,为终身可持续学习奠定基础。

摘要:本文探讨以课标话题为主线的九年级英语单元整合自主式复习,以学生为主体研究解决中考复习阶段课前、课中、课后存在的问题。这是一种全新的复习模式尝试,更是学生学习方式转变的实践与研究。课前,根据课标话题引导梳理《Go for it!》五册教材中与话题相关的内容,整理目标语言、巩固词汇短语;课中,统筹各类资源,设计活动载体,复习基础知识,综合运用话题知识;课后,链接全国、全省、杭州市历年中考考卷的真题,提升学生理解与运用语言能力。




()1. A. No, they aren’t.

B. Yes, they are.

C. Yes, they will.

()2. A. In China.

B. In Australia.

C. In England.

()3. A. To visit the zoo.

B. To study hard.

C. To give them more space.

()4. A. Tigers.

B. flowers.

C. Planes.

()5. A. The Bird Nest.

B. The Summer Palace.

C. The Palace Museum.



()6. What’s the relationship between the two speakers?

A. Friends.

B. Classmates.

C. Strangers.

()7. Where are they?

A. In a cinema.

B. In a zoo.

C. In a museum.

()8. What does the man mean?

A. He’ll throw the bag away.

B. He’ll collect broken bags.

C. He disagrees with the woman.

()9. What are they talking about?

A. Playing with toys.

B. Recycling.

C. Making cans and bottles.

()10. Where are they?

A. In an aquarium.

B. In a restaurant.

C. In a park.




()11. Why did the man buy lots of Chinese food?

A. He liked Chinese food very much.

B. His parents liked Chinese food a lot.

C. Chinese food was good and cheap.

()12. How often does the man go back to his hometown?

A. Once four years.

B. Four times a year.

C. Twice four years.

()13. What’s the weather like in the man’s hometown at thistimeof year?

A. It’s not hot in his hometown.

B. It rains a little.

C. It is hot and dry.


()14. Why did the man move to France last week?

A. To look for a job.

B. To visit places of interest.

C. On business.

()15. When did the man travel to New York?

A. Last Saturday.

B. The day before yesterday.

C. Last night.

()16. Where did the man have his dinner?

A. In France.

B. In Tokyo.

C. In Hong Kong.


()17. How did Jane hurt herself?

A. Maybe she fell down from the ladder.

B. She must be beaten by someone.

C. She wanted to kill herself.

()18. What’s the matter with Jane?

A. She walks slowly.

B. She couldn’t run.

C. It’s difficult to walk.

()19. Where is Jane now?

A. She is in hospital.

B. She is at home.

C. She is on her way to hospital.

()20. What does the man worry about?

A. The picnic.

B. Her leg.

C. Her study.


()21. Why can’t birds fly high up in the sky?

A. It’s difficult for them to breathe.

B. They can’t fly easily in the thin air.

C. A and B.

()22. When do many birds fly to a new place?

A. In winter and autumn.

B. In summer and autumn.

C. In autumn and spring.

()23. How can’t birds get lost?

A. They fly near the ground.

B. They fly together.

C. They fly in the daytime.

()24. What happens to the birds which fly low over the ocean?

A. The birds get hurt.

B. The birds get food.

C. The birds get lost.

()25. Which of the following is NOT true?

A. The birds fly near the ground to look for places they know.

B. The air in the high sky is too thin for birds to fly.

C. The birds are easy to get lost when they fly.


Ⅱ. 选择填空(本题共15分,每小题1分,满分15分。)


()26. — When do you have the guitar class?

— I just have it ______ Sunday morning.

A. inB. on

C. atD. for

()27. — Waiting for her made me ______.

— So did I. She always comes late.

A. angryB. happy

C. pleasedD. glad

()28. — ______ you ever ______ to a concert?

— Yes, I have. I went to the National Day Concert last year.

A. Have; beenB. Have; gone

C. Have; comeD. Did; go

()29. — What ______ people in Korea supposed to do when they first meet?

— They usually bow.

A. doB. have

C. areD. would

()30. — What do you usually do in your sparetime?

— I usually ______ my friends’ homes.

A. come acrossB. pass by

C. drop byD. look at

()31. — Manatees are ______ animals. There aren’t many of them in the world.

— What a pity!

A. interestingB. common

C. endangeredD. playful

()32. — Seeing the national flag of China ______ me feel ______.

— I agree with you.

A. let; pride

B. makes; proud

C. keeps; confidence

D. have; tiny

()33. — I am very sorry. I can ______ understand what you said.

— It doesn’t matter. I can say it again.

A. everB. hardly

C. hardD. always

()34. — I visited the zoo last week and I couldn’tbelieve ______ I saw.

— What did you see?

A. thatB. what

C. whereD. which

()35. — We should urge people ______ driving cars.

— Yeah. We should walk or ride a bike.

A. stopB. stopping

C. to stopD. stopped

()36. — There ______ a lot of manatees, but now they are endangered.

— We are supposed to save them.

A. were usedB. used to be

C. used toD. used to being

()37. — Peter could hardly see the words on the blackboard, ______?

— No, he couldn’t.

A. did heB. couldn’t he

C. can heD. could he

()38. — Have you ever ______ Li Ming?

— Yes. He is clever and friendly to others.

A. heard ofB. heard from

C. hearD. hear for

()39. — Last month Jack ______ an award at


— Really?

A. winB. won

C. beatD. hit

()40. — Which would you like, tea or coffee?

— ______ is OK.

A. EitherB. Both

C. NeitherD. None

Ⅲ. 完形填空(共25小題; 每小题1分,满分25分)



One day a lawyer’s wife fell ill. The lawyer went to get a doctor. The doctor knew that the lawyer was well-known for not paying41 . So he said to the lawyer before he entered the house, “If I do cure your wife, I am afraid that you 42 not pay me.”

“Sir,” replied the lawyer, “Here is $500. No matter whether you cure my wife43kill her, I will give you all this.” The doctor believed him and went into the house. When he reachedthewoman’sbedside, itsoonbecame 44to him that he could do little. She was badly ill, and though he gave her some 45 , she soon died. He toldthelawyerhewasvery 46 , andasked for themoneywhich hehad 47 . “Did you kill my wife?” asked the lawyer.

“Of course I48 ,” said the doctor.

“Well! Did you cure my wife?” said the lawyer.

“I’m afraid that was 49,” said the doctor.

“Well then,” said the lawyer, “Since you neither killed her nor cured her, I have50to pay you.”

()41. A. taxesB. bills

C. businessD. medicine

()42. A. can B. must

C. shallD. may

()43. A. but B. yet

C. orD. and

()44. A. clean B. clear

C. fineD. easy

()45. A. adviceB. food

C. medicineD. examination

()46. A. terribleB. sorry

C. helpfulD. sad

()47. A. given B. paid

C. promisedD. agreed

()48. A. didn’t B. have

C. didD. haven’t

()49. A. impossibleB. hard

C. difficultD. uneasy

()50. A. something B. a bit

C. nothing D. a little


Life is not easy, so I’d like to say “When anything happens, believe in yourself”.

When I was 14, I was51nervous to talk to anyone. My classmates often52me. I was sad but could do nothing. Later, 53happened. It changed my life. It was an English speech contest. My mother asked me to54part in it. What a(n)55idea!

It meant I had to 56 in front of all the teachers and students of my school!

“Come on, boy. Believe in yourself. You are sure to 57.” Then, Mother and I talked about many different topics. At last I 58 the topic “Believe in yourself ”. I tried my best to 59 all the words of the speech and practised it over 100 times. 60my mother’s great love, I did well in the contest. I could 61believe my ears when the news came that I had won the first place. I heard the 62 fromthe teachers and students. Those 63who once looked down on me, then all said “Congratulations!” to me. My mother hugged me and cried64 .

65then, everything has changed for me. Whenever I do anything, I try to tell myself to be confident and I will believe in myself. This is true not only for a person but also for a country.



1.Play the guitar弹吉他2.want to do sth想做 某事

3.join the music club 加入俱乐部4.speak English说英语

5.match----with与------匹配6.play chess下棋

7.the swimming club游泳俱乐部8.what club什么俱乐部

9.a sports club一个体育俱乐部10.be good at telling stories擅长讲故事

11.the story telling club讲故事俱乐部12.like to do/doing喜欢做某事

13.let’s join让我们加入14.sounds good听起来好

15.students wanted for School Show学校表演招聘学生16.talk to /with跟某人谈话

17.after school放学后18.do kung fu表演功夫

19.show sb sth=show sth to sb把某物展示某人 23.have fun doing做事情很有趣

20.play games with people 和人们做游戏24.on the weekend在周末

21.be in the school music club 学校音乐俱乐部25.call sb at给某人打电话

22.need sb to do sth 需要某人做某事26.help+sb +todo sth帮助某人

27.help sb with sth 帮助某人做某事 28.English-speaking students 说英语的学生

29.play the piano弹钢琴30.tell sb stories 给某人讲故事

31.it +adj +for sb to sth32.be good with和某人相处好

33.help for old people对老人的帮助34.make friends with 和某人交朋友

35.in July / on the morning of36.be free / be busy

37.the Students’ Sports center 学生的运动中38.teach sb to do sth 教某人做某事

39.need help to teach music需要帮助来做某事

40.the teacher do what he can to helpstudents老师做他能做的事来帮助学生


1.go to school 去上学2.get up 起床

3.get dressed 穿衣服4.brush teeth刷牙

5.eat breakfast 吃早饭6.take a shower洗澡

7.what time什么时间8.at six thirty在六点半

9.an interesting job 一个有趣的工作10.at the radio station 在广播电视台

11.always /usually/ often/ sometimes/ never12.your radio show 你的广播节目

13.from----to从哪里到哪里14.at night 在夜晚

15.a funny time 一个有趣的时间16.take exercise 锻炼

17.be late for迟到18.at about ten twenty 在大约十点二十

19.on weekends在周末20.on school days在上学日

21.half past six六点半22.a quarter past three 三点过一刻

23.a quarter to seven七点差一刻24.do homework做家庭作业

25.take a walk散步26.have much time有许多时间

27.half an hour半个小时28.get home到达家

29.either-----or或者----或者30.eat a good breakfast 吃一顿快餐

31.lots of /a lotof许多32.be good for对------有益

33.taste good尝起来好34.do her homework做她的家庭作业

35.have a healthy life 有一个健康的生活方 式


1.get to school到达学校2.take the train 乘火车

3.take the subway 乘地铁4.ride a bike骑自行车

5.how do you get to school怎么到达学校6.one hundred and five105

7.how far is it 多远 8.how long does it take sb to do sth花费某人多长时间做某事

9.tenminutes-----how long10.ten minutes’ walk-------how far

11.ride the bike to school 骑自行车到学校12.every day 每天

13.walk to , drive to,fly to14.I’m not sure我不确信

15.about= around 大约16.10 kilometers away from 十公里远

17.good exercise 好的锻炼18.walk to school 步行去学

19.get home到达家20.drive his car to work 开车去上班

21.in his father’s car 坐父亲的车25.crossing the river is穿过河是

22.need about 10 minutes to get to school 需要十分钟的时间到达学校

23.I want to know where Bob lives我想知道鲍勃住到哪

24.what do you think of =how do you like 你觉得怎么样

26.it is easy to get to school=it’s+ adj.+for sb.to do sth.到达学校很容易

27.there is 就近原则28.between----and在两者之间

29.no= not any =not a/an30.the river run quickly 河水流的快

31.quickly 动作上fast 速度上soon时间上32.on a ropeway 在索道上

33.go on a ropeway to cross the river 坐索道穿过河 37.love to do喜欢做某事

34.an 11-year-old boy一个11岁大的男孩

35.ten minutes’ walk / a ten-minute walk 10分钟的路39.leave for.离开到某地

36.be afraid to do, be afraid of sth / doing害怕做某事41.come true 实现

38.be like a father to me 像父亲一样做某事43.why------because

40.leave sth at/ on /in +地点 把某物留在某地42.why not +v原形

44.thanks for +n /doingsth为什么而感谢45.how to do it 怎么来做它

46.at about 8:00 在大约8点


1.Don’ttalkinclass在课堂上2.in the hallways 在走廊里

3.the number of +名词复数---的数量4.follow the rules 遵循规则

5.break the rules 打破规则6.arrive late for class 上课迟到

7.listen to music 听音乐8.fight with与某人打架

9.get to school on time按时到校10.next to紧挨着

11.don’t eat in class不要在教室吃东西12.listen to music outside 在外面听音乐

13.wear a hat 戴帽子14.there are too many rules 有太多规则

15.be late for迟到16.bringsth to带来

17.have to be quiet不得不安静18.auniform一个校服

19.talk about sth 谈论20.Does he have to wear他不得不穿

21.see friends看朋友22.practiceplaying the guitar练习弹吉他

23.help his mom make breakfast 帮助妈妈做早饭24.be unhappy不高兴

25.too many rules太多规则too much +不可数名词much too 太

26.make your bed整理床铺27.after breakfast 早饭后

28.leavesthin/on/ at +地点 把…忘在某地29.forget to do sth忘记做某事

30.because /.so不可同时连用31.be noisy 太闹/ be quiet安静

32.how do you feel 你感觉怎么样33.feel well感觉好

34.tell sbto do sth 告诉某人做某事35.think about doing sth考虑做某事

36.on weekends 在周末37.be strict with sb in sth 对某人某事严格要求

38.remember to do 记住做某事39.make rules to help us 制定规则做某事

40.follow sb to do sth 跟着某人做某事41.a school uniform 一个校服

42.keep my hair short 保持头发短43.play with my friends

44.relaxing +物.relaxed 人45.learn to do学做某事

46.learn from sb 向----学习47.have fun doing有趣做某事

48.have to go to the kitchen to get food for sb 不得不去厨房拿食物给某人

49.write a letter to sb写信给某人50.want sb to do sth 想让某人做事

51.it’s best to do sth 最好做某事


1.let’s see-----shall we ?2.let us-----will you ?

3.myfavorite animals最喜欢的动物4.why-----because

5.kind of interesting 有点有趣6.South Africa南非

7.be from----come from来自8.why not +v 原形

9.walk on two legs 用两条腿走10.all day / all night 整天

11.like sth a lot /very much 非常喜欢12.black and white 黑白相间

13.you’re right 你是对的14.more than =over 超过/多于

15.the other two animals 另外两个动物16.one of +名词复数

17.a kind of books一种书18.our first flag我们的第一面旗

19.a symbol of good luck好运的象征 20.play soccer or music 踢足球/播放音乐

21.draw well画得好22.forget to do 忘记做某事

23.get/be lost迷路24.a good place to do sth 做某事的好地方

25.a good place with food and water带着食物和水的地方

26.in great danger 处于危险27.cut down砍倒

28.be made of什么制成29.Thai Elephant Day 大象节30.importance in Thailand 泰国的重要性


1.watch TV看电视2.read a newspaper看报纸

3.talk on the phone 电话交谈4.listen to a CD 听CD

5.use –a useful book 一本有用的书6.make soup 做汤

7.wash the dishes 洗碟8.at home在家

9.go to movies 去看电影10.in a newspaper 在报纸上

11.think about 考虑12.in the United States 在美国

13.watch the boat races 看船比赛14.the night before the festival节日前的晚上

15.any other night 任何别的晚上16.his host family 他的寄宿家庭

17.read a story to sb 读故事给某人18.on the phone在电话上

19.miss sb思念某人20.wish sb to do sth/wish to do希望某人做某事

21.no place like home22.eat out 在外面吃


1.How is the weather...?天气怎么样?=What’s the weather like...?

2.be+Vinge.g.: be raining now 在下雨be+adje.g.: be rainy today 是雨天

3.talk about the weather with friends和朋友谈论天气

4.play computer games玩电脑游戏5.watch TV看电视

6.at the park= in the park在公园

7.sound like听起来像8.have a good time/have fun 玩得开心;过得愉快

9.at home在家10.study at sb’s home在某人家学习

11.take a message for sb.为某人带消息 12.tell sb.to do sth.告诉某人做某事

13.call sb.back(给某人)回电话14.no problem没问题

15.do one’s homework做作业16.right now立即;马上

17.study English学习英语18.not too bad不太坏

19.some of my old friends 我的一些老朋友20.be happy to do sth.高兴做某事

21.sit by the pool坐在游泳池边22.drink orange juice喝橙汁

23.summer vacation暑假24.study hard努力学习

25.be on vacation在度假26.write to sb.给某人写信

27.next month下个月28.talk on the phone 通过电话交谈

29.for three hours三个小时30.take a photo照相

31.speak to sb.给某人谈话32.call sb.at...给某人回电话

33.in the rainy weather在雨天


1.near here在附近2.post office邮局

3.police station警察局4.pay phone付费电话

5.on Bridge Street 在桥街6.across from在……对面

7.between...and...在……中间8.in front of在……前面

9.in town在乡镇10.on Center Street在中心街

11.far from远离12.go along沿着

13.watch sb.doing sth.看见某人正在做某事14.look like看起来像

15.love the clean air and sunshine 喜爱清新的空气和阳光

16.the best things最好的事情29.be good at(doing)sth.擅长做某事

17.inmy life一生中18.have to do sth.不得不做某事

19.enjoy doing sth.喜欢做某事20.go shopping去购物

21.be busy doing sth忙于做某事22.on school days在去学校的日子

23.have free time/be free有空闲的时间24.make the foods做食物

25.turn right/left向右/左转26.at the first crossing在第一个十字路口

27.on one’s left/right在某人的左边/右边 28.play Chinese chess下中国象棋

1.look like看起来像2.be ofmedium height中等体型

3.medium build中等身材4.wear glasses戴眼镜

5.have an interesting job 有一个有趣的工作7.in the newspaper在报纸上

6.draw a picture of the criminal 画一个罪犯的像 8.on television=on TV在电视上

9.describe the same person描述同样的人10.in the end最后

11.first of all首先;第一12.wear jeans穿牛仔裤

13.wear sports shoes穿运动鞋14.have(has)straight hair 有直头发

15.be short矮16.a big nose大鼻子

17.a small mouth小嘴巴18.a round face圆脸


1.would like sth想要某物2.would like to do sth.想要做某事

3.order food订食物4.Special 1特色菜1

5.in the beef noodles在牛肉面里6.be sure确定

7.what kind of noodles什么种类的面条8.a large bowl of noodles一大碗面条

9.a medium bowl of noodles一中碗面10.a small bowl of noodles一小碗面条

11.take one’s order点菜12.what size什么尺寸

13.beef noodles with carrots带有胡萝卜的牛肉面14.green tea绿茶

15.be different from与…不同16.in different countries在不同的国家

17.birthday cake生日蛋糕18.make a wish许愿

19.blow out the candles吹灭蜡烛20.come true实现

21.get popular受欢迎22.cut up切碎

23.a symbol of long life长寿的象征24.bring good luck to sb.带给某人幸运

25.have different kinds of有不同的种类26.orange juice橙汁

27.around the world全世界28.put on …穿上


1.have a school trip举行学校旅行2.go for a walk去散步

3.milk a cow挤牛奶4.ride a horse骑马

5.feed chickens喂鸡6.talk with the farmer 与农民交谈

7.take some photos照相8.ask some questions问些问题

9.grow apples种苹果10.show sb.around sp.带某人参观某地

11.learn a lot学到许多12.pick some strawberries摘草莓

13.last week上周14.visit my grandparents拜访我的祖父母

15.go fishing去钓鱼16.soundsgood听起来很好

17.climb the mountains去爬山18.play games玩游戏

19.visit a museum参观博物馆20.go on a school trip去旅行

21.how to do sth怎么做某事22.buy sth for sb.为某人买某物

23.all in all总得来说24.be interested in doing sh对做某事感兴趣

25.not...at all一点儿也不/根本不26.muchfun许多乐趣

1.last weekend上周末2.do one’s homework做作业

3.go to the cinema看电影4.go boating去划船

5.camp by the lake在湖边露营6.go to the beach去海滩

7.on Saturday morning 在周四早上8.study for the English test为了英语考试学习

9.work as a guide做一个导游工作10.kind of tired有点儿累

11.stay up late to do sth熬夜做某事12.play with sb.和某人玩

13.lose things丢东西14.fly a kite放风筝

15.take sb.to sp.把某人带到某地16.as a special gift作为一个特殊的礼物

17.go camping去露营18.put up the tents 搭建帐篷

19.make a fire生火20.keep sb.warm使某人保持温暖

21.so...that...太……以至于……22.go to sleep去睡觉

23.see sb.doing sth.看见某人正在做某事 24.jump up and down上蹦下跳

25.climb onto one’s back爬到背上26.shout at=shout to大声喊叫

27.run away逃跑28 it’s + adj + to do sth.29.learn a second language学习第二语言30.stay at home呆在家


1.制作香蕉奶昔make a banana milk shake2.扒三个香蕉peel three bananas

3.切三个西红柿 cut up three tomatoes 4.把香蕉和冰淇淋放入搅拌机中

put the bananas and ice cream into the blender5.把牛奶倒入搅拌机中pour the milk into the blender 6.两勺蜂蜜two teaspoons of honey7.一杯酸奶a cup of yogurt

8.把他们都混合起来mix it /them all up 9.打开搅拌机turn on the popper

10.把盐加入面条里add salt to the noodles 11.煮面条boil the noodles12.一片面包a slice of bread 13.三片鸭肉three slices of duck 14.将另一片面包放在顶部

put another slice of bread on the top15.一个超级火鸡三明治的食谱

a recipe for a great turkey sandwich16.看说明 read the instructions 17.检查答案check the answer 18.让我想一想let me think19.多少鸡肉how much chicken 20多少土豆 how many potatoes 21.一个洋葱an onion 句子

1.我们怎样制作水果沙拉? How do we make fruit salad? 2.--你们需要多少黄油?--三勺

--How much butter do you need ?----Three teaspoons of butter 3.--他需要多少西瓜?---两个

--How many watermelons does he need ?—He needs two.4.加入一些蜂蜜多然后把材料混合起来

add some honey and then mix up the ingredients

1.制作香蕉奶昔_________________________________________________ 2.扒三个香蕉___________________________________________________

3.切三个西红柿_____________________________________________________ 4.把香蕉和冰淇淋放入搅拌机中________________________________________ 5.把牛奶倒入搅拌机中_________________________________________________ 6.两勺蜂蜜___________________________________________________________ 7.一杯酸奶________________________________________________________ 8.把他们都混合起来__________________________________________________ 9.打开搅拌机______________________________________________________ 11.煮面条__________________________________________________________ 12.一片面包__________________________________________________________ 13.三片鸭肉_____________________________________________________________ 14.将另一片面包放在顶部________________________________________________ 15.一个超级火鸡三明治的食谱___________________________________________ 16.看说明____________________________________________________________ 17.检查答案___________________________________________________________ 18.让我想一想__________________________________________________________ 19.多少鸡肉___________________________________________________________ 20多少土豆____________________________________________________________ 21.一个洋葱__________________________________________________________ 句子


_____________________________________________________________________ 2.--你们需要多少黄油?--三勺

____________________________________________________________________ 3.--他们需要多少西瓜?---两个

______________________________________________________________________ 4.加入一些蜂蜜多然后把材料混合起来

______________________________________________________________________ 改错:
