



Wuthering Heights which has long been one of the most popular and highly regarded novels in English literature, it has a secure position in the canon of world literature.As a shattering presentation of the doomed love between the passionate Catherine and Heathcliff, it remains one of the most haunting love stories in all of literature.In Wuthering Heights, Nature is represented by the Earnshaw family and especially Catherine and Heathcliff.These characters are governed by their emotions, not by reflection or ideals of civility.Wuthering Heights symbolized a similar wildness.On the other hand, Thrushcross Grange and the Linton family represent culture, refinement, convention, and cultivation.Wuthering heights, through a love tragedy, presented a picture of deformity of the social life and Outlines a kind of humanity twisted by society and all kinds of terrible events.The story ended with Heathcliff’s suicide.He died for love and his death shows his love to Katherine.He gave up the revenge to the younger generation after he knew that young Catherine and Harleton had fallen in love with each other shows that he was kind in nature.It was the cruel reality that twisted his humanity and made him become brutal and heartless.This kind of recovery of humanity was sublimation in spirit and it glared a kind of humanitarian ideal of the author and endows the terrible love tragedy some hope.Therefore, Heathcliff’s change of “love---hate---revenge---a recovery of humanity” is not only the essence of the novel but also a clue throughout the whole novel.According to the clue, the author arranged an unpredictable scene for us.Sometimes it was the moor full of clouds, sometimes it was courtyard with a sudden rain and wind.The story has always been shrouded in a kind of mysterious and horrible atmosphere.The novel is actually structured around two parallel love stories, the first half of the novel told about the love between Catherine and Heathcliff, while the rest dramatic second half told developing love between young Catherine and Harleton.In contrast to the first, the latter tale ends happily, restoring peace and order to Wuthering Heights and Thrushcross Grange.The most important feature of young Catherine and Harleton’s love story is that it involves growth and change.Early in the novel Harleton seems brutal, savage, and illiterate, but over time he becomes a loyal friend to young Catherine and learns to read.Catherine and Heathcliff’s love, on the other hand, is rooted in their childhood and is marked by the refusal to change.In choosing to marry Edgar, Catherine seeks a more genteel life, but she refuses to adapt to her role as wife, either by sacrificing Heathcliff or embracing Edgar.Catherine and Heathcliff’s love is based on their shared perception that they are identical.As Catherine declares, “I am Heathcliff,” while Heathcliff, upon Catherine’s death, said that he cannot live without his “soul,” meaning Catherine.Catherine’s betrayal and her bitter destiny was the turning point of the whole story.It made Heathcliff change his love to hate.After Catherine died, the hate became the motivation of his revenge.He successfully attained his objective.Not only he let Edgar and the Linton died in desolation and possessed their property but also let their innocent younger generation experience the hardships.This kind of crazy revenge clearly showed his uncommon and rebellious behavior.This special spirit of revolt was formed by the special environment and his special character.Heathcliff’s love tragedy was a tragedy of the society and that time.Wuthering Heights was known as “most strange novel” in the history of English literature and it was an unpredictable “strange book”.The reason is that it was different from the sentimentalism that lies in the works of the same age.It replaced the deep sadness and depression with intense love, brutal hate and ruthless revenge.It just like a strange lyric poem, imagination and intensive emotion existed among the words and between the lines and it had a kind of amazing artistic power.


Well, before I begin my part, I would like to ask you a question that is if you hate a person a lot, what will you do? Keep silence? Talk about your feelings with the person immediately and try to solve the problem? Or hurt the person to express your anger? Or deal with it in other ways? Who can give me you’re an answer? Now let’s come back to our novel.What did the hero, Heathcliff do when he had extreme hatred? He chose to revenge.Then in the following part, I’ll begin with the revenge in Wuthering Heights.Later on, I’d like to talk about some other related things about revenge.First, let’s see the revenge in the novel.We know that Heathcliff lives in an abnormal way.People around despised this ‘evil gypsy’.When his beloved Catherine married the gentleman, Edger Linton, for wealth and reputation, Heathcliff’s heart broke completely.His hatred towards Hindley and the Lintons became stronger.When Catherine died, Heathcliff was like an active volcano, boom!

Heathcliff had a careful plan to revenge.In his generation, I’d like to mainly say something about his marriage with Isabella.This action is the key step to take over the property of the Lintons.and vexed Edger mentally.Just as Isabella’s angry words ‘Whatever he may pretend, he wishes to provoke Edger to desperation;he says he has married me on purpose to obtain power over him…’Also, we can consider it his revenge to Catherine.He knew Catherine’s deep love towards him.He knew his marriage would hurt Catherine in the same way that she hurt him.The joy of revenge and the sorrow of love mixed together to become a very complicated feeling.Indeed, Heathcliff is such a complicated character.It’s not difficult to imagine his fierce inter struggles.Meanwhile, Heathcliff abused his wife, Isabella, as a sort of amusement.As he himself pointed out, his abuse of Isabella is purely sadistic, as he amuses himself by seeing how much abuse she can take and still come cringing back for more.According to a modern study, a lot of criminals were lack of love.They get apathy even hatred from the society.If the seeds of enmity are planted in people’s hearts when they were kids, how can we expect these people to be friendly and kind? What goes around comes around.H is a typical character.When hatred gets its foothold in his soul, his choice is revenge.When we are shocked by H’s violence, we can feel a little bit sadness, too.Although maybe we can consider Hindley Earshaw and the Lintos Heathcliff’s enemy, it’s none of their children’s business, right? We always say that the children are innocent.But Heathcliff could not stop the mad beast called revenge from extending its reach to the next generation.‘…I want the triumph of seeing…my child hiring their children to till their father’s land for wages.’ What a terrible and poor man!Because his own life is miserable, he wanted to let the next generation suffer from what he has suffered.He used to say to the five years old boy, Hindley’s son, Hareton: ‘Now, my bonny lad, you are mine!And we’ll see if one tree won’t grow as crooked as another, with the same wind to twist it!’ It’s the sort of thing that can be done by the demon.Heathcliff did make the boy as his own duplicate and ruined the boy.Will you be as lowly as a maid or a servant in you own house? It sounds quite ridiculous!1


I.Emily Bronte’s Mixed Attitude

Her Criticism:The story happened between two generations in the Earnshaws and the Lintons.There were five major male and four female characters.Women were independent and strong in character.Men on the contrary,were obscene and frail due to various reasons.Through negation and tarnish of men,Emily Bronte achieved her purpose of criticizing the patriarchy.She refuted the representatives of patriarchal society Hindley Earnshaw and Edgar Linton conspicuously for their irresponsibility and cruel or weak tempers.Linton Heathcliff was a puppet for his father’s revenge,and Hareton Earnshaw was vulgar and ignorant for the first small half of his life.As a victim of the patriarchal society,Heathcliff became one after grown up to torture others.So Emily Bronte’s criticism pours clearly to the male characters.

Her Sympathy:While denouncing the decay order through rebuking the five main images,she also showed great sympathy to them.Earnshaw died to make Heathcliff be well to his son.At the end of Linton’s life,no one was by side.The white lie his daughter told was the author’s great sympathy to comfort him.They were blind-passionate men who bore the pain of losing their love.Linton Heathcliff is a tragic ignorant and naïve one.The author’s opinion conveyed through little Catherine who,after the deceit,still did not leave him and felt depressed after his death.Hareton was illiterate but could understand love and pardon.Brought up by an enemy of his father,he never complained and wanted revenge.In the end,he got little Catherine’s affection and fair treatment.This man,the only hope of patriarchy would live with Cathy happily ever after.Heathcliff originally was a victim of that monstrous society.His hatred was the result of the betrayal of his love.The ghost of his love haunted him for nearly twenty years,which was an unusual thing people can bear.For him,life“is a long fight”.[1](Bronte,259)Then he had a visional connection with his life-love Catherine and ended his hard life with a smile.Heathcliff did not have a family name and no one cared for him,which was the biggest tragedy in the book.Emily Bronte valued their love in that she arranged Heathcliff’s tomb next to Catherine’s in the end.

II.Reasons for Her Mixed Attitude

“The Victorian era of 19th century in England was a typical patriarchy with severe class conflicts and sense of hierarchy.Women were the pressed one”.[2](Wang,118)That was also“a period of time that female sex began to fight for independence and the traditional‘Family Angel’status”.[3](Yang,119)As a sensitive observer and well-educated woman,Emily Bronte strongly opposed the old order.But,she preserved in scrutiny that not all men were bad and some were the victims of it,such as labor workers and orphans and did not rebuke the whole male group.

Emily Bronte led a hard life so she understood women’s poor living condition.Meanwhile,as an introverted woman having a recluse life,she got enough space to create her wild imagination.She desired a wild and free life on a heath and beside the cliff,which was fulfilled by Heathcliff.After many years’of caring for her brother,she knew his bitter love experience and realized the difficulty of being a man and a weak group.Her father was a gentleman and got his success via hard work.Emily Bronte was influenced by her father’s nurture.So she might still keep faith in men.


From the above discussion,a conclusion is drawn that Emily Bronte articulated her mixed attitude towards male images in Wuthering Heights.She criticized them for their tyrant behaviors and also felt sympathy for them.Her mixed attitude was determined by her living environment and personal experience.Making this approach broaden,any author may express a mixed idea in his/her works,and the reasons can be traced back to social and personal experience.This can exert in following research when analyzing author’s attitude and the deep meaning of literary works.


[1]Bronte, Emily. Wuthering Heights. 上海: 世界图书 出版公司, 2007.

[2]王桢. 英国女性文学的两座丰碑——《简爱》与《呼啸山 庄》比较研究之. 贵州: 贵州大学学报(社会科学版), 2005.




























The name of the novel comes from the Yorkshire manor on the moors on which the story centres.

The housekeeper Ellen Dean, or we can call her Nelly, tells most of the story. She witnesses the life of the three-generations in the two families. She is a good storyteller but we mustn’t believe all of what she said. She always thinks and considers things in a simple way. She couldn’t understand the deep love between Catherine and Heathcliff. She thinks it is a kind of madness. She is a limited narrator. In a certain way, this helps readers to understand Heathcliff better because he has no chance to defend himself. An outsider will see the whole thing more clearly. However, we should pay more attention not to be affect by her opinions and try to find the truth between the lines.

The narrative tells the tale of the all-encompassing and passionate, yet thwarted love between Heathcliff and Catherine Earnshaw, and how this unresolved passion eventually destroys both themselves and many around them.?Х)

As a main character Catherine is a paradox. She is attracted by Linton but doesn’t love him. She knows that clearly but she marries Linton without listening to the call of her heart. Many critics believe that what makes her marry Linton is only his high social status and wealth. I think this comment is unfair. In fact, she folly thinks to marry Linton will help Heathcliff “to rise and place him out of my brother’s power.” Her decision ruins herself, Heathcliff and the two families. She has to endure serious suffering because she knows clearly she love Heathcliff whole-heartedly but can’t become his wife. She confesses to Nelly her own thoughts: “…I am Heathcliff—he’s always, always in my mind—not as a pleasure, any more than I am always a pleasure to myself—but as my own being…” She loves Heathcliff because he is more like her than herself. His existence is natural to her for they are the same in nature. They could understand each other without obstacles.


After all this term’s learning on English literature , Wuthering height may be the most impressive novel to me . So I will discuss something special in this book , the gothic setting.

What is gothic setting ?

Gothic setting is one of the fiction genres which first begin at the middle of 19 century in England . Sa一vage , mystery , terror , backward , dark , family curse , supernatural and suspense are the signal features of this kind of fiction genre . It mainly talks something about the dark side of society such as family hatred and succession race . The story in this style usually happens in remote place that far away from city .

What do we know about gothic setting in Wuthering heights ?

In fact , what impresses me most in this novel is the description of the environment . It is full of gothic setting . We can find that there is no sunshine in Wuthering heights all the year around , the haze and atmosphere there make people feel mystery and depressive . The weather is always changing according to the plot . When there is something badly happen , the environment will be influenced . For example, rain comes at once after Catherine’s betray . When it comes to Catherine’s death , it changes quickly and suddenly to hea一vy rain and strong wind . All in all , I think all this gothic setting is to show the feeling of writer .

The gothic setting in the book not only shows us the mystery of the environment , but also tells us the society stage and the different life style between different classes in that period . To Catherine , Heathcriff who belongs to the lower class represents spiritual love while Linton in the upper class represents material . She is in a dilemma to make a decision . On one hand , all of us know Catherine loves Heathcriff deeply . On the other hand , Linton can give her the life she expects , a rich and comfortable life and be respected by people . Material wins in the end .

What do we learn from this novel ?

True love or material , this is a question . In the novel , Catherine sacrifice her love to pursue a comfortable live . Actually material is usually the first choice I think when most of the women come to this decision . This was one of the hotest topic at after a women said on TV she would rather to cry in a BMW than to laugh on a bicycle . What she said liked a big stone thrown into a peaceful lake . Can money really replace love ? A lot of people argue on this question whether it is worthy of sacrificing on the Internet .
