




发音 zì gāo zì dà

解释 认为自己又高又大。形容自以为了不起。

出处 北齐·颜之推《颜氏家训·勉学》:“见人读数十卷书,便自高大,凌忽长者,轻慢同列。”

示例 人要是~,瞧不起别人,就不能进步。

近义词 高傲自大、夜郎自大、妄自尊大、唯我独尊

反义词 虚怀若谷、谦卑自牧、不露锋芒

结构 联合式

用法 用作贬义。一般做主语、谓语、定语。


自高自大 从难从严


老骥伏枥 沐猴而冠 老态龙钟 声名狼藉 波澜壮阔 风雨飘摇 走投无路 坐立不安

树碑立传 添砖加瓦 格物致知 教书育人 枯木逢春 铁树开花 添枝加叶 斩草除根

滴水不漏 寸步难行 不折不扣 大吹大擂 古为今用 恩将仇报 当局者迷 旁观者清

淡泊明志 姑息养奸 身怀绝技 家徒四壁 文不加点 言不由衷 繁花似锦 群芳争妍

言不及义 文不对题 物尽其用 人尽其才 浩如烟海 坚如磐石 归根结底 正本清源

扶摇直上 沸反盈天 凹凸不平参差不齐 一筹莫展 孤掌难鸣 群情振奋 众说纷纭

狼烟四起 孤注一掷 异军突起 短兵相接 目中无人 节外生枝 财源茂盛 生意兴隆

身价百倍 干劲十足 每况愈下 来日方长 笑容可掬 怒发冲冠 旧地重游 妙趣横生

热血沸腾 容光焕发 胜券在握 险象环生 独一无二 成千上万 避重就轻 变废为宝

粉墨登场 锣鼓喧天 喜忧参半 爱憎分明 踵事增华 移风易俗 老少皆宜 妇孺皆知

赏罚分明 胜负难测 鸡犬不宁 鸦雀无声 图文并茂 雅俗共赏 劳逸结合 旱涝保收

表里如一 内外有别 休戚与共 血肉相连 机会均等 旗鼓相当 内外交困 心口如一

梦寐以求 俯拾即是 心力交瘁 条理分明 软硬兼施 进退两难


1. 即胸襟坦荡,开朗坚定的立身处世原则,不自高自大,不亢不卑,诚实,平等态度处世待人。

2. 自高自大,凌忽长者,轻慢同列。

3. 我最看不惯他狂妄傲慢、自高自大的拽样了,有什么好炫耀的?

4. 自高自大可以使一个人像气球一样膨胀起来,但决不能当柱子用。

5. 即使你聪明伶俐,也不要自高自大,还有其他人和你一样聪明,甚至更聪明。

6. 自高自大时,我要追寻失败的记忆。

7. 自暴自弃的反义词有妄自尊大、自高自大、自命不凡。

8. 林枫虽然聪敏过人,过目成诵,但也从不自高自大。

9. 我看她的儿子没有什么了不起,他自高自大,装腔作势,活像个少爷。

10. 他既不自高自大,也不腐化堕落。

11. 塞缪尔先生告诉乐师,他从小就认识潘登尼斯,说那是一个自高自大、十恶不赦的混蛋。

12. 小明很自高自大,从不把大家当好朋友。

13. 这个人自高自大,不容易接近。

14. 亲爱的吉英,柯林斯先生是个自高自大、喜爱炫耀、心胸狭窄的蠢汉,这一点你和我懂得一样清楚,你也会同我一样地感觉到,只有头脑不健全的女人才肯嫁给他。

15. 时髦地生活杂志,终于找到啦又一个新地既有潮水感却能够自高自大地话题。

16. 你找到新工作后太自高自大了,弄得你的同事都不喜欢你。你小心善有善报,恶有恶报,不是不报,时候未到。

17. 柯林斯先生是个自高自大,喜爱炫耀、心胸狭窄的蠢汉。

18. 亲爱的先生,我和自己正正经经地打过一个赌,赌的是能把你们这个自高自大的镇子上十九位先生拉下水。

19. 在学生会里,一位自高自大、自以为是的年长访问者正在主动对一群学徒进行烦人的空洞说教。

20. 大学堂时那些嘻嘻哈哈的小伙子,愚味无知,自高自大,他们懂得什么叫风雅!

21. 自高自大可以使一个人收缩起来,但并不能支柱住他。

22. 4卖主卖友、任意妄为、自高自大、爱宴乐、不爱神,3:5有敬虔的外貌,却背了敬虔的实意,这等人你要躲开。

23. 还有,我发现并没有因为地位的不断上升而变得自高自大起来,他从来不端架子,一贯沉着稳重,给我留下良好深刻的印象。

24. 而十年之后的现在,大清国庙堂之上,对于那场战争更觉得输的不服气,那种自高自大旧态复萌。

25. 世上不乏藏龙卧虎之辈,自高自大的武者是注定没有好结局的,或许可能嚣张一时,但一旦栽跟头也通常会是致命的。


【拼音】kuáng wàng zì dà










【英文翻译】be puffed up with pride





此决定让瑞士人不解, 因为他们绝对想不到造成合作失败的原因竟是因为他们的产品质量太好了。

产品质量谁能不求好呢!制造商求好是为了在市场上赢得消费者;消费者求好是为了买到的商品物有所值, 使用时无后顾之忧。只是让国人同样也让瑞士人不明白, 我国南方的这家洗衣机厂到底要生产能使用几年就得报废的洗衣机?生产的洗衣机是对企业负责呢还是对消费者负责呢?

洋人不懂他们, 其实国人也不懂他们。洗衣机质量好了还能让消费者不接受吗?“30年不坏”应当是一句绝佳的市场促销广告语, 敢标榜自己的产品能用30年, 表明的是生产厂家的质量意识;产品必须为消费者负责。可惜的是, 我国南方的这家洗衣机厂没有这种质量意识, 只是将急功尽利理解的透彻, 自然他们也就不可能接受具有这种质量意识的产品。急功尽利无疑是一种短视行为, 做企业谁不想成为500强, 就是做不了500强总应当有做500年的规划吧。虽说这道理人们都明白, 一旦落实起来往往南辕北辙, 究其原因, 不能不说和没有严格的质量意识有关。据查, 那家南方的洗衣机厂目前已经找不到了。试想, 当初如果能生产出30年不坏的洗衣机, 今天它的市场会怎样。

美国的沃克尔礼品公司的连锁店几乎遍布全球, 其商品受到众多用户的欢迎。实话说, 并非店里的礼品比同行的礼品有什么更特别之处, 而在于沃克尔礼品公司的质量意识。公司规定, 除机制包装外, 客人接到礼品后发现捆扎礼品的绳子或是彩带打的是死结, 只要客人投诉, 负责这件礼品的相关人员就得走人, 因为你给客人添了麻烦。像这样细微的管理, 体现的是商家的服务质量。其实我们无须更细地去了解沃克尔礼品公司的商品质量就应当足以放心大胆地购买他们的商品了, 因为他们能从捆扎礼品的一个“结”上就决定员工能否保住饭碗, 那么, 还有哪名员工会在比“结”大的问题上拿饭碗开玩笑呢!

服务质量是消费者可以感觉得到的, 质量意识教育却是让消费者感觉不到的, 只是做为企业管理者得把这项工作做得更扎实才行。

非洲草原上有一种尖毛草, 是那里长得最高的草, 但它在最初的半年里, 几乎是非洲草原上长得最矮的草, 只有一寸多高。半年后, 雨季一到, 三五天后尖毛草便能长到一米五到两米高。惊奇后细察人们才发现, 这种草日长尺长的原因。其实这种草在前半年不是不长, 是在地下长, 它的根在地下可达28米长。

时下, 在不少人的价值观中, 认为只有“长”在地面上才叫“有粉往脸上擦”, 力气都使在别人看不到的地方那叫“得不偿失”。其实, 根深才能叶茂虽是自然规律, 也是企业竞争市场的规律。百年老字号为什么能寿命百年, 就在于它代代强烈的质量意识的传承。

质量的优劣不只体现在产品上, 它还应扎根在企业员工的思想中。

一家生产自行车的企业, 其产品早就在市场上成了消费者眼中的名牌, 大街上每五个骑车人中, 肯定有一辆车是他们的产品。零投诉是这家企业一直坚持的质量管理方式。就是这样一家企业, 他们一直坚持常年开办质量意识培训班, 无论干部工人, 每人每年都有一到二次的学习机会, 每次一个月。学习内容并非讲解质量知识, 而是安排学员到商场听消费者的意见, 到居民区听使用者的意见。回到学习班后学员要总结出自己的感受和提出涉及企业产品质量的建议。每期学习班结束后, 都安排两名学员在全公司的职工大会上发言。凭企业这种执著的质量意识, 使他们产品的“零投诉”目标成为事实, 企业的产品也在不断改进和完善中成了国内同行中出口数量最多的。

对这家自行车企业的做法, 也有不少人持反对态度:作为一家企业, 常年有一批人“闲”在那儿, 岂不是一种浪费。这家企业的管理者说得明白:“质量好坏不能光靠管出来, 也不全是制度约束出来, 更得靠企业中每名员工头脑中的质量意识, 当大家在工作中都把质量标准作为自己应负的一种责任时, 管理和制度就都逊色了。”

当很多企业为严把质量关而增设多道质检关卡时, 其实不妨下下真功夫, 从培养员工们自觉的质量意识入手。

成功当然有所得, 但成功是必须付出代价的, 只是人们多关注的是成功, 其实能认真地为成功付出代价才更重要, 因为它需要你对正确理念的坚持。企业的产品要想有一个让消费者放心的质量, 就应当从提高员工们的质量意识入手。毕竟我们经历了太多的经济利益扭曲质量标准的现实, 就像三鹿奶粉事件, 上千道质检环节竟检不出三氯腈胺, 为什么?只有质检标准, 没有质量意识。标准是挂在墙上的, 可以不看;意识是深入心里的, 不能不想。


有缺陷的儿童汽车坐椅, 易燃的圣诞花环, 危险的电熨斗, 声音太大的儿童电话……我国进入欧洲市场的儿童产品一直没受到相关质检部门很好的监管, 给我国的产品形象造成无法挽回的损失。在进入欧洲的1600种带有危险性的产品中, 有700多种来自我国, 仅2008年, 玩具行业就有700家我国企业被欧洲国家撤消了出口许可。造成这种难堪的局面, 就不能不说我们的生产企业和相关的监管部门都缺乏责任心了。在我们急于建设市场经济之际, 市场经济的发展速度超过了政府部门的监管能力, 私人利益开始常常凌驾于公众利益之上。一些企业就不惜以一时之利赌博于企业的长远发展, 最终毁掉的不光是它自己, 往往还会殃及同行, 这就是为什么我国的玩具企业被欧洲国家说“不”的原因。其实许多企业管理者都明白“产品质量立世”的道理, 只是真正让他们严格产品质量时, 往往会让市场对他们失望。

“你就是消费者时, 你会怎么做?”这是我国一家知名药厂的管理者常问员工, 也时常问自己的一句话。这句话被写成条幅挂在他的办公室里;这句话被写成条幅挂在企业的会议室里。会议室的条幅下边是员工们随时提出的建议, 这些建议每个月都要收集起来, 在专门的厂务会上一项一项地念, 一项一项地议, 该整改的及时整改, 并将整改结果告知提建议者, 请提建议者实地验收整改结果。在这家药厂, 提建议者涉及全体员工。

这家药厂生产的一种药中含有高量维生素。当别的药厂对同种药品实行30粒一盒的包装, 价格上涨一倍时, 他们仍坚持20粒一盒的包装, 价格不变。问到:“你们20粒一盒的包装售价只是人家30粒一盒的包装的价格的一半儿, 你们不是吃亏了吗?”回答很简单:“你就是消费者时你会怎么做?”原来, 这种药品如果被儿童误服, 30粒的药量是足以让儿童产生维生素中毒的, 20粒则在安全范围之内。这家企业坚持20粒一盒的包装体现的是一种服务质量和一种社会责任, 是不能用价格标准, 也不能用价值衡量的。联想到欧盟要求我国在打火机上安装安全装置的“壁垒”事件, 再单纯用洋人对我们的贸易壁垒解释, 就有些偏颇了, 你就是消费者时你会怎么做?可见, 产品质量的真正标准并非是挂在墙上的, 而应当是在生产者心里的。管理其实是一个词组, 是“管”和“理”的组合, 管是硬约束, 理是观念的梳理, 从某种意义上讲, 理的比重更大, 当理顺了员工的思想观念的时候, 很多该“管”的东西也就在员工们的“自理”中到位了。就像这家药厂的“你就是消费者时你会怎么做”。

安徽某药业公司生产的抗生素因生产环节没有严格控制质量标准, 使其夺去了14条人命, 1240人受到伤害, 成了轰动全国的“毒药事件”。两年后的今天, 我们看到, 劣质产品的制造厂仍在生产保健品, 其上级单位上海某药业股份公司至今没受到丝毫怨罚, 这不禁让我们感叹, 这样的生产致人死命的药厂生产的保健品能有质量保证吗?能生产出“毒药”的企业会把消费者当回事吗?在监管能力不及的地方, 生产者难道就没点儿自我约束的质量意识吗!请记住, 质量意识是一种社会责任, 生产者必须承担。

在产品质量上自觉约束自己, 是企业的明智之举, 因为它会在消费者心中久而久之形成选择时的第一记忆, 就像患者选择药品, 肯定会选择20粒一盒包装的维生素而不会选择30粒一盒包装的维生素, 因为20粒一盒包装的维生素中也装着企业对消费者的质量责任。当然, 安徽某药业公司生产的保健品肯定不会成为消费者的首选。

“你就是消费者时你会怎么做?”这不光是那家药厂自己回答的问题, 其实是让每个生产企业回答的问题, 在对这个问题的不断回答中, 生产企业肯定能拉近自己与消费者之间的关系。

产品质量是企业管理中的一个永恒的话题, 它反映了企业管理的综合水平, 它不光体现在产品上, 还体现在随产品带给消费者的许多无形的感受, 越是高质量的产品, 带给消费者的这种无形的感受越多, 这也叫质量的附加效应。

竣工仅七年的湖北黄石大桥不得不大修, 投资7000万元大修后仍不得不拆除, 无奈只得再投资建一座新桥。而有1400年历史的河北赵州桥, 历经了8次大地震, 54次洪水, 如今仍“健在”, 两桥相比说明了什么呢?




都不是, 根子在质量意识, 在施工者能否有一颗将质量当成一种社会责任的心。

本来桥已经是危桥了, 又是什么部门或什么部门的什么领导或专家非要提出对黄石大桥的加固方案呢?这个加固方案又是哪位领导拍板同意的呢?在拍板同意加固方案之前是否征求过其他桥梁专家们的意见呢?加固失败了还得拆, 有谁追究过投资失败的责任呢?面对千年古桥赵州桥, 那些参与及拍板黄石大桥建设和修复加固的官员们、专家们, 你们做何解释。

质量是一个综合管理水平的体现, 它会让人们深深感悟质量带给的附加效应, 这附加效应会让消费者更容易接受。

上海外滩的白渡桥大修了, 修复后今年就可在原址就位了。它不仅是一座桥, 曾是上海市多年的一种象征。就在白渡桥百年之际, 上海市收到英国相关部门的传真, 告之“白渡桥当初的设计质量为百年, 百年在际希望对大桥大修”。百年光阴, 英国政府换了多少届, 英国也早不是当年的日不落帝国了, 但人家对白渡桥的档案保管的依然很认真, 对百年前修建的白渡桥的质量依然很关注, 这就是一种质量意识, 一种将产品质量视为社会责任的质量意识。相对于我们的黄石大桥, 百年大计七年就坏, 坏了加固加固了还得拆, 上海外滩的百年老桥还没“坏”就提示你“得修”的做法, 不是让我们明明白白地看到了质量意识的附加效应了吗!任何一家欲建桥的单位, 恐怕不会再交给设计黄石大桥的单位去设计而会甘心情愿地交给外白渡桥的英国设计单位设计。原因很简单, 人家的质量意识让人相信, 这就是质量意识的附加效应。






作者:陆游  朝代:南宋 笋舆伊轧暮山昏,水败陂塘路仅存。



















In current China,the Self-Study Examination(SSE)has the biggest scale in the open higher education,and it was called“the university without fences”.The SSE adopts credit hours accumulation system;it needn’t entrance examination and have not the limits of enrollment number and length of schooling.The examinees can get credits as they pass one exam;if they failed they can retake the exam innumerable times and can graduate as they have got enough credits.The SSE was set by Self-Study Examination Committee(SSEC),it choose a university with numerous teaching resources as examination authority to draw up the plan of specialized courses exams and select the text books.The examinations of all subjects can be divided into national exam and provincial exam,a large scale national exam opens to all examinees will be held in every April and October,an examination with smaller scale opens to the SSE Lecture Class(SSELC)students only will be held in each January and July.The process of examine and scoring are as strict as the university entrance examination so it has earned great public trust(SSEC of Guangdong 2006:1-9).

Since SSE started in 1981,48 million people have took it and more than 8.5 million people have got the degree by the year 2008.The average graduation rates of junior college stage and undergraduate stage are about 17.7%,and the undergraduate stage alone is just about 8%.The years of 2000 is the highest peak of SSE,at that time the number of examinees had reached 14 million people after that it went down year by year,in 2006 the number had become 9.5 million people(Gedaokai 2008.:OL).

Influenced by the Olympic Games and the World Expo,the English major(including the concentrations of English,Business English,Commercial English and English Education)is always one of the hottest majors,and has a lot of applicants.But because English is not the native language of examinees,many exams are state and provincial exams and the practice assessments(the English Listening,Spoken English and Graduation Proficiency Examination)are very hard to pass,so the graduation rate of this major is much lower than other major.I started to take the SSE in English major of Guangdong University of Foreign Studies(GDUFS)as a off-campus examinee(the examinees who are not take the SSELC most of them are studying on-job,and can only take the exams hold in each April and October)at eleven years old.I totally self-studied and my SSE lasted 5.5 years,I graduated from university in 2009 and got the bachelor degree.Due to nobody instruct lack the self-study and registration experiences,I have passed after took the exam two times.I deeply realized the importance o self-study strategies and experienced the pain and pleasure o SSE.

There are nearly 60 thousand people in Dongguan City to take the SSE each year(Sina 2006:OL),among them more than 2 thousand examinees choose the English major,9 hundred of them are in undergraduate stage,but the city doesn’t has SSELC.According to the information disclosed by the GDUFS,since it started to award the Bachelor of Arts(BA)in English major in December2006,only 13 examinees from Dongguan City have got the degree until December 2010,3 to 4 each year and the annual average graduation rate is less than 0.5%.The undergraduate graduation rate is no more than 1%,that is much lower than the national annual average rate(8%),and examinees usually need 8 to 10 years or even longer to graduate.

1 The current situation of SSE

Most of the SSELC students are students with low grades from the technical secondary school,secondary vocational school and regular high school;many of them have failed the university entrance examination.They haven’t strong faith in study and feel inferior(Shi Zhangqing,Zhang Anna2004:636).Many SSELC students was born in 1990s and spoiled by their parents,they usually self-centered,feel inferior,skip class,hang on the internet and lack learning target and motivation.Less than 30%students can hold on to take the SSE in the fourth year,others would give up or drop out(Zhu Jiongjun2009:OL).

A lot of the SSELC students cannot adapt to the learning style in the college that focus on self-study,in addition,the SSE textbooks are rich in contents,the scope of exam is very wide so the pass rate is very low,this makes the students feel very anxious.Even many students have not focus on study but on surfing the Internet and dating(Liu Daqiao 2006:32).The SSELC are in disorder situation,they just seek nothing but profit and no regulatory mechanism have regulated them effectively.Most teachers in the SSELC are part-time,they don’t fully understand the textbook,haven’t the sense of responsibility and their teaching level is low(Lin Caizhi2010:41-43;Wang Xiulu2007:86).

An responsible officer of the SSE Office in Hubei Province has said:“The pass rate of SSE is just 10%!”He also has analyzed:“In the SSE,the national exam account for more than 60%,anyone who want to find out the key parts are just like look for a needle in the ocean.But it is also the embodiment of the value of SSE!”(Hubei SSE Website 2005:OL).

The national average graduation rate of SSE is 17.7%,it is undoubtedly very low compare with the graduation rate of regular university students.

From 1981 to 2008,1.5 million examinees had took the SSE in Chongqing City,but only one hundred five thousand examinees got the degree in the 27 years,the average graduation rate is about10%(Li Guo2009).

In 2008,the number of examinees in Guangdong Province reached 3.4 million,among them,443,900 examinees have got the degree and the average graduation rate is 11%(Dong Xin2009:SD01).The SSE graduation rate of the junior college stage and undergraduate stage in Fujian Province is about 23%,the undergraduate graduation rate alone is 9%(Fujian SSE Office2010:3).

In Jiangxi Province,25 years have passed since the SSE was first held in 1984,during this period,1.8 million people have took it and two hundred four thousand have graduated both from the junior college stage and bachelor stage(the graduation rate is13.3%).The graduation rate of SSELC in non-English majors with high teaching level is 40~50%(Huang Juyan2009).

More than 2 thousand examinees take the SSE English Major each time in Dongguan City,Guangdong Province,but the undergraduate graduation rate is just about 1%,the degree completion rate is around 0.5%.

The Guangdong University of Foreign Studies(GDUFS)is the only institution in charge of set exam papers for SSE English Major in Guangdong Province,its Open College was set up in 1999 and has an independent campus,and its enrollment has reached more than 5 thousand students.Most of the SSELC of English major in Guangdong Province are in the GDUFS Open College and more than one thousand students enroll in each year,students of this college was called SSELC students and can take the all types of exams hold in each January,April,July and October.

There are 21 classes(one class has more than 50 students)and more than a thousand students should graduate in 2009,but actually there are just a little more than one hundred people have graduated,and around 50 people have got the degree.The 4-year degree completion rate is just about 5%,the graduation rate is around 10%,but the graduation rate of other subjects is around 30to 40%(GDUFS SSE Office2010:OL).

Tianjin Foreign Studies University(TJFSU)is the only institution in charge of set exam papers for SSE English Major in Tianjin City,among the 13 subjects of SSE English major(international trade concentration)in its Open College,the exam paper of 6 subjects were set and graded by the school itself(TJFSU Open College2008).The TJFSU are also insist the small class teaching with25 students in one class,this make near 30%students can graduate,so the pass rate is on a relatively high level.But its enrollment number have dropped from more than 20 classes and 7 to 8 hundred students each year to 5 to 6 classes and 1 to 2 hundred students as well(Ma Jian2010:126).

Because the SSE is hard to pass and its graduation rate is low,the SSE Office in each province has started to reform to raise the graduation rate.In 2009,the Tianjin City has begun to reform undergraduate stage and junior college stage of these five majors:English,Accounting,Law,Business Administration and Chinese.After the examinees have learned the courses of these majors on Internet and passed the computer-based test,the test score will account for30%in the total points(Caosheng Training http://www.etctj.com).In 2010,the Chengdu Polytechnic was chosen to be the first pilot school in Sichuan Province to reform the procedure of SSE;the regular grades will be accounted 30%of total points(Zhou Bo2010:A05).

2 Purpose and significance of research

Since the graduation rate is too low,the SSE Office hasn’t released the data about it.This research investigate the graduation rate and its influence factors to bring up a plan and make suggestions to raise the graduation rate and shorten the time to graduate by document analysis,questionnaire survey and interview.

3 Research Ideas and Methods

3.1 Research Ideas

The research will look into the current study situation of graduation rate and the English major by literature review at first.Then to obtain the data of the SSE graduation rate and its influence factors by the self-made questionnaires and interview outline,and draw the conclusions and countermeasures after analyzed the data.

3.2 The Survey Samples

The survey population for this research is the SSE English Major examinees,the survey samples are the students in their third or fourth year major in English and Business English in the Open College of GDUFS,English majors(international trade concentration)of TJFSU and also the off-campus examinees in English major in Dongguan City.150 people in total that include 50 people from each part were chose randomly to issue the questionnaire.Besides,the 149 bachelor degree recipients who attended the degree-awarding ceremony at GDUFS at July 4th,2010 were also included in the survey,thus the total number of sur-vey respondents are 299 people.They have experienced the arduousness and hardships of SSE and very familiar to it.

30 questionnaires were handed out to test the usability and all of them were retrieved.After modified,the 300 formal questionnaires were issued and 282 of them were collected back,among them 273questionnaires could be used(156for SSELC students and 117 for off-campus examinees),the response rate is 94%,and the usability rate is 91%.

3.3 Research Tools

This study collected the original data by questionnaire survey and interview;the raw data would be analyzed by SPSS17.0.

3.3.1 The compilation of ques-tionnaire

The testing questionnaire was designed and tried out in a small scale,after it was modified according to the feedback,The Questionnaire about the Situation of SSE English Major was drawn up.The part of characters in questionnaire had referred to The Psychological Test Questionnaire about Chinese College Students.

3.3.2 The reliability and validity of questionnaire

The SPSS 17.0 was used to test the internal consistency reliability but the items about the basic situations of examinees and without options,the Cronbach's alpha coefficient is 0.891.The half-split reliability coefficient is 0.757 and after adjusted by the Spearman-Brown formula it have became to 0.853,these data show the questionnaire has a good reliability.

All the items were closely around the goal to survey the graduation rate and its influence factors.The whole questionnaire could be divided into 10 dimensions and all the dimensions are proportionate.After spread in a small scale,the questionnaire was modified under the direction of tutor,the ambiguous and uncorrelated items were sorted out,and thus the questionnaire has a good content validity.

3.3.3 The interview

The research designed the interview outline and chose 15 degree recipients and candidates randomly which include 5 students from the SSELC of GDUFS and TJUFS respectively and 5 off-campus examinees from Dongguan City.Its purpose was to look into some facts that could not figure out through questionnaire by face–to–face individual interview and group interview.

4 Research Results and Analyze

4.1 The overall situation of graduation rate

According to the survey results,the graduation rate of SSELC students in different areas and schools is difffernt,the 4-year graduation rate is 10 to 15%and 20 to 30%in 5-year;the degree completion rate will be 5%lower.The 1.5 to 2-year dropout rate is around 20 to 40%,most examinees who cannot graduate in 6 years will give up,and so the graduation rate will increase rarely.But the graduation and degree completion rate of non-English major students will be 10 to 15%higher than English major,and the dropout rate will be 10 to 20%lower.

Depending on different regions,the undergraduate graduation rate of the off-campus English major examinees is 1 to 5%and most examinees need 8 to 10 years to graduate,even some of them have took 13 years to graduate.While the undergraduate graduation rate of non-English majors is 8 to 10%and most examinees need 6 to 8 years to graduate.

4.2 The situation of examinees

According to the questionnaire,the Han Chinese examinees account for 95%and female cover 90%,most of them are young people from countryside in neighboring provinces who come to Tianjin and Guangdong to find job,other data see


The SPSS was used to test the data of the time to graduate,the percentage of only child,the proportion of graduates from city high schools,their college entrance exam scores and scores of subject test in English,the test results are P=0.000<0.001,which is statistically significantly different.

The SSELC students’percentage of only child and graduates from city high schools is higher;this shows their high school bases are better and graduation rate also higher.

4.3 The time to graduate and effective learning time

According to the survey results,10%of SSELC students can graduate in 4 years and more than 50%in 4 to 5 years.But near50%of the off-campus examinees need 8 to 9 years to

graduate,20%need more than 10 years,their time to graduate is almost 2 times longer than SSELC students and their daily effective study time is just half of the SSELC students.But the total study time required to graduate is very close,5000 hours of study were needed to get the associate degree and bachelor degree respectively and 10000 hours to get both the associate and bachelor degree(see).I also used to be one of the off-campus examinees and have took 5 years to get the bachelor degree,my average daily effective study time was 5.5 hours and studied for about360 days per year,so I took 9900 hours to study in 5 years to graduate and get the degree.

After contrast the data of degree candidates and degree recipients in SPSS,the result have shown that P=0.000<0.01,the hypothesis that the effective study time is an influence factor was verified.The data also shows the daily average effective study time of degree recipient is 20%longer than the degree-seeking examinees,which is 1 hour longer per day,500 hours per year and more than 2000hours in 4 years.For many dropouts,what they lack maybe is the willpower that to study one more hour per day.

4.4 The motivation and faith of self-study

90%of examinees choose to take the SSE due to“it needn’t entrance examination”,less than 20%are due to the interest of English studying.80%of the examinees are lack the self-studyability;they believe the SSE israther hard and they choose totake it just because there are noalternative choice.Most examin-ees study in a major that theydon’t like just for finding a job,so they have little enthusiasm tostudy.The hypothesis that thepersonal interests and hobbiesare the influence factors of thegraduation rate was verified.“A strong study motive is aprerequisite to study well;if themotive level is higher the effectwill be better”(Zhang Dajun83).The attitude to life decide yoursuccess or failure(Li Zhim-ing2008:23).But 70%of the de-gree-seeking examinees whostill haven’t graduate are lackthe strong faith in self-study andhave no confidence to face theexam.However,over 90%of thedegree recipients think the biggest harvest they’ve got from SSE is“have improved the self-study ability and achieved a strong will”.The hypothesis that the ideal and belief and the attitude toward lifeare the most important influence factors to the graduation rate havegot verified.

*AtoB:associate degree to bachelor degree.HtoB:high school to bachelor degree.

4.5 The situation of SSELC students

90%of the SSELC students are not satisfy the studying and learning environment for the lack of classroom,the poor environment and too many people in the dormitory to disturb each other.70%of the SSELC students are not satisfy the teachers,they think the teachers haven’t instructed them to master the study methods and testing techniques and also haven’t helped them to cultivate the ability of listening and speaking English.

Each SSELC in GDUFS has 50 students,and it is normal to combine 2 to 3 classes to be a combined class,especially in the common course.On the contrary,the students per class in the SSELC of TJUFS are lower,there are just one class for each major and about 25 students in each class,so its teaching effect is much better and the graduation rate is also higher.98%of the SSELC students think it is impossible for them to get the effective guidance in a big class more than 30 students or in a combined class,it will severely affect the grades.

The annual cost of living and studying for the SSELC students is about 15 thousand RMB and 60 to 80 thousand RMB in 4 to 5years,it is a heavy burden to the low-income

families and also the reason that most examinees are studying on job.

The data about graduation rate and dropout rate please see the.It shows that according to different regions,schools,management modes and majors,the graduation rates and dropout rates are very different.It’s obvious that is the important influence factor of graduation rate.

In conclusion,based on different regions and schools,the undergraduate 4–year graduation rate of SSELC students is 10 to15%,5-year graduation rate is 20 to 30%,the degree completion rate is 5%lower compare with them.Most examinees who still haven’t graduated in 6 years will give up so the graduation rate will rise very little.The management mode,teaching level and living environment of the SSELC are highly related to the graduation rate of the SSELC students,the graduation rate of SSELC in TJUFS ismuch higher than the SSELC in GDUFS is a prove.

4.6 The situation of off-campus examinees

90%of the off-campus examinees in Guangdong Province are female company clerks from surrounding provinces,their high school basis are poor and even some people haven’t went to high school.Their working environment is in medium level but need to work overtime frequently,they have to work 8 to 10 hours per day and 6 days per week,so their average daily effective learning time is just 2 to 3 hours.Most of them feel unsatisfied to the living and self-studying environment,14%of them have took SSELC of single subject,67%think it is no use to take those classes since it’s not important to the exam.

There are more than 2 thousand examinees taking the SSE English Major each year in Dongguan City;among them,more than1200 people are in the junior college stage and 900 in the undergraduate stage.Their undergraduate rate is no more than 1%and the BA degree completion rate is less than 0.5%,besides they have to take 8 to 10 years or even longer to graduate.Most of the degree candidates in Dongguan City are on-job off-campus examinees whose high school bases are very poor.They haven’t time to study and cannot take the SSELC,so their graduation rate is particular low.According to the survey results,the undergraduate graduation rate of off-campus examinees in Guangzhou and Shenzhen is higher,for there are more part-time SSELC in these cities,but still no more than 5%,that is much lower than the rate of non-English majors which is 10 to 15%.

4.7 The strategies and difficulties of self-study

Near 90%of the examinees haven’t clear self-study strategies of each courses and plans for exam registration,they even don’t fully understand the difficulty level of subjects.When many graduates have summarized their experiences of SSE they have indicated that the strategies of self-study and registration are very important,and that is also one of the significant influence factors.

Most of the examinees think that the main problems they’ve met are poor study basis,difficulties in study,lack of consciousness and time to study.The off-campus examinees believe that“Advanced English”and“Second Foreign Language(Japanese)”were tested in a same morning in October is very unreasonable.Many examinees have only passed these two subjects after tried 2to 3 times or even 3 to 4 times,which means they have took 4 to 6and some examinees abandoned the SSE justbecause of them.But the SSELC students canretake one of the two subjects in July,so theproblem is not so sharp.

pass difficult subjects in one time are mainlybecause the insufficient of study time andthey want to take too many subjects to test inone time,so it’s normal to be defeated.Thefollowing self-study strategies were summa-rized through my 5 years experiences of SSEand all the interviewees are also very agree(

).The the

The theories of English learning can be divided into different schools;most of them are focus on reading,reciting,listening and writing and raise the vocabulary quantity by reading.These theories also lay stress on practice the listening and oral English unboundedly at any time and anywhere through immerse oneself in the multimedia language environment created

by computers and MP4s.The courage to open mouth,to imitate,to lose face and communicate are also very important.

Many examinees think the“Second Foreign Language(Japanese)”in the undergraduate stage is very easy to pass,for it just has 4 credits and the textbook is very thin.They think they can pass it easily with several hundred hours of study,but actually they can’t.If they want to pass the exam in one time they have to study this subject and“Degree Foreign Language Exam”in the junior college stage and take one hour to study per day,1000 to 1500hours in 3 years.The hypothesis that the strategies of self-study and exam registration are the influence factors was verified.

4.8 The situation of leisure and entertainment

The SSELC students spend a lot of time in dating and surfing the net,more than 30%will spend 4 to 6 hours per day and this is already near or even more than their effective study time,40%spend 2 to 3 hours per day and 30%spend one hour per day.30%of the female examinees go to shopping 2 to 3 times per week,near half of them go to shopping one time per week and 3 to 4 hours each time.

More than 90%of the off-campus examinees spend 8 to 10hours in working and 1 to 2 hours in online chatting and dating,but no time in taking exercise.Apparently their time that could be used to study is very little and their life is harder.The attitudes and ways to entertain and relax also have reflected the examinees’attitudes towards studying and living,it also an influence factor to the graduation rate.

4.9 The examinees’plan about employment and further study

More than 90%of the examinees haven’t the career goals,the plan to take part in the national post-graduate entrance examination and the hope to get a high-paid job.If they lack dreams about the future how can they have the motive to study?The hypothesis that the career goal is also an important influence factor of the graduation rate was verified.

4.1 0 The situation of examinees’character

According to the survey results,more than 60%of the degree-seeking examinees feel inferior and anxious;they need the psychological counseling and character improving.However,more than 80%of the degree recipients are in contrast situation.The hypothesis that the personal character is an influence factor of the graduation rate was verified.Good character can make you success(Zhou Hanlin2010:36).

4.1 1 Summary

The main reasons for the examinees’undergraduate graduation rates are very low and it usually took long time for them to get the BA lie in the English is not their native language,they haven’t a strong faith in SSE and positive attitude towards life.They haven’t confidence in self-study and lack the study motivation.Their poor basis in high school,insufficient time to self-study,lack of a nice study environment and a reasonable self-study strategy are also the reasons for the low graduation rate.Besides,they still haven’t the correct understanding and ways to fix the imperfections in the character.The time spent on entertainment and leisure by the SSELC students,the management mode and teaching level of the lecture classes,the living environment of off-campus examinees can also influence the graduation rate and the time to graduate.

5 Conclusions and Suggestions

5.1 Conclusions

According to the survey results,the following conclusions were summarized:

5.1.1 The graduation rate of SSE English major

The 4-year undergraduate graduation rate of SSELC students is different in different regions and schools,most is between 10 to15%,5-year graduation rate is 20 to 30%,the degree completion rate is 5%lower compare with them.The 1.5 to 2-year dropout rate is 20 to 40%and most examinees who still haven’t graduated in 6 years will give up so the graduation will rise rarely.In contrast,the graduation rate and degree completion rate of other majors is10 to 15%higher,and the dropout rate is 10%lower.

According to different regions,the off-campus examinees’undergraduate graduation rate is around 1%to 5%,and The time to graduate is mainly 8 to 10 years and some examinees have took 13years to graduate.On the contrary,the graduation rates of other majors are 5 to 10%and the time to graduate is 6 to 8 years.

5.1.2 The influence factors of graduation rate

1)The examinees’ideals and beliefs,attitude towards life,career goals and personal interests are the most important influence factors of graduation rate.The survey results show that the examinees with a high expectation,a positive attitude towards life,a clear career goal,a strong faith in self-study,who haven’t fell into puppy love and net-addiction and have studied hard will get a high graduation rate compare to others,they can also graduate in a shorter length of time or vice versa.The ideal and faith can determine your destiny,the attitude and character may construct the future,but most examinees lack the career goals and the counseling about faith in SSE and character improving.

2)Both the self-study ability and the effective study time are the important influence factors

According to the survey results,an ordinary examinee need5000 hours to graduate from the junior college stage and the undergraduate stage respectively,10000 hours to finished the courses o both stages and get the BA.The SSELC students who study 8 hours per day and 360 days per year can get the BA in four years,the on-job examinees who study 3 hours per day and 330 days per year need 10 years to graduate.

3)The strategies of self-study and registration are also important factors.

The reasonable application of the self-study and registration strategies of each subjects are the royal way to shorten the time to graduate and raise the graduation rate,but most examinees are short of guidance in these strategies.

4)The high school basis of examinees and whether they are studying in part time or in full time can also influence the graduation rate and the time to graduate.Most of the examinees are studying on job;their graduation rate is low and they need a long time to graduate.

5)The management methods and teaching level of SSELC,the SSELC students’living and studying environment,the ways of entertainment and leisure are all the influence factors of the graduation rate and the time to graduate.The SSELC are lack the self-discipline and supervision,their teaching level were needed to be raised.

6)The unreasonable exam plans made by the SSE Committee(such as the conflict between the exam time of“Advanced English”and“Second Foreign Language(Japanese)”have also influenced the graduation rate and the time to graduate of off-campus examinees.

5.2 Suggestions

According to the above conclusions the following suggestions were given out:

5.2.1 The Ministry of Education and SSE Committee weresuggested to establish the national SSE Web-Based Training Platform and its provincial sub site

The site should take the courseware made by famous professors,give the psychological counseling and all courses of each subject in each major to the examinees,show the registration strategies of each subject and answer the questions about study on Internet.I can help the examinees to build up the career goals,strengthen their faith in self-study,improve their self-study ability,increase their daily effective study time and instruct them to use the reasonable strategies of study and registration.Besides,the site should charge cheaply or even free.The reform plan of SSE performed in Tianjin City that includes online tutoring and counting the regular grades into the final grades should be promoted in large scale.Adjust the plans of exams to avoid the conflict between the exam time of“Advanced English”and“Second Foreign Language(Japanese)”.It is a royal way to raise the graduation rate,shorten the time to graduate,improve the teaching level and quality of SSELC throughout the country.

5.2.2 The examinees should realize that the difficult subjectssuch as“Degree Foreign Language Exam”(DFLE)and“Second Foreign Language(Japanese)”need more than 2 years and 1000 hours of study to pass the exam in one time

The“English Listening Comprehension”and“Spoken English”should be combined as one subject to study,both of them and“Advanced English”needed more than 1 year and 800 to 1000hours of study to pass them respectively.The major courses such as“Survey of English-Speaking Countries”,“English Grammar”,“Lexicology”and so on can be arranged to self-study and take exams in a half year,but the examinees also need about 500 hours to learn these subjects well.

5.2.3 A useful English self-study strategies should help the ex-aminees can immerse themselves in the self-created multimedia language environment make good use of fragmented time,speak English to them-
