



1 目的


2 适用范围


3 职责

3.1 人力资源中心负责编制各部门的负责人《企业员工岗位职责手册》,负责编制员工培训计划报总经理批准及负责部门员工的岗位技能培训。

3.2 其它部门负责编制本部门的《企业员工岗位职责手册》,负责本部门员工的岗位技能培训。

3.3 管理者代表负责《培训申请单》及部门内部《企业员工岗位职责手册》的批准。

3.4 总经理负责各部门《企业员工岗位职责手册》的批准。

4 工作程序

4.1 人力资源配置

4.1.1 人力资源中心需编制各部门(负责人)的《企业员工岗位职责》,交总经理审批。各部门负责人必须至少满足以下条件:具备与工作内容相关的技术职称或学历、或受过相关的职业培训、或具备三年以上相关工作经历。

4.1.2 人力资源中心协同各部门负责人需编制本部门的《企业员工岗位职责手册》,交管理者代表审批。其中“职责”一栏,需明确该岗位工作人员学历、技能、培训及工作经历的具体要求。

4.1.3 经审批后的《企业员工岗位职责手册》,人力资源中心作为人员选择、安排和考评的主要依据。

4.2 基本培训需求

4.2.1 新员工培训内容包括:

a) 上岗基础教育:包括企业概况、厂纪厂规、质量方针(目标)、安全、质量意识、相


b) 岗前技能培训:包括所在岗位相关作业文件、注意事项、相关设备性能、操作过程、现场实际作业及出现紧急情况时应变的措施等培训内容,由所在岗位部门负责人组织进行;

c) 通过教育和培训,使员工意识到:企业依存于顾客,顾客满意是我们的最终目标,产品的质量是设计和生产出来的,下道工序就是“顾客”;意识到每一个岗位的工作对于实现质量目标的重要性;意识到积极寻求工作质量的改进,为企业的持续发展做出贡献。

4.2.2 检验人员培训的内容包括:

a) 检验基础知识、产品特性要求、统计技术(抽样方案)的培训;

b) 由技术部负责人进行培训,在上岗前实施,合格者由总经理授权持证上岗;

4.2.3 采购、销售、仓库人员培训的内容包括:

a) 采购人员需经过采购物资技术要求、采购基础知识的培训;

b) 营销人员需经过成品相关知识、营销基础知识的培训;

c) 仓库管理人员需经过存入物质的质量特性、仓库管理基础知识的培训;

d) 以上人员的培训由所在部门负责人进行,在上岗前实施。

4.2.4 内审员的培训内容包括:

a) ISO9000知识、审核知识培训;

b) 由外部培训机构或认证机构进行培训,发相应内审员资格证书。

4.2.5 特殊工作人员的培训内容包括:

a) 特殊工序、关键工序人员培训;本厂的特殊工种包括电工、焊工、热处理工、检验员、内审员等; b) 由所在岗位部门负责人进行培训,在上岗前实施,培训考核合格后持证上岗;

c) 驾驶员、电焊工、电工、热处理工等需取得相应的外训合格证书。

4.2.6 管理人员的培训


4.2.7 工程技术人员专业技术及相关的新理论、新概念等的培训,由技术部负责人指定培训老师,在上岗前实施。

4.2.8 转岗人员培训:同4.2.1b。

4.2.9 在岗人员培训:岗位技能的加深及强化,按培训计划实施。

4.3 培训计划及培训的实施

4.3.1 人力资源中心每年12月份,根据本部门《培训申请单》及反馈的意见、基本培训需求及企业发展方向,制定下培训计划(包括培训对象、时间、内容、老师、教材、培训、考核方式等内容),经总经理批准后下发各部门,并督促各部门按计划执行,其中企业内部培训老师的资格要求同4.1.2。

4.3.2 每次培训需填写《培训记录表》,包括时间、地点、老师、内容及考核成绩。培训后相关部门将培训签到表、记录及相应试卷(考核记录)等送交人力资源中心。企业员工如能提供充分的书面证据并经培训老师认可,可免去相应的培训项目,人力资源中心负责将相应的书面材料放入员工档案。

4.3.3 人力资源中心将每个员工的培训记录存档,或摘录于员工培训履历上,连同学历证明、资格或职称证书、工作简历等相关资料放入员工档案,保存期限为员工离职后一年。

4.3.4 计划外培训可由相关部门以《培训申请单》的形式提出,经管理者代表批准后,由相关部门组织实施。

4.4 培训的有效性评估

4.4.1 每年年底人力资源中心负责组织各部门负责人、培训老师参加培训工作会议,评估培训的有效性,征求改进培训工作的意见和建议,以便更好地制定下的培训计划,开展培训工作。

4.4.2 培训的有效性评估主要涉及以下四个方面:

a) 培训课程本身的评估,包括教材、场地的准备、教学水平、方法、时间等;

b) 学员考核成绩评估,包括笔试、面试、现场提问、答辩、作业、心得报告等的评分或评级;

c) 学员实际操作能力评估,包括知识的掌握和运用能力、创新能力等;

d) 工作绩效评估,包括培训前后合格率、返工率、计划完成率、工作效率等的差异。

4.4.3 评估采用百分制,以上四方面所占的分值一般为10分、20分、30分、40分。厂办对当年开展的所有培训项目具体情况,适当的调整各方面的分值,征求各部门意见综合评估,获得每一培训项目的评估分值,填写《培训有效性评估表》,根据单项分值及总分分别采取编制教材、更换教师、重新培训、强化或减少培训等相应的措施,纳入下培训计划。

4.4.4 人力资源中心可按计划或随时对企业各部门员工进行现场考核,发现不能胜任本职工作的,需及时安排补充培训并考核,或转换工作岗位,使其具备的能力与从事的工作相适应。

5 相关文件




1.0 程序目的

为了及时、准确的收集、传递以及反馈学校内部的有关信息,建立部门与部门之间、职员与领导之间的沟通渠道,做好内部信息的管 理,特别制定本程序。

2.0 适用范围

本程序适用于常规的内部沟通(信息交流)的方式,通知制度、知 会制度、例会制度、职员申诉制度等。


3.1校长:负责建立学校中适当的内部沟通程序,确保在学校内部各 职能部门与各个层次间对管理体系的有效运行充分沟通。


3.3 所有员工:负责工作范围内信息的传递与沟通,促进过程输出的实现,提高过程的有效性。

3.4 质量负责人:负责质量信息的收集。

3.5 办公室:负责与学校外部进行有效的沟通。

4.0 程序与要求

4.1 信息内容


a. 质量方针、目标的贯彻和实施情况;

b. 质量管理体系中各部门的职责;

c. 质量管理体系内部审核结果;

d. 教学及工作过程的评价与审核结果;

e. 纠正和预防措施;

f. 管理评审结果。

g. 第二方、第三方审核结果。

h. 法律、法规及其它要求。

4.2 沟通方式


a. 各种会议、培训、讨论、谈话、聊天等;

b. 工作计划、报告或阶段工作总结等;

c. 情况介绍会、表彰会、质量分析会等;

d. 布告栏、宣传栏和意见箱等;

e. 邮箱、办公系统等电子网络;

f. 员工满意度调查等。



4.3.2 各部门每月提交《工作月报》,由办公室统一整理,通报相关职能层次。

4.3.3 领导层应每月举行一次月例会,对教学与行政工作过程的运行情况、完成情况及质量状况等在各部门间进行有效沟通。具体执行《会议管理办法》并形成《会议纪要》。

4.3.4 办公室应及时将《会议纪要》、通知、决定等内容,通过办公网络、宣传栏、电话、会议、工作安排等形式及时、准确传达至各部门。

4.3.5 办公室应不定期通过座谈、征集合理化建议、进行内部顾客满意度调查等形式收集员工意见,将各部门员工反馈信息及时汇总并传达至相关部门或相关职能层次。

4.3.6 各部门在质量管理体系运行中产生的信息,权限内的可以直接


4.3.7 管理者代表应不定期的组织检查各部门质量方针、质量目标、质量管理体系相关信息在各层次的沟通情况及效果,当发现沟通不到位时,采取纠正和预防措施,具体按照《纠正和预防措施控制程序》执行。


4.3.9 沟通时,推荐沟通双方在发放与接收环节上执行签字程序。












一. 填空题: (每题2分,共32分)

1. ISO9000程序文件一般分为()级,分别为一级(), 二极(),三极(),四级().

2. 制程检验控制程序属于()级文件,作业指导书属于(),

IPQC日不良统计表属于()级文件,程序文件保存期一般为()年, 常用的质量记录保存期为(), ISO9000.2000版条文中有(), ISO成立于()年()月()日,ISO全称为:


二. 判断题: (每题5分,共25分)

1. 制程中生产急出货,产品没有作业指导书就可以开始作业.()

2. 生产线测试工位发现有不合格品时,立即挂上不良标示卡并放置于不良品盘中.(

3. 工程图纸上未文控管制章已经发放给生产线使用.()

4. 生产线因某一工位欠缺作业指导书,组长拿另外一份去复印挂上去即可.(

5. 文件目录上的内容与实际名称不对照,用笔修改后填写好就可以了.(

三. 名词解释: (每题4分,共16分)

1. 程序:

2. 文件:

3. QM:

4. EM:

四. 问答题: (共27分).

1. 写出ISO的精神(7分)?

2. 写出制定纠正预防措施的目的(10分)?

3. ISO9000程序文件中,我们常用的是哪几个(10分)?

) ) )

第四篇:持续改进管理程序 ISO9001-2015版-新版程序文件

持续改进管理程序 2015版

1 目的

对已发生的不合格或不期望发生的情况应采取纠正措施,以实现持续改进。 2 范围

适用于本公司对已发生不合格所采取改进措施的控制。 3 职责

3.1 工程部是本程序的归口部门,负责改进措施的跟踪与验证。

3.2 各部门负责做好本部门改进措施,配合工程部实施全公司性改进措施的实施。 4 工作程序

4.1 工程部根据情况定期对产品不合格报告和顾客的意见(包括顾客抱怨)等与产品有关的不合格内容进行分析,对影响重大或反复出现的不合格,填写“整改通知单”,通知责任部门。

4.2 责任部门接到整改通知单通知单后,制定改进措施实施计划,内容包括:消除不合格原因的具体办法、步骤、负责人和完成期限等,改进措施计划报主管副总经理批准。

4.3 责任部门负责实施改进措施并记录实施过程及结果。

4.4 工程部负责对改进措施的实施效果进行验证。对于确实有效果的改进作永久性更改,对效果不理想的应重新制定措施直到满意为止。并负责将改进措施的有关信息提交管理评审。

4.5 内审、管理评审中发现的不合格,由综合部负责组织跟踪验证。 4.6 采取改进措施,应权衡利益、风险与成本。 5 记录

5.1 JL-13.3.1-2-01 整改通知单




Revised Version:

Revision File Name:合同确认与评审程Contract Verification and Review Procedure Effective Date:

Edited by:ISO Office 1. 目的: 准确理解客户要求,确保合同规定及其执行的要求,满足客户要求。

Purpose:To learn about the customers’ needs well, to ensure that the provisions and implementation of contract will meet customers’ requirements.

2. 适用范围: 适用于所有销售合同的确认及评审。

Applicable Scope:Apply to all the verification and review of sales contracts. 3. 职责 Responsibility 3.1 生产技术部负责编制《标准产品清单》及对非常规产品的技术标准及客户要求进行评审。

The Production & Technique Dept. shall prepare the “Standard Product List” and shall review the technical standards and the customers’ requirements of unconventional products. 3.2市场部负责对常规产品的评审,对非常规产品的价格、付款方式、交货方式的评审及顾客特别技术要 求评审的组织工作。

The Marketing Dept. shall review conventional products, organize to review the price, the type of payment and delivery way of unconventional products, also shall review the customers’ special technical requirements. 3.3董事/总经理或市场总监负责非常规合同评审的审批。

The General Manager or the Chief Marketing Officer shall approve the review of unconventional contracts. 3.4 生产部负责对非标产品合同供货期的评审、负责与仓库联系了解库存量和供货情况。

Production Dept. shall review the delivery time of non-standard products, shall contact with the Warehouse to know the inventories and availability. 3.5 采购部负责对非常规的订单产品材料、外协件的供货能力的评审。

Purchasing Dept. shall review the unconventional products material of orders and supplying capacity of external machining. 3.6 品保部负责对非常规产品质量检验能力的评审。

QC. Dept. shall review the testing capability of unconventional products. 3.7成套工程部负责对非常规成套产品生产能力、供货期的评审。

The Panel Department shall be responsible for reviewing the production capacity of complete set of unconventional product and the delivery date. 4. 工作程序 Work Procedure 4.1生产技术部负责编制《标准产品清单》,规定常规产品的具体型号及其要求,以便日常销售合同签订、生


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Revised Version:

Revision File Name:合同确认与评审程Contract Verification and Review Procedure Effective Date:

Edited by:ISO Office 产、检验等参考使用。

The Production & Technical Dept. shall prepare the "Standard Products List" to regulate specific types and requests of conventional products, in order to provide reference for signing sales contract, manufacturing, testing, and so on. 4.2顾客要求的识别Identification of customers’ requirements

4.2.1市场部销售人员接到顾客订货要求后,应与顾客进行充分沟通,根据顾客规定的订货要求,做好相 关记录(如合同草案、技术协议及口头订单等),并及时转达到市场部办公室,由市场部办公室通知各区 域销售负责人作进一步跟进处理。

The sales personnel shall communicate with the customers when receive the orders, make the relevant records in accordance with the order’s requests (such as the contract draft, technology agreements and oral orders, etc.) and transfer it to the Marketing office promptly, the Marketing office shall notify every regional sales leader to take further action. 4.2.2当各区域销售负责人与顾客沟通确认可达成技术协议要求的(包括与顾客商议的产品质量要求、实 用性、报价、交货期、付款方式、交货方式、服务等条款内容),经市场总监或市场部办公室确认后,由 市场部办公室与顾客沟通联络。

If the regional sales director and the customers come to technology agreements (including requirements for product quality, practicality, price, delivery time, the type of payment, delivery way, service and other clauses), the Marketing Dept shall communicate with the customers when it is approved by the Chief Marketing Officer or the Marketing office. 4.3合同评审Contract Review 4.3.1合同的分类 Contract Classification常规合同:对《标准产品清单》中已规定的定型产品的合同。

Conventional contract: The contract of specific product that has been prescribed in the “Standard Product List”.非常规合同: 对《标准产品清单》未作规定的产品合同,如新产品开发或型式试验产品或由定型产品改进要求的合同。

Unconventional contract: The contract that is not prescribed in the "Standard Product List", such as the contract for development of new products, or product of type test or the contract required to improve specific product.成套工程合同:对顾客要求由公司提供成套柜体工程的产品(包括成套工程中的



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Revised Version:

Revision File Name:合同确认与评审程Contract Verification and Review Procedure Effective Date:

Edited by:ISO Office The engineering contract of panel: the contract that provides panel products for customer (including the single line diagram and the secondary diagram in the whole project); 4.3.2常规合同评审Review of conventional contract对于有现货的常规合同,直接由市场部办公室在“商品成交合同”中进行确认评审,经市场总监或办公室主任审核后,即视完成合同评审。

For conventional contract of spot transactions, the Marketing Dept. shall directly confirm the review in the "Commodity Transaction Contract", finally the Chief Marketing Officer or the director of office audit the contract.对于无现货的常规合同, 由市场部办公室将顾客要求在“商品成交合同”中标注,经销售总监或办公室主任审核后,转化为公司内部“订单生产指示”,注明产品的型号、规格、数量、要求出货日期,并附上顾客其它技术条件要求(如有),即视完成合同评审。

For conventional contract of products without stock, the Marketing Dept. shall remark the customer requirements in the "Commodity Transaction Contract", it will become an internal "Production Instructions of Order" with product type, specification, quantity, requested delivery date, after being audited by the Chief Marketing Officer or the director of the office, finally attach other technical requirements if there is any. 4.3.3非常规产品的评审Review of unconventional product根据公司目前情况,非常规产品主要表现在:

According to current situation of the company, the unconventional product refers to: a).结构、尺寸不在规定范围内,或未列入正式说明书内等;

The structure, dimension go beyond the stated scope, or has not been listed in the formal specification, etc. b).应用场合并非正常使用范围内,如天气、海拔高度;

The applicable situation is not the normal ambient, such as weather, the altitude. c).用途如在保护范围外(包括型式试验或配套等其他有特别要求产品);

Its function is beyond the protection scope (including the type test or supporting products, and other products with special requirements). d). 顾客应用于型式试验的产品。

Products that customer use in type-test对非常规产品合同,由市场部办公室负责填写“合同评审表”,注明顾客的特别要求(或附件),协调组织相关部门对顾客要求进行相应的评审工作,并跟踪评审过程中所提出问题的解决及评审结果的实现。


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Revised Version:

Revision File Name:合同确认与评审程Contract Verification and Review Procedure Effective Date:

Edited by:ISO Office For unconventional contract, the Marketing Dept. office shall fill in the "Contract Review" ,with the special requirements of customer (or annex) in it, organize and coordinate relevant depts. to review the customer’s requirements, and track whether the results can be achieved , whether the problems are solved.各部门就顾客要求中与本部门工作有关的内容进行评审及签字确认:

Every dept. shall review the customer requirements related to his/her sector, and sign to confirm it a)采购部负责合同要求中物品供货能力的评审;

Purchasing Dept. shall review the supplying capacity required in the contract; b)生产部负责合同产品中所涉生产工艺性的满足情况及交期的评审;

Production Dept. shall review whether the product meet the production and craft requirements, whether the product is delivered in time; c)生产技术部负责合同产品中设计开发能力及满足相应法律法规要求的评审;

The Production & Technical Dept. shall review the capacity of design and development, review whether it meets the relevant statutory and regulatory requirements d)品保部负责合同产品中质量要求的检测能力的评审;

The QC Dept. shall review the testing capacity required by product quality; e)市场部负责合同要求中产品的价格、付款方式、交付条件等满足能力要求的评审。

The Marketing Dept. shall review whether it is able to meet requirements of price, the type of payment, delivery, and so on.在合同评审过程中,当评审人员对产品要求中有关内容提出问题或修改建议时,由市场部负责与顾 客沟通联系,征求顾客意见,并将沟通结果记录于“商品成交合同”中。

In the process of contract review, the Marketing Dept. shall contact with customer for their advices and feedback, when the reviewer propose some problems or suggestions about product requirements. The results shall be recorded in the “Commodity Transaction Contract”. 4.3.4成套工程合同评审Review of Panel Contract市场部负责收集顾客成套工程中所提供的


The Marketing Dept. shall collect the single line diagram, the secondary diagram and other special requirements provided by customer in RMU panel project, extract them to the "Customer Consultation Form" and then send the


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Revised Version:

Revision File Name:合同确认与评审程Contract Verification and Review Procedure Effective Date:

Edited by:ISO Office relevant datum to the Panel Dept.如经成套工程部评审后确认能满足顾客要求的,在“顾客技术咨询表”上签名确认,并反馈到市场部办公室,即视完成合同评审。

The Panel Dept. shall sign on the “Customer Consultation Form” if it is confirmed able to meet customer requirements, finally make feedback to the Marketing Dept. office.如经成套工程部评审后确认不能完全满足顾客要求的,应立即通知市场部,或由市场部安排与顾客 进行电话沟通,或提供与顾客要求相类似的本公司的


The Panel Dept. shall immediately inform the Marketing Dept. if it is confirmed can not meet the requirements completely, the Marketing Dept. shall arrange a telephone communication with the customer, or provide the single line diagram or the secondary diagram of our company that is similar to the customer requirements for reference.所有顾客提供的成套工程的



The Panel Dept. shall change all of single line diagram or secondary diagram and relevant technical condition requirements provided by customer into the company’s ones, which will be returned to customer for confirmation by the Marketing Dept. Make feedback to the Panel Dept. after the customer confirm them, in order that the Panel Dept. can prepare and design the technical documents that meet the requirements of order.如成套工程中所涉是本公司非常规产品的相关要求的,则由市场部组织按本程序中的4.4.3执行。

If the panel project refers to the relevant requirements of unconventional product in our company, the Marketing Dept. shall organize the implementation in accordance with clause 4.4.3 in this procedure. 4.3.5所有经评审完成后的“合同评审表”,由市场部负责提交到董事/总经理或市场总监核准审批生效。

The Marketing Dept. shall submit all of "Contract Review Form" to the General Manager or the Chief Marketing Officer for approval before it becomes effective. 4.4合同的确认Confirmation of Contract 4.4.1常规合同直接由市场部办公室在“商品成交合同”中确认即可。

The conventional contract shall be confirmed directly in the “Commodity Transaction Contract” by the Marketing Dept. 4.4.2非常规合同经相关部门评审,并与顾客取得一致后,由市场部办公室建立“商品成交合同”。


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Revised Version:

Revision File Name:合同确认与评审程Contract Verification and Review Procedure Effective Date:

Edited by:ISO Office The Marketing Dept. shall establish a "Commodity Transaction Contract " if the unconventional contract has been reviewed by the relevant departments, and agreed by the customers. 4.4.3成套工程合同经成套工程部、市场部与顾客沟通达成一致后,由市场部办公室建立“商品成交合同”。

The Marketing Dept. shall establish a "Commodity Transaction Contract" if the Panel Dept., the Marketing Dept. and the customer .come to agreement on the contract of panel. 4.4.4经建立“商品成交合同”后的合同,由市场部办公室转化为公司内部执行的“订单生产指示”(对成套工程,还应附上顾客确认的相关要求),并下达到各相关部门按订单指示要求执行。

The Marketing Dept. shall establish the “Commodity Transaction Contract”, and shall change it into “Production Order Instruction” (as to complete set process, shall attach related customer confirmed requirements), and release it to the relevant depts. for implementation. 4.5合同的更改与控制 Change and Control of Contract 4.5.1常规产品的合同更改,由市场部负责直接更改“商品成交合同”中相关内容与客户进行确认,并将更改后的顾客要求传达到各相关部门,同时保持相应的更改合同记录。

For the changes of conventional contract, the Marketing Dept. shall directly change “Commodity Transaction Contract” and confirm related matters with customer, and release the revised customer requirements to the relevant depts. The record of changes should be maintained.


As to changing the contract of unconventional product or the whole project, the Marketing Dept. shall take responsibility of adding, or organizing to change it in accord with clause 4.3 in this procedure. 4.6评审记录与合同管理Review Record and Contract Management 4.6.1合同属于公司机密文件,需专人严格保管;市场部负责建立“客户档案”,将合同评审相关资料及“商品成交合同”归入“客户档案”。

Contracts are confidential documents of the company, which should be strictly kept by special person; the Marketing Dept. shall establish "Customer Files", and file the relevant information of contract review and "Commodity Transaction Contract" in it. 4.6.2合同评审中相关记录按《记录控制程序》执行。

The relevant records of contract review shall be maintained according to the "Record Control Procedure". 4.6.3合同确认后的技术要求,如成套柜体的



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Revised Version:

Revision File Name:合同确认与评审程Contract Verification and Review Procedure Effective Date:

Edited by:ISO Office 执行。

The issuance of confirmed Technical requirements such as the single and second program of the panel or design drawing and so on, shall be in accordance with the “Technical Drawing Management Rules”. 4.7合同的执行及控制Implementation and Control of Contract 4.7.1正式合同签订后,由市场部将合同及“合同评审表”存档,并下达“订单生产指示”,经生产部主管 签字确认后送相应部门作为生产计划、成品检验及包装出货的依据。

When the formal contract is signed, the Marketing Dept. will archive the contract and the "Contract Review Form", and also release the “Production Order Instruction” to the relevant departments as a basis of production planning, product testing and packaging for shipment after being verified by production director. 4.7.2 非标产品的“合同评审表”在评审批准后,由市场部将“合同评审表”副本,附在“订单生产指示 后,给各有关部门参考。

If the review is approved, the Marketing Dept. shall copy the “Contract Review Form” of non-standard product and attach it to the “Production Order Instruction” as a reference for the relevant departments.


As to standard product, before signing the contract, the Marketing Department shall issue the “Production Order Instruction” based on the market sales forecasts, with the approval of the General Manager or the Chief Marketing Officer, in order to prepare for inventory, and to meet urgent shipment requirements of customer. 4.8市场部对外负责在产品的售前、售中根据需要随时与顾客保持沟通,回答顾客咨询,反映合同进展情 况。对内负责监督检查订单合同的执行情况,当出现问题时,立即向董事/总经理或市场总监汇报。

The Marketing Dept. shall communicate with customer at any time needed in the before sales service stage also in the process of service, respond to customer’s consultation, and reflect progress of contract. Marketing Dept. shall monitor and inspect the performance of order, give report immediately to the General Manager or the Chief Marketing Officer if any problem takes place. 5.相关文件Relevant documents 5.1标准产品清单Standard Products List 5.2记录控制程序Record Control Procedure 5.3文件控制程序Document Control Procedure


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Revision File Name:合同确认与评审程Contract Verification and Review Procedure Effective Date:

Edited by:ISO Office 5.4技术图纸管理规定Technical Drawing Management Rules 6.记录Records 6.1 合同评审表Contract Review Form 6.2 商品成交合同Commodity Transaction Contract 6.3订单生产指示Production Order Instruction 6.4客户档案Customer Files 6.5顾客技术咨询表Customer Consultation Form


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