






1.在法定公文公文中权威性最强的是( C )。

A.决定 B.指示 C.命令 D.决议

2、公告适用于( A )。


B.公布社会各有关方面应当遵守或者周知的事项。 C.对重要事项或重大行动做出安排。 D.向国内外宣布重要事项或者法定事项。 3.以下标题正确的是(D )。 A.《严禁赌博的相关通告》 B.《禁赌通告》

C.《通告——严厉查禁赌博》 D.《关于严禁赌博的通告》

4.下面“通告”的结束语,表述不正确的是(A)。 A.以上各点,望参照执行。 B.以上各点,希遵照执行。 C.特此通告。


5.以下通知的标题中适用“批转”性通知的有( D )。 A.教育部向所属部门转文化部的有关文件。 B.教育部向所属单位部署工作、发出指示。 C.教育部将国务院的有关文件发送所属各单位。


6.以下关于批复的表述中,错误的是( A )。

A.批复的内容分肯定性批复和否定性批复两种。 B.批复的标题和请示的标题是相互对应的。 C.批复的主送机关是既定的。

D.批复的开头一般多采用目的式或概括式。 7. 以下情况适用于商洽函的是( B )。 A . 向有关业务主管部门请求批准。

B.不相隶属的单位之间联系有关事项,请求对方协助。 C.向不相隶属的单位告知重要事项。 D.向机关内的相关部门请求帮助。 8.以下情况适用于请批函的是( C )。 A.向所属上级机关增拨经费、报批项目等。

B.向系统外相关业务主管部门请求报批、核准具体工作事项。 C.向不相隶属的单位请求协助工作。 D.与其他相关部门协商、沟通工作。

9.以下通知标题错误的是( C )。

A.《××大学关于2011年五一节日安排的通知》 B.《××市商业银行关于暂行营业三日的通知》


D.《××市财政局转发〈省财政局关于个人所得税征税办法的通知〉》 10.以下请示的结语表述正确的是(


)。 A.“敬请有关领导同志批示。”

B.“以上意见当否,请相关部门尽快给予答复。” C.“当否,请批示。” D.“务请批复为盼。”

二、多项选择题(每题5分,共20分) 1.通报的适用范围包括(ABD) A.表彰先进 B.批评错误

C.传达重要精神或情况 D.部署重要工作

2.报告的适用范围包括(ABCD)。 A.向上级机关报告工作。 B.向上级机关反映情况。 C.向上级机关提出意见或建议。 D.答复上级机关的询问。

3.请示的写作要求包括(ABCD)。 A.一文一事。 B.不多头请示。 C.不越级请示。 D.不得抄送下级机关。 4. 知照函的写作要求有(BD)。 A.一函多事。 B.一函一事。

C.内容翔实,措辞庄重。 D.语言简明扼要,措辞得体。

三、简述题(每题8分,共24分) 1.比较“报告”与“请示”区别。




(4)内容含量不同。请示只能一文一事;报告有综合性,一文一事或一文多事。 总而言之:事前请示,事后报告. 2.比较“公告”与“通告”的区别。


第一,内容属性不同。公告用于“向国内外宣布重要事项或者法定事项”, 兼有消息性和知照性的特点;与公告相比,通告的内容是“在一定范围内应当遵守或周知的事项”,具有鲜明的执行性、知照性。



















文件从公布的时间开始施行。 答:拟写公文如下:

xx 县人民政府


森林是国家的重要资源, 又是发展农业生产的重要保障。 我县林业资源很少, 森林覆盖率比全国平均水平低35% ,这与发展我县经济很不适应。为了改变这 一局面,近些年来,我们造了许多人工林。但是管理不严,保护不够,特别是当 前又出现了一股乱砍滥伐林木的歪风,而且这股歪风还有蔓延扩大之势。许多单 位和个人视《森林法》而不顾,擅自进山砍木,也有些单位非法进山收购木材和 木制品,有些地方擅自毁林开荒,毁林搞副业。导致这种现象的主要原因是有关 的党政领导机关对违法毁林事件的严重性认识不足,打击不力,管理不严,有的 甚至说情护短,姑息放纵。这是对人民、对事业的犯罪,必须严加惩处。为了刹 住这股歪风,特通告如下:

一、加强宣传教育,提高对保护林木重要性认识。森林不仅是国家的重要生产资料,而且对防风固沙,调节气候,防止水土流失都有重要作用。各地要采取 多种形式,搞好宣传教育,提高广大人民群众对保护森林重要性的认识,形成一 个护林光荣,毁林可耻的强大舆论,进而调动广大群众一起护林。



林。 毁林做其它用处的,要立即退回还林。要加强对进山搞副业人员的管理,坚决制止掠夺式开发,开采山产品和其他副业。今后对毁林开荒、毁林搞副业的,不但要追究当事者的责任,还要追究有关领导的责任。 要加强对进山旅游人员的管理,保护旅游地的林木。

四、加强市场管理,严禁非法贩运木材,坚决打击投机倒把活动。各林业检查站是打击非法运输林木的重要哨所,要负起责任,加强对过往车辆的检查,发现非法运输的要坚决扣留。 运输木材、木制品必须有县及县以上林业部门发给的木材运输证明。没有运输证明的要予以扣留。


六、各林业部门必须模范执行国家林业政策、法令,合理采伐,及时更新, 切实纠正重采、轻造、轻管的错误作法,违反法令乱伐林木造成严重后果的,要 严加处罚。

七、 各级人民政府要加强对林业工作的领导, 发动群众造林护林管林, 整顿、 加强护林组织,建立护林制度,确保林木的安全。对玩忽职守、纵容支持破坏森林的工作人员,要从重处理,情节严重的要依法惩办。哪个地方发生毁林案件,使森林资源遭到严重破坏,就要追究那里领导者的责任。文件从公布的时间开始施行


2. 根据下列提示,以××工商管理学院、××公司名义撰写发函与复函:

为贯彻落实教育部关于安排高校毕业生实行毕业实习的有关规定,为毕业生提供自我检验、自我提升的平台,提高学生实际管理能力,××工商管理学院拟与一些公司联系商洽建立接受该院毕业生实习的合作关系。 答:拟文如下:










贵校×月×日《关于……的函》(×××[xxx]×× 号)收悉。承蒙贵校信任,本公司当尽力配合。经研究决定,接受你院毕业生来本公司实习的请求。有关具体实习事宜请贵院管理系实习负责人在xxxx年xx月xx日前来我公司商定。


联系电话: ******) 特此函复。

xx公司章 xxxx年x月xxx日


Letters of application-1(for a scholarship)

61 Daizong Street

Tai’an, Shandong 271018


April 10, 2010

The World Bank

Attention: Scholarship Program

1919 World Trade Building

10 First Avenue

New York, NY 10001


Dear Sirs:

I have recently heard that the World Bank is offering scholarship for those who are going to study languages at a university. I would like to have you send me an application form.

I received a score of 620 on TOEFL taken October 25, 2009, and would like to improve my English abilities by studying in an English university. Although my major is biochemistry, I want to improve my English well enough to translate recent Chinese research in my field into English for publication in the West.

Thank you for considering me.

Sincerely yours,


Huang Houping

Letter of application-2 (for a position)

338E. 44th St.

New York, NY 10017


May 5, 2002

Professor Li Bing

Department of English

Beijing Foreign Studies University

Beijing 100081


Dear Professor Li,

I am interested in teaching English in the People’s Republic of China. I am qualified to teach reading, writing and literature. An acquaintance of mine, Mr. Zhang Wei of your University suggested that I should write to you.

Presently, I work as a teaching assistant in a college in Los Angeles, California. My background is strong in the liberal arts, especially in the English language. I have got my Ph.D. degree in linguistics from university of Michigan.

Enclosed you will find a copy of my resume. Basically, I am interested in a position as a foreign language expert or as a teacher.

If you have any position available, please allow me to interview with you.

Thank you for your time and consideration.

Respectfully yours,

Martin Lews


Letter of application-3 (for further study)

Dept of Computer Science

Tsinghua University

Beijing 100084


Feb.28, 2009

Professor S.M. Smith

Computer Engineering Department

Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Cambridge, Mass, 02139

Dear Professor Smith,

I am writing to you about the possibility of further studies in the field of Computer Engineering leading to the Ph. D degree at your institution. Would you please send me the necessary information and forms?

I am 25, male, majoring in computer science. I received my B.E. (Computer Science) in June 2005 and M.E.(Computer Science) in March 2008 from Tsinghua University in Beijing. I kept on ranking in the upper 5% of my undergraduate class and graduate class. I do believe that the doctorate-oriented study at your institution is of great help for my further study in the area of Computer Science.

I have taken the TOEFL Test (score 637) and GRE General Test (score 2170). I am going to take the GRE Subject Test on Computer Science this summer.

Thank you very much. I am looking forward to hearing from you soon.

Sincerely yours,

Sensen Li

Encl.: resume

Letter of application-4 (for a part time job)

College of Life Science,

Shandong Agricultural University,

61 Daizong Street,

Tai’an 271018.

April 10, 2010

Dr. Wang Dequan,

Department of Pathology,

Tai’an Central Hospital,

Tai’an 271000.

Dear Dr. Wang,

I would like to apply for the position of part-time lab assistant that my organic chemistry instructor, Professor Fang Jin-yi, told me about. I feel both my academic background and my work experience qualify me for this job.

I am presently a junior majoring Biological Science at Shandong Agricultural University. During the past years I have taken courses in biochemistry, cytology (细胞学) and physical chemistry. I have had experience in the laboratory and I am familiar with most basic procedures. Last summer I worked for the Provincial Drug Administration studying the effect of artificial sweeteners on rats. In this position, I prepared frozen sections and did computer correlations of study results.

After graduation I expect to apply to medical school and eventually become a pathologist. Working in your department would enable me to gain more insight into this field as well as contribute something to it.

I have enclosed a resume, and I will be available for an interview at your convenience.Sincerely yours


Zhang Xi

Letter of application-5 (for a teaching job)

Toute 1, Box 19

Mound City

Kansas 66056


April 10, 2010

Chair of Personnel Office

Shandong Agricultural University

61 Daizong Street

Tai’an 271018


Dear Sir:

I have heard from Dr. Joseph Thomas, Pittsburg University that your university wants English teachers to teach in Foreign Languages Department. I am interested in being considered for a teaching position in FLD for the 2010-2011 school year.

I graduated from Harris Teacher’s College in 1965, and have teaching experience for more than 40 years. I have

enclosed a copy of my resume, which will show my background. Dr. Thomas has offered to give you further information about me.

Thank you for considering this application.

Sincerely yours,


Betty Jane Marcum



Name: Betty Jane Marcum

Address: Route 1, Box 19, Mound City, Kansas, 66056, U.S.A.

Birth Date: January 18, 1940

Heath: Excellent, no allergies or handicaps

Education: Beaumont High School-Diploma, 1956

Harris Teacher’s College-B.A. Degree, ranked 2nd in graduating class-1965

Post-graduate work-six hours at No. Univer./St. Louis 27 hours at Pitts. State Univer.

Certified to teach: Grades kindergarten through 12

All subjects-K-8

Biology 9-12

Teaching Experience: 1965-1966, St. Louis, Mo.-Grade 4

1966-1970-Overland, Mo.-grades 3-6

1970-1974, stayed home with my infant son

1974-present, U.S.D. 346., Mound City, KS.

Subjects taught here:

High school Spanish

High school English

High school General Science

High school Biology

Twelfth grade Advance Placement Biology

Junior High (grade 7 and 8) General Science

Coached Jr. High boy’s track

Jr. High girl’s basketball

Advocate: Writing, radio broadcasting, reading, speaking

Family: Husband, George W.Marcum, Jr., Married 28 years

Daughter, Amy, age 27, married

Son, James, age 21, Completing his last year in college

References: Mr. Gary wimmer, Superintendent

U.S.D. 346

Mound City, Kansas 66056

Mr. Dwayne Osborne, Principal

Jayhawk Linn High School

Box D

Mound City, Kansas 66056

Mr. Vanetta Sabine- (Friend of eight years)

Box 536

Pleasanton, KS 66075

Letter of application -6 (for a job)

Dear Mrs. Lesser,

I am writing in response to your ad in the Austin American-Statesman for a Technical Writer/Intern. I have attached a copy of my resume for your interview.

During the past five yours, I have gained valuable experience in various types of technical writing, documentation, and graphic design. I have written technical specifications, government contracts, and white papers for International

Software Systems, Inc., in conjunction with several branches of the United States Army and Navy. I have also edited several ads that were published in major magazines for Object International (such as PC World, PC Weekly, and ORACLE). In my current position at Dell Computer Corporation, I have written and illustrated an employee handbook and documented and flowcharted several corporate processes (such as hiring processes, EMI procedures and flowchart maps for engineering reviews and checkpoints).

I am currently in process of completing my Associate Degree in Communication at Austin Community College. Once I achieve this degree, I plan to transfer to the University of Texas (at Austin) to complete a Bachelor’s Degree in Journalism. While my studies at UT have been invaluable to my career goals, your intern program provides an important element. I have been searching for employment opportunity like this one that combines my continuing education with practical experience in technical writing.

In the past, several team members from your organization have assisted me in completing projects on a contract basis. They were instrumental in enhancing documents and work reflected a strong sense of pride and professionalism. Since these are the same business ethics I strive for personally, I can think of no better learning environment than joining an organization such as yours.

I look forward to having the opportunity to further discuss my qualifications with you.

Sincerely yours,Carol N. Brand

Enclosure: resume

A good example of memo

To:Dong Fang, Head Reference Librarian

From: Liu Jian, Reference Assistant

Subject: Implementing Open Shelves in the Reference


Date:May 10, 2008

The purpose of this memo is to recommend a new shelving system for books in the reference section of our library.

Following are (1) a background statement, (2) a discussion of the new system, and (3) recommendations.


Under the present system of closed shelves, students wishing to consult reference books must fill out a requisition slip, wait in line, give the requisition to a desk person, and wait some more time before receiving the desired book. This system is time-consuming, unwieldy, and ineffective. The result is that students do not like to use the reference facility of the library.

New System

I propose that we switch to an open-shelf system at once. The transition can be made simply by eliminating the desk that forms the front of the reference section. The fear of theft that some people have voiced could be eliminated by using the magnetic detection system that is already in place. The benefit of open shelves would be a reduction in personnel and free access to a needed library resource.


To implement the open-shelf system we should proceed with the following changes:

1. 1.Eliminate the front reference desk.

2. 2.Maintain a central information desk.

3. 3.Reassign all but two librarians who presently work at the front reference desk.

I am certain that these changes will do much to improve the service that this section of the library provides.





To Whom It May Concern, As a student of this university, I would like to take the opportunity to express my appreciation for your kind assistance as always. Meanwhile, I feel that it would be beneficial to express my views concerning the quality of the library service. In the first place, I find that most keyboards of the library computers are in poor operation, which brings much inconvenience to the users. I would also recommend the library to improve the efficiency of purchasing new books and subscribing to academic journals. Last but not least, the study rooms need to be furnished with a better lighting system. I hope that you take my suggestions into serious consideration. Yours sincerely, Li Ming 申请信范文1:

Dear Sir or Madam, I am writing to apply for the position of business manager you advertised in yesterday’s China Daily. To briefly introduce myself, I am a graduate student of Peking University majoring in business administration, and expect graduation this June. Not only have I excellent academic performance in all courses, I also possess the rich experience of assisting management staff of several renowned international companies, such as KPMG and Microsoft. My interactive personal skills and teamwork spirit are also appropriate for this post. For further information, please refer to my attached resume. I would be grateful if you could arrange an interview at your earliest convenience. Yours sincerely, Li Ming 申请信范文2:

Dear Sir or Madam, I am writing to express my great interest in the “Olympic Volunteer Recruitment” launched recently by the Beijing Olympic Committee, and I would like to apply as a qualified candidate. As I am an English major, my fluency in both Mandarin and English, as well as my basic command of French, guarantees that I meet the language requirement for the various volunteer positions. More importantly, I have been an enthusiastic participant in many international exchange programs—which are reflected in my attached resume—and therefore, I believe my communication skills make me competent for such a post. Should you grant me an interview, I would be most grateful. Yours truly Li Ming 求职信范文:

Dear Mr. Wang, I am a computer science major from Peking University, and I am writing in response to your advertisement for recruiting a software programmer intern posted on our university BBS yesterday. I hope I can take the job. The main reason for my confidence in this position lies in both my extensive academic training in software programming, and my work experience in the relevant industry which has further polished my abilities. Moreover, I have much spare time this semester, which can ensure my time commitment for the internship. Please find more details in my enclosed resume. Thank you for your time and patience, and I would greatly appreciate it if you could grant me an interview. Yours sincerely, Li Ming 道歉信范文:

Dear Prof. Patent, I am very sorry to inform you that I did not manage to complete the book report you assigned last week, due to a sudden illness falling upon me a few days ago. For the past few days I have been in hospital with a continuous fever, which has thus prevented me from any academic activity. I hereby submit the doctor’s note. I would be very much obliged if you could grant me another week for the task, as my health is turning better. Hope you can understand my situation and accept my apology. Yours faithfully, Li Ming 感谢信范文:

Dear Mr. and Mrs. Smith, I am now back to China safe and sound. In this letter I would like to convey my heartfelt thanks to you and your lovely children for your kindness and hospitality to host me when I was in New York. Your generous help and tender care made me feel warly welcomed and transformed my first American trip into a beautiful memory. I do hope that your whole family pay a visit to China in future, so that I could have the opportunity to repay your friendship. I assure you that you would enjoy visiting here as I did at your home. I feel obliged to thank you once more. Love, Li Ming


Dear Jason, I am much delighted to learn that you have been elected the Chairman of our University Students’ Union. This is a special and happy moment for you and I am very proud of your achievement. The Students’ Union plays an essential role in our campus life. Managing and leveraging such an organization not only poses a great challenge to you, but will also fundamentally enhance your ability comprehensively. I believe this position will be a new beginning, and a chance for you to embrace a fuller life and pave the way for a brilliant future career. Please accept my most sincere congratulations! Best wishes, Li Ming


Notice There is going to be a lecture, titled “Across Cultures: Digital Media and Literate Activity”, in the meeting room of the English Department from 9:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m. on Monday, July 11th. The lecture will be given by Professor Robert Johnson, who is from the Department of English Literature of University of Pennsylvania. Professor Johnson is known for his unique probing of the many connections between literate activity and new information technologies. He will present, in his humorous style, the relation he found between culture and technological development, which you surely will enjoy very much. All the teachers and students are welcome to attend this lecture.

English Department 篇二:英语应用文写作模板汇总

应 用 文 写 作


1. 开门见山说意图。

2. 详细内容


2、3 3. 不同内容要分段

4. 感谢祝愿不可少

5. 期盼回复成老套


Dear President: I’m liming. I’m a student in Grade Three. Today, I’m writing to you a letter, my dear, dear president. Our college has ten campuses,( but the same food in different campus) the food same, the price no same. The price is so black. Please tell me why different. The word on the menu too small to read. So we ask cooker what we eat today. At last, I love my university, I love you too. So I write you this letter. No response, I’ll write again and again. 对比范文

Dear Mr.president, My name is Liming. I am a junior from the Chemical Science School. I write to talk about the canteen service on campus. I am sorry to tell you that there are many problems in our school. firstly, the quality of our food in our school is very bad, while the price is very high. As a result, many students prefer to have a food out of school. secondly, though the service of our canteen is good, the environment of our canteen is very bad. Many students threw about food and rubbish everywhere the wanted. It is very disgusting for us to dine in such environment. thirdly, our canteen is too small to provide us with enough seats. So everyday we spent much time in waiting to be served, which is a waste of time for us. Therefore, I think we should take some measures to deal with the problems. First, we should try our best to improve the quality of the food. Second, we should take measures to make the price medium. Last, we should send some students to make sure that our canteen is clean. I am sure our canteen will become better with our efforts. I am looking forward to seeing the change of our canteen. Yours, Li Ming 1. 投诉信: express/air dissatisfaction/disappointment/concern regarding/concerning/as regards the canteen/library/bookstore 正文:第二段

1. 改写提纲一:2句

2. 改写提纲二:2句

3. 改写提纲三:2句


1. 表示感谢:My appreciation to you for your generous help is beyond words; Words fail me when i wish to express my sincere gratitude to you; I take this opportunity to show my heartfelt appreciation for the kind assistance you render me. 2. 期待回信: I am looking forward to hearing from you soon; I look forward to a favorable reply at your earliest convenience; Your prompt attention to my inquiry would be highly appreciated. 正文写法小结:共写10句,首尾两段(4句话)是万能句。


1. 结尾客套:Yours sincerely, 2. 签名:Li Ming

The letter of Invitation Dec 4 ,2011 th Dear _____/To someone concerned, I am delighted to learn that_____. Several years has passed since________. In my opinion,____________. On the one hand,________. On the other hand,_________. As to the famous sites, I suggest_________________. It is not necessary for you to _____________. In addition,___________. I am sure__________________. Please inform me _____________. I am looking forward to seeing you soon.

Sincerely yours, Li Ming stndrdthJan 1 2 3 4 , Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec

Li min 批评信模版

A letter of Complaint Date____ Dear _____, My name is __________. I am ___________. I venture to write you a letter about ----------. The focus of the complaint is __________. For one thing __________. For another____________________. Honestly speaking,_________. 篇三:英语应用文写作精品范文


一、投诉信参考范文 Directions: You live in a room in college which you share with another student. You find it very difficult to work there because your roommate always has friends visiting. He/She has parties in the room and sometimes borrows your things without asking you. Write a letter to the Accommodation Officer at the college and: 1) ask for a new room next term, 2) you would prefer a single room, 3) explain your reasons. Don’t sign your own name at the end of your letter, using“Li Ming”instead. Dear Sir or Madam, I am writing to express/air dissatisfaction/disappointment/concern regarding accommodation. I would prefer to move into a single room next semester, as I find the present sharing arrangement inconvenient. I must explain that the reason for my dissatisfaction is my roommate’s inconsiderate behavior. For one thing, his friends are constantly visiting him; for another, he regularly holds noisy parties. To solve this difficulty/surmount this difficulty/improve this situation/crack this hard nut, I hope to draw the attention of the authorities concerned. I am sure you will agree that the only solution for me is to move into a room of my own. Therefore, I would be grateful if you could find a single room for me, preferably not in the same building but as near to the college campus as possible. Yours sincerely, Li Ming (136 words)

(128 words) Directions: You want to apply for the following post/position: Waiter/waitress required for evening work. Write a letter: 1) show your interest, 2) describe your previous experience, 3) explain why you would be suitable for the job. Do not sign your own name at the end of your letter, using “Li Ming” instead. Dear Sir or Madam, I am writing to express my interest in your recently advertised position for a waitress. Enclosed with this letter is my resume, which further details my previous work experience and qualifications. Not only do my qualifications and work experience make me a perfect candidate for the job, my personality is well suited to working as a waitress. I am a very friendly person who can quickly establish rapport with people of all ages. I would like to meet with you at your earliest convenience, to discuss the possibility of working at your restaurant. Thank you for your consideration of my application. I look forward to meeting you in the near future. Yours sincerely, Li Ming (119 words)

Directions: You have a friend who is about to enter university, and he wants you to advise him on which subject to specialize in—history, in which he is very interested, or computer science, which offers better job prospects. 1) Give your suggestions. 2) Explain the reasons. 3) Other recommendation. Dear Wangcai, You have asked me for my advice concerning/regarding whether you should study history or computer science at university, and I will try to make some useful/practical/conducive suggestions/proposals/recommendations. You must keep in mind that, above all, your university training is a preparation for your future career. There is no doubt that the field of computer science offers far wider job opportunities than history. Besides, for the foreseeable future, not only will it be necessary for everyone to be computer-literate, it will also be necessary to be equipped with computer skills merely to earn a living. Of course, I would recommend that you keep up your reading of history in your spare time. Yours sincerely, Li Ming (111 words)

Directions: You find your study load is too heavy. Write a letter to your college teacher: 1) you need to withdraw from two courses, 2) explain the reasons, 3) ask if it is possible to obtain a refund. Dear Professor Shakespeare, I am writing to formally request to withdraw from two courses: Introduction to Elementary Education and Teaching Methods. The main reason for reducing my course load is that I am finding it extremely difficult to manage six courses. Because I really have to work part time, I have no other choice but to decrease my course load. I would also like to request a tuition refund. I am sorry for any inconveniences I have caused by this change in plans. This decision was not taken lightly, and I do appreciate the kind consideration you have shown to me. Thank you for your attention to these requests. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me at 82036600. I look forward to hearing from you soon. Yours sincerely, Li Ming (134 words)

Directions: You want to invite some friends to a party. Write an invitation letter to them individually: 1) Invite them to the party. 2) Elaborate on the reason why such a party should be held. 3) What activities will be arranged for them. Dear Xiaobao, I will hold a dinner party at my house on April 1, 2006 to celebrate Mr. Old Fish’s marriage with Miss Fujiwora. As you are a close friend of us, we would very much like you to participate in the celebration and share our joy. The occasion will start at seven o’clock in the evening, with the showing of their wedding ceremony. This will be followed by a dinner party. At around ten, we will hold a small musical soiree, at which a band will perform some works by Bach and Strauss. If you do not have any prior appointment on April 1, we look forward to the pleasure of your company. Yours sincerely, Li Ming (118 words)


一. 应试指导篇 a. 应试准备


首先,熟记是学习外语的关键之一。考生在准备考试过程中的背记,主要包括四个方面: 1) 背记常用的单词和词组,了解这些单词和词组的语言环境; 2) 背记常用的过渡词与句型; 3) 背记一些比较典型的范文; 4) 背记读过的文章或者看过的电影中一些写得好而且有意思的段落。 其次,多模仿、多练习非常有助于考生掌握写作技巧。为此,考生应多做句子、段落与短文的汉译英练习,同时练习写文章摘要,然后再练习写短文。 b. 注意事项

1) 合理分配时间。写作部分的时间约为35分钟,一般来说,时间可以分配如下:4 -6分钟构思,23-27分钟写作,2-4分钟检查。 2) 要使用有把握的词汇、短语、句型和引用语。 3) 要合理布局,一般分3-5段,每段包含3-5句。 4) 要正确使用标点符号,避免残缺句和融合句。注意单词的拼写和字母的大、小写等。 5) 合理使用过渡词,使文章有较强的过渡性。 c. 思路启迪

就应用文的写作而言,根据考试大纲的要求,考生所写篇章在格式与语域方面必须恰当贴切。对目标读者完全会产生预期的效果。指在书面和口头表达中根据不同的交际对象,所采用的话语方式,即正式、一般、非正式的话语等。 考生在平时准备或考试时应该注意的重要方面有: 一:正式语体(书卷语)、一般语体(共核)、非正式语体(口语体)。在词汇层次、短语层次、句型层次和篇章层次都有区别。考生使用语言时应注意所使用语言的贴切性。 二:正式语体词的使用范围较窄,而且一般只在书面语中出现,若出现在口语中,则有讽刺、调侃或幽默的语用效果。考生需要按照正式或共核语体写作。

三:中性语体成分的使用范围比较广:既可以出现在正式语体中,也可以出现在一般介绍或叙述性语篇中,还可能出现在口语中。就这一类词汇的特点,英语的中性语体和口语、俚语等词汇一般都比较短小,尤其是后者,因为短,使用起来才方便,长了拗口。 四:考生在写作应用文时必须判断篇章的接受者与自己的亲密程度、接受者的身份高低、交际场合的正式程度、自己作为作者的身份等。综合考虑之后,再做出文体的判断。之后在选择恰当贴切的篇章组织、句型、词汇等。这样才能取得较好的分数。 五:文章组织时,要注意文章的一致性的原则:段落中的各个句子必须围绕一个主题(一个内容)展开;短文中的各个层次则围绕短文的主题,从不同侧面深入阐述。保证句子的统一性和连贯性是组词的基本要求。句子的统一性和连贯性是相辅相成的,最简单的解释是,意思完整,主次分明,前后连贯。从语义上看,句子各部分应该是紧密联系在一起,表达一个完整的意思;从语法角度来看,正确的句子应该是结构严谨,关系一致,语序正确;从修辞角度来年,好的句子应该是中心突出,逻辑性强,准确简练。如果一个句子表达的意思不完整,主次关系不明确,逻辑关系混乱,那么这个句子的统一性和连贯性就遭到了破坏,句子就有语病,读者也就无法了解作者的本意。

二. 写作技巧篇


条据是当事人借到、领到、收到或归还钱物时留给或收到对方的有效凭证。条据大体上分为两类,即凭证性条据(如借条、欠条、收条等)和说明性条据(如请假条、留言等)。 条据的格式和写法 英文条据应用词简洁、准确,没有其他客套语;时间放在信纸的右上端,签名(全名)放在信纸的右下方。

1.借条 (receipt for a loan) c. 可选用的句子和短语:

1 borrowed from ___ (sb) ___ (sth). 今借到... ○ 2 return on within _____(date) _________ (at the rate /interest at...%) 从某人处借。○。。某物。 某天归还。。。 ( 如果是借钱,要写明以百分之多少利息归还) 3 „.to be paid back „.归还 ○ 2. 收条(receipt) c. 可选用的句子和短语: 1 received from ___ (sb) ___ (sth)今收到„(某日收到某人归还的某物) ○ 3. 请假条 (asking for leave) c. 可选用的句子和短语: 1 owing to _______ (illness). 由于 ___(疾病). ○ 2 i will be unable to attend party/meeting. 我将会不能够参加晚会/会议 ○ 3 id like to apply for a three-day leave of absence to look after my sick mother.我想请三天假,○

去照料我母亲,她不舒服了。 4 id like to ask for a sick leave (for 2 days, for my cold) from 14th to 15th, inclusive. ○

我想请一个病假___ (因为感冒,2天) 从14号 到15号, 包括15号。 5 i will be glad if you grant me the leave. 我将会高兴如果你批准我休假。 ○ 6 i promise to make up the duty as soon as possible. 我答应尽快地补上我该做的工作。 ○

7 enclosed is a doctors certificate.附上医生的证书。 ○短语: 1 a three-day leave of absence 请假三天 ○ 2 go back home to see my father 回家看父亲 ○ 3 grant me the leave 批准我的请假 ○ 4. 留言 (message) c. 可选用的句子和短语: 1 mr. ____ called from shanghai. please call him today before 4:00 pm or any time tomorrow ○

on 136„„.某先生从上海打电话来, 请你在明天下午4点前任何时候都可以打电话 136„ 给他. 2 mrs. ______ called saying that she would be late for 20 minutes. 某太太打电话来说她可能○

要迟到20分钟. d 练习

1. 兹向白云学院外语系(计算机系、经济系、管理系)借录音机1台,10天后归还。 经手人:刘鹏 2003年2月28日 2. 今借到刘德华先生人民币叁千元整,1年内归还,年息6厘,此据。

经手人:林军 2003年2月28日 3.今收到ibm公司市场部罗强佣金450美元。此据。 张军

2003年8月25日 4.龙老师:


学生:王杰 2003年9月3日 e 练习答案: liu peng 2. feb, 28th. 2003 to mr. liu dehua, borrowed from mr. liu dehua three thousand yuan (rmb3,000) to be paid back within one year from this date with interest at 9 percent per year. lin jun 3. aug, 25th. 2003 zhang jun 4. sep, 3rd. 2003 dear mr. long, owing to a bad cold last night and a high fever of 39℃ now , i am unable to attend your classes today and ask for a day’s sick leave. hoping you will excuse my non-attendance. wang jie


通知、启事和海报是个人或团体向大众告知某一件事情的简短文字同,一般由标题、正文、落款(或时间)3部分组成,涉及主办单位、活动内容、议程安排、时间和地点等, 通常还会加上联系地址,联系人或联系电话。 1. 通知(notice) b. 格式要求:篇二:谈学习英语应用文写作心得 英语应用文写作学习心得

一、 英语应用文的特点










格式固定,书写规范。各种文体都有特定的适用范围,不可随意交换使用。 正因为应用写作的以上特点,它的实用性不言而喻。而且,我们两年后就要步向各自的工作岗位了,当我们打入工作岗位后,各种计划、总结、报告、请示和会议记录等都会用到。通过这门课的学习为以后职场专业化写作实践打下良好的基础。

二、学习《英语应用文写作》课程的收获 在这个学期,学习了《英语应用文写作》课程后,有了许多的收获。正如课程名字一样,因为是英语应用文写作,课程的针对性就比较强,而且也很实用。没上这课之前,如果提起应用文,我的大脑会几乎一片空白,仔细想想,也许会想到,小时候写的请教条,但也仅限于此了,现在想想真是学到了很多,了解了各种应用文的格式,语言,注意的事项,以及用途,我想这对于我们以后未来的工作学习会非常重要,也使得我们以后写作应用文时更规范,标准,更有效率。学习了各种应用文写作的写作方法和规范的写作格式。像申请书、计划、总结等一些常用文体的写法。虽然之前我们通过不同的途径接触过它们,但是当自己下笔来写时,便不知道从何下手,变得不知所措了。而通过学习《新编应用文写作教程》这门课程,以后再遇到这样的文体时就不会不知所措了,而是会非常自信完满地将其完成。

我们专科生不毕业时虽然不写学术论文,但对于想专升本同学来说是非常必要的。当专升本后,无论是年终还是毕业时都会用到它,因此学习它的学做过程是迫在眉睫的事情。《英语应用文写作》这门课程便给我们提供了一个学习它的很好的平台,通过老师详细的解释和自己课后的练习,我已经掌握了它的基本写作模式和要求。 在走上工作岗位后的大学毕业生中,流传着这样两句顺口溜:“大学课程三件宝:应用文写作、英语和电脑。”“就业谋生三把刀:应用文写作、英语和电脑。”可见英语应用文写作的重要性可见一斑。

学生 史梦婷 英语应用文写作 教学心得

英语应用文写作课程具有很强实用性。设置本课程的宗旨是:提高学生运用英语思维的能力;能用英语贴切地表达思想的能力;培养运用所学的知识和方法分析解决实际交际问题的综合能力。 该课程实践要求学生掌握英语应用文的文体风格、实用范畴、语言特点、写作格式与写作方法等,各类英语应用文的写作中,教材上的包括通知、卡片(问候、祝愿、祝贺词、吊唁词)、便条(约会、致歉、非正式邀请、请求、致谢、口信)书信、履历等。由于英语应用文的应用范围越来越广,许多教材外的英语应用文文体变得流行而且很受学生们的关注,根据问卷调查,把学生们选出的简历、传真、备忘、广告、电子邮件、各种证明书、借条、欠条、收据等作为补充材料,进行课外英语应用文自学。无论是教材上规定的学习内容还是学生自主学习的内容,重点都应该是各种应用文的写作模式及有用的表达方式和常用句型;难点是用恰当的词,正确而有效的句子表达完整、准确的意思,恰当地谋篇布局。除了语言掌握问题外,思想观点、观察和分析能力、知识和生活体验等需在教学中贯穿,从而根本提高写作水平。


鼓励学生口头英语作文。为提高学生的英语思维能力,在课堂上增加学生口头作文的机会,鼓励学生表达自己的观点,如在讲到求职信写作时,作者安排了模拟面试,要求学生快速机智地应付各种问题。在讲解应试作文时,我选择通过等级考试的学生用英语讲解考试经验,多数同学踊跃参与,积极提升了学生学习英语的兴趣和逻辑思维能力。 在课程一开始,我以问卷的形式,准确把握了学生们特别还想学的实用应用文文体,并把它们安排成自主学习的补充材料,在课上由学生主将,老师点评为辅,学生们讨论并提出疑问为主。让学生对“学什么”、“怎么学”有机会和责任自己做主。在教科书内容教学过程中,我充分重视互动教学,课前,学生预习。上课,学生简介相应英语应用文的文体风格与语言、格式特点,由学生主动发现



教师 许峰篇三:2016考研英语应用文写作技巧

1、 考研英语作文万能模板应用文系列之建议信 1)建议信:2007年及2009年part a真题及解析。 a.基本结构 dear„/to whom it may concern, 第一段: 写信目的,自我介绍,赞扬在先,仍需改进; 第二段: 建议细节; 第三段: 期望改进,表示感谢。 yours sincerely, li ming b.2007年part a 真题及解析(建议信) c.建议信框架 dear xx/to whom it may concern, i am xxx who„. generally speaking, theservices you offer here are quite good; however, i have some suggestions foryou to adopt. to begin with,„建议一; moreover, „建议二。 thank you for your time and consideration. and i would like toextend my greatest appreciation if you are so kind as to take my suggestionsinto consideration. yours sincerely, li ming

2、考研英语作文万能模板应用文系列之投诉信 2)投诉信 与投诉信比较:仍然以提建议为主,无需赞扬,直接表明写信目的—即提建议,最后无需感谢,只需表示期待改进。 a.基本结构 dear xx/to whom it may concern, 第一段: 自我介绍,陈述事由,提出建议; 第二段: 投诉细节(补救细节); 第三段:

期待改进。 yours sincerely, li ming b.投诉信框架 dear xx/to whom it may concern, i am xxx who„. i am writing to express mydissatisfaction/disappointment about„(投诉信). 具体事由. to improve the situation, it is advisable for you to take thefollowing measures.to begin with,„细节一; moreover, „细节二。 we trust that you will now consider this matter seriously and makean effort to prevent the recurrence of this kind. yours sincerely, li ming

3、考研英语作文万能模板应用文系列之致歉信模板 3)致歉信:2008parta真题及解析。 a.基本结构和常用句型 dear„, 第一段: 表明写信目的:道歉,阐述道歉原因; 第二段: 提出解决方法; 第三段: 再次道歉。 yours sincerely, li ming b.2008 part a 真题及解析(致歉信): c.道歉信框架 dear xx, i am writing to apologize to you for my failing to „.道歉理由。 excuse me for my carelessness in making such a mess. to make up forthe inconvenience caused, i would like to...补偿一。补偿二。 once again, i feel so sorry for any inconvenience caused. pleaseaccept my apologies. sincerely yours, li ming

4、考研英语作文万能模板应用文系列之辞职信模板 4)辞职信:2005年part a真题及解析(辞职信)。 a.基本结构和常用句型 dear„, 写信目的表明要辞职; 给出辞职原因(兴趣,专业,性格); 感谢栽培并表示抱歉。 sincerely yours, li ming b. 2005年part a 真题及解析(辞职信): directions: two months ago you got a job as an editor for the magazine designand fashion .but now you find that the work is not what you expected. youdecide to c.辞职信框架

5、考研英语作文万能模板应用文系列之慰问信模板 5)慰问信: a.基本结构 dear„, 表示同情,进行安慰; 鼓励其努力; 在此 表示同情,并希望其早日复原。 yours sincerely, li ming b.范文解析 c.慰问信框架 dear xx, i was really shocked and saddened to hear of„. there is little that anyone can say or do at a time like this toease your grief, but i would express my deepest sympathy. in the next day or so you will receive a little package from me. ihope you like it, and that it will be useful at your present moment. what’s more, please don’t hesitate to contact meif there is anything else i can do now and always. i do hope you will soon get well again. be assured of myavailability and eagerness to help in any way i can. yours sincerely, li ming dear xx, i was really sorry to hear of„.i wish therewere something i could say or do to„. in the next day or so you will receive a little package from me. ihope you like it, and that it will be useful at your present moment. what’s more, please don’t hesitate to contact meif there is anything else i can do now and always. i do hope you will soon get well again. be assured of myavailability and篇四:英语应用文写作体会 hefei university 课程小论文

论文题目: 英语应用文写作课程学习体会 系 别: 中国语言文学系 专 业: 汉语言文学 姓 名: 海维 学 号: 0909012009 完成时间: 2012年10月30日

英语应用文写作体会 姓名:海维 系别:中文系 专业:09级汉语言文学 学号:0909012009 摘要:随着对外交流的日益频繁,需要英文交际的场合也日益增多。英语写作,特别是应用文写作的重要性日渐突出。应用文十余社会生活联系最紧密的问题,它直接服务于社会,满足人们的使用要求,追求实际应用效果。尤其是在我学习了这门课程之后,更加觉得英语应用文的作用不可忽视,掌握英语应用文学做的方法与技巧,对以后的学习工作中将有重要的意义和作用。

关键字:英语写作 感谢信 应用文 基本句型 practical english writing learing experience key word: english writing letters of thanks practical writing basic sentence patterns 正文:



一、 感谢信






1、thank you so much for your help.

2、words are not enough to express the depth of my gratitude for the gift which you so kindly sent me on the ocassion of my graduation.

3、on behalf of my family,may i be allowed to thank you for all the kind attention that you gave my father during his long illness.

(三)、例文: dear sir, what you did for us certainly engraned in our mind,and we shall never forget.wish you could visit us if you have time. your sincerely mary

二、 邀请信





1、would you give us the pleasure of dining with us?

2、i’m delighted to accept your kind invitation.

3、i’m cordiathy you to join us.

4、postpone recall attend to our party

(三)、例文: dear mr. and mrs.liu, my brother peter will be staying with us for a few days during the christmas holidays and my wife and i have planned a family dinner for him next friday evening at seven o’clock so that he can meet some of our friends. yours sincerely zhanghong

三、 投诉信







2、i am returning this...,and hope to get the replacement as soon as possible.

3、we are afraid we have to cancel the order if we can not receive the goods this week.

4、as you will realise,i can extremely upset to discover the problme.

(三)、例文: dear sir, when i took it home opened the box, turned it on. i found it had no sound, no piture, nothing, i got so upset. i demaged your immidiate attention and send somebody to replace it as early as possible. now i request your immediate attention and an immediate replacement looking forward to your earliest reply. sincerely yours, zhangqiang

四、 道歉信







1、to apologize to you for...

2、express our regret for...

3、please accrpt our sincere apology.

4、we apologize for the inconvenience by ...

5、i regret to tell you that...

(三)、例文: dear madam, we are in receipt of your letter clated sept 20.2012,and very much regret the delay in delivery of the above ovring to a great demand from the market,we are now marking all the necessary arrangement for immdiate delivery,and you will have the meishan yeast by the end of sepetember. sincerely yours, liming

五、 招贴类(i.o.u.form)





为了帮助大家顺利通过研究生入学考试,勤思考研辅导老师会在第一时间为大家搜集整理考研的复习资料及相关信息,希望对大家的复习备考有所帮助! 小作文即应用文写作,是2005年大纲修订之后出现的新题型,主要考察考生在特定日常情境下英语语言的实际运用能力。与大作文相比,小作文的写作相对比较简单,但是要在十五分钟内完成一篇百词左右的精彩短文,也是需要考生在平日的备考下一番功夫的。



此外,应用文的用途决定了其语言的简明性,在写作过程中无需太过华丽的辞藻,只要能开门见山、表意清楚、思路清晰、符合题意即可,在公文信函中要注意语言的正式性,细节处的标点、数字、日期、落款也要注意使用的正确性。 下面我们重点来看一下信函类的应用文写作:

信函是交涉事物、增进了解、交流思想、联络感情的重要工具。就文体基本划分为正式和非正式文体,就种类可划分为私人、公务、社交、商务信件,在考研英语中,我们多以用途来划分和备考,即求职信、咨询信、感谢信、投诉信、建议信、邀请信等。我们以投诉信和感谢信为例,探讨写作方法。 1.投诉信


求解决方法,写作要求一般为: (1)首段开门见山指明所投诉的具体事件。 (2)将问题清晰、简洁、公正地描述出来,指出事件带来的诸多不便。 (3)感谢对方倾听投诉,同时清楚地表达你所想到的解决方法,期待对方尽早回复和解决问题。


所谓感谢信是指因为某事件向收信人表明感激之意,写作要求一般为: (1)首先表明写作意图,开门见山表达谢意。 (2)说明因何事向对方表示感谢,注意感情真挚。 (3)感谢信一般为非官方,若为官方感谢信注意语言的严肃性。 (4)结尾再次表达真挚感激之情。




一、投诉信参考范文 Directions: You live in a room in college which you share with another student. You find it very difficult to work there because your roommate always has friends visiting. He/She has parties in the room and sometimes borrows your things without asking you. Write a letter to the Accommodation Officer at the college and: 1) ask for a new room next term, 2) you would prefer a single room, 3) explain your reasons. Don’t sign your own name at the end of your letter, using“Li Ming”instead.

Dear Sir or Madam, I am writing to express/air dissatisfaction/disappointment/concern regarding accommodation. I would prefer to move into a single room next semester, as I find the present sharing arrangement inconvenient. I must explain that the reason for my dissatisfaction is my roommate’s inconsiderate behavior. For one thing, his friends are constantly visiting him; for another, he regularly holds noisy parties. To solve this difficulty/surmount this difficulty/improve this situation/crack this hard nut, I hope to draw the attention of the authorities concerned. I am sure you will agree that the only solution for me is to move into a room of my own. Therefore, I would be grateful if you could find a single room for me, preferably not in the same building but as near to the college campus as possible.

Yours sincerely,

Li Ming (136 words)

(128 words)

二、求职信参考范文 Directions: You want to apply for the following post/position: Waiter/waitress required for evening work. Write a letter: 1) show your interest, 2) describe your previous experience, 3) explain why you would be suitable for the job. Do not sign your own name at the end of your letter, using “Li Ming” instead.

Dear Sir or Madam, I am writing to express my interest in your recently advertised position for a waitress. Enclosed with this letter is my resume, which further details my previous work experience and qualifications. Not only do my qualifications and work experience make me a perfect candidate for the job, my personality is well suited to working as a waitress. I am a very friendly person who can quickly establish rapport with people of all ages. I would like to meet with you at your earliest convenience, to discuss the possibility of working at your restaurant. Thank you for your consideration of my application. I look forward to meeting you in the near future.

Yours sincerely,

Li Ming (119 words)

三、建议信参考范文 Directions: You have a friend who is about to enter university, and he wants you to advise him on which subject to specialize in—history, in which he is very interested, or computer science, which offers better job prospects. 1) Give your suggestions. 2) Explain the reasons. 3) Other recommendation.

Dear Wangcai, You have asked me for my advice concerning/regarding whether you should study history or computer science at university, and I will try to make some useful/practical/conducive suggestions/proposals/recommendations. You must keep in mind that, above all, your university training is a preparation for your future career. There is no doubt that the field of computer science offers far wider job opportunities than history. Besides, for the foreseeable future, not only will it be necessary for everyone to be computer-literate, it will also be necessary to be equipped with computer skills merely to earn a living. Of course, I would recommend that you keep up your reading of history in your spare time.

Yours sincerely,

Li Ming (111 words)

四、请求信参考范文 Directions: You find your study load is too heavy. Write a letter to your college teacher: 1) you need to withdraw from two courses, 2) explain the reasons, 3) ask if it is possible to obtain a refund.

Dear Professor Shakespeare, I am writing to formally request to withdraw from two courses: Introduction to Elementary Education and Teaching Methods. The main reason for reducing my course load is that I am finding it extremely difficult to manage six courses. Because I really have to work part time, I have no other choice but to decrease my course load. I would also like to request a tuition refund. I am sorry for any inconveniences I have caused by this change in plans. This decision was not taken lightly, and I do appreciate the kind consideration you have shown to me. Thank you for your attention to these requests. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me at 82036600. I look forward to hearing from you soon.

Yours sincerely,

Li Ming (134 words)

五、邀请信参考范文 Directions: You want to invite some friends to a party. Write an invitation letter to them individually: 1) Invite them to the party. 2) Elaborate on the reason why such a party should be held. 3) What activities will be arranged for them.

Dear Xiaobao, I will hold a dinner party at my house on April 1, 2006 to celebrate Mr. Old Fish’s marriage with Miss Fujiwora. As you are a close friend of us, we would very much like you to participate in the celebration and share our joy. The occasion will start at seven o’clock in the evening, with the showing of their wedding ceremony. This will be followed by a dinner party. At around ten, we will hold a small musical soiree, at which a band will perform some works by Bach and Strauss. If you do not have any prior appointment on April 1, we look forward to the pleasure of your company.

Yours sincerely,

Li Ming (118 words)

六、道歉信参考范文 Directions: You have already had a date with your friend but suddenly have another thing to do and you have to tell your friend that you can’t go. Express your reason clearly in about 100 words.

Do not sign your name at the end of the letter. Use “Li Ming” instead. Don’t write the address.

Dear Jane, I am excessively sorry to tell you that I won’t be able to come this afternoon because I have to go to the airport at 2:00 p.m. to meet an overseas visitor from Australia. I really have kept our date in my mind all these days. However, I received my boss’e-mail this morning, and he asked me to go to the airport to meet one of his friends from abroad. It’s sudden and urgent and I must go. I’m sorry for any inconvenience caused. Please forgive me. Would you please ring me up to make another time? We may meet again and I hope to see you soon.


Li Ming (115 words)

七、感谢信参考范文 Directions: While your family was on vacation, your friend, Mary looked after your dog, Smart. Now you came back, write a letter to her to show your gratitude. Your letter should be no less than 100 words. You don’t need to write the address. Don’t sign your own name at the end of the letter; use “Li Ming” instead.

Dear Mary, I am writing to express our heartfelt thanks for your taking good care of Smart while we were on holiday. He was such a happy dog when we got home. We knew he must have had lots of loving attention. When we picked up him from the kennel in your home he would whimper and carry on for hours. You not only saved us some money, but also spared us the worry about him while we were away. Your kind help is very appreciated, not only by Smart, but also by our whole family as well. Please accept our thanks again.

Yours sincerely,

Li Ming (107 words)

八、询问信参考范文 Directions: As part of a student social survey project, you are leading a group to visit an exhibition in a small town. Write a letter: 1) ask for information regarding such things as the contents of the exhibition, 2) the dates of its opening and closing, 3) any discounts.

Dear Sir or Madam, I am organizing a group of students to pay a visit to the historical exhibition in your town. I am writing the letter in purpose of inquiring/seeking/obtaining/requesting information concerning/regarding the following aspects. First of all, what is the size of the exhibition, what is its theme and what objects are on display? Secondly, what are the dates between which the exhibition will be held, and what are the daily opening hours? I must point out that I hope to bring over students to the exhibition. So I would like to inquire if there is any discount available on entrance tickets for students. I look forward to your reply.

Yours sincerely,

Li Ming (116 words)

九、推荐信参考范文 Directions: One of your friends wants to apply for a job involving working with foreign teenagers. Write a letter: 1) Recommend him/her. 2) Describe his/her past experience. 3) Explain the reasons.

Dear Sir or Madam, I am writing to you to recommend one of my best friends, Zhou Botong, for this post. With his outstanding leadership and cheerful personality, he was elected chairperson of the Student Union of Fudan University several times. Busy as he was, he completed his major, teenage psychology, with an outstanding school record. Upon graduation he was assigned to be a teacher in Fudan Middle School. What’s more, he loves his job and enjoys working with children. This has won him great popularity among his students. Therefore, I do not hesitate to recommend him as an ideal candidate for the post you advertised. I am sure you will make a wise decision in hiring him.

Yours sincerely,

Li Ming (122 words)

十、祝贺信参考范文 Directions:

Suppose that your friend’s birthday is coming. Write a letter in about 100 words to congratulate her. Do not sign your own name at the end of your letter, using “Li Ming” instead.

Dear Helen, I remember all the time that your birthday is around the corner. I am sure all the friends and relatives are planning a grand birthday party and happy surprises for you. May I join them in wishing you a happy birthday? How I wish I could stretch out my hand to shake with you, but you are so far away on the other side of the globe. Do you know how much I cherish our friendship during the past ten years, and how much I anticipate maintaining it for the years to come? I write this letter to send my heartiest congratulations. I am sure that your birthday party will be a great success and I wish you many happy returns.

Yours sincerely,

Li Ming (126 words)

一、辞职信参考范文 Directions: You have been working in Morning Star Company for two years. However, you want to pursue your Master’s degree this September. You decide to quit. Write a letter to your boss, Mr. Johnson, telling him your decision, stating your reason(s), and making an apology. Write your letter with no less than 100 words. Do not sign your own name at the end of the letter, use “Li Ming” instead. You do not need to write the address.

Dear Mr. Johnson, I am sure it will come as no surprise that I wish to resign my position as a sales representative. I have enjoyed working with you and the staff in the Morning Star Company for these two years. Yon have given me plenty of help and encouragement. However, our work with local community groups has inspired me to return for my Master’s degree in social work. I appreciate how valuable such a degree can be in my field of endeavor. I’d like to pursue my Master’s degree in autumn, and would appreciate it if you would accept my resignation before September 3. I will be able to stay on through the summer and help you find a replacement for my position. Thank you for all the patience, wisdom, and experience that you shared with me. I will always remember my time with the Morning Star with great affection, and hope to work with you and the staff again in the future. I am sorry for any inconvenience caused.

Yours sincerely,

Li Ming (175 words)

二、介绍信参考范文 Directions: You are writing your first letter to a pen pal. 1) Describe your previous studies and work experience. 2) Your current activities, hobbies and interests. 3) Suggest meeting him/her.

Dear Audrey, Hi! My name is Li Ming. I am very glad to have this chance to write to you and become pen pals. Let me first introduce myself. I’m currently working as a computer programmer in a large multi-national company. I graduated from Beijing Normal University with a Bachelor’s Degree in computer science in 2005. My hobbies include listening to pop music and traveling. This summer, I will be traveling with Mr. Yang Guo to Norway. If you are free, I would be very happy to meet you in person. Well, let me finish here. I am already eagerly awaiting your reply. I hope that we can become good friends.

Yours sincerely,

Li Ming (115 words)

三、申请信参考范文 Directions: You are a student of Fudan University. Write an application to get a scholarship for your graduate study in another university in America. You should write about 100 words. Do not sign your own name at the end of your letter, using “Li Ming”instead. You do not need to write the address. Dear Sir, I am writing to apply for a scholarship in your university in order that I could pursue my graduate study for the Master’s Degree in your university. Here is my personal information for you. I was born in 1981 in Shanghai. I was admitted to the Physics Department of Fudan University in 2000 and will graduate this June. During my four academic years, besides my major, physics, I also take such selective courses as chemistry, computer and mathematics. I have made straight grades on all required subjects. Moreover, I have passed CET6 and kept on learning English all these years. So I don’t think I will have any problems in language during my study in your country. If my application could be taken into favorable consideration, I would be most grateful. And I am looking forward to your early reply. Enclosed are my score reports on all subjects and two recommendations.

Sincerely yours,

Li Ming (157 words)

十四、便笺参考范文 Directions: Suppose that you cannot return the book to Ma Bin in person for some emergency and will ask someone else to return it. Write a note in about 100 words to inform him of it. Do not sign your own name at the end of your note, using “Li Ming” instead.

Dear Ma Bin, I would like to apologize for my not being able to return in person the book you lent me last Wednesday. You know, I have done a parttime job as a private teacher. Originally the lessons were scheduled on Saturday. But it happens that my student is going to take part in a football match this Saturday, the day after tomorrow and so the lesson is shifted to tomorrow evening, which renders me to meet you then. But don’t worry. I have asked a classmate to return that book for me. She is a pretty girl with short curly hair, and will go to your dormitory at 7:00 tomorrow evening. Thank you again for your book. It is really helpful to my English assignment.

Yours, Li Ming (130 words)

五、通知参考范文 Directions: Write a notice in about 100 words for the Office of Fudan University to inform the teachers, workers and some students of a meeting to commend the advanced teachers and workers.

NOTICE To commend the advanced teachers and workers, whose performance is outstanding in the year of 2004, a meeting will be held at 3:00 p.m. in the first Meeting Room on Friday. Our president will preside over the meeting in person and make a year-end summing up of the work of our university. What makes us feel even more honored is that the director of the Bureau of Education will attend the meeting, make an encouragement speech, and give out rewards to the advanced teachers and workers personally. All teachers, staff and junior and senior students are requested to be present on time.

The Office of Fudan University

Dec. 27, 2004 (112 words)

六、备忘录参考范文 Directions: You are the president of a company. Write a memo to Percy Shelley, the vice-president on the employee’s training on computer: 1) the need to train the employees, 2) detailed information, 3) ask him to write a plan. To: Percy Shelley, Vice President From: Li Ming, President Date: January 10th, 2006 Subject: Computer Training of the Staff

As we discussed earlier this week, I agree with you that our firm is faced up with problem of the high rate of computer illiteracy of the staff. We need to make up a plan for training our employees in the new field. I would like you to design our own inhouse computertraining program. We had better classify the employees and put them through the program in turn. Write up a brief proposal, describing what you think the program should cover. Assume the class runs four hours a week for ten weeks. Also, assume people have no prior computer knowledge or any formal course work in computer science.

