



I want to introduce my sister to you. Her name is Li Wenjing. She is twenty-four years old. She is tall and thin. She has got long black hair. She has a small mouth and two beautiful eyes. She likes beautiful things very much. So she often goes shopping and she has bought lots of clothes. She also likes eating noodles, chocolate, biscuits and peaches. We like each other.


Yesterday afternoon, the clear sky. Come straight home after school, I, on the edge of a road, I saw a group of pretty much thing is slowly moving, curious I went over to look, boom! Are a group of flies dispersed in a hubbub, odor, I quickly cover your nose, hurriedly escape, only to hear the sound of a squeaking, a big, fat rat quickly into odour plumes of garbage, suddenly, two or three big black cat rushed out, to the mouse. I turned pale with fear, quickly get out, I was happy mood was thrown to the outside of the nine days into the sky, I hate people who litter, only now is, they put a good road. I went on weakly, those people if one.


苏教版牛津英语一二年级教材分为A:Learn to say (话题部分) 、B:Look and learn (单词部分) 、C和D活动版块。结合英语新课标要求和我校学生的特点, 英语新授课主要包括A部分课文对话和B部分的单词。


语用学是研究某一语言的使用者如何利用句子而达到成功的交际的一门语言学科。换言之, 语用学是结合具体的语言情境研究特定的话语意义。语用学的三个主要理论包括:奥斯汀的言语行为理论、塞尔的间接言语行为理论和格赖斯的会话合作原则。

奥斯汀认为, 当人们在说一句话时, 要同时完成三种行为, 言内行为, 即字面意思;言外行为, 即考虑说者与听者之间存在的某种关系而进行的言语活动;言后行为, 其功能并不直接在话语中体现出来, 而完全取决于言语的情境。

在奥斯汀的言语行为理论基础上, 塞尔提出了间接言语行为理论。间接言语行为是指通过一种言外行为来间接地实施另一种言外行为的现象。例如, 当要求别人为自己做某件事时, 我们往往不直接下指示, 而是用一些婉转的表达方式来达到自己的目的。比如:“Can you open the door?”说话人并不是询问听话人有没有能力关门, 而是请求他关上门。

格赖斯认为在进行会话时, 说话人必须遵守或满足某些条件, 以便自己说的话能够被听话人理解和接受, 而听话人也必须遵守某些规定, 通过双方的共同努力, 会话才能得以顺利进行, 这被称为合作原则, 具体包括四条准则:数量准则、质量准则、关系准则、方式准则。上述准则是交谈双方所应遵循的, 但违反准则的现象到处可见, 格赖斯对此的解释是说话者虽然在表面上违反了合作原则, 但交谈并不会因此而中断, 因为话语从深层次来说并未违反合作原则。当听话者领悟到这一点时, 此类话语便产生了会话含义。


1. 范式流程

语用背景下的低段英语词汇之情境串教学的基本流程: (1) 创设情境, 呈现信息, 在语境中呈现词汇, 辨析词义、猜测生词; (2) 梳理信息, 提出问题, 利用语境; (3) 自主探索, 合作交流; (4) 引导建构, 解决问题, 在语境中运用词汇; (5) 回归情境, 拓展应用。

2. 范式策略总结

第一, 新授课要设置真实的语言情境, 如老师用玩具引入课题:My toys。老师设置了一个玩具店的情境, 在情境教学中新授单词和句型。第二, Warming-up (课题导入) 部分要与新授的presentation (呈现) 相结合, 不可以有拖沓现象。如warming-up引入My toys课题, 从My toys引入a doll这个单词。很快呈现单词文本。第三, 新授课中的句型呈现主要有两种方案:A方案, 新授时, 教师侧重Part B词汇教学, 在词汇语用教学的指导下进行Part A的新授。此时, 方案A的教学目标是:能够“四会”掌握B部分的单词, “三会”掌握A部分的句子。B方案, 新授时侧重于Part A句型的教学, 词汇主要作为教学内容丰富句型、巩固句型。此时, 方案B的教学目标是:能够“三会”掌握句子, 并且能够熟练地英语所学句型, “三会”掌握单词。第四, 新授过程中要有多重呈现方式, 激发学生的学习兴趣, 达到新授的教学目标。第五, 词汇的语音教学。第六, 拓展。拓展不是新授课的重点, 但拓展在新授课过程中起到很重要的衔接的作用。拓展不能太过。我们新授课的拓展范式要求一二年级不能够超过两个生词。第七, 家庭作业。根据方洲小学“七认真”要求、英语组新授课范式, 家庭作业要在课堂上留足5分钟。回家听读作业要鼓励学生注重语音、语调的培养。


总之, 我们应高度重视语用学理论在英语教学中的应用并将其贯穿在英语教学的过程中, 通过设计语言环境, 讲解英美文化背景知识, 使学生在潜移默化中理解词汇在特定环境和特定文化中的真正含义, 掌握言语行为的实际意义, 从而根据自己的表达意图来选择恰当的语言形式, 以达到真正的交际沟通目的, 同时也掌握运用这一体系进行交际的能力。

低段英语新授课之语用背景下的词汇教学范式课要求教师在英语词汇的教学中不仅要注重词的词汇意义和语法意义的讲解, 即量的积累, 还要在语用学原则指导下, 围绕本节课授课目标, 合理设置情境, 在语用的背景下, 依托情境串, 每一步的教学设计都细分目标, 为学生搭好脚手架, 有的放矢、层层递进。

方洲小学英语组范式课研究正在根据学校的要求, 结合英语学科特点和新课标的要求进一步完善, 希望在领导的关怀和组内同仁的共同努力下取得一定的成果。

摘要:本文阐述了语用背景下的低段英语词汇教学范式研究的主要研究内容及基本理论, 分析了语用学研究对英语新授教学中的低段英语词汇教学的启示和影响, 并总结了新授课之低段英语词汇情境串教学范式的基本流程。



[1]何自然.语用学概论[M].长沙:湖南教育出版社, 2002


Since I went to school, my teachers always take Lei Feng as the example. They want us to be a nice person as this great person. Lei Feng likes to help people, and he will do everything for them. The sad thing is that he died at the early age, but his spirit will be remembered all the time. He is my hero and deserves the great honor.


I have a brother. He is younger than me. When our parents have bought us presents, I will be the first to take presents, or if there is something to eat, I will make the choice before my brother. My mother educates me that I should share things with my brother. Until then I realize the meaning of sharing.


My name is Jim and I have a strong body because I often play sports. I love sports, and exercise makes me a healthy body. My favorite sport is playing basketball, and I worship Jordan very much because he plays basketball well. Every day when I finish my homework, I will watch sports programs on TV. Every weekend, I will go to play basketball with my friends. Sports make me feel relaxed and have a good mood.



Nowadays, people like to keep pets to company them. These lovely pets are always treated well. They are one of the family members. But sometimes the owner don’t want to raise them anymore, the animals are abandoned. It is the owner’s duty to deal with the animals well. If they can’t take care this lovely animals they can give to someone else.


I like to listen to music very much, especially the English songs. My favorite band is Coldplay. When I hear their classic song Yellow, I will be very excited. The reason I like this band is that they have something different from others. In their songs, they search about life. Listening to English songs also can help me improve my English level.


I am a happy girl, because I don’t have much things to chase, I will be satisfied very easily. When I go to school and play with my friends, I will be very happy. When I go home after school, my mother cook the delicious food, I will be very satisfied to eat. When the weekend comes, I like to go out with my father. This is my world, so simple and so happy.


This is a classroom. You can see some girls, a boy and a teacher in it. The boy is Mike. He has golden hairand blue eyes. He is from America. He is a new pupil. The girls are Chinese. They can speak a little English. They are talking with Mike in English. Miss Li is writingsomething on the blackboard.


Our art teacher is not too young and not too old .He has black hair two big and black eyes, a small nose and a big mouth .Look, he is wearing a blue and white jacket ,a blue hat ,brown pants and a pair of old shoes. He is very funny. He is a good art teacher. We all like him.


Early morning, the heavy bag on my back, to go to school! Just step out, a little bit of rain to my face. I looked up, drizzle falling from heaven, some flying, like a dancer; Some good partners play, play very happy; There are lying on the ground, asleep. I mat tiptoe, afraid to disturb the raindrops sweet dreams.


I am seven years old now, though I am very small, I am on the way to grow up. Two years ago, I couldn’t go out by myself, I dependent on my parents so much, but now I am different now, I can talk to strangers and make friends with them, I am not afraid of the strangers. In the future, I will become better and better.
