




She greeted us with a smile.


She greeted him civilly but with no sign of affection.


The news has been greeted with dismay by local business leaders.


He greeted all his guests with a fixed smile on his face.


He greeted us with a mere twitch of his head.



7 .Hello. (Hi.)



8. How are you?



9. Good morning(afternoon/evening).


10. Very well, thank you ,and you?


11. Fine ,thanks.


12.How are things with you?


13.Not bad. Thank you.


14. How is Helen?


15.She’s very well,thank you.


英语中的“名词+名词”结构有三种表现形式:1.两个名词分开来写, 如dust storm (沙尘暴) ;2.两个名词间有连字符“-”联结, 如sky-jacker (劫机者) ;3.两个名词词根组成一个独立的词, 如snowman (雪人) 。

本文仅以第三种形式的英语“名词+名词”复合名词为对象来同汉语中的“名词+名词”复合名词做比较。由于对各词的划分还不十分明确, 本文讨论的名词, 其指称的事物是具体的单一的事物, 且不包括专有名词和术语。

这类复合名词, 英语和汉语有同样的结构形式, 都是“名词+名词”, 现代汉语又称为“联合式”。无论在形式上还是在组合词语的词义关系上, 汉语的两个组合部分都处在平行的地位, 是并列而平等的关系。如“路”和“线”、“眉”和“目”、“手”和“足”、“分”和“寸”、“人”和“物”等。它们关系密切, 或同义或反义, 都处在同一语法和语义的层次上。与汉语不同的是, 英语的两个组合部分的语义关系是修饰和被修饰的关系, 前一词语修饰后一词语, 限定和说明后一词语的属性。词义的重点落在后一词语上, 两个组合词语的语义关系较为松散。如:


路线→路+线boyfriend (男朋友) →boy (男孩) +friend (朋友)

眉目→眉+目cowboy (牛仔, 牧童) →cow (牛) +boy (童)

分寸→分+寸moonlight (月光) →moon (月) +light (光)

笔墨→笔+墨toothbrush (牙刷) →tooth (牙) +brush (刷子)

潘文国等的《汉语的构词法研究》一书中详尽研究了汉语的构词法, 阐明了汉语有别于英语的一个极为显著的特点, 即音韵特征在汉语构词法中扮演着至关重要的角色。只有真正了解了汉语构词法的特点, 我们才有可能对基于英语语言产生的西方语言学理论的阐释做出客观合理的评价。他认为, 对复合词意义的研究可以从两方面入手, 一是研究复合词构成成分之间的意义关系;二是研究复合词的语素义和整个复合词义的关系。

根据复合词的语素义与整个复合词义的关系, 可以把“名词+名词”复合名词分为三类:

A.两个词根的意义并列, 可以互相说明。如“体制”、“价值”等。英语中几乎没有这类词。

B.两个词根结合起来后产生新的意义, 如“骨肉”是至亲的意思, “眉目”是头绪、条理的意思。英语中也有很多这种类型的复合名词, 如“snowman”是“雪人”的意思, “rainbow”是“彩虹”的意思。

C.两个词根组合成词后, 只有一个词根的意义在起作用, 另一个词根的意义完全消失, 如“忘记”只有“忘”的意思, “动静”只有“动”的意思。这类词又称“偏义词”。英语词汇中没有这种现象。


A.构成关系。两个语义成分, 一个所表示的人或物组成了被另一个所表示的人或物。如snowman (雪人:表示用雪做成的人形物体) , teenageer (青年人:表示由十几岁的年纪的人组成) 。这类关系表示两部分语义之间构成材料和成品之间的构成关系。

B.从属关系。两个语义成分, 一个表示整体, 另一个表示为整体的一部分或特征之一。如:houseroof (屋顶:表示房屋的顶部) , hillside (山坡:表示山体倾斜的部分) 。这类关系表示的就是整体与部分之间的从属关系。

C.行为与行为者之间的关系。如:firefighter (消防队员:从事扑灭火灾活动的人员) , sportsman (运动员:从事体育运动的人) , 这类关系表示从事的行为与行为主体之间的关系。

D.同位关系。两个语义成分分别代表了两个相互补充类别的交叉分类关系, 在深层结构上可以互换位置, 如:girlfriend (女朋友:表示朋友和女性这两者意义的交集) 。

E.比喻关系。两个语义成分在某个或某些方面相似, 如:egghead (书呆子:光头和鸡蛋很相似, 光头则给人聪明“绝顶”的感觉) , brainstorm (头脑风暴:形容脑子转得快, 像暴风一样) 。

F.工具或者目的的关系。一个语义是另一个语义的工具, 如:mailbox (邮箱:用来放邮件的箱子) 。

另外复合名词的两个组成词根之间还有时间、空间和来源等关系, 这类词多为分开写的两个部分, 前一部分是后一部分的限定或修饰成分, 本文不进行详细讨论。


Chinese President Xi Jinping attends a welcome ceremony held by his South Korean counterpart Park Geun Hye at the presidential office Cheong Wa Dae, or the Blue House, before their talks in Seoul on July 3.

During Xis visit, the two East Asian neighbors reached a series of agreements such as finishing free trade negotiations by the end of this year and launching a renminbi clearance service in South Korea to facilitate bilateral trade and investment. They also reiterated the goal of denuclearization on the Korean Peninsula.

Xi made a two-day state visit to South Korea from July 3-4, marking his first trip to the country since taking office last year.


W: Morning, Tom.

M: Hi, Mary.

W: You seem to be in a hurry.

M: Yes. I’ve got a meeting in a minute.

W: Ok大学网ay. I won’t hold you up then.

M: Right. I’ll see you later.

W: See you later.

Conversation 2

W: Nice and warm again, isn’t it?

M: Oh, it’s lovely. Think of the nasty weather we had last week. W: How are you these days?

M: Fine, thank you. And you?

W: Fine today, though a bit under the weather last week. Conversation 3

M: Hi, Mary, it’s been a long time

W: Hello, my old friend. Long time no see. How are you doing? M: Well, I’m doing okay. And how about yourself?

W: Not so well. To be honest with you, I broke up with Tom. M: Oh. I’m sorry to hear that. What happened?

Conversation 4

M: Good morning, Miss Li.

W: Morning, Mike.

M: I’m sorry that I was absent yesterday.

W: I’ve already got your certificate for sick-leave. How do you feel today?

M: I feel much better now.

W: Have you received the reading material handed out yesterday? M: I’ve already got it. Thanks.

W: I will explain it in detail in the next class. Could you preview it? M: I will.

Conversation 5

M: Hi, Lilly, it’s so nice to see you again.

W: Hum, me too. This winter holiday was especially long. What have you done?

M: Nothing special. I had a get-together with some schoolmates at the high school, visited the Internet and read a couple of books which I had been longing for. How about yours?

W: You know, I like traveling. I made good use of this long vacation and enjoyed myself.

Conversation 6

M: Good morning, Linda. How have you been?

W: Pretty bad. I’ve had a bad cold for three days and still can’t get rid of it.

M: I’m sorry to hear that. Is there anything else I can do? W: No, thanks.

M: Well, I hope you’ll feel better soon.


课题 小学新标准英语第一册(供三年级起始用)Module one Greeting



1.要求学生掌握Hi./Hello. I am Sam. Goodbye./Bye-bye.本节内容的主要内容体系是问好和道别;简单的作自我介绍;起到引导和新颖的作用。2.本节内容主要用在见面问候,通过学习本章内容让我们懂得如何和别人打招呼介绍自己及道别。


1,通过课堂回答,课后作业和测试结果显示 ,多做多练是最有效的教学策略手段。2,通过本章的学习贯穿整本教材,引导学生有效的不知不觉的进入教材,融入生活。3,本章节的最大知识障碍点是连读。


Hi./Hello. I am Sam .Goodbye/Bye-bye的用法。


掌握Hi./Hello. I am Sam .Goodbye/Bye-bye的用法


1, 热身复习。


2, 导入课文。

教师请一位学生起立使用“Hello”有好地问候他。示意该同学用Hello 回应。鼓励他用同样的语言和其他同学问好。



3, 任务完成。


一 Greetings T: Hello everybody.I am Vera follow me Vera S: vera

T: say hello to Vera.Ok follow me!Hello Vera S:hello Vera

T: Good morning everyone S: Good morning Vera T: Hi Lucy S: Hi Vera T: Hello Bob S: Hello Vera …………………

二 Grouping T: I will divide you into two teams.You are monkey team.You are panda team.T: You are……..S: Monkey team T: Super.T: You are ……….S: panda team T: Very good T: Monkey team follows me.Monkey monkey go go go.S: Monkey monkey go go go

T: Panda team follows me.Panda panda yeah yeah yeah S: Panda panda yeah yeah yeah T: Today, we have a PK 三 warm up

T: Let’s do warm up!I say you do。sit down!Stand up!S:……………………………..看孩子的反应能力

四 New lesson T:Today I will introduce some new friends to you!Look at this picture.What’s this? S:猴子

T:It’s a monkey!Ok follow me monkey monkey S:Monkey monkey T: Monkey team please S: monkey monkey T: Panda team please S:Monkey monkey T:小朋友们都有小名对吗? Monkey 也有小名.Listen!munchy munchy ok read after me.S:Munchy ……………… T: monkey munchy S:……………………………

T:Say hello to monkey munchy S:hello monkey munchy T:跟小猴子打一声招呼 S:Hello monkey munchy!T:那么打两声招呼呢? S:Hello Hello monkey munchy T:打三声招呼呢?

S:Hello hello hello monkey munchy T:四声招呼

S:Hello Hello hello hello monkey munchy

T:为了增加小朋友们的记忆,老师教你们一个动作(猴子的动作)。OK follow me ………..S:………………………………………..T: Super Look at this picture.What’s this? S:熊猫

T:It’s a panda follow me panda panda S:panda panda T: What’s this? Monkey team please S: panda

T: Panda team please S: panda T:同样panda 也有小名.Listen!Pandy ok read after me.S:Pandy ……………… T: panda pandy S:…………………………… T:Say hello to panda pandy S: hello panda pangdy T:跟panda打一声招呼 S:Hello panda pandy!T:那么打两声招呼呢? S:Hello Hello panda pandy T:打三声招呼呢?

S:Hello hello hello panda pandy T:四声招呼

S:Hello Hello hello hello panda pandy

T:为了增加小朋友们的记忆,老师教你们一个动作。(熊猫的动作)OK follow me ………..S:………………………………………..T: Very good.T: What’s this?

S: It’s a monkey munchy

T: Monkey team is super.One apple for you T: What’s this? S: panda pandy T: panda team is good.A banana for you T: Look at this picture.What’s this? S:小狗

T:Good it’s a dog.Just listen dog dog dog。OK follow me dog dog dog S:Dog dog dog T:Now we play a game.When I turn round.You say dog.When I turn back you stand up。OK? S:…………………………………………….T:Super.Bob 反应慢了哈.Bob come here 用你的小屁股写一下dog S:…………………………………

T:同样dog 也有小名,Doffy follow me doffy doffy S:doffy doffy doffy T:为了增加小朋友们的记忆,老师教你们一个动作。(小狗的动作)OK follow me ………..S:………………………………………..T:Say hello to dog doffy

S: hello dog doffy

T:跟dog doffy打一声招呼 S:Hello dog doffy!T:那么打两声招呼呢? S:Hello Hello dog doffy T:打三声招呼呢?

S:Hello hello hello dog doffy T:四声招呼

S:Hello Hello hello hello dog doffy T:OK very good what’s this? S:monkey munchy T: good what’s this? S:panda pandy T:super what’s this? S:dog doffy

T: Super Look at this picture.What’s this? S:小猫

T:It’s a cat follow me cat cat S:cat cat T: What’s this? Monkey team please S: cat cat

T: Panda team please S: cat T:同样cat 也有小名.Listen!Catty catty OK read after me.S:Catty ……………… T: cat catty S:…………………………… T:Say hello to cat catty

S: hello cat catty T:跟panda打一声招呼 S:Hello!cat catty T:那么打两声招呼呢? S:Hello Hello cat catty T:打三声招呼呢?

S:Hello hello hello cat catty T:四声招呼

S:Hello Hello hello hello cat catty T:为了增加小朋友们的记忆,老师教你们一个动作。(小猫的动作)OK follow me ………..S:………………………………………..T: look at this picture what’s this? S:熊

T:great 但它是咱们在玩具店见到的那种泰迪熊 Teddy Bear!OK follow me Teddy Bear……………… S:………………………………… T: wonderful每个小组各加一分 T:今天小朋友们表现太棒了Vera 老师奖励大家一首儿歌 Listen……


T:老师教你们唱一下…….大家一起唱一下 不用做动作 S: Hello hello hello ………………………..T: Everybody stands up let’s do it together.(加动作)S: hello hello hello ……………………………….二课时

一 Greetings

T: Hello boys and girls S:Hello Vera 二 Revision T: Let’s review what we learned last class.What’s this? S: It’s a Monkey munchy

T: Super monkey team is good.One apple for you.what’s this? S: It’s a Panda pandy T: Great panda team is super.A banana for you.T: What’s this? S: It’s a dog doffy T: What’s this? S: It’s a cat catty T: What’s this? S:It’s aTeddy Bear

T: wonderful let’s review our song S………………………………….三New lesson

T: Very good.Look at this picture what can you see in the picture? S:I can see a monkey munchy、panda pandy、dog doffy cat catty Teddy Bear T:早上monkey munchy看到小朋友应该怎么说?(带着动作)S:Good morning

T:Good 小朋友说(带着动作)wow monkey munchy ok follow me!Wow……………………..S:………………………………

T:这是panda pandy 也来了,看到monkey munchy 打了一声招呼(打招呼)hello monkey munchy OK follow me S:………………………………

T:老师手里有好多玩具,拿着Teddy bear 说say hello to Teddy Bear(带着动作)follow me S:say hello to Teddy Bear………………………………

T:小朋友们同时给Teddy bear打招呼Hi Teddy bear(带着动作)follow me S:Hi Teddy Bear T:Listen to the tape(用手指着)T:Listen it again 看老师的动作。T:OK!Everybody let’s do it together.S:…………………………………………………… T:同学们自己来一遍带动作

四Homework 1.本课单词写两遍 2.本课描红 3.本课的课课练


Middle school students in Xingtai, north Chinas Hebei Province, display greeting cards in celebration of World Hello Day on November 19.

Everybody can participate in World Hello Day, which falls on November 21 every year, simply by greeting 10 or more others. The holiday, which originated as a response to the 1973 Arab-Israeli War, aims to demonstrate the importance of personal communication in preserving peace. It has been increasingly celebrated in China in recent years as an occasion to express good will between people.


比如一个用户从Digg来到你的一个网页,可以显示一个信息,提示他Digg你的文章。如果是从Twitter来,那可以提示它分享这篇文章为一条Tweet或订阅你的Twitter,如果是从Google搜索关键词而来,则可以提示它订阅你的RSS Feed, 并显示一份匹配搜索关键词的相关文章列表。


