



Even though globalization affects the world’s economies in a positive way, its negative side should not be forgotten.Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of globalization.In the present age, globalization is playing an increasingly important role in our lives.But in the meantime whether it is a blessing or a curse has sparked a heated debate.Some people argue that globalization has a fundamentally beneficial influence on our lives, while many others contend that it has a detrimental effect as well.A convincing argument can be made about globalization is that it not only plays a pivotal role in the development of technology and economy, but also promotes the cultural exchange between different countries.To start with, it is the globalization that impelled many corporate to become an international group, thereby making a contribution to the local technology and employment.Specifically, when a multinational group establish a factory in a developing country, the new equipment, the new management skills and the job vacancies are all in the best interest of the local society.Moreover, people worldwide can get to know each other better through globalization.It is easy to see that more and more Hollywood

blockbusters show cultures different from American, some recent examples are ‘Kungfu Panda’ and ‘The Mummy’.Admittedly, profit-driven globalization has severely affected young people.Today, in the metropolises in different countries, it is very common to see teenagers wearing NIKE T-shirts and Adidas footwear, playing Hip-Hop music on Apple iPods and eating at KFC.The culture that took a thousand years to form just seems similar in these cities;it looks like you can only distinguish them by their language.Meanwhile, in some developing countries, sweat workshops are always a concerning issue.For instance, reports show that some teenagers employed by

NIKE’s contractors work in smelly factories over 14 hours a day, but are only paid fifty cents per hour.In summary, I would concede that globalization does come with some adverse effects.Despite that fact, benefits created by it far outweigh the disadvantages.Overall, I am convinced that we should further promote globalization and meanwhile the local government should take measures to combat cultural assimilation and sweat workshops.Increasing the price of petrol is the best way to solve growing traffic and pollution problems.To what extent do you agree or disagree? What other measures do you think might be effective?


1.Traffic problems---problematic urban transportation

(1)Public transportation: roads, bus routes

(2)Private cars

2.Pollution---multiple factors

(1)Toxic gases from manufacturing industries

(2)Burning of fossil fuels at workplaces and home

(3)Automobile emissions

3.Ineffective: rising costs will only affect a small number of people, but the majority of people will still use the fuel.4.Measures:

(1)Improve public transportation system

(2)Restrict the use of private car

(3)Develop clean energy


When we talk about globalization ,most people may feel that it is easier to buy some foreign goods which are considered to be high quality.As a matter of fact ,globalization have influence on the world we live.It is widening the gap between the rich and the poor, causing great social conflicts.Besides,not every country has the same chance to develop as some developed countries have more rights to make the rules and have advantages of economic、technology and management.But the challenges can also accelerate the progress of development.Because the globalization provides a bigger market for every member to get stronger.In addition ,globalization makes the world smaller like a village where villagers have more opportunities to get to each other and admire the beauty of other differernt cultures.At the same time ,it will also smooth out the diversity among the community ,leading to the loss of cultures.As time goes by ,the influence of globalization on our daily life will be more vivid and specific.As far as i am concerned , what we should do is not deny it but be more ready for it.




1. 在现如今的中国,英语仍然是大部分高校的必修课。


2. 功能主义对教学法的影响很深。


3. 英语全球化在很大程度上影响了英语课程标准的制定。

从功能的角度层面看, 全世界范围内的英语课程标准都在某种程度上受到了母语的影响,交际法和以学习者为中心的概念出现得很频繁。而中国英语教育也在不断探求能够体现上述概念的课程标准。因此,在任务型课标里,交际法受到高度重视,得到专家们的一致肯定。据相关资料显示,国内的主要英语教学期刊杂志和报纸中,有关交际法教学的内容占了很大篇幅,并呈现继续上涨的趋势。


1. 教师层面。


2. 母语对学习者影响层面。





























In the present age, globalization is playing an increasingly important role in our lives. But in the meantime whether it is a blessing or a curse has sparked a heated debate. Some people argue that globalization has a fundamentally beneficial influence on our lives, while many others contend that it has a detrimental effect as well.

A convincing argument can be made about globalization is that it not only plays a pivotal role in the development of technology and economy, but also promotes the cultural exchange between different countries. To start with, it is the globalization that impelled many corporate to become an international group, thereby making a contribution to the local technology and employment. Specifically, when a multinational group establish a factory in a developing country, the new equipment, the new management skills and the job vacancies are all in the best interest of the local society. Moreover, people worldwide can get to know each other better through globalization. It is easy to see that more and more Hollywood blockbusters show cultures different from American, some recent examples are ‘Kungfu Panda’ and ‘The Mummy’.

Admittedly, profit-driven globalization has severely affected young people. Today, in the metropolises in different countries, it is very common to see teenagers wearing NIKE T-shirts and Adidas footwear, playing Hip-Hop music on Apple iPods and eating at KFC. The culture that took a thousand years to form just seems similar in these cities; it looks like you can only distinguish them by their language. Meanwhile, in some developing countries, sweat workshops are always a concerning issue. For instance, reports show that some teenagers employed by NIKE’s contractors work in smelly factories over 14 hours a day, but are only paid fifty cents per hour.

In summary, I would concede that globalization does come with some adverse effects. Despite that fact, benefits created by it far outweigh the disadvantages. Overall, I am convinced that we should further promote globalization and meanwhile the local government should take measures to combat cultural assimilation and sweat workshops.



People around the world may feel that the climate has been getting steadily warmer and warmer in recent years.Places which used to be abundant in snowfall have frequently experienced snowfree(无雪的)winters.Drought lasts longer in some dry areas.People find that without air conditioners they could hardly work or fall asleep on hotter summer daysg.The side effects of global warming are alarminS.A warmer global climate melts the ice caps, raising sea levels.What is more, it disturbs weather patterns, causing droughts, severe storms, hurricanes(飓风).People suffer a lot from disasters relevant to global warming.To stop global warming we should make immediate and continual efforts.We hope the situation will soon change.Global warming catches and holds our concern, for it affects us and will affect our later generations.We cannot wait any longer.Do it.Do it right.Do it right now.


First of all, global warming is one example, soak in the hot weather in summer air conditioning bees a new “hobby”, but what do people ever thought of air conditioning can bring negative effect? Gas air conditioning to contain large amounts of methane, to the outside is the leading cause of global warming gases, methane and air conditioning will waste a lot of electricity, so try to avoid using the air conditioning or appropriate use。

Another reason is that carbon dioxide, automobile exhaust and factory waste gas containing a large amount of carbon dioxide, and carbon dioxide are most likely to lead to global warming。 Cars now, too much exhaust serious affect our nong cough, throat inflammation。。。 。 According to concerning sectional statistic Chinas per capita emissions of carbon dioxide emissions every year 2。 51 tons a year! The changes in the harsh environment around us。

More important reason is that: reduce forest, farmland, water damage and serious water pollution, fresh water supply is a problem, many parts of the draft has bee a big problem。 Now countries are massive effort, demanding, and costs “of the south-north water diversion project”。

In order to save the planet, people all over the world should be: dont open air conditioning, use recycled environmental protection bags, dont use plastic bags, take the bus, dont throw waste batteries。。。 Such as the dribs and drabs in life。 In fact, environmental protection is not difficult, as long as you support is the best gift you give earth environmental protection, take action, this is a powerful force!






No one,regardless of race, religion or nationality, can deny that the world we live in is being increasingly intolerable because of the effects of global warming。 According to many experts, even greater impacts are still on the way。

There are numerous causes for this problem。 On one hand, human-related emissions of carbon into the atmosphere is causing, and will in the future cause, significant global warming according to the theory。 On the other hand, the lack of knowledge about the importance of protecting environment hinders the solving of the。

It is urgent that immediate and effective actions should be taken right away。 First, more trees need to be planted to help improve and beautify the environment。 Besides, stricter laws concerning global warming and irresponsible use of fuel resources have to be put into effect and achieved good results。 In a word, there is a long way to go before we can take a fortable world for granted again 。



Recently, global warming has become a hot topic among people. It results from serious air pollution. As the environmental pollution is more and more strict, the temperature of all the world has dramatic increased. Gradually, some disaster such as drought, floodandGlaciers Melting follow. How terrible it is! Therefore, we need to protect our earth and fight against the disaster together.We should start from the trivial side. Making contribution to protecting our home.



As the rocks, the air, and the seas warm, they radiate “heat” energy (thermal infrared radiation). From the surface, this energy travels into the atmosphere where much of it is absorbed by water vapor and long-lived greenhouse gases such as carbon dioxide and methane.

When they absorb the energy radiating from Earth’s surface, microscopic water or greenhouse gas molecules turn into tiny heaters— like the bricks in a fireplace, they radiate heat even after the fire goes out. They radiate in all directions. The energy that radiates back toward Earth heats both the lower atmosphere and the surface, enhancing the heating they get from direct sunlight.


Earth’s temperature begins with the Sun. Roughly 30 percent of incoming sunlight is reflected back into space by bright surfaces like clouds and ice. Of the remaining 70 percent, most is absorbed by the land and ocean, and the rest is absorbed by the atmosphere. The absorbed solar energy heats our planet.


As the rocks, the air, and the seas warm, they radiate “heat” energy (thermal infrared radiation). From the surface, this energy travels into the atmosphere where much of it is absorbed by water vapor and long-lived greenhouse gases such as carbon dioxide and methane.


When they absorb the energy radiating from Earth’s surface, microscopic water or greenhouse gas molecules turn into tiny heaters— like the bricks in a fireplace, they radiate heat even after the fire goes out. They radiate in all directions. The energy that radiates back toward Earth heats both the lower atmosphere and the surface, enhancing the heating they get from direct sunlight.


This absorption and radiation of heat by the atmosphere—the natural greenhouse effect—is beneficial for life on Earth. If there were no greenhouse effect, the Earth’s average surface temperature would be a very chilly -18°C (0°F) instead of the comfortable 15°C (59°F) that it is today.
