






Chinese netizens are more likely to use the Internet for social reasons, thus they use the forums, blogs and

chatting rooms on a larger scale.

【考点总结】上述试题原句中的“因而”是表示结果的词汇。同时,表示因果关系的词汇是我们翻译题必备的部分,不要只会简单的because和so,为大家总结如下:since; as; for; in that; owing to; due to; for the reason that...; in view of; therefore; consequently; as a result; thus; hence等。





Tea drinking spread into Japanese as early as in the 6th century, but it was not until the 17th and 18th centuries that it spread into Europe and America.

It wasn’t until October, that examination and approval restored cautiously.

【考点总结】上述两个试题原句均含有“(直)到/……才”结构。在遇到类似情况时,可用句型“not…until”译出。具体翻译时,也可使用强调句型“It is (was) not until + 时间/方式状语(从句)+ that +主句”译出。




The fund was used to better the school’s teaching equipment and purchase books, benefiting more than 160,000 primary and middle school students.














all but:几乎,差不多

as anything:非常地

anything but:根本不

apart from:除了

but for:要不是

by far:远不,……得多

by no means:根本不

by any means:无论如何

due to:由于

except for:除了

far from:远非

in contact with:与……联系

instead of:而不是

on account of:因为

on the basis of:根据

only to:结果是

might/may as well:还是……的好

not so much…as:与其说……不如说

not really:远不

not to mention:更不用说

let alone:更不用说

no more…than…:和……一样都不

no less than:简直是

nothing less than:完全是


rather than:而不是

owing to:由于

It is assumed that:人们认为

It is said that:据说

It is learned that:据闻

It is supposed that:据推测

It is considered that:据估计

It is believed that:人们认为

It is reported that:据报道

It is well-known that:众所周知

It is asserted that:有人断言

It is clear/obvious/evident that:很显然

It can‘t be denied that:不可否认

It must be admitted that:必须承认


1 计算机英语的特点

1) 计算机英语中的大量词汇来源于日常用语并大量借用相关学科中的词汇。如:input输入output输出information信息communication通信control控制。

2) 专业术语、合成词汇多。Instruction (指令) , register (寄存器) , pulse (脉冲) , record (记录) , multiuser (多用户) , multimedia (多媒体) , multitask (多任务) 。

3) 计算机英语中复杂长句多, 被动语态多, 非谓语动词多

The switches are used for the opening and closing of electrical circuits.

4) 计算机英语具有严谨求实的科学特征。

计算机英语具有客观、严谨、准确、精练的科技英语特点。在具体应用当中会大量用到被动语态句和长句, 翻译时, 既要符合计算机专业背景, 又要通顺易懂, 言简义丰。

2 计算机英语的常见翻译方法

2.1 计算机英语的词汇的翻译

根据上述计算机英语的特征, 在翻译计算机英语词汇是应采用转义法。比如:display (陈列) ———显示器;enter (进入) ———回车;key (钥匙) ———按键等。对于一些新生词汇的翻译, 可采用直译或者音译。例如:Internet———因特网, Hacker———黑客等,

2.2 被动语态的常见翻译方法

计算机英语通常的应用范围是对计算机相关部件和内容的描述, 包括介绍软件、硬件组成及网络和多媒体等技术。被动语态比主动语态更具有客观性, 更适合于描述客观事物, 结构也更显简洁。根据被动语态的特点, 介绍几种计算机英语的翻译方法:

1) 顺序翻译。当将原文的被动语态句直接翻译成汉语的被动句, 而又符合汉语的习惯时, 可顺序翻译, 用“被”、“为……所”、“使”、“由”等表示被动含义。The Internet is a globa communication system of diverse, interconnected computer networks used for exchanging information.

参考译文:因特网是一个由各种不同的、相互连接的计算机网络组成的全球通信系统, 用来交换数据。

2) 译成主动句。当用顺序翻译法翻译的句子不符合汉语习惯是, 可把被动句译成主动句。例:The long-term productivity of systems is enhangced by object-oriented programming.。译成主动句:“面向对象的程序设计提高了系统的长期生产率”更为恰当。

3) 译成无主语句。当没有必要交待动作的主语时, 译成无主句。例:Therefore logic must be used when making decisions or when calculating or processing data.译文:因此, 当做判定或者当计算或处理数据时, 必须采用逻辑。 (you must) Open the driver door!打开驱动器门!

4) 固定译法。英语中有不少常用的被动结构, 一般已有固定的译法。It is said that……据说……It should be pointed ou that (It should be noted that……) 应当指出……

5) 综合译法。在遇到一个句子中接连出现被动结构, 各种情况交错出现时, 要综合运用各种译法, 才能将全句译成比较

通顺的汉语。UNIX, developed by American Telephone and Telegrap (AT&T) , Shows promise of becoming a new standard particularly for applications involving communication between two or more computers.

参考译文:由美国电话电报公司所开发的UNIX显示了有具有可能变成新标准的希望, 该操作系统特别适合于两台或多台计算机之间通信方面的应用。

本句虽长, 却是简单句, 主语是UNIX, 后跟一个非限定性定语developed by谓语是shows, particularly forl领起从句, involving是现在分词短语作application的后置定语。

6) 意译。当直译或者顺序翻译不能表达原句的意思时可以采用意译法。例:When information is moved between virtualmemory space and real-memory space, a complete page is moved.译文:信息是整页整页地在虚拟存储器和实存储器之间传送的。

2.3 复合句的翻译

由于计算机使用过程中很多现象、结构极为复杂, 因此人们在描述现象和阐述规律的时候, 必然会用到含有并列关系或者主从关系的复合句, 使用大量的非限定动词短语, 使句子结构变得十分复杂。面对令人困惑的长句, 首先应对其仔细进行语法分析:

1) 判断句子结构和类型。对于结构复杂的长句, 不仅应该找出其基本结构, 还应该判断其属于简单句、并列句还是复合句。

2) 分析句子主干。抛开句子中的修饰、限定成分, 抓住句子的中心。一般的句子结构有几种: (1) 主语+谓语+宾语。 (从句/代词/不定式/动名词) 。 (2) 主语+系动词+表语。 (3) 主语+谓语+宾语+人+物 (或物+to/for+人) 。 (4) 主语+谓语+宾语+宾补 (或复合宾语)

3) 分析句子的其他成分。找到句子的主干之后, 判断其他句子的成分。判断出定语、宾语、状语还是表语, 做出相应的翻译。

4) 拆句法。进行语法分析后, 找出长句的修饰成分, 包括大量的从句、分词短语、介词短语、不定式短语以及同位成分等, 翻译时一般是将长句拆成汉语的多个句子。

如:What we are talking about is how to make acommunica-tion between the MicroVax 3800and the plant`s DCS through the scada system.

我们正在讨论的是如何通过管理控制和数据采集系统scada) 在MicroVax 3800和装置的DCS系统间建立通信。

5) 重新组, 合法

有一些复合句, 从句和短语多, 结构复杂, 难以把握和处理, 因此, 在翻译时, 不仅要具备较高的英语水平, 还有具备必

要的专业知识。如:The great difficultyof introducing radically new computerarchitectures which requires customers torewrite most of their software excluded thepossibility for those techniques to find theirway to the commercial marketplace.

采用全新的计算机体系结构, 势必要求用户改写其大部分软件, 因此, 难以付诸实现, 这就排除了这种技术进入商品市场的可能性。

原文句子中的主语是介词短语, 又包含一个限制性定语从句的复合句, 在翻译时, 必须打散原文的句子结构, 重新进行组合:先把定语从句拆出分译, 再把“great difficulty”抽出来译为“难以付诸实现”, 独立构成一句。这样, 不仅圆满地解决了上述的诸多困难, 而且也使译文更加通顺流畅。

综上所述, 计算机英语中的单词、被动语态句和复合句的翻译是计算机英语翻译的难点, 需要掌握正确的翻译方法, 积累翻译经验, 在翻译中灵活运用, 并时刻掌握计算机发展的动态, 才能提高计算机英语的理解和翻译能力。


[1]李绍芳.计算机英语词汇的汉译方法[J].牡丹江大学学报, 2009 (1) .


【关键词】英语长句 翻译 长句










(一) 顺向翻译法


例1: ①The us and China on Wednesday agreed to resolve a series of economic disputes in a deal that ②the Bush administration hopes will shrink the trade deficit and deflect charges that ③Chinese competition is hurting US workers.





例2: ①Food manufacturers are flooding the UK market with new products ②in response to ③rising demand from ④a population hungry for “something different.”




英语长句结构虽工整,但有时各个成分之间关系并不十分密切。因而,在翻译时可按汉语多用短句的习惯, 将工整的英语长句分解译成汉语小句,分开叙述,使语意更加连贯,也更符合汉语的表达习惯。

例3:The McKinsey Global Institution (MGI), the business and economic research arm of McKinsey & Company, was established in 1990 to develop a deeper understanding of the evolving global economy.

译文: 麦肯锡全球研究院(MGI) 成立于1990年,是麦肯锡咨询公司对商业经济进行研究的分支机构,其目的是对不断发展的全球经济进行更深入的探索。

分析:本句中the business and economic research arm of McKinsey & Company 一个名字短语作同位语。to develop a deeper understanding of the evolving global economy 是一个不定式短语作目的状语。在翻译时,将同位语和目的状语分别译为两个独立的句子,使译文更符合汉语自身的逻辑。



例4:Previous Urban reports by the McKinsey Global Institute have quantified the magnitude of the changes in the global consuming class and infrastructure investment that are under way as fast-growing cities in emerging regions gain share in the global economy.




本文从英语长句的句式特点出发来探讨英语长句翻译的策略和方法。我们知道要想做好英语长句翻译,必须了解英语长句的特点,理清其句子结构及语法成分,同时灵活地运用各种翻译技巧与方法,译出通顺 、流畅、自然的汉语译文。




[3]欧阳燕.长句的逻辑翻译法[J]. 西安外国语学院学报,2005.

[4]张培基.英汉翻译教程[M] 上海,上海外语教育出版社,1980




1. To sum up, ______can benefit us tremendously if correctly used.总而言之,如果运用得当,______会让我们受益匪浅。

2. Therefore, it is not difficult to draw the conclusion that ______.因此,不难得出以下结论:______。

3. Recognizing the fact that ______ will lead us to conclude that ______.承认______这一事实,我们能得出以下结论:______。

4. The evidence upon all sides supports/confirms/leads to a conclusion that ______.各方面的证据支持/表明/得出这样一个结论:______。

5. From what has been discussed above/Based on the points discussed above, we can draw/arrive at the conclusion that ______.综上所述,我们能得出如下结论:______。

6. In summary/conclusion/a word, it is important that we should ______.总之,我们应该______,这一点很重要。

7. Taking into account all of these factors, we may reach the conclusion that______ .考虑到所有因素,我们得出结论:______。



1. The saying ______ has been widely accepted throughout the world. 名言______在世界范围内被普遍接受。

2. “______.” We are used to hearing such words like those. “______。” 我们常常听到这样的说法。

3. “______.” Such is the opinion of a great man. This remark has been confirmed time and time again by many historical events. “______。”


4. As the proverb goes, ______ . 正如谚语______所说。

5. There is an English proverb which says that ______. 有一个英语谚语______。

6. There is an old saying, “______.” It is the experience of our forefathers, however, it is correct in many cases even today.


7. “______” is the opinion held by______ . This remark has been confirmed time and again by more and more people. “______”是______的观点,而且被越来越多的人反复证实。



1. It might be time to hear the warnings of some economists.该是听听一些经济学家的警告的时候了。

2. It is time that we put/urged an immediate end to the undesirable situation/tendency of ______. 该是结束______这种讨厌的情况/趋势的时候了。

3. Therefore, in order to ______, effective means should be taken to ______.所以,为了______,必须采取有效措施来______。

4. It is high time that______ . Here are some of the things that might be taken up immediately. 该是______的时候了。这里有几项措施可以立即着手执行。

5. It is suggested that the government should make efforts to ______.人们建议政府应该做出努力去______。

6. In short/In any case, we should/ought to/must ______.总之/无论如何,我们应该/必须______。

7. Awareness of the seriousness of the problem is the first step toward the solution.意识到这个问题的严重性是解决问题的第一步。

8. While it cannot be solved immediately, still there are ways. The most important is ______. Another way is ______.尽管问题不能立即得到解决,但是还是有方法。最重要的是______。还有______。



1. The significance of ______cannot be overvalued. ______的意义重大。

2. What will happen to ______? Nobody really knows. But one thing is certain: ______. ______会发生什么事情?没有人确切知道。但有一件事可以肯定:______。

3. Following these suggestions may not guarantee success, but the payoff might be worth the effort. It will not only benefit ______ but also benefit ______.也许这些建议并不能保证取得成功,但是值得一试。它不但会造福______,而且也会使______受益。

4. To reverse the trend is not a light task. It requires a good awareness of ______.要想扭转这一趋势并非易事。这需要充分意识到______。

5. People are coming to realize the importance of ______. Some have begun to try their best to ______. We believe that ______.人们开始意识到______的重要性。许多人已经开始竭力______。我们相信______。

6. It is clear/obvious/evident/apparent that ______. Therefore, the task of ______ requires/demands/involves ______.很显然,______。因此,要完成______的任务必须______。

7. With the improvement of ______, ______will prove to hold great superior over ______. 随着______的改善,______将证明比______更具优越性。

8. There is a growing tendency for people these days to ______, which I believe will not change in a short time.现在,人们______的趋势正在增加,而且我认为短时间内这种趋势不会改变。

9. If everyone is willing to contribute himself to the society, it will be better and better.如果人人都愿意为社会做出贡献,社会将变得越来越美好。

10. Anyhow, whether it is positive or negative, one thing is certain that it will undoubtedly ______. 不管它的作用是积极的还是消极的,可以肯定的是它必将______。

11. Whatever you do, please remember the saying ______. If you understand it and apply it to your study or work, you’ll necessarily benefit a lot from it.不管你做什么,请记住这句老话:______。只要你懂得它的意思,并将其应用到学习或工作中,你定将受益匪浅。


1) 当表示否定或基本否定的词或词组位于句首作状语时用倒装。

这类词或词组常用的有:never, nowhere, seldom, rarely, little, hardly, scarcely, barely, not until, not only, by no means, in no time, under no circumstances, under no condition, in no way, in no case, at no time, on no account等。

Never have I heard it before.

Nowhere can I find my lost watch.

Under no circumstance should a student cheat in the exam.

Not only was Churchill a statesman, but also a poet.

Note: 当 “no sooner … than”和“hardly/scarcely … when/before”位于句首时用倒装。


Hardly/Scarcely had I got home when/before the bell rang.

No sooner had the performance begun than the lights went out.

2) 当here, there, then, thus, only, hence, little等副词位于句首,句中主、谓用倒装。

Here is the book for you.

There goes the bell.

Then came the order to take off.

Thus arose the division between the developed and developing countries.

3) 当 “so/such … that”结构中的so或such 位于句首时用倒装。

So cold was it at night that I could hardly fall asleep.

Such was the force of explosion that all the windows were broken.

4) 分句以so, neither, nor, no more等副词位于句首,表明前面句子中所说明的情况也使用于后面的句子时用倒装。

Copper is a good conductor. So are many other metals.

He didn’t see the film last night, neither did she.

2. 强调句型


其构成形式为:It is (was) +被强调部分+ that(who, which) + 句子的其他部分。被强调的部分通常为主语、宾语和状语。

It is only when one is ill that one realizes the value of health.

It is what you will do that is essential.




It was Jane that/who lent me the money.

It was this novel that/which they talked about last night.

如果强调的是原因状语从句,只能用because引导,不能由since, as或why引导。

It was because(不用since或as) he had never had the opportunity that John hadn’t learned to drive.

有三类句子成分不可以进行强调,即表语、谓语动词和由though, although, whereas等引导的从句。

It is although he is young that he can speak four languages. (误)

Although he is young, he can speak four languages. (正)

It is whereas he prefers pop song that I like classical music. (误)

I like classical music whereas he prefers pop songs. (正)

3. 使役动词后的宾语补足语


常用的使役动词有:have, want, make, get, leave, set, let等。可以担当使役动词宾语补足语的有名词,形容词,介词短语,动词不定式和分词等。

All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy.

A good night’s rest will set you right.


动词不定式可以担当使役动词的宾语补足语,但在make, let, have等使役动词后,动词不定式作宾语补足语时不用to。

He made her give up the opportunity.

What would you have me do?

Her pride would not let her do this.


Her remark left me wondering what he was driving at.

The joke set them all laughing.

He managed to get the job done on time.
