



实例1:Watch a movie at theatre or watch the movie at home, which one do you prefer?

要在电影院看电影,还是在家看电影之间做选择。从个人感受来想,大家多数可能都会选择去电影院看电影,但是除了说big screen,或者永远也不知道怎么用英文表示的“热闹”之外,大家就不知道再怎么继续说下去了。其实,不妨从Time & Money方面来考虑,我们是否能把话题说的更具逻辑性和更具体呢?

Time - watch the movie at home.


I prefer to watch the movie at home because of the matter of time. I mean, watching movies at theatre is time-consuming. Once, when I planned to watch the movie at cinema, I have to reach there at least one hour in advance. What’s more, for those box office movies, I have to wait a long queue to get the ticket and wait until the beginning of the movie.

Money - helps to save money.

在家看省钱。不出家门,就能看到电影。而去电影院看电影,路上要花钱pay for the transport,买票要花钱fees for tickets,看电影还要带着点零食和饮料money spend on snacks and beverages,这样一罗列,确实在家能省好多。

Another reason is the matter of cost. I mean, watching at theatre costs more than at home. To be more specific, I have to pay for the transport and there are fees for tickets. Sometimes, I have to spend money on snacks and beverages. So I think watching at home is a more cost-effective way.


实例2:Celebrate the birthday in holding a party or celebrate the birthday quietly, which one do you prefer?

要我们在办生日party和一个人默默无闻地过生日之间进行选择。如果大家选择办个party,理由1. 热闹 2. 礼物。那我们如何快速地从时间和成本的角度想呢?

省时间 — 一个人过

I prefer to celebrate the birthday alone because of the problem of time. You know, as a university student, in addition to the academic work, I have joined in lots of school clubs. Every day, I have a tight schedule. What’s more, in order to holding a party, I have to design and decorate the place ahead of time, which will, all cost lots of time.

成本低 — 一个人过

Another reason is that holding a party costs lots of money. I mean, I have to rent a place which can accommodate all my friends. What’s more, the food and decoration can also be a burden for the freshman who does not have income like me. It is better to celebrate quietly.同样,我们把时间和成本整合起来就可以对我们的话题进行完整描述了。

实例3:Take a real trip or trip virtually by reading the books and articles, which one do you prefer?



I prefer to virtually take the trip. Because it is a very economical way which can save me lots of money. To be more specific, I do not have to pay for the transport on the road, entrance tickets to the tourist attraction or even the accommodation. Instead, I only need to buy the book from the store or borrow them from the library. It will not cost as much as the real trip.


Furthermore, by reading the books or articles, we are able to save lots of time. Say, within half a day, we can finish our trip to Paris and Tokyo by buying the books from the book store or borrowing them from the library. Also, usually, we need an extra week or several days to adjust ourselves after the real trip. But by means of reading, it will not cost us too much time to do the adjustment.







一. 发音糟糕:


vary/ weary



新东方出版社出版的的美语发音13秘诀,Ann Cook撰写。这并非我们自卖自夸,确实是因为此书对于美音的学习与纠正起了非常大的指导和练习作用,一用便知。当然,网络资源也是可行的,比如各种美剧,Friends被称为英语口语学习者的bible是有一定道理的


二. 说什么:





举例:which of he following activitiesshould you do with friends rather than alone? A. taking a walk B. watching amovie C. traveling.

这道题是最新的口语预测机经task1的其中一道,针对这道题,比较符合预期的思路是:首先做出选择,假设选C,即,我愿意和朋友一起旅行而非单独旅行。那么后面给出的具体细节则比如:“去洛杉矶参观好莱坞”“跟好朋友Jason一起去”“他能帮我分摊房租,我们一人二百美金在Hilton Hotel,比较划算”。而不能仅仅说“有了朋友一起去,就能帮我省钱,比如住酒店的时候”,这样的细节就缺乏具体性。

三. 怎么说


比如,当你想说“我喜欢打篮球”的时候,不要只会用like这个词表达,也要会说“I’m interested in playing basketball”及其他等等表达方式。如此,才能让口语评分官感受到你的词汇储备丰富且地道。参考资源,照旧是各种适宜的母语者的音频材料,



这句台词中,Leonard在表达“想”的这个词句上,使用的并非是我们惯用的“want to”,而用的是“in the mood for…”。因此,同学们一定要注意积累这些口语词句并在自己的答案中适当加以运用。


最近许多考生疑惑想要把口语分数从23分提到24甚至26分有什么套路,今天我就来跟大家分享一下自己的心得。加入合适的语气(intonation)你的口语成绩就会有提升。当套路,老司机,撩妹,撩汉分分钟刷新着自己的三观时,大家有没有注意过撩妹的老司机们的表情?而表情和我们在托福口语评分标准中一再强调的语气有何关系? 1464766876981050375.png So do you have any moves? (你有什么撩妹技巧吗) I start by having a bottle of wine sent to my table from a fan. Oh, my God. And that works? If you add, “this is embarrassing. I just want to have a normal life.” You poor little famous man. Okay, how about this one? I was gonna wait until the end of the night to kiss you..but you’re just so beautiful, I don’t think I can. Wow, that was fantastic! I almost leaned in(差点被骗). I Really almost did! So tell me one of your moves. Okay! Um..So where do you grow up? …That’s your move? Boy, Rach you are lucky you’re hot. (还好你长得美) Come on, just answer the question. Queens.(位于纽约下方) Were you close to your parents? Yeah, with my mom. Not so much my dad. why not? I don’t know. I guess there’s just this distance. I mean we both try to pretend it’s not there, but it is. uh..It’s gotta be rough. Yeah, it’s really tough. Sometimes I think..(Joey恍然大悟?)wow! Nice move! 我们现在来看一组对话,摘自老友记第八季第12集,这次是Rachael和Joey第一次约会,他们以朋友的身份交流自己撩妹撩汉的技能,8分05秒之后开始高能,下面请是他们交流时的经典表情和台词。 也就是因为这次,Rachael把Joey给撩起来了。 当然 这两位演员在剧情设定中是两位情场高手,从表情上看,我们发现他们在说英语时比我们的表情要夸张很多,而且两个人说话不仅是声音的传播,更是面目表情的表现与回应。托福口语之所以很难带出自然的语气,主要原因是我们面对的是电脑,所以很难表现出像对人说话那样自然,也就是说,我们想要的语气其实是人与人沟通时感情自然的流露。之所以强调自然二字,主要是请大家注意不要故意在话语中加入抑扬顿挫,不然听起来会感觉很怪。 那会到主题,我们怎么能自然地表现出我们有语气? 第一,要入戏。 深吸一口气,在每次答口语题尤其是独立题时,想像在你对面的是一个很想了解你的外国人,虽然看起来你只是呆呆在做在考场场对着一台电脑自言自语,可是你如果入戏了,你会把自己身置于各种场景中,比如大家看这道题: Some peoplethink students should study in the classroom. Others believe that they shouldvisit the museum or the zoo. Which do you prefer and why? 首先我的观点是:I prefer tovisit the museum or the zoo. 然后这时入戏的我早已深处动物园中,在两栖动物馆里,看着不同的青蛙?,这时我还需要一个讲解员,好,讲解员来了,她跟我们说:Usually frogslive in the humid environment, however some the frogs could also survive in thedry climate, they have special body feature to store water, which is reallyamazing. 完美入戏。 第二,要有表情。 同样一句话,有表情的说与无表情的说到底听起来一样还是不一样?从各种美剧中我们不难看出,演员们的表情是很夸张的,而且他们正是因为有了表情,才表达出更强烈的语气,要想验证也不难,大家可以参照Joey和Rachael对话表情图,其中不难看出每一句话的表情都是很丰富的,但唯有Joey说Queens的时候,他是没有表情的,而且这句话是没有语气的。当然,考试中我们并不需要像演员一样作出很夸张的表情,可是如果想要自然表达出语气,比如对某件事物的好坏判断,偏向爱好,加入表情更有助于我们表达语气。





例:The GreatWall was the greatest man-made military defense structure in ancient China。这个句子在托福口语表达中就是一个能拿高分的句子,但如果大家把他一口气读完的话,这个句子的美感就体现不出来了,而且在录音的情况下很可能还会让评卷者无法听清楚。于是我们需要借助断句来表达,下面我用/作为断句的标志,我们可以这样来处理这个句子:

The Great Wall/was the greatest /man-made military defensestructure/in ancient China。

断句可以稍稍停顿,或者是拉长词的读音,我们在wall 的时候拉长读音,在greatest和structure后稍作停顿,于是这个句子听起来就更加容易理解,因为我们把句子的意群The Great Wall、was the greatest、man-made military defense structure、in ancient China划开了,这样的托福口语听起来才更能拿高分。所以在这里,提醒大家,为了使表达效果更好,使语言听起来更加悦耳,考生不但要注意发音,还要注意说话时的断句。





Task 1

Which one of the following qualities do you think a good school should have? Students who like to help each other, knowledgeable teachers or strict rules?



I think a good school should definitely have strict rules for the following reasons. My first reason is that strict rules can motivate all kinds of students to work harder because most of the times, students, especially teenagers need a little push in life. For example, when I was in high school, all students in my school were required to arrive at school at 7am to memorize English vocabulary. The school forced everyone to make wise use of the time before the first class of the day officially started. I hated it back then. But when I look back now, I realize that I couldn’t have possibly gotten such a good grade in English if my school didn’t push me. I probably would have spent my morning sleeping in or procrastinating if my school didn’t have such a strict rule. Plus, strict rules can teach students about discipline. Sometimes it’s not exactly about the rules themselves, it’s the concept of obeying the rules when asked to that matters.



Task2 – Some universities encourage their students to get involved in voluntary jobs in the community like cleaning the public park and tutoring? Do you agree or disagree?

Should students be required to do volunteer work?




I would definitely support the university’s voluntary program as it benefit student so much. For starters, those community services would give students a sense of responsibility and purpose. For example, I spent quite a while with some primary student last year, helping them with their reading. I observed their way of thinking and what they like or dislike. And I realized how to comfort them when they were upset and encourage them when they fell sorrow. Also, this experience shapes my personality. I became more open-minded and are more willing to communicate with others than before.


12月5日托福口语真题Task 2

I think students should be required to do volunteer for the following reasons. Firstly, it’s important for students to learn to give back to the community at an early age. I first started volunteering when I was only 8 years old, I remember it was right before Christmas and my parents signed us up for volunteering in the soup kitchen in my neighborhood. I was the youngest volunteer there that day and I used a big ladle to serve hot soup to the homeless. That was kind of a milestone in my life because that was when I understood the importance of sharing what we have with the less fortunate and I also realized how good it feels when we know we are capable of helping others. Today volunteer work has become a big part of who I am and I think all students should learn the meaning of volunteering from an early stage of life. Plus, it’s a good chance for students to sharpen their communication skills. In volunteer work, more often than not, you will have to work with others in a group, that’s a good opportunity for students to learn to be great listeners while getting their own voices heard at the same time.






《新托福考试官方指南》(即俗称的OG)对托福口语的评分标准是有详细说明的。OG上强调的托福口语评分标准包括三个方面:第一是信息的传递(Delivery),第二是语言的使用(Language Use),第三是话题的展开(Topic Development)。下面就这三个方面分别详述。

1. 信息的传递(Delivery)

就信息的传递来说,托福口语考试要求考生清楚地表达自己的观点。有些考生误以为给出的观点符合考官的心思才能拿高分。其实,在托福口语考试中,观点是不分对错的,只要考生能够用准确的语言充分地阐述理由即可。官方给出的关于Delivery的定义和评分标准是:“How clear your speech is. Good responses are those in which the speech is fluid and clear, with good pronunciation, natural pacing, and natural sounding intonation patterns.”也就是说,要想在托福口语中得高分,考生应把握住以下几个关键词:fluid and clear、good pronunciation、natural pacing和natural sounding intonation patterns。Fluid and clear是要求考生在表达观点时清晰流畅,但大家不要以为说得越多、说得越快就一定越好。Good pronunciation就是要求考生发音准确。有关发音,有些考生会问是不是一定要说得像英语母语人士那样才能拿高分。事实上要求并不那么严格,考生只要保证发音基本没有错误,不会让考官产生误会即可。笔者建议考生平时多做模仿练习,例如跟读BBC新闻、学习英美剧中的对话、多听名人演讲等,长期坚持一定会在发音方面有所提高。Natural pacing是要求考生把控语速,语速要适中,同时要充分阐述内容。需要提醒考生的是,托福考试的口语测评方式较特殊,其第一遍是机器计分,第二遍是人工计分。由于第一遍是机器计分,考生需要对语速有很好的把控,语速过快的话机器收录可能会不清楚;而如果考生说得过慢或者有长时间的停顿,机器会默认考生说的内容不全面,所以考生要注意在陈述的过程中绝对不要出现超过两秒以上的停顿。英语母语人士在日常生活中的语速一般是每分钟125~150个单词,而对于不以英语为母语的考生来说每分钟110~120个词就可以了。托福口语的作答时间是45秒,所以笔者建议考生回答90个单词左右。Natural sounding intonation patterns指的是自然的语音语调,这一点需要考生模仿英语母语人士的语音语调。

2. 语言的使用(Language Use)

就语言的使用来说,托福口语考试主要强调考生使用语法与词汇的有效性。官方给出的语言使用的评判标准是:“How effectively you use grammar and vocabulary to convey your ideas. Raters will be listening for how well you can control both basic and more complex language structures and use appropriate vocabulary. ”考生必须把握住effectively、basic and more complex language structures 以及appropriate vocabulary这几个关键词。就语法方面来说,其有效性体现在使用正确的语法,避免犯语法错误。考生在口语中经常犯的语法错误有主谓不一致、时态错误、there be句型和have/has的混用、形容词的比较级和最高级使用不当、非谓语的用法错误等。Basic and complex language structures是考查考生能不能在短时间内熟练、灵活地变换使用简单句、并列句和复杂句等句式,而不是重复使用单一句式。Appropriate vocabulary是要求考生能在相应的语境中用恰当的词汇来表达,考生在考试时不需要堆砌过分复杂的大词,但也不要一味使用过于简单的词或者一些特别口语化的俚语等。


3. 话题的展开(Topic Development)

话题的展开主要考查考生能否有理有据地论证自己的观点,官方给出的评分标准为:“How fully you answer the question and how coherently you present your ideas. Good responses generally use all or most of the time allotted, and the relationship between ideas and the progression from one idea to the next is clear and easy to follow.”要在这方面拿到高分,考生需要做到以下三点。首先,考生要按照英美人士的思维方式来回答问题。西方人是典型的直线型思维,喜欢直抒胸臆地表明自己的观点,然后用生动的例子去论证自己的观点,所以西方人的表达结构通常是“四步走”,即“观点句—理由—证据—结论”,此点后面举例说明。其次,考生要安排好答题节奏,要在规定的时间将自己的答案说完,既不要超时,也不要回答太短,留下空白时间。最后,考生在论述时要准确地使用连接词,以保证考官紧跟考生的思路。



1. 将口语话题分类


①Some people think that the best way to learn is to attend lectures. Others think that it is better to learn on their own. Which do you prefer and why?

②Describe one way to improve the system of education in your country. Use specific details and examples to support your opinion.

③Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? A good school must have many textbooks. Please include specific reasons and examples to support your choice.

④Describe the steps, through which you once learned a new subject and explain how you learned it. Please include details and examples in your response.

⑤Describe a school activity that you once attended and explain why it was meaningful.


2. 用“四步走”展开话题:观点句—理由—证据—结论


首先,考生开门见山地表明自己的观点:“From my perspective, I prefer to attend lectures.” 接着,考生给出理由:“To be honest, attending lectures gives me more of a chance to interact with professors.”当然,考生也可以通过说明studying alone的弊端来凸显attending lectures的优点,比如考生可以这样说:“Actually, studying by myself can be inefficient for me because I admit that I am the kind of person who tends to learn by interacting with others.”接下来,考生就要给出充分的证据来支持自己的观点了,比如可以这样说:“Currently I am studying at a university in Beijing as a freshman and every two weeks there is a lecture on a certain topic for all the students, and I take every opportunity to expose myself to various points of view. While some points might not be as thought-provoking as I would like, I can still absorb lots of stuff that goes far beyond the textbooks. ”单一的理由和证据说服力还不够,所以考生可以再提供第二条理由和论据,比如:“In addition, during the lectures, we can raise questions on difficult or abstract ideas which we have been confronted with to ask for explanations, and our professors can usually give a clear answer.”在陈述完自己的观点与证据之后,考生最后再次总结出自己的观点:“To conclude, in my opinion, attending lectures is more effective than learning by myself.”


现在笔者再来演示如何把第一题的答题内容应用到回答其他问题上去,以第五题为例。针对第五道题询问“你参加的有意义的活动”,我们可以将上面的观点句变换一下,例如可以这样说:“I’d like to say that I find it quite meaningful to attend the lectures of renowned visiting professors from other well-known universities.”第二步,考生仿照第一道题的回答来给出理由,但是针对这道题考生只能正向说attending lectures的好处,而不能照搬上一题说自学的弊端,比如考生可以这么说:“In fact, attending lectures gives me more access to various insights than studying alone allows.”第三步,考生可以像回答第一题那样阐述证据,只需要对第一题的回答进行微调后使用,比如考生可以这样说:“To be more specific, I am currently studying at a university in Beijing as a freshman and every two weeks there is a lecture on a certain topic for all the students. I always take the opportunity to listen to various points of view. Undoubtedly, some points are highly thought-provoking as one would expect, and I can absorb lots of ideas that go beyond the textbook.”接着,考生再直接照搬上面的第二条理由和论据进行补充说明:“In addition, during the lectures, we can raise questions on difficult or abstract ideas which we have been confronted with to ask for explanations, and our professors can usually give a clear answer.”第四步考生再次针对题目的问答总结自己的观点:“To conclude, no other activities can be more inspiring than attending meaningful lectures.”















1. 减轻听力和文本阅读压力。

2. 答题时逻辑清楚思维清晰。




题3:The school/student plans to….The man/woman is in favor of this proposal…

题4:The professor takes…as an example to illustrate this term.







Purpose of festivals and celebrationsQ: Why do you thinkfestivals are important events in the working year?Answer:Yeah.It’s very important for two reasons.For the country, it’s a timeto remember our cultural origin and our historical past.Thewhole country celebrates our root and it’s very inspiring.Webecome so proud of our past.I guess that’s why festivals areimportant.For the individual, festivals give us a chance forrelaxation as we often have a few days off. It’s a time of fun, meeting friends, entertainment.Soafter that we feel like a new man.In a sense, holidays restore our balance between work andleisure.That’s also why we need festivals for China.

Q: Would you agree that the original significance of festival is often lost today?

构思:节日的初衷: 庆祝传统, 承上启下, 结束也是开始现在的节日: 人们繁忙, 感觉不到开始和结束的意义, 过完节,马上就再次投入到工作中, 有些单位甚至连节假日都加班. 人们也不在那么感动传统,倒是好好的利用节日放松了一下, 吃吃喝喝,购物,节日从tradition象 consumption过渡.更像是给了人们一个借口: 1. 放下工作 2. 奢侈享受 3. 见见好久不见的重要的人.这么讲的话, 节日也挺好的.Answer:I think the original significance for festivals are to celebrate our tradition.It’s an end tothe old year and the beginning of a new year. So it’s a connecting day.But today, people are sobusy, they’re under so much pressure and they no longer feel the transition between the old andthe new year. Some companies even ask their employees to come in on holidays. So many peoplebegin to feel that festivals are just as common as the other days.People no longer take theopportunities of festivals to honor their tradition,but go shopping, go to restaurant to entertaininstead.So I think tradition is out, consumption is in.Festivals provide people such an excuse to putdown their work, to spend money and be extravagant (奢侈的), and to meet people that theydon’t have time for during the working year.So in this sense, even the original significance is lost,festivals are still exciting.

Q: Do you think that new festivals will be introduced in the future? What kind?

构思:世界变化快, 人们拥抱新生活, 世界西方东方交融,西方人开始吃饺子, 过春节; 东方人开始互相送巧克力和玫瑰花, 过情人节.人们开始尝试新东西,可能将来也会考虑新节日.这样精彩的节日不再是national, 而是international,这样不是很酷吗?听说,有些人今年开始过 男人节 8.3, 很有趣, 有点傻,但是不得不说也是一个新鲜 的尝试.

Answer:The world is changing so fast.People are embracing new lifestyles as East and Westcome together.Westerners begin to eat dumplings with chopsticks to celebrate Chinese SpringFestival. And Chinese young people exchange chocolates and roses on Valentine’s day. So, yousee? People are experimenting with new life patterns.And it’s quite possible that new festivals maybe invented or introduced.Wouldn’t that be cool?What kind? Well, I don’t know for sure becauseit’s the future right?But I heard this year, in my country, some people celebrated the men’s day,which is on August the third.It’s dorky. (书呆子) But it’s new and exciting, right.Will it last? I don’tknow.All I know is that this is an interesting attempt.




Women could and did play a part in this process of settlement. Iceland, for instance, wasuninhabited, and a permanent population could only be established if women also made thejourney there. (后一句的具体事例为前一句提供说明与解释)

People borrowed more and more money so that they could buy these shares. Because of this, theAmerican people started to believe that share prices could only go up further. (“because of”明显的因果关系)

Astronomy is a science that deals with all the celestial bodies in the universe. Astronomy includesthe study of planets and their satellites, comets and meteors, stars and interstellar matter, starsystems and clusters. (后一句是对前一句celestial bodies 的进一步解释)

Previously it was believed that due to the Archaeopteryx’s (始祖鸟) underdeveloped anatomy, itwould not have been able to fly. However, research by the London Natural History Museum into itsbrain developed and that it had good vision and a good sense of balance — all the requirementsfor a creature to be able to fly. (“However”转折对比)

阅读时,我们可以根据段落中出现的一些信号词(Signal Words)来判断句子与句子之间的关系,掌握段落发展线索,来调整阅读速度,提高阅读质量。


There has been an upsurge of interest in chamber music. Likewise opera is receiving a boost fromincreased record sales. “likewise”这一信号词显示了前面所提到的idea后面还要再一次出现。因此,阅读时见到这样的信号词无须放慢阅读速度。这样的信号词还包括: and, furthermore, more,than, that, also, likewise, moreover, in addition, what is more, for instance, for example


I’d like to go but I’m too busy. “but”前后是完全不同的信息描述,它向读者显示了作者的思路在这里有了转折。阅读时,碰到这样的信号词我们需放慢阅读速度,以准确获取作者真正想要说明的意思。这类信号词还有: although, however, on the contrary, but, inspite of, otherwise, despite, nevertheless, yet


As a result of the pilots’ strike, all flights have had to be cancelled. Allflights have had to be cancelled as a result of the pilots’ strike. 所有航班被取消的原因是因为飞行员们的罢工;飞行员们的罢工导致了所有的航班不得不被取消。显示因果关系的信号词还有: for,thus, because, for this reason, so, therefore, as, since, consequently


Internet speeds communication between companies, among co-workersthrough video-conferences, and among other individuals. First, media companies use the Internetfor online news, or to broadcast audio and video, including live radio and television programs, whileindividuals use the Internet for communication, entertainment, finding information, buying andselling goods and services. Second, the notion of distance disappears thanks to the Internet.People also enjoy instant messaging to exchange text messages or pictures in real time, with real-time video and sound. Finally, scientists and scholars use the Internet to perform research,distribute lecture notes or course materials to students, they communicate with colleagues, andcan also publish papers and articles. 抓住了这样的信号词就把握住了作者叙述的顺序,也就分清了相对独立的论据。这样的信号词包括: first, second, third, and so on, then, after, before, next,last, afterward, finally


In conclusion, I would like to say how much I have enjoyed myselftoday. 词组“in conclusion”前面所提到的一些信息将在这里被归纳总结。读到带有这样的信号词或短语的句子时,应格外留心注意,它们往往会向我们提示相关段落的核心信息。表示结论或总结的信号词和短语还有: as a result, finally, therefore, accordingly, in short, thus, consequently, inconclusion, so, in brief, in a word



1. She is no less diligent than her elder sister. 她和她姐姐一样用功。

2. One minute too late is no more in time than half an hour (is). 迟到一分钟与迟到半小时同样是不准时。

3. His strength is superior to mine. 他的力气比我大。

4. Colored people are by no means inferior to white people. 有色人种丝毫不比白人低劣。

5. My arrival in New York is posterior to that of my friend. 我比我朋友后到纽约。

6. We love truth above everything else. 我们热爱真理甚与一切。

7. It is worth next to nothing. 那几乎一钱不值。

8. How could he compare with Bill Gates? 他怎能同比尔嚫谴南啾饶兀?nbsp;

9. Easier said than done. 说易做难。

10. I like that best of all / least of all. 我最喜欢/不喜欢那个。

11. I can’t think of a better idea. 我想不出比这个更好的了。

12. No other book has had a greater influence on my life. 任何其它的书对我一生的影响都没有这本书大。

13. Nothing is so easy as this. 没有比这更容易的事了。

14. The more a men knows, the more he discovers his ignorance. 一个人懂得越多,越发现自己无知。

15. So much the worse. 更加不妙。

16. Better late than never. 迟做比不做好。

17. Better to do well than to say well. 说得好不如做得好。

18. I would sooner die than do such a thing. 我宁死不做此事。

19. Wise men love truth, whereas fools shun it. 聪明人热爱真理,而愚人逃避真理。








何为通用呢,比如题目是State a good friend whohad good influences on you,或one of your favoritefriends ...... etc。同一类的问题可以有一个共用的原因就是,很喜欢她的character,还有从achievement,thought等的方面去讲,这些都是她为什么是你好朋友的共同原因。

还有像relax way or good method to keep in good shape...,同样这些也是可以套用的I pretty like...或I have to tell you thatit is my best way.。.所以回答一些比较“难”的话题上,可以用此种方法去套。




反答,Ex,some students prefer tolive on campus but others like to board out, which opinion do you support?或者题目是do you agree with that students should live outside in stead ofbeing in the dorm?

Answer: some students like to live out of campus butI prefer to live on campus.

建议,Ex,the video game shouldbe refrained for their children?

Answer: I disagree... ... ... children should be given one hour free oronce a week for playing the video game.















新托福的口语考试约30分钟,共有6道题目,一般称作Speaking Tasks 1-6。如果把它们进行分组的话,正好两两每组:Speaking Task 1 and Speaking Task 2为一组,解题关键词是characteristics(特性、特质);Speaking Task 3 and Speaking Task 5为一组,解题关键词是campus(校园);而Speaking Task 4 and Speaking Task 6归入最后一组,解题关键词是class(课堂)。

Characteristics: Speaking Task 1

第一题和第二题除了都是关于一些familiar topics以外,它们另一个共通之处就是涉及到人或事物的characteristics。比如在Speaking Task 1里面,you will be asked to describe an important book. 具体题目见下:

Talk about a book you have read that was important to you for some reason.

Explain why the book was important to you. Give specific details and examples to explain your answer.

Preparation Time: 15 seconds

Response Time: 45 seconds

针对这样的题目,你谈什么样的书其实并不重要。关键在于你说出了这本书之后,给出怎样的合理解释,即题目要求中的specific details and examples,而这些东西就是我们所说的characteristics。换言之,你把这本书的三大特性描述出来,就等于给出了相应的细节和例证。请看下面的列表:

The reasons why the book was important

Reason 1 = Characteristic 1: It gave me a lot of practical guidance

Reason 2 = Characteristic 2: It had a lot of illustrations to help me understand

Reason 3 = Characteristic 3: There was an interesting theoretical framework in the book


中国大陆地区的第一场考试发生在1月10日。其中第一题的大意是:When it comes to choosing friends, which characteristic do you think is the most important: honesty, loyalty or sense of humor? 回答这个问题有两种策略:一个是老实人的办法,一个是聪明人的招数。我们先看题目在问什么,很明显,题目要求我们从三种特性中选出一种,是在择友过程中最重要的。老实人的办法就是老老实实地选一个,比如honesty(诚实),然后根据honesty再来展开三个论据(或举例或抽象描述):

Plan A

Honesty is the most important characteristic in choosing friends

Reason 1: True friends should never lie to each other

Reason 2: Being honest to your friends is the best way to maintain a long-term relationship

Reason 3: A dishonest person will eventually hurt you and your family



Plan B

These three characteristics are equally important when choosing friends

Characteristic 1: Honesty – Only people who are honest to one another can become real friends.

Characteristic 2: Loyalty – A faithful friend can lend you a helping hand when you are in trouble.

Characteristic 3: Humor – A person with a great sense of humor is often friendly and easy-going.

明眼人一看就知道,后一种策略的难度大大地降低了,因为每一个特性只要展开一个论据就行了,是一种取巧的方法。可能有人会问,这算不算off topic呢?考官会不会认为你没有回答到位呢?答案是否定的,因为三大特性同样重要的情况当然会存在,所以依次展开也无可厚非。其实从另一个角度看,聪明人有时也会碰到麻烦,比如其中讲某个特性的单词不认识(比如loyalty),导致无法在这上面展开,这时候只有退而求其次,讲其中的两大特性很重要(honesty and sense of humor are both very important)。

综上所述,Speaking Task 1的特性描述是极为关键的一种训练方法。小编建议大家备考时,特别针对Person, Place, Thing, Event这四种出题的可能性来列出一些常见的characteristics,其中关于人的特性尤其重要,因为在新托福口语考试中不止一次地考到Describe a good parent, Describe a good leader, Describe a good teacher之类的题目,要求都是描述人物的各种特性,希望考生们多多准备。

最后我给出三道Speaking Task 1的模拟题,大家可以列一个简要的回答提纲。
