




I was on my way to the Taiyetos Mountains.The sun was setting when my car ___31___(break)down near a remote and poor village.Cursing my misfortune,I was wondering where I was going to spend the night when I realized that the villagers who had gathered around me were arguing as to ___32___ should have the honor of receiving me ___33___ a guest in their house.Finally,I accepted the offer of an old woman who lived alone in a little house.While she was getting me ___34___(settle)into a tiny but clean room,the head of the village was tying up his horse to my car to pull it to ___35___ small town some 20 kilometres away___36___there was a garage.I had noticed three hens running free in my hostess„s courtyard and that night one of them ended up in a dish on my table.___37___ villagers brought me goat‟s cheese and hone.We drank together and talked ___38___(merry)till far into the night.When the time came for me to say goodbye to my friends in the village,I wanted to reward the old woman ___39___the trouble I had caused ___40___.2008年广东高考英语语法填空真题

Chinese proverbs are rich and they are still widely used in Chinese people„s daily life.___31___ these proverbs there are often interesting stories.For example,the proverb,“plucking up a crop ___32___(help)it grow”,is based on the following story.It is said that a short-tempered man in the Song Dynasty(960—1279)was very anxious to help ___33___rice crop grow up quickly.He was thinking about ___34___ day and night.But the crop was growing much slower than he expected.One day,he came up with an idea ___35___ he would pluck up all of his crop a few inches.He did so the next day.He was very tired ___36___ doing this for a whole day,___37___ he felt very happy since the crop did “grow” ___38___(high)。

His son heard about this and went to see the crop.Unfortunately the leaves of the crop began to wither.This proverb is saying we have to let things go in their ___39___(nature)course.Being too anxious to help an event develop often ___40___(result)in the contrary to our intention.2009年广东高考英语语法填空真题

Jane was walking round the department store.She remembered how difficult ___31___ was to choose a suitable Christmas present for her

father.She wished that he was as easy ___32___(please)as her mother, who was always delighted with perfume.Besides, shopping at this time of the year was not ___33___ pleasant experience:people stepped on your feet or ___34___(push)you with their elbows(肘部), hurrying ahead to get to a bargain.Jane paused in front of a counter ___35___ some attractive ties were on display.“They are real silk,” the assistant tried to attract her.“Worth double the price.” But Jane knew from past experience that her ___36___(choose)of ties hardly ever pleased her father.Jane stopped where a small crowd of men had gathered.She found some good quality pipes ___37___ sale.She did not hesitate for long: although her father smokeda pipe only once in a while, she knew that this was a present which was bound to please ___38___.When Jane got home, with her small but well-chosen present in her bag, her parents were already ___39___ table having supper.Her mother was excited.“Your father has at last decided to stop smoking,” Jane ___40___(inform).答案及解析

07年:31.broke.用过去式,因为前面用的是过去进行时,此句中的 when 意为“这时突然”,类似的又如:I was going to bed when the telephone rang.我正要睡觉,忽然电话响了。32.who.指人,且用作主语,故用 who.33.as.考查honour…as…结构,其中的 as 意为“作为”。

34.settled.注意用过去分词,考查“get+宾语+过去分词”结构,getting me settled into…的意思是“安排我住进……”。35.a.表示不确指概念,故用不定冠词。36.where.引导定语从句,用作地点状语;定语从句修饰名词a small town.37.other.指其他的村民。38.merrily.因为是用作状语,修饰动词,故要用副词形式。39.for.考查 reward sb for sth 结构,其意为“因某事报答人”。40.her.因前面提到是一位 old woman,故用her.08年:31.Behind /In.指在这些谚语的背后,也就是说这些谚语所蕴涵的故事。32.to help.plucking up a crop to help it grow的意思是“拔苗助长”,其中的不定式to help it grow为目的状语。33.his.因前面提到的是a short-tempered man,故此处用 his 表示“他的”。34.it / this / that.用以指代 help his rice crop grow up quickly 这件事。35.that.用以引导同位语从句。36.after / from.用 after 可以句意上得到解释,指工作了一整天之后感到很累了;用from可以从搭配上得到解释,因为 be tired from 为固定搭配,其意为“因为……而劳累”,其中的from 表原因,又如:He was tired from walking all the way to the station.他因一

路走到车站而觉得累。She was tired from long studying.她因长时间学习而感到累了。注意:be tried of 与be tired from不同,前者表示“对…感到厌烦或厌倦”,后者表示“因…而疲倦”。37.but.前后意思转折。

38.higher.根据句意可知。指比庄稼比“被拔”之前“长高”了。39.natural.用于名词前作定语,故用形容词形式。natural course 指自然生长过程。

40.results.因主语为动名词,故谓语要用单数。result in 为固定搭配,意为“导致……结果”。又如:His doing things should result in success.由他做的话,应该会成功。Failure to obey the regulations may result in disqualification.若不遵守规章,就会被取消资格。

09年: 31.it。it在宾语从句中用作形式主语,真正的主语是不定式短语to choose a suitable Christmas present for her father。32.to please。sb is easy to do sth是英语中的固定句型。33.a。experience表示经历为可数名词,这里指一次愉快的经历。34.pushed。因与stepped并列,故要用一般过去时。35.where。where在此引导定语从句,表示地点。


37.on。on sale是固定搭配,意为“出售”。38.him。由于给父亲买礼物,所以应该是使父亲高兴。please him的意思是“使他高兴”。39.at。at table表示“在餐桌边”“在进餐”,是习惯搭配。

40.was informed。根据句意,此处应用一般过去时,又因Jane与inform之间为被动关系,故填was informed。










阅读下面短文, 掌握其大意, 然后从各题所给的四个选项 (A、B、C和D) 中选出最佳选项。


It's easy to see how to help some people, but what about those whose needs are not so obvious? This story may have happened a while back—but it was a (n) 1 which has stayed with me and helped me ever since.

It was Thanksgiving and I was 2 with my parents at a shelter for the needy. We stood behind the counter 3 out hot food to whoever came in. Most of our 4 looked like they had been having hard times, their clothes were threadbare, they were dirty. 5 , they looked needy!

Then, a man came in, who looked 6 but needy. He was well dressed, in a (n) 7 suit. I wondered what he was doing there and my jaw dropped in 8 when he joined the line for 9 . The closer he came to my 10 station the more I muttered (嘀咕) . What was this man doing, I wanted to know? Surely he wasn't going to take food 11 for those who were really in need!

Then my mother quietly took me to one side. She said, “You have 12 that the needs of the people who come here must be purely 13 : hunger, shelter, clothing, etc. And this gentleman doesn't seem to have any of those problems. 14 what if his needs are emotional (情感的) What if he needs 15 , friends, or just to be among other human beings?”

Her words hit me like a ton of bricks! I felt like I should 16 to the man — but I didn't.

About a week later the shelter received a large 17 from an anonymous (匿名的) source. I can't help but 18 if it came from that man.

Now, 19 I meet someone I remember my mother's lesson and try to send kindness and blessings their way, regardless of how they 20 . Needs aren't always visible. But kindness always makes a difference.


1. A. incident B. event

C. challenge D. lesson

2. A. playing B. volunteering

C. blessing D. visiting

3. A. dishing B. cooking

C. working D. carrying

4. A. visitors B. consumers

C. diners D. friends

5. A. In conclusion B. In short

C. In surprise D. In general

6. A. something B. nothing

C. everything D. anything

7. A. cheap B. shabby

C. expensive D. ordinary

8. A. amazement B. delight

C. amusement D. satisfaction

9. A. clothing B. food

C. money D. room

10. A. information B. rescue

C. employment D. service

11. A. cared B. bought

C. meant D. delivered

12. A. proved B. imagined

C. planned D. decided

13. A. mental B. moral

C. natural D. physical

14. A. Therefore B. But

C. And D. So

15. A. comfort B. luck

C. wealth D. fortune

16. A. announce B. talk

C. apologize D. explain

17. A. respect B. praise

C. invitation D. donation

18. A. determine B. wonder

C. doubt D. suspect

19. A. whenever B. however

C. whatever D. whichever

20. A. say B. behave C. look D. think


One day a few years ago we had a guest of the uninvited variety. In fact, it was a bird, 1 , a sparrow.

“What's that?” I asked when I first heard the gentle thumping (重击声) . “It sounds like Joe is outside playing basketball, ” my wife, Anita, said. She 2 and listened more devotedly. “It's coming from the 3 . ” she said. “Maybe it's one of the little kids. ”

We rushed out the door. Jonathan, our youngest, was 4 to make trouble. “If he's making holes in the wall again ... ” I said as I searched there. No 5 at all. But there was that 6 again, coming from right up there.

And that's when I 7 the sparrow. It was flying 8 just inches below the ceiling. It was 9 trying to get out, but couldn't see that the way out wasn't up, but down 10 the open door. So the bird continued 11 its wings and hitting its head against the 12 .

“Poor thing, ” Anita said. “It must be 13 .”

“Well, maybe it's because of us, ”I said as I moved toward it. I tried to show the bird how to glide (滑翔) down to get outside, but that only seemed to 14 it more. “Why don't we just 15 for a few minutes?” Anita suggested. “I'm sure he'll 16 eventually. ” So we went back into the house, where we continued to hear the ongoing 17 .Then suddenly, it was 18 . We looked into the garage, and our uninvited guest was gone.

“See?” Anita said. “I told you he'd succeed. ”

“Yeah, ” I said. “But how many knocks on the head did it 19 him?”

I've thought about that little sparrow through the years. Just like that sparrow, we often meet situations, we don't know how to 20 . Born to go upward, we don't even consider the possibility that something good might happen if we stop flapping (拍打) around and just glide down a little bit.


1. A. for example B. rather than

C. or rather D. as well

2. A. hurried B. paused

C. ignored D. confirmed

3. A. basement B. kitchen

C. garage D. hall

4. A. easy B. happy

C. sorry D. angry

5. A. sparrows B. children

C. birds D. holes

6. A. guest B. voice

C. knock D. sound

7. A. watched B. found

C. realized D. caught

8. A. carefully B. gently

C. patiently D. anxiously

9. A. eventually B. unwillingly

C. obviously D. thoroughly

10. A. through B. over

C. below D. beyond

11. A. shaking B. breaking

C. striking D. injuring

12. A. wall B. floor

C. door D. ceiling

13. A. clumsy B. painful

C. amazed D. terrified

14. A. frighten B. comfort

C. confuse D. calm

15. A. leave B. scream

C. relax D. escape

16. A. put it aside B. leave it alone

C. give it up D. figure it out

17. A. accident B. achievement

C. struggle D. trouble

18. A. excited B. tired

C. noisy D. silent

19. A. cost B. offer C. earn D. owe

20. A. classify B. handle

C. debate D. conclude


Teach Me in the Way To Go

I grew up in a very poor Catholic family. My father used some 1 techniques to teach us and rarely 2 us from the school of hard lessons. This is the one I 3 most.

On the first day of 2nd grade, my father asked me if I could 4 well. “Yes, I can, ” I said. So he gave me a hand-drawn 5 with street names and directions on how to walk to school. School is 3 miles away, and I had never been off my home street by myself, ever.

The 6 he gave me as he hands me the map with my lunch box and jacket said very little, he 7 says, “Everything you need to know is written on the map, read the map and 8 the directions.”

Okay, by now I was standing in 9 at his request, scared to death, but he kissed me goodbye and sent me out the door. And 10 I went to school, crying, but 11 .

I don't know how long it took for me to get there, or how many fearful and anxious 12 I had, but I do remember forever 13 it felt when I came around the last corner, and saw my school. The 14 , the laughter, the joy. I had made it! I jumped up and down and angry as I was with my Dad, I wished I could tell him 15 that I had done it.

He wasn't there when I got home and I was 16 when he got home. The next day I waited for him to ask what had happened. He never did. We laughed and talked and our 17 began.

Years later I finally got the 18 to ask him why he did that and why he hadn't cared about what had happened. He just looked at me for a few minutes then said, “I didn't have to ask you, I knew. I followed you the whole way in the car, 19 far enough back so you could not see me. I saw you jump up and down at the last street corner. I 20 what you felt.”

Then I understood and I cried.

Thanks. Dad.


1. A. usual B. unusual

C.formal D.informal

2. A. spared B. punished

C. excused D.liberated

3. A. hate B.prefer

C. cherish D.make

4. A. remember B. write

C. walk D.read

5. A. paper B. note

C.map D.script

6. A. look B.gesture

C. sign D.meaning

7. A.gently B.possibly

C. simply D.coldly

8. A. follow B. catch

C. check D.keep

9. A. puzzle B. amazement

C. disappointment D.disbelief

10. A. off B. on C. as D.for

11. A. smiling B. jumping

C.running D. walking

12. A. difficulties B. courses

C.moments D.strangers

13. A.what B.when C.how D.why

14. A. surprise B.relief

C. hope D.dream

15. A. right then B. just now

C. until now D. then again

16. A. awake B.afraid

C. alone D.asleep

17. A. day B. week

C. month D. year

18. A. chance B. courage

C. intention D.desire

19. A. only B. too C. so D.but

20. A. enjoyed B. felt

C. learned D.doubted


The Exchange Experience Changed My Life Forever

The student exchange program is designed to make students learn about the foreign culture. When I came to Rhode Island in the US as an exchange student, I did not have much experience outside of my own 1 . I learned much knowledge from school, 2 the most important lessons I learned were outside of the classroom. The lessons helped me know that an exchange 3 is one of the most powerful ways to promote (促进) understanding between human beings. Being thousands of miles from home was not 4 . As life has success and failure, my experience 5 its ups and downs. But the hard times helped me 6 and become mature (成熟的) .

Every time I think about my host family, my 7 , friends, teachers or partners, I am greatly 8 . They did so much for me. My host family gave me a (n) 9 in their house and hearts and minds. My roommate was always there for me whenever I 10 her help, and she always made me very happy and 11 the time spent with her. My teachers and friends have volunteered to 12 me in my studies and took my situation into consideration whenever I did not 13 something that was common knowledge to the local students. The partners I worked with tried to make my experience 14 and because of them, I experienced much more.

I know I was one of the 15 few to live overseas for a year. 16 , I know that too few people know about my story. Because the number of the young people who are part of 17 programs is very small every year. I will never 18 my classmates' kindness. I also helped them 19 more about my culture. The lessons I learned will stay with me forever and my belief in cultural exchange will never 20 me. This is how we can really learn about others.


1. A.tradition B.practice

C.culture D.information

2. A.therefore B.but

C.and D.although

3. A.experience B.suggestion

C.expression D.belief

4. A.successful B.afraid

C.likely D.easy

5. A.went B.proved

C.had D.took

6. A.stay away B.go away

C.catch up D.grow up

7. A.brother B.roommate

C.parents D.neighbors

8. A.concerned B.terrified

C.excited D.moved

9. A.place B.example

C.idea D.memory

10. A.met B.needed

C.saw D.called

11. A.find B.keep

C.explain D.enjoy

12. A.trust B.imagine

C.help D.know

13. A.understand B.like

C.ask D.answer

14. A.simpler B.richer

C.worse D.less

15. A.poor B.pleasant

C.bright D.lucky

16. A.For example B.In return

C.In fact D.At last

17. A.drawing B. teaching

C. performance D.exchange

18. A.forget B.share

C.change D.increase

19. A.argue B.plan

C.speak D.learn

20. A.leave B.consider

C.carry D.question


My husband Jeff and I moved into our new home in Scottsbluff last year just before Christmas. I did not have the 1 or energy to carry out my traditional Christmas decorating and baking activities. What was the point, anyway? It was going to be a 2 Christmas after all.

3 , the neighborly nature of west Nebraska residents started to trickle (陆续来临) in.

There was a 4 on the door one evening. It was Jeff's new colleague, John Smith, and his wife, Phyllis. The Smiths had stopped by to 5 us to town with a loaf of homemade bread. They pointed out a 6 on the porch (门廊) . Apparently the doorbell wasn't working in the cold snowy weather and we had 7 a visit from the Browns, our across-the-street neighbors, who brought us a Christmas card and more Christmas cookies.

The 8 feelings brought by these thoughtful gestures lasted longer than the food.

As Jeff and I were clearing pre-Christmas 9 from our driveway, Ernie Guzman came over from next door to 10 us to dig out.

Then, we received an invitation to 11 a Christmas Eve meal with our neighbors, Ernie and Nancy Sommer, and their 12 — a 90-year-old lady, who also had no family in the immediate area with whom to spend the holiday.

Our Christmas Eve was quite merry, thanks to our 13 . Our Christmas morning 14 was special, thanks to the Smiths' gift of bread. I was so 15 for these gestures of welcome, especially during the holidays.

This year, we were again unable to be with our families for Christmas. The 16 and work schedules just made things too difficult. 17 that sense of Christmas isolation (孤独) all too well, we decided to try to round up some other folks who were 18 in the holidays.

Lonely people are all around us, but most of us 19 notice them. Just take a look around you. Sometimes, the smallest 20 gesture can make a world of difference.


1.A. chance B. time

C. anxiety D. ability

2.A. merry B. free

C. lonely D. usual

3.A. Therefore B. Meanwhile

C. Somehow D. However

4.A. card B. sign C. knock D. note

5.A. welcome B. invite

C. drive D. send

6.A. tree B. package

C. mail D. flower

7.A. forgot B. arranged

C. received D. missed

8.A. deep B. true

C. warm D. mixed

9.A. snow B. rubbish

C. dust D. leaves

10.A. teach B. help

C. urge D. forbid

11.A. share B. prepare

C. taste D. exchange

12.A. aunt B. guest

C. maid D. partner

13.A. folks B. relatives

C. colleagues D. neighbors

14.A. call B. greeting

C. breakfast D. meeting

15.A. sorry B. eager

C. ready D. grateful

16.A. distance B. expense

C. season D. situation

17.A. Studying B. Showing

C. Knowing D. Discovering

18.A. alone B. busy

C. happy D. active

19.A. always B. seldom

C. finally D. usually

20.A. careful B. patient

C. vague D. kind


A young man, a student in one of our universities, was one day taking a walk with a professor, who was commonly called the students' friend, for his kindness to those who waited on his instructions.

As they went along, they saw 1 in the path a pair of old shoes, which they supposed to belong to a poor man who was employed in a field close by, and who had 2 finished his day's work.

The student 3 the professor, saying, “Let's play the man a (n) 4 : we will hide his shoes, and we stay behind those bushes, and wait to see his 5 when he cannot find them.”

“My young friend, ” answered the professor, “we should never 6 ourselves at the expense of the poor.You are 7 , and may give yourself a much greater pleasure by means of helping the poor man.Put a 8 into each shoe, and then we will hide ourselves and watch how the 9 affects him.”

The student did so, 10 they both placed themselves behind the bushes close by.

The poor man soon finished his work, and came 11 the field to the path where he had left his coat and shoes.While 12 his coat he slipped his foot into one of his shoes; but feeling something 13 , he bent down to feel what it was, and found the coin.

Astonishment and wonder were seen upon his face.He gazed upon the coin, turned it round, and looked at it again and again.He then looked around 14 on all sides, but no person was to be seen.He now put the money into his pocket, and went on to put on the other shoe; but his surprise was 15 on finding the other coin.

His feelings 16 him; he fell upon his 17 , looked up to heaven and let out a sincere thanksgiving, in which he spoke of his wife, sick and 18 , and his children without bread, whom the timely giving, from some unknown hand, would save from dying.

The student stood there deeply affected, his eyes filled with tears.“Now, ” said the professor, “are you not much better pleased than if you had played your 19 trick?” The youth replied, “You have taught me a lesson which I will never forget.I feel now the 20 of those words, which I never understood before: ‘It is more blessed to give than to receive.’”


1. A.hanging B.lying

C.sitting D.hiding

2. A.nearly B.seemingly

C.closely D.equally

3. A.looked back B.referred to

C.turned to D.puzzled over

4. A.fun B.amusement

C.entertainment D.trick

5. A.opinion B.confusion

C.emotion D.enthusiasm

6. A.treat B.dedicate

C.amuse D.occupy

7. A.healthy B.kind

C.mean D.rich

8. A.coin B.penny

C.dollar D.pound

9. A.pleasure B.discovery

C.tiredness D.possibility

10. A.and B.but

C.thus D.therefore

11. A.around B.across

C.into D.toward

12. A.taking on B.looking on

C.putting on D.hanging on

13. A.hard B.tight C.soft D.loose

14. A.that B.it

C.themselves D.himself

15. A.folded B.accelerated

C.doubled D.improved

16. A.mastered B.beat

C.betrayed D.overcame

17. A.hands B.knees

C.feet D.legs

18. A.beautiful B.merciless

C.hopeful D.helpless

19. A.intended B.required

C.wanted D.interested

20. A.faith B.fact

C.truth D.reliability


After shopping we walked back to the parking lot. A car was 1 next to mine. The 2 was small and the traffic was 3 , so it was 4 for me to pull out. The kids were just 5 excitedly in the back seat.

As I pulled out I heard a loud crunch. When I got out doing a 6 , I saw the damage my car had caused.

A woman got out of the car to survey the 7 “I'm so sorry! I thought the car ... The kids ...” I said.

She 8 , “Merry Christmas. ”

My 9 look made her laugh. “I said, Merry Christmas. Don't worry about the car. I'm fine and 10 are you. ”Overcome with relief, I hugged the woman. The woman hugged back. 11 I'd never know her name, I would 12 remember her smile.

Days passed. One afternoon, Frankie seemed 13 when he came home from school.“What's 14 ” I asked.

“Mommy, some kids at school said Santa wasn't real. They said that 15 put the gifts under the tree. Is that true?”

“When children are very little, it's hard for them to understand the Christmas Spirit, so we say that Santa is responsible for Christmas. Parents 16 their children to understand the Christmas Spirit. ”

“What's the Christmas Spirit?”Frankie asked.

“The Christmas Spirit is 17 . Do you remember the lady at the park?”

Frankie smiled, “She was so nice! I see. When people ask if I 18 Santa, I say yes. I believe that there is a Christmas Spirit that 19 each house at Christmas. I want to keep the Christmas Spirit in my 20 all year long. Just like the lady at the parking lot.”


1. A. repaired B. driven

C. parked D. stolen

2. A. place B. space

C. ground D. land

3. A. crowded B. light

C. large D. heavy

4. A. hard B. convenient

C. easy D. comfortable

5. A. reading B. chatting

C. sitting D. lying

6. A. study B. research

C. check D. report

7. A. kids B. seat

C. traffic D. damage

8. A. smiled B. shouted

C. sighed D. screamed

9. A. pleased B. excited

C. surprised D. satisfied

10. A. such B. so

C. neither D. nor

11. A. Unless B. If

C. Although D. When

12. A. always B. never

C. sometimes D. seldom

13. A. shocked B. frightened

C. troubled D. beaten

14. A. up B. down C. in D. out

15. A. Santa B. Teachers

C. Frankie D. parents

16. A. force B. want

C. order D. allow

17. A. love B. gifts

C. praise D. greetings

18. A. take in B. let in

C. join in D. believe in

19. A. leaves B. visits

C. builds D. destroys

20. A. body B. family

C. heart D. diary


I had ever one of those life-changing experiences that you hear other people talk about — the kind that happens to you unexpectedly. While waiting to 1 a friend at the station, I noticed a man coming 2 me. He stopped right next to me to greet his 3 .

First he went to his youngest son and gave him a loving hug. As they 4 enough to look in each other's face, I heard the father say, “It's so 5 to see you, son. I missed you very much!”His son smiled somewhat 6 and replied, “Me, too, Dad!” Then the man turned to his oldest son and said, “You're already quite a young 7 .I love you very much!” They too had a loving hug.

Moments later, he declared, “I've 8 the best for last!”And he went to give his wife the most loving kiss I've 9 seen. They looked at each other with big smiles, while 10 both hands.

For a moment they 11 me of newly married couples, but I knew by the 12 of their kids that they couldn't be. I 13 about it for a moment and then asked, “How long have you two been married?” “Been together 16 years in total, ” he replied, without taking his 14 away from his lovely wife's face. “Well then, how long have you been 15 ”I asked. The man finally turned and looked at me, still with smile.

“Two 16 days!”Two days? I can't believe it. I had thought that he'd been gone for 17 several weeks — if not months. I said almost 18 , “I hope my marriage will be like yours!”The man suddenly stopped smiling. He looked at me fixedly and told me something that left me a 19 person. He said, “Don't 20 , friend ... decide!”

Then he wore his wonderful smile again.


1. A. look for B. join in

C. pick up D. speak to

2. A. after B. before

C. from D. towards

3. A. sons B. friends

C. wife D. family

4. A. said B. separated

C. gave D. got

5. A. nice B. cool

C. exciting D. beautiful

6. A. anxiously B. quietly

C. shyly D. hurriedly

7. A. man B. boy

C. child D. person

8. A. given B. done C. put D. saved

9. A. never B. ever

C. often D. hardly

10. A. holding B. seizing

C. carrying D. shaking

11. A. warned B. reminded

C. persuaded D. took

12. A. age B. smile

C. action D. word

13. A. talked B. worried

C. cared D. puzzled

14. A. looks B. hands

C. eyes D. minds

15. A. off B. out C. away D. over

16. A. big B. good

C. complete D. whole

17. A. at most B. at least

C. more than D. less than

18. A. immediately B. clearly

C. suddenly D. happily

19. A. kind B. strange

C. different D. real

20. A. hope B. think

C. stop D. imagine


Early in the morning, I was taken in a nylon bag into a truck I felt horrible as well as 1 . What would she do with me? She was almost mad after the 2 of her husband.

A few minutes later, I heard the truck start its engine and move fast. I 3 making sounds to show my protest (反抗) , but failed to make any 4 . Finally she put me down in a 5 place. Maybe she didn't want me to die from lack of air , so she untied the bag.

I 6 out and looked up only to see many unfamiliar faces and fingers pointing at me. It turned out that my owner meant to 7 me. I saw my owner on the truck, which was going farther and farther away. So I cast my 8 in the direction of the truck. The days we spent together were like a movie playing in front of my eyes as I ran after the truck. I saw my male owner who suffered from liver cancer look at me with his sad eyes. I saw myself 9 my owner everywhere;I saw him lie in his dying bed, she all 10 .

I ran as fast as I could. And the 11 I saw her wave to me, my eyes became wet. I wouldn't blame her for treating me like this for she was such a (an) 12 lady. She seemed even somewhat 13 at his leaving her alone, trying ways to 14 the pains of losing him. She 15 his photos and clothes; she redecorated the whole house. Now I was the only 16 thing to remind her of him. 17 later, I am pretty sure that she would realize how mad she was to do this ...

The truck finally stopped when I was almost 18 . She ran up to me and hugged me 19 . I heard her 20 “I know you are a present he left to me.”


1. A. frightened B. excited

C. delighted D. puzzled

2. A. death B. disappearance

C. separation D. departure

3. A. started B. risked

C. kept D. continued

4. A. sense B. difference

C. effort D. trouble

5. A. usual B. dark

C. familiar D. strange

6. A. struggled B. walked

C. rushed D. jumped

7. A. desert B. harm

C. punish D. sell

8. A. hands B. tail

C. head D. feet

9. A. guide B. follow

C. support D. bring

10. A. at length B. by heart

C. in tears D. out of breath

11. A. time B. way

C. direction D. moment

12. A. cruel B. unfortunate

C. disturbed D. unfriendly

13. A. lonely B. sad

C. angry D. calm

14. A. prevent B. remove

C. bear D. kill

15. A. hung B. kept

C. donated D. burned

16. A. walking B. moving

C. existing D. blessing

17. A. But B. And C. Thus D. So

18. A. given away B. fed up

C. carried off D. worn out

19. A. gently B. patiently

C. tightly D. hopelessly

20. A. shout B. whisper

C. speak D. talk


A new book about Chinese-style tough parenting has caused debate in the US.Amy Chua, the author of Battle Hymn (颂歌) of the Tiger Mother, is a Chinese-American professor at Yale Law School, also a mother of two.

The 1 methods she used with her daughters would seem 2 to Westerners.In school her daughters weren't allowed to make grades 3 than As.They had to 4 playing the piano or violin even four hours a day.

There has been wide criticism (批评) of Chua's book in the US.“It's kind of 5 , ” said a professor at New York University, “standards of parenting need to be 6 .Children need parents to 7 them, not to force them to do things they're probably not interested in.”

Now the criticism seems to have 8 to China.A (n) 9 expert Sun Yunxiao argued Chua's method of 10 would limit children from developing their full 11 , “and that, focusing too much on test scores and good degrees, ” Sun said, “parents would 12 their kid's ability fully to develop and to enjoy life.”

13 critics (批评家) might have sympathy for kids experiencing this parenting style, some teenagers quite 14 it.“I think anyone can do well if they work hard enough, ” said a 17-year-old boy, “A 15 mother is there to help her kids work hard.”

Others think that Chua has a (n) 16 in setting challenging goals for kids.“It's vital for children, ” said an American professor, “ 17 , kids need to be 18 sometimes.If you urge kids to do well, they're good at it, and they 19 .It's good to have high 20 .”


1. A.rough B.stubborn

C.strict D.vivid

2. A.unimaginable B.unimportant

C.uninteresting D.unnecessary

3. A.higher B.fewer

C.little D.lower

4. A.drill B.practise

C.exercise D.experience

5. A.routine B.extreme

C.excellence D.encouragement

6. A.practical B.high

C.specific D.low

7. A.replace B.love

C.force D.guide

8. A.spread B.belonged

C.turned D.referred

9. A.concerned B.delighted

C.optimistic D.nervous

10. A.caring B.fond

C.supporting D.parenting

11. A.goal B.potential

C.achievement D.possibility

12. A.obtain B.increase

C.create D.sacrifice

13. A.Why B.Because

C.While D.What

14. A.resist B.state

C.agree D.appreciate

15. A.lion B.monkey

C.tiger D.sheep

16. A.sense B.point

C.opinion D.idea

17. A.Honestly B.Positively

C.Hopefully D.Finally

18. A.pushed B.picked

C.lifted D.dragged

19. A.count B.work

C.help D.benefit

20. A.levels B.expectations

C.marks D.results


It was at a concert that I happened to find David. He was holding his head at a strange 1 as if he were staring down at something. Then the truth 2 me. He was blind. The last thing he remembers seeing was his daughter being born. Then the whole world went 3 .

Bad luck is no stranger to this 44-year-old man. His mother died of cancer, and his weak father had to 4 11-year-old David to the 5 of the state (政府) .

Things seemed always to go for 6 . Two years ago, his beloved guide dog pulled him out of the path of a truck. David was not 7 . The dog died.

But David does not feel sorry for himself. “These are just little obstacles you have to 8 in your life, ” he said.

He has to make a daily two-hour trip to his working place — the X-ray department of an 9 room. It was a hard job to 10 by. Before he got it, David was determined to escape the workshop run by the Lighthouse, an organization 11 to helping blind people. He wanted a job of developing X-ray film, a job 12 everyone, not just he, must work in the dark, including those with 13 eyesight. The Lighthouse called many hospitals, with no result, 14 they offered to pay his first three months' salary.

David works alone in a dark room that 15 of chemicals. He doesn't wear gloves. Otherwise, he could not feel. 16 this is an emergency room, lives can be put either 17 or out of danger. His director says he trusts him 100 percent.

He makes $20, 000 a year. But his motivation goes 18 money. “By working I can realize my own 19 . That's what really counts!” he said.

What a shining example for us to 20 ! (江西省重点中学协作体2011届高三第三次联考)

1. A.angle B. direction

C. manner D. way

2. A.stuck to B. came out

C. struck D. occurred

3. A.blank B. darkness

C. wrongly D. emptiness

4. A.give in B. look after

C. leave D. remain

5. A. attention B. care

C. worry D. control

6. A.better B. worst

C. the better D. the worse

7. A.hurt B. wound

C. damaged D. ruined

8. A.experiment B. get over

C. do with D. go over

9. A.upstairs B. information

C. emergency D. underground

10. A.come B. pass C. go D. stand

11. A.intended B. aimed

C. offered D. devoted

12. A.that B. where

C. which D. how

13. A.average B. common

C. normal D. poor

14. A.because B. as if

C. in case D. even though

15. A.consists B. smells

C. tastes D. makes

16. A. If B. Although

C. Since D. When

17. A.at risk B. in need

C. at ease D. to test

18. A.into B. beyond

C. for D. over

19. A.disadvantage B. blindness

C. purpose D. value

20. A.set B. take C. give D. follow


It's no secret that many children would be healthier and happier with adoptive parents than with the parents that nature dealt them. That's especially 1 of children who remain in homes where they're badly treated 2 the law blindly favors biological parents. It's also true of children who 3 for years in foster (寄养) homes because of parents who can't or won't care for them but 4 to give up custody (监护) rights.

Fourteen-year-old Kimberly Mays 5 neither description, but her recent court victory could 6 help children who do. Kimberly has been the 7 of an angry custody battle between the man who raised her and her biological parents, with whom she has never lived. A Florida judge 8 that the teenager can remain with the only father she's ever known and that her biological parents have “no legal 9 ” on her.

Shortly after 10 in December 1978, Kimberly Mays and another baby were mistakenly switched and sent home with the 11 parents. Kimberly's biological parents, Ernest and Regina Twigg, received a child who died of a heart disease in 1988. Medical tests 12 that the child wasn't the Twiggs' own daughter, but Kim only was, thus leading to a custody 13 with Robert Mays. In 1989, the two families 14 that Mr. Mays would maintain custody with the Twiggs getting 15 rights. Those rights were ended when Mr. Mays decided that Kimberly was being 16 .

The decision to 17 Kimberly with Mr. Mays caused heated discussion. But the judge made clear that Kimberly did have the right to sue (起诉) 18 her own behalf. Thus he made it clear that she was 19 just a personal possession of her parents. Biological parentage does not mean an absolute ownership that cancels all the 20 of children.

(2011年江西省抚州一中、赣州一中、吉安一中、九江一中、萍乡中学 、新余一中、宜春中学、上饶县中联合考试)

1. A. terrible B. sad

C. true D. natural

2. A. but B. if

C. when D. because

3. A. settle B. live

C. suffer D. gather

4. A. have B. refuse

C. stick D. fail

5. A. likes B. gives

C. fits D. knows

6. A. actually B. eventually

C. successfully D. abruptly

7. A. victim B. object

C. sacrifice D. teenager

8. A. ruled B. believed

C. ordered D. indicated

9. A. expectation B. action

C. effect D. claim

10. A. birth B. judgment

C. operation D. school

11. A. biologica B. own

C. kind D. wrong

12. A. examined B. explained

C. decided D. showed

13. A. battle B. right

C. agreement D. decision

14. A. thought B. quarreled

C. agreed D. prepared

15. A. equal B. same

C. visiting D. speaking

16. A. harmed B. forbidden

C. wounded D. hidden

17. A. make B. leave

C. give D. keep

18. A. by B. through

C. on D. in

19. A. more than B. no more than

C. not more than D. less than

20. A. freedom B. happiness

C. rights D. ideas



本文是一篇记叙文。我和父母在感恩节的时候去一个福利救助站做志愿者, 救助那些衣食不足的人。在此过程中遇到一个衣着考究的人加入到讨饭人的队伍中, 我自然感到十分惊讶并对其出言不逊。母亲对我的教育和后来发生的事情使我认识到不论何时何地, 不能以貌取人。

1. D 此题需要通读全文后再做选择, 下文提到了“我以貌取人”这一错误行为的改变, 和母亲对我的教育, 这对我来说是持久一生的教训。所以其他三项均不合文意。

2. B volunteering此处用作动词, 意为“志愿做……”, 即和父母一起做志愿者为需要的人服务。

3. A dish out意为“分发食物”, 即在柜台后盛饭给前来求助的人, cook是干扰性较强的选项, 此处应意识到behind counter不可能是做饭的地方;work out“计算出”;carry out“执行”;均不合题意。

4. C diners意为“用餐者”, 上文dishing out hot food to ... 的对象自然是用餐者。visitor“观光旅游者”;consumer“消费者、顾客”, 指花钱消费的人;friends“朋友”;不符合文意。

5. B in short“总之, 简言之”;有“不再赘述, 简而言之”之意;in conclusion干扰性较大, 意为“结论是……”, 强调从……中得出的结论, 此处不妥。In general“一般说来”, 意思不符。

6. D anything but为固定用法, 意为“单单除……之外, 根本不……”。

7. C 从上文“He was well dressed ... ”得到暗示。

8. A my jaw dropped in amazement意为“惊讶得目瞪口呆”, 看到一个衣着考究的人加入到讨饭人的队伍中, 自然感到十分惊讶。

9. B 排队等待福利救助站提供的食物, 上下文都有提示。

10. D 本文第二段开头提到It was Thanksgiving and I was volunteering with my parents at a shelter for the needy. We stood behind the counter dishing out hot food ... 就是在为需要的人服务。所以service station最合文意。

11. C mean for意为“预定作某种用途;意欲把某物给某人”, 此处是过去分词短语做后置定语。其他选项不合题意。

12. B imagine此处有“猜想、臆断”之意, 此处暗含母亲对我善意的批评和引导——从下文得知一个人所需要的帮助有可能是物质方面的, 也有可能是精神方面的。

13. D 从冒号后面列举的内容看, 都是物质方面的内容, 所以选physical, 和下文emotional形成对比。

14. B 从上文得知, 我对那人不满地嘀咕, 母亲对我的这一行为并不认可:“你总臆断来人都有物质方面的需求, 显然那位衣着考究的人不需要物质援助。但如果是精神方面的呢?”和上文形成转折关系, 暗含批评和开导。

15. A comfort“安慰”, 正是上文emotional的范畴。

16. C 意识到自己的错误之后, 理应向别人apologize“道歉”。

17. D 做此题时一定要从全篇考虑, 因为文章开头就提到我和父母在感恩节的时候去一个福利救助站做志愿者, 救助那些衣食不足的人, 捐助是维持福利事业的重要保障。所以收到一份匿名的大笔捐助才是最合乎情理的。

18. B wonder if意为“想知道是不是……”, doubt和suspect虽然也可以和if搭配, 但暗含的是一种消极意义, 往往暗示着坏事情, 此处不妥。

19. A 开头提到母亲对我的教育使我牢记在心, 所以不论何时再见到别人时, 不再以貌取人。

20. C 上文提到they looked needy, 一开始我以为需要帮助的人都是在外表上能看得出来的, 通过对穿着考究的那位先生的重新认识和母亲的开导, 是我认识到判断一个人不能仅仅从外表上判断, 即 “how they look”。


本文是一篇夹叙夹议的记叙文。作者几年前的一天, 碰到了一只麻雀被困在车库内, 它老是朝上飞而不降低一下高度, 结果怎么也飞不出去。作者由此想到我们在现实生活中是不是也会有此种情况呢?答案是肯定的。因此我们要学会不要老是“upward”;适当“downward”也意味着成功。

1. C 短语:for example例如;rather than 而不是;or rather 更确切地说;as well也。根据下文, 此处的小鸟就是指麻雀。因此, 空之后的sparrow是对前面的bird的进一步解释。故答案选C。

2. B 前面的“sounds like”和后面的“listened more devotedly”, 说明Anita也没有把握, 所以暂时停下手中的活, 认真听一听。故答案选B。

3. C 根据文章倒数第四段的“We looked into the garage, and our uninvited guest was gone”可知, 麻雀是被困在车库里。故答案选C。

4. A 根据此处的语境, 此处作者是强调Jonathan的个性, 平常老是制造麻烦。故答案选A。

5. B 前面提到作者和妻子都在怀疑可能是孩子在搞破坏, 因此就到那里查看, 结果根本就没有发现孩子的身影。故答案选B。

6. D 上文第三段作者提到自己听到轻轻地撞击的声音。所以, 此处sound适合语境。

7. B 当作者在一次听到从上面传出的声音后, 发现了这只麻雀。动词watch强调仔细观察, 不适合语境。后面的“It was flying”表明realize不适合。故答案选B。

8. D 根据下文的“trying to get out”可知, 此时, 麻雀在车库的天花板底下飞是非常着急的, 因为它总是急于出去却找不到出口。故答案选D。

9. C 根据下文的“but couldn't see that the way out was not up, but down”, 说明小鸟想飞出去还是十分明显的, 只是找不到出路。thoroughly彻底地;obviously明显地;eventually最终地;unwillingly不情愿地。故答案选C。

10. A 前面提到“but down”, 这说明小鸟要想出去, 只能是从开着的门出去 (the open door) 。故答案选A。

11. C 为了能够飞出去, 这只鸟不断地飞, 拍打着自己的翅膀。故答案选C。

12. D 因为这只鸟老是朝上飞, 因此, 老是碰到头, 与天花板相撞。故答案选D。

13. D 根据下文的“Well, maybe it's because of us”, 正是由于我们, 说不定这只小鸟才是如此害怕的, 因此而乱飞, 故答案选D。

14. A 本来作者是打算引导这只小鸟让它低飞从门中飞出, 句中的“but”表明作者并没有成功, 小鸟更加害怕。因为前面作者已经猜测出小鸟可能是由于害怕的原因。故答案选A。

15. A 根据下文“So we went back into the house, where we continued to hear ... ”, 作者和妻子只是要离开车库几分钟。故答案选A。

16. D 既然是Anita 建议他俩离开, 很明显是希望小鸟能够静下心来找到出去的路。根据下文的“I told you he'd succeed”可以知道妻子的意图。动词短语:put aside放到一边, 存储;leave alone不管, 不顾;give up放弃;figure out结局, 计算出。故答案选D。

17. C 此处指两人还能听见这只小鸟在努力挣扎着飞出去。故答案选C。

18. D 根据后面“our uninvited guest was gone”, 小鸟已经走了, 因此, 也就突然没有声音了。故答案选D。

19. A 作者的意思是说:尽管小鸟最后成功的飞出门外, 但是为此又付出了它多少次的碰头呢?offer表示“ (主动的) 提供”, earn表示“赢得”, owe表示“欠”, cost表示“花费、付出”。故答案选A。

20. B 根据此处语境, 作者的意思是“我们经常会遇到一些情况, 我们不知怎样处理, 但是……”。classify分类;handle处理, 解决;conclude得出结论;debate争论, 辩论。故答案选B。


这是一篇记叙文。该文讲述的是:父亲仅仅用一张手画的地图告诉作者自己去学校上学。父亲这种教学方式看似苛刻, 然而其与众不同的方式背后却隐藏着父亲对作者深深的关爱。

1. B 考查语境逻辑。根据下文可以看出, 为了教育作者, 父亲让作者按照他所画的地图独自上学。这样的教育方法肯定是“不同寻常的”。故答案选B。

2. A 考查语义辨析。spare sb. from sth.意为“使省去”, 表示“不麻烦某人做……”;liberate sb. from sth. 意为“使……自由”;excuse sb. from (doing) sth. 意为“免除”, 表示“因为宽恕而免除某人做……”之意;punish不与介词from连用。根据上下文, 父亲叫他独自上学, 并且很少让他不上学校学习功课, 因此答案选A。

3. C 考查语义辨析。hate 意为“憎恨, 讨厌”;prefer 意为“更喜欢”;cherish 意为“珍惜, 珍爱”;make意为“使, 制造”。根据上下文, 特别是文章最后的Thanks. Dad.可知, 作者对父亲的教育方式很珍爱。故答案选C。

4. D 考查语境逻辑。根据后面的read the map可知, 父亲想知道孩子的阅读能力, 故答案选D。

5. C 考查语境逻辑。根据后面的is on the map, read the map等信息可知, 父亲给孩子画了一张去学校的地图, 答案选C。

6. A 考查语境逻辑。根据后面父亲给他饭盒及衣服的描述, 应该指父亲的表情, 所以答案选A。

7. C 考查语境逻辑。根据前面句子中的said little并结合各选项的比较可知, 父亲只简单地说了下面的话, 故答案选C。

8. A 考查语义辨析。follow 遵循, 沿……前进, 顺……前进;catch无意中发现;check检查, 核对;keep保持, 保存。父亲给他地图, 叫他根据地图找到去学校的路, 故答案选A。

9. D 考查语义辨析。puzzle 意为“困惑, 疑惑”, 侧重于由于不知道或不明白而对某事感到困惑、疑惑;amazement 意为“惊喜, 惊奇”;disappointment 意为“失望”;disbelief意为“不信, 怀疑”, disbelief 侧重于不相信事情的真实性。根据后面的scared to death可知, 作者感到既不相信父亲会这样要求自己, 又不相信自己能找到学校。故答案选D。

10. A 考查语义辨析。根据语境, 作者离开父亲去学校, 应该用go off to school, 此处将off提到了句首, 答案选A。

11. D 考查语境逻辑。根据上下文, 作者虽不情愿按照地图独自上学, 但又不得不, 只好“哭”着“走”了。故答案选D。

12. C 考查语义辨析。difficulties 意为“困难”;course 意为“课程”;moments 意为“片刻, 时刻”;strangers意为“陌生人”。根据上下文可推知, 在独自上学的“时候 (moments) ”, 作者内心感到恐惧而焦虑 (fearful and anxious) 。故答案选C。

13. C 考查语义辨析。上下文语境为“我不知道花了多长的时间才找到那里, 也不知道经历了多少个既恐惧又焦虑的时刻, 但是当我绕过最后一个角落, 看到了学校时的那种感觉, 现在还记忆犹新。”根据后面的it felt可推知, 用feel表示“给人的某种感觉”。故答案选C。

14. B 考查语义辨析。surprise 意为“意想不到的事, 令人惊奇的事情”;relief 意为“轻松, 宽慰”, 侧重于由于艰难困苦或不愉快的事情之后的一种心理轻松感受;hope 意为“希望, 期望”;dream意为“梦, 梦想”。根据后面的the laughter, the joy可推知, 作者最终绕过街角就看到了学校, 这时内心很轻松、很高兴。故答案选B。

15. A 考查语境逻辑。根据语境知道, 作者经过艰难的寻找后终于找到了学校, 于是尽管对父亲有点儿生气, 但当时还是想把这种成功的喜悦告诉父亲。故答案选A。

16. D 考查语境逻辑。根据He wasn't there when I got home ... The next day I waited for him to ask what had happened.可推知, 当父亲回到家时, 作者已经入睡了。故答案选D。

17. A 考查语境逻辑。根据下文He never did. We laughed and talked 等信息可知, 第二天父亲一直没有问及此事, 父子之间说说笑笑。就这样开始了第二天的生活。故答案选A。

18. B 考查语义辨析。chance 意为“机会”;courage 意为“勇气”;intention 意为“打算”;desire意为“欲望”。根据语境可知, 作者以前并不是一直没有机会问父亲“为什么那样做”“ 为什么也不关心所发生的事情”, 而只是缺乏“勇气”问。经过几年后, 作者终于有了这个勇气问。故答案选B。

19. D 考查语境逻辑。根据父亲所说的话可知, 父亲虽然一直在后面跟着, 但一直保持离孩子足够远的距离, 不让作者看见。故答案选D。

20. B 考查语境逻辑。作者找到学校之后高兴得跳跃起来, 此时父亲的心情也是一样的, 也感到高兴, 因此父亲说“我感受到了你内心的感受”。故答案选B。


这是一篇记叙文。该文讲述的是:一个就读于美国的交流学生通过自己的经历认识到人类只有通过相互交往, 才能增进彼此的了解。

1. C 根据上文的“make students learn about the foreign culture”可知, 我作为交换生到美国的时候, 除了我自己国家的文化之外, 并不了解其他国家的文化。

2. B 根据上文的“I learned much knowledge from school, ”可知, 作者在学校里学到了很多知识, 再由“the most important lessons I learned were outside of the classroom”可知最重要的课程却是在课堂之外学到的, 由此可知是转折关系。

3. A 根据下文的“ ... is one of the most powerful ways to promote understanding between human beings.”可知, 此处讲述的是交换经历给作者带来的好处。

4. D 根据下文的“the hard times ...”可知。在国外生活并不容易。

5. C 根据“As life has success and failure, ”像生活中有成功也有失败一样, 我的交换生经历也有起伏。

6. D 根据“become mature”可知, 在国外那些困难的时刻使作者成长, 变得成熟。

7. B 根据下文“My roommate was always there for me ... ”可知答案。

8. D 根据下文的“They did so much for me.” 他们帮助我很多, 所以一想起他们我就很感动。

9. A 根据“in their house and hearts and minds.”可知, 我寄宿的家庭在他们的房子和心里都有我的位置, 就是除了给我提供住的地方, 他们也很关心我。

10. B 根据“My roommate was always there for me”可知, 不管我什么时候需要她的帮助, 她都会出现。

11. D 根据上文的“she always made me very happy”可知, 我的室友使我高兴, 我应该是很享受和她在一起的时光。

12. C 根据“My teachers and friends have volunteered to ______ me in my studies”可知, 我的老师和朋友是在学习上帮助我。

13. A 根据“took my situation into consideration whenever I did not ______ something that was common knowledge to the local students.”可知, 那些在本地学生看来很常见的知识, 我这个外来的学生有时不理解。

14. B 根据“because of them, I experienced much more.”可知, 由于有了他们, 我经历了很多事情, 他们使我的经历更加丰富。

15. D 结合上文再根据“I know I was one of the ______ few to live overseas for a year.”可知, 我的国外生活经历是很幸运的。

16. C 根据“I know that too few people know about my story. Because the number of the young people who are part of ______ programs is very small every year.”可知, 此处是在陈述事实, 所以in fact为正确答案。

17. D 根据文章首句“The student exchange program is designed to make students learn about the foreign culture.”可知答案。

18. A 结合上文以及根据下文“The lessons I learned will stay with me forever”可知, 我永远不会忘记他们对我的好。

19. D 根据上文的“to make students learn about the foreign culture.”可知, 交换生计划的目的就是让学生互相学习外国的文化, 由此可知答案。

20. A 我对文化交流的信念永远不会离开我, 即我将永远坚守这个信念。


微小的友好之举会创造一个和谐世界。Jeff夫妇在圣诞前夕搬进新居, 受到邻居们的关爱。今年圣诞节Jeff夫妇也召集一些孤独的邻居一起过节, 给以温馨的回报。

1. B 因为刚刚搬来, 事务很多, 所以应是“没有时间”来进行过圣诞节的准备。下文并列的是“没有精力”, 相应。

2. C 刚搬来不久, 人生地不熟。下文提到“与家人不在一起”, 所以“孤独”为好。A项不妥, 因为平常的圣诞节应是高兴的, 而那一次与家人分开, 又到一个新地方, 所以C项正确。

3. D 有转折意义。本来是孤独的, 然而邻居们接踵而来, 不感到孤独了。

4. C 下文讲一个同事来访, 送来面包。先“敲门”, 然后进来。

5. A 这个同事不是来邀请的, 不选B, 而是来送面包表示欢迎的, 应选A。

6. B 面包是包着的, 不是一般的邮件, C项不对, 应选B。

7. D 上文说门铃出故障, 所以错过了一个来访。如用C项接受了一个拜访与上文就没有联系。

8. C “温暖”的感情比较贴切。

9. A 上文有动词clear, 下文有动词dig , 所以snow 比较合理。rubbish不符合常情。

10. B 邻居来帮助我们。

11. A share意为共同度过。

12. B 根据上下文, 他们邀请孤独的、家人不在身边的人一起过圣诞节。如果是aunt还算他们的亲属, 应为guest。

13. D 圣诞节过得快乐, 多亏了邻居们。

14. C Smiths先前送来面包。此题空档前有Christmas morning, 空档后有多亏Smiths的面包, 所以应理解为早餐吃面包。

15. D grateful充满感激的。

16. A 上一句讲与家人分离, 不能团聚。应理解为工作需要, 与家人有了距离, 不能团聚, A项正确。

17. C D项“发现”瞬间性较强。C项“知道”状态性较强, 用来表示原因较好。

18. A 此段都讲与家人不能团聚的情况, 他们当然是孤独的。

19. B 转折意义, 孤独的人很多, 但很少有人注意到。

20. D 此句点题, 轻微的友好之举会创造一个和谐世界。其他形容词意义不符合。


教授和学生同游乡村, 他们在田间劳动的农夫的旧鞋中放了两枚硬币, 农夫发现后非常感激。教授和学生感到非常高兴, 甚至施予比接收更高兴。

1. B 小路上放着一双旧鞋, 应是平放着, 不是高高地立着, 不用C项。也不是藏着, 一眼就看到, D项也错。

2. A 他们看到农夫劳动的情况, 下文提到不久就上来穿鞋了, 所以“即将结束”正确。

3. C A项语法不对, 少介词at。C项转过身来, 正确。

4. D 下文讲学生想藏起农夫的鞋子, 所以是“捉弄他”, D项正确。其他三项一般与make搭配, B、C两项“娱乐”, 意义也不对。

5. B 此处指农夫找不到鞋时的状态, C项情感, B项慌乱, B项为好。

6. C 教授教育学生不能将取乐建筑在穷人的痛苦之上。B项意为奉献, 不对。

7. D 此句中有poor, 相对于穷人你是富有的, 下文讲到给穷人点儿钱, 所以D项合理。B项与上下文联系不太紧密。

8. A 下文提到农夫拿到硬币。其他三项都是货币单位, 不表示具体物质, 与each连用也不好。

9. B 主体动词是affects, 应是“发现硬币”对他会产生什么影响。不是“高兴”对他产生什么影响, 不能选A。

10. A and表示时间上的顺序, 连接下一分句。

11. B came across the field从田中走过来, across也指在表面上。D项的方向不对, 不是向田间走去。

12. C 穿衣服用put on。

13. A 脚穿进鞋, 感到有什么东西硬硬的, A项正确。穿进鞋里应感到鞋紧, 不是那个东西紧。所以不选B,

14. D 环顾他自己的四周。

15. C 此句描写农夫又发现另一枚硬币的心情, 他不知为何鞋中有硬币。一只鞋中有硬币已经使他感到奇怪。另一只中又有硬币, 就“双倍”奇怪了。A项折叠起来, B项加速, D项改善, 意义都不妥。

16. D 农夫拿到硬币时的心情和举动使我们深为感动。overcame此处意为征服。A项精通, B项击败, C项背叛, 都不准确。

17. B on或upon后常接人体部位, 表示该部位朝下或接触地面, 此句指农夫跪下来。A项、C项都不虔诚。

18. D 农夫诉说他的困境, 无助。B项意为无情, 不仁慈, 不对。

19. A intended故意的, 此处指故意地捉弄人。D项意义和语法都不对。如果用interesting, 语法正确, 但意义不好。

20. C A项真诚;C项真理, 真谛;D项依赖。此句表示“我知道这句话的真谛:施予比接收更有福。”应选C项。


本文讲述了作者的圣诞节经历。她在购物后倒车时撞到了另一辆车, 对方却安慰她, 祝她圣诞快乐。当儿子为有没有圣诞老人苦恼时, 作者告诉儿子, 圣诞的神就像停车场那位女士一样。儿子从此相信了爱存在生活中, 平常人就是圣诞精灵。

1. C 因为是在停车场, 所以另一辆车停在我的旁边。park也可以做动词, 意为“停车”。

2. B 从上下文和常识可以猜测出, 此处指“空间” (space) 狭小。

3. D traffic和heavy搭配。可以翻译为“车辆多”“交通拥挤”。

4. A 我很难把车开出去。hard艰难的, pull out (车) 离开。

5. B 因为孩子不止一个, 能影响司机注意力的只能是聊天。

6. C 听到嘎吱的响声 (crunch) , 作者下车检查。check意为“检查;核查”。例如:I'll just have a quick check on the quality of the factory goods.

7. D 被撞车的司机也下来检查损坏。本空可以从上文推测出来。

8. A 从被撞车的司机所说的话 (Merry Christmas) 来看, 她应该是微笑着说的。

9. C 作者没想到她祝她圣诞快乐, 所以惊讶。

10. B 从上下文推断, 被撞车的司机在说, 我没事儿, 你也如此 (so are you) 。

11. C 从下文来看, 前后两句是转折关系, 尽管我永远不知道她的名字, 但是我将总是记住她的微笑。

12. A 见上题解释。

13. C 由于儿子被问题所烦扰, 所以用troubled, 英语解释为:suffering from problems 例如:His face had a troubled look. 他的脸上有种困扰的神情。

14. A What's up?是固定的表达, 意思是“What's the matter?”怎么回事儿?

15. D 根据常识, 孩子们知道了是父母把礼物放到树下的。

16. B 父母想让孩子理解圣诞精灵, 不是强迫 (force) , 命令 (order) 也不是允许 (allow) 。

17.A 作者把圣诞精灵说成了爱 (love) , 然后将停车场的那位司机比作了爱的化身, 这样儿子就理解了圣诞精灵是什么。

18. D 对于圣诞老人存在信还是不信的问题。信仰用believe in。

19. B 圣诞精灵到访每家每户。学生需要了解一些圣诞常识才能将这些场景联系起来。

20. C 将圣诞精灵永存心中。其他都明显不符合文意。


本文讲了作者在车站等人时遇到的一件改变他人生的事情。一位来车站接人的男士对孩子、妻子都如同久别重逢一样。当作者询问他们结婚多少年时, 他被告知结婚16年, 刚刚分别了两天。同时, 该男士告诉作者, 不要希望婚姻幸福, 而是决定婚姻幸福。

1. C pick up来车站接人;look for寻找; join in加入;speak to和……说。

2. D 那个男人应该是朝作者的方向走来。其他方向均不合理。

3. D 后面提到了孩子和妻子, 总起来说应该是家人——family。

4. B 承接上文, 父子拥抱, 然后分开, 分开到足够注视对方时才说话。注意行文逻辑。

5. A 此处为久别重逢的交际用语。

6. C 因为是最小的儿子, 所以有点害羞。其他几个词都不符合语境, anxiously (焦虑地) , quietly (安静地) , hurriedly (急匆匆地) 。

7. A 说最大的儿子应该说他是个男人了。有赞许和鼓励之意。

8. D 对于自己的妻子, 该男士说, “我把最好的留到最后”, save一词非常形象生动。其他均不合理。

9. B 该男士给了太太他见过的最有爱意的吻。“曾经见过的”用ever一词, 常和前面的最高级连用。

10. A 拉着对方的手, 用hold。

11. B remind sb sth表示“使某人想起了……”, 这对夫妇使我想起了新婚夫妇。

12. A 从孩子的年龄来判断, 不是新婚了。

13. D 我迷惑 (puzzled) 了一会儿。

14. C 该男士还没有将眼睛从太太的脸上移开。 因为本文重点描述这对夫妇经久不变的恩爱和家庭的欢乐。

15. C 作者问该男士, “你们离开对方多久了?”away表示离开的状态。

16. D 男士回答作者的问题, 有点夸张“两整天”。

17. B 作者以为至少他们如果不是分别了几个月, 也分别了几个星期了。

18. A 作者几乎是脱口而出——立即说出, 用immediately。

19. C 该男士说的这句话使作者变成了一个不同的人。呼应了开头, 改变了他对人生的看法。

20. A 与作者的提问相呼应。作者说他希望, 男士说“不要希望, 而是决定”。


记叙文。妻子为了从丈夫去世的痛苦中解脱出来, 把一切能够使她想起丈夫的东西都烧掉, 连房子也重新装修, 只剩下一只宠物再也无法扔掉, 最后认识到这是丈夫留给她的珍贵礼物。本文是从宠物的心理角度上来描写的。从文中可以判断出宠物很可能是一只小狗。你能找出根据吗?

1. D 从下文的What would she do with me? 可得出答案。

2. A 第三段提示:丈夫的去世。

3. C A “开始”, B“冒险”, C “保持、不断”, D “继续”。根据语意“我不断的发出叫声来表明我的反抗, 但是没有用。”选项C更符合语境。

4. B 根据语意“我不断的发出叫声来表明我的反抗, 但是没有用。”B答案最符合语境。

5. D 结合下文only to see many unfamiliar faces, 可知该句话的意思是“最后她把我放在一个陌生的地方”。A“通常的”, B “黑暗的”, C “熟悉的”均不符合语境。

6. A 由上文把 “我”放进袋子里面, 而后怕闷死而解开口, 可看出 “我”挣扎着从袋子里面出来。

7. A 根据上文逻辑可知, 主人是想遗弃 “我”。

8. C cast “朝着某个方向”。本句语意“所以我一直看着车子的方向”。

9. B “我看到自己处处跟着主人”, 从生活常识来看, 宠物只能是跟着主人到处走。

10. C 考查独立主格结构。生活逻辑, 丈夫病危即将离世, 妻子痛苦万分, 以泪洗面。

11. D 考查连词用法。根据句意“当我看到她向我挥手时, 我的眼睛也湿润了……。”

12. B 根据上下文逻辑, 丈夫去世, 妻子是不幸的。

13. C 根据生活常识:妻子对丈夫抛下她而去, 心里有点儿生气。

14. B 妻子对丈夫抛下她而去, 心里有点生气, 所以才想方设法消除失去丈夫给她带来的痛苦。

15. D 根据上句话的语意逻辑, 应为烧掉丈夫的照片和衣服。

16. C 顺理成章, 烧掉丈夫的照片和衣服, 甚至连房子也重新装修了, “我”才是唯一存在的能使她想起丈夫的东西。

17. A 上下文之间应是转折关系。“但是, 后来我敢肯定她会意识到这样做是多么疯狂……”

18. D 根据逻辑, 当车停下来时, “我”已经累的筋疲力尽。

19. C 女主人也不忍心扔掉忠实的宠物, 所以把“我”紧紧抱着。

20. B 女主人此时不可能大声说话、交谈, 而小声耳语才符合此时的情景。


新闻时评。对孩子的教育目标是定位高了好, 还是低了好?这个话题存在着争议。有人认为要求太严、目标太高会牺牲孩子的潜能开发;而有人认为让孩子们面对挑战性的目标可使孩子有推动力并从中受益。

1. C 既然是tiger mother, 一定是严格的教育方法。

2. A tiger mother的严格的教育方法在西方人士看起来似乎是不可思议的。

3. D 由上文的严格的要求可知:她要求女儿在学校的考试成绩不能低于A等。

4. B 她们每天必须练习4个小时的钢琴或小提琴。

5. B 上文unimaginable可推断出这是种极端的表现, 其他选项不合语境。

6. A 由上文可推知:教育子女的标准应该切合实际 (practical) 。

7. D 孩子需要父母的引导。本题易选love, 但由下文“而不是强迫他们做他们可能不感兴趣的事”可以看出guide (引导) 更合适。

8. A 如今, 这种批评似乎已经传播到 (spread) 中国。

9. A 根据语意逻辑, 应是A concerned expert (有位相关的专家) 。而不是B“高兴的”; C “乐观的”;更不是D“紧张的”。

10. D 由上文可知是parenting ( 教育子女的方法) 。

11. B 语意“这样会限制孩子开发他们的潜能”。

12. D 语意“父母可能会牺牲掉他们充分发展和享受生活的能力”。

13. C 考查行文逻辑关系。根据上下文语意逻辑, while (尽管) 表示形成对比关系, 用在此处最佳。

14. D 和前面批评家反对这种教育方法相反的是青少年很支持 (appreciate) 。

15. C 由第一段中的“Battle Hymn (颂歌) of the Tiger Mother”可知答案。

16. B have a point in doing something 意为“在做某事上有意义”。本句话意为“另一些人认为Chua 给孩子定出具有挑战性的目标是有意义的。”

17. A 把17、18、19、20空结合在一起总体考虑, 问题就会迎刃而解。语意: “坦诚地说 (honestly) , 孩子有时需要“推动力” (to be pushed) 。如果你想让他们做好, 他们就会做好, 同时他们也会受益 (benefit) 。高期望值 (expectations) 有时是有好处的。”

18. A

19. D

20. B 见17题解析。


本文记叙的是David克服眼瞎障碍, 自强不息, 终于实现了个人价值, 为我们树立了光辉榜样。

1. A at a ... angle表示“以……角度”。

2. C 意思是得知真相, 其他搭配不对。

3. A blank表示“空白的”=dark。

4. C leave ... to ...“把……交给……”。

5. B 由政府照管抚养。

6. D for the worse 更糟。

7. A 受伤, 应是wounded。

8. B 根据上下文, 空处应表示“克服”。

9. C 从下文第16题处可知。

10. A 根据下文表示“难得到”, 其他不合题意。

11. D 此处做定语表示致力于, 其他搭配有误。

12. B 文章指在工作中, 关系副词做状语。

13. C 视力正常的人也在暗室工作。

14. D 根据上下文, 空处应表示“尽管”。

15. B 根据常识, 空处应表示“闻起来”。

16. C 因为这是急诊室。

17. A at risk与out of danger对应危险或平安。

18. B 根据内容可知, 空处应表示“超越”。

19. D 表示“实现个人的价值”。

20. D follow ... example表示“学榜样”。


本文讲述了被抱错的孩子Kimberly的养父和她亲生父母为她而争夺监护权的故事。目的主要是要告诉父母必须对孩子的健康成长负责, 无论是养父母, 还是亲生父母必须让孩子健康快乐地成长。

1. C 许多孩子和养父母在一起要比和亲生父母在一起健康、开心的多, 这并不是一个秘密。对于那些在家里受亲生父母虐待的孩子而言尤其如此 (true) , 因为 (because) 法律盲目认为生理上的父母会更好。本句为对比句。可参照下句It's also true of children ... because of ... 。

2. D 表原因, 解释见上。

3. C 同样, 对于那些在收养家庭中多年遭受 (suffer) 痛苦的孩子们来说也是如此, 因为他们的养父母不能或者不愿意照顾他们, 但是又拒绝 (refuse) 放弃监护权。

4. B 解释见上。

5. C 14岁的Kimberly不适合 (fits) 上述两种情况。

6. B Kimberly的判例对属于上述两种情况的孩子而言最终 (eventually) 是有所帮助的。

7. B Kimberly向来是她的养父与从未和她一起生活过的亲生父母争夺监护权的对象或目标 (object) 。

8. A 法官裁决 (ruled) Kimberly可以继续与其唯一熟悉的养父生活在一起, 驳回亲生父母对Kimberly监护权的要求 (claim) 。

9. D 解释见上。

10. A 根据本句后的baby可判断此处为birth。句意:Kimberly出生后不久就被抱错。

11. D 既然是mistakenly switched“被交叉抱错”, 那么与之回家的自然是wrong parents, 当然不会是亲生父母了。

12. D 另外一个小孩在1988年生病夭折。医学测试表明 (showed) 这个小孩不是Kimberly亲生父母的孩子, Kimberly才是。Kimberly亲生父母由此与其养父展开了一场争夺监护权的斗争 (battle) 。

13. A 解释见上。

14. C 最后双方达成协议 (agreed) , 养父保留监护权, 亲生父母有探望 (visiting) 权。

15. C 解释见上。

16. A 但养父若认为亲生父母的探望使Kimberly受到了伤害 (harmed) , 则该权利终止。

17. B 把Kimberly留给 (leave) 她的养父引起了激烈的讨论。

18. C 法官明确地说, Kimberly也有权为了 (on) 自己的利益提起诉讼 (比如, 假设在亲生父母的经济状况远好于养父的情况下) 。on one's behalf 为……的利益, 代表。

19. A Kimberly并不仅仅 (more than) 是其亲生父母的私有财产。more than不仅仅;no more than 仅仅;not more than不超过, 至多, 不比……更;less than小于, 少于, 不超过, 不到, 决不, 毫不。

20. C 血缘关系并不意味着亲生父母可以剥夺孩子全部的权利 (rights) 。




第一段:前两句对number sense进行了定义:Number sense is not the ability to count. It is the ability to recognize a 1 in number. 本段后文出现了experiment和for example等字眼,可知后文是对number sense进行举例阐释。

第二段第一句话为:Another interesting experiment showed a bird's 6 number sense. 从后面的crow (乌鸦)可以看出,后面是在对这个实验进行详述。而another interesting experiment也说明,第二段延续第一段的主旨,仍在阐释number sense。

第三段前两句话为:How good is a human's number sense. It's not very good. 这说明这一段讲的是人类的number sense为何不够好。

最后一段只有一句话,对人类和动物的number sense进行了总结,得出了人类在这一点上并没有比乌鸦好多少。由此可知,这才是本文的主旨。


2 , experiments show that many animals are, too. For example, many birds have good number sense.

2. A. Importantly B. Surprisingly

C. Disappointedly D. Fortunately

【解析】通过以上对主旨的分析可知,本文主要讲人和动物的number sense,而且人类的number sense并不比乌鸦的好多少。因此,即使不太确定第1题填什么,也可以推测出第2题的答案。从人类的角度来看,人类拥有number sense不足为奇,而动物拥有number sense就比较令人惊讶了,因此四个选项中只有B项最符合语境。



It seems that number sense is something we have in common with many animals in this world, and that our human 15 is not much better than a crow's.

15. A. sight B. nature

C. ability D. belief

【解析】空格所在的句子主要是表达人类的number sense并不比乌鸦的好多少。而文章第二句话就提到过number sense是一种ability,因此这里选C。

Number sense is not the ability to count. It is the ability to recognize a 1 in number.... This means that the bird knows the 5 between two and three.

1. A. rise B. pattern

C. change D. trend

5. A. distance B. range

C. difference D. interval

【解析】要想解答第1题,必须往后看。根据后文的实验很容易就能知道,鸟能够发现两个和三个是不同的数量,因此第5题选C。而有change就有difference,change可以看做是difference的近义词,因此第1题选C,表示number sense是一种意识到数量变化的能力。


For example, babies about fourteen months old almost always notice if something is taken away from a 13 group. But when the number goes beyond three or four, the children are 14 (often) fooled.

13.A. single B. small

C. local D. new









That would be a very 19 (reason) thing to do in a big city.


In the beginning, there was only a very small amount of unfairness in the world, but everyone added a little, always 25 (think) that it was only small and not very important, and look where we have ended up today.



Nick's guests, 20 had heard their conversation, asked why they should not buy salt more cheaply if they could.

【解析】分析可知,空格后有一个谓语动词had heard,其后还有一个谓语动词asked。由于一个句子只能有一个谓语动词,且空格处所在的分句跟在guests后面,故可以判断空格处所在的分句是修饰guests的定语从句。由于从句中缺主语,且先行词是guests,故空格处应填入who。

The only reason a man would sell salt 21 a lower price would be because he was desperate for money.





2013年广东卷阅读理解延续以往题型,四篇文章从体裁上看考查了夹叙夹议文、议论文、记叙文和说明文,比前两年的阅读理解文章容易些,没有生僻词和晦涩难懂的词汇。从文章内容和来源上看,A篇来自The Himalayan Times网站中Sue Dickson的文章“The Power of Imagination”,主要通过小男孩Tom勇敢与疾病作斗争的故事讲述想象力在战胜恐惧中的重要作用。B篇纠正了人们对成功的片面看法,论证想要在生活中取得成功,靠的是长时间辛勤投入工作的观点。C篇描述心理医生通过无言的沟通帮助青少年渡过难关的故事。D篇来源于国外网站的文章“Using Technology to Fight Cheating in Online Education”。




27. What can be inferred about Tom's mother?

A. She was a rich lady. B. She refused Tom's request.

C. She wanted Tom to be a superhero.

D. She wanted to get Tom through the pain.


【解析】推断题在原文中不能找到与答案完全一致的内容,但是我们可以根据文章细节推理判断出来。本题中,我们可以根据题干中的特指名词Tom's mother这一关键信息定位到原文第三段:"Maybe I could go as Superman," he whispered to his mom. Hearing this, the mother hesitated for a while. She had avoided buying the expensive costume (戏装), but finally she agreed. 从母亲避免购买昂贵的戏服来看,她应该不是很富有的人,排除A。但是尽管如此,母亲最后还是答应了孩子的请求,故排除B。从Tom提出要扮Superman而母亲犹豫了一会儿来看,母亲并不愿意Tom扮成Superman,更别提希望他成为超级英雄了,故排除C。结合Tom患癌症的事实来看,并不富有的母亲答应给他买昂贵的戏服应该是希望他能够挺过疾病带来的痛苦,而文章第二段也提到,Tom喜欢扮超级英雄,Dr. Epstein也说这种办法有利于幼小的Tom更好地面对自己充满恐惧和疼痛的生活,故选D。


28. When Tom went for the third operation, he ______.

A. pretended to be painful

B. acted like a superhero

C. appeared in poor spirits

D. argued with his mother

【解析】对于细节题,我们在使用题干关键词定位时应注意“和谁相关,取决于谁”。本题问的是Tom在第三次手术时的情况,所以答案应该和Tom相关,但具体答案是什么取决于the third operation。根据“圈定关键词—定位—比对选项”的思路,题目可以定位至原文第三段。从这一段内容看,Tom手术前一天虽然很害怕,但并没有和母亲吵架,故排除D。手术的那一天更是我们需要关注的:The next day Tom appeared as the powerful Superman, showing off through the hospital halls and coolly waving his hand to the people greeting him along the way. And Tom, with the strength of his fantasy, successfully made it through the operation. 由此可知,Tom不仅穿得像个超人,也表现得像个超级英雄一样,勇敢地渡过了手术,故选B。


45. Which of the following is the best title of this passage?

A. The Advantages of Online Exams

B. The High-tech Methods in Online Courses

C. The Fight against Cheating in Online Education

D. The War against the Booming of Online Education



42. The underlined expression cutting edge in Paragraph 3 is closest in meaning to ______.

A. advanced techniqueB. sharpening tool

C. effective rule D. dividing line

【解析】划线词所在句子为:In the battle against cheating, this is the cutting edge and a key to encourage honesty in the booming field of online education. 从这句话可以看出,cutting edge与this指代相同,因此我们要先弄明白this到底指的是什么。指示代词一般指的是前面出现过的事物,追查至前面一段,不难发现this指的是using a web camera这一防止作弊的监督手段。而根据cutting edge所在的句子,我们可以看出该词是褒义词,是用来鼓励网络教育的诚信行为的。而该句的下面一句话为:The technology gives trust to the entire system, to the institution and to online education in general. 由此可知,this指的是一种technology。故答案应该是A。我们还能以using a web camera为线索继续往下找依据,发现第五段第一句话为:Aside from the web cameras, a number of other high-tech methods are becoming increasingly popular. 这个句子再次印证了this是一种高科技手段,故确定答案为A。由此可知,在做猜词题时,考生应该注意利用上下文,通过关键词找线索串连,找出其中的逻辑关系,以此来确定答案。





46. 第一步:了解邮件中发件人的需求,找出关键词。邮件前两句话为:I am a journalist working for a local news agency. Since I need to travel a lot, I do care about durability when choosing power supply for my digital cameras. 从这句话中可知,发件人需要的是power supply for digital cameras,即电池类的东西。第二步:浏览广告,发现B选项广告中的图片画的就是电池,其他的广告都与此无关,故很快就能确定选B。即使考生不认识durability (电池续航能力),也会发现B项的广告中有durable这个与之相匹配的词,从而确定答案。

49. 如果考生不知道MBA (工商管理硕士)是什么意思,那么最难的可能就要数这一题了。通过本题中的邮件可知,发件人当上了部门经理,却不知该如何与下属沟通,激发下属的积极性,因此想接受专业训练,提高管理与沟通技巧(administrative and communicative skills)。但浏览广告却发现,似乎没有一个选项与此相关。此时,关键词的重要性就体现出来了。邮件中提到了diploma course,而选项F的广告中也提到了MBA diploma,无疑F就是正确答案。






定句型:由于三个信息都是形容志愿者的,可以考虑用并列句或定语从句将其串成一句话。当然,相比较而言,定语从句更有亮点。“至少18岁”比较短,作为句子的主句不太合适,而“做好不回地球的准备”比另外一个信息更吸引眼球,故作主句最合适。如:The volunteers are required to prepare themselves never to return to the earth. 定好主句后,加入其他成分。由于剩下的两个信息均为定语从句的从句部分,修饰主语the volunteers,因此应以并列的结构放在先行词the volunteers之后。

最终方案:The volunteers, who should be at least 18-year-old and willing to keep up a harmonious relationship with the others, are required to prepare themselves never to return to the earth.



定句型:根据题干,这两个信息点为专家观点,都是讲火星上的不利条件,因此这两个信息可以用not only ... but also结构来表达递进关系,也可以将“面临严寒气候、孤独和恐惧”理解为是“火星生活条件太艰苦”的原因,使用原因状语从句。我们可以选择以expert为主语,剩下的为宾语从句,如experts think/believe that ...;也可以用according to experts为状语,另外两个信息为主句。

最终方案:① According to experts, not only will life on the Mars be extremely tough, but also the volunteers will face cold weather and loneliness as well as fear. ② Some experts think that the living conditions on the Mars will be hard because it will be difficult for the volunteers to face cold weather, loneliness and fear.



定句型:根据题干,这两个信息是志愿者的观点。由于两者之间相关性不大,所以可以独立成句,加上前面三句话,正好五句。很明显,前者是因果关系,故采用原因状语从句;后者为条件关系,故使用条件句。由于都是志愿者的观点,所以要加上the volunteers believe/hold the belief that ...。

最终方案:Some volunteers hold the belief that they will be heroes if they succeed. Moreover, they want to know what life is like on the Mars because they are tired of life on the earth.




2013年广东卷读写任务的主题为“平凡工作”,通过短文表达了平凡工作虽然无法给人带来较大的满足感,但却非常重要、不可或缺,并要求考生以清洁工为切入点谈谈自己的看法。这个主题再一次完美复现高考写作主旋律——积极向上和健康成长,因而考生平时要多多积累此类正能量素材,如a respectable individual and a committed citizen (一个值得尊敬的人和一个有奉献精神的公民)、make contributions to the well-being of the society (为社会安康做贡献)等。除了套用一些合适的素材外,考生在写作时要注意使用倒装句、强调句、插入语、非谓语、从句、虚拟语气等多样的语法结构,并适当添加细节,以丰富句式和内容。下面以一篇范文为例来看看如何增加写作亮点。


Directions: Read the following passage. Fill in the numbered blanks by using the information from the passage.

Write NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS for each answer.

While there is no widely accepted definition of MOOCs, their key features are open access:they are currently free to participants, no entry qualifications are required, they support an unlimited number of participants and as yet, very few include any form of accreditation (认证).

Currently offered by some famous universities, MOOCs are attractive to people who do not have the financial resources to meet the growing costs of university education, or who do not have formal qualifications. They also allow participants to study at their own pace.

The potential for MOOCs to deliver education is obviously vast―they could be considered as a huge step forwards in widening participation. They also have the potential to provide a unique window on universities that offer popular and valuable courses, they may attract some participants to register for formal fee-paying programmes at the same or other universities and are likely to promote new ways of on-line education.

However, it is still very early days for MOOCs. The quality of the education provision is highly variable, with many courses offering only recordings of lectures, and delivery is particularly difficult in some special fields that require practical classes, research projects or extensive library access. Besides, wider engagement with participants requires very considerable resource. Even limited feedback or examination becomes a major task if there are several thousand students in the class.

Considering the challenges, some people argue MOOCs will soon evaporate (蒸发). But they certainly provide good opportunity for widening higher education, are a means of raising awareness of universities to audiences of tens or hundreds of thousands, and are well worthy of serious consideration. (271 words)

● free participation at present

● 72. _________ for entry qualifications

● support of countless participants

● rare inclusion of accreditation ● being attractive to people

who 73. _________ university education or

who have 74. _________

● being flexible in the study pace ● widening participation significantly

● 76. _________ a unique window on universities

● attracting students to register for formal progarmmes

● promoting on-line education Key features Attractions 75. _________ 77. _________ ● highly variable quality of the education provision

● 78. _________ of some special courses

● demand for very considerable resourceThe future● uncertainty

possibly 79._________

● certainty

widening higher education

raising awareness of universities

being well worth 80. _________ seriously Title:

71. _____ Section B (10 marks)

Directions: Read the following passage. Answer the questions according to the information given in the passage.

“Let’s Talk”:The Free Advice Project

A few weeks ago, I took a walk around Washington Square Park. I met all the usual people:street performers, the Pigeon Guy, a group of guitarists singing in harmony. But off to the side, sitting on a bench was a woman doing something vastly different―giving free advice.

A week or two later, I set up an interview with her and we discussed her project at length.

Lisa Podell, 32, started the Free Advice Project this past May. It began as an experiment;she sat in Washington Square Park for a day with a sign that read “Free Advice” as a simple way to reach out to people. Podell was astonished at the strong response.

Podell admits that she was doubtful at first, but now she describes the project as mutually (相互地) beneficial. People learn from her―but she also learns from them. She says that the majority of those who come to her are dealing with some pretty heavy issues, and they expect her not only to listen, but also provide real answers.

Having worked as a full time teacher and now as an adolescent advisor, Podell believes that talking things out is an important in the decision-making process.

Sometimes, people walk around all day, keeping their problems in their own head and thinking about them in the same way. Podell simply strives to provide people with perspective.

I asked if there is a future plan for the Free Advice Project. Podell said she would like to promote it to each public space in New York, which would be carried out by various volunteers across the city.

It was truly inspiring to meet someone with such a big heart, especially in New York―where it is sometimes very hard to find anybody to listen. (303 words)

81. In what way was Podell different from other people in the park? (No more than 6 words) (2 marks)


82. What do people in need expect Podell to do? (No more than 10 words) (3 marks)


83. According to Podell, what should people do when making decisions?

(No more than 6 words) (2 marks)


84. How would Podell promote her project in New York? (No more than 15 words) (3 marks)


Section C (25 marks)

Directions: Write an English composition according to the instructions given below.


match       winner      loser                   result 内容:










16.it17.earlier18.were told19.but20.why

21.for22.surprisingly23.the24.where25.sunburned/sunburnt 阅读理解:

26—30 DBCBB


46—50 BCDFE

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