





( ) 1.A. dad B. mother C .grandpa

( ) 2.A. morning B. afternoon C .today

( ) 3.A. pencil B. book C. school

( ) 4.A. kangaroo B. lion C. lock

( ) 5.A. red B. one C. green

( ) 6.A. girl B. boy C .woman

( ) 7.A. class B. school C. pen

( ) 8.A. China B. Canada C. USA

( ) 9.A. mother B. father C.teacher

( ) 10. A.twelve B . five C. picture



woman (外)祖父 meet 观看

teacher 家庭 watch 跳

grandfather 朋友 guess 画画

family 教师 jump 遇见

friend 女士 draw 猜测


1.( )-----______is that woman ?

----She is my English teacher ,Miss Chen .

A Where B who C what

2.( )-----How many _______can you see ?


A kite B kites C cat

3.( )I _____a new friend . Her name is Alice .

A am B have C has

4.( )------Who is that girl ?

-------_____ is my sister.

A I B He C She

5.( )------______ are you from ?

------I’m from America.

A Where B Who C How many

6.( )------Happy Women’s Day ! Miss White! ------________

A Happy Women’s Day B Thank you C Good idea

7.( )------How are you?


A How are you? B I’m fine, thank you. C I am six.

8.( )------How many pens do you have?


A I have four B I can see four. C Yes, I am.

9.( )------Who’s that man?


A He’s my father. B She’s my mother. C I am a girl.

10.( )------I’m sorry!


A.I’m sorry! B. It’s OK! C. No.

四、请根据下面情景, 选择恰当的选项。

( ) 1. 当别人问Amy来自哪里, 她应回答说::___________

A. You’re welcome. B. I’m from America. C. My name is Amy.

( ) 2.当你很惊讶地看到一条大鱼时, 应说: _______.

A. What a big goose! B. Howbeautiful! C. What a big fish!

( ) 3. 当你把物品给别人时, 应说: ______.

A. It’s here. B. Here you are. C. Here it is.

( ) 4. Mike 来自Canada,他用餐时喜欢使用 ______.

A. chopsticks B. knife C. fork and knife

( ) 5. 当看到别人要摔倒时,应说:_________.

A. Watch TV. B. Watch out. C. Look at me.



( ) 1. What’s that? A. I have thirteen pencils

( ) 2. Who’s that woman? B. That’s a pen.

( ) 3. How are you? C. I’m from China.

( ) 4. How old are you? D. Sure.

( ) 5. Where are you from? E. She is a teacher.

( ) 6. How many monkeys can you see? F. I’m fine.

( ) 7. Can I have some ice-cream? G. She is my mother.

( ) 8. How many pencils do you have? H. I’m eleven

( ) 9. What’s your mother? I. I can see twenty-two monkeys?


Mike and John are good friends. Mike is twelve. John is thirteen. They are good students. They like hamburgers. Miss White is their (他们的)English teacher. She likes them very much.

( ) 1. Mike and John are good friends.

( ) 2. Mike is twelve.

( ) 3. John is twelve, too.

( ) 4. Tom likes hamburgers.

( ) 5. Miss White thinks(认为)they are good students.


一.听录音,圈出你所听到的图片.听两遍.(16 分)

二.听录音,判断下列各图与录音内容是否相符,相符的画,不相符的画.听两遍.(12 分)

三.听录音,根据所听内容给下列各图排序, 并在四线三格内写出单词.听两遍.(16 分)

四.听录音,根据录音内容,将左右两排图配成对.听两遍(10 分)

五.根据所听问句,选择合适的答句.听两遍(10 分)

1.()A.It’s a crayon.B.Yes, it is.C.Oh, I see.2.()A.Yes, it is.B.No, it is.C.Come in , please.3.()A.He’s my brother.B.She’s Helen.C.She’smysister.4.()A.It’s a clock.B.It’s five o’clock.C.It’s time to watch TV.5.()A.It’s thirteen.B.It’s three.C.It’sone.六.从B栏中选出A 栏相对应的句子,将序号填在提前括号内.(10分)


()!.What’s that on the desk ?A.Sure.Here you are.()2.Is this your radio?B.He’s my brother.()3.Can I have a look ?C.It’s a toy train.()4.Who’s he ?D.It’s seven eighteen.()5.What’s the time ?E.No, it isn’t.七.选择题.(10 分)

()1.What’s the time ,please?

A.It’s time to go home.B.It’s seven.C.It’s a clock.()2.What’s fourteen minus twelve ?

A.It’s two.B.It’s a two.C.That’s two.()3.Shall we go to school now?

A.OK.B.Yes , it is.C.Thank you.()4.How many pandas can you see,Helen?

A.I can see twelve.B.It’s five.C.No, it isn’t.()5.Is she your aunt?

A.No, she is.B.Yes, she is.C.Yes, he is.八.根据所给的情景,判断下列表达方式是否合适.(10 分)


A.Come in, please.B.Thank you.C.May I come in ?


A.This is a copybook.B.It’sa copybook..C.That’sacopybook.3.当你想知道 “20-8”等于几时,你可以说:

A.What are twenty minus eight?B.What’s twenty minus eight ?

C.What’s twenty and eight?


A.Who’sshe ?B.Is she his sister?

C.Is she your sister?

5.当你想让Helen和你一起去学校时, 你可以说:

A.Let’s go to school ,now.B.Let’s go home ,now.C.What’s the time ,please.九.将下列句子排成一段完整的对话.(6分)


第Ⅰ卷 (选择题共115分)

第一部分听力 (共两节, 满分30分) (略)

第二部分英语知识运用 (共两节, 满分45分)

第一节单项填空 (共15小题;每小题1分, 满分15分)

从A、B、C、D四个选项中, 选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。

21.The man, whose early career was not great success, has built business empire after years of hard work.

A.a;a B./;a

C./;the D.a;/

22.—I found my mom not feeling well this morning.I'm afraid she is ill.


A.Don't worry too much

B.It's nothing at all

C.I'm sorry to hear that

D.Take it easy

23.—Let's make it next Monday or Tuesday if i is convenient to you.

—Sorry, but I'm afraidday is OK.

A.some B.any

C.either D.neither

24.—How do you like the scenery here, Miss Liu?

—Wonderful indeed.Beyond all, Isuppose.

A.explanation B.introduction

C.instruction D.description

25.We haven't moved into the new office building—it right now.

A.has been decorated B.is being decorated

C.has been decorating D.is decorating

26.Apparently your computer looks modern than mine.As a matter of fact my computer is more expensive than yours 1, 000 Yuan.

A.for B.to

C.by D.at

27.Kate had a terrible time this summer.Not a daywithout having some unpleasantness with her sister at home.

A.she spent B.she had spent

C.did she spend D.had she spent

28.The young violinist is very excited because the concert given by him has never been.

A.successfulB.more successful

C.most successfulD.the most successful

29.How can you expect him to make any improvementyou never give him a chance to have a try?

A.unless B.when

C.until D.even if

30.When we worked in the same office, wehave coffee together.

A.might B.should

C.could D.would

31.It is hoped that this projectby the end of 2014 will be a popular tourist attraction of the city.

A.being accomplished

B.to be accomplished

C.will be accomplished


32.The progress of the work will depend on what the weather conditions are like andmodern the equipment is.

A.how B.whether

C.what D.which

33.Ladies and gentlemen, good evening!Mr.Smith, a visiting professor from Beijing University, us a lecture on environmental protection tonight.

A.giving B.gave

C.has givenD.is giving

34.The young manwe thought would be fired was promoted to sale manager of the company.


C.of whomD.whoever

35.We were scared to death when the fire.Fortunately, it was put out before it caused much damage.

A.broke out B.came out

C.gave out D.turned out

第二节完形填空 (共20小题;每小题1.5分, 满分30分)

阅读下面短文, 从短文后各题所给的四个选项 (A、B、C和D) 中, 选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。

36.A.control B.change

C.improve D.understand

37.A.hardly B.quickly

C.actually D.frequently

38.A.fact B.reason

C.truth D.question

39.A.game B.debate

C.competition D.examination

40.A.passed B.failed

C.relaxed D.recovered

41.A.pay B.risk

C.speed D.quality

42.A.alive B.true

C.well D.easy

43.A.agree B.prefer

C.afford D.remember

44.A.recently B.really

C.rarely D.still

45.A.began B.continued

C.stopped D.refused

46.A.duty B.prize

C.course D.position

47.A.luck B.courage

C.choices D.chances

48.A.felt B.heard

C.ignored D.permitted

49.A.wonderful B.foolish

C.useful D.meaningless

50.A.design B.invent

C.enjoy D.imagine

51.A.pains B.troubles

C.responsibilities D.rewards

52.A.vacation B.studies

C.research D.project

53.A.work B.house

C.office D.school

54.A.tried B.forgot

C.regretted D.decided

55.A.job B.home

C.family D.country

第三部分:阅读理解 (共20小题;每小题2分, 满分40分)

第一节 (共15小题;每小题2分, 满分30)

阅读下面短文, 从每题所给的四个选项 (A、B、C和D) 中, 选出最佳选项。


On Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Saturdays, Dan Heins had a routine:He had kidney dialysis (肾透析) from 6:00 am to 10:00 am;then he had breakfast at the Main Street restaurant near his home;next, he went to work at his insurance office down the block.Nancy Volk, the 56-year-old owner of the restaurant, knew that Dan's routine was caused by kidney failure.And Dan knew that Nancy, a single mother with three grown daughters, worked at two other jobs to keep the restaurant open and meet her house payments.

One morning as he ordered his breakfast, Dan Heins said he would be on kidney dialysis the rest of his life if he didn't receive a transplant.“I'll donate, ”Nancy said simply.A stranger volunteered to give him an organ!It seemed unreal to Dan, but Nancy spent weeks trying to convince him she was serious.The day before Thanksgiving, the results of the medical tests came in:She was a right person to donate the kidney to Dan.

In the months coming near to the transplant, Nancy's financial situation grew worse.Her home was going into foreclosure (抵押品赎回权的取消) .Although she loved the restaurant, she decided to close it.Dan's insurance would cover her operation costs, but Nancy wouldn't be able to work at her part-time jobs for six weeks.

Steve Ohlsen, a regular customer of the restaurant, put a donation box in the restaurant.In one month, the customers visiting the restaurant gave Nancy several thousand dollars—enough to cover payments on her home while she recovered.

“This was all because the local people were willing to reach into their pockets, ”says Ohlsen.

Nancy and Dan had their operations.Four months later, Dan was off dialysis, and Nancy sent thank-you notes to her supporters.

56.What is the text mainly about?

A.A woman who helped her customer and was helped by the local people.

B.How two strangers developed their friendship during a kidney transplant.

C.People's donation of money and organ to Dan.

D.The miracle that a stranger donated the kidney to the customer without payment.

57.From the first paragraph, we can infer that Dan Heins and Nancy Volk are.

A.neighborsB.street lovers

C.close friendsD.employee and boss

58.According to the text, which of the following is TRUE?

A.Nancy not only ran a restaurant, but also had three other jobs.

B.Dan Heins had no job before he had the transplant.

C.Lots of people were moved by Dan Heins and Nancy's story.

D.Nancy sold her house to cover the transplant costs.


Is crying good therapy?Experts say yes.Having a good weep at the weekend is becoming more popular among office workers in China.

“I need to cry to let my feelings out, ”said22-year-old Guo Meng, a smart-looking young woman.“I remember one day when I got home I felt so down but had no one to talk to, so I just curled up (蜷缩) with my teddy bear and cried myself to sleep, ”Guo said.The next day, she said, she felt much better and life seemed not so bad after all.

Because crying is taken as a sign of weakness, people make a great show of being strong and not displaying emotion.Psychologists and medical practitioners agree that crying is beneficial for mental health but people still regard it as a sign is normal, and even brave.Those who display their emotions can deal with their troubles bravely after the tears dry, while those who soldier on let problems fester.

In the Chaoyang district of Beijing, there is a special place for people to cry their sadness out.It is called“Cry Bar”.On the door of each of its“cry rooms”there is a saying encouraging people to let the tears flow freely.

“Crying is a kind of therapy, but it needs some direction, ”said Milulu, a psychologist.

“People should realize the point of crying is to relieve pressure, but some of the young people who come to the Cry Bar simply sit and weep.The purpose of crying is to make it easier to improve your life after the tears dry, not to get lost in bad memories.”

Crying is only one way of relieving pressure, and we need to face problems squarely (正面的) and solve them once the tears have dried, said Milulu.

59.Cryingmade Guo Meng feel better.

A.with some friend

B.all the night with a toy

C.during her sleep

D.in bed before sleep

60.According to the 3rd paragraph, people usually make great efforts to.

A.get rid of their sadness

B.bottle up their feelings

C.act on psychologists'advice

D.face their troubles bravely

61.What should the customers do at the Cry Bar?

A.Think of every sad experience they've had and cry.

B.Keep crying as loudly and long as possible.

C.Satisfy any desire to cry or weep until it is gone.

D.Hold back their tears until they can't help but cry.

62.From the text, we can learn that crying.

A.is the only way to relieve pressure

B.must help to solve problems

C.means facing problems squarely

D.can't weaken sad feelings


While the factors riving the modern family are many and complex—from the explosion of technology to the influx (涌入) of mothers into the workforce—parental fear may be at the heart of today's rushed (匆忙的) approach to childrearing (养育孩子) , some experts say.

Parents fear everything from media exposure to violence to peer pressure, says Alan Mirabelli, executive director of Ottawa think tank.Perhaps most of all, there's the fear that their kids won't be equipped to compete in the future.

Some might argue that today's parents are micromanagers because, unlike those who raised families during the Depression and World War II, they don't have enough real worries.But Mirabelli says it comes down to a different context and a different set of challenges.

He notes that while parents 25 or 30 years ago had the modest goals of providing their offspring with more than they had, the current driving force is the desperation to equip kids for a dog-eat-dog world.

They demand tougher schools, a heftier (容量更大的) curriculum and standardized testing to measure performance.Outside the school system, they fill in the gaps with tutoring, music lessons, art classes, gymnastics and hockey.For those who can't afford it, there's the additional stress and fear that their kids don't stand a chance.

David Elkind, a renowned child psychologist and author of The Hurried Child, says hyper-parenting is a reaction to a world changing so fast and we have no idea how to prepare kids for it.Parents can't envision the society their kids will inhabit as adults, so they try to cover all the possibilities, cramming in as much as possible and operating on the principle that earlier that earlier is better.“This works against the notion of‘let children, '”said David Elkind.

63.The biggest fear of parents is that their children.

A.will change for the worse because of media influence

B.will get involved in violence

C.will fall behind in future competition

D.will compare themselves with peers

64.David Elkind holds the view that.

A.parents should equip their kids for a changing world

B.parents shouldn't worry too much about their children

C.parents shouldn't destroy the childhood of their children

D.it's better for parents to foresee the future society

65.We can conclude from the text that.

A.children today can't enjoy a real childhood

B.children today are better equipped for the future

C.parents today actually have no real worries

D.parents today face more challenges actually

66.The underlined word“it”in the fifth paragraph probably refers to.

A.the tough education

B.a good environment

C.a colorful after-school activity

D.a rich and happy life


Many plants and animal live together, and they depend on each other.They are usually very different from their sharing partner, and yet all live easier lives because of each other.It is nature's idea of sharing.

An example of this is the shark and pilot fish.The pilot fish is a little guy and he would be helpless if he hung around by himself in the great ocean.But his smartness makes up for his size.He cleverly swims along beside the shark and when the shark eats, the pilot fish gets the leftovers.The shark also benefits from this relationship.The pilot fish cleans food scraps (碎屑) and insects from the shark's skin.

Another example is the sea anemone and striped clown fish.The sea anemone looks like a flower but contains poisonous cells.When small fish swim into it, the anemone traps and paralyzes (使麻痹) them.However, the clown fish is able to swim into the poisonousanemone without being harmed.To pay for his safety, the clown fish brings food to the anemone.He also guides other fish into the anemone's deadly trap.

Large mammals such as the ox, antelope and African buffalo form such a relationship with the oxpecker.They provide daily meals to the bird that eats insects.The various large mammals act as a restaurant with a varied menu for the oxpecker.What do they get in return from the bird?Free beauty treatments!

Some plants live together in a beneficial relationship.Fungus (菌类) does not have chlorophyll (叶绿素) that plants need to make food.However, the green alga (海藻) does contain chlorophyll.It is, therefore, able to feed the fungus along with itself.But nothing is free!The fungus repays it by protecting the alga.Since it takes in and stores water, it can provide the alga with an unending water supply.

67.Why does the pilot fish swim along beside the shark?

A.To do the cleaning for the shark.

B.To help the shark to get food.

C.To get food and protection.

D.To find some insects.

68.In order to repay the sea anemone, the striped clown fish.

A.paralyzes animals for the sea anemone

B.leads other fish into the anemone

C.harms other fish with poison

D.protects the anemone's cells

69.What do we know about oxpeckers?

A.They are particular about what they eat.

B.They are mostly seen near restaurants.

C.They stay away from large mammals.

D.They feed on small insects.

70.What is the text mainly about?

A.Nature's examples of sharing.

B.Places where sharing exists.

C.The relationship of living things.

D.Animals that depend on each other.

第二节 (共5小题, 满分10分)

根据短文内容, 从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。

How to host a successful party

Everyone loves a party but when you're the host, making sure the event goes as planned can be stressful.Before the big day, take some time to prepare well and you'll have a better chance of throwing a successful party.

Pick a theme for your party.It doesn't have to beanything complicated.71 A love one's homecoming, a wedding announcement, and a block party to meet the neighbors are only a few examples of party themes.

Send out the invitations.Generally, guests should receive their invitations two weeks before the party.72 If a guest will be traveling a long way, the earlier they get the invitation, the better.

73 If you're hosting a party at home, look at your surroundings with a critical (挑剔的) eye.Put small articles away for a clean look and add some decorations to make the room more festive.

Plan your food list and shop ahead of time.74 If you're hiring a caterer (筹办酒席者) , book one month in advance.She will need lots of advance notice of your menu and the number of guests you are expecting.

Double-check the details the night before the party.Do a quick walkthrough, starting at your front door, and make sure there's an area for guests'coats.75Finally, count your serving plates and glasses to make sure there are enough.

A.Dress early for the party.

B.Create the proper atmosphere.

C.Allow time for guest arrival before serving a meal.

D.But it should be related to the reason for having the party.

E.Dishes that are prepared in advance will save you much time.

F.Then walk through your home and make sure everything is fine.

G.This gives them time to schedule the event into their time frame.

第Ⅱ卷 (非选择题共35分)

第四部分写作 (共两节, 满分35分)

第一节短文改错 (共10小题;每小题1分, 满分10分)

假定英语课上老师要求同桌之间交换修改作文, 请你修改你同桌写的以下作文。文中共有10处语言错误, 每句中最多有两处。每处错误仅涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改。

增加:把缺词处加一个漏字符号 (∧) , 并在其下面写出须加的词。

删除:把多余的词用斜线 (﹨) 划掉。

修改:在错的词下画一横线, 并在该词下面写出修改后的词。



2.只允许修改10处, 多者 (从第11处起) 不计分。

Some students don't like talking about their parents often as if their parents love them very much.Are you going on well with your parents?You and your parents will be very happily if you can be friends.Here are some way to have a good talk with them.Find a good time to talk, like when you're eating dinner, going out for walk and watching TV.Tell them something you're interested in, or ask them about their lives when they are young.They love to talk about our past!Meet them face to face and listen to them carefully.Be honesty, and your parents will trust you more.

第二节书面表达 (满分25分)

假定你是王英, 女, 17岁, 是一名高中生, 从朋友那儿得到了交友信箱pen pal-Canada@yahoogroups.com。你的爱好是上网, 集邮, 打乒乓球, 旅游等。特别喜欢加拿大, 想了解加拿大。请你给pen pal-Canada@yahoogroups.com发一封邮件, 找加拿大笔友, 条件是年龄, 爱好与你相仿, 可以交换各自当地的物件, 来了解不同的价值观、传统文化和风俗。


To:pen pal-Canada@yahoogroups.com


Subject:Chinese looking for Canadian pen pals

2013年高考英语模拟试题 (三) 参考答案



21.A。本题考查冠词。success通常作不可数名词, 但却用a success表示“一个成功的人或一件成功的事”;a business empire意为“一个商业帝国”。题意为“他早期的事业并不很成功, 但经过多年打拼, 他创建了一个商业帝国。”

22.C。本题考查交际用语。本题的交际语境是如何表示安慰。对方说他母亲生病了, 此时应该表示安慰, 帮对方分担忧虑, 选C, 而不是A, D项空泛地让对方别着急。

23.D。本题考查限定词, 答语的意思是“恐怕两天都不行”, 所以用neither表示“两者都不”。

24.D。本题考查名词辨析。Beyond all description是习惯搭配, 意思是“无法用语言描述”。

25.B。本题考查时态和语态。用现在进行时表示decorate这一被动行为现阶段正在进行。句意为:“我们还没搬进新办公大楼, 现在正在装修。”

26.C。本题考查介词。by+数量词, 表示升降, 增减的程度;距离和面积, 体积中的尺寸及乘除法中的运算。

27.C。本题考查倒装。以否定词not起始的句子, 其主谓应倒装, 事情发生在过去, 应用一般过去时。句意为:Kate今年暑假非常不愉快。没有一天不跟妹妹在家闹别扭。

28.B。本题考查形容词的比较级。句意为:年轻的小提琴家很兴奋, 因为他举行的音乐会从来没有如此成功过。根据句意可知, 应用形容词比较级。“the concert given by him has never been more successful”后面省略了than this one。故选B项。

29.B。本题考查连词。题意为“既然你从不给他机会尝试一下, 你怎么能够期待他会有任何进步呢?”when在此表示“既然”, 相当于since。

30.D。本题考查情态动词。would在此处为情态动词, 表示某人过去经常做的事, 意为“老是, 总是”。

31.B。本题考查非谓语动词。题意为“人们希望将于2014年底完工的这项工程能成为这个城市受欢迎的一个旅游景点。”to be accomplished是不定式的被动式作定语, 修饰this project, 表示被动和将来。

32.A。本题考查宾语从句中的引导词。题意为“这项工作的进展情况将取决于天气条件和设备的现代化程度。”depend on后面接有两个宾语从句, 分别由what和how引导。

33.D。本题考查时态。用现在进行时表示将来, 有“意图”“安排”或“打算”的含义。

34.B。本题考查定语从句。who引导定语从句, 并在从句中作主语。we thought为插入语。句意为“我们原以为那个年轻人会被解雇, 但他却被提升为公司销售部经理。”

35.A。本题考查短语动词辨析。break out指 (战争, 火灾等) 突然爆发, 符合句意:突然起火了, 我们大家都吓坏了, 幸运的是, 火灾没造成多大损失就被扑灭了。come out“出现, 开花, 出版”;give out“用完, 发出 (光, 热等) ”;turn out“结果是”均不符合题意, 故选A。


【主旨大意】爸爸一直忙着学习和工作, 很少和家人待在一起。在屡次晋升后生活条件越来越好了终于决定要享受家庭生活, 没想到第二天却再也没有醒来。

36.C。根据前文He spent all his evening after work having classes可知, 爸爸这样做是为了提升自己以便能找到一份更好的工作。

37.A。根据前文He spent all his evening after work having classes可知, 他很少有时间陪家人。

38.B。根据前文the family complained可知, 爸爸在解释原因。

39.D。根据前文可知爸爸在夜校上课, 考试成绩出来了。

40.A。根据前文To his joy可知, 爸爸通过了考试。

41.A。根据本空前he was offered a good job可知, 是收入更高的工作。

42.B。根据前文Like a dream可知, 是梦想成真。

43.C。根据前文可知爸爸找到了收入更高的工作, 可以负担得起好的衣服和饭菜。

44.D。根据前文可知爸爸很少在家, 且根据后文did not see Father可知, 他找到更好工作后依旧是不常在家。

45.B。根据后文可知, 他继续非常卖力地工作。

46.C。根据前文爸爸晚上去上课和后文in the Open University可知, 爸爸接着去上学。

47.D。根据后文of being promoted可知, 是增加自己晋升的机会。

48.A。根据后文not big enough可知, 随着经济地位上升的爸爸觉得房子也不够大了。

49.A。根据后文a comfortable house可知, 爸爸觉得让一家人享受舒适的房子是件很美好的事。


51.D。根据前文几次出现的pay off可推知答案。

52.B。根据前文可知爸爸在不断地学习, 因此爸爸决定继续他的学习而且想不断晋升。

53.B。根据前文a beautiful villa可知, 是在新房子里

54.D。根据后文not to take courses可知, 爸爸决定不再去上课。

55.C。根据前文可知爸爸忙于工作很少和家人在一起, 因此推知他是要多抽出些时间陪伴家人。




【主旨大意】本文讲述Dan Heins不得不经常进行肾透析, Nancy为了帮助Dan Heins而捐出了自己的肾, 但是自己却遇到了经济困难。许多人得知这一消息后自愿为Nancy捐钱, 使她渡过了难关。

56.A。文章主要是说Nancy为了帮助Dan Heins而捐出了自己的肾, 但是自己却遇到了经济困难。许多人得知这一消息后自愿为Nancy捐钱, 使她渡过了难关。只有A项概括全面。

57.A。根据第一段中Dan Heinshad breakfast at the Main Street restaurant near his home以及Nancy Volk, the 56-year-old owner of the restaurant可知Dan Heins和Nancy是邻居。

58.C。根据第一段最后一句可知A项中的another job有误;根据第一段第一句可知Dan Heins有工作, 因此B项错误;根据第四、五段可知C项正确;根据第四段最后一句可知Nancy并没有卖掉房子, 因此D项错误。


【主旨大意】压力大, 心情差?何不到“哭吧”间去哭一把?

59.D。第二段中cried myself to sleep的意思是“哭到我睡着了”的意思。

60.B。第三段中make a great show of doing sth.是“极力装出某种样子”的意思。

61.C。为了relieve pressure, 既要let the tears flow freely, 又不能get lost in bad memories想哭就毫不掩饰地哭出来, 没有了想哭的感觉就不要再哭了。

62.A。由最后一段可知A正确。哭只是调节心情的一种方法———既不是唯一的方法, 也不意味着能够正视问题, 更不等于解决问题。


【主旨大意】如今的父母内心有一种深深的忧虑, 担心孩子无法在未来的竞争中立足, 因此给孩子施加了大量的压力。

63.C。文章第二段列举了当今父母的种种担心, 但最担心的还是孩子不能应对未来的竞争。

64.C。从文章最后一段可知, David Elkind认为当今的父母不重视孩子的天性, 他认为孩子应该享受童年的快乐。

65.A。综合分析文章可知, 父母的担心转化为孩子的压力, 因此孩子无法享受童年的乐趣。

66.A。父母让孩子在学校接受严格的教育, 课外又给他们安排各种活动, 因此A项最能概括前面的内容。


【主旨大意】自然界的许多动植物互相依赖, 和谐共处。作者用四个具体的实例说明了这种关系。

67.C。细节理解题。根据第二段的The pilot fish is a little guy and he would be helplessHe cleverly swims along beside the shark and when the shark eats, the pilot fish gets the leftovers可知, 引水鱼 (pilot fish) 依赖鲨鱼给它食物和保护, 所以它与鲨鱼同游。

68.B。细节理解题。根据第三段的To pay for his safety, the clown fish brings food to the anemone.He also guides other fish into the anemone's deadly trap可知, 小丑鱼在躲避危险的同时会为海葵带来其他鱼作为食物。

69.D。细节理解题。根据倒数第二段最后的They provide daily meals to the bird that eats insects可知, 牛椋鸟是以这些大型哺乳动物身上的寄生生物为食的, 故选D项。

70.A。主旨大意题。第一段的They are usually very different from their sharing partner, and yet all live easier lives because of each other.It is nature's idea of sharing表明了本文的主旨, 接下来用四组实例来说明生物之间相互依赖的关系, 故选A项。



71.D。根据下文列举出聚会的主题可以知道, 每次聚会要有一个主题。

72.G。根据上下文可以知道, 邀请函要提早送出, 让客人提早安排好时间参加聚会。

73.B。根据Put small articles away for a clean look and add some decorations to make the room more festive.可知要有聚会的气氛。

74.E。根据Plan your food list and shop ahead of time.可知提前做好准备的必要性。

75.F。根据Finally, count your serving plates and glasses to make sure there are enough.可推断出。












One possible version:

Hello!My name is Wang Ying.I'm a senior high schoolgirl of 17.I learned about your email from one of my good friends.How happy I will be if I can develop a sincere friendship with a pen pal owing to your help.

Therefore, I'like to make a brief self-introduction.My hobbies vary from surfing the Internet, collecting stamps, playing table tennis and making trips.Ilove Canada so deeply that I have a strong desire for more knowledge of Canada.

So I write this email to find a Canadian pen pal.Those who are of the same age and interests as I are preferred.By emails we can learn about different values, traditional cultures and customs between China and Canada.What's more, we can exchange local items so as to have a better understanding.

I will appreciate it if you can give me a quick reply.


Wang Ying




3.口÷8=7○,要使口尽可能大,那么○里应填( )。


5.一个正方形的周长是28厘米,它的边长是()厘米;一个正方形的边长是25厘米,它的周长是( )米。

6.12千米=( )米

61000千克=( )吨

7000N米=( )米

51米一16厘米=( )厘米


(1)一个茄子重46( )

(2)一个苹果重90( )

(3)一辆货车载重量12()(4)一辆电动自行车每小时行驶36( )





1.教室的黑板长4分米。( )



( )




























6.有一筐(50个,筐)梨子,最少需要加( )个,才能平均分给8个小朋友。




7.一只足球大约重( )。




8.把两张长是2分米,宽是1分米的长方形铁皮拼成一个正方形,这个正方形的周长是( )分米。







36+89 450-240




260+548 423+190














2.230分米 2400厘米 25米 2千米 230米













一. 选出你听到的单词,每个单词读两遍。(10’)()1.A.ooh




C.yellow()3 A.red

















C.please 二. 选出你听到的句子,每个句子读两遍。(10’)()1.A.Hello, I’m Sam.B.Hello, Sam.()2.A.How are you?

B.How old are you?()3.A.Good morning, Linling.B.Good afternoon, Linling.()4.A.I’m fine, thank you.B.Fine, thank you.()5.A.I’m Daming.B.My name is Daming.()6.A.Sit down, please.B.Stand up, please.()7.A.Point to the door.B Point to the blackboard.()8.A.It’s red.B.It’s green.()9.A.It’s a blue dog.B.It’s a green dog.()10.A.How many?

B.What’s your name? 三. 听句子排序号,每个句子读两遍。(10’)()A.How are you?

()B.What’s your name?()C.Point to the desk.()D.One, two, there, four.()E.I’m nine.()F.How many?()G.Good morning, Linling.()H.Stand up, Amy.()I.It’s a yellow cap.()J.Bye-bye, Ms Smart.笔试部分(70分)四. 选择正确的答案。(20’)()1.Good_____, Ms Smart.A.morning


C.hello()2.How are you, boys ____ grils?



C.up()3.What’s your name?

A.I’m Tom.B.I’m fine

C.Thank you()4.Point____ the chair,please.A.to




C.sit()6.It’s _____yellow dog.A.a


C./()7._____name is Xiaoqiang.A.I


C.I’m()8.How many______?






C.are()10.______your name?



C.How 五.选词填空。(10’)






()1.Point _____the window.()2.Point to the _____.()3.Good morning,____and girls.()4.I’m fine_____,thank you.()5.Look!It’s a _____.Hello,Tweet-tweet.五. 连词成句。(15’)




2.window Point the to______________________________

3.name is your What________________________________ 4.fine am you thank I_________________________________ 5.It’s red a dog________________________________________ 六.连线。(15’)

1.What’s your name?

A.Point to the bird.2.Good morning, Daming.B.My name is Sam.3.How many boys?

C.Good morning,Mr li.4.Hello,boy and girls.D.Hi, Ms Smart.5.point to the door.E.Eleven boys 七.情景选择。(10’)()1.你想和同学告别,应该怎么说___.


B.Goodbye()2.同学们问大明的名字,大明应该怎么回答______.A.I’m fine, thank you.B.I’m Daming.()3.它是一只黄色的猫,应该怎么说___.

A.It’s a yellow cat.B.It’s a green cat.()4.有十个女孩,应该怎么说___.

A.ten girls

B.ten boys()5.坐下,应该怎么说___.

A.Stand up

B.Sit down




一. 选出你听到的单词,每个单词读两遍。(10’)1.wow









10.panda 二.选出你听到的句子,每个句子读两遍。(10’)

1.Hello, I’m Sam.2.How are you?

3.Good morning, Linling.4.I’m fine, thank you.5.My name is Dam ing.6.Stand up, please.7 Point to the blackboard.8..It’s green.9.It’s a green dog.10.What’s your name? 三. 听句子排序号,每个句子读两遍。(10’)

1.One, two, there, four.2.Point to the desk.3.I’m nine.4.How many?

5.Good morning, Linling

6.Bye-bye, Ms Smart.7.It’s a yellow cap.8.Stand up, Amy.9.What’s your name?











1.()A.She’s my mother.B.She’s my sister.C.She’s my teacher.2.()A.Who’s that man?B.Who’s that woman?

C.who’sthat boy?
