



:老托福阅读文本 passage29

During the second half of the nineteenth century, the production of food and feed crops in the United States rose at an extraordinarily rapid rate. Corn production increased by four and a half times, hay by five times, oats and wheat by seven times. The most crucial factor behind this phenomenal upsurge in productivity was the widespread adoption of labor-saving machinery by northern farmers. By 1850 horse-drawn reaping machines that cut grain were being introduced into the major grain-growing regions of the country. Horse-powered threshing machines to separate the seeds from the plants were already in general use. However, it was the onset of the Civil War in 1861 that provided the great stimulus for the mechanization of northern agriculture. With much of the labor force inducted into the army and with grain prices on the rise, northern farmers rushed to avail themselves of the new labor-saving equipment. In 1860 there were approximately 80,000 reapers in the country; five years later there were 350,000.

After the close of the war in 1865, machinery became ever more important in northern agriculture, and improved equipment was continually introduced. By 1880 a self-binding reaper had been perfected that not only cut the grain, but also gathered the stalks and bound them with twine. Threshing machines were also being improved and enlarged, and after 1870 they were increasingly powered by steam engines rather than by horses. Since steam-powered threshing machines were costly items — running from $ 1,000 to $4,000 — they were usually owned by custom thresher owners who then worked their way from farm to farm during the harvest season. “Combines” were also coming into use on the great wheat ranches in California and the Pacific Northwest. These ponderous machines — sometimes pulled by as many as 40 horses — reaped the grain, threshed it, and bagged it, all in one simultaneous operation.

The adoption of labor-saving machinery had a profound effect upon the sale of agricultural operations in the northern states — allowing farmers to increase vastly their crop acreage. By the end of century, a farmer employing the new machinery could plant and harvest two and half times as much corn as a farmer had using hand methods 50 years before.

老托福阅读题目 passage29

1. What aspect of farming in the United States in the nineteenth century does the passage mainly discuss?

(A) How labor-saving machinery increased crop Production

(B) Why southern farms were not as successful as Successful as northern farms

(C) Farming practices before the Civil War

(D) The increase in the number of people farming

2. The word “crucial” in line 4 is closest in meaning to

(A) obvious

(B) unbelievable

(C) important

(D) desirable

3. The phrase “avail themselves” in line 11 is closest in meaning to

(A) take care

(B) make use

(C) get rid

(D) do more

4. According to the passage , why was the Civil War a stimulus for mechanization?

(A) The army needed more grain in order to feed the soldiers.

(B) Technology developed for the war could also the used by farmers.

(C) It was hoped that harvesting more grain would lower the price of grain.

(D) Machines were needed to replace a disappearing labor force.

5. The passage supports which of the following statements about machinery after the Civil War?

(A) Many farmers preferred not to use the new machinery.

(B) Returning laborers replaced the use of machinery.

(C) The use of farm machinery continued to increase.

(D) Poor-quality machinery slowed the pace of crop production.

6. Combines and self-binding reapers were similar because each

(A) could perform more than one function

(B) required relatively little power to operate

(C) was utilized mainly in California

(D) required two people to operate

7. The word “they” in line 19 refers to

(A) grain stalks

(B) threshing machines

(C) steam engines

(D) horses

8. It can be inferred from the passage that most farmers did not own threshing machines because

(A) farmers did not know how to use the new machines

(B) farmers had no space to keep the machines

(C) thresher owner had chance to buy the machines before farmers did

(D) the machines were too expensive for every farmer to own

9. The word “ponderous” in line 21 is closest in meaning to

(A) advanced

(B) heavy

(C) complex

(D) rapid

老托福阅读答案 passage29
















托福阅读辅导:老托福阅读真题及答案 passage29


Plants are subject to attack and infection by a remarkable variety of symbiotic species and have evolved a diverse array of mechanisms designed to frustrate the potential colonists. These can be divided into preformed or passive defense mechanisms and inducible or active systems. Passive plant defense comprises physical and chemical barriers that prevent entry of pathogens, such as bacteria, or render tissues unpalatable or toxic to the invader. The external surfaces of plants, in addition to being covered by an epidermis and a waxy cuticle, often carry spiky hairs known as trichomes, which either prevent feeding by insects or may even puncture and kill insect larvae. Other trichomes are sticky and glandular and effectively trap and immobilize insects.

If the physical barriers of the plant are breached, then preformed chemicals may inhibit or kill the intruder, and plant tissues contain a diverse array of toxic or potentially toxic substances, such as resins, tannins, glycosides, and alkaloids, many of which are highly effective deterrents to insects that feed on plants. The success of the Colorado beetle in infesting potatoes, for example, seems to be correlated with its high tolerance to alkaloids that normally repel potential pests. Other possible chemical defenses, while not directly toxic to the parasite, may inhibit some essential step in the establishment of a parasitic relationship. For example, glycoproteins in plant cell walls may inactivate enzymes that degrade cell walls. These enzymes are often produced by bacteria and fungi.

Active plant defense mechanisms are comparable to the immune system of vertebrate animals, although the cellular and molecular bases are fundamentally different. Both, however, are triggered in reaction to intrusion, implying that the host has some means of recognizing the presence of a foreign organism. The most dramatic example of an inducible plant defense reaction is the hypersensitive response. In the hypersensitive response, cells undergo rapid necrosis — that is, they become diseased and die — after being penetrated by a parasite; the parasite itself subsequently ceases to grow and is therefore restricted to one or a few cells around the entry site. Several theories have been put forward to explain the basis of hypersensitive resistance.

老托福阅读题目 passage11

1. What does the passage mainly discuss?

(A) The success of parasites in resisting plant defense mechanisms

(B) Theories on active plant defense mechanisms

(C) How plant defense mechanisms function

(D) How the immune system of animals and the defense mechanisms of plants differ

2. The phrase “subject to” in line 1 is closest in meaning to

(A) susceptible to

(B) classified by

(C) attractive to

(D) strengthened by

3. The word “puncture” in line 8 is closest in meaning to

(A) pierce

(B) pinch

(C) surround

(D) cover .

4. The word “which” in line 12 refers to

(A) tissues

(B) substances

(C) barriers

(D) insects

5. Which of the following substances does the author mention as NOT necessarily being toxic to the Colorado beetle?

(A) resins

(B) tannins

(C) glycosides

(D) alkaloids

6. Why does the author mention “glycoproteins” in line 17?

(A) to compare plant defense mechanisms to the immune system of animals

(B) to introduce the discussion of active defense mechanisms in plants

(C) to illustrate how chemicals function in plant defense

(D) to emphasize the importance of physical barriers in plant defense

7. The word “dramatic” in line 23 could best be replaced by

(A) striking

(B) accurate

(C) consistent

(D) appealing

8. Where in the passage does the author describe an active plant-defense reaction?

(A) Lines 1-3

(B) Lines 4-6

(C) Lines 13-15

(D) Lines 24-27

9. The passage most probably continues with a discussion of theories on

(A) the basis of passive plant defense

(B) how chemicals inhibit a parasitic relationship.

(C) how plants produce toxic chemicals

(D) the principles of the hypersensitive response.

老托福阅读答案 passage11



为什么很多考生会对词汇题束手无措?一方面是因为考生的词汇量达不到,OG中词汇题的解释里有一句话,there is no “list of words” that must be tested. 这句话就告诉考生死了那条心去背所谓的大纲词汇,因为没有大纲,而考试中要考查到的单词可能是来自牛津字典或朗文字典中的任何一个单词,范围大的离谱;而另一方面则是因为有的考生没有学会从上下文或者从语法结构去猜测词义。

因为OG中的解释还有一句a word might have more than one meaning, but in the reading passage, only one of those meaning is relevant. 所以很有可能考生在考试中所碰到的词汇并不是已经让人熟知的第一词义,而是要根据语境上下文推断出的第二词义甚至是第三词义,所以又对考生做题增加了难度。最可悲的是不仅文章中的单词意思不知道,连4个选项中的单词都有不认识不熟悉的,这样的结果就只能是乱猜一气,听天由命全凭运气,当然考试结果也不会好。所以在此将给考生一点准备新托福阅读考试词汇题的建议和解题方法,希望能给考生攻克词汇题给予一些帮助。

Tip: 单词记忆




把背单词和阅读相结合。广泛的阅读也是增加词汇量的一种方法,并且能够在阅读中加强对已经背过的单词的记忆。当一篇文章的生词量在5%左右的时候,这些生词的词义是可推的。所以我们在选择阅读材料的时候,应尽量将单词量控制在10%左右。单词太多,看不懂文章,太少又起不到提高的作用。相关材料可以上一些网站看,例如economist, national geographic等等。



Researchers in the field of psychology have found that one of the best ways to make an important decision, such as choosing a university to attend or a business to invest in, involves the utilization of a decision worksheet. Psychologists who study optimization compare the actual decisions made by people to theoretical ideal decisions to see how similar they are. Proponents of the worksheet procedure believe that it will yield optimal, that is, the best decisions. Although there are several variations on the exact format that worksheets can take, they are all similar in their essential aspects. Worksheets require defining the problem in a clear and concise way and then listing all possible solutions to the problem. Next, the pertinent considerations that will be affected by each decision are listed, and the relative importance of each consideration or consequence is determined. Each consideration is assigned a numerical value to reflect its relative importance. A decision is mathematically calculated by adding these values together. The alternative with the highest number of points emerges as the best decision.

Since most important problems are multifaceted, there are several alternatives to choose from, each with unique advantages and disadvantages. One of the benefits of a pencil and paper decision-making procedure is that it permits people to deal with more variables than their minds can generally comprehend and remember. On the average, people can keep about seven ideas in their minds at once. A worksheet can be especially useful when the decision involves a large number of variables with complex relationships. A realistic example for many college students is the question What will I do after graduation? A graduate might seek a position that offers specialized training, pursue an advanced degree, or travel abroad for a year.

A decision-making worksheet begins with a succinct statement of the problem that will also help to narrow it. It is important to be clear about the distinction between long-range and immediate goals because long-range goals often involve a different decision than short-range ones. Focusing on long-range goals, a graduating student might revise the question above to What will I do after graduation that will lead to successful career?

1. What does the passage mainly discuss?

(A) A tool to assist in making complex decisions.

(B) A comparison of actual decisions and ideal decisions

(C) Research on how people make decisions

(D) Differences between long-range and short-range decision making

2. The word essential in line 7 is closest in meaning to

(A) introductory

(B) changeable

(C) beneficial

(D) fundamental

3. The word pertinent in line 9 is closest in meaning to

(A) relevant

(B) preceding

(C) insightful

(D) responsive

4. Of the following steps, which occurs before the others in making a decision worksheet?

(A) Listing the consequences of each solution

(B) Calculating a numerical summary of each solution

(C) Deciding which consequences are most important

(D) Writing down all possible solutions

5. According to decision-worksheet theory, an optimal decision is defined as one that

(A) has the fewest variables to consider

(B) uses the most decision worksheets

(C) has the most points assigned to it

(D) is agreed to by the greatest number of people

6. The author develops the discussion in paragraph 1 by means of

(A) describing a process

(B) classifying types of worksheets

(C) providing historical background

(D) explaining a theory

7. The author states that On the average, people can keep about seven ideas in their minds at

once (lines 17-18) to explain that

(A) most decisions involve seven steps

(B) human mental capacity has limitations

(C) some people have difficulty making minor as well as major decisions

(D) people can learn to keep more than seven ideas in their minds with practice

8. The word succinct in line 24 is closest in meaning to

(A) creative

(B) satisfactory

(C) personal

(D) concise

9. Which of the following terms is defined in the passage ?

(A) Proponents (line 5)

(B) Optimal (line 5)

(C) Variables (line 17)

(D) Long-range goals (line 25)

10. The word it in line 24 refers to

(A) worksheet

(B) problem

(C) distinction

(D) decision

11. The word revise in line 26 is closest in meaning to

(A) ask

(B) explain

(C) change

(D) predict





定位词的称呼有很多,如关键词,主旨词,功能词,中心词等等。这些只是个名称罢了,含义都是一致的:一个可以根据题干回原文定位,并能够找到出处的词,这个题干中的词就是定位词 or key word。





如, 95年英国剑桥委员会British Council给出的唯一样题文章的题目是:The Spectacular Eruption of Mount St.Helens

下面有一道选择题是“ According to the text the eruption of Mount St.Helens and other volcanoes has influenced our climate by…”

拿这道题为例,如果大家把Mount St.Helens 作为关键词回原文进行定位,那你会郁闷致死,全文主要讲的就是圣海伦斯火山的喷发,原文有N多个Mount St.Helens,所以即使这个词属于大写的专有名词,但他违背了细节性,是概括性的词汇,也不能作为定位词来寻找答案。










Sequoia 美洲杉 ---特殊怪,很好定位,也经常作为考点。

sodium 【化学】钠---特殊难,大家只要知道是一种化学元素足矣。

Simultaneous 同时的---特殊长,这种词本身的特点决定应作为定位词。



“What are the dates of the TWO major eruptions before 1980?”

那么像1980 3185$ 69%这些词因为长相原因,段落全是英文,突然跑出来几个数字,十分显眼,也就很好回原文找到他们。



在特殊符号里或者旁边的词,最好通过符号回原文进行定位,如“paper conversation”,(three cubic miles) 这些词本身并没有什么特别,但放在符号里面,就可以根据符号回原文进行寻找。



























The first flying vertebrates were true reptiles in which one of the fingers of the front limbs became very elongated, providing support for a flap of stretched skin that served as a wing. These were the pterosaurs, literally the “winged lizards.” The earliest pterosaurs arose near the end of the Triassic period of the Mesozoic Era, some 70 million years before the first known fossils of true birds occur, and they presumably dominated the skies until they were eventually displaced by birds. Like the dinosaurs, some the pterosaurs became gigantic; the largest fossil discovered is of an individual that had a wingspan of 50 feet or more, larger than many airplanes. These flying reptiles had large, tooth-filled jaws, but their bodies were small and probably without the necessary powerful muscles for sustained wing movement. They must have been expert gliders, not skillful fliers, relying on wind power for their locomotion.

Birds, despite sharing common reptilian ancestors with pterosaurs, evolved quite separately and have been much more successful in their dominance of the air. They are an example of a common theme in evolution, the more or less parallel development of different types of body structure and function for the same reason — in this case, for flight. Although the fossil record, as always, is not complete enough to determine definitively the evolutionary lineage of the birds or in as much detail as one would like, it is better in this case than for many other animal groups. That is because of the unusual preservation in a limestone quarry in southern Germany of Archaeopteryx, a fossil that many have called the link between dinosaurs and birds. Indeed, had it not been for the superb preservation of these fossils, they might well have been classified as dinosaurs. They have the skull and teeth of a reptile as well as a bony tail, but in the line-grained limestone in which these fossils occur there are delicate impressions of feathers and fine details of bone structure that make it clear that Archaeopteryx was a bird. All birds living today, from the great condors of the Andes to the tiniest wrens, trace their origin back to the Mesozoic dinosaurs.

1. What does the passage mainly discuss?

(A) Characteristics of pterosaur wings

(B) The discovery of fossil remains of Archaeopteryx

(C) Reasons for the extinction of early flying vertebrates

(D) The development of flight in reptiles and birds

2. Which of the following is true of early reptile wings?

(A) They evolved from strong limb muscles.

(B) They consisted of an extension of skin.

(C) They connected the front and back limbs.

(D) They required fingers of equal length.

3. The word “literally” in line 3 is closest in meaning to

(A) creating

(B) meaning

(C) related to

(D) simplified

4. It can be inferred from the passage that birds were probably dominant in the skies

(A) in the early Triassic period

(B) before the appearance of pterosaurs

(C) after the decline of pterosaurs

(D) before dinosaurs could be found on land.

5. The author mentions airplanes in line 8 in order to

(A) illustrate the size of wingspans in some pterosaurs

(B) compare the energy needs of dinosaurs with those of modern machines

(C) demonstrate the differences between mechanized flight and animal flight

(D) establish the practical applications of the study of fossils

6. The word “They” in line 10 refers to

(A) powerful muscles

(B) bodies

(C) jaws

(D) flying reptiles

7. According to the passage , pterosaurs were probably “not skillful fliers” (lines 10-11) because

(A) of their limited wingspan

(B) of their disproportionately large bodies

(C) they lacked muscles needed for extended flight

(D) climate conditions of the time provided insufficient wind power

8. In paragraph 2, the author discusses the development of flight in birds as resulting from

(A) a similarity in body structure to pterosaurs

(B) an evolution from pterosaurs

(C) the dominance of birds and pterosaurs over land animals

(D) a separate but parallel development process to that of pterosaurs

9. The word “classified” in line 21 is closest in meaning to

(A) perfected

(B) replaced

(C) categorized

(D) protected

10. Which of the following helped researchers determine that Archaeopteryx was not a dinosaur?

(A) Its tail

(B) Its teeth

(C) The shape of its skull

(D) Details of its bone structure

11. What is the significance of the discovery that was made in southern Germany?

(A) It is thought to demonstrate that birds evolved from dinosaurs.

(B) It is proof that the climate and soils of Europe have changed over time.

(C) It suggests that dinosaurs were dominant in areas rich in limestone.

(D) It supports the theory that Archaeopteryx was apowerful dinosaur.







mores 风俗,习惯

submit 屈从;提交;主张,认为

backfire 产生反效果;逆火

speculate 推测;思索;投机(venture)

wield 行使(权利);挥舞(宝剑)

recreation 再创造; 消遣,娱乐

peer 同等人,同辈人;凝视

project 预测;凸出;投掷,发射;计划


negate 否认

familial 家庭的

vain 无用的,虚荣的

vein 面纱; 掩饰

bound n. 范围 v. 跳跃;以…为界;bind的过去式和过去分词

be bound to do 必定,一定

rationale 基本原理,论据

launch 开始,发动;发射

supplant = in place of 代替

retain 保留

status quo 现状

downplay 低估,贬低

radical 词根,激进分子; 根本的;激进的

conviction 信念;定罪

credit 功劳,声望,信任

appeal to 求助于

gloss 掩饰;使有光泽

explain away 搪塞,把…解释过去

complementary 补充的

complimentary 称赞的,问候的

indefensible 站不住脚的

misgiving 疑虑

dissent 异议,不同意

dispense with 免除

exempt 免除

shun 避开

identity 身份,本体; 同一性,完全相同;特性

sustain 维持; 遭受; 忍耐

contend 主张,声称;争论 (n. contention)

object n. 物体 v.反对 (objection n.反对)

objective n. 目标; adj.客观的

dispose 处理,处置;安排,使用

except that 只是,只可惜;除了

fanciful 幻想的,想象中的

apprehend 领会,理解; 逮捕; 忧虑

whereupon 于是,因此

administer 实施;给与;服用(药);管理

formulate 明确地表达

champion v. 拥护; n. 冠军

posit 断定,假定

advance 使前进,推进; 促进,加速; 提出,倡导

primacy n. 首位,首要 (adj. primary)



You should spend about 20 minutes on Questions 1-13, which are based on Reading Passage 1 below.

The risks agriculture faces in developing countries

Synthesis of an online debate

A Two things distinguish food production from all other productive activities: first, every single person needs food each day and has a right to it; and second, it is hugely dependent on nature. These two unique aspects, one political, the other natural, make food production highly vulnerable and different from any other business. At the same time, cultural values are highly entrenched in food and agricultural systems worldwide.

B Farmers everywhere face major risks, including extreme weather, long-term climate change, and price volatility in input and product markets. However, smallholder farmers in developing countries must in addition deal with adverse environments, both natural, in terms of soil quality, rainfall, etc., and human, in terms of infrastructure, financial systems, markets, knowledge and technology. Counter-intuitively, hunger is prevalent among many smallholder farmers in the developing world.

C Participants in the online debate argued that our biggest challenge is to address the underlying causes of the agricultural system’s inability to ensure sufficient food for all, and they identified as drivers of this problem our dependency on fossil fuels and unsupportive government policies.

D On the question of mitigating the risks farmers face, most essayists called for greater state intervention. In his essay, Kanayo F. Nwanze, President of the International Fund for Agricultural Development, argued that governments can significantly reduce risks for farmers by providing basic services like roads to get produce more efficiently to markets, or water and food storage facilities to reduce losses. Sophia Murphy, senior advisor to the Institute for Agriculture and Trade Policy, suggested that the procurement and holding of stocks by governments can also help mitigate wild swings in food prices by alleviating uncertainties about market supply.

_he personal names in the text refer to the authors of written contributions to the online debate.

E Shenggen Fan, Director General of the International Food Policy Research Institute, held up social safety nets and public welfare programmes in Ethiopia, Brazil and Mexico as valuable ways to address poverty among farming families and reduce their vulnerability to agriculture shocks. However, some commentators responded that cash transfers to poor families do not necessarily translate into increased food security, as these programmes do not always strengthen food production or raise incomes. Regarding state subsidies for agriculture, Rokeya Kabir, Executive Director of Bangladesh Nari Progati Sangha, commented in her essay that these ‘have not compensated for the stranglehold exercised by private traders. In fact, studies show that sixty percent of beneficiaries of subsidies are not poor, but rich landowners and non-farmer traders.’

F Nwanze, Murphy and Fan argued that private risk management tools, like private insurance, commodity futures markets, and rural finance can help small-scale producers mitigate risk and allow for investment in improvements. Kabir warned that financial support schemes often encourage the adoption of high-input agricultural practices, which in the medium term may raise production costs beyond the value of their harvests. Murphy noted that when futures markets become excessively financialised they can contribute to short-term price volatility, which increases farmers’ food insecurity. Many participants and commentators emphasised that greater transparency in markets is needed to mitigate the impact of volatility, and make evident whether adequate stocks and supplies are available. Others contended that agribusiness companies should be held responsible for paying for negative side effects.

G Many essayists mentioned climate change and its consequences for small-scale agriculture. Fan explained that ‘in addition to reducing crop yields, climate change increases the magnitude and the frequency of extreme weather events, which increase smallholder vulnerability.’ The growing unpredictability of weather patterns increases farmers’ difficulty in managing weather-related risks. According to this author, one solution would be to develop crop varieties that are more resilient to new climate trends and extreme weather patterns. Accordingly, Pat Mooney, co-founder and executive director of the ETC Group, suggested that ‘if we are to survive climate change, we must adopt policies that let peasants diversify the plant and animal species and varieties/breeds that make up our menus.’

H Some participating authors and commentators argued in favour of community- based and autonomous risk management strategies through collective action groups, co-operatives or producers’ groups. Such groups enhance market opportunities for small-scale producers, reduce marketing costs and synchronise buying and selling with seasonal price conditions. According to Murphy, ‘collective action offers an important way for farmers to strengthen their political and economic bargaining power, and to reduce their business risks.’ One commentator, Giel Ton, warned that collective action does not come as a free good. It takes time, effort and money to organise, build trust and to experiment. Others, like Marcel Vernooij and Marcel Beukeboom, suggested that in order to ‘apply what we already know’, all stakeholders, including business, government, scientists and civil society, must work together, starting at the beginning of the value chain.

I Some participants explained that market price volatility is often worsened by the presence of intermediary purchasers who, taking advantage of farmers’ vulnerability, dictate prices. One commentator suggested farmers can gain greater control over prices and minimise price volatility by selling directly to consumers. Similarly, Sonali Bisht, founder and advisor to the Institute of Himalayan Environmental Research and Education (INHERE), India, wrote that community-supported agriculture, where consumers invest in local farmers by subscription and guarantee producers a fair price, is a risk-sharing model worth more attention. Direct food distribution systems not only encourage small-scale agriculture but also give consumers more control over the food they consume, she wrote.

List of People

A Kanayo F. Nwanze

B Sophia Murphy

C Shenggen Fan

D Rokeya Kabir

E Pat Mooney

F Giel Ton

G Sonali Bisht

Questions 10 and 11

Choose TWO letters, A-E.

Write the correct letters in boxes 10 and 11 on your answer sheet.

Which TWO problems are mentioned which affect farmers with small farms in developing countries?

A lack of demand for locally produced food

B lack of irrigation programmes

C being unable to get insurance

D the effects of changing weather patterns

E having to sell their goods to intermediary buyers

Questions 12 and 13

Choose TWO letters, A-E.

Write the correct letters in boxes 12 and 13 on your answer sheet.

Which TWO actions are recommended for improving conditions for farmers?

A reducing the size of food stocks

B attempting to ensure that prices rise at certain times of the year

C organising co-operation between a wide range of interested parties

D encouraging consumers to take a financial stake in farming

E making customers aware of the reasons for changing food prices


Test 6 Passage 1

Question 1


关键词:food production

定位原文:A段第一行:“Two things distinguish food production from all other productive activities: first…”


Question 2


关键词:farmers in certain parts of the world

定位原文:B段前两句:“Farmers everywhere face major risks… However, smallholder farmers in developing countries must in addition deal with adverse environments, both natural… and human...”

解题思路:B段一开头就提到全球的农民都会遇到极端天气、长期气候变化及价格波动这些问题,后面又提到发展中国家的小农又要额外处理一些问题,包括自然问题及人为问题。题目中的certain parts of the world对应文中的developing countries。

Question 12&13


关键词:improving conditions for farmers

定位原文:H段第一句:“… in favour of community-based and autonomous risk management strategies through collective action groups, co-operatives or producers’ groups…” H段第三句:“collective action offers an important way for farmers to strengthen their political and economic bargaining power, and to reduce their business risks.”I段第三句:“community-supported agriculture, where consumers invest in local farmers by subscription and guarantee producers a fair price, is a risk-sharing model worth more attention”



1、identify the writer’s overall purpose, target audience, sources etc.


2、identify and follow key arguments in a text


3、identify opinions and attitudes as opposed to facts

区分事实与观点态度能够区分文章中的内容是观点态度或者是事实是一个阅读者应该具备的基本技能。如果阅读的时候不分青红皂白都认为是事实,我们就缺失了对文章信息的判断能力,阅读将可能是极其混乱的。人们不只在阅读外语文章的时候会犯这种错误。那么在文章中如果出现一些类似表示观点态度的词(比如maintain, argue)要注意,这些词后面出现的应该就是观点和态度。观点和态度是主观的,不能被证明的。但如果是这样的表达:evidence show, experiment suggest后面跟的就应该是事实,可以被证明的。

4、locate specific information

定位细节信息雅思阅读有一种比较难的题型which paragraph contains the following information考察的就是定位细节信息的能力。这种能力是考察学生能不能在海量的信息里找到你最想找的信息然后进行阅读的能力。这反应了国外大学阅读量巨大的要求。学生不可能每个字都读,得具备这种找到最有价值的一点然后再进行相关阅读的能力。平时训练这种scanning的阅读技能。当然如果对全文结构不做一个skimming也就是大致了解文章结构而大致知道在哪几段中寻找,这种任务基本上是不可能完成的。这也反应了读书的一个基本步骤,拿到一本书我们应该先看目录,知道书的大致结构再由此在最相关的段落中寻找阅读兴趣点。因此这种题型需要skimming+scanning两种阅读技能的结合才能准确快速地解题。

5、extract relevant information


6、recognise key points for a summary


7、group pieces of information in a text in accordance with salient criteria


8、extract information from a prose text to put into a diagrammatic representation













