









1、邮寄广告的最大优点是()A 彩色印刷 B 图文并茂 C 传播对象明确 D 效力持久

2、电视媒介的缺点之一是()A 缺乏色彩

B 难以理解 C 制作费用高昂

D 不适合老年消费者

3、按购买者使用商品的数量或次数,把消费者分为低使用率、中等使用率、高使用率的消费者以及不使用的消费者,这种市场细分方法是()A 人口区分 B 心里区分

C 社会-文化区分

D 使用者行为区分

4、广告学的理论基础是()A 市场学 B 传播学 C心理学 D 美学

5、美国广告界人士进行各种调查,证明广告效果的50%-80%来自注目字句的力量,注目字句指的是()A 标题 B 标语

C 标题和标语 D 标题和正文













































李先生是某公司的销售部经理。他领导的销售部有35位职员,公司的销售工作主要由他们负责。为了更好地管理销售人员,李经理在上任时推出了奖金、浮动工资与完成的销售量挂钩的员工激励方案:(1)销售定额为38台/月;(2)完成指标得全奖,少卖一台扣奖金的1 5%,达不到34台/月扣全奖;(3)连续半年完成指标,向上浮动一级工资,连续半年不完成指标,下浮一级工资.方案一经宣布引起一片哗然,但李经理坚持实施这一方案.他认为:就得采取强硬措施,奖罚分明,多劳多得,这样员工就会拼命干活了。张先生原是李经理手下一名普通的销售人员,新方案出台后,由于销售业绩突出,张先生获得了较高的报酬,他也很快由一个销售员晋升为销售主管。但是由于销售部门职位有限,张先生的高升空间已经快到尽头了。一天早上,李经理发现自己的办公桌上的一封辞职信,张先生要离开公司.张先生在辞职信上说,很感激公司的栽培,但是,我追求自己的事业发展,所以决定离开公司。据知情人说,张先生已经注册了自己的公司,利用自己在原公司建立的客户关系和社会关系网络,经营与原公司相似的业务。李经理十分恼怒,心里想:小张工作努力,取得好的业绩,已经获得了高额的回报,并且晋升为销售主管,为什么他还不满意,要离开公司呢?




















































[中图分类号]: G632 [文献标识码] A [文章编号]












[1] 沈澄.基于专升本考试的高职数学课程设置与构建[J].职教通讯.2012(18):22-24

[2] 沈澄.新《高等数学》专升本考试大纲课程体系下的教学思考[J].浙江工商职业技术学院学报.2012(1):78-81

[3] 李承家 高等数学[M] 浙江工商大学出版社 2015.3


2005年福建省高职高专升本科入学考试 《基础英语》试题

(考试时间120分钟,满分150分)答题说明:(1)选择题部分的答案请写在答题卡上相应字母的中间划横线。(2)主观题的答案写在主观答题纸上相应的位置 注意:答案写在试卷上一律不给分。

Vocabulary and Structure(40point ,1for each)It is easy to ______one state of matter from another.A)differ



D)change Not once _________ his view of life.A)did the gentleman mention

B)has mentioned the gentleman C)the gentleman mention

D)the gentleman mentioned We discuss the matter _______ tea and cakes.A)over



D)at It wasn’t such a good dinner ______ she had promised us.A)that



D)what It was essential that the application forms _____ back before the deadline.A)must be sent

B)would be sent

C)be sent

D)were went The reason _______ I went to take that class is ______ the professor is supposed to be very good.A)why, for

B)why, so

C)why, that

D)that, because ________ this awareness, attitudes towards dream are changing.A)As a matter of fact

B)In effect

C)Instead of

D)As a result of The machine can’t be made perfect overnight;in fact, it should be improved ________.A)one after another

B)right away

C)by turn

D)step by step The print is still wet.______!A)Be not sure to touch it

B)Be sure not to touch it C)Be sure to not touch it

D)Don’t be sure to touch it

It was until she arrived in class ________ she realized she had forgotten her book.A)what




This is a nice car, but we cannot _______it.A)provide



D)manage This is the dictionary _______ I depend a lot whenever I have problems with new words.A)with which

B)in which

C)on which

D)for which Where did you get your watch ________? A)repair

B)to repair


D)repairing His carelessness _____ her failure in the exams.A)resulted from


C)resulted in

D)resulted to

Please wait for the next boat.There is no ______ for you on this one.A)place



D)corner The days ______ you could travel without a passport are a thing of the past.A)whenever


C)on which

D)in which We still know little about outer _______ though we have made much effort in research.A)heaven



D)sky But for sunlight, there _____ no moonlight.A)will be

B)would be C)had been


We made several plans for our holiday, but we went to London _________ the end.A)at



D)in Revolution means _____ the productive forces.A)to liberate



D)liberating Many people plan to put ______ RMB 5,000 every year to finance their children’s future education.A)down



D)on I ran _____ Alice, who was on her way to see me.A)up

B)out of


D)over ____ seeing the damage he had done, he felt ashamed.A)On



D)For In fact he had done ______ he could do to help the poor.A)what



D)all which We must be off _______.It id eight already.A)by accident

B)on average

C)by chance

D)right away

I’m very sorry ______ the whole morning.I forgot the appointment.A)to keep you wait

B)to have kept you waiting C)to keep you wait

D)to keep you wait

These young men walk out of the office building, each _____ a file under his arm.A)carries

B)carrying C)carried

D)having carried A computer can store ______ information because it has a very large memory.A)a great many

B)a vast amount of C)a large number of

D)a number of

Lao Wang is a selfless man, so under no circumstances ______ anything that will benefit himself and hard the interests of others.A)does he do

B)did he do C)he does do

D)he does No one doubts ______ he is the best leader in the company.A)whether

B)what C)if

D)that _______ nobody was willing to vote for her, she decided to drop out of the election.A)Seen that

B)So that

C)Seeing that

D)When that The audience, _______, enjoyed the performance.A)most of them were students

B)they were mostly students C)most of whom were students

D)they themselves were students It’s no good _________him.He is always indifferent to others.A)to turn to

B)turning to C)turn to

D)turned to

A woman and three children are said _______ in the traffic accident.A)to be injured

B)to have been injured C)having been injured

D)being injured In the experiment we kept a watchful eye _____ the developments and recorded every detail.A)in

B)at C)for


Do you think Tommy is ______ the truth? A)saying

B)speaking C)telling

D)During the time when ______ she was living in New York that she met her husband Terry.A)Just when

B)Soon after C)It was while

D)During the time when The child will be taught that hard work is necessary to ________ success.A)bring up

B)bring with C)bring forward

D)bring about I’d like to take _____ of this opportunity to thank you for your cooperation.A)advantage

B)occasion C)benefit

D)profit Most American don’t object _____ them by their first names.A)that I call

B)for calling C)to my calling

D)that I am call Cloze(30points, 1.5 for each)

When we want to _41___ other people what we think, we can do it not only with the help of words, but also in many 42 ways.For example, we sometimes move our heads 43 when we want to say “yes”, and we move our heads 44 when we want to say “no”.People, who can ___45__ hear nor speak, talk to each other with the help of their fingers.People who do not understand each other’s language have to do the same.The following story shows 46 they sometimes do it.47 English man who could not speak Italian was 48 traveling in Italy.One day he entered a restaurant and sat 49 a table.When the waiter came, the Englishman opened his mouth, __50___ his fingers into it, 51 them out again and moved his lips.In this way he meant to say, “ 52 me something to eat.” The waiter soon brought him 53 tea.The Englishman 54 his head and the waiter understood that he didn’t want tea, so he took it 55 and brought him 56 coffee.The Englishman was angry.He was just going to leave the restaurant 57another traveler came in.When this man saw the waiter, he 58 his hands on his stomach.That was enough.In 59 minutes there was a large plate of bread and meat 60 his table.41.A)say



D)talk 42.A)anything



D)other 43.A)now and then

B)over and over

C)up and down

D)here and there 44.A)from mouth to mouth

B)from door to door

C)from the masses to the masses

D)from side to side 45.A)not only…but also

B)as well as


D)neither 46.A)how



D)which 47.A)The



D)Any 48.A)ever



D)once 50.A)laid



D)stayed 51.A)took



D)carried 52.A)Bring



D)Carried 53.A)a piece of

B)a packet of

C)a cup of

D)a box of 54.A)shook



D)showed 55.A)back



D)along 56.A)any



D)few 57.A)when



D)how 58.A)stood



D)placed 59.A)a few



D)a little 60.A)at



D)on Reading Comprehension(45 point, 3 for each)One Today anyone will accept money in exchange for goods and services.People use money to buy food, furniture, books, bicycles and hundreds of what they need or want.When they work, they usually get paid in money.Most of the money today is made of metal or paper.But people used to use all kinds of things as money.One of the first kinds of money was shells.Shells were not the only things used as money.In parts of Africa, cattle were one of the earliest kinds of money.Other animals were used as money, too.The first metal coins were made in China.They were round and had a square hole in the center.People strung(系)them together and carried them from place to place.Different countries have used different metals and designs for their money.The first coins in England were made of tin.Sweden and Russia used copper to make their money.Later, other countries began to make coin of gold and silver.But even gold and silver were inconvenient if you had to buy something expensive.Again the Chinese thought of a way to improve money.They began to use paper money.The first paper money looked more like a note from one person to another than paper money used today.Money has had an interesting history from the days of shell money until today.61.Which of the following can be cited as an example of the use of money in exchange for services? A)To sell a bicycle for $20 B)To get some money for old books C)To buy things you need or want D)To get paid for your work 62.Where were shells used as money in history? A)In the Philippines.B)In China C)In Africa

D)It is not mentioned 63.Why, according to the passage, did ancient Chinese coins have a square hole in the center? A)Because it would be easier to put them together and carry them around.B)Because it would be lighter for people to carry them from place to place.C)Because people wanted to make it look nicer.D)Because people wanted to save the expensive metal they were made from.64.Why does the author say that even gold and silver were inconvenient if you had to buy something expensive? A)Because they are easy to steal.B)Because they are difficult for people to obtain.C)Because they are not easy to carry around.D)Because they themselves are expensive, too.65.Which one do you choose as the best title for this passage? A)Money and Its Uses B)Different Things Used as Money C)Different Countries, Different Money D)The History of Money Two Research has shown that motivation(动机)is very important in learning a language;you need to be enthusiastic about it, and to be interested in it.Different people will have different motives – the desire for promotion, the hope of being able to study abroad, curiosity about a very different culture, and pure intellectual enjoyment is only one of possible motives.But actually wanting to learn is the most important motive of all.Courage is an essential attribute(属性)in learning a language.It takes a lot of courage to speak a foreign language either in front of your friends or to native speakers, but don’t be afraid of making mistakes---that is the way we learn.Nowadays there are many different forms of English, each with its own constructions and accent, and, so long as you can make yourself understood and can understand what is said to you, you have succeeded in communicating, which is the purpose of any language.Curiosity is not only a possible motivation.It is also a great help in your learning.Remember that a language is not just a grammatical system, it is the outcome of a certain culture.It is not very helpful just to learn lots of words and lists of grammatical rules unless you know as much as possible about the background of the language, so that you can understand the ideas which are being conveyed(表达),the references which are being made, and the inferences which can be drawn from the information explicitly(明白地)given.So learn as much as you can about the different cultures which influence English—watch television programs, listen to the radio, try to obtain newspaper and magazines which are written by native speakers, look at advertisements, and above all, read---not textbooks, but novels and poems and plays.They will show you how language is really used.The English language is not an abstract(抽象的)system;it is a living form of expression which derives much of its meaning from the context in which it is used, and much of its effect from a whole network of extra – linguistic(语言学之外的)knowledge.If you live in a country where English is the native language, you acquire this knowledge naturally, just as in China you acquired your own cultural knowledge unconsciously.But, because you are unlikely to be able to visit countries where English is spoken as the native language, you have to make a conscious effort to acquire this cultural awareness and knowledge.66.With what topic is this passage primarily concerned? A)Curiosity in Learning a Language

B)Courage in Learning a Language C)Motivation in Learning a Language

D)Qualities in Learning a Language 67.The author of this passage possibly is a ______.A)beginner of English Learning

B)foreign teacher of English C)Chinese teacher of English

D)Chinese student studying abroad 68.What does the author suggest in this passage? A)You should not learn grammar.B)You should ignore the rules of pronunciation.C)You should learn a language by making mistakes.D)You should learn a language at school 69.According to the passage, which of the following statements is TRUE? A)You should be prepared to make mistakes in communication B)Words are the basis of English learning C)Good pronunciation is important to an English learner.D)Wanting to know everything does not help you learning a language.70.According to the author, what’s the best way of learning English? A)To study hard

B)To study abroad C)To learning about cultures

D)To make mistakes Three Amongst the most popular books being written today are those which are usually classified as science fiction(科幻小说).Hundreds of titles are published every year and are read by all kind of people.Furthermore, some of the most successful films of recent years have been based on science fiction stories.It is often thought that science fiction is a fairly new development in literature, but its ancestors(原型)can be found in books written hundreds of years ago.These books are often concerned with the presentation of some forms of ideal society, a theme which is still often found in modern stories.Most of classics of science fiction, however, have been written within the last one hundred years.Books by writers such as Jules Verne and H.G.Wells, to mention just two well – known authors, have been translated into many languages.Modern science fiction writers don’t writes about men from Mars or space adventure stories.They are more interested in predicting the results of technical developments on society and the human mind;or in imagining future worlds which are a reflection(反映)of the world which we live in now.Because of this their writing has obvious political undertones(含意).In an age where science fact frequently overtakes(超越)science fiction, the writers may find it difficult to keep ahead of scientific advances.Those who are sufficiently clear – sighted to see the way we are going, however, may provide a valuable lesson on how to deal with the problems which society will inevitably face as it tries to come to terms with a continually changing view of the world.71.Which of the following statements is NOT true? A)Science fiction is fairly new in literature.B)Science fiction is rather popular with people today.C)Science fiction often deals with some form of ideal society.D)Hundreds of books classified as science fiction are printed every year.72.Earliest science fiction was written _____.A)one hundred years ago B)by Jules Verne and H.G.Wells C)to tell people how to imagine future worlds D)hundreds of years ago 73.Modern science fiction writers are interested in_______.A)adventures in space B)some form of ideal world C)future worlds which have nothing in common with our present society D)predicting developments in technology and their effects on society 74.In our present world, _____________________.A)science develops as fast as it is predicted by science fiction writers B)science develops faster than writers can imagine

C)science fiction writers can always foresee what wonders science can do D)Only science fiction writers can see the way science is going 75.Which of the following is NOT the conclusion that we draw from this passage? A)Sensible science fiction writers may tell us what to do in future.B)We are bound to have problems as we try to make progress in science.C)No one knows anything about what to do with the problems we are to face.D)Our view of the world are subject to change.Short Answer(10 points, 2 for each)Do you find getting up in the morning so difficult that it’s painful? This might be called laziness, but Dr.Kleitman has a new explanation.He has proved that everyone has daily energy cycle.During the hours when you labor through your work you may say that you’re “hot”.That’s true.The time of day when you feel most energetic is when your cycle of body temperature is at its peak.For some people the peak comes during the morning.For others it comes in the afternoon or evening.No one has discovered why this is so, but it leads to such familiar monologues(独白)as: ”Get up, John!You will be late for work again!” The possible explanation to the trouble is that John is at his temperature-and-energy peak in the evening.Much family quarreling ends when husbands and wives realize what these energy cycles mean, and which cycle each member of the family has.You can’t change your energy cycle, but you can learn to make your life fit it better.Habit can help, Dr.Kleitmen believes.Maybe you’re sleepy in the evening but feel you must stay up late anyway.Counteract(对抗)your cycle to some extent by habitually staying up later than you want to.If your energy is low in the morning but you have an important job to do early in the day, rise before your hour.This won’t change your cycle, but you’ll get up and work better at your low point.Get off to a slow start which saves your energy.Get up with a leisurely yawn(呵欠)and stretch.Sit on the edge of the bed a minute before putting your feet on the floor.Avoid the troublesome search for clean clothes by laying them out the night before.Whenever possible, do routine work in the afternoon and takes requiring more energy or concentration for your sharper hours.76.What is Dr.Kleitman’s new explanation?

It is that everyone has _________________________________________________________.77.When is the time your cycle of body temperature is at its peak?

It is ________________________________________________________________________.78.If one wants to work more efficiently at his low point in the morning, he should ______________________________________________________________________________.79.You are advised to rise with ________________ because it will help to keep your energy for the day’s work.80.According to the passage, does the peak come to people at the same time? ______________________________________________________________________________.Writing(25 points)(根据以下三点提示,写一篇不少于100个英文单词的短文)In Face of Soaring Book Prices 如今书价越来越高

我们应付昂贵书价的一些方法 希望书价越来越便宜 2005 年专升本英语答案

1—10 CAACC


11—20 CCCCB




71—75 ADDBC

76.daily energy circle.77.when you feel most energetic.78.get up earlier than usual.79.a yawn and stretch.80.No, it doesn’t

In Face of Soaring Book Price(05年作文)


5.absolute a.绝对的;顽强的;专制的;确实的,确定的 同义词:complete,entire,perfect,total 6.absorb v.吸收;吸引。。。的注意,使全神贯注 同义词:involve,occupy 搭配:be absorbed in 专心于

7.abstract a.抽象的;深奥的n.摘要;抽象


同义词:a.theoretical n.extract,outline,summary

8.absurd a.愚蠢的;荒唐的 同义词:childish,comic,ridiculous 9.abuse v.滥用;谩骂


同义词:v.misuse,curse,insult n.misuse,insult,mistreatment 10.accelerate v.加速;促进 同义词:advance,quicken,rush 11.access n.接近,进入;入口,通路;进入的方法 同义词:approach,course, entry, passport 12.accommodate v.留宿,收容;供应,供给;容纳 同义词:hold,provide,supply 13.accommodation n.居住设施 同义词:housing,rooms,settlement 14.accomplish v.完成,实现 15.accumulate v.积累,积蓄;堆积 同义词:collect,increase,save,store 16.accuse v.控告,谴责 同义词:blame,charge 搭配:accuse sb of doing sth 指控某人做了某事 17.acquaint v.使认识,使了解 同义词:introduce,present 搭配:acquaint oneself with 熟悉,通晓 acquaint sb with


18.adapt v.适合;改编,改写 同义词:adjust,fit,modify 搭配:adapt to 适应

19.adequate a.足够的,充分的;符合要求的 同义词:decent,enough,tolerable 20.adhere v.黎附;遵守;坚持 同义词:hold,stick,fast 21.adjust v.调节,校正;(使)适应 同义词:adapt,alter,modify,vary 搭配:adjust oneself to…使自己适应于……

22.administration n.管理,经营;行政部门;政府 23.adopt v.采用,采纳;收养 24.adviser n.顾问 同义词:consultant 25.affection n.爱,慈爱

同义词:fondness,tenderness,warmness 26.agony n.苦恼;极大痛苦

27.aid v.辅助,援助,救助


28.alert a.警惕的;机灵的n.警报;警戒状态;警戒期间 v.使警觉

同义词:alarm,warning signal 29.alter v.改变,变样

同义词:change,modify,vary 30.alternate a.交替的;预备的v.交替,轮流 31.ambiguous a.模棱两可 32.ambition n.雄心,野心 33.amount n.数量 v.合计,共计 同义词:number,sum,total 34.ample a.充分的,富裕的;宽敞的,宽大的 35.amuse v.逗乐,逗笑;给…..以娱乐 36.analyze v.分析;分解;解析 同义词:study,examine 37.angle n.角;角度,观点

38.annual a.每年的,的n.年报,年刊 同义词:yearly 39.anxiety n.挂念;焦虑;渴望 同义词:anxiousness 40.apology n.道歉,认错

41.apparent a.明显的,显而易见的;表面的,貌似的 同义词:clear,evident,obvious,plain 42.appeal v.呼吁,请求;上诉;求助于 n.呼吁请求;上诉 43.appetite n.食欲,胃口;欲望,爱好 44.applaud v.喝彩,鼓掌;称赞

45.apply v.申请;应用,实施;运用,使用

搭配:apply to sb for sth 申请,请求 apply to 使用,应用

46.appoint v.任命,委任;约定(时间,地点)

47.approach v.靠近,接近,临近;着手处理,对付 n.方法,途径;探讨

同义词:access,entrance 48.approval n.赞成,同意;认可,批准 49.approve v.赞成;批准,通过

50.apt a.恰当的,适宜的;易于…..的,有……倾向的

搭配:be apt at 善于,巧于

be apt for 适合be apt to do sth 易于,有可能

51.architect n.建筑师;设计师 52.architecture n.建筑;建筑学 53.arouse v.唤醒;激起

54.artificial a.人工的,人造的;虚伪的 55.aspect n.样子,外表,面貌;方面 56.assemble v.集合,集会;装配,组装 57.assembly n.集会,会议;装配 58.assert v.断言,宣称;维护 同义词:maintain,insist 59.assignment n.分配,任务;课外作业

60.associate v.使联系;交往,结合 n.合作人,伙伴,同事

同义词:combine,connect,join,unite 搭配:associate with 同……联系在一起

Associate oneself with 加入;与……有联系 61.assume v.假装;假定,设想;采取,承担 62.assure v.使确信,使放心;保证,担保 同义词:guarantee,ensure,insure,secure 63.atmosphere n.大气,空气;气氛,环境 64.attach v.缚上,系上,贴上 65.attentive a.注意的,留神的 66.attorney n.律师;代理人

67.authority n.权力,权威;权威者;当局

68.available a.可用的,可得到的;可以见到的,随时可来的 同义词:convenient,handy,obtainable,usable 69.avoid v.避免;回避,躲开

70.awkward a.笨拙的,不灵活的;棘手的,尴尬的

=B= 71.backwards d.向后地,相反地 n.向后的,相反的 同义词:back,backward 搭配:backwards and forwards 来回地 72.balance n.平衡;余额 v.使平衡,使均衡

搭配:in the balance(前途)不明朗的;(结果)未定的 off balance 不平衡

73.bankrupt a.破产的v.使破产

n.破产者 74.barely ad.赤裸裸地,无遮蔽地;仅仅,勉强 同义词:hardly,just,merely,scarcely 75.basis n.基础,根据;主干 同义词:foundation,fundament,groundwork 搭配:on the basis of 以……为基础

76.beforehand ad.提前地,超前地

a.预先准备好的;提前的 77.behalf n.利益,支持 搭配:on behalf of 为了,代表 78.behave v.举止,表现;运转 同义词:act,do,conduct 79.behaviour n.行为,举止

80.beneath prep.在……下边,在……之下 ad.在下方,低于 同义词:below,under 81.benefit n.利益,好处;恩惠

v.有益于;受益 同义词:profit,gain 82.bent a.弯曲的;下决心的n.嗜好;倾向 搭配:be bent on doing sth 下定决心要做……

83.bid v.祝愿;命令,吩咐;报价;投标 n.出价,投标 同义词:attempt,demand,order 84.bind v.捆,绑,包扎;束缚,约束;凝固 同义词:fasten,tie,wrap

85.bleed v.流血;榨取;渗出

86.blossom n.(果树上开的)花朵;开花期 同义词:bloom,flower 搭配:in blossom 开花

87.blush v.脸红,羞愧


88.boast v.自夸,夸耀

n.自夸的话,大话;夸耀的事 89.bold a.大胆的,勇敢的;冒失的;黑体的;清晰的 同义词:brave,fearless 90.border n.边界,国界;边沿

v.交界,接壤 同义词:boundary,edge,frontier 91.bound v.跳跃;限制


a.被束缚的;密切关联的 搭配:be bound to 一定,必定

92.breed v.使繁殖;产生,引起;抚养,饲养

n.品种,种类 同义词:cultivate,develop,raise 93.brief a.简洁的;短暂的v.简短介绍,简要汇报 搭配:in brief 简言之,简短地说

94.brilliant a.光辉的,灿烂的;卓越的,才华横溢的 同义词:bright ,excellent,outstanding 95.budget n.预算

v.做预算,安排 96.bunch n.一簇,一束,一捆,一串 搭配:a bunch of 一束,一捆,一串

97.burden n.担子,负担;装载量


同义词:load,loading 搭配:burden sb with 使某人负重担;给某人添麻烦

=C= 98.calculate v.计算,推算,核算;计划,打算 同义词:account,compute,figure 99.campaign n.战役;运动 同义词:cause,movement 100.cancel v.取消,作废;删去 同义词:abolish,delete 101.candidate n.候选人,候补者;报考者;申请者 搭配:a candidate for ……的候选人活申请者 102.capable a.能干的,有能力的

搭配:be capable of 有……能力的;有……可能的 103.capacity v.容量,容积;才能,能力;身份,职位 同义词:content,position,size,volume 搭配:have a capacity for 有……能力

104.capture n.捕获,俘获

v.夺得,占领;捕获,俘虏 同义词:catch,conquer,seize 105.cast v.投,掷,抛;铸造;计算 n.演员表;一掷;模型;性格 106.casual a.偶然的,碰巧的;临时的,非正式的;不拘礼的,随便的

同义词:accidental ,occasional

107.casualty n.伤亡人员;受害人;重大伤亡事故 108.caution n.小心,谨慎;警告,告诫

v.警告 同义词:carefulness,cautiousness 109.cease v.停止,中止

n.停止,中止 同义词:discontinue,stop ,quit 110.challenge n.挑战书;艰巨任务

v.挑战;要求比试 111.chaos n.混乱,无序,混沌 112.character n.性格;人物

113.characteristic a.特有的,独特的n.特性,特征 搭配:be characteristic of 有……的特点或性格;为……所特有 114.charm n.吸引力,魅力;美貌,风韵

v.迷人,使陶醉 115.cheat v.欺骗;作弊

n.骗子;欺骗行为 116.cherish v.珍爱;怀有 同义词:treasure,care for 117.chorus n.合唱队;合唱

v.异口同声地说,随声附和 118.circumstance n.情况,形势,环境;经济情况,境遇 同义词:condition,consideration,context 119.civil a.公民的,市民的;国内的,民间的;有礼貌的 120.civilize v.使文明,开化;开导

121.claim v.要求;声称,主张

n.主张,断言;索赔要求;所有权 122.classic n.经典作品,名著

a.一流的,不朽的;古典的 123.classical a.古典的

124.classify v.分类,分等级 125.climax n.顶点,高潮 126.clue n.线索,提示 127.coherent a.黏附的;连贯的 128.coincide v.和……一致,相符,相同 129.collaborate v.协作,合作 同义词:cooperate,get together 130.collapse v.倒坍,崩溃;垮台

n.倒坍,崩溃;垮台 131.collision n.碰撞,冲突

132.combat v.战斗,反对

n.战斗,反对 133.combination n.结合,联合,合并;化合物 134.combine v.结合,联合;化合

135.command n.命令,指令;统帅,指挥权

v.命令,指挥 136.commerce n.商业,贸易

137.commission n.委员会;委任,委托;代办权,代理权;佣金 同义词:committee 138.commit v.把……交托给;犯错误;承诺 139.commodity n.商品,物品

140.commute v.乘车或船等往返于两地,定期往返于两地间 141.comparable a.比得上的,相似的 同义词:corresponding,like 142.comparative a.比较的,相当的 n.匹敌物;比较级

143.compel v.强迫,迫使 同义词:command,require 144.compensate v.补偿,赔偿 145.compensation n.补偿,赔偿

146.complex a.复杂的;合成的,综合的n.复杂,联合体 147.complicate v.变复杂

148.compliment n.问候,致意;称赞,恭维

v.称赞,恭维 149.comply v.遵照,应允

150.component n.组成部分,成分,组件

a.组成的,合成的 151.compose v.组成,构成;创作(作曲、诗歌等)152.compress v.压缩,浓缩 153.comprise v.包含,构成

154.compromise v.妥协;折中

n.妥协,折中 155.conceal v.隐藏,隐瞒,隐蔽 156.concept n.概念,观念;思想

157.concern v.涉及,关系到;担心,关切

n.关心,挂念 158.concise a.简明的,简洁的

159.condemn v.谴责,指责;判刑,宣告有罪 160.confess v.承认,坦白;忏悔 161.confident a.确信的,自信的 搭配:be confident about/of sb.Sth.Proud骄傲,be proud of sb.162.confidential a.秘密的;亲信的 同义词:secret 163.confine v.限制,局限于;管制,禁闭 同义词:enclose, limit 搭配:be confined by/with 164.confirm v.使更坚固,使更坚定;证实;确认,批准 165.conflict n.斗争;冲突,分歧

v.抵触,冲突 166.conform v.遵守,依照;顺应 搭配: Conform with

167.confront v.面临,遭遇;面对 搭配:be confronted with 面临,面对,碰上 168.consent v.同意,赞成n.同意赞成 169.consequence n.结果,影响;重要性 同义词:effect,outcome,result 170.conservation n.保存,保护;守恒 Conserve v.保留,保存

171.conservative a.保守的,守旧的n.保守主义者 Consider v.思考,考虑


a.相当可观的;数量巨大的,值得考虑的 A sense of humor幽默感 Humorous 富有幽默感

173.considerate a.考虑周到的,体谅的

174.consideration n.考虑,思考;体谅,照顾 175.consistent a.前后一致的,始终如一的 搭配:be consistent with 176.consolidate v.巩固,加强;统一,合并 177.construct v.建设,建造,构造;创立;编写 178.consult v.商量,请教;查阅 consultant n.顾问 Advisor n.咨询顾问,导师

179.consume v.消费;毁灭 consumer n.消费者 180.contemporary a.现代的,当代的;同时代的 同义词:modern, present-day 181.contest n.竞争,竞赛,比赛

v.竞争,竞赛,比赛 182.context n.上下文,语境,环境,背景 Continue v.继续,持续 Continue doing sth.继续做某事

183.continual a.不断的,连续的,频繁的 184.continuous a.连续的,持续的

185.contrary a.相反的,矛盾的,对抗的n.反对,矛盾;相反 同义词:opposite 搭配:on the contrary 相反

186.contrast n.对比,对照;差异

v.使对照;使对比 搭配: in contrast 相反

187.contribute v.贡献,捐助;投稿

Contribution n.188.controversial a.争论的;爱争论的;引起争论的 189.convention n.大会;惯例,习俗;公约,协定 Custom Get used to customs习惯、接受当地的习俗 190.convict v.判罪

n.囚犯,罪犯 Commit a murder 191.conviction n.确信,定罪

192.coordinate v.整理;使协调


a.同等的,并列的 193.corrupt v.贿赂,收买

a.腐化的,贪污的 Bankrupt v.破产

同义词:dishonest, evil, rotten, wicked Devil n.魔鬼

Honesty is the first policy.194.costly a.昂贵的,豪华的cost v.花费,花销 195.craft n.工艺,手艺;技巧 196.crime n.罪行;犯罪 197.criterion n.标准,准则

198.crucial a.至关重要的,决定性的

199.crude a.天然的,未加工的;生的;粗野的 同义词:raw,rough 200.cue n.暗示;信号;榜样

同义词:clue,hint,key,signal 201.cultivate v.耕作,栽培,养殖;培养,教养 同义词:develop,improve,prepare,train 202.curse v.诅咒,咒骂


=D= 203.deadly a.致命的;极度的

204.debate v.争论,讨论

n.争论,讨论 205.decay v.腐烂;衰减

n.腐烂;衰减 206.deceit n.欺骗,行骗 207.deceive v.欺骗,蒙蔽,诓骗 同义词:betray,mislead,trick 208.decline n.谢绝;下降,衰落;斜面,倾斜 v.下降,衰落;倾斜;拒绝

209.decorate v.装饰,装潢;布置 210.dedicate v.奉献;专注于 同义词:address,assign,commit,devote 搭配:dedicate to 献身于 211.defect n.缺点,缺陷

同义词:fault,imperfection,shortcoming,weakness 212.deficit n.亏损,赤字,逆差 213.definite a.明确的


214.demonstrate v.论证,证实;演示,说明;示威 同义词:display,illustrate,show 215.density n.密集;密度,浓度 216.deny v.否认,否定;背弃,摒弃 同义词:dispute,reject 217.descend v.下来,下降;遗传;突击 同义词:drop,fall,plunge 搭配:descend from……从……传下来

descend on 突袭 218.deserve v.应受,应得,值得 同义词:earn,merit 219.desirable a.称心的;期望的;可取的

220.desperate a.绝望的;不顾一切的,铤而走险的 221.despite prep.不管,不顾;尽管

n.憎恨,轻蔑 搭配:in despite of 尽管 222.destiny n.命运,天数 223.destruction n.破坏,消灭 224.detach v.分开,拆开,卸下 225.devise v.设计,发明;计划 同义词:design,invent 226.dignity n.庄严,端庄;尊贵,高贵 227.discipline n.纪律;训练

v.训练,训导 228.disguise v.假装,伪装


同义词:conceal,cover,hide 229.disgust n.厌恶,恶心


230.dismay n.惊恐;失望;沮丧

v.惊恐,使惊愕;使失望 同义词:confuse,disturb,embarrass,frighten 231.dismiss v.免职,解雇,开除;不考虑 232.disorder n.混乱,骚乱;疾病

233.display v.陈列,展览,显示

n.陈列,展览,显示 同义词:demonstrate,exhibit,show 234.dispute v.争论,争执

n.争论,争执 搭配:in dispute 在争论中;处于争议中

235.distinct a.清楚的,明显的;截然不同的,独特的 同义词:clear,definite,different,diverse 搭配:distinct from 不同于,区别于

236.distinction n.差别,区分;卓著,杰出;荣誉称号 搭配:distinction between 差别,不同

237.distinguish v.区别,辨别;辨认出;使杰出

238.distress n.苦恼;危难;不幸;贫困

v.使苦恼,使痛苦 239.diverse a.多种的;不同的 同义词:different,distinct,several,various 240.domestic a.家庭的;本国的,国内的;驯养的 同义词:household,internal 241.dramatic a.戏剧的,戏剧性的;激动人心的

242.dread v.恐惧,担心,害怕

n.恐惧,担心,害怕 243.dreadful a.可怕的,惊骇的;糟透的;可恶的 同义词:awful,horrible,terrible,wretched 244.dwell v.居住;详细讲述 同义词:inhabit,live,occupy,reside =E= 245.earnest a.热心的,诚挚的 n.认真,诚挚 同义词:resolute,serious,sincere 搭配:in earnest 认真地,真诚地

246.ease v.减轻;使舒适

n.容易舒适,悠闲 247.economic a.经济的;经济学的;实用的 248.economical a.节约的,经济的 249.economics n.经济学

250.economy n.经济;节约,节省 251.editorial n.社论

a.编辑的,编者的 252.elegant a.优美的,文雅的;简练的,简洁的 同义词:cultured,refined,superior,tasteful 253.element n.元素;成分

254.embarrass v.阻碍,妨碍;使困惑,使窘迫 同义词:confuse,shame 255.embrace v.拥抱;包含;接受

n.拥抱;包括 同义词:accept,adopt,clasp,clutch

256.emerge v.出现,露出;形成 257.emergency n.紧急情况,突然事件 258.emotion n.情绪,情感

259.encounter v.遇到,遭遇

n.遇到,遭遇 260.endeavour n.努力

v.试图 261.endure v.忍受;持久,持续 262.energetic a.有力的,精力充沛的 263.enlighten v.启发,启蒙,教导 同义词:explain,illuminate,inform,instruct 264.enormous a.巨大的,庞大的 同义词:giant,great,immense,vast 265.ensure v.确保,保证;保护 同义词:assure,cover,guarantee,protect 266.enthusiastic a.热情的,热心的 同义词:eager,interested 267.equivalent a.相等的,相当的,等价的n.相等物,等价物 同义词:equal,match,replacement,substitute 268.erect v.树立,建立,使竖立

a.直立的,垂直的,竖直的 269.error n.错误,过失;罪过,违法行为;邪恶 270.essential a.必要的,必不可少的;本质的;精华的 同义词:basic,fundamental,necessary,vital 271.eternal a.永恒的,不朽的;无穷的,无限的

同义词:constant,endless,everlasting,forever 272.evident a.明显的,明白的

273.exclusive a.专有的,独占的;除外的,排他的

274.executive n.总经理,董事;行政部门

a.执行的,实施的 275.exhaust v.使筋疲力尽,耗尽;抽完,吸干


同义词:consume,drain 276.expectation n.预期,期望,指望

277.expedition n.远征,探险,考察;远征队,探险队 同义词:journey,travel,voyage 278.expense n.花费,消耗,消费 279.explosion n.爆炸,爆发;扩张;激增

280.explosive a.爆炸的;爆发的 n.爆炸物,炸药 281.expose v.使暴露;使曝光,揭露 同义词:discover,reveal,uncover 282.extend v.延长,延伸 同义词:expand,spread,stretch 283.extensive a.广大的,广阔的,广博的,广泛的 同义词:broad,vast,wide 284.extent n.广度,宽度,长度;程度,限度,范围

285.extreme a.末端的,尽头的;极度的,最大的 n.极端的;最大程度

=F= 286.fade v.褪色;衰减;枯萎,消失 287.faithful a.守信的,忠实的,可靠的

288.fancy n.幻想;喜爱,迷恋


a.花样的;昂贵的 搭配:take a fancy to sb / sth 喜欢上,爱上 289.fascinate v.迷住,强烈吸引,使入迷 同义词:attract,captivate,charm,interest 搭配:be fascinated with/ by 迷住;使神魂颠倒 290.fashion n.时装,时髦;流行,风尚 291.fashionable n.流行的,时髦的 292.fatal a.致命的,毁灭性的;命运的 同义词:deadly,destructive,fateful,mortal 293.faulty a.有缺点的,有错误的;不完善的 294.finance n.财政,金融;资金

v.提供资金 295.financial a.财政的,金融的 296.finite a.有限制的;限定的

297.flexible a.柔韧的,易弯曲的,灵活的 298.flourish v.繁荣,兴旺,旺盛;茂盛 同义词:bloom,develop,display,prosper 299.foundation n.基础,建立,创立;地基;基金会 同义词:establishment,ground ,institution, organization 300.frequency n.频率,周率;屡次,时常

301.frown v.皱眉

302.function n.功能,职责;仪式

v.起作用,运行 303.fundamental a.基础的,基本的n.基本原则,原理 同义词:basic,elementary,essential, primary =G= 304.generous a.慷慨的,大度的;丰富的 305.genius n.天才

306.genuine a.真正的,名副其实的 同义词:pure,real ,sincere,true 307.gloomy a.阴沉的,黑暗的,朦胧的;无望的 同义词:depressing,dim ,sad 308.grab v.强夺;抓取

n.强夺 同义词:clutch,grasp,grip,seize 309.graceful a.优美的,文雅的

310.gracious a.亲切的,殷勤的;宽厚的,仁慈的 同义词:friendly,generous,polite,respectful 311.gradual a.逐渐的,逐步的

312.grant v.同意,准予;给予,授予

n.拨款 同义词:admit ,allow,permit,present 313.guilty a.有罪的,犯罪的,内疚的

=H= 314.handicap v.妨碍,使不利


同义词:burden,disadvantage,load 315.haste n.匆忙,急速

316.heap n.一堆,大量,许多

v.堆,堆起 同义词:fill,gather,load,pile 317.hint v.暗示,示意

n.暗示,示意 318.hollow a.空的,中空的;空洞的,空虚的 319.holy a.神圣的,圣洁的 同义词:godly,religious,sacred,spiritual 320.hostile a.敌方的,敌意的,敌对的 同义词:aggressive,militant,unfavorable,unfriendly 321.humble a.低级的,卑下的;谦逊的v.降低,贬低

=I= 322.identify v.识别,鉴别;同情,理解 323.ignorant a.无知的,愚昧的;不知道的 324.illustration n.说明,例证;图解,插图 325.immense a.广大的,巨大的 同义词:enormous,giant,great,vast 326.immerse v.使沉浸;使沉没 327.impact n.冲击,碰撞;效果,影响 328.impartial a.公正的,无偏见的

329.implement n.工具,器具

v.贯彻,实现 330.imply v.意指,暗示

331.incline v.倾斜;倾向于

332.incredible a.难以置信的,不可思议的 333.inevitable a.不可避免的,必然发生的 同义词:doomed,fated,inescapable,unavoidable 334.infinite a.无限的,无穷的;极大的 同义词:countless,innumerous 335.inhabitant n.居民,住户 同义词:habitant,dweller,indweller 336.inherent a.固有的,内在的;天生的

337.initial a.最初的,开头的;词首的 n.词首大写字母 338.innocent a.清白的,无罪的;天真的,无知的 339.inspect v.检查,调查,视察 同义词:contemplate,examine,observe,study 340.inspire v.鼓舞,激起;使产生灵感;吸入 同义词:encourage,prompt 341.instinct n.本能,直觉,天性 342.intelligence n.智力;理解力 343.intend v.想要,打算,企图 344.intention n.意图,意向,目的 搭配:with the intention of 打算 345.interfere v.干涉;妨碍;冲突 同义词:intervene,meddle

搭配:interfere in 干涉

346.interior a.内部的,里面的 n.内部,内地,里面 同义词:inner,inside 347.interval n.间隔,间歇;幕间或工作间的休息 348.involve v.使卷入,使陷入;包含,包围;涉及 搭配:be involved in 被卷入

349.issue v.发行,发表;宣布;供给


=J= 350.jealous a.妒忌的;猜疑的,警惕的 351.justify v.证明是正当的,认为有理

=K= 352.keen a.敏锐的;敏捷的,渴望的 同义词:strong,deep,eager,desiring 搭配:be been on 喜欢做,热心于

=L= 353.latter pron.后者

a.后面的,末了的 354.leap v.跳,跳跃

n.跳,跳跃 355.lest conj.唯恐,免得

356.lighten v.减轻,使轻松愉快;使照亮 357.likewise ad.同样地,照样地;又,也而且 358.loan n.货款,借出

v.货款,借出 359.luxury n.奢侈;奢华

=M= 360.magnificent a.壮丽的,宏伟的,辉煌的 361.maintain v.维修,保养;维持,坚持;主张 362.manual a.手的,手工做的 n.手册,指南 363.massive n.大规模的;大量的 364.means n.方法,手段;途径

搭配:by all means 可以,一定

by no means 决不

by means of 借助于,利用

365.mechanic n.技工,机械工人

366.medium n.媒介物,介质传导体

a.中等的,适中的 367.memorial a.记忆的,纪念的 n.纪念物,纪念馆 搭配:as a memorial of 作为对……的纪念 368.mercy n.仁慈,怜悯;幸运

搭配:without mercy 无情地,残忍地

at the mercy of 在……掌握中

369.merit n.优点,价值,功绩

v.值得,应得 370.mess n.凌乱状态,混乱局面

v.弄脏,弄乱,搞糟 搭配:in a mess 不整齐

make a mess of sth 搞得一团糟 371.minus prep.减去,去掉

a.负的,减的 372.mischief n.损害,危害;恶作剧,捣蛋 373.misfortune n.不幸,灾祸,灾难 374.mission n.使命;代表团

375.monopoly n.垄断,专利 376.mood n.心情,情绪;语气 搭配:in a mood for 有兴致做某事

377.moral a.道德的,道义的 n.寓意,教育意义 378.mortal a.致命的;终有一死的 379.motion n.运动,移动

v.示意,打手势 380.motive n.动机,目的 a.发动的,运动的 381.multiply v.乘,倍增,增加 382.mutual a.相互的,彼此的

=N= 383.naked a.裸体的;无遮蔽的

384.neglect v.忽视,疏忽

n.忽视,疏忽 385.neutral a.中立的;中性的;淡素的,素净的 386.notify v.通知,告知,报告 387.notion n.概念;想法,观点 388.numerous a.众多的,大批的

=O= 389.obligation n.义务,责任 390.oblige v.迫使,责成

391.occasion n.场合,时刻;时机,机会 392.occupation n.占据;占用;职业,工作 393.occupy v.占据,占领;使忙碌,使从事

394.odd a.奇数的,单个的;带零头的;奇怪的 395.oppose v.反对,反抗 396.origin n.起源;出身

397.overhear v.偶然听到,从旁听到 398.overlook v.俯瞰,眺望;漏看,忽略 399.owing a.欠的,未付的

=P= 400.pace n.步,步伐

v.踱步 401.passion n.强烈情感;爱好;激情

402.peculiar a.古怪的,异常的;特殊的,特有的 403.pension n.养老金,年金 404.permanent a.永久的,持久的 405.plead v.恳求;辩护 406.plentiful a.富裕的,丰富的 407.poll n.投票数;民意测验

v.投票 408.possess v.占有,拥有 409.precise a.精确的,准确的 410.presence n.出席,到场;存在 411.primary a.第一的;最早的;基本的

412.principal a.最重要的,主要的n.负责人;资本 413.priority n.优先,优先权

414.privilege n.特权,优惠,特许


415.proclaim v.宣布,声明

416.prompt a.敏捷的;即刻的v.激起,促进,推动 417.proportion n.比例;部分 418.provided conj.倘若,只要,假如 419.puzzle v.使迷惑


=Q= 420.quit v.离开,退出;停止 同义词:abandon,cease,stop,withdraw =R= 421.racial a.种族的

422.radical a.基本的,重要的;激进的,极端的 423.rage n.愤怒

424.range n.范围,距离,领域;排列

v.排列成行,延伸 425.rational a.理性的,合理的

426.recall v.回忆,回想;撤销,收回;叫回 427.reckon v.认为,估计;指望,料想;测算 428.recommend v.推荐,介绍;建议 429.reference n.参考文献;参考,参阅 430.reflect v.反映

v.反映;反省 431.reinforce v.增援,加强 同义词:fortify,intensify,strengthen 432.reject v.拒绝,抵制;丢弃;排斥,退掉

433.relate v.叙述;使互相关联

434.relieve v.减轻,解除,减少;换班,换岗 435.reluctant a.不愿意的,勉强的 436.rely v.依赖,依靠;信赖,信任 437.render v.使得;提出 438.reputation n.名声,声望

439.rescue n.营救,援救

v.营救,援救 440.resemble v.相似,类似 441.resent v.愤恨

442.reserve v.预定,保留;保持,保存

n.预定,保留 443.resolute a.坚决的,果断的

444.resolution n.坚定,决心;决定,决议

445.resolve v.决心,决定;使分解;决议

n.解决;决心 446.resource n.资源,财力;办法,智谋 447.restore v.恢复;归还

448.retreat v.撤退,退却

n.撤退,退却 449.revenge n.报复,复仇

v.报复,复仇 450.reward n.报酬,赏金


451.rival n.竞争者,对手


a.竞争的 452.rouse v.惊起;唤起,唤醒

453.routine n.例行公事,常规



454.sacred a.上帝的,神圣的;受尊重的;受崇敬的 455.safeguard v.维护,保护,捍卫

n.安全设备 456.scan v.细看;浏览;扫描

n.扫描 457.scare v.惊恐,恐慌

n.惊恐,恐慌 458.schedule n.时间表,进度表

v.安排,预定 459.scheme v.计划;阴谋

n.计划;阴谋 460.scorn n.轻蔑,藐视


461.secure a.安全的,可靠的 v.得到,获得;防护,保卫 462.select v.选择,挑选

a.精选的,选择的 463.sensible a.明智的;明显的;合理的,实用的 464.settlement n.解决;结账;居留区;殖民地 465.shelter n.遮蔽;避难所

v.掩蔽,躲避 466.shield n.防护物;盾

v.保护,防护 467.sin n.罪,罪恶


468.slender a.修长的,苗条的;微薄的 469.slight a.轻微的;纤细的v.轻视;蔑视 470.soak v.浸泡,浸透

n.浸泡,浸透 471.solemn a.庄严的,严肃的;神圣的 472.source n.源,来源,出处

473.specific a.明确的;特定的,特效的 474.spoil v.破坏,宠坏

475.stable v.堆积,堆起

a.稳定的,安定的 n.马厩,马棚

476.statue n.塑像,雕像 477.status n.身份;情形

478.straightforward a.正直的,坦率的;直接的ad.坦率地 479.strategy n.战略,策略;计划 480.striking a.显著的;非凡的

481.substance n.物质,实质;财产;主旨 482.substitute n.代用品;代理人

v.代替,替换 483.superb a.壮丽的;高质量的

484.supreme a.极度的,最重要的;至高的 485.surrender v.投降;交出

n.投降,屈服,放弃 486.survey v.俯瞰;调查;测量

n.俯瞰;测量图 487.suspect v.怀疑;猜想


=T= 488.tactics n.战术;策略,手段,谋略 489.temporary a.暂时的,临时的 490.tendency n.趋向,趋势;癖好

491.tender a.嫩的;脆弱的;温柔的,温厚的 492.theme n.题目,主题

493.thrill n.激动,颤动

v.使激动,使兴奋;使毛骨悚然 494.tolerate v.容忍,默许

495.trace n.痕迹;及少量

v.描绘;跟踪;追溯 496.trap n.陷阱,圈套,诡计


497.treaty n.条约,协定;谈判 498.trend n.倾向,趋势


=U= 499.ultimate a.最后的;根本的

500.unanimous a.全体一致的;一致同意的 501.union n.协会,同盟;联合 502.unity n.团结;统一

503.universal a.普遍的,全体的,通用的;宇宙的 504.upper a.上面的;较高的;上级的 505.upset v.扰乱;打翻;使难过,使不安 506.utter v.说,发出声音


=V= 507.vacant a.未占用的,空缺的

508.vain a.徒劳的;自负的 n.徒劳,白费 509.valid a.有效的;合理的 510.vanish v.逐渐消失,消散

511.vast a.巨大的,广阔的;大量的,巨额的 512.vehicle n.车辆;媒介,载体 513.venture v.冒险;敢于


514.verge n.边,边缘;界限

v.接近,濒临;趋向 515.vessel n.容器;船舶;管,脉管 516.victim n.牺牲;牺牲品

517.violence n.暴力

518.violent a.猛烈的;强暴的 519.virus n.病毒;有害影响 520.visible a.看得见的;明显的 521.vision n.视觉,视力;眼力

522.vital a.生死攸关的;生命的,生机的 523.volume n.容积;卷,册,音量 524.volunteer n.自愿;志愿者


=W= 525.wander v.漫步;迷路,迷失方向;离题 526.weary a.令人厌烦的 v.使疲倦 527.welfare n.幸福;福利

528.whereas conj.然而,但是,尽管 529.whirl v.使旋转;转向,急转

530.whistle n.口哨,汽笛

v.吹口哨;鸣笛 531.wicked a.邪恶的,恶劣的;恶意的

532.wireless a.无线的; 无线电的 n.无线电收音机 533.withdraw v.提,取;撤回,撤离 534.withhold v.抑制,制止;扣留;拒绝 535.withstand v.抵抗;经得住

536.witness n.目击者,证人;证据,证明

v.目击;作证 537.worship n.崇拜,崇敬


538.worthy a.值得……的,配得上……的;可尊敬的;有价值的 539.wrap v.裹,缠,卷,包


540.wreck n.失事船或飞机,残骸

