



Gansu province: Lanzhou lamian (Lanzhou hand-pulled noodles, 兰州拉面)


The cuisine: This Islamic province makes hands-down the best noodles with beef or lamb in the country.


The dish: The perfect Lanzhou lamian is made with five ingredients: a clear soup, white , green , red chilis, yellow noodles.

菜肴:最好吃的兰州拉面由5种食材组成:清汤,白萝卜,香菜,红辣椒,细黄面条。 The best way to experience this regional is seated in a humble lamian joint, slurping down noodles amid hungry eaters.



The cuisine: Located along the southeastern coast of China, Fujian is famous for fresh seafood, but its flavorful shrimp oil and shrimp paste make the region’s cuisine stand proud.


The dish: Legend has it that this dish is so irresistible that Buddha jumped over the wall for a taste.


Fo tiao qiang is made of 18 pricey ingredients, including shark fin, abalone, sea cucumber, ginseng and scallops, all together for hours with premium Shaoxing rice wine.



毋庸置疑, 小学生都喜欢动画电影, 且能够通过多种渠道接触国外优秀的动画电影, 如去影院、网络下载、购买光盘等, 但绝大部分都是中文配音或纯中文字幕, 失去了“原滋原味”。作为趣味而有价值的英语学习材料, 英文电影早已普遍应用于大中专院校的视听课程中, 但在小学英语的实际教学运用中却少之又少。对此, 笔者从原声动画片段在任务型教学模式中的实际应用这一角度, 谈谈在电影教学中的感想。


任务型教学兴起于20世纪80年代, 是一种以任务为核心来计划、组织和实施课堂教学活动的教学模式, 它强调教学只有创造条件, 通过一系列任务的完成, 满足学生的归属感和影响力, 他们才会感到学习是有意义的, 才会愿意学并学得好。到了90年代, 任务型教学理论和实践探索渐成热点, 英国语言学家Jane Willis在她的专著A Framework for Task-basedLearning中提出了任务型课堂教学的三个步骤:

1. 任务前阶段 (Pre-task Phase) :教师引入任务。

2. 任务链阶段 (Task-cycle Phase) :1任务 (task) ——学生执行任务;2计划 (planning) ——各组学生就如何向全班报告任务完成的情况做准备 ;3报告 (reporting) ——学生报告任务完成情况。

3. 任务后阶段 (Post-task Phase) :1分析 (analysis) ——学生分析出现的语言现象和特点;2操练 (practice) ——学生在教师指导下就重点语言项目进行操练或练习。


PEP五年级上册unit 3的主题是What’s yourfavourite food?讨论了各种各样的食物, 在Part A三个课时的教学结束后, 笔者选择了和该单元主题相关的影片《美食从天而降》 (cloudy with a chance of meatballs) 作为补充资源, 进行了电影进课堂的实际探索。该影片于2009年由美国著名的索尼动画制作, 影片的基调轻松、诙谐, 故事情节引人入胜, 人物形象特色鲜明, 充满精彩对白的场面, 不乏值得学习的口语及地道表达。在教学中, 笔者采用Willis任务型课堂教学的三个步骤, 把这一模式运用到电影教学课堂中, 取得了较好的效果。

1. 任务前阶段 (Pre-task Phase) 。根据Willis的三阶段教学模式, 该阶段为准备阶段, 教师呈现话题, 引入任务, 介绍任务的要求和实施任务的步骤, 并向学生提供完成任务所需的词汇、短语和语句等。教师的课前准备包括对影片进行裁剪及制作教学课件, 笔者选取的影片片段是女主角Sam初次来到男主角Flint的实验室, 及之后Flint制造实物的场景, 对话偏口语化且内容有关各种各样的食物。截取的片段时长约为7分钟, 从影片开始的22分50秒至29分30秒左右。在播放影片前, 以问题的形式向学生提出任务要求, 即回答:1What’s Flint like? 2You’re a student, Miss xu is a teacher, how about Flint and Sam?3Can you say something about Flint’s father?这三个问题难度不大, 意在让学生对影片的基本剧情及人物设定有直观的感性认识, 再对人物样貌性格进行讨论、描述, 这是初次观影的目标任务, 也是为第二次深度观影学习做准备。同时, 也滚动复习了第一单元Unit1 My new teachers里的四会句型What’s he like?的问答, 是对目标语的一次操练、巩固。

2. 任务链阶段 (Task-cycle Phase) 。任务环阶段是任务型教学的核心阶段, 主要有三种活动。首先是任务 (Task) , 即学生按照任务前阶段教师所提出的要求分步骤执行和完成任务 ;其次是计划 (Planning) , 即学生进行小组讨论, 为向全班报告任务完成的情况做准备。在这一过程中, 不用过多强调语言的准确性, 而应关注语言的流畅性以及用语言来达到交际的目的 ;最后是报告 (Reporting) , 即学生回答问题及报告任务完成的情况, 其他同学一边听汇报, 一边完善自己的任务完成情况。

(1) 在首次观影时, 笔者采取的是无字幕泛听的方式, 让学生投入剧情, 根据画面, 运用自己已有的语言、文化等知识, 理解剧情大意。片段播放结束后, 通过四人小组讨论, 回答之前的三个问题。

Question a :What’s Flint like ?

学生对Flint的描述非常全面, 涵盖了样貌描述 :Flint is very young.He has short hair, big eyes, a big nose and a small mouth.身形描述:He is tall and thin.甚至对Flint的穿着也进行了仔细的描述 :He often wears a long white coat, likes a doctor.概括出了Flint is very funny and smart.

Question b :What does Flint do?

通过对Flint及其实验室的观察, 绝大部分学生都能明白Flint是位科学家, 由科学science引申至Flintis a scientist.He can make the food.女主角Sam is aweather reporter.

Question c: Can you say something about Flint’sfather?

Flint的父亲出现在影片片段的最后几分钟, 场景及对话非常有代表性。这个问题要求学生讨论Flint’sfather这一角色, 不限制范围, 考验了学生的信息分析能力。最后, 学生给出的回答涵盖范围非常广, 出乎预料, 如Flint’s father is an old fisherman.He has ashop等, 也讨论了Flint与其父亲之间的关系。

(2) 第二次观影, 笔者采用的是中英文双字幕的方式放影。在此次观影中, 要求学生能完成的任务是 :找出影片所提到的食物。影片中出现的食物在生活中非常常见, 却在教科书上难觅踪影, 学生学习和记忆热情高涨, 教学效果非常好。于此片段语速较快, 提到的食物近二十种, 因此, 在放映的时候, 笔者进行了分段暂停的方式, 给学生提供一定的短时记忆时间。影片结束后, 学生通过小组合作、互相讨论和查漏补缺等方式, 形成一个Food List :

影片中, 女主角Sam在播报天气时, 说的是“sunnyside up”, 初看影片时, 学生通常认为指天气状况是sunny晴天, 其实这里是一语双关, sunny side up真正的意思是单面煎的荷包蛋, 是说今天会下荷包蛋。学生通过联想, 说单煎的荷包蛋很像晴天的大太阳, 从而趣味地记住了这个地道表达。此外, 影片中还出现了一个场景, Flint的父亲因商店的sardines沙丁鱼生意每况愈下, 拿下原本的“10% off”的促销打折板, 在10后加了0, 变成了“100% off”。此类生活化的信息, 在商场和超市都能看到, 稍加释疑, 学生就能豁然开朗。

3. 任务后阶段 (Post-task Phase) 。最后一个阶段也叫语言焦点 (Language focus) , 包括 :1分析 (Analysis) , 学生分析出现的语言现象和特点, 并分析其他各组执行任务的情况 ;教师对重点语言项目进行归纳总结;2操练 (Practice) , 即学生在教师指导下根据分析活动中的重点语言项目进行操练或练习。

Willis认为, 只做任务是远远不够的, 在完成任务的基础上, 学习者还要对重要语言项目进行有意识地学习和操练。也就是说, 学习者需要经历一个从意义到形式的学习过程 (from meaning to form) , 这一过程可培养学生对句法、词组搭配、词汇方面的意识, 并帮助学生将他们已观察到的语言特征系统化, 从而达到对知识梳理的目的。因此, 在这一阶段, 教师首先带领学生一起选取影片中的地道口语表达, 如:All right. Right.No, thanks.Don’t worry. I don’t know.Got it等, 此外, 还有一些日常生活用语, 如 :How about...? Do you like...? What do you want for breakfast/...? Are you sure...? Can you...? What are you doing?May I please have...?

在反复模仿语言语调、纠正发音之后, 教师要求学生小组讨论在哪些场景中可以使用上述句型, 并结合已学的语言知识及列表完成的Food List进行对话。在这一过程中, 教师可帮助学生将所学的句型和词汇进行系统串联, 为学生提供一个完整的语境框架, 促使有意的语言输出, 在对话过程中, 学生可参考教师所提供的对话框架, 也可以自由创编。

如Sarah’s family is going to have a barbecueparty :

Mom:Sarah, do you like barbecues?

we’re going to have a barbecue party tonight.

Sarah:Really? Wow! I like barbecues!

Mom:What would you like to eat?

Sarah:I’d like some chicken wings.

Dad!What about you? What do you want tohave?

Dad:I want to have some steaks and potatoes.

Sarah, you can invite some friends here.

Sarah:Good idea!I’ll call Amy and John.Hello, thisis Sarah.

Amy:Hi, Sarah, this is Amy.What are you doing?

Sarah:I’m preparing for the barbecue party.Canyou come over?


Sarah:What’s your favourite food?

Amy:I like pies.

Sarah:Great!My mom is going to make somefruit pies.

Amy:That’s so nice!Thank you!


4. 影片文化视角。影片中隐含着丰富的英美文化, 如在Flint走进父亲开的商店并与其进行对话之前, 店门前有其他几对父子之间对话, 均为:—I love you. —Thanks, dad, I love you, too.I love…学生能理解I love you的意思, 却无法理解为什么会突然出现这样的表达。通过画面暂停, 可以发现, 是孩子们手拿父亲买的零食, 对父亲表达感谢和爱。这样, 学生能在电影中非常直观、感性地感受到日常生活中英美国家关于情感的表达。

除此之外, 表示谢绝邀请、不想去、不想吃、不想做什么的时候, 都直接以No, thanks.来表达意愿, 紧接着再可以说明具体的原因。“No, thanks”是婉拒别人的好意, 这样的拒绝方式在英美文化中随处可见, 说“No”并不是难事, 更不是不礼貌的事, 相反, 这样的表达直接了当地让对方了解你的想法, 可以避免更多的误会。由此可见, 语言与文化密不可分, 只有具备一定的文化背景知识, 才能真正理解话语的深层内涵。

在平时的英语课堂中, 情感目标的落实往往显得生搬硬套, 非常不自然, 而英美原声动画电影的魅力, 便在于其鲜活的人物语言及丰富生动的场景, 处处涵盖了英美国家的文化, 以小见大地展现情感教育。影片细节之处的潜移默化, 使学生仿佛身临其境, 对所学语言国家的日常生活习惯、传统习俗形成充分的感性认识。


1. 选片的思考。并不是所有的动画电影都适合用于小学英语课堂, 考虑到教学对象, 五六年级的学生虽已有两三年的英语学习经验, 但视听能力有限, 影片的语言是否难度适中、是否适用课堂教学非常重要。当然, 也不能选择对高年级学生来说过于幼稚的影片, 否则, 既无吸引力, 也无法促进教学。对此, 教师可偏向于迪斯尼、梦工厂制作的动画片, 此类影片主题鲜明, 情节有趣, 语言简单易懂, 将电影片段与现有的PEP教材的单元主题相结合, 能起到相辅相成、拓展提高的作用, 这样不仅能深化学生对课本主题的理解, 更能引导他们就各主题进行更丰富、深入的讨论。

2. 任务型教学的思考。任务型学习有较明确、具体的目的, 在完成任务的过程中, 学生容易体验成功, 并能发现自己的不足, 有助于激发学生的内在学习动机。在活动中, 学生沉浸于在任务驱动下, 有意注意和无意注意相融, 促使他们自觉发挥“主人公”意识, 这不仅有利于语感的生成, 也在双边的交互中培养了综合语言能力。当然, 在教学实践中, 我们不能只侧重教师评价, 而忽略学生自评、小组互评。

3. 教学组织的思考。电影课堂不是教师从头到尾不间断播放一部电影而不加以任何课堂活动。在课堂中, 教师的角色不只是“播放者”, 而更应该是“引导者”、“组织者”, 如何有效设计学生在观看电影前、后的活动, 对学生的有效语言输出、语言点的自然迁移有着至关重要的作用。

总之, 原声动画电影进小学课堂是一项不小的挑战, 电影给课堂带来的冲击让教师更深入地思考如何解决遇到的问题, 对固有的教学内容、传统的教学方式和教学策略进行探索, 通过不断激发学生的学习热情, 为学生的后续学习提供源源不断的“新能量”、“正能量”, 使学生能在语言学习中取得长足的进步。


[1]苏莹.原声电影教学的任务型教学模式探索[J].安阳师范学院院报, 2010.

[2]黄锦华, 李忆.通过电影欣赏提高学生英语听说水平[J].长春理工大学学报, 2010.

[3]吴军俐.文化语境视角下英语听说教学模式研究[J].昆明学院院报, 2013.


Taiwan, an Asian miracle economy, and without doubt, a foodie's paradise 24/7. (台湾乃亚洲的一个经济奇迹,且毫无疑问全天候都是美食爱好者的天堂。)


A miracle economy是指“经济奇迹”,这是原句对台湾的描述,我们也可以把主语换成其他地方,来形容其“经济速度增长之快”。比如,在表达“近年来中国创造了经济增长的奇迹”这句话的时候,大家或许会用create a miracle,但是如果我们套用a miracle economy将句子写成“China is a miracle economy in recent years.”,这样就地道、高级多了。


Without doubt表示“毫无疑问”,也可以说with no doubt,可以放在句子的任何位置,但是为了让作文看起来更“高大上”,将其作为插入语放在句中最合适,就像原句所处理的那样。同学们在写作时也要多多利用插入语这种形式,使自己的句子多样化。比如在介绍朋友或者家人等类型的作文中,我们习惯说:My friend is the monitor of my class and she is tall and slim. (我的好友是我们班的班长,她长得又高又苗条。)如果我们利用插入语,说成“My friend, the monitor of my class, is tall and slim.”,就可以避免跟别人写的一样。


A foodie's paradise是指“美食天堂”,foodie表示“美食家”,或者用现在流行的话叫“吃货”,我们将后缀-ie稍作改动,把单词变为foodism,则表示“美食主义”或者“食物嗜好症”。另外,24/7读作twenty-four seven,如其字面意思“一天24小时、一星期7天”,借此来表示“全天候(all the time)”。比如我们在形容一个人努力工作时可以说:He is on duty 24/7. (他全天都在上班。)

Taiwan's cuisine is remarkably diverse and challenge to define. (台湾的美食极其多样化,并且很难界定。)


Cuisine一词源于法语,表示a style of cooking,Taiwan's cuisine指的是“台湾菜”。和它长得比较像的是形容词culinary,意为“烹饪的”,比如culinary skill (烹饪技能),要注意这个词只能用于名词前,不能作表语。大家所熟知的“台湾美食展”(之前还在北京的朝阳公园举办过)则表达为Taiwan culinary exhibition。那么,culinary和大家熟悉的cook又有什么区别呢?Culinary强调的是学术概念,英文可以解释为related to cooking,也就是学术上的烹饪学,强调做饭的艺术和学问;而cooking是一个普通概念,就是做饭。


在表达“非常”的时候,你还只是单一地用very吗?Very已经out了!来学学更高级的词——remarkably!它是remarkable (非凡的,显著的)的副词,可以直接替代very。比如上句中的remarkably diverse意为“极其多样化”。另外,remarkably还有fortunately的含义,比如:Remarkably, nobody was killed in such a severe accident. (在这么严重的事故中没有人遇难,真是万幸。)

Each chapter of Taiwan's history has left an indelible mark on its cuisine. (台湾历史的每个阶段都在台湾美食方面留下了不可磨灭的印记。)

Indelible表示“不可磨灭的”。这句话介绍了台湾美食和其历史的关系,我们可以将句子主干提取出来,即Each chapter of ... has left an indelible mark on ...。在写个人经历的话题作文时,可以套用这个句式,放在作文的开头或者结尾,来表示某一段经历对自己影响至深。比如:Each chapter of my childhood/youth has left an indelible mark on me/my character/my mind. (我童年/青春的每一段时期都对我/我的性格/我的心智留下了难以磨灭的印记。)如此也就避免了大家经常使用的influence,可以使自己的文章脱颖而出。

Discover how history, migration and foreign influence have shaped many tastes of this land. (去发现历史、移居、外来影响是如何造就这片土地上如此繁多的味道。)

首先,从这句话我们可以知道,台湾美食实际上受到历史、移居和外来文化的影响。根据纪录片前面的内容可知,正是因为这些复杂因素让台湾美食变得没有自身特色,本质上是很多地方美食的大集合,所以台湾美食其中一个不为人所知的特点就是没有特点。在Discovery 2里所提到的台湾美食展上,主办方会邀请很多美食专家出席,其目的在于整顿台湾美食特点混沌不清的现状,使其特征鲜明。


明白了这句话的背景,我们再来看这个大长句的结构。这句话分两层,最外一层是以discover为开头的祈使句,其后跟了一个宾语从句。而宾语从句中的主语是由how引导的主语从句来担当,have shaped是这个宾语从句的谓语动词。这个句子看似复杂,如果遵循“以谓为纲”的原则,即先找谓语,每个谓语代表一句完整的话,就不难将句子结构分析出来。如若自己在作文中能够准确且恰当地使用长难句的话,就可以给自己的作文锦上添花,增加自己作文的厚重度,赢得高分。

Once a year, Taiwan's top chefs and the most ardent foodies congregate at the Taiwan culinary exhibition. Since 1989, this food fest has been a major tourist stop. (每年一度的台湾美食展汇聚了台湾顶尖的厨师和那些忠诚的吃货们。自从1989年以来,这个美食节就变成了台湾的主要观光点。)

Congregate意为get together,在表示“一群人聚集在某处”时用上会显得比较“高大上”。A major tourist stop意为“主要观光点”,在旅游话题的写作中,如果要求推荐某地值得去的景点,就可以写:I recommend its culinary exhibition, which is a major tourist stop. 一句话里面既有两个地道表达的词组,又有定语从句,评分老师想不给高分都难啊!另外,这句话还告诉我们,如果相邻两句话里面要重复说一个意思,要尽量用两种表达方式,这样才不会显得语言贫瘠。比如这两句话中的“台湾美食展”一词,就有culinary exhibition和food fest两种说法。

It's held to showcase the delicious variety of tastes and cultural influences that make up Taiwan' cuisine. (美食展举办的宗旨是展示台湾的各种美味佳肴及文化在台湾的美食构成里所起的作用。)


Showcase本意为“展示,展现”。我们可以把这句话的主干提取出来,即It's held to showcase ...,意为“举办的宗旨是······”,我们可以将其套用在各种话题的句子中。比如在写召开元旦晚会的通知等应用文时,我们可以说:This party is held to showcase the celebration of New Year. (举办该晚会是为了庆祝新年。)这样显得比较正式。


The delicious variety of tastes表示“各种美味佳肴”,variety的动词vary (不同,相异)用在写作中会使文章熠熠生辉。每当想表达“不一样,有差异”的时候,大家首先想到的是不是different?现在可以试着用一下vary,比如在表达观点类的作文中,可以使用句式“Opinions vary from person to person. Some people think that ..., while others consider ...”。除了用vary表示不同之外,这一句型在叙述正反两类观点时还用while (另一方面)来连接两个句子以保持连贯性,而且用consider (考虑,认为)与think区别开,用词丰富。

Its proximity to mainland China saw many Han Chinese migrate here, especially during the 17th and 18th centuries. (因为台湾距离大陆很近,所以有很多大陆人移居台湾,尤其是在17世纪和18世纪。)


Proximity意为“接近”,是形容词proximate 的名词形式。在描述地理方位上的接近时,除了near/next to之外,我们还可以说A's proximity to B,以这种名词词组为主语,可以使表达更简练。


这句话中用到的saw不同寻常,see除了我们熟悉的“(人)看见(某物)”的意思之外,也可以用物作主语,此时see引申为“见证”的意思。比如,要表达“去年冬天,北京经历了特别严重的雾霾”这句话时,想必大家会说:The smog was severe in Beijing last winter. 如果我们用see的话,那就是:Last winter saw severe smog in Beijing. 将时间状语前置为主语,需要表达的意思不变,但整个句子立马就显得更“高大上”了。

What's Hot





Be patient when eating yuntun. If you are in a hurry and want to eat one at a time, yuntun will burn your mouth full of bubbles. Eating yuntun is also very exquisite. You can not only separate the skin from the sink, but also pierce the skin and eat for a long time. Guests who like spicy food can put some pepper before eating.

On the National Day holiday, my mother took me to master Huangs wonton shop to taste the delicious wonton. They began to eat wonton. I saw that yuntun was thick in skin and meat, attractive in color, with long drums, which made people really want to eat one at a time. At this time. First, I picked up the pepper bottle and sprinkled pepper in the wonton soup. Then I picked the biggest one and carefully pricked the skin with chopsticks. Suddenly, a fragrance curled into my nostril. I couldnt help but drool. I took a bite of the skin first. Its very chewy. Then a mass of red meat ran out of yuntuns skin mischievously. It seems to be looking at me mischievously. At this time, I can no longer resist the temptation of the meat pit and cant wait to take a bite. The feeling of tenderness and smoothness comes naturally, which makes me not bear to swallow the delicious and juicy yuntun. I just want to let yuntun taste in my mouth for a long time. I ate seven in a row, which made my belly swell. My mother said I was a glutton when she saw how delicious I was. Ah, who makes yuntun so delicious! I would rather be a glutton, but also to taste this world food. Back home, the fragrance of yuntun still overflows in the mouth!




My hometown is in Shaanxi, where there are many specialties and scenery.Although Shaanxi cuisine has not entered the eight major cuisines of China, the mutton paomo and Qishan saozi noodles in Shaanxi are very good.Next, I will talk about the mutton steamed bun in Shaanxi.In fact, we all know how to eat lamb paomo.We must break the bun into pieces.It is said that the soup of lamb paomo is very mellow.If you dont eat mutton and steamed bun in Shaanxi, its white.Be sure to eat.There is also a mirror cake here.Its sweet and delicious, and the color is very beautiful.There are many delicacies in Shaanxi.I wont tell you one by one here.Welcome to Shaanxi.Thank you!


The most famous snack in my hometown is yuntun.Whenever I taste this delicious food, I feel relaxed and happy.Be patient when eating yuntun.If you are in a hurry and want to eat one at a time, yuntun will burn your mouth full of bubbles.Eating yuntun is also very exquisite.You can not only separate the skin from the sink, but also pierce the skin and eat for a long time.Guests who like spicy food can put some pepper before eating.On the National Day holiday, my mother took me to master Huangs wonton shop to taste the delicious wonton.They began to eat wonton.I saw that yuntun was thick in skin and meat, attractive in color, with long drums, which made people really want to eat one at a time.At this time.First, I picked up the pepper bottle and sprinkled pepper in the wonton soup.Then I picked the biggest one and carefully pricked the skin with chopsticks.Suddenly, a fragrance curled into my nostril.I couldnt help but drool.I took a bite of the skin first.Its very chewy.Then a mass of red meat ran out of yuntuns skin mischievously.It seems to be looking at me mischievously.At this time, I can no longer resist the temptation of the meat pit and cant wait to take a bite.The feeling of tenderness and smoothness comes naturally, which makes me not bear to swallow the delicious and juicy yuntun.I just want to let yuntun taste in my mouth for a long time.I ate seven in a row, which made my belly swell.My mother said I was a glutton when she saw how delicious I was.Ah, who makes yuntun so delicious!I would rather be a glutton, but also to taste this world food.Back home, the fragrance of yuntun still overflows in the mouth!

How about listening to my introduction, everyone must be drooling!Lets have a taste of this memorable food-yuntun bar!


When it comes to Shuangliao, my hometown, it is not only beautiful in scenery, but also famous in the world for all kinds of snacks.A bite of it will make your mouth linger and make your aftertaste endless.Northeast Jiaozi is one of the snacks.Lets taste it with me!

If you want to eat it, you have to make it.Ill teach you how to make it.First, make some noodles soft, then make them into a small dough, and then roll the dough into a thin skin with a rolling pin.After rolling, it looks like a big moon.Then its time to make stuffing.Put whatever stuffing you like, for example.I like to eat the flavor of leek and egg, so I choose some good leek and fresh egg, fry the egg first, and then put some seasoning, which can make the dumplings more fragrant.Finally, mix them together, and the filling will be done.Then, take out the rolled skin, wrap the stuffing, seal the mouth, and knead it about seven or eight times on the mouth.Dont squeeze the stuffing out, then put the wrapped dumplings into the pot together, and then wait.The dumplings we have been looking forward to will come out of the pot, and our mood will boil like the water for cooking dumplings.Soon the dumplings will be cooked and float on the water like little Yuanbao.(remember not to cook too long)they can be pulled out of the pot.Look at the crystal white dumplings, white, fat and lovely.No one can help but want to have a bite.The intoxicating taste is in your mouth Long march.As the saying goes: “its better to lie down than to sit, and its better to eat than dumplings.”.Bite open dumplings, the fragrance of leeks and the embellishment of golden eggs, is really a delicious food with good color, fragrance and taste.When you come to my hometown, I invite you to eat the Northeast jiaozi, which is a snack here.It will help you to have a good time.Come on!


China is very famous for its food in the world.There are many kinds of food in China.Theyre Cantonese food Sichuan food Shanghai food Hunan food and so on.Generally speaking Cantonese food is a bit light Sichuan food is very hot Shanghai food is rather oily and Hunan dishes are very spicy having a strong and hot taste.Mapo Beancurd steamed fish sweet and sour pork ribs spring roll and many Chinese dishes are very delicious.In the north of China people eat a lot of noodles and dumplings.In the south of China people eat a lot of rice and seafood.Chinese food is good in color flavor and taste.So I like it very much.

