









1允许(yǔn)脸颊jiá 拆除chāi 凝视níng 训斥xùn 冷酷kù


第二类:纷纷逃窜、四处逃散、拔腿就跑(与逃跑有关的动作)3 春天 鲜花 盛开 夏天 绿树 成阴 秋天 鲜果 飘香 冬天 白雪 一片 4收藏屋 5(1)提示





一、创设情境, 放飞想象

师:同学们, 没有孩子的时候花园里是怎样的一幅景象呢?请你再一次仔细默读课文, 划出相关的句子。

交流, 出示:但不知为什么, 巨人的花园里仍然是冬天, 天天狂风大作, 雪花飞舞。巨人裹着毯子, 还瑟瑟发抖。他想:“今年的春天为什么这么冷, 这么荒凉呀……”

师:让我们一起走进没有孩子的花园, 请你再读读这句话。

师:同学们, 你走进了没有孩子的花园了吗?你看到了什么?

生1:我看到花园里, 刮起了凛冽的寒风, 下起了鹅毛般的大雪。

生2:我看到巨人在房子的一个角落瑟瑟发抖, 感到好冷好冷。

师:巨人的花园可是很大很大的, 你还看到了什么?

生1:我看到巨人的房子上覆盖了厚厚的白雪, 房檐上挂上了长长的冰凌, 听到西北风在呼呼地叫。

生2:我看到树上的叶子都落下来了, 纷纷扬扬的, 铺满了一地。鲜花也都凋落了。天空中没有了小鸟的影子, 到处都是白色世界, 狂风怒号。晚上再也没有小虫的鸣叫声了, 只听到巨人在一个劲地埋怨:今年的春天为什么这么冷, 这么荒凉呀?


师:同学们, 你看到了一个怎样的花园啊?


师:那我们该怎样读, 才能读出这荒凉、寒冷、没有生气的花园呢?请你先试着读一读。

刚开始在预设这一教学环节的时候, 笔者预设了“同学们, 你走进了没有孩子的花园了吗?你看到了什么?”这一个问题。备完了课, 笔者反复阅读这一环节, 总感觉似乎缺少点什么东西, 觉得有些地方不到位。看着看着, 笔者突然想到了班级中每节课都在进行的“看谁飞得高”———张开想象的翅膀能力训练。这是一篇童话, 童话以其想像力极强的特点吸引着我们的孩子, 在这一环节中, 我何不再设计一个拓宽学生想象空间的练习, 让孩子们想象得更丰富一些呢?于是便有了“巨人的花园可是很大很大的, 你还看到了什么?”这一想象性训练。在之后的教学里, 学生的思维被激活, 学生的思维和想像力得到了提高:他们不仅看到了“巨人的花园里漫天飞雪、狂风大作的情景”, 更看到潜藏在这些文字背后的花园:“树叶飘落、鲜花凋谢、看不到一只小鸟、屋檐上还挂着一根根的冰凌、听到巨人的埋怨……”

处于小学中年级的学生, 其形象思维占主导, 教师可以根据他们的这一特点, 在童话教学中, 运用朗读、创设宽松的情境, 引导儿童通过联想走进童话世界。

二、依托文本, 发展语言

师:同学们, 请你从课文中找一找有孩子的花园又是怎样的一幅景象呢?

生:那里, 春天鲜花盛开, 夏天绿树成阴, 秋天鲜果飘香, 冬天白雪一片。










(出示课件填空:那里, 春天______, 夏天______, 秋天______, 冬天______。)

生1:那里, 春天鸟语花香, 夏天骄阳似火, 秋天金风送爽, 冬天白雪皑皑。

生2:那里, 春天百花盛开, 夏天烈日炎炎, 秋天五谷丰登, 冬天寒风刺骨。

生3:那里, 春天芳草茵茵, 夏天蝉声阵阵, 秋天天高云淡, 冬天冰天雪地。




学语文重在学语言, 童话在创作中更是留给了读者很大的空间, 所以该设计就是将文本视作资源, 经过开发、挖掘, 为学生搭建发展语言的平台。

这是一段特别美的语言, 通过学习可以让学生积累语言, 同时笔者在设计时又以语言训练的形式呈现, 充分调动起学生原有的生活经验和积累, 唤醒他们的生活储备, 让他们与文本展开有效对话, 更好地内化语言。在教学时, 我们也不难看出, 很多语言都是学生前几年所学的知识, 这既是一种积累, 又是一种迁移运用。

因此, 在童话教学中, 教师可以设计这样的语言训练点作为平台, 充分挖掘出他们的语言储备。在运用语言、内化语言的过程中, 学生才能将情感体验融入到阅读历程中, 对语言进行积极的感受和体悟, 才能加深理解和体验, 真正受到美的熏陶。

三、借助童话, 体验情感

童话通常表达人类对美好事物、美好生活、美好理想的追求。进行童话教学, 就要充分借助童话自身的特点, 引导学生理解童话所包含的美好情感, 走进真善美的情感世界。但是, 一般童话中存在真善美的同时, 必然也会有假丑恶。那么是否需要特别强烈烘托假丑恶, 以此来强化学生对他们的厌恶和憎恨呢?答案应该是否定的。

在本课教学中, 为使学生走进巨人的内心, 笔者让他们找出巨人一次次斥责孩子的话, 然后出示:


2:“好容易才盼来春天, 你们又来胡闹。滚出去!”


师:请你读一读, 你觉得, 这是一个怎样的巨人?


教学中, 笔者请孩子们读这三句话, 读后请他们谈谈“这是一个怎样的巨人”。学生在读完后能感受到对巨人这位人物形象的认识。笔者以为, 童话作为一种特殊的文体, 在揭示道理时重要的是让学生感受它真善美的一面, 对于假恶丑, 只是通过这种对比来强调对真善美的追求。在教学中, 教师对这些假恶丑并不需要作过多的讲解和强调, 而只需点到即可。


























































































师:我们读过那么多童话故事,你觉得童话故事有什么主要特点?生:童话故事里发生的事情都特别夸张神奇,想象力很丰富。生:童话往往会采用拟人手法,动物植物都会说话都有感情。生:每个童话都会教我们做人的道理。师:是的,童话它想象特别丰富神奇。让我们走进《巨人的花园》,看看这个故事,想象一下画面,哪些地方你觉得特别神奇?(生自由朗读课文,寻找神奇之处。)生:小男孩在树下一伸手,桃树就绽出嫩芽了。生:与此同时,鲜花凋谢,树叶飘落,花园又被冰雪覆盖。生:但不知为什么, 巨人的花园里仍然是冬天,天天狂风大作,雪花飞舞。生:插图上,巨人这么大,孩子这么小,这也非常神奇。师:为什么你觉得这几处描写很神奇?生:现实生活里人根本就没有魔力的,不会一下子让桃树发芽。生:孩子们一走,花园里怎么就变冬天呢?这太奇怪了。生:村子里是春天,围墙里是冬天,这怎么可能!师:你发现了吗?故事里的这些神奇之处,都是跟谁有关?生:跟孩子有关,孩子在花园里,花园里就有春天。



师:请你去找找,孩子们没有被赶走前,花园是怎么样的? 生:从前,一个小村子里有座漂亮的花园。那里,春天鲜花盛开, 夏天绿树成阴,秋天鲜果飘香,冬天白雪一片。村里的孩子都喜欢到那里玩。师:会读书的人能把一段文章读成一个词。这段文字你们能把它读成哪个词?(生自由朗读,并把这个词语写在这段话的边上。)生:我把它读成“生机勃勃”,我从“孩子们都喜欢到那里玩”感受到了那里面肯定很热闹。师:你很会读书。(板书:生机勃勃)你还能把这段话读成哪个词?生:我想读成“美丽”。因为它写到“春天鲜花盛开,夏天绿树成阴,秋天鲜果飘香,冬天白雪一片”。师:你发现了花园的四季都各有特点。(板书:美丽。并将四个描写季节的词语字体变红。)师:爱幻想的人还能把一个词、一句话想象成一段美丽的画面。想象一下,读着这段话时你仿佛看到了怎样的画面?生:我仿佛看到了孩子们在花园里摘果子,吃果子,真开心啊!生:我看到了花园里鲜花都绽开了笑脸,蝴蝶蜜蜂都飞来了。生:我好像看到小朋友们堆了个大大的雪人,正躲在雪人后面打雪仗呢! 师:你们的想象力可真丰富!在你们的描述中我们深深感受到了花园的美丽,孩子们的快乐!让我们用朗读来赞美这美丽的花园吧!(学生深情地朗读这一自然段)






























(4)作者赞美“精神后花园”的两项是 ( )












2.(3分)勉勉强强(焦急)吃惊 震撼(每空1分)

3.(2分)“三个回答”或“几行字” 花园的美丽景色(每空1分)



6.(4分)观点一,认为是“另一个妇女”建造的,理由:①开头部分卡罗琳说“有人种了水仙花”,这“有人”显然不是指自己;②“第一个回答” 再一次交代是“一位妇女”而不是卡罗琳;③“开始于四十年前”,表明卡罗琳现在已经60岁左右,“我”80岁左右,让80岁的老人自己开车不太近情理。 观点二,认为是卡罗琳建造的,理由:①“三个回答”中的“一位妇女”是暗指卡罗琳自己。②“我已经习惯了”中的“习惯”,表明她几十年往返这条路修建花园。③“山顶有人种了水仙花”,是卡罗琳有意保密,想给“我”一个惊喜,这是外国人一种幽默。④“我知道您要问什么”,是卡罗琳特意针对“我”而作答的。上述理由大意对即可。其他根据,能言之成理也可。每条理由2分。意思对但表述不清扣1分。

7.(7分)补写内容包括两层意思:一是赞美花园的建造者四十年不懈努力;二是反思自己的遗憾,说出自己的目标及打算。 内容4分,每层意思2分。语言3分,分三等:准确、流畅给3分,较准确、通顺给2分,不通顺、行文混乱给1分。不足60个字每少5个扣1分;超格的每超3 个扣1分。


In the scale of a single building or of a single complex,the building itself is considered as the very object of the regeneration, the extent is all in itself: the durability both material and functional is the core of the possibility of reuse. However, considering the probable differences between the size or the primary division of the building and the spatial demand of the potential needs, different approaches are applied as different attempts.

The story of the headquarters of Fondazione Merz in Borgo San Paolo, formerly “Borgo Rosso” - workers’ “red village”2)- in Turin offers us a glimpse of a general transformation process of a single industrial building (Figure1). That is a transformation from a former industrial building to a venue for cultural activities– holding temporary exhibitions and locating the collection of an Italian Artist, Mario Merz’s works. Compared to other former industrial buildings, the scale of the whole project is not so big, totally around 3200sqm on 3 floors, including an extension and an exhibition area underground. The final exhibition area is around 1400sqm. The regeneration tends to choose tools which are simple and modest, leaving the original structure and spatial characteristics legible after the reorganization of the internal space according to its new function. The spacious great hall on the ground floor, 10m high, seems just such an attempt,evoking people’s memory of its past.

From the collection of photographs, drawings and texts,we know the original industrial building was built in 1936,as a heating plant for the Lancia factory, which was on the other side of Via Caraglio (Caraglio Street). The building’s regeneration process lasted from 2002 to 2005 and can be summarized successively as following: the first reclaiming phase and a public presentation of the future Fondazione Merz in 2002, preparing the site and consolidating the building in 2003, creating the underground area, restoring the facade, restoring and building the overground spaces in2004, and then the last steps and the inaugural exhibition in20053). After that, the building keeps operating as a centre for Contemporary Art, hosting exhibitions, events and other education-related activities.

However, not all the transformation could be realized with such a simple replacement of function, straight from one function to another, especially for those with large volumes. In the current post-industrial era, for most of the potential use,an industrial construction with large structural spans usually seems like a giant, or a giant's garden, to cope with the difference between the scale of the “container” available and the scale of the actual spatial needs. But actually, the concept of sharing often brings new opportunities and possibilities to the venue.

One of such sharing case is the Toolbox office, which was completed in 2010 in Turin. Involving two former industrial buildings, the total floor area of the project is 1200 sqm4). The buildings are connected and redivided flexibly by partitions and arranged as different kinds of workspaces -- various meeting rooms, private and open workspaces, which can be rented separately to both individuals and groups with flexible time spans. This operational pattern can be considered as an attempt of space sharing, both spatially and temporally.

Under the consideration of the neighborhood or context,if we go back to the case of Fondazione Merz, we can find some different clues. Of course the project can be recognized as a successful regeneration of a single building, and, to some extent, it has also caught the cultural context of the redevelopment of this area as its renovation came after the opening of Fondazione Sandretto Re Rebaudengo, another museum of contemporary art in the same part of the city,Borgo San Paolo. However, when it is examined in its current physical urban context, we can realize that it has some deficiency in expressing itself outward or creating a clear new atmosphere for its neighborhood. In other words, from outside,it seems not trying to create a new atmosphere, but to merge into, or hide in the existent context of hybrid industrial and residential areas.

This design choice is really largely a consequence of its specific conditions and constraints. Firstly, Fondazione Merz is only a small scale project. In this case, even if it wants to carry out an intervention in the neighborhood, it could only work in an acupunctural way. Another constraint is the location of the project. The plot of Fondazione Merz is almost an enclave in a residential block, separated from the Lancia factory by a small open space. The trees in the open space blocked the sight from most directions, and also the building’s visual connection with the main factories. Now the massive transformation of the former Lancia factories on the other side of the street makes this area reallocated for residential and office buildings and, predictably,shows almost no tendency to echo the design of Fondazione Merz, its previous small accessory building. Arguably, the indefinite future of the neighborhood, the tiny scale of the project,and its comparatively independent function lead it to the inwardly directed design choices, with simple and modest external features (Figure 2). The project of Toolbox office has selected a similar way, which is providing simple cleaning and repairs to the facades and focusing mainly on the improvement and reorganization of interior space.

Figure 1:Technological drawings of 1936 and the buiding apperance in 1963,the thermal plant of Lancia factory

When the future of the neighborhood is still indefinite but historically characterized, for a small scale regeneration project, to continue the coordination or integrity with the extent context could be a natural and intelligent choice in most cases. Considering the flamboyant or “montage-like” urban construction environment in China at this moment, instead of the foreground-inclined ones,such background-inclined design choices, their simplicity and historical continuity could be a kind of proper reference for such regeneration projects. However, it also should be admitted that, in such cases, the “acupunctural intervention” of the small projects towards their contexts, exists mainly in functional aspect, with few support from architectural languages. Consequently, it partly limited the projects’ possibility in improving the microenvironment or the atmosphere of the neighborhood.

This situation reminds us that, to conceive or evaluate a transformation project, sometimes we should zoom out from a single building, to take a look at its medium scale context, the area, defined by a series of buildings which sharing the same history and creating a specific atmosphere together.

2 Medium size

Zooming out from the single building to the medium scale,the focus shifts on a group of buildings primarily designed to serve a common industrial process, sharing the same history and defining a particular area, usually just outside the borders of the historical core. The possibility to detect the new potentialities and the inner and outer context relationships that could be involved and re-designed are the main issues.

Two cases are paradigmatic of the importance of these relationships with the city: the first is a successful upshot that took place in Madrid in these last years, the second is a critical example in Brescia, a small Italian town where a 14 ha area suffers a 30-years long dispute.

The first project is the Matadero Madrid regeneration. Started in 2006, included in the bigger Madrid Río Park transformation project (2007-2014) led by the Dutch architecture office West 8for the digging of the motorway parallel of the Manzanares river,situated just beside the Royal Palace Park; the area is now a city park, the Parque de la Arganzuela, that includes the former Matadero (slaughterhouse) Arganzuela of the city (Figure 3).

Within 10 years, from 1996 to 2006, the Government Department of Arts, Sports and Tourism of Madrid City Council developed the large and complete transformation of this brownfield, maintaining the ownership and a non-profit financing, under permanent government financial aid. As a stable transformation project, this 20 pavilion-like buildings in a 7.6ha area surrounded by a 2,500 metres long wall, is turned into a multidisciplinary cultural spot for the city: the complex of the buildings, an early twentieth-century industrial architecture built between 1908 and 1928 is now the Centre for Contemporary Creation, and hosts the House of Reader, the Design Centre, a Film Library, a Spanish Theatre and many other socio-cultural activities and leisure.

Figure 2:The garden and the interior space of Fondazione Merz

Figure 3:Matadero de Madrid.

Figure 4:Matadero de Madrid.

The complete preservation and restoration of the historical buildings demonstrate the feasibility of a public guided process toward a successful realization based on the open relationship with the city. This minimum intervention project maximizes the result: the area is free access and rapidly became the new meeting point both of the park and the city (Figure 4).

The second project is a critical example of a medium size area within a small town, closed after almost three years of work, in 1998, Bernardo Secchi and Paola Viganò Town Plan of Brescia was adopted; but in 2001 due to some appeals the Plan was revoked by a sentence of the Regional Administrative Court,only to be readopted in 2004 with more substantial normative corrections than required by the verdict.

The Town Plan involved the use of Rule Plans, normative implementing regulations already present in the Secchi-ViganòTown Plans for Siena, La Spezia and Bergamo, as a regulatory instrument to address the issue of those former industrial areas that were entrusted with the task of redesigning the shape of the city. Morphological indications, as well as quantitative, made the Rule Plans particularly prescriptive both in terms of planning parameters, as regards the public places, their relationships with the built, their placement, and in terms of architectural design,with a particular attention to the inclusion of new buildings in the context of the city.

The Secchi-Viganò Town Plan included thirty-five Rule Plans, one of which dealt with the recovery of the so-called Milan Sector, an abandoned area adjoining the old town [Figure5], with an extension of nearly 14 ha and fully incorporated into the modern city, already planned in a proposal project by Gregotti and Lombardi in 1989; since the Eighties the area was completely devoid of functions, and should have had the role of expanding the city centre on the west with low-rise buildings.

With the occasion of the annulment of the Town Plan,however, the new City Council inflected Rule Plans in a more concerted action, offering them as opportunities for dialogue with stakeholders, possibilities that will allow them to express strong expectations and lobbying. If the model was in those years Milan,passed by the settlement principles of the Gregotti project for the area of Bicocca to the skyscrapers of the new City Council, the offer of the owners to the Administration of Brescia, in the absence of any paradigmatic reflection on the necessary land reclamation,brought solutions so speculative as opposed to the requirements of the Secchi-Viganò Plan.

This case, lasting over thirty years (Figure 6), particularly wide and complex, offers itself as an observation point about relevant questions of general nature: preliminary matters of the project, the analysis of the nature of the place, its position in the history of both old and modern city growth, the relationship with the resulting form, the design models and the choices of urban and architectural design, the relationship between public governance and private speculative interests, in an order that excludes deterministic choices.

3 Macro size

In the third step the topic moves to the large dimension; we want to analyse this macro size group from two points of view. The first one is focused on the brownfield zone outside the urban area.In Europe, the quantification of the problem is difficult: in Germany the brownfields occupy approximately 128,000 ha of land, 39,600ha in the UK, 20,000 ha in France, 10,000 ha in the Netherlands,9,000 ha in Belgium. In Italy, only in Milan metropolitan area, the space occupied by brownfields is estimated at about 1,260 ha5).The case of Zollverain Area is exemplary, preservation through conversion is the principle used in what is once the largest and most productive mine in Germany's Ruhr district. As a witness to the industrial past, an icon of industrial culture and a symbol of structural change, it shows how fresh impetus can be developed out of the decline of a whole branch of industry6).Founded in 1847, the factory was enlarged in 1930 according to the plans of the architects Fritz Schupp and Martin Kremmer,since the early eighties the factory was abandoned. In 1987the first ideas to preserve and transform the site into a cultural park with the urban regeneration project came up: Emscher Park International Building Exhibition Zollverein(Figure 7).The site was opened to the public for the first time in 1999 to host an exhibition of some of the experiences of conversion of industrial buildings and has become an UNESCO World Heritage site in 2001. The factory has been the subject of a proposed transformation in the cultural park started in 2001and completed in 2010 by OMA. Rem Koolhaas's masterplan is based on the strategy 'as found'. In other words, it preserves the old buildings substance and places a development belt for new buildings around the existing structures. The old buildings and structures are preserved as identifying elements, but are used in new ways to introduced a new program, including business areas, information and education, art and design,events and services, as if it were the walls of a city that,rather than isolate, connect and attract, all of this combined with new infrastructure and the expansion of public space to become part of the Emscher Landscape Park. The project creates a new diagram for the flows and functions: the belt around the historic site and the new roads, with the extension of an existing highway through a tunnel servicing the site, is allow for an easier access. The rail tracks inside the site is be maintained as public space, and connects the main buildings.These tracks has been made accessible to provide the visitor new glimpses between the different buildings. Today Zollverein has developed and changed from being a private and industrial place to being a public space, with 1.5 million visitors a year, and a great cultural center oriented towards arts and design with an extensive program of activities. Among its facilities you can find the Ruhr Museum project by OMA, the Red Dot Design Museum by Foster + Partners and the School of Management and Design by SANAA.

Figure 5:Illustration of“Comparto Milano”.

Figure 6:“Comparto Milano”today.

Figure 7:Zollverain Masterplan

The second point of view is to analyze the projects that connect the small abandoned industrial buildings, included in the city the terrains vagues7)(Sassen, 2013) to create a single large integrated system. The strategy is to improve the connection which is not directly visible to create a very big integrated system (Figure 8).

In this regard, the Barcelona Art Factories is a very interesting case because the strategy is to connect some old factories to create a big infrastructure for art and creativity.The transformation, in that way, is looking to decentralise the cultural supply to the several city districts, the initiative responds to the demand of creators and artist for spaces adequately equipped for artistic productions. Initiated in 2007as a programme to transform nine obsolete industrial sites into public venues that drive culture and innovation, this dynamic network of municipally-owned facilities is adding a growing number of heretofore unused spaces for cultural purposes.It now comprises over 30,000 square meters for artistic and cultural creation and production (Figure 9).

Figure 8:Zollverain Project

The goal of the overall project is to put creativity,knowledge and innovation at the heart of the create a new city's identity. Barcelona Art Factories project go beyond traditional paradigms of access to culture, by building bridges with other professional networks (educational, social, business,academic). In this respect, the factories are conceived as powerhouses for local development, as they promote projects on international platforms. The spaces included in the Barcelona Art Factory network are: Fabra i Coats (Sant Andreu)6.500 sq for cultural events, performing art, music, visual arts, audiovisuals and multimedia; Graner (Sants-Montjuïc)1000 sq is the center for creation and study of the body and movement language; La Seca (Ciutat Vella) centre for the contemporary art, theater, dance, magic, circus and other,both visual and musical performing arts, La Escocesa (Sant Martí) is a center for the visual arts and self-managed public vocation, offer artists and residents groups different areas at affordable prices (workspaces, multipurpose room, material for production, promotion and international exchange), La Caldera(Les Corts) center for dance and performing arts; La Central del Circ (Sant Martí) is a space for creation, training, testing,continuing education and research aimed at professional circus artists, l'Ateneu Popular 9 Barris (Nou Barris) center for the performing arts; Hangar (Sant Martí) center for research and artistic production; Sala Beckett/Obrador (Sant Martí)is a space for creation, training and theater experimentation,especially dedicated to promoting contemporary drama; Nau Ivanow (Sant Andreu) center for performing arts is a platform for promotion of artistic projects, especially young artists,which covers all phases of the creation process providing space and resources to artists and cultural professionals to facilitate the development of their projects.

The old factories guarantee a flexibility space for each other's activities. The reuse strategy includes technological components that can accommodate specific functions, and a flexible division of the space which allows to modify the space according to needs.

Buildings that temporarily drop out of the economic cycle are spaces that hold potential and can act as the pacemakers of urban development processes(Figure 10).

This project is important because shows that is possible to connect the single old factories together to create a new open powerful system, adding single space, to define a new identity for one city or area. The strategy follows Jane Jacobs’ thought: “new ideas need old buildings”.

Figure 9:Barcelona Art Factories-Masterplan

Figure 10:Barcelona Art Factories-Spaces

4 Conclusions

The comparative analysis of this selected projects -according to the three groups: micro, medium and macro - allows to understand the different intervention strategies according to their size.

According to the problems posed, disused buildings become a catalysts for new experiences8).

Comparing more experiences, within the same group,we have found how you can respond differently with different strategies between space and time: the individual building, the site, or the physical or virtual network that you create with the area, defining new identities.

Source of Figures

Figure 1 :Source from publication: Biscaldi, Nadia. Giardino, Beppe.Guermani, Andrea. Marmo, Luana. Pellion, Paolo. Triberti, Marco. Zorio,Marizo. Fondazione Merz 2002-2005. Turin[M]. Hopefulmonster, 2006 : 4-6.

Figure 2 : Source from official website: http://www.fondazionemerz.org/

Figure 3:Source from Rehabilitación del antiguo Matadero Municipal de MADRID,Servicio Histórico del Colegio Oficial de Arquitectos de Madrid.

Figure 4:Source from http://spainattractions.es/matadero-madrid/

Figure 5 :Source from “Brescia la città delle fabbriche” by Marcello Zane, edited by Fondazione Musil and Fondazione Negri.

Figure 6 : Source photo by the author.

Figure 7 :Source form:http://www.f1rstdesign.com/en/content/zechezollverein-unesco-world-heritage


Figure 8 : Source form wikimedia open images




Figure 9:Source form:www.fabriquesdecreacio.bcn.cat/en















文/吴 鹏 指导老师/沈 永



来稿请寄:合肥市长江西路898号《少年博览》“蓬发公主”收 邮编:230031



《小雨叮咚》 图\周睿琪

《收获 》 图\姚子墨

《 梦想天空》 图\李苑清
