

























尼丽莎:是这样,小姐的父亲说,谁要是想娶她,那么就得选出在三个盒子中间装有她画像的那一个盒子。(剧本 )这样,小姐就是他的人了,如果里面没有,那么他不仅不能告诉别人他选择了什么盒子,而且以后不能向任何女子求婚……怎么样,巴萨尼奥,你愿意选择吗?


































人物:1安东尼奥--安 2萨莱尼奥--萨 3罗兰佐--罗 4巴萨尼奥--巴(安东尼奥同萨莱尼奥走在街道上,边走边谈)





安:(抬眼望去)噢!原来是他们俩。(罗兰佐和巴萨尼奥同上)3 接上















巴:在贝尔蒙特有一位富家的嗣女,长的非常美貌,尤其值得称道的是,她有非常卓越的德行,从她的眼睛里,我有时接到她脉脉含情的流盼。她的名字叫鲍西亚,比起古代凯图的女儿,勃鲁托斯的贤妻鲍西亚来,毫无逊色。这个大的世界也没有漠视她们的好处,四方的风从每一处海岸上带来了声明籍籍的求婚者,她光亮的发,有如传说中的金羊毛,引诱着无数的伊阿宋前来向她追求。啊!我的安东尼奥!只要我有相当的财力,可以和他们当中无论哪一个人匹敌,那么我都会有充分的把握,一定会达到愿望的!安:您知道,我亲爱的巴萨尼奥!我的财产全部在海上,现在我既没有钱也没有可以变换成现款的货物,所以我们还是去试一试我的信用,看它在威尼斯城有什么效力,我一定凭着我这一点面子,能借多少就借多少,尽我最大的力量,供给你到贝尔蒙特去见你那美丽的鲍西亚。走,我们良人分头去打听什么地方可以借到钱。(伸手拉巴萨尼奥)我就用我的信用做担保,或者以我的名义给你借下来!(两人同下)4 第二场

地点:贝尔蒙特,鲍西亚家中 人物:鲍西亚,尼利莎,仆人 道具:二桌二凳,三只盒子,一只花瓶





尼利莎:老太爷生前德高望重,大凡有道君子临终之时,必有神悟,他既然定下这抽签取决的办法,叫谁能够在这金银铅三匣之中选中了他预定的一只,便可以跟您匹配成亲(用手掠过三个盒子,抓着鲍西亚的胳膊)那么能够选中得人一定是值得您倾心相爱的。可是在这些已经来向您求婚的王孙公子中,您对那一个最有好感呢? 鲍西亚:请你列举他们的名字,当你提到什么人的时候,我就对他下几句评语,凭着我的饿评语,你就可以知道我对于他们各人的印象。尼利莎:第一个是那不勒斯亲王。

鲍西亚:恩,他真是一匹马,他不讲话则已,讲起话来,老师说他们马怎么怎么,他因为能亲自替自己的马装上 蹄铁马厩自认是一件天大的本领,我很疑心他上辈子是不是个马夫。尼利莎:那巴拉廷伯爵呢?










鲍西亚:要是没有人愿意照我父亲的遗命把我娶去,那么即使我活到一千岁,也只好终身不嫁,我很高兴这群求婚者都是这么懂事,因为他们中间没有一个人我不是唯望其速去的,求上帝赐给他们一路顺风吧1 尼利莎;小姐,您还记得当老太爷在世时,有一个跟着蒙特佛拉侯爵到这儿来的文武双全的哪个威尼斯人吗?



仆人:小姐,那四位客人要来向你到别,另外还有第五位客人,是摩洛哥亲王他差了一个人先来报信。说他的主任亲王殿下要来这儿。鲍西亚:要是我能竭诚欢迎这第五位客人,就像我竭诚欢送那四位客人一样,那就好了。假如他有胜任般的德行,偏生着一副魔鬼的面貌,那么与其让我做他的妻子,还不如让他来听我忏悔,来吧,尼利莎,让我们去送他们上路(对仆人)你前面走--(同下)5 第三场






巴:(渴求道)您愿意帮我吗?您愿意应承我吗?可不可以让我知道您的答复? 夏:三千块钱,三个月为期限,安东尼奥签立借据。(自言自语)巴:(急切)您的答复呢?先生? 夏:安东尼奥是个好人。


夏:啊,不,不,不,我听说他是个好人,我的意思是说他是个有身价的人,可是他的财产却还有些问题,他有一艘商船开到特里泼里斯,另外一艘开到西印度群岛,在交易所里,我还听人说,他有第三艘船在墨西哥,第四艘到英国了,此外还有便布在海外各国的买卖--(面带不屑的狞笑 道)可是那些船只不过是几块木板钉起来的,水手也不过是些血肉之躯,岸上有老鼠,水里有老鼠,陆上有强盗,海上也有强盗,还有**,礁石各种危险,不过虽然这么说,他这这个人还是靠的住的,三千块钱,我想我还可以接受他的契约。


夏:我一定要放心才敢把债放出去,所以还是让我再考虑考虑吧,我可不可以跟安东尼奥谈谈? 巴:不知道你愿不愿陪我们吃一顿饭?



安:(正色道)夏洛克,虽然我跟人家互通有无,从不讲利息,可是为了我的朋友的急需,这回我要破列一次例。(对巴萨尼奥)他知道你要多少钱吗? 夏:恩,是的,安东尼奥先生,三千块钱。(抢白)安:三个月为期。(伸出三个手指)






夏:(向安东尼奥,奸笑道)安东尼奥先生,我可是好多次听到您在交易所里骂我,说我盘剥重利,奸诈好财,我总是忍气吞声,一笑置之,并不同您争辩。因为忍受迫害本来就是我们民族的特色,您骂我为异教徒,杀人的狗,把唾沫溅到我的犹太长袍上,只因为我用自己的钱,博取几个利息,可现在您却求起我来,我应该怎么对您说呢?我要不要说:一条狗会有钱么?一条恶狗能借人三千块钱吗?”或者我应不应该躬下身子,像一个奴才似的低声下气,恭恭敬敬对您说:好先生,您在上周用唾沫吐在我身上,有一天您用脚踢我,还有一天,您骂我为狗,为了报答您这许多恩典,所以我应该借给您这么些钱,是吗?安东尼奥先生? 6 接上










安:好了,这又有什么要紧呢?只不过二个月的时间,我的船就回来了。我们去吧(下)7 第二幕 第1场


人物:鲍西亚,尼利莎,鲍尔萨泽,摩洛哥亲王,阿尔恭亲王 道具:二桌二椅,三个盒子,一副卷轴画,佩剑一柄(鲍西亚在屋中来回踱步,心情略显焦躁而又凝重)









鲍;您必须信任命运,或者死了心放弃选择的尝试,或者在您选择之前,立下一个誓言,要是选不中,终身不在向任何女子求婚,所以您是考虑考虑吧!8 接上











鲍:(面带惊惧之色)啊!为何追的这样急迫,容不得我半点喘息!(以手抚胸)尼:小姐,您没事吧!要求让他改日再来? 鲍:(挥手阻拦)我没事,让他进来吧。(尼利莎,仆人同下,阿尔恭亲王上)








1威尼斯公爵 2安东尼奥:威尼斯商人 3夏洛克:犹太富翁 4巴萨尼奥:安东尼奥好朋友,鲍西亚的丈夫 5萨莱尼奥:安东尼奥好朋友 6鲍西亚:贝尔蒙特富家女儿 7尼利莎:鲍西亚侍女


1 Historical background of Shakespeare's transvestite drama

It is important for modern spectators to understand“Shakespeare’s celibate stage”[4],which indicates all the roles were played by males,according to the British laws during that period.The reason for casting out all female players from stage was partially because women in Renaissance were looked down upon as a creature required strict regulation against their strong sexual desire and dissolute manner.Hence all-male casts upheld the principle of restraining women and at the same time displaying the chaste,ideal and docile female characters on stage as moral examples.

On the other hand,in the Shakespearian age,Queen Elizabeth on the throne had a great social symbolic meaning on women’s liberty as well as on the trend of theatre performance[5].Observable facts during this period were the promotion of humanistic doctrines and the initial recognition of individuality.The inferiority of women together with the established male dominance began to be questioned or even challenged.Early modern England even saw the brave women in man’s attire,though only a few,in real society[6].Shakespeare made bolder attempts and achieved wide recognition in depicting transvestite heroines as well as transcending the limitation of hierarchical society.Moreover,for the female role is performed by an actor who is a real young man,transvestite performance as“a young man”can be more natural and spontaneous.

2 Gender reconstruction and androgyny

Sexual ambiguity caused by cross dressing has significant implication in gender reconstruction.Transvestism empowers the inferior women to embrace masculinity and feminity,at least temporarily reaching beyond the barrier.

Gender is a social construct.Poststructuralist feminist Judith Butler argued for the performativity of gender.Gender is referred to a system of manipulated codes,a show of costume or disguise.Hélène Cixious stands for the possibility of bisexuality and the recognition of plurality,and since Coleridge’s claim that the great mind is androgynous,many feminists,especially within the academy,advocate the fluid sexual identification for fuller humanity.June Singer defined“androgyny…in its broadest sense…as the One which contains the two;namely,the male(andro-)and the female(gyne-).Androgyny is an archetype inherent in the oldest archetype of which we have any experience”[3].It should be noted that androgyny is not an object of deformity or an image of the grotesque;every human embodies both masculinity and feminity[7].With an ideal goal of human completeness,androgyny emphasizes the fusion of bravery and grace,objectivity and subjectivity,reason and emotion.The prospect of androgyny embodied in those brave women lies in the potential aim of achieving unity,wholeness,harmony and perfection for humanity.It liberates the individuality from confines of binary opposition between male and female.

3 Cross dressing in The Merchant of Venice

Shakespeare expressed his interest towards androgyny through girl-into-boy disguise in many of his masterpieces.In The Merchant of Venice,Portia undoubtedly plays the most significant role,disruptively undoing the masculine authority by rescuing Antonio.Jessica’s disguise implies the transgression of both racial and gender boundaries.The burring of sexual identity resulted from transvestism consists of the possibility to reconstruct gender identity,to achieve fuller individuality and to pose a threat to the repressive system of patriarchal and hierarchical authority.

As an incarnation of ideal female,Portia is rich,fair,virtuous,intellectual and full of wit,attracting renowned suitors from every coast.But at the outset of the play,the audience will be very impressed by Portia’s chafing at the will of her dead father“I may neither choose who I would nor refuse who I dislike.”(Ⅰ.ⅱ.22-24)Explicitly Portia expresses her complains about the lacking of free choice.Compared with silent,obedient medieva women,Portia’s pursuit of free choice and determination towards her own ends is reaching beyond the confines of social norms,or at least touching the boundary of being a docile girl.It is not difficult to trace more natural extension of gender from Portia.The idea of putting a deep glass of Rhenish wine on the contrary casket for a drunken suitor from Germany is more likely to be produced by a naughty boy rather than a graceful lady.Though she is fully aware of the duty of a daughter,she still tries to win over through a curved approach against the patriarchal instruction.In the casket scene,Portia once again displays her exceptional wisdom to guide Bassanio’s choice skillfully enough without violating her father’s will.The awareness of sexual differences is expressed more explicitly when Portia told Nerissa of their plan to Venice:“…in such a habit…/With that we LACK”(Ⅲ.ⅳ.63-65).When emphasizing the manners they“lack”,on the one hand,Portia understand very clearly the difference between men’s gesture and hers;on the other,these remarks reveal her determination to overcome the“born defect”.Overall,feminine elegance and masculine ambition of Portia are easy to be noticed in the play,while wearing men’s attire further enables Portia at her own will to encroach upon the privileges of men,ultimately achieving a fuller Self.

As depicted in the play,Venice is a merchandised,disordered and harsh city whereas Belmont a fairy-tale,ordered and peaceful island far away from mutual deception and rivalry.The former represents masculine characteristics and the latter embodies feminine features.Therefore,cross dressing served as a bridge linking up Belmont and Venice,through which Portia is capable to find a way out and to assume masculine authority.Unlike Viola in Twelfth Night who had to disguise for the sake of basic survival,Portia in masculine attire manages to not only enter the masculine arena but also successfully rescue Antonio’s life in court.Barbara Everett highly praised Portia by saying that“Portia is the salvation of the play;her wealth,her wits,and her pleading of a feminine quality of mercy…is reserved for the women in the comedies…But they(Portia and Nerissa)do so in masculine disguise,in a masculine court of law,and at the service of a chivalric friendship between men”[8].Indeed,crossdressing plot is the turning point of the whole play.With men’s attire,Portia and her maid gave an excellent performance in the traditional exclusive playground of men.

In the courtroom,confronting the cruel,relentless Shylock apparently three gentlemen are at the end of their wits.Antonio melancholic by nature,is the man in sorrow,resigned to his fate Belligerent Gratiano shouts at Shylock with his haste and fury while Bassanio could only plead for Duke in vain.On the contrary,disguised as learned lawyer Balthazar,Portia is calm,clear and determined.She calls for mercy from the Jew in the firs place.When Bassanio begs for stretch of the laws,Portia refuses him in just and severe terms,pronouncing“It must not be.There is no power in Venice/Can alter a decree established…It canno be”(Ⅳ.ⅰ.221-230).Her decision and composure wins the trus from Shylock,which paves the way for final solution.Undoubtedly,the trial scene highlights Portia’s masculine characteristics Portia under the attorney's robe wields male authority with conviction,manipulates the whole court,and finally reverses the situation,suddenly yet wonderfully.And at the same time,Shakespeare didn’t dismiss her feminine grace.The speech for exhorting the Jew exemplifies Portia’s goodness and benevolence as a woman.Her feminity and masculinity are interacted and inseparable,contributing to a whole.The performance of androgynous Portia goes beyond what she could make as an ordinary woman and eclipses all other mediocre male characters in the play.In a word,Portia’s impersonation of a man not only seriously questioned one sex or male dominance,also manifested Shakespeare’s respect for a complete humanity.

4 Conclusion

As an all-embraced humanist,Shakespeare expressed his concern and care toward women’s fate and their subordinated position in society.In conclusion,through cross-dressing device Shakespeare’s female characters rediscover their androgynous potential,reconstruct the gender identity,and try their best to demonstrate the full value of individuality.The significance aswell as impact of transvestite women is far reaching,both in his-tory and till today.




[1] Christopher W.Cross-Dressing and John Lyly’s Gallathea[J]. Studies in English Literature,2001,41(2):241-256.

[2] Phyllis R.Androgyny,Mimesis,and the Marriage of the Boy Heroine on the English Renaissance Stage[J].PMLA,1987,102 (1):29-41.

[3] Robert K.Androgyny Seen Through Shakespeare’s Disguise[J]. Shakespeare Quarterly,1982,33(1):17-33.

[4] Michael J.Shakespeare’s Celibate Stage:The Problem of Ac- commodation to the Boy -Actress [C]//Shakespearian G I, Duthie.As You Like It,Antony and Cleopatra,and The Winter’ s Tale in Papers.Edinburgh:Oliver and Boyd.1964:21-39.

[5] Angela P.Shakespeare's Women [M].London:David and Charles,1981.

[6] Jean E H.Crossdressing,The Theatre,and Gender Struggle in Early Modern England [J].Shakespeare Quarterly,1988,39(4): 418-440.

[7] Joseph C.The Hero with a Thousand Faces [M].Princeton: Princeton University Press,1972:152-153.


首先,戏剧作品作为一种文学形式,也和小说一样有plot(情节),character portrayal (人物),setting (背景),theme (主题) 和style (风格),但他们的表现形式却与小说有所不同,阅读时自然需要不同的技巧。

小说分章(chapters)分节(sections),戏剧则分幕 (acts), 分场 (scenes)。幕,是剧本写作和演出的一个完整段落,按剧情发展的时间、地点划分。场,则是幕中的部分。有的剧只分幕,不分场。


下面以英国著名戏剧文学家萧伯纳(Bernard Shaw, 1856_1950 )的作品“Augustus Does His Bit”(《奥古斯都尽了他的本份》)为例,看看如何欣赏剧本。这是一部讽刺剧,剧中主要人物奥古斯都是一个政府要员,一个上流社会的贵族。他与手下一个小职员和一位女士有这样一段对白:

The clerk: (entering) Are you engaged?

Augustus: What business is that of yours? However, if you will take the trouble to read the society papers for this week, you willsee that I am engaged to the Honourable Lucy Popham, youngest daughter of...

The clerk: That isn't what I mean. Can you see a female?

Augustus: Of course, I can see a female as easily as a male. Do you suppose I'm blind?

The clerk:You don't seem to follow me, somehow. There's a female downstairs: what you might all a lady. She wants to know can you see her if I let her up.

Augustus: Oh, you mean am I disengaged. Tell the lady I'm busy.( The Clerk goes) Stop! Does she seem to be a person of consequence?

The clerk: A regular marchioness, if you ask me.

Augustus: Hm! Beautiful, did you say?

The clerk: A human chrysanthemum, sir, believe me.

Augustus: It will be extremely inconvenient for me to see her; but the country is in danger; and we must not consider our own comfort. Think how our gallant fellows are suffering in the trenches! Show her up. (The Clerk goes out. Augustus produces a mirror and a comb from the drawer of his writing-table, and sits down before the mirror to put some touches to his toilet. The Clerk returns, showing in a very attractive lady, brilliantly dressed. Augustus hastily covers up his toilet apparatus with The Morning Post, and rises in an attitude of pompous condescension.)

The clerk (to Augustus): Here she is. (to the lady) May I offer you a chair, lady? (He places a chair at the writing-table opposite Augustus and steals out on tiptoe.)

Augustus: Be seated, madam.

The lady: (sitting down) Are you Augustus Highcastle?

Augustus: Madam, I am.

The lady: (with awe) The great Lord Augustus?

Augustus: I should not dream of describing myself so, madam; but no doubt I have impressed my country-men-and (bowing gallantly) may I say my country-women—as having some exceptional claims to their consideration.

The lady: (emotionally) What a beautiful voice you have!

Augustus: What you hear, madam is the voice of my country.


在这里我们首先看到,当那位职员问道:“Are you engaged?”本意是“你现在忙吗?”奥古斯都却偏偏把这句话理解为“你订婚了吗?”(该句的另一个可能的意思)。这一问一答,不仅说明奥古斯都身为重要政府官员整天满脑子里只有个人私事,答非所问,也说明他不学无术,语言能力低下。因为,在英国的文化中,一名低级的普通政府职员是绝对不可能在公务场合直接问一个重要政府官员的婚姻状况的,那么,“Are you engaged?”的意义只能是“你现在忙吗?"

另外,奥古斯都的答话“What business is that of yours? However, if you will take the trouble to read the society papers for this week, you willsee that I am engaged to the Honourable Lucy Popham, youngest daughter of...”可以使我们清楚地看到,他一方面自恃清高,傲慢无理,不让人家多管它的私事,另一方面又迫不及待地向别人炫耀他的高贵身份。这又足见他的肤浅。

后来,当那个职员不得不改口说:“Can you see a female?”,本意是“你能否接见一位女士?”时,奥古斯都又错误地理解为“你能看见一位女士吗?。所以,他便回答说他的眼睛并不瞎,他能像看到男性那样容易地看到女性。这完全是驴唇不对马嘴。

对这样一个虚伪,傲慢,无知,低能的家伙,那位可怜的小职员只能选用适用于儿童的直白语言与奥古斯都对话:“You don't seem to follow me, somehow. There's a female downstairs: what you might call a lady. She wants to know can you see her if I let her up.”。

当奥古斯都终于明白有一位女士要见他时,先是推说公务繁忙: "Tell the lady I'm busy...",后来, 听说是一位漂亮的女人时,又一心想见,却又要找出一堆根本不搭边的冠冕堂皇的理由:“It will be extremely inconvenient for me to see her; but the country is in danger; and we must not consider our own comfort. Think how our gallant fellows are suffering in the trenches! Show her up." 似乎他见这个女人是为了国家的利益而做出了重大的自我牺牲。好一付“高大无私的君子”形象。




下面的剧本节选自挪威著名剧作家易卜生(Henrik Ibsen)作品《人民公敌》(An Enemy of the People)。 剧中主人公史塔克曼(Dr. Stockmann)是一位医生,是社会的一个支柱。他所住的小城是一个疗养圣地,其中心是该城的公共浴场。主人公发现浴场的水被当地的一个皮革厂污染了。他将他的发现公布后希望成为当地的英雄因为他挽救了小城的名声,防止了疗养的客人被感染。但相反地他被当地人视为"人民公敌",后来甚至有人向他的家扔石头。最后他被迫离开了小城。对观众来说小城和医生都面临着一场显而易见的灾难,但当地的社会不愿面对事实。阅读时注意体会对话的内在意义,认真分析人物特征与作者的目的。然后试着回答后面的问题。

Excerpts from "An Enemy of the People"

by Henrik Ibsen

Dr. Stockmann: It is I who have the real good of the town at heart! I want to lay bare the defects that sooner or later must come to the light of day. I will show whether I love my native town.

Petra Stockmann: You, who in your blind obstinacy want to cut off the most important source of the town's welfare?

Dr. Stockmann: The source is poisoned, man! Are you mad? We are making our living by retailing filth and corruption! The whole of our flourishing municipal life derives its sustenance from a lie!

Petra Stockmann: All imagination -- or something even worse. The man who can throw out such offensive insinuations about his native town must be an enemy to our community.

Dr. Stockmann: (going up to him) Do you dare to -- !

Mrs. Stockmann: (throwing herself between them) Thomas!

Petra: (catching her father by the arm) Don't lose your temper, father!

Petra Stockmann: I will not expose myself to violence. Now you have had a warning; so reflect on what you owe to yourself and your family. Good-bye. (Goes out)

Dr. Stockmann: (walking up and down) Am I to put up with such treatment as this? In my own house, Katherine! What do you think of that!

Mrs. Stockmann: Indeed it is both shameful and absurd, Thomas --

Petra: If only I could give uncle a piece of my mind --

Dr. Stockmann: It is my own fault. I ought to have flown out at him long ago! -- shown my teeth! -- bitten! To hear him call me an enemy to our community! Me! I shall not take that lying down, upon my soul!

Mrs. Stockmann: But, dear Thomas, your brother has power on his side --

Dr. Stockmann: Yes, but I have right on mine, I tell you.

Mrs. Stockmann: Oh yes, right -- right. What is the use of having right on your side if you have not got might?

Petra: Oh, mother! -- how can you say such a thing!

Dr. Stockmann: Do you imagine that in a free country it is no use having right on your side? You are absurd, Katherine. Besides, haven't I got the liberal-minded independent press to lead the way, and the compact majority behind me? That is might enough, I should think!

Mrs. Stockmann: But, good heavens, Thomas, you don't mean to -- ?

Dr. Stockmann: Don't mean to what?

Mrs. Stockmann: To set yourself up in opposition to your brother.

Dr. Stockmann: In God's name, what else do you suppose I should do but take my stand on right and truth?

1. The author's purpose in the scene is to establish the theme of the play: namely, that

a. a liberal-minded, independent press will always guarantee that the truth will be accepted

b. my country, be it right or wrong, is my country

c. right makes might

d. the compact majority is always right

2. Mrs. Stockmann interprets Dr. Stockmann's position as simply a desire on his part to oppose his brother: actually, the opposition is between

a. power and science

b. family and duty

c. the citizen and his government

d. pragmatism and truth

3. In general, Dr. Stockmann's attitude may be described as

a. hostile, aggressive, and unreasonable

b. selfishly oblivious of his family's welfare

c. extremely idealistic

d. naive and old-fashioned

4. Petra sides with her father because

a. she intensely dislikes her uncle

b. her mother chooses to support her uncle

c. she is a very obedient daughter

d. she sincerely believes in her father's principles

5. If this play is classified as realistic, then the reader may infer from this scene that later on

a. Mrs. Stockmann will divorce Dr. Stockmann

b. Peter Stockmann will relent and side with his bother out of family loyalty

c. the community will reject all economic advantage in favor of Dr. Stockmann's revelation of the truth

d. Mrs. Stockmann will eventually support her husband, but the town will turn against him


王:Seems like something happen in my teahouse.(入座时用毛巾拍凳子)(同时二德子嚣张入场,走在旁边找座位)常:(入座)I don’t think they are going to fight.If so, you may see them out of the town instead of in this teahouse.(高声道

说给二得子听,二得子听装)二:Who’s talking behind my back?(拍桌子)常:Are you asking me? I paid to drink here and have right to do whatever I want.(微笑状 无所谓 瞧不起)

二:I’m a military, you’d better not make trouble for yourself.常:Sounds like you are a powerful man, then why don’t you fight against the invaders.The British and French troops fired the imperial Summer Palace, and you taking official rates, was seen nowhere in the battle fields.二德子一下子翻手要抓常四爷的脖领 常(闪过)What do you want to do? 二:Eh? I can’t deal with the foreigners but pretty enough to beat you.王:Brother, we are all friends, there is nothing we can’t settle peacefully.(挥手调停)二(向常四爷):Fine, I’ll let you off this time.(二德子下 常王 边说边坐下)

王:Watch your tongue.Many of the men here work for the foreigners.They believe the foreign religion, speak the foreign language.You may offend them.常:I can’t help looking down on these people.(刘麻子领着康六上,招手示意上台 刘麻子不敢)刘(向常四爷):Good morning Sir,(请安 掏出鼻烟壶倒烟)try this new good, very authentic, made in England, the snuff is fine and pure.常(叹气):Even the snuff is imported from oversea.How much silver flows out in this way!(接过,王使用)刘:(愁眉苦脸)The Qing Kingdom’s gold and silver are too abundant to be used up, we don’t need to worry about that.Enjoy yourself Sir;I’ll go to run some affairs.刘麻子转向康六 刘:Give me a reply, if ten teals of silver is OK with you?(摆弄茶具)Time is running out.I’m busy and couldn’t waste any more time on you.康:Milord, how can a 15-year-old girl worth just ten teals? 刘:Of course worth more if sold to the brothels.The point is you don’t allow that.康:That’s my own daughter, how can I……(刘抢康话)刘:Who is to blame if you cannot raise your own daughter.康:(叹气)We live with the land in the countryside but couldn’t feed ourselves.If only we have plain porridge each meal, I’ll not sell my daughter or I’m not human being.刘:That’s your business.I’m honest to you and can get your daughter a place where she can eat her fill.康:Who on earth is pursuing her? 刘:I promise you will be satisfied!He serves the king in the palace.It can only be your daughter’s fate which leads her to such a bigwig.康:Who is that?(向前打听)刘:(笑,站起来竖拇指)Eunuch Pang!You must know him;he is the favorite of Queen mother.Even the vinegar bottle in his home is made of agate!康:(愣的一下坐下)Milord, it doesn’t make sense to marry daughter to a eunuch.刘:(绕道康身边)Think about your daughter, It’s quite fair to her.When she is married, both of the food and clothes she have will be the best.What a good fortune it is.Come on, let’s make it done.康:How absurd……(转念)Does he only afford ten teals of silver? 刘:You know that.It’s impossible to find that money even if you dig through your village.Be grateful, it is the public secret there that two kilograms of flour exchanges a child.康:I(叹气)I have to discuss with my daughter.(背景 茶馆敲鼓背景声音 沉重一点)

刘:Tell you what? Chance doesn’t always wait for you.Don’t regret after missing it.康:(叹气,痛苦的拍大腿 转身走)I’ll be back soon.刘:Waiting here.康六下

刘:(自言自语)What these villagers only can do is to delay your plan.王:王坐刘站(对刘麻子)You got a big fish, right? 刘:I was truly flattered, I just earn the difference.常:(对刘麻子):What’s going on in the countryside to make people sell children this way? 刘:Who knows? Didn’t you hear the saying “A dog won’t give birth to her children until she makes it to the Beijing City”.(一边挽袖子一边说,带着微笑)常:In my opinion, Qing the kingdom is doomed to ruin in no time.秦仲义上

众人作揖(寒暄,弯腰请安)刘(对常四爷低声):He is the big boss of the teahouse.秦(环视茶馆经营对王利发)Let me see if you have a gift for doing business.王(叹气):As work as learn.I make my living through this.My father passed away early, but thanks to his old friends, they often visit here and don’t mind my carelessness.Thousands of greetings and sweet words are few.No big trouble was made.Let me get you a seat and make tea for you.秦:No, I don’t drink or sit.王:Please ,it’s my honor to have you sit here.(站着)

秦:Fine, but sooner or later, I’ll re-entry the house(坐着,玩茶具)

王:You must be kidding.I know you are kind to me and treat me like son.You won’t watch me ending up as a tramp.秦(对众人):I mean it.I want to stop the teahouse.王(对秦仲义):Why’s that?


It’s all right.Allison, Apple, Annie, Amy and I are good friends.We‘ll talk something aboutMid-Autumn-Festival.Allison, you are a learned person, can you introduce something about Mid-Autumn-Festival to us? Annie: That sounds great!Apple: I’m god to hear that!Amy: It sounds mysterious? Allison: It is a legend.Can you help me to show it? Ann: It’s my pleasure.Annie: It’s my honor.Amy: Ok.Apple: Ok.ACT 2 The role play begins.Allison: Let’s begin.Long long ago, the sky appareled 10 sons.The common people couldn’t live any more.A hero, HouYi, appealed.(Apple: I’m Hou Yi , I’m strong.)He boarded the Kunlun peak with his gold arrow and shot down 9 extra suns.Apple(HouYi): “One, two, ……nine , now people can live normally.”

Allison: From then on, Hou Yi got the respect and affection of the people.Change was one of them.Chang’e(Annie): I’m Chang’e.He is so handsome, maybe ,I fall in love with him.Common people(Ann and Amy): He is so brave.He is my dream lover.Allison: Before long, HouYi married with Chang’e.she was a beautiful and kind-heard woman.Excepthunting outside, HouYi stayed with his wife.Apple: Oh, my dear have a rest.Tonight, the moon is so bright, let’s enjoy the moon together.Allison: People all admired HouYi and Chang’e.One day, HouYi visited his old friend in Kunlun mount.On the way, he met the holy-mother.Apple: Oh, holy-mother.What are you doing here? Amy(holy-mother): I’m here just for you.Apple: For me? Amy: Yeah, I hear that you have shot 9 extra suns for the benefits of mankind.I’ll give you undead medicine.As a prize.Apple: What function about the medicine? Amy: Who takes the medicine can become the god and live forever.Apple: That sounds magical.Could you give me another one? Amy: Only one.Apple: Thank you.Allison: Then HouYi came back.Apple: Oh, dear, I’ll give you a surprise.Annie: What’s the surprise? Apple: Today, I met the hole-mother and she gave me the undead medicine.I just want you to eat it.Annie: Only one? Apple: Yes.Annie: How about you after I eat it? Apple: You know I love you very much, if you’re happy, I’m happy.I’m not important.Annie: Oh, no, I can’t eat it alone.I hide it somewhere.Ann: Oh, I see it!

Allison: Three days later, when HouYi went outside to hunt.PengMeng(Ann:I’mPengMeng.)came into the house.Ann: Chang’e, give me the medicine.Annie: Oh ,I don’t know what you say.What’s the medicine? Ann: Don’t make fool of me!I see the medicine undead medicine.Houyi gave it to you.Give me, or I‘ll kill you!Annie: I don’t know, I don’t know.Ann: Shit!You want death.Annie: Wait a moment.I will go to take it to you.(Annie filed away)Allison: Ta that moment, Hou Yi came back.Apple: Oh, my dear.What happened? Don’t leave me!Annie: Oh, I really don’t want to leave you.PengMeng is a bad man.Apple: Oh, it’s him.I’ll kill the bad guy.Allison: That day was mid-autumn.In the evening, HouYi saw the heaven.He saw his wife in the moon.Apple:Tonight’s moon is bright and clear, but my wife isn’t here.I really miss her.Allison: Then he placed the table in the backyard, put on her favorite sweets.Apple: Moon cakes, dumplings are allmy wife’s favorite food.Allison: People heardChang’e became immortal, every one year in mid-autumn, they place cencer table in the yard for goddess to pray for lucky and peace, from then on, the customs spread in folk.ACT3 Annie: I got it.It’s a love story.Apple: it’s a little sad but beautiful.Amy: it’s a wonderful story.Ann: apple, can you tell me something about Mid-Autumn-Festival? Apple: what about you want to know? Ann: is there any custom in your hometown? Apple: Yes, that is in the Mid-Autumn-Festival night people often buy many moon cakes and face the moon to eat moon cakes.Amy: what does it mean?
