



Running a Meeting 主持会议

The following phrases are used to conduct a meeting. These phrases are useful if you are called on to conduct a meeting.

1、Opening 宣布会议开始

Good morning/afternoon, everyone.

If we are all here, let’s get started / start the meeting / start.

2、Welcoming and Introducing 欢迎和介绍出席人员

Please join me in welcoming (name of participant)

We’re pleased to welcome (name of participant)

I’d like to extend a warm welcome to (name of participant)

It’s a pleasure to welcome (name of participant)

I’d like to introduce (name of participant)

3、Stating the Principal Objectives 阐明会议主要议题

We’re here today to ...

I’d like to make sure that we ...

Our main aim today is to ...

I’ve called this meeting in order to ...

4、Giving Apologies for Someone Who is Absent 对缺席者表示遗憾

I’m afraid.., (name of participant) can’t be with us today. She is in...

Unfortunately, (name of participant) ... will not be with us to day because he ...

I have received apologies for absence from (name of participant), who is in (place).

5、Reading the Minutes (notes) of the Last Meeting 宣读上次会议记要

To begin with I’d like to quickly go through the minutes of our last meeting.

First, let’s go over the report from the last meeting, which was held on (date)

Here are the minutes from our last meeting, which was on (date)

6、Dealing with Recent Developments 询问近期动态

Jack, can you tell us how the XYZ project is progressing?

Jack, how is the XYZ project coming along?

John, have you completed the report on the new accounting package?

Has everyone received a copy of the Tate Foundation report on current marketing trends?

7、Moving Forward 转向下一个议题

So, if there is nothing else we need to discuss, let’s move on to today’s agenda.

Shall we get down to business?

Is there Any Other Business?

If there are no further developments, I’d like to move on to today’s topic.

8、Introducing the Agenda 介绍议程

Have you all received a copy of the agenda?

There are X items on the agenda. First, ... second, ... third, ... lastly, ...

Shall we take the points in this order?

If you don’t mind, I’d like to go in order today.

skip item 1 and move on to item 3

I suggest we take item 2 last.

9、Allocating Roles (secretary, participants) 分配秘书和出席者的会议角色

(name of participant) has agreed to take the minutes.

(name of participant), would you mind taking the minutes?

(name of participant) has kindly agreed to give us a report on ...

(name of participant) will lead point 1, (name of participant) point 2, and (name of participant) point 3.

(name of participant), would you mind taking notes today?

10、Agreeing on the Ground Rules for the Meeting (contributions, timing, decision-making, etc.) 就会议程序(发言,时间,决策)达成一致

We will first hear a short report on each point first, followed by a discussion of ...

I suggest we go round the table first.

Let’s make sure we finish by ...

I’d suggest we ...

There will be five minutes for each item.

We’ll have to keep each item to 15 minutes. Otherwise we’ll never get through.

11、Introducing the First Item on the Agenda 介绍第一项议题

So, let’s start with ...

I’d suggest we start with...

Why don’t we start with...

So, the first item on the agenda is

Pete, would you like to kick off?

Shall we start with ...

(name of participant), would you like to introduce this item?

12、Closing an Item 结束一个议题

I think that takes care of the first item.

Shall we leave that item?

Why don’t we move on to...

If nobody has anything else to add, lets ...

13、Next Item 开始下一个议题

Let’s move onto the next item

Now that we’ve discussed X, let’s now ...

The next item on today’s agenda is...

Now we come to the question of.

14、Giving Control to the Next Participant 请下一位出席者发言

I’d like to hand over to (name of participant), who is going to lead the next point.

Next, (name of participant) is going to take us through ...

Now, I’d like to introduce (name of participant) who is going to ...

15、Summarizing 总结

Before we close today’s meeting, let me just summarize the main points.

Let me quickly go over today’s main points.

To sum up, ...,.

OK, why don’t we quickly summarize what we’ve done today.

In brief, ...

Shall I go over the main points?

16、Finishing Up 结束今日议题

Right, it looks as though we’ve covered the main items.

If there are no other comments, I’d like to wrap this meeting up.

Let’s bring this to a close for today.

Is there Any Other Business?

17、Suggesting and Agreeing on Time, Date and Place for the Next Meeting 建议和征询下一次会议时间,日期和地点

Can we set the date for the next meeting, please?

So, the next meeting will be on ... (day), the . . . (date) of.. . (month) at ...

Let’s next meet on ... (day), the . . . (date) of.. . (month) at ... What about the following Wednesday? How is that?

18、Thanking Participants for Attending 感谢出席人员

I’d like to thank Marianne and Jeremy for coming over from London.

Thank you all for attending.

Thanks for your participation.

19、Closing the Meeting 宣布散会

The meeting is finished, we’ll see each other next ...

The meeting is closed.

I declare the meeting closed.






★Type of the meeting会议形式:project meeting项目会议、budget meeting预算会议、brain storming meeting脑力激荡会议、board meeting董事会、committee meeting委员会会议、action meeting行动会议、briefing meeting简报会议。

★Purpose of the meeting会议目的:agenda议程、negotiate谈判、plan规划、solve aproblem解决问题、make a decision作决定。

★Time and place时间地点:包括开会日期(date)、地点(place)、开会时间长度(lengthoftime)。

★Attendees与会人员:事先发开会通知(meeting notice)和议程(agenda)、谁担任主席(chairman),谁作会议记录(take the minutes)、是否有来宾(guest)或者(speaker)。(来源:最老牌的英语学习网站 EnglishCN.com)

★Facilities and equipment设备:除了会场所需设备外,有时还必须考虑是否提供茶点(refreshments)、餐点(meal),以及停车位(parking space)等。



Good morning/afternoon everyone.If we are all here let’s get started/ start the meeting/start.★Welcoming and Introducing欢迎和介绍出席人员:

Please join me in welcoming(name of participant)We’re pleased to welcome(name of participant)

★Stating the Principal Objectives阐明会议主要议题:

We’re here today to...I’d like to make sure that we...★Introducing the First Item on the Agenda介绍第一项议题:

So let’s start with...I’d suggest we start with...★Closing an Item结束一个议题:

I think that takes care of the first item...Shall we leave that item.★Giving Control to the Next Participant请下一位出席者发言:I’d like to hand over to(name of participant)who is going to lead the next point.Next(name of participant)is going to take us through...★Summarizing总结:

Before we close today’s meeting let me just summarize the main points.Let me quickly go over today’s main points.★FinishingUp结束今日议题:

Right it looks as though we’ve covered the main items.If there are no other comments I’d like to wrap this meeting up.★Closing the Meeting宣布散会:



党的十八大以来, 以习近平同志为总书记的党中央高度重视对外宣传工作, 做出了一系列重要工作部署和理论阐述。 习近平同志多次强调, 要加强国际传播能力建设, 精心构建对外话语体系, 增强对外话语的创造力、感召力、公信力, 讲好中国故事, 传播好中国声音, 阐释好中国特色。在这样的背景下, 传统广播电视媒体对英语播音主持人才的需求大大提高。而肩负着培养播音主持人才的各大高校, 在英语播音主持人才培养方面, 却只是刚刚起步。

当下, 从中央电视台到各级各地电视台, 开办英语电视节目的电视台较少, 这与经济全球化、文化融合加剧的时代背景不相协调, 与我国加强国际传播能力建设的要求脱节。事实上, 随着经济全球化进程的加快, 中国在做好对内宣传的基础上, 理应加大对外宣传力度, 这是政策层面上的要求, 也是民众实际层面上的需求。基于此, 高校对英语播音主持人才的培养, 就成为一个非常重要的环节。笔者认为, 高校对于英语播音主持人才培养, 应该从以下几个方面着手。


如上文所说, 许多高校对英语播音主持人才的培养, 并没有十分清晰的认识。 据不完全统计, 目前, 国内高校开设英语播音主持专业的共有3所学校, 开设英汉双播专业的高校仅有1所。庞大的市场需求和极少的人才对应、人才输送形成了巨大的矛盾, 这也就制约了对外宣传的进程和发展。高校应当重视这一现状, 依托学校专业特色和人才培养体系, 启动英语播音主持人才培养规划, 以求在未来取得进步并初见成效和成果。


相当一部分高校, 对播音主持人才培养的认识, 仅局限于“播音员主持人+ 英语”, 即培养汉语播音员主持人, 然后要求其英语水准达标。这种培养方式不能说不对, 在特定时期下, 采用这种方式的确可以快速培养出一批英语播音员主持人, 但是, 想要通过这种方式, 培养出优秀的, 甚至是卓越的英语播音员主持人就很困难。事实上, 英语播音主持人才培养应该让英语贯穿始终, 从最初的培养阶段就应当采用英语教学与学习的思维, 从而培养出“地道”的英语播音主持人才。


目前, 我国对电视英语主持人的专业研究十分稀少, 以“英语”“播音主持” 为关键词, 在中国知网进行检索, 发现2016年相关文献仅有两篇, 2015年有16篇, 2014年有13篇, 这个数量, 在整个播音主持研究中所占有的比重微乎其微。 究其原因, 应该是前期条件所限, 无法很好地对电视英语播音主持人进行详尽分析和研究, 也就无法调查研究英语播音主持未来的发展进程。当前, 各种传播形态层出不穷, 受众的收视兴趣点往往集中在更有矛盾点和戏剧性的综艺节目等方面, 而作为传统主流媒体的电视, 除了要关注本国本土语言的收视群体, 更应该肩负起中国和世界交流的重任。 因此, 对英语播音主持人才的培养, 也应着眼于当下电视媒体发展的特点, 放眼于电视形态未来的发展趋势。


近年来, 随着英语学习的进步, 整个英语教学环境发生了很大的变化。我国的英语专业教学, 较多地重视语言的流畅性, 这在一定程度上忽视了英语语言准确性的教育, 导致学生英语语言准确性下降。这对英语播音主持人才的影响是十分巨大的, 如果不能准确恰当进行英语传播, 英语播音员主持人的存在就没有意义。所以, 对于英语播音主持人才培养来说, 应注重以下两点。一是加强词汇的准确性教学及语法的准确性教学, 进一步提高学生英语语言的准确性;二是把学生听力准确性的培养, 放在一个更加重要的位置, 加强听与写结合方面的训练, 即把听到的内容转写为文字的训练。


现如今, 对于一名优秀的播音员主持人的评价, 更多地集中于其对节目的掌控、现场的反应、良好的文化素养等方面, 面容姣好、口语流利当然是加分项, 但是早已不是决定项。对于英语播音员主持人而言更是如此, 所以, 在英语播音主持人才培养过程中, 应该强化其对于整体素质的提升, 使其在学习播音主持专业技能知识和英语学习的基础上, 了解节目, 认知节目, 参与制作节目, 在这个过程中增强对节目的掌控, 只有这样, 播音主持人才能在日后的工作中游刃有余。


我国的英语播音主持人才培养, 正处于起步阶段, 如何在最短的时间取得更大的收获, 培养更多优秀的英语播音主持人, 顺应时代的需求, 是各个高校应该思考并且努力解决的问题。







大约五十年前,美国著名的电视制片人唐纳德·休伊特(Donald Hewitt,常被昵称为Don Hewitt)在芝加哥负责报道一个政治会议,当时还有四名记者在场,唐纳德对他们说:“你们中谁能主控这场会议报道,谁就可以做主播。”当时唐纳德使用的就是anchor这个词。大家知道,接力赛跑中压阵的运动员总是最强的,而唐纳德所挑选的主播也是那四名记者中能力最强的人,所以他借用了anchor这个词。从那以后,anchor这个词被电视界广泛应用,特指新闻主播。后来为了区分男、女主播,又有了anchorman和anchorwoman。


Good evening ladies and gentlemen. It's Sunday, December 29th 2010. Welcome to watch News Broadcast. The majors are about ...



迈克·华莱士(Mike Wallace)无疑是美国任职时间最长、名声最为显赫的电视新闻节目主持人和记者。他是哥伦比亚广播公司(Columbia Broadcasting System,缩略为CBS)知名的电视新闻访谈节目《60分钟》(60 minutes)的主播。尽管他的主持方法和风格常常引起争议,但是他那咄咄逼人的气势以及永远能采访到大人物的本事,都使他成为美国历史上最重要的电视新闻节目主播,历任美国总统几乎都接受过他的采访。1986年9月2日,华莱士还采访了中国当时的领导人邓小平。他主持风格明确,十分坚持原则。他曾经说:“I determined that if I was to carve out a piece of reportorial territory for myself it would be doing the hard interview, irreverent if necessary, the facade-piercing interview. (我决定了,如果我要在新闻界占有一席之地,我的采访必须是尖锐的、挖苦人的,必要的时候可以是直中要害的。)”



在英文中,host的原意为“主人;主办人”,通常用来指那些掌控某些活动的人。它出现在广播电视节目中则指介绍或掌控节目的人,即我们通常所说的节目主持人。在美国,人们习惯把谈话节目或娱乐、益智、真人秀等节目的主持人称为host,如享誉全世界的谈话节目《奥普拉·温弗里脱口秀》(The Oprah Winfrey Show)的主持人奥普拉·温弗里(Oprah Winfrey)、CNN《拉里·金现场》(Larry King Live)的主持人拉里·金(Larry King)、著名真人秀节目《幸存者》(Survivor)的主持人杰夫·普罗布斯特(Jeff Probst)、《学徒》(The Apprentice)的主持人唐纳德·特朗普(Donald Trump)等都被称作host。


Host一词最初源自拉丁语的hospitem,意为“众陌生人之主”;13世纪末,古法语中的“hoste (顾客,主人)”进入英语,后来逐渐演变成现如今人们常用的host。


Good evening ladies and gentlemen, live from ... Tonight, we are delighted to get together and ...



艾伦·德杰尼勒斯(Ellen DeGeneres)是美国著名的脱口秀喜剧演员、电视节目主持人和演员,是历史上唯一一位主持过奥斯卡(Academy Awards)、格莱美奖(Grammy Awards)和艾美奖(Emmy Awards)的主持人。她为电影《海底总动员》(Finding Nemo)中的角色Dory配音,仅凭声音的表现即赢得2004年的土星奖最佳女配角奖,这是该奖项历史上绝无仅有的一次。她风格独特,我行我素。她曾说:“I didn't go to college at all, any college, and I'm not saying you wasted your time or money, but look at me, I'm a huge celebrity. (我从来没有上过大学,任何大学都没上过,我不是说你在浪费时间和金钱,但是看看我,虽然我没上过大学,但我成了一个大明星啊!) ”





Welcome to the International Culture Camp being held in this beautiful location at Sun Moon Lake.



Moderator最典型的代表就是美国总统大选前夕担任总统候选人电视辩论的主持人。在广播电视节目中,moderator一般指那些主持讨论或辩论节目的主持人,如美国CBS《面向全国》(Face the Nation)的主持人鲍勃·希弗(Bob Schieffer)、NBC《会见新闻界》(Meet the Press)的主持人大卫·格雷戈里(David Gregory)等。在这类节目中,moderator既要充分调动各方意见,又要把控辩论局面,所以往往由一些资深的编辑记者担任,前面提到的鲍勃·希弗在主持节目前就已经是资深记者了。格雷戈里在担任主持人之前也做过13年的记者,深入报道过9·11事件和伊拉克战事以及三届美国总统选举。在主持中,如果嘉宾回答问题避重就轻、躲躲闪闪,格雷戈里就会毫不犹豫地指出来:“That's not the answer to the question. You're totally ducking and weaving here. (你答非所问,你完全是在逃避和躲闪!)”

Mcl compere


在提及美国广播电视节目主持人时,有时也会用到Master of Ceremonies,或简称MC。顾名思义,MC指的是那些主持庆典、仪式或演出等大型活动的人,即中文所说的“司仪”。MC的原意是Microphone Controller,也就是“控制麦克风的人”。与MC含义相同的单词还有compere。


在美国,MC有时也被用来指称指挥或者MJ (microphone jockey),他们通常既要表演,还要推进演出进程,时不时还要讲些笑话或轶闻趣事与观众互动。所以有许多饶舌歌手都会给自己的艺名前面加个MC,比如台湾著名的Rap团体MC HotDog和前几年很出名的MC Hammer。经过多年的传承,现在的MC需要具备多方面的能力,比如要能带动气氛、能主持、能rap、能即兴饶舌(free style)等。由于这类主持人的业务包括某些大型文艺演出活动,于是,国内有人认为其可以用来指称“广播电视文艺演出节目主持人”。但实际上,MC在美国并非一个媒介用语,而是专指社会庆典或演出的司仪,跟广播电视节目主持人没有任何关系。这跟中国的情况非常相似,例如,中国某些庆典或活动的司仪习惯上也被称为“主持人”,如“婚礼主持人”“工程开幕式主持人”等等,但实际上这里的主持人也不是广播电视行业用语,而仅仅是一种社会用语而已。所以,将MC/compere理解为广播电视中某些文艺演出的主持人实际上是一种误用。


Good afternoon, boys and girls, ladies and gentlemen. Welcome to the finals of the fifth National English Speech Contest for English Majors of Normal Universities ...





B:Hello, everyone. My name is Lex. First please allow me to introduce our guests first.

Let’s warmly welcome our dear principal Mrs. 李,Mr. 蔡from Genuine International education,

the dean of our center Mr. 冯,

and the dean of Foundation Mrs. 刘.

And all those other teachers. Welcome.

A: Also, let’s welcome our honorable judges:

Mr. Perez,

Mr. Perits,

Ms. Taha,

and Mr. Bagwell.

Thank you all for joining us.

B: Now,I will tell you something about this contest in general. Today’s contest includes self-introduction, prepared speech and Impromptu speech. The judges will judge you from the following aspects: Fluency and pronunciation, body language, content, language use and impression. The awards contain two First winners, four Second winners, six Third winners and six Excellent Participation winners.

A: In Prepared contest,you have about three minutes to deliver you speech. One thing important is that you’d better give your speech without draft,then,you will face the Impromptu speech, after you choose the question, you have two minutes to prepare, and 2 minutes to answer. Now, let’s welcome our 18 contestants come onto the stage to make a brief introduction about themselves.

Thank you, all the contestants. It’s seems that everyone is full of passion and well-prepared. Now it comes to the second part, prepared speech.

B:Let’s welcome the first contestant 卢一萍, Sara from class 1.

A: Thank for you wonderful speech. Now let’s welcome the next contestant xx from class xx




B:After seeing the fierce contest, you may feel a little serious, let’s have a rest now, you are going to enjoy a wonderful dance. Welcome our beautiful dancer Zhang Qi from F5 carries with Jazz Fun-king, now the stage belongs to you!


A: Wow, I can’t believe my eyes. The dance is so amazing. After some time of relax, I think contestant No.10 is ready. Let’s welcome!


A:thank you for your wonderful performances. One minute on the stage and ten years for practice, the road to success is never smooth and easy, but we truly believe if we work hard and never give up, our dream will come true! I believe all the contestants in this stage have proved this undoubtedly.

B: Now let’s take a short break and enjoy a crosstalk presented by 张思明 from F3, and翟光耀 from F5.

B: Your show is very funny. I almost couldn’t stop laughing! Now, after the funny crosstalk, it’s time to get down to our business. I am excited to say, let’s begin our Impromptu speech!

A: Welcome the first contestant…Now,please choose the number, ok your question is …………….now you have two minutes to prepare. And, begin!



A. Before the first contestant give her impromptu speech, first, let’s welcome contestant No. 2 choose his question. Your question is …… please get ready. Contestant No. 1, it’s your turn to give your impromptu speech.

B: Excellent! The 18 contests gave us wonderful shows. The meaning of this contest is to give us a chance to challenge ourselves, and the contest is supposed to offer a good atmosphere for us students, helping us speak out our dreams. Then rebuild ourselves! I really hope you have learnt something useful through this contest. Now I’d like to invite our judge xx to summary and comment this contest, welcome!

B: Thank you, thank you for you wonderful comment. While our volunteers are calculating the scores, why don’t we relax ourselves a little bit? Welcome a group of gorgeous girls from the dancing club to bring us “When breeze comes”.

A: I feel myself is shaking, do you know why? Because I am going to announce the final score of this contest. I am so nervous.

B:First I would like to announce the six Excellent Participation winners, they are …… And also, let’s welcome our judges Ms. Taha, and Mr. Bagwell. to hand out the prices for them.


A:Now I will tell you the third winners, they are…………Congratulations. Let’s welcome Mr. Perez and Mr. Perits to hand out the prizes.

B: Oh! I think I’m more nervous now, and the second winners are……. Congratulations. Let’s welcome Mr. Feng and Ms. Liu to hand out the prizes.

A: Ladies and gentlemen can you feel the most exciting time is coming? Who are the lucky dogs to win the first prize? Ok! I think I envy you now; they are xx and … Congratulations! Let’s welcome Ms. Rebecca and Mr. Cai to give the highest honor to them!

B: Congratulations to all the contestants!


A: Well, actually, that’s not all of it. There is still a surprise waiting for you. As we all know, TOEFL is one of the most important step for us to go abroad. We might meet a lot of difficulties in the process of preparation. Thanks to the Chinese and foreign teachers at school who built a solid foundation for the students in English learning. At the same time, we also thank the teachers form outside who give students plenty of skills needed in the test. Thank you all, our dear teachers.

B: In order to award the students who got high scores in their TOEFL exams, Genuine international education decided to give scholarship to these students. Let’s welcome 胡馨木, who got 117 with a full mark in Speaking part, 贺俊德, who got 107 with a full mark in Listening and 陈正瑞, who got 102 come onto the stage. Welcome Mr. 蔡from Genuine international education to hand out the prizes.


A:If you want, you can! Try your best, and you can do anything! You can not change your past, but you can improve your future, Try and believe, yes, we can!


公司要求我们为新聘的机器操作员设计新的培训方案。在此之前,我想先征求一下你们的意见。如果有,应包括那些内容?欢迎提出任何意见和建议。Jane, 你对现在的方案最熟悉。你有什么建议?

Jane: I think what we have is fine. There is no need to spend time and money reinventing the wheel.


Fred: Come on, Jane, you were just complaining about the training material last week! Let’s change it!

得了,Jane, 你上周还抱怨培训材料有问题! 让我们改改吧.

Jane: My complaints are small ones, Fred. Creating a new program takes a lot of effort believe me…I created the one we use now.

都是小问题,Fred. 设计一套新的计划要花很大力气.相信我吧……现在这套培训就是我设计的.

Fred: You mean you were complaining about your own material? I didn’t know that. When did you hire on here anyway?


Frank: Wait a minute here. Let’s not get off track and discuss everyone’s job history. Let’s stick to the discussion at hand. Do we need another training program or not?


Sarah: I agree with Jane. The current program isn’t perfect, but it’s good enough.


Frank: Do you agree, Fred?


Fred: Well if it’s ok with Jane, it’s ok with me.


Frank: All right then, it’s agreed. We stick with the current system even though it’s lousy.


Jane: Hey! I didn’t say it was lousy!


Frank: Just kidding, Jane. So let me summarize. We discussed the possibility of creating a new training program but decided the efforts to create a new program outweigh the benefits, as the current program is fairly good. Is that correct?


Jane, Fred, Sarah: Correct!


Frank: Great, Thanks for your input, guys. I’ll talk to the CEO tomorrow and see how he reacts.
