




The 1st NUDT Graduate Students Symposium

on Scientific & Technological Innovation



活动以本学期所开设三门研究生英语选修课(包括 国际会议交流英语、科技论文撰写与写作、科技英语翻译)为课程依托,以课程内30课时所授知识为智力支持,以课程外10学时为时间和基础,以研究生活动中为组织平台,以所有选课学员以及意愿参与的未选课学员为对象,拟开展首届“科大杯”创新科技发展模拟国际研讨会学术活动。



1. 任课老师根据学员课堂表现情况,从选课学员中按学员院别每个学院推荐一至两名学员进入“模拟国际会议会务组(Academic Committee)”。负责会议前期收集和评审各院学员论文稿件工作。

2. 按任课老师上课要求,各选课学员(或未选课但愿意参与的学员)在课程课内学时结束前,即“4月26号”前,提交论文及摘要一份,并随之注明oral或poster(说明会议中希望做presentation或展板)。各任课老师收集后交至Academic Committee。未选课学员则交至Secretariat。由Secretariat转为提交给Academic Committee。(未选课学员的论文征集工作从announcement或call for paper宣传发出之时至4月26号时截止,具体联系人员和联系方式以及地址都会在announcement中做明确说明。)

3. PEAC“模拟国际会议会务秘书处(Secretariat)”在全校研究生中做好此次模拟 1

国际会议活动宣传工作。并由PEAC在军网或校报以及宣传栏发出announcement,和做好“call for papers”的工作,分发conference brochure。 PEAC的宣传工作会在3月19日之前做好,宣传时间一直截至4月26日为止。

4. 论文要求内容上在本专业研究领域具有一定创新和突破,格式完全按照“论文撰写课程”上所要求的标准格式。(选修翻译课的学员可酌情提交所翻译的其他学者的论文,但是在提交时要注明。如果论文被选做presentation或poster,该学员则模拟为代表发言。)


1. 5月10日。所有国际会议交流英语选课学员以及每院所选出的Academic Committee会务组学员集中于国际会议交流英语课教室(101-307),进行审稿讨论及定度工作。选修国际交流课的学员按院别分别在1班和2班的教室加入Academic Committee会务组的讨论工作。其他两门课程老师自行安排未被选入Academic Committee的学员。

2. Academic Committee从各自所在院的上交稿件中选出4-8篇优秀论文在会议上做oral presentation。(具体各院篇数按分会场时间来决定。保证presentation每篇20分钟时间)另外,从全校论文选出3篇优秀论文做大会的主题发言。选出1至2篇做展板。



1. PEAC负责会议的组织:负责签到(每位与会学员都必须在签到台签到。);负责记录学员与会参与的情况。并在会议结束后将学员签到表交给各任课老师以及国际交流与培训中心教研室主任各一份。

2. 5月17号上午9:00,地点101教学楼(具体待定)。举行首届“科大杯”创新科技发展模拟国际研讨会。上午9:00—9:30,大会暨全体会议(general assembly & plenary session),邀请研究生院、人文与社科学院以及外语系领导做welcome speech。9:30—10:30,keynote speech。10:40-12:00做两个学院的分会场

parallel sessions。(两个学院待定,因此分会场时间较短,原则上选取提交论文较少或人数基数较少的学院。)主会场和分会场共三个场地。具体场地安排见PEAC Secretariat做出的Conference Brochure中的Conference Program。(这里是由主到分)

3. 5月24号上午9:00—11:00,地点101教学楼(具体待定),详细规定参见Conference Program。举行其余学院的分会场parallel sessions。(评委分会场评奖时间包含在内。)

4. 主会场及分会场各位主持人由国际会议交流英语课任课老师在课上指定或由学员毛遂自荐。

5. 分会场按模拟国际会议流程开展:presentation、Q& A、poster sessions。poster sessions和walk in and talk安排在presentation session休息15-20分钟中进行。PEAC会议秘书处准备相应的饮水和点心供与会人员享用。

6. 所有分会场尽量邀请该院专家教授与会做评委。由PEAC提前跟各个学院联系,并向专家教授正式发出邀请函。该学期所有研究生授课教员也应与会做评委。

7. 由各分会场所有评委在各分会场所做陈述或展出的论文中选出三篇优秀论文,评出



8. 11:10—12:00。颁奖大会。六个分会场学员等人员集中于主会场,详细规定参见Conference Program(这里是由分到主)


1. 各门课程任课老师根据学生与会情况量分。对于表现突出的学员,如选入Academic Committee审稿的学员、选为chairperson的学员以及获奖学员应该给与加分奖励。

2. 对于不参与实践学时的学员,成绩记录为“缺考”。任课教员在登录成绩时必须与国际交流与培训中心教研室主任核对模拟会议缺课学员名单后再进行。

3. 实践学时分数占据该门功课总分的30%。

4. 模拟国际会议学术活动结束后,由PEAC会议秘书处讲获奖学员论文装订成册,送给获奖学员留作纪念。






1) 确定章节内容,对各部分内容进行逻辑性分析和重要性排序

2) PPT初步成型

3) PPT详细设计

4) 检查完善


 目的明确、思路清晰、逻辑性强

 文字、表格、图表合理搭配,并善于使用结构图

 简洁大方、有较好的视觉效果


 版式设计

 模板设计

 配色设计

 动画设计

 切换设计

 效果设计


1) PPT是辅助说明的工具,使表达内容达到易于接受、赏心悦目的效果。

2) PPT制作熟能生巧,注意搜集好的设计和素材,制作时信手拈来。

3) PPT的使用效果与演讲者的表达技巧密切相关,演讲者应该以饱满的热情,尽力将自己



Recsplorer:Recommendation Algorithms Based on Precedence Mining

1. Introduction Thank you very much, Dr. Li, for your kind introduction. Ladies and gentlemen, Good morning! I am honored to have been invited to speak at this conference. Before I start my speech, let me ask a question. Do you think recomemdations from others are useful for your internet shopping? Thank you. It is obvious that recommendations play an important role in our daily consumption decisions.

Today, my topic is about Recommendation Algorithms Based on Precedence Mining. I want to share our interesting research result on recommendation algorithms with you. The content of this presentation is divided into 5 parts: in session 1, I will intruduce the tradictional recommendation and our new strategy; in session 2, I will give the formal definition of Precedence Mining; in session 3, I will talk about the novel recommendation algorithms; experimental result will be showed in session 4; and finally, I will make a conclusion.

2. Body Session 1: Introduction The picture on this slide is an instance of recommemdation application on amazon.

Recommender systems provide advice on products, movies,web pages, and many other topics, and have become popular in many sites, such as Amazon. Many systems use collaborative filtering methods. The main process of CF is organized as follow: first, identify users similar to target user; second, recommend items based on the similar users. Unfortunately, the order of consumed items is neglect. In our paper, we consider a new recommendation strategy based on precedence patterns. These patterns may encompass user preferences, encode some logical order of options and capture how interests evolve.

Precedence mining model estimate the probability of user future consumption based on past behavior. And these probabilities are used to make recommendations. Through our experiment, precedence mining can significantly improve recommendation performance. Futhermore, it does not suffer from the sparsity of ratings problem and exploit patterns across all users, not just similar users.

This slide demonstrates the differences between collaborative filtering and precedence mining. Suppose that the scenario is about course selection. Each quarter/semester a student chooses a course, and rates it from 1 to 5. Figure a) shows five transcripts, a transcript means a list of course. U is our target student who need recommendations. Figure b) illustrates how CF work. Assume similar users share at least two common courses and have similar rating, then u3 and u4 are similar to u, and their common course h will be a recommendation to u. Figure c) presents how precedence mining work. For this example, we consider patterns where one course follows another. Suppose patterns occour at least two transcrips are recognized as significant, then (a,d), (e,f) and (g,h) are found out. And d, h, and f are recommendation to u who has taken a, g and e.

Now I will a probabilistic framework to solve the precedence mining problems. Our target user has selected course a , we want to compute the probability course x will follow, i.e., Pr[x|a].

﹁howerve, what we really need to calculate is Pr[x|aX] rather than Pr[x|a]. Because in our context, we are deciding if x is a good recommendation for the target user that has taken a. Thus we know that our target user’s transcript does not have x before a. For instance, the transcript no. 5 will be omitted. In more common situation, our target user has taken a list of courses, T = {a,b,c,…} not

﹁just a. Thus, what really need is Pr[x|TX]. The question is how to figure out this probability. I will answer it later.

Session 2: Precedence Mining We consider a set D of distinct courses. We use lowercase letters (e.g., a, b, … ) to refer to courses in D. A transcript T is a sequence of courses, e.g., a -> b -> c -> d. Then the definition of Top-k Recommendation Problem is as follows. Given a set transcripts over D for n users, the extra transcript T of a target user, and a desired number of recommendations k, our goal is to: 1. Assign a score score(x) (between 0 and 1) to every course x ∈ D that reflects how likely it is the target student will be interested in taking x. If x ∈ T , then score(x) = 0. 2. Using the score function, select the top k courses to recommend to the target user. To compute scores, we propose to use the following statistics, where x, y ∈ D: f(x): the number of transcripts that contain x.

g(x; y): the number of transcripts in which x precedes course y.

This slide shows the calculation result of f(x) and g(x,y). For example, from the table, we know that f(a) is 10 and g(a,c) is 3.

We propose a precedence mining model to solve the Top-k Recommendation Problem. Here are ﹁some notation: xy, which we have memtioned in session 1, refers to transcript where x occurs without a preceding y; x﹁y refers to transcript where x occurs without y following it. We use quantities f(x) and g(x,y) to compte probabilities that encode the precedence information. For instance, from formular 1 to 7. I would not tell the detail of all formulars. We just pay attention to

﹁formular 5, note that this quantity above is the same as: Pr[x﹁y |yx] which will be used to compute score(x).

As we know, the target user usually has taken a list of courses rather than a course, so we need to

﹁extent our probability calculation formulars. For example, suppose T={a,b}, Pr[xT] the probability x occurs without either an a or b preceding it; Pr[x﹁T] the probability x occurs without either an a or b following it. This probability can be calculated exactly. So how to calculate it?

Session 3: Recommendation Algorithms Let’s review session 2. The main goal of the recommendation algorithms is to calculate the score(x), and then select the top k courses based on these scores. Traditional recommendation algorithms compute a recommendation score for a course x in D only based on its frequency of occurence. It does not take into account the courses taken by the target user.

Our recommendation algorithms called SingleMC conquer the shortcoming of the traditional ones. It computes the score(x) using the formular 5. The detail is as follows: a student with a transcrip T of taken courses, for the course y ∈ T, if y and x appear together in transcripts satisfies the

﹁threshold θ, then compute the Pr[x﹁y |yx], reflecting the likelihood the student will take course x

﹁and ignoring the effect of the other courses in T; finally the maximum of Pr[x﹁y |yx] is choosen as the score(x).

Here is the calculation formular of score(x) of SignleMC. For example, with the higer score, d will be recommended.

Another new recommendation algorithm named Joint Probabilities algorithm, JointP for short, is proposed. Unlike SingleMC, JointP takes into account the complete set of courses in a transcript. In formular 12, we cannot compute its quantity exactly, Remember this problem we have mentioned. Our solution is to use approximations. This slide is about the first approximating formular. And this the second approximating formular.

The system is courseRand, and data set for experiment contains 7,500 transcripts.

This slide shows the new recommendation algoritms with black color and the traditional ones with blue color.

The chart on this slide indicates our new recommendation algorithms beat the traditional ones in precision, because the former ones exploit patterns across all users, while the latter ones just use the similar users.

The chart on this slide points out our new recommendation algorithms also beat the traditional ones in coverage for the same reason.

Session 5: Conclusion and Summary In conclusion, we proposed a novel precedence mining model, developed a probabilistic framework for making recommendations and implemented a suite of recommendation algorithms that use the precedence information. Experimental result shows that our new algorithms perform better than the traditional ones, and our recommendation system can be easily generalized to other scenarios, such as purchases of books, DVDs and electronic equitment.

To sum up, first, I introduced the motivation and the outline of work; second, I gave the definition of precedence mining model; third, I described some new recommendation algorithms using precedence information; forth, I showed our experimental results to compare the new algorithms with traditional ones. Finally, I made a conclusion of our work..

That’s all. Thank you! Are there any questions?




1、Vocabulary( sample 1 and 2)

2、Reading comprehension( 4 passages)

3、Cloze (3 paragraphs, 20 blanks “learning aids”)

4、Translation( 5 sentences)

5、Writing ( a practical writing and an essay writing vocabulary unit1 Preparations for International Conference solicit 征求、提起、恳求

cognition 认识、认知 artificial intelligence人工智能

up to 多达 affiliations 附属机构、单位

review 评审、审查 embedded植入的、深入的、内含的



groundbreaking开创性的、突破性的 quantified定量化、确定...的数量

submissions提交、上交 sensor传感器

deployment部署、调度 originality独创性、新颖

be subject to 从属于、受支配 rigorous严谨的



pharmaceutical制药的、配药的be comprised of由...组成

in conjunction with与...联在一起venue场所、地点

registration登记、注册 convene召集

be representative of 代表 transparency透明度

strengthen加强、巩固 dynamic充满活力的

cordially热诚地、诚挚地 vibrant充满生气的

momentum势头、契机、动力 plenary session全体大会



initiatives主动性、主动权 democracy民主

diversity and intercultural多样性和多文化 be given priority 被给予优先考虑

relevance to相关性 poverty贫穷

approach to接近 first phase第一阶段

contribution to 贡献


professional bodies专业团体

law enforcement执法


indigenous 本土的、土生土长的 vulnerable groups弱势群体

objective目标、任务 guidelines指导方针、准则



population transition人口过渡 countermeasures对策、措施

senior citizen老年人

unit2 International Letter Exchanges on behalf of代表

coordinator协调者 faculty能力、全体教职工



round-trip airfare往返机票 accommodation食宿

upcoming即将到来 keep up with跟上、紧跟

continually不停地、持续地 scope 范围

essential基本的、必要的 ensure确保、担保

entitled题名为、有资格的 dated日期

globalization and diversity全球化与多样性 fruitful多产的、果实累累的

anonymous匿名的 panel小组

attachment附件、附录 overhead上面的、头顶上的

concerning关于、就...而论 accessing访问



be suitable for合适的、适于 unit3 Academic Writing succinctly简要、简洁

legislate通过立法、立法规定 motivation动机

be integral to完整的、必须的 observes观察

promising有前途的、有希望的 tutoring辅导

conception概念 marked明显的

differentials差别 ethnic民族

intermediate中等水平 disciplinary纪律

internal内在的 external外在的

facilitate有助于 impede妨碍

sustain维持、支撑 distribute分布


a variety of许多

have significant impact on具有重大影响 conventional protocols传统协议be optimal of对...是最好的 utilizes利用




fusion into合并 be transmitted to被发送到

simulation仿真 principles纪律

represent代表 in that因为

modifications修改、修正 cull from从...中采集

analogous to和...类似 dedication贡献、奉献

patience耐心 acknowledge承认、鸣谢 invaluable无价的


evocative唤起的、引起回忆的 cease to停止


esteemed受人尊重的 insight into and sage advice洞察和明智的建议erudition博学

tremendous极大的、巨大的、非常多的 immutable不可改变的endear使亲密、使受喜爱 generosity慷慨、大方 Unit 4 in regard to 关于

address sb. 给...做演讲、向…致辞 entitle 题目是...

enlightening 有启发作用的 cater to 迎合;为...服务

benefit a lot 受益匪浅 reflections and insights思考和见解 prior to 在...之前

credential 证书 be granted 被授予

interactive 互动的 gracious 亲切的、高尚的

mitigate 减轻

devastating 毁灭性的

coastal wetlands 海岸湿地 buffer 缓冲

livelihoods 生计

intact 完整的

sustainable 可持续发展的 acknowledge 承认、认识

moderator 主持人 Be related to 与...相关

toxic 有毒的 gigantic 巨大的、庞大的

disruption 中断 crank 驱动、发动

abundance 丰富、充裕 emissions 排放物

dispense 执行

identify 辩证、识别

landscape 风景 degrade from 降级


collaboration 合作

tremendous 极大的、巨大的 boom 繁荣

juncture 接缝、连接、结合 disposing 安排、处理

enhance 提高、增强、加强


commit onself to 许诺做...

ban 禁止 disposable 可任意处理的

beverage 饮料 comprehensive 综合的

Unit 5 congratulations on 就...致贺

convening 召开 congenial 意气相投的

remarkable 卓越的 distinguished 著名的

conjoint 相连的、共同的 strengthened 加强

artificial intelligence 人工智能

influential 有影响力的

fragility 易碎性



contribute to对...有贡献

beneficial 有益的 distinguished 著名的 confirmed by 被...证实 come to terms with 妥协 sustained持续的

resolution解决办法 tangible 体的 4

第五篇:国际学术英语交流Lecture 2

Lecture 2

Information gathering for

international conferences

Task 1 Learn the possible sources for conference information Task 2 Understanding and writing a call for conference papers

The planning process for holding a conference should begin early. A chairperson is selected to make the plan. Various committees are formed, with members in charge of specific activities. These committees generally consist of Conference Organizing Committee and Conference Academic Committee. The committees are then to work out a general program, including a call for papers, which is to notify the prospective participants of the conference. Format of call for conference papers

☺ Theme and / or background

☺ Conference objectives

☺ Topics to be discussed

☺ Papers and submissions

☺ Organizing institution and committee

☺ Contact information

Task 3 Understanding and writing a conference agenda and program

The agenda lists the order of business for a meeting. If it is short with few decisions to be made, it can be incorporated into the minutes* (an official written record of what is discussed or decided at a formal meeting). If it is long with many points to be discussed and acted on, the agenda may be omitted and a program may take the place. The following style is adopted: a wide column at the left for the point to be discussed, and a narrower column at the right for the person or body responsible for carrying out any action decided on. The points are numbered and may be given subject headings.

Format of agenda ☺ Call to order by the presiding officer ☺ Roll call ☺ Announcement of quorum ☺ Reading and adoption of agenda ☺ Reading and adoption of the minutes of the previous meeting ☺ Approval of the minutes of the previous meeting ☺ Related matters ☺ Unfinished business ☺ Appointments and removal ☺ Nomination and elections ☺ Adjournments

A conference program acts as a guide as well as a plan for the participants. It lists a series of activities to be done at a definite time and place. It helps participants fulfill their activities in accordance with its plan. Usually it contains the following information: time, date, activities, venue, and people involved. When the academic committee has decided which participants to admit after an anonymous review of their abstract or papers, the program should be prepared and distributed to all the participants.

Format of programs ☺ Time ☺ Venue ☺ Programs to be discussed

Terms to learn Call to order by the presiding 主持人致辞 Roll 点名

Announcement of 宣布大会决议

Reading of the minutes of the previous 宣读前期会议纪要

officer call quorum meeting

Approval of the minutes of the previous meeting

通过前期会议纪要 Related matters

相关事宜 Unfinished business

未尽事宜 Appointments 任命及离任 Nomination 提名及选举



Keynote speech 主题发言 Forum 论坛

Plenary session 全体会议 Poster session 论文展示 Panel session 专题讨论会

and and

removal elections

Discussion 讨论 Field trip 考察活动

Assignment: 1. Based on the forthcoming conference information you have found, please write a conference notice for it. 2. Put the following conference notice into Chinese.

International Higher Education Conference

A conference organized by China Higher Education Association will be held at Peking University, Beijing, Friday 25-Sunday 27 March 2012. The International Higher Education Conference is consisting of keynote speech, technical seminar and thesis forum. Except the open address delivered by the government representative in the Opening Ceremony,officials and scholars from China Higher Education Association, Chinese Key Universities and ETS will give their keynote speeches.

Higher Education provides a valuable opportunity of self-development and innovation development. The conference will push forward the reform and open of China’s education. Further details of speakers and papers will be circulated in February.




高等教育会议提供了。。。, 会议将推动。。。。

