



Unbounded heart, unbounded line ... ... ... ... Toyota Rand Cool Road Ze advertising language

Have a different state of mind, there is a different course .................. Prado slogan

Stretching freely from the heart ----------- Toyota RAV4 slogan

Harmony for the Road - For up to ------------ Toyota CROWN Crown slogan

Challenge to success ------------ Toyota REIZ Reiz words

For your outstanding achievements ----------------- Toyota CAMRY Camry ad language

Starting from zero is great courage is great wisdom ------------- Toyota COROLLA Corolla advertising language

Technology pioneer start the future ----------------- Toyota PRIUS Prius slogan

Toyota VIOS Vios advertising language


2, from France, romantic, and look forward to your taste!

3, from the French quality assurance, the price of the United States and the people close to sharing.

4, the French Bordeaux romance with you to share!

5, mellow fragrance, the world share.

6, the raw materials from Bordeaux, France sophisticated logistics, the integrity of our services.

7, accumulation mellow, share quality!

8, mellow wine, we remember the natural flavor.

9, original red wine, noble not expensive!

10, professional groups, first-class quality, the best wine.

11, good wine brewing good wine, alcohol from Bordeaux.

12, taste grape wine, is that simple!

13, romantic wine, taste Bordeaux.

14, Boer original, low-cost high.

15, French wine drunk global professional procurement to make romantic.

16, selection of imported French court banquet wine, pure, mellow!

17, heritage France, fidelity wine.

18, high-quality wine is not only imported, but also exports.


一、比喻 (Figure of speech)

亚里斯多德曾说过:比喻是所有修辞手段中最具形象性的。近代的修辞学专家甚至认为比喻是一种思维形式。所谓比喻, 就是打比方, 通过激发人的想象力, 及各种感觉 (嗅觉、听觉、视觉、触觉) , 使表面上炯然不同的事物有了惊人的联系, 因而使抽象的要领具体化, 把远的东西拉近, 使深奥的事理浅显。比喻又可分为明喻和暗喻等。

(一) 明喻 (Simile)

明喻, 是常用as或like等词将具有某种共同特征的两种不同事物连接起来的一种修辞手法。明喻的表达方法是:A像B。明喻, 作为英汉语言中一种常用的修辞手法, 在人们的日常生活中起着无法比拟的作用。比喻能使行文说话更生动、更形象, 更易让对方理解和接受。巧妙灵活地运用明喻能使英语广告语言精炼、准确、生动, 能够栩栩如生地刻画产品的质量和特点等, 以达到更好的效果。英语广告中的明喻起到了画龙点睛的作用。例如:

例It’s sweet as first kiss. (食品广告)

这是Crown Chaco Roll的广告词。对所有坠入爱河的青年男女来说, 初吻总是甜蜜的, 让他们终生难忘。这则广告巧妙地把初吻的味道比喻成Crown Chaco Roll这种食品的味道, 一是为了强调这种食品的特点:甜;二是为了强调这种食品让人一旦拥有, 就不想释手, 就像恋爱关系一样要天长地久。同时这则广告还隐含着另外一种关系, 即商家和消费者之间的关系。他们之间的关系就好似刚坠入爱河的恋人一样, 甜蜜的初吻让他们彼此信任。当消费者看到这则广告的时候, 自然会浮想联翩, 从而引起他们的购买欲望。

(二) 暗喻 (metaphor)

暗喻 (Metaphor) 是和明喻不同, 不用like或as表示出来, 而是进行隐藏的比较的一种修辞手段。暗喻又称隐喻。表达方法:A是B。英语广告的暗喻所强调的相似点更为鲜明突出, 能使消费者了解到不同事物之间的相似性及其所表达出来的形象性。亚里斯多德把暗喻定义为“将属于另一事物的用来指另一事物”。东西方的修辞学研究都认为, 两种事物间的相似性是构成暗喻的关键。暗喻在英语广告中也是一种十分重要和有用的修辞手法。

例King of beers (百威啤酒广告)

国王是一个国家的最高行政首领, 处于“第一”的地位。这则广告把百威啤酒比喻成国王, 着重突出了百威作为美国最佳啤酒的高品质形象, 其广告主题强调突出了自己的领导地位。百威啤酒始终定位于“第一”, 强调是“全世界最有名的高品质啤酒”, 是处于“第一”位置的啤酒。消费者看到这则广告的时候就会很快对它产生信任感。对于那些崇尚高品质和高品味的消费者来说, 他们怎么不会动心呢?

二、拟人 (personification)

拟人 (Personification) 是指把物 (包括物体、动物、思想或抽象概念) 拟作人, 使其具有人的外表、个性或情感的修辞手段。英文广告中拟人修辞手法的运用, 使商品具有了“人”的特性, 不再是冷冰冰的物体。商品增加了人的感情, 更加形象化, 更加生动。同时, 运用比拟表现商品, 可以把它刻画得栩栩如生, 让人倍感亲切;让消费者对商品产生鲜明的印象, 拉近了消费者和商品之间的距离, 增加了他们购买的可能性。

例Unlike me, Rolex never need a rest. (劳力士手表广告)

“rest”是人的行为, 广告中这个单词的运用赋予了劳力士手表人的情感和行为。人疲惫了就会休息, 但劳力士手表好似不知疲倦的人一样勤勤恳恳, 日夜劳作。广告通过拟人手法的运用强调了劳力士手表的质量:永远不会坏, 时刻工作着。一般来说, 消费者购买手表之后最担心的就是手表的质量问题。但劳力士手表值得信赖, 即使摔在地上, 掉进水里, 它也会正常工作。这则广告使商品更加形象和生动, 让消费者产生了购买的欲望。

三、双关 (pun)

双关 (pun) 利用词的多义及同音 (或音近) 条件, 有意使语句有双重意义, 言在此而意在彼, 就是双关。广告中双关的运用可使语言表达得含蓄、幽默, 而且能加深语意, 给人以深刻印象。

例Today’s Slims at a very slim price. (Slimes香烟广告)

广告中第一个大写的“Slims”是香烟品牌, 是个名词。而第二个“slim”有微薄的意思, 是一个形容词。广告巧妙地将两者联系起来, 暗示“Slims”牌香烟具有便宜的特点, 是吸烟者最好的选择。广告中一语双关, 诙谐幽默, 给人留下了深刻印象。不仅很容易让人想起Slimes牌香烟, 而且也容易让人想到它便宜的价格。

四、排比 (parallelism)

排比是将三个或三个以上结构和长度均类似、意义相关或相同的句子排列起来, 达到一种加强语势的效果。排比可以使英文广告的节奏感加强, 条理性更好, 更利于表达强烈的感情;使得宣传的产品更为可信, 说服力更强。在英文广告中, 有时会用多个单词来达到排比的效果, 有时候则会用多个词组或句子来达到排比的效果。

例1.Today, tomorrow, for a lifetime. (“Philips Petroleum”广告)

例2.No root, no weed, no problem. (除草剂广告)

排比的修辞手法使得这则广告节奏感很强, 精炼地表达出该产品的特殊功效, 加强了产品宣传的说服力。

例3.Your kids will grow up.You will move house.Your hair will fall out.Get a Nikon before it’s too late. (Nikon相机广告)


英语广告的修辞手法多种多样, 除上面所提到的修辞手法以外, 夸张 (hyperbole) 、反语 (irony) 、对比 (contrast) 、押韵 (rhyem) 、反复 (repetition) 、对偶 (antithesis) 等修辞手法也广泛用于英文广告。不管采用什么样的修辞手法, 广告的目的却只有一个:宣传、推销产品。为了最大范围地让消费者记住自己所宣传、推销的产品, 商家在广告语言方面推崇出新, 力求新颖独特, 言简意赅。修辞手法的运用, 使很多英文广告独具特色, 让人过目难忘, 从而提高了产品的知名度。而这些英语广告也成为了英语语言中一幅独特的风景线。


[1].谭卫国.英语广告修辞的翻译[J].北京:中国翻译, 2003.

[2]余立三.英语修辞比较与翻译[M].北京:商务印书馆, 1985年12月.

[3]李鑫华.《英语修辞格详论[M].上海:上海外语教育出版社, 2000.







The new digital era.数码新时代。

例句中用era 表示“时代”而不是用period,体现了英文广告语简洁的特点。



Fresh-up with seven-up. 提神醒脑喝七喜。(七喜广告)




① Ask for more. 渴望无限。(百事流行鞋)

② Hungry? Why wait?(餐馆广告)



① We integrate, you communicate. 我们集大成,您超越自我。(三菱电工)

② Let’s make things better. 让我们做得更好。(飞利浦电子)





The world has a big backyard. Our planet is filled with hidden Places. Dramatic examples of earth’s evolution. Witness seven Of the world’s most diverse landscapes. Come out and play in The Greatest Places.





A diamond lasts forever. (De Bierres) 钻石恒久远,一颗永流传。(戴比尔斯)




① Connecting People.(Nokia)科技以人为本。(诺基亚)


②My moment. My love.牛奶香浓,丝般感受(德芙巧克力)









2. Star style, really fan.

Big brands, good quality and low prices.

3. Same style to compare their quality, the same quality look at their prices

4. Guide the fashion glasses, walking in the tip of the glasses.

5. Under the hot sun, you still so cool.

6. Outdoor travel companion!

7. Put it on, the world is yours.

8. Emphasis on individualism, publicity personality, the new classical style and post modern integration is the philosophy of the product

9. I have a wish, the wish is very simple, just want to give you the best

10. Focus on fashion and taste - this is your best choice.

11. How can we have both fashion and taste? The answer is simple, put it on.


2. RF Bites: “Helping RF Designers one Bite at a time”

3. Rohde & Schwarz: “Pushing Limits”

4. Thor Labs: “Photonics in the Fast Lane”

5. Samsung Electronics: “Imagine”(想像)

6. SIEMENS: “THIS IS HOW”(知其道 用其妙)

7. SONY: “makebelieve“

8. ST Microelectronics: “More Intelligence Solutions”

9. Sun Microsystems: “The Network Is The Computer”

10. Toshiba: “Leading Innovation.”(引领创新)

11. Unisys: “We Make It Happen”

12. United Technologies Corporation: “This Is Momentum”

13. Verizon Wireless: “Can You Hear Me Now Good.”

14. vidaRF: “Simple Solutions for Complex Connections”

15. Vodafone: “How Are You”

16. Walmart: “Save money,live better”

17. Xilinx: “The Programmable Logic Company”

18. XMA Corporation: “When Performance Matters”

19. 3PARdata Inc.: “Serving Information. Simply.”

20. 7-Eleven: “Oh Thank Heaven for 7-Eleven”

21. A.T. Kearney: ”Ideas That Last”

22. ACCBank: ”Its All About”

23. ACE Aviation Holdings: ”At Air Canada We Are Not Happy Until You Are Happy.”

24. ACN Inc.: “One world. One Vision.

25. AIMCO: “America Comes Home to AIMCO”

26. AMC Theatres: “Experience the Difference”

27. Abbott Laboratories: “A Promise for Life”

28. Accenture: ”High Performance. Delivered.”

29. Acorn Computers: ”No slogan”


2, a small part of our love is the whole of their lives.

3, life, because you and the endless flow.

4, more valuable than the sacrifice of the blood is your true feelings.

5, with love for life!




In the modern society, advertisement has already pervaded all sides of people’s daily life.Advertisement design makes use of reader’s various psychologies, such as vanity, emotion, fear, superiority complex or money saving, to lure them into buy a goods.

Generally speaking, readers will not have much time to analyze the language of advertisement, so the form, the language structure and the content of advertisement must be attractive and straightforward as well.These requirements do make advertisement language have its own features.

In this paper, we will analyze some commercial advertisements, the most common type of advertisement in our daily life to illustrate its language features, especially from the rhetoric usage.

Rhetoric Features of Advertisement English

1.Figure of Speech

Figure of speech means that word or phrase are used for vivid or dramatic effect and it is one of the frequently used rhetoric methods in advertisement English.It includes simile, metaphor and metonymy.

Simile shows the similarity of two different things and“like”or“as”are used to connect these two things.

1the.g.:Light as a breeze, soft as a cloud---a piece of clothing ad.

It is an advertisement for clothing.When people read it they would think about the gentleness and comfort of this brand of clothing.

Metaphor means the use of a word or phrase indicates something different from the literal meaning.It tells readers“xxx is yyy”or just omits“is”and leaves readers themselves to think of the relationship between two things.


Pun is the humorous use of a word that has double meanings or of different words that sound the same.There are two kinds of puns in English, one of which is homonym, and the other is polysemant.Pun uses word’s double or more meanings to reach a special effect.Some people call it“word games”.Just like a sentence of America president Franklin“we must all hang together, or we shall all hang seperately”.Here, the first“hang”means support or help one another, but the second means by hanging from a rope around the neck, especially as a capital punishment.

2the.g.:The unique spirit of Canada

———a piece of Canada whisk ad.

Here, “spirit”means not only Canada’s national spirit but also a strong drink.It persuades readers to buy it, at the same time to satisfy their psychology of patriotism.


Treating something that is without life as human being or representing it in human form uses personification.Since it makes advertisement language more vivid and more attractive.Besides, goods themselves as cold as ice, personification give them life and make them full of intimacy.

3ste.g.:We are proud of the birthplace of our children, the grapes of Almaden.On our classic varietal wines, you will find the birthplaces of our children.———Almaden tokay.

In this advertisement, they take goods“grape wine”as the first person“we”.It makes the wine full of thinking.Besides, it reaches the effect of humor which helps to dispel the wariness of readers and promote sales of goods.


In nowadays’society, the advertisement has become an essential part of people’s daily life without any doubt.As a member of the advertisement family, the advertisement English has gradually developed into a special style.It embodies great difference from the ordinary English from rhetorical application.With numerous of English advertisements listed here, this paper analysis several main features of advertisement English, in the hope that it could be helpful to English learners in appreciating English and English advertisement designers in writing advertisement in English.


[1]崔刚.广告英语, 北京:北京理工大学出版社.1993.[1]崔刚.广告英语, 北京:北京理工大学出版社.1993.



[4]殷莉.广告英语的词汇特点.山东师大外国语学院学报, 2001.第1期.[4]殷莉.广告英语的词汇特点.山东师大外国语学院学报, 2001.第1期.

[5]张娟.浅谈广告英语的语言特色.青海大学学报, 2002.第4期.[5]张娟.浅谈广告英语的语言特色.青海大学学报, 2002.第4期.

[6]张琼.广告英语的语言特色.湖南大学学报, 2002.第1期.[6]张琼.广告英语的语言特色.湖南大学学报, 2002.第1期.


【关键词】英文广告 修辞


1.明喻(simile)是一种比较直观的比喻手法,多用like, as来体现本体和喻体的相似性。当消费者对商品不了解时,明喻可以帮助消费者建立清晰的相似性的联想。比如:Regal. It feels like your favorite easy chair. Only faster. (Buick) 这是别克汽车的君威系列广告,把汽车比喻成座椅,让人联想到家的舒适型和亲切感,但此车也具备速度快的优点。

2.暗喻(metaphor)又称为隐喻,指“根据两个事物间的某种共同特征或某种内在联系,把一个事物的名称用在另一个事物的名称上,说话人不直接点明,而要靠读者自己去领会的比喻。”暗喻起到含蓄比喻的效果。例如:We just redid the family room. (Chevy Astro)这是雪佛兰汽车的广告,将轿车内的空间比喻成家中的房间,暗示乘坐在这款车里,全家人在不同座位上都能享受到居家不同房间布局的方便性、多样性、功能齐全性。此车拥有这么多的优点,激发读者跃跃欲试。

3.头韵(alliteration)指两个单词或多个单词的首字母读音相同,从而读起来产生音韵美,朗朗上口,更易记忆。例如:Heavy isnt Healthy. (Purin) 这是一则Fit & Trim系列的狗粮广告,此款产品的特点是有助于减肥的狗粮,通过压头韵的方法既强调了体重和健康的关系,又体现了英语的音乐美。Had enough? Have a nips. (Nips) 这是一则糖果广告,表达的意思是:吃饱了吗?来一块糖吧。通过头韵让这则广告语简洁明快,对称整齐。

4.双关(pun)是“利用词的同音和多义的条件,使词语或句子具有双重含义,言在此而意再彼,又名多义关联”。在广告中巧用双关,不仅体现了英语词汇的丰富内涵,更大大增强了语言的幽默性,让人读来意味深长、妙趣横生、回味无穷。例如:Things always look better after dark. 这是Milky Way品牌的黑巧克力广告。该广告语表层意思为:黑夜朦胧、万物更美,让人想象到浪漫气息。但细细品味,英文中的dark也可形容黑巧克力,这才体现了这则广告巧妙的深层意思:品尝过黑巧克力,一切都变得更美好了。此处dark一语双关的词义,体现了英语语言的艺术性。

Feel free to feel young. (Kraft) 这是名为“free”系列的火腿,初读广告,意为:感受自由,感受年轻。读来让人感觉神清气爽,再细看发现商标名称正是free,因而深层意思为:品尝free牌火腿才能感受年轻。

Which Husky is too husky? (Purina)这是一则带有减肥功效的狗粮广告,广告以哈士奇狗为例,字面意思为:哪条哈士奇狗太过哈士奇了吗?再进一步理解,husky还有“强大的、魁梧的”意思,因此广告的深层意思为:哪一条哈士奇狗太过强壮了?暗示着超重和肥胖的狗,提醒人们注意狗的饮食来克制狗的体重,因此呼应了这则减肥狗粮的销售目的。

5.对比(antithesis)也称“对照”,将结构基本相同、意思相反的语句排列在一起,更加鲜明直观地对比突出了产品的特色和优势,让顾客信服。例如:Full-time van. Part-time baby-sitter. 这是一款汽车广告:全职的车;兼职的保姆。其中full强调了此车的高性能,而part-time则表达了这部车能满足有孩子的家庭的外出需要。


New shade Uvaguard. The biggest breakthrough in sun protection since SPFs. 这是一款防晒霜的广告,此处通过最高级的使用,强调了该款商品的卓越性和优越性是无人可及的。再如:Mentadent introduces the most incredible massage you can get standing up. (Mentadent) 这是一款牙刷广告,同时运用了夸张和暗喻的修辞手法,将用这款牙刷刷牙的过程比喻成为牙齿按摩,强调了刷牙过程的愉悦性和舒适性。同时,这样的“牙齿按摩”还是最美妙和最不可思议的,此处用英语最高级正是夸张的体现,强调相比其他牙刷而言,这款牙刷的舒适性是无以伦比的。

7.反复(repetition)指“为了突出某个意思,强调某种感情,特意连续或者间隔地使用同一词语、句子或段落。”恰当的使用反复可以突出广告的重点,增加节奏感。例如:Feel how it feels to have skin feel like new. (Lever) 这则沐浴露广告中运用了反复辞格,“feel”三次反复出现,强调了该产品给人带来的全新的感觉。




[1]Aubin,Robert J.Readers Digest[J].New York:Readers Digest Association,Inc.,1996.


2. Let the blood connect our hearts together.

3. More valuable than the sacrifice of blood is your truth.

4 waves to surging rivers, blood boiling life!

5. I hope long-term, blood attention field.

6. bit by bit blood concentration, humanitarian love everywhere.

7. good people offer a drop of blood, the patient except extremely worried.

8. I recommend blood, light the light of life of others.

9. Nation in the rise of dedication, life stretches in the blood

10. Do you want to contribute to the society? Would you like to give others love?

11. Your blood lost in my body, you love into my heart.

12. Let blood connect our hearts together.

13. Blood is a sign of life, blood donation is a sign of civilization and progress.

14. human true feelings in their own, gave love to sow love.

15. Life, because of you and endless.

16. Why is the blood thicker than water? Because there is love in them.

17. A small part of our love is the whole of their lives.

18. Blood donation, from my start, life-saving, love warm world.

19. Free blood donation, reflecting your noble spiritual realm.

20. Blood donation, with love for life!

21. Blood precious, save people higher.

22. precious blood, helping people higher prices.

23. Give the blood is limited, the love given unlimited.


youd better bring(你最好全心关注),

cause i’ll bring every i’ve got it (因为我会全力以赴) 是什么让人变得了不起







你就做到这一切 这些都很了不起

但是,这一些都会过去 你在乎的


what makes someone great? is it learn to shoot on a mill frame? what about being named mr basketball of ohio 3 times in a roll? what is when hanging 3 state championships in your high school gym? maybe being number one nba draft pick, rookie of the year, score 8 thousands points,

leading your team into the final, first time in our history, what if you did all that before age of 22, all those things been great, that’

s what happened.,
