




Hello ,I’m Meng Shubing.I’minclasssixGradeSeven.whenI wassix years old.My mom bought me many storybooks.They stories were interesting.Iliked reading them very much.Now I’m a student in Grade 7.Ilike to read books in the library near my home every weekends.I like going to the Children’s section becase I’m a child.Many different kinds of books are there.I love storybooks best.I can learn new words and how to write good stories.Readingisreallyfun.I want to be awriter ,when I rewup.Itdreamtowrite interesting stories forchildren.I thinkmy dream come true some day.Thank you for lstening!


Hello!My name is Lu Qingqing.I’m from class six ,Great

seven.I am a student.My hobby is swimming ,but I can’t swim.I’m thirteen.In my family.There are four people in it.My father, My mother.My brother and I.I love my parents and mybrother.My father likes playing tennis.He plays tennisonthemy mather likes watching TV.she watches TV in the evening/My brotherlikesplaying.Camputer game.ThesearemyfamilyLook!Thisismy room , It’s clean and tidy.Adeskachairabedandabookcaseareinmy room.Mybooksareinthebookcase.Ilikethosebooksvery much A desk and achair next to the bed.My bed is pinkPinkismyfavoritecolor.Next doorthatismybrother ‘sroom.It’s nottidy.I haveafriend.SheisMeng Shubing.She is verynice.she likespink , too.She has a

pencilIt’spink , and she has there pens.They are pink too.We are from thesameclass, We are deskmates n the classroom.Iafter play with her.Doyouwant tobeourfriends?

That’s allThank you for listening!


I’m Hu Yongjie.I’m 13.I am a student in a middle school.I like green and blue.I have a blue pen.I have a green ruler.Look, this is my room.It’s clean and tidy.I always clean it every morning.Some pictures are on the wall.Here are two photos of my birthday party.My family and friends are in the photos.The first photo is the photo of my family.Look!These are my grandparents.They have two sons – my father and my uncle.These are my cousins.They are the daughters of my uncle.My friends are in the next photo.The two boys are---and---.They aren’t in my school.I’m in Qinfen middle school.I like the two photos.Thanks for listening.














2001年, 新课改的大潮席卷神州大地, 让学生减负的课改精神走进家家户户, 但我们教师做到了吗?在教学上我们人为地增加了教学的计划量与课时.

第一, 总课时增加了.新人教版教材每册安排60课时左右, 旧人教版每册安排80课时左右.

第二, 周课时量增加了.课改前每班数学周课时量是5—6节, 符合教学大纲要求, 课改后大纲要求是每周4课时, 但我们大多数学校还是安排5—6节.

第三, 课堂教学还是老一套.虽然课改出现了一些新的教学方法, 如:讲授法、谈话法、讨论法和读书指导法、练习、实验和实习作业等, 但我们大多数教师在应用这些方法时也不外乎是课堂教学上增加了师生互动, 生生互动, 教学过程大致还是复习旧知识—导入新课—讲授新课—学生练习—教师讲评—本节课小结那老一套.

第四, 教学难度增加了.一些教师对课程标准没有认真研究, 一部分内容只需学生了解的, 他却要求学生掌握, 一些要求掌握的, 他要求学生去理解, 因而人为地加大了教学的难度, 久而久之, 领悟能力强的学生可以掌握、理解, 可那些不太聪明的学生就会大大滑坡了, 变成了差生.

第五, 教师不放心了.按课程标准要求, 我们数学每周4节课就够了, 现在每周上5—6节, 比课程标准多了1—2节, 学生课堂和课后应非常轻松才对, 但实际学生的负担并没有减轻, 原因何在?这实为我们教师本身的问题, 是教师没有按照课程标准要求去完成教学任务, 而是认为课程标准以外的东西这也需要补, 那也需要补, 还担心学生课后不会巩固, 故而又布置了一大堆的作业要求学生课后完成.本来一节课的内容, 学生可以当堂完成并融会贯通, 教师却硬搞出两三节课的内容, 一节新授课, 一节练习课, 再来一节测验课.

第六, 作业比以前更多了.课改前教师布置课后作业, 课改后课外作业一点也不见少, 反而因“升学”的重压有加重的趋势.

第七, 教师讲的比以前更多了.一些教师善讲, 长于点拨, 工于诱导, 教学语言如绵绵春雨滋润学生的心田, 但真正理解的又有几人;一些教师善讲, 或感慨激昂, 或哀怨悲切, 善于创设一种感情氛围, 引起学生的强烈共鸣, 但真正被感染的又有几人.教师一节课下来, 教学语言, 教学过程发挥得淋漓尽致, 能真正听懂的又有几人, 教师心理非常清楚, 所以就有了课后作业, 下一节课的练习、讲解, 检测, 但还是有那么一些学生没有达到预期目标, 其实这些学生在教师授课时他只是一知半解, 属于滥竽充数而已, 教师如果课后有时间, 这些学生还可以得到补一补, 如果碰到课程较紧时, 这些学生就无法逃脱不懂的命运.


新课程并不要求我们每节课都探究, 都实验, 我们要在每节课前充分分析学生的学情, 认真备课, 选择好我们的教学方法.

例如:我们在讲轴对称时就应选用直观引入法将两块玻璃板作教具, 把要讲的图形分别画在玻璃上.当两块玻璃重合在一起时, 学生就会明显看到对应且相等的线段、弧、角及对称的图像.又如, 我们在学习相似三角形时, 就会采用求同变异法利用全等三角形来引导.先在黑板上画出两个全等三角形, 并复习全等三角形的性质.然后在其中一个三角形的两边取中点D、E, 再连接起来, 这样就又出现了新的三角形.根据三角形“中位线”定理很容易证得3条对应边的比是1∶2且同位角相等.这时再切入“相似三角形”的概念, 再与“全等三角形”的概念比较异同.这样学习, 结论清晰, 逻辑周密, 记忆牢固.








其次,我们充分挖掘教材内容对接处,了解到小学的PEP教材与初中的“Go for it!”有很多内容是相近的,只是初中教学目标提高了一些而已。我们在教学这些内容的时候,就要先引领学生回顾温习已有的知识词汇,再进行下一步的教学。

2.注意教法的衔接。我们要求六年级学生主要掌握最基本的英语基础知识,在培养学生的自主学习的能力训练方面还不够。在七年级时教师不仅要求学生掌握最基本的英语基础知识还要提高学生的语言综合运用能力。在充分理解教材的基础上可灵活调整教学内容和进度,为培养兴趣可运用一些轻松活泼、地地道道的语言进行教学。例如:在讲奶昔的制作时我们可以用所学的语言知识讲讲当地有名小吃的制作,如艾米古,霉豆腐等,学生会热情高涨。我们借助多媒体把对话、歌谣、游戏、顺口溜和故事等活动引入课堂,让学生在轻松、愉快的气氛中学习英语,比如说在教形容词时使用“Lets chant!”“tall,tall,tall!make yourself tall”“long,long,long!make your arms long”等等。

3.注重学法的衔接。小学阶段英语口语主要是教师怎么读学生就怎么读,不能运用语言灵活交流,笔试方面主要是抄写字母和单词,非常被动地接受知识。学生进入七年级后,教师应努力培养学生的主观能动性,使学生能灵活运用所学语言进行交流,能表达自己的感情。例如对语法教学,我们小学阶段已掌握哪些词汇、句子,根据七年级学生的能力,引导学生自己通过观察、比较、分析并找出语言规律。如在小学时学生总是记住了“I am,you are,he is”等句型,而上七年级后要用到谓语动词,如不能說“I am work at Pingxiang”,而要说“I work at Pingxiang”。



























Target language 1.Words and phrases

walk, car, bicycle, doctor, by, far, near, drive, ride, businessman, store, by bus, by car 2.Key sentences How do you / they go to …?

By bus / car.How does she / he go to …?

She / He goes to work on foot.Learning ability goals

Help students talk about their family members using the target language.Teaching important points

Learn to express different means of transportation.Teaching difficult points

The meanings and usage of different ways of transportation.Teaching methods Listening and speaking.Teaching aids

Pictures, tape recorder Teaching period 1 Teaching procedures & ways Step I Warming up Ss sing a song: This is the way we brush our hair, on a Sunday morning.Step II Lead-in Show the pictures of a bus, a car, a bicycle and a picture of walking.T:(Picture 1)How do I go to work? S1: I go to work by bus.I take a bus to work.T:(Picture 2)How do you go to school? S2: I go to school by bicycle.I ride a bicycle to school.T:(Picture 3)How does my friend go to work? S3: My friend goes to work by car.My friend drives a car to work.T:(Picture 4)How does my sister go to work? S4: She goes to work on foot.She walks to work.Teach the phrases: by bus / car / bicycle, on foot.Introduce the phrases: in the / one’s car, on the / one’s bike, take a bus / car, ride a bicycle.Language points: How do you go to school? Step III Game Tell Ss to find partners to play the game with the pictures used in Step II.Tell Ss to place the pictures face down in a pile.Player 1 picks up a picture and puts it on his or her forehead with the picture facing toward the other player.Player 1 tries to guess the picture according to Player 2’s action.When Player 1 guesses the picture, the turn passes to the next player.Step IV Presentation(1)Free talk.Ss have a free talk in pairs.Say something about their family members using the target language.A sample dialogue:

S1: How do you go to school? S2: I walk to school.S1: How does your father go to work? S2: He goes to work by bus.(2)Deal with Part 2 on Page 52: How does she / he go to work? Show the pictures on the screen.Ss ask and answer about them.(They stand in front of the whole class.)

A sample dialogue: S1: Look at this picture.This is my uncle.S2: What’s your uncle? / What does your uncle do? S1: He is a clerk in a store.S2: How does he go to work? S1: He goes to work on foot./ He walks to work.S3: Look at this picture.This is my aunt.S4: …

Ask more Ss to practise it.Step V Listening T: Now you will hear a short dialogue with the target language.You’ll listen to It twice.Please listen carefully and then answer my Qs: 1.How does Jenny go to school? 2.How does Kim go to school? 3.How does Steven go to school? 4.How does Danny go to school? Play the audiotape.After listening, check Ss’ answers.Suggested answers: 1.She goes to school by bus./ She takes a bus to school.2.She goes to school on foot./ She walks to school.3.He goes to school by car./ He takes a car to school.4.He goes to school by bicycle./ He rides his bicycle to school.Step VI Homework Exercises: Form the sentences.1.how, Li Ming, to, work, go, does

__________________________ 2.father, to, us, drives, my, the, school

_____________________________ 3.Linda’s home, school, from, far, is

___________________________ 4.brother, his, in, school, a, works

__________________________ 5.ride a bicycle, the factory, to, I

_________________________ 6.go to school, you, by bus, or, do, by bicycle


Lesson 41 Go to School

How do you / they go to …?

walk, car, bicycle, doctor, By bus / car.by, far, near, drive, ride How does she / he go to …?

businessman, store, by bus, She / He goes to work on foot.by car

Unit 6 Lesson 42 Let’s Go to the City

Target language 1.Words and phrases

hotel, park, street, help, can, city, apartment, building, stop, wait, office, just, stair, show, follow, lost, man, map, turn, down, apartment building, traffic light, Excuse me, turn left / right 2.Key sentences

Excuse me!Where is …? Is the … far from here?

It’s just up the stairs!Let me show you.I’m lost.Can you help me?

Go down this street and turn left / right.Learning ability goals

Help students learn to ask and show the way.Teaching important and difficult points How to ask and show the way.Teaching methods Listening and speaking.Teaching aids

Pictures and tape recorder.Teaching periods 1 Teaching procedures & ways Step I Game: Sentence dragon T: We will play a game named sentence dragon.First I will give every one of you three cards.On each card, write one of the following:


2.Verb or phrases of help, have, want, go to school and fly a kite(write only one of them);3.Where.Then collect the cards into three groups.Let each student choose one card from each group to make new sentences.For example, a student gets the following: Danny, eat donuts, on the bus The sentence will be: Danny eats donuts on the bus.Ss will review the Simple Present Tense(II)by playing the game.Step II Lead-in

T: Several months ago I came to another city(Write “city” on the Bb.)and took some pictures there.Maybe you can name some places that you are familiar with.Let me show you.Look here, please.Show some pictures of our city, street, park, hotel, apartment buildings, traffic lights and so on.Write them on the Bb while introducing them one by one.Ask the class say the words and phrases a few times.Make sure Ss can pronounce them correctly.Have Ss chant together while showing the picture of traffic lights.T: I’m new in that city.I’m lost.Can you help me?(Write them on the Bb and explain to the whole class.)Ss: Sure.T: Thank you.This is my map of that city.(Explain “map” and show it on the screen.)Excuse me!Where is the park? Who can help me? S1: Here it is.(Point at the map.)T: Excuse me!Where is the hotel? S2: Here it is.(Point at the map.)Step III Game — What’s missing? Where is it?

Put up the pictures used in Step I in the front of the classroom.Tell Ss to look at the pictures for one minute and then close their eyes.Remove a picture.Ask Ss to open their eyes and try to figure out which picture you have removed.Call on individual Ss to answer with the name of the picture until one answers correctly.T: Excuse me!Where is the....?(Name the removed picture.)S: Here it is!(The student who answered correctly goes to finds the picture, holds it up and says the word of the picture loudly.)Then the student who answered correctly hides a picture and leads the guessing.Step IV Presentation You’d better ask several good Ss to make up dialogues with you as examples.(1)T: Can you help me? I’m lost.Where is the street? S1: Here it is!(Point at the map.)T: Is that far from here?(Write it on the Bb and explain it.)S1: No, it isn’t.T: Thanks!S1: You’re welcome.(2)S2: Excuse me!Where is the park? T: There it is!S2: Is that far from here? T: No, it isn’t.Let me show you.Go down this street and turn left.(Write it on the Bb and

explain it.)You can walk there.S2: Thank you.T: You’re welcome.Write down the key sentences in the dialogues on the Bb or show them on the screen when they are used.Then have Ss repeat them.Step V Pair work Let Ss do some practice in pairs using the target language.T: Now make up a short conversation with your partner.You may make one like examples above.Ss practise making up their own short conversations in pairs for five minutes.At last ask some pairs to present their conversations to the whole class.Step VI Listening

Let Ss do some listening practice with the target language.T: Now you will hear a short dialogue between Ms.Liu and Li Ming.Please listen carefully and then answer my Qs.1.Where does Li Ming want to go? 2.Where is the library? 3.Is the library far or near? 4.Does the woman help Li Ming? 5.What does she do to help Li Ming? Ss can listen to the dialogue twice.They can write the key words according to the Qs while listening.Play the audiotape.After listening, check Ss’ answers.Suggested answers: 1.The library./ He wants to go to the library.2.Near the office./ It’s near the office./ It’s just up the stairs.3.It’s near.4.Yes, she does.5.She shows Li Ming and asks him to follow her.Step VII Discussion Play the audiotape.Read Part 3 on Page 53.Then discuss the following questions in groups: 1.Where is Danny? 2.What is Danny looking for? 3.What is a map? 4.What does the man say? As Ss work, move around the classroom to join Ss.Suggested answers: 1.He is in the street, but he is lost.2.He is looking for the school.3.It shows where you are and where you should go.4.He says, “Go down this street and turn left.It’s not far.You can walk there.”

Step VIII Summary and Homework T: In this class we’ve learnt sentence patterns of asking and showing the way.After class have more exercises.板书设计

Lesson 42 Let’s Go to the City

Excuse me!Where is …?

hotel, park, street, Is the … far from here?

can, city, apartment It’s just up the stairs!Let me show you.follow, lost, man,I’m lost.Can you help me?
