





公文写作与处理课结束了,以下是我对于这门课的一些小小的感受和总结。 一 理论知识的把握。



二 实践操作能力的培养。



三 日常事物公文写作的学习。

除了对行政公文有了比较深的了解外,我还学习了日常事物公文写作——计划,总结,调查报告,述职报告等。更深入的了解了它们的涵义,比如说“计划”,以前我一直以为它只是简单的列个提纲,现在我知道它是企事业单位或个人对预定时间内所要完成的任务所作的科学化,条理,化的一种应用文书,安排,要点,设想,方案,规划等都属于计划,此外,它还有很多分类,按内容分的话就有工作计划,生产计划,科研计划,学习计划,还有很多种其他的分类方法。其他的文种也有复杂处,需要我们去慢慢练习,加以掌握。 “计划”,它能够使我们高效率地完成任务,掌握应变主动权,因此可以把它运用到现实生活中。平时我有拟订学习计划的习惯,在以前,我只是大约定个时间,像“这星期的目标是……,星期一完成什么,星期二至星期天……”,可以说是草稿的形式,而现在,我有意识的地去训练“计划”的写作手法,会在学习计划中写明确切的目标,列出具体的事项,让我知道怎么做,便于操作落实,并且有具体的时间,这样出来的成品要比以前的具体,而且可行性也高了很多。关于总结,调查报告等文种,我没有加以练习,原因有两个:一是“总结”我们每学年都会写一次,对它的练习放到下次,二是调查报告等文种规模比较大,精细度也很高,现在练习不是很适合。但是我们训练写了十个调查问题,发现它的要求很高,问题与问题要有紧密的联系,得出来的结果必须有意义,所以对于问题的设置有一定专业要求的。



NSEFC BOOK3 新课标必修三 Unit 2 Healthy Eating

From Students’ book P16

Write a short passage to advertise your restaurant and its service. Your writing should:

Explain what kind of food will be offered in your restaurant

Describe their ingredients, flavor, smell and appearance

Explain how they will provide a balanced diet

Explain why your restaurant will provide the best food in the area

Explain how customers will be served


Good afternoon, everyone. I’m so glad to be here to talk about my teaching plan. The teaching plan I ‘m going to talk about is the writing period of Unit2 Healthy Eating taken from NSEFC BOOK3.

I will explain in the following 5 parts:

1.Understanding of the teaching material

2. Analysis of my students

3. Teaching methods and studying ways.

4. Teaching procedure.

5. Blackboard Design

Part 1. Understanding of the teaching material

My Understanding of the teaching material includes 3 parts: the status and function, teaching objectives, teaching important and difficult points.

At the beginning let’s focus on the first part. This unit mainly talks about healthy eating, problems with diet and balanced diet and nutrition. This writing period is about persuasive writing—an advertisement. So this lesson plays an important role in this unit---how to use what Ss learnt in this unit to write an advertisement so as to persuade customers.

That’s all for the first part, now let’s move to the second part. According to the teaching material and the new curriculum of English, in order to fulfill the learning task of this lesson, I establish the following objectives:

a) Knowledge objectives

By the end of this lesson the students will have a better understanding of the structure and characteristics of an advertisement. The students will grasp and can some useful words and expressions to describe a good restaurant such as: fresh, delicious, mouthwatering, home-made food, nutritious, reasonable price … etc

b) Ability objectives

Students will be encouraged to use persuasive sentences. They can make use of the modal verbs which they’ve learnt from last lesson: such as should, would, could, will and so on.

Their ability of information gathering, analyzing, comparing and making conclusion will be improved through discussing in groups in pre-writing while the ability of imagination, cohering, creating and persuading will be developed in writing.

c) Moral objectives

I will make full use of this lesson to stimulate the students’ learning motivation and make the students confident and improve their ability of cooperating with each other through discussing.

Teaching important and difficult points:

This is a writing class so the Teaching important and difficult points are how to make use of sentence structures they’ve learnt to write an advertisement of a restaurant and how to improve the Ss’ writing skills.

Part 2. The Analysis of the students:

The students in this grade have known some basic knowledge of advertisement, and they are active in mind. They are able to express simple ideas in simple English under the teacher’s guidance. And they are more interested in concrete images, so in the process of teaching, I will make full use of the pictures.

Part 3. Teaching methods and learning ways:

Generally speaking, I will adopt task-based approach, cooperating approach and communicative approach. As for learning, Ss will learn through discussing, information gathering, discussing, comparing and polishing.

Part 4. Teaching Procedure

Here comes the most important part of my teaching plan—my teaching procedure.

It includes 5 steps:

Step1. Revision & lead in.(3M’)

First check the homework of last class---which was to find out a successful restaurant advertisement from internet or library. Then let the students swap the homework with each other and discuss in groups of 4, take notes, find out and category the impressive sentences into 5 kinds of information:

1. Food (special food, flavor, ingredients, balanced diet etc.)

2. Location

3. Decoration

4. Music

5. Service

6. Price

This step is very important because it can improve the students’ ability to cooperate with each other, prepare them with the information needed and get them interested in the writing process.

Step2. Discussing (8 M’)

Before they discuss in groups of 4, I will show our students 4 pictures of some famous restaurants in Wenzhou-----Shamaohe Sushi Restaurant, Spicy Noodles, Golden Prince Steak House, and Concept Restaurant. Those pictures are placed together with the pictures of their recommended dishes and some key words after (Such as fresh, yummy, nutritious, recommend, specialize, home-made etc.). I will let the students choose one restaurant and suppose they were the owners, then discuss how to advertise the recommended food in 3 sentences.

I will ask 3 students to report their work.

In this step, I show them the pictures of their familiar restaurants to stimulate their imagination and attract their interests.

Step 3. Pre-writing (10 M’)

This step includes 2 activities.

Activity one, I will show them the sample advertisement.

Activity two, they will be encouraged to read the advertisement and think over what are the characteristics of a successful restaurant advertisement. I will encourage some students to analyze and tell me their opinion, so as to improve their ability of analysis, conclusion and imitation.

Then I will give out some suggested points:

Point1.Use the Modal Verb to persuade (Once you’ve tried our food, you will never want to go anywhere else.)

Point2. Use imperative and short sentences to encourage. (Come and eat here! Discounts today! )

Point3.Use questions to arouse interest.(Do you want to have home-made flavor food everyday? )

Point 4. Being creative and catchy. (Do you want to date the fresh sea food with your tongue?)

Point 5. It must have a topic sentence.

Step 4. While-writing.(16 M’)

Before they write I will ask students to read the requirements on page 16.

So they will mainly focus on food and service.

I will ask them to write the topic sentence first, and then write at least 6 supporting sentences to advertise the above 4 restaurant motioned.

During their writing I will walk around them and help them with some vocabulary.

Step 5. Post-writing.(6 M’)

After they’ve done the writing, I will let them swap their passage with each other and recommend 3 most successful advertisements----the most funny, the most impressive, and the most creative ones.

In this step their ability of comparison and evaluation is developed. And their interest of writing is aroused.

Step 6. Homework. (2 M’)

1. Polish their writing and write some more aspects of their restaurants, such as music, decoration, location, etc. Their final work will be modified and selected, then the most successful ones will be put up on the English Corner.

2. Review the words and expressions in this unit, and we will have a dictation.

This step plays an important role in improving their writing skills and autonomous learning ability.

The following is my blackboard design:

5 kinds of information could be advertised:

1. Food (special food, flavor, ingredients, balanced diet etc.)

2. Location

3. Decoration

4. Music

5. Service

6. Price

5 Stylish Characteristics of a successful advertisement

Point1.Use the Modal Verb to persuade (Once you’ve tried our food, you will never want to go anywhere else.)

Point2. Use imperative and short sentences to encourage. (Come and eat here! Discounts today! )

Point3.Use questions to arouse interest.(Do you want to have home-made flavor food everyday? )

Point 4. Being creative and catchy. (Do you want to date the fresh sea food with your tongue?)

Point 5. It must have a topic sentence.




写作前阶段对于写作学习过程做了良好的铺垫之后,教学过程可以顺利进入到写作中(While-writing)的环节,该阶段分作范文引路、写作、修改完善,互评。汉语言思维习惯的影响造成句型语序错误,作文条理不清,衔接生硬,内容安排欠合理,段落之间的过渡欠流畅是学生普遍存在的问题,针对此类现象,可以在写作课教学中设计范文引路这一环节,范 文引路的重要性无形就要求教师非常有必要查阅大量相关文章,进行对比,为学生选择优秀的范文,从而达到预期的教学效果。

借助范文引导写作的同时还可以布置任务——让学生把文中的好词句勾画下来学习,目的是充分利用机会提高学生遣词造句能力。有了优秀的范文作为指引,学生写作时便如鱼得水,相反地,如果不给范文,让学生直接进行写作,后果就是学生浪费很多时间冥思苦想,东拼西凑出一篇不成形的作文,所以,范文学习在突破写作难关中作用和功效是不容忽视的。 有了初步的范文学习还不够,还需要对范文进行深入的分析,学生作文杂乱而没有条理其实是安排文章内容能力欠佳所致,所以此环节目的是为引导学生学习和模仿该篇范文的写作结构而设计。范文分析可以从文章结构上着手,分析文章的段落大意,分析段落之间的关系等。
















1.利用教材中“书包”这一活动设计,打开学生写作的思维,拓宽学生在写作时确定中心主旨的思考角度; 2.结合半命题作文题目“我丢了_____”,通过具有启发性的图片,让学生的写作思维活跃起来,尝试从不同的角度来确立中心;


1.小练笔。通过 “《狼》这篇课文是如何围绕“黠”这一中心来展开叙事和描写”这一问题,让学生找出文中具有想象空间的词,用一两句话加以描写,使文章丰富化,细节化。





1.Language knowledge goals:

How to express something personal information.

2. Emotional goals:

When you talk about students, try to express something personal information.

3. Key and difficult points

Learn to describe somebody.


Part 1 Review the important words and expressions about personal information.

话题-------个人情况(personal information)




话题属于个人情况(personal information)的描述和介绍该话题来涉及的内容有:

1. 个人信息:名字、年龄、出生时间和地点、外貌特征、个人性格和品质、爱好和兴趣、通讯方式等;2. 家庭情况:家庭出身、父母的情况等;3. 学校教育及其学业情况:相关学校、主修专业、学习评价等;4. 工作和事业情况:从事职业、工作过程特点、主要成就、地位和评价等。在写作过程中,一般是要根据题目要求,选取需要表达的某些重要信息,而非囊括全部内容。


一. 描述个人信息的重要词汇:

1.相貌平平_________________2.漂亮/英俊_______________ 3穿戴整齐_________________4戴深度眼镜的_____________






二. 介绍学校教育及其学业的词汇:





3.受到尊敬________________________ 4.受…喜爱_____________________



Part 2 (话题句型)


(1) _________________________(出生贫穷), Mark Twin, a great novelist, had little school education of no more than 3 years

(2) Li Ming, _________________________(一个穷人家的儿子), was born in Jinan on July 3.

(3) Li Hua _________________________(过着艰难的生活) though she was born in a rich family.


(1)He is a near-sighted/far-sighted guy ____________________________(鼻子上带着一副眼镜).

(2)She is good-looking _________________________(一头漂亮的头发).

(3)He is a tall and thin guy _________________________(浓浓的眉毛), looking very handsome.


(1)_________________________(主修英语), he graduated from Beijing University and he went abroad for further studies.

(2) _________________________(擅长唱歌), he/she oncewon the first prize in the Youth Singer Competition.


(1)________ (不但)is he interested in science, _________ (而且)he has a gift for music.

(2)_____________(如此)hard does he work ___________(以至于)he devotes almost all his lifetime to our human cause.

(3)With great determination, he took 37 years to finish the book, _________________________(这对。。做了巨大贡献) the Chinese literature.


(1)He set us a good example, so all the people _________________________(高度评价)him and all respected him.

(2)We _________________________(高度颂扬) for his brave stories, and they will spread all over the world.

(3) He_________________________(对。。做了贡献)the Peace ,which made him well known around the world.

Part 3 Example易错易混点




本话题作文介绍和推荐的是一位语文老师,个人信息描述要简单;要突出其学习和受教育的专业性;重点是其工作特点、主要成就、获得的评价和地位等。 佳作欣赏

Dear Peter,

I am very glad to know that you will come here to study Chinese this summer holidays. Now I______________(推荐) one best Chinese teachers to you.

Lin Tao, _________________________(我们的班主任), is an ordinary-looking man. After four years’ study in the Chinese department of Beijing University, he finally______________________________________(实现了。。。的梦

想)becoming a Chinese teacher. _________________________(有着丰富的知识和教学经验), he has a unique teaching methodology to make his class lively and impressive.Further,__________________________________________________________________________________________________(他和学生相处融洽,这使他得到学生的爱戴和尊重)l. In the past few years, __________________________________________(他多次被授予模范老师称号).

I’m sure you will like him if you come to attend his lectures. _______________________________________________________________(我相信在他的帮助下你的汉语学习会突飞猛进).

Best wishes!

Part 4Practice高考在线 2010天津卷


● 对此活动的认识(如对本人、学生及社会的益处等)


●你的计划(如怎样进行辅导等)参考词汇:晨曦希望小学 Chenxi Hope School Dear Sir or Madam,

I’m Li Hua from Class One , Senior Two . I’m writing to apply for the opportunity to help the students in Chenxi Hope School with their English .

Thus they can improve their English during the summer vacation . Meanwhile , _____________________________________________________________________ (我能学会如何与孩子们相处) and benefit the whole school .

______________________________________________________ .


I wash clothes and make beds by myself to develop independence . English is my favorite subject and__________________________________________________(我曾经多次获得英语竞赛奖) . ______________________________


I plan to communicate with the students first to know what they need . Besides , I’ll try to get them more interested in English by telling stories , singing songs , playing games and so on .



Yours sincerely,

Li Hua

Part 5Practice达标测试


雅典奥运会已落下帷幕。在本届奥运会上中国队共获得32枚金牌,其中刘翔的 110米 跨栏更是令世界为之关注。请你根据下面图表写一篇文章,简要介绍他的情况。


地上海体重74公斤身高 1.88米个人爱好唱歌、电脑

基 本 情 况



3.2003年,在英国世界室内田径锦标赛中获 60米 跨栏第三

4.2004年8月27日 获雅典奥运会冠军,成绩是12''91,平世界纪录,打破奥运会纪录

参考词汇:跨栏hurdle亚锦赛Asian Championships

Liu Xiang, a Shanghai native, _______________________________(出生于1983.7.13). His height is 188cm , weight 74kg . ___________________________________________(爱好唱歌和电脑). In March, 1999, he entered the Shanghai track and field team and one year later, _________________________(他入选了) the National Youth Team. Sun Haiping has been training him. In 2002, he_________________________(获得金牌) in the men’s 110m hurdles at the Asian Games and the Asian Championships. The next year, he took third in the 60m hurdles at the World Indoor Championships in England . At the Athens Olympic Games on August 27, 2004. Liu won the men’s 110m hurdles final in 12.91 seconds, _______________________________________________ _____________________(平世界纪录,打破奥运会纪录).

We all sincerely hope that he will get better in the 2008 Olympic Games in Beijing.


