




Dear Mr Ho

Application for the position of Public Relations Manager.

Please accept this letter as an application for the above position as advertised in the JobsPower.com on January 5.

As the Assistant Public Relations Manager at XYZ Company for the past five years, I have assisted in various public relations functions and activities, arranged and co-ordinated press conferences to promote corporate image. I have also provided logistics support to press briefings, communication programmes and other marcom functions.

For the two years prior to XYZ Company, I served as the Public Relations Officer at Any Arts Centre, and has gained experience in editing a variety of performance publications (both newspapers and magazines), writing a lot of feature articles, press releases, brochures, and assisted in the production of staff newsletters.

I look forward to discussing my background and experience in detail with you and would be pleased to attend a personal interview. Thank you for your consideration.

Yours sincerely


Hello!First of all, thank you for your busy schedule in the time available for taking the written this.My name is XXX, a XXX forthcoming from the School of Marketing students graduate next year in June I will graduate and undergraduate management.Your organization are informed of the recent recruitment of talent, I am confident in my four years of university study and the work of training qualified for the job.Through three years of study and training, I have a solid professional knowledge and skills techniques.In college, I have access to scholarships, participation in school and outside the organized activities of the overall quality of the process of expansion has been a good lot of training and results achieved.In professional learning at the same time do a good job, I also actively participate in the work of college students, students in the service as well as training its own organization and coordination ability and team spirit of collaboration and work through these exercises so that I formed a very strong sense of responsibility and dedication, down-to-earth efforts to develop a good habit for every one thing, tradition of hard work, honesty and credit quality, self-confident personality and the spirit of practical work.I have a good standard of English, in January 2008 passed a national examination in English 4, with good writing skills and oral reading ability.I have very good computer knowledge and ability, and in September 2006 successfully passed the national examination two computers.I can skillfully related to Xp operating system on the network technology is also more understanding and proficiency in office software Office, especially Word, Excel, powerpoint, can use QB, VFp and VB programming language, and proficiency in the use of photoshop for graphic processing and graphic design.In addition, I can use Dream wear, Fireworks and other software-related work.Four years of training through the University, I formed a valuable quality of the two, one is progressive, one is adhering to.I believe that these qualities will help me in the future work and learning to overcome difficulties and strengthen their confidence and willing to challenge.I very much hope to become a member of your organization, in collaboration with colleagues in each other, learn from each other, seek common progress, for development, but also for their own growth and development of our work.Attached to my resume, once again thank you for taking the time to check my resume, thank you!

Sincere wish the leadership of good health and smooth work, your company(unit)development of better!


1990年4月至7月初, 我在依阿华州Ames小镇的Iowa State University度过了初到美国的三个月, 其中大部分时间在Herbert Fromm教授的实验室做轮转 (rotation) , 跟随刘峰和董群夫妻两人做研究 (刘峰现在University of Texas Health Science Center做教授) 。当时感觉最困难的就是读专业论文。有一次, Fromm教授要求我在组会上讲解一篇Journal of Biological Chemistry的文章, 我提前两天开始阅读, 第一遍花了足足六个小时, 许多生词只能依靠英汉词典, 文章中的有些关键内容还没有完全读懂, 当时的感觉是JBC的文章怎么这么长、这么难懂!真有点苦不堪言。为了能给Fromm教授和师兄师姐留下好印象, 第二天又花了好几个小时读第二遍, 还做了总结。第三天我在组会上的表现总算没有给清华丢脸。但是, 前前后后, 真搞不清楚自己为了这一篇文章到底花了多少时间!

1990年7月我转学到约翰霍普金斯大学以后, 与本科来自北京大学的虞一华同在IPMB program。虞一华大我一岁, 来巴尔地摩之前已经在夏威夷大学读了一年的研究生, 对于科研论文的阅读比我强多了。他常常在IPMB的办公室里拿着《科学》和《自然》周刊津津有味地阅读, 看得我很眼馋, 也不理解其中那些枯燥的文章有什么意思。他告诉我:他在读很有意思的科学新闻。科学新闻能有什么意思?虞一华给我讲了好几个故事:洛克菲勒大学校长、诺贝尔奖得主David Baltimore如何深陷泥潭, 人类基因组测序如何争辩激烈, HIV病毒究竟是谁发现的, 等等。我还真没有想到学术期刊上会有这么多我也应该看得懂的内容!从那时起, 每一期新的《科学》和《自然》杂志一到, 我也开始尝试着阅读里面的新闻和研究进展介绍, 这些内容往往出现在“News&Comment”“Research News”“News&Views”“Perspectives”等栏目, 文笔平实, 相对于专业的科研论文很容易读懂。有时, 我还把读到的科研新闻讲给我的同事朋友们听, 而同事的提问和互动对我又是更好的鼓励。除了《科学》和《自然》, 我也常常翻看《科学美国人》 (“Scientific American”) 。

与《细胞》 (Cell) 《生物化学期刊》 (JBC) 等非常专业的期刊不同, 《科学》和《自然》里面有相当一部分内容是用来做科普教育的。《科学》周刊的“Perspectives”和《自然》周刊的“News&Views”栏目都是对重要科学论文的深入浅出的介绍, 一般1~3页, 读起来比较通俗易懂, 较易入门。读完这些文章后, 再读原始的科学论文, 感觉好多了!而且可以把自己的体会与专家的分析比较一下, 找找差距, 有时甚至也能找回来一点自信!

从1998年在普林斯顿大学任职到现在清华大学做教授, 我总是告诉自己实验室的所有年轻人 (包括本科生、硕士生、博士生、博士后) 下面这几点读科研论文的体会, 也希望我的学生跟我学:

(1) 请每位学生每周关注《科学》和《自然》 (生命科学界的学生还应该留心《细胞》) 。如果时间有限, 每周花一个小时读读这两本周刊里的文章标题以及与自己研究领域相关的科研论文的abstract即可!这样做可以保证一个学生基本上能够跟踪本领域最重要的发现和进展, 同时开阔视野, 大概知道其他领域的动态。

(2) 在时间充足的情况下, 可以细读《科学》和《自然》里的新闻及科研论文。如果该科研论文有“News&Views”或“Perspectives”来介绍, 请先读这些文章, 这类导读的文章会提炼问题, 就好比是老师事先给学生讲解一番论文的来龙去脉, 对学生阅读原始论文有很大帮助。

(3) 在读具体的科研论文时, 最重要的是了解文章的主线逻辑。文章中的所有Figures都是按照这个主线逻辑展开描述的。所以, 我一般先读“introduction”部分, 然后很快地看一遍Figures。大概知道这条主线之后, 才一字一句地去读“results”和“discussion”。

(4) 当遇到一些实验或结果分析很晦涩难懂时, 不必花太多时间深究, 而力求一口气把文章读完。也许你的问题在后面的内容中自然就有解答。这与听学术讲座非常相似!你如果想每个细节都听懂, 留心每一个技术细节, 那你听学术讲座不仅会很累, 而且也许会为了深究一个小技术环节而影响了对整个讲座逻辑推理及核心结论的理解。

(5) 对个别重要的文章和自己领域内的科研论文, 应该精读。对与自己课题相关的每一篇论文则必须字斟句酌地读。这些论文, 不仅要完全读懂, 理解每一个实验的细节、分析、结论, 还必须联想到这些实验和结论对自己的课题的影响和启发, 提出自己的观点。

(6) 科学论文的阅读水平是循序渐进的。每个人开始都会很吃力, 所以你有这种感觉不要气馁。坚持很重要, 你一定会渐入佳境。当你有问题时或有绝妙分析时, 应该与师兄师姐或找导师讨论。

(7) 科研训练的一个重要组成部分就是科研论文的阅读。每一个博士生必须经过严格的科研论文阅读的训练。除了你自己的习惯性阅读外, 你应该在研究生阶段选修以阅读分析专业文献为主的一至两门课, 在实验室内也要有定期的科研论文讨论 (Journal Club) 。如果你的实验室还没有这种讨论, 你们学生可以自发地组织起来。

(8) 前面几条都是讨论如何提高科研论文的阅读能力, 但是一旦入了门, 就要学会critical reading。不要迷信已发表的论文, 哪怕是发表在非常好的期刊上。要时刻提醒自己:该论文逻辑是否严谨、数据是否可靠、实验证据是否支持结论、你是否能想出更好的实验、你是否可以在此论文的基础上提出新的重要问题?等等。

天外有天, 读科研论文是一件很简单但也很深奥的事情。一般的学生常常满足于读懂、读透一篇好的论文, 优秀的学生则会举一反三、通过查找references纵深了解整个领域的历史、现状, 并展望该领域未来的可能进展。

我从1990年对学术论文一窍不通到1996年博士后期间的得心应手, 还常常帮助同事分析, 自以为水平了得。但是有一件事让我看到了自己的严重不足, 颇为羞愧。1996年, 是SMAD蛋白发现及TGF-b信号转导研究的最激动人心的一年, 哈佛医学院的Whitman实验室在十月份的《自然》杂志上以“Article”的形式发表了一篇名为A transcriptional partner for MAD proteins in TGF-b signaling的文章。读完之后, 正好遇到TGF-b领域的著名学者Joan Massague, 我对Joan评论说:I’m not so sure why this paper deserves a full article in Nature.They just identified another Smad-interacting protein, and the data quality is mediocre.完全出乎我的意料, Joan马上回应我:I disagree!This paper links the cytoplasmic Smad protein into the nucleus and identifies a transcription factor as its interacting protein.Now the TGF-b signaling pathway is complete.It is a beautiful Nature article!这件事对我触动极大:原来大师的视野和品位远远在我之上。从那以后, 我也开始从整个领域的发展方面来权衡一篇文章的重要性, 这件事对我今后为国际重要学术期刊审稿、自己实验室选择研究课题都起到了相当重要的作用。


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A career within sales and marketing.pROFESSIONAL EXpERIENCE

JOLENE’S Columbia,SC

Marketing Director/Amber Rain,1988-present

Maximize sales in 19 stores;consistently achieve monthly sales plan.Recruit/interview /hire,train and develop counter managers and beauty advisors;stress improved customer service and follow through.Act as liaison between Jolene’s and Amber Rain account executives;communicate/execute corporate plans.Merchandise cases/counters;oversee/organize stock areas;review stock control and productivity books.Actuate/implement promotional events to generate additional business.Hire/train freelance models to promote business.Conduct product sales and seminars for promotional agencies.Review and analyze goals and retail sales;interact with general managers and cosmetic buyers.Organize/supervise 25 clinics and special promotional events.Marketing Director/Emerald Haze,1984-1989

Responsible for 25 stores and $3 million account.Improved staffing,increased business 30% in spring’89,60% Christmas ’88,and 42% Fall’87.Restructured special events to generate business.Actuated“Days of Haze”program, stressing customer service/follow through;established goals to increase average unit sales,makeovers,and consultations.Brought account to #2 in the country;exceeded sales goals.Received numerous Galena Marketing Awards.EDUCATION

Columbia Institute of Aesthetics,Columbia,SC

Courses in Advanced Makeup Artistry,1988

University of Florida,Gainesville,FL




First of all, thank you for your busy schedule to read my weeping Self materials, passion to work for a university student opened a door of hope!

My name is CHEN Quan, forthcoming in June from 20,006 in Nanjing Normal University graduate, to take this career, I with a sincere heart and career pursuit in good faith, recommend their own.From the threshold of the day into the University, through the careful guidance of mentors as well as their own worked hard, I gradually became able to adapt to a new era of community college students。

and to make a knowledge-based builders of socialism lay a solid foundation.In college, I seriously study, play to their strengths, and tap their own potential, and thus improve their learning ability and analytical ability to deal with the problem.At the same time, I also did not forget to pay attention to more aspects of the quality of their own culture, to borrow a large number of various types of books, to cultivate their own character, so.While studying at the school served as Minister of propaganda Department of the hospital, the hospital debate team。

and achieved a certain score.In addition, I also actively take part in a variety of social practice activities, which has an independent planning body to implement a large-scale promotional activities.In social practice, I try to study successful people, will hone their own quality, and enhance interpersonal communication skills, cultivate teamwork philosophy, studying a variety of corporate culture, based in good faith, and strive to become professional, high quality, plasticity of good talent.Thank you for your busy schedule to give me concern, your company is willing to cause thriving achievements, but also wish you a successful and good health!

Low job-seekers holding a book, read harbor the sincere confidence, I look forward to your company to become one!


Dear Sir,I am a graduate student in the Film Department of San Francisco State College.Right now I am hunting for a job.I think you might be able to help me.As an undergraduate, I had a double major of physics and communications.I am interested and have a solid backbround in both the mechanical and the communications sides of photegraphy.In my graduate studies, I am following up both areas with equal enthusiasm.Recently, I was excited to hear that you have set up a special laboratory for the testing of photography equipment.There is nothing I would like better than to work in that lab.I could help examine equipment and also help you devise tests.please let me know whether I have any chance of getting employment with you.If you need any more information, please let my know.I will send whatever your require.Thank you in advance for your consideration and courtesy.Sincerely yours,


Dear Mr.Jones,This letter is to express my interest in brining my years of experience in airline operation and ground security to your firm.In these troubled times, I know I can add to public safety and security in the transportation industry.As my enclosed resume indicates, my background includes more than two decades of services at US Airways with significant experience in:

Aircraft accident investigation as a member of the US Airways disaster team.Security checkpoints where I handled countless calls for assistance

Training the Ground Security team to protect and promote public safety

In addition to the above skills, I can offer your firm:


Dear School Leadership:

Hello!Thank you for your busy schedule to read my letter.Liaoning Institute of Technology I am a 20xx English language and culture tend to professional students,will graduate in July this year.House as a result of the teachers who is from an early age I was a good family education,but also for the cause of teachers has always been filled with great enthusiasm,eager to look forward to your leadership,for this glorious and great cause plus licking bricks watts,and continuous learning in practice and progress.

Honesty,integrity,diligence and pragmatism is the principle of my many years of school life,I formed a good style and advanced ideas,concepts,and have a unique way of thinking,harmonious interpersonal relationships.University life and to further strengthen the cultural knowledge of my self-cultivation,and create a good psychological quality,and effectively I have a down-to-earth style of life and the principle of self-regulate.

Prerequisite of its browser.Mentorship in the strict lessons and personal efforts,I have a solid foundation of professional knowledge,to master a number of skills.In each semester of the exam have achieved excellent results and one-time in September 20xx through the four English professional examinations,and achieved good results,can ease the use of computer software,familiar with WORD,EXCEL and other office software.Participate actively in the schools,the activities of the Organization Department of the School Games a success on many occasions.

At the same time,I am very focused on all aspects of their quality,ability to train and actively participate in various social activities,seize the opportunity to exercise their own.Weekdays,I tutor after school hours engaged in work,so far the whole three years,as it has in the travel guides,and has been widely praised,leave alone to do during the course of English.Therefore,a large number of professors have a certain degree of social experience and practical ability.Also, because of language,literature and love of learning in Japanese is also a slight contribution.

Near that your school just a few years from a number of provinces,municipalities prescribed in the school come to the fore,is no accident,but by virtue of the leadership and vision Gaucho staff have a strong cohesive force,which is training young people and give full play to the time,a good place.xx who is also the bounden duty of imparting knowledge and educating people.I am filled with enthusiasm to find their own ideal position,with high morale will work hard in pursuit of my career.


篇10:英文自荐信 英语专业

Dear School Leadership:


Thank you for your busy schedule to read my自荐信.Liaoning Institute of Technology I am a 2001 English language and culture tend to professional students, will graduate in July this year.House as a result of the teachers who is from an early age I was a good family education, but also for the cause of teachers has always been filled with great enthusiasm, eager to look forward to your leadership, for this glorious and great cause plus licking bricks watts, and continuous learning in practice and progress.Honesty, integrity, diligence and pragmatism is the principle of my many years of school life, I formed a good style and advanced ideas, concepts, and have a unique way of thinking, harmonious interpersonal relationships.University life and to further strengthen the cultural knowledge of my self-cultivation, and create a good psychological quality, and effectively I have a down-to-earth style of life and the principle of self-regulate.工欲善其事, prerequisite of its browser.Mentorship in the strict lessons and personal efforts, I have a solid foundation of professional knowledge, to master a number of skills.In each semester of the exam have achieved excellent results and one-time in September 2003 through the four English professional examinations, and achieved good results, can ease the use of computer software, familiar with WORD, EXCEL and other office software.participate actively in the schools, the activities of the Organization Department of the School Games a success on many occasions.At the same time, I am very focused on all aspects of their quality, ability to train and actively participate in various social activities, seize the opportunity to exercise their own.Weekdays, I tutor after school hours engaged in work, so far the whole three years, as it has in the travel guides, and has been widely praised, leave alone to do during the course of English.Therefore, a large number of professors have a certain degree of social experience and practical ability.Also, because of language, literature and love of learning in Japanese is also a slight contribution.Near that your school just a few years from a number of provinces, municipalities prescribed in the school come to the fore, is no accident, but by virtue of the leadership and vision Gaucho staff have a strong cohesive force, which is training young people and give full play to the time, a good place.乃师who is also the bounden duty of imparting knowledge and educating people.I am filled with enthusiasm to find their own ideal position, with high morale will work hard in pursuit of my career.Sincerely,Salute



i gannan normal university institute of mathematics and computer science graduates of mathematics, after careful consideration of your school wishes to join.

three years at the university at all times in accordance with the “wide professional, thick foundation, strong capacity, high-quality” standards and the development of self-training, in the continuous learning and practice to improve the overall quality of their own, have their own shape to become a professional solid foundation of knowledge structured and adaptable, collaborative spirit of wealth to the youth of the times.

i believe that the future needs of our society is a complex of high-quality talent, the success of learners in fully understanding the value of the book, it also recognized that the book should be of no value. so i learn from outside, the active participation of a wide range of extra-curricular activities, such as “computer society”, “mathematical modeling” and so on. all of these activities are beneficial to my own computer to improve the capacity and ability of group collaboration. semester in the second half of XX huichang county, jiangxi province, the second practice of secondary education for more than a month, teaching and class work in two aspects receive better training to master all aspects of the teaching of the basic requirements and methods of the class teacher understanding of the main content and its significance, with an independent work and class teaching ability. outstanding performance during the internship period, by the local teachers, leaders recognized by the school as “outstanding intern.” in class and student management and communication benefits, to manage the capacity of a class is not only alone, but more importantly is the intention, passion, full of vigor and vitality as long as the energy can have better to do a good job.

i firmly believe that only the god of destiny ready to tend to those who have witnessed the cultivation of his alma mater, the past is deeply en deep attention to the future, only blood, in good faith, tears and sweat of the gift back to society, so that the struggle of life to hold high the light of a candle!

i will be your school as the preferred target, because your school has a beautiful teaching environment as well as a positive fighting spirit. i believe that the help of your school under the guidance of the leadership, i will learn more and do better.

believe your eyes, i believe my choice.

prudential further good news!

