




1.Throughout the post-World War Ⅱ era, the world,s economies have become increasingly

interdependent in terms of the movement of goods and services, business enterprise, capital, and technology.2.Proponents of an open trading system contend that international trade results in higher levels of

consumption and investment, lower prices of commodities and a wider range of product choices for consumers.Arguments against free trade tend to be voiced during periods of excess production capacity and high unemployment.3.International competitiveness can be analyzed in terms of a firm, an industry, and a nation.Key to the

concept of competitiveness is a productivity, or output per worker hour.4.Researchers have shown that exposure to competition with the world leader in an industry improves a

firm’s performance in that industry.Global competitiveness is a bit like sports: You get better by playing against folks who are better than you.5.Although international trade helps workers in export industries, workers in import-competing

industries feel the threat of foreign competition.They often see their job and wage levels undermined by cheap foreign labour.6.As a rough measure of the importance of international trade in a nation’s economy, we can look at the

nation’s exports and imports as a percentage of its gross domestic product(GDP).This ratio is known as openness.7.A sudden removal of trade barriers might harm producers and workers in protected industries.It may

be costly to transfer quickly the protected resources to other, more productive activities.Gradual removal of the barriers would minimize this shock effect and the accompanying cost of relocation.8.The World Trade Organization’s summit meeting in Seattle, Washington, in 1999 attests to a

globalization backlash in opposition to continued liberalization of trade, foreign investment, and foreign immigration.




作 者:贺萍 HE Ping 作者单位:《植物学报》编辑部,100093,北京香山南辛村20号刊 名:中国科技期刊研究 ISTIC PKU CSSCI英文刊名:CHINESE JOURNAL OF SCIENTIFIC AND TECHNICAL PERIODICALS年,卷(期):16(2)分类号:G3关键词:科技论文 引言 英文写作 英文编辑





1.最常用的、搭配能力极强的单位名词有: a piece of advice一个忠告; apiece of information一条消息; a piece of news一则新闻; a piece of cake一块蛋糕 ;一件轻松愉快的事; a piece of cheese一块乳酪; a piece of furniture一件家具;a piece of kindness一番好意; a piece of paper一张纸; a piece of wood一段木材; apiece of luggage一件行李;a piece of land 一块地;a piece of string一根绳子。

有时可用 bit和 article,如:a bit of advice一点建议; a bit of paper一片纸;a bit of information一点信息; an article of clothing一件衣服; an article of furniture一件家具; an article of luggage一件行李。2.表示形状的单位名词有:a ball of string一团线;a bar of chocolate一块巧克力糖;a bar of soap一条肥皂; a blade of grass一根草; a block of ice一块冰; a bunch of bananas/grapes/keys一串香蕉/葡萄/钥匙; a bunch of flowers一束花; a cluster of flowers一束花 ;a cluster of grapes一串葡萄; a loaf of bread一块面包; a roll of cloth一匹布;a roll of film一卷胶片; a sheet of glass一片玻璃 ;a slice of bread/meat/cake一片面包/肉/蛋糕;a strip of territory一条狭长地带;a string of lies/excuses一连串谎话/借口;a string of pearls一串珍珠;a stick of chalk一支粉笔 ;a stretch of land一片土地 ; a tube of toothpaste一管牙膏。

3.表示容积、重量的单位名词有: a bag of flour一袋面粉; a basket of fruit一筐(篮)水果; a bottle of milk/ink一瓶牛奶/墨水; a bowl of rice一碗米饭 ; a box of sweets一盒糖;a cup of coffee/tea一杯咖啡/茶; a gallon of oil/wine一加仑油/酒;a glass of beer一杯啤酒;a handful of soil一把土;a kilogram of sugar一千克糖; a pack of cigarettes一包香烟; a spoonful of salt一匙盐。

4.表示成双、成对的单位名词有:a pair of glasses一副眼镜;a pair of gloves一副手套; a pair of scissors 一把剪刀; a pair of shoes/socks一双鞋/袜; a pair of jeans/trousers一条工装裤/裤子;a pair of chopsticks一双筷子;a couple of players一对选手。

5.关于人的单位名词有: a group of people一群人; a crowd of people一群人 ;a throng of people一群人; a gang of slaves/prisoners一群奴隶/囚犯; a gang of thieves/robbers一帮窃贼/强盗; a board of directors董事会 ;a regiment of soldiers一群士兵。



1.~ 波浪号tilde,源于西班牙语和葡语中的发音符号。

2.!感叹号exclamation mark/exclamation point/bang,无需多解释,在这个 “咆哮体”盛行的时代,想不懂这个都难。

3.# 汉语中因形似“井”,通常读作井号,真正的含义是数字符号(Number sign),如在一些国家‘#1’代表No.1的意思。在美式英语中一般称作pound sign,电话上的“#”叫做pound key,而加拿大英语则称之为number sign key;北美以外的其他英语国家一般称“#”为hash,相应的电话键叫做hash key。注意:数字符号(#)极易和乐谱中的升音符(♯ 读作sharp)相混淆。但是,乐谱的sharp和数字符号的字形不完全一样。标准数字符号(#)横线水平,而竖线向右倾斜;而乐谱的升号(♯)为了在五线谱中容易识别,横线改为斜向上但竖线垂直。我猜此时有人就会举出一个极好的反例来否定上述说法,那就是C#(C Sharp)。的确,乍一看确实不相符!但事实上,C#并不违背上述结论,C Sharp中符号Sharp的创意正是来源于升音符♯在乐谱中的含义——紧跟其后的音符的音高比实际标定的高半音,表示技术进一步提升之意(要不直接把 C#本土化,翻译成“C优”算了^_^,这个命名方法有点类似于C++中“++”表示变量增1)。由于“♯”在计算机显示、输入中不方便,因此在书写体中 用“#”代替“♯”,但读音保持不变。于是就出现了书写成“C#”但念作“C Sharp”的情形,了解渊源之后发现其实并不矛盾。4.$ dollar/peso sign,我们通常把这个当作美元(USD)的符号,但拉丁美洲一些国家的人们会认为“$” 代表比索(peso),所以,不引起误解,最好用“US$” 代表美元。这个符号的起源还存在争议,其中有一种说法是这样的:在18世纪末,货币单位比索的手写缩写符号是“ps”,随着时间推移,p和s感情渐进、关系日益密切,最后重叠在一起形成了现在的“$”。5.% 百分号,percent sign。

6.^ a读caret,表示间距符 “^ ”或 “‸”,也称作wedge, up-arrow, hat,数学中通常叫做hat;b读circumflex(^),是发音符号,常见用法如Â。

7.& ampersand/and,单词“and”的简写形式。

8.* asterisk/star,计算机和数学中称作“star”更常见。9.()round brackets/open brackets;[ ] square brackets/closed brackets;{ } curly brackets/definite brackets;< > angle brackets/triangular brackets,除了用作尖括号,也用作不等号,小于号<(less-than),大于号>(greater-than)。

10./ 斜杠,slash,为与“”相区别,通常也叫forward slash。11.反斜杠,backslash。

12.+ 加号,plus sign;– — dash,英文中dash有三种类型,分别是figure dash, en dash, em dash(依次如前所示)。figure dash即数字线,因其宽度等同于一个数字的宽度而得名,用于数字之间的连接,但并不含有某个连续范围的意思,如010-321654;en dash或n dash代表宽度等于字母“n”的横线,用于包含连续的范围、区间值之间,如June–July 1967, 1:00–2:00 p.m.;em dash或m dash,宽度等于字母“m”,自然,长度为en dash的2倍,用于表示思绪、说话的断续,或语气的转折,这才是真正的对应于中文里的破折号!在Word下输入en dash 和em dash的方法分别是ALT+0150,ALT+0151。14.-连字符hyphen,用于连接两个单词或一个单词分开的字母之间。注: 理论上,figure dash,hyphen和minus sign在长度和位置上是有区别的,不过很难辨别,我刚开始也试图从长度上寻求突破而无果,后来觉得仅仅从长度去区别意义不大,而且没有抓住问题的本质。换个思路,只要深刻理解各符号在用法和含义上的不同,碰到此类情况就迎刃而解了。

15._ 下划线,underscore/understrike/low line。
