




Another name for the cicada is Zhiliao, or know all, for that’s how sounds to the Chinese.2.纪晓岚是乾隆的宠臣,曾三次任礼部尚书

Jixiaolan enjoyed great favor in Emperor Qianlong’s court and was times the Ministry of Rites.3.中国人又在正月十五晚上吃元宵,赏花灯的习俗。

The Chinese have the custom of eating yuanxiao sweet dumplings made of glutinous rice flour and watching festive lanterns on the fifteenth evening of the first lunar month.4.他的不合作态度是这个项目进展十分缓慢。

The project is making slow progress because of his uncooperativeness.5.你们谁想参加春游就在星期五之前报名并交费。

Whoever wants to join the spring out ing should sign up and pay the expenses before Friday.6.我觉得这个店里的衣服即使打折也还是太贵。

I think the clothes in the shop are still too expensive even if we could get a 40 percent discount.7.就目前情况看,工程造价将会超出预算百分之三十。


If you should want to cancel the trip, please notify us in writing at least one month in advance.9.想让他答应如此要求恐怕不大可能

I’mafraid it is unlikely for him to agree to such a request


At the annual meeting of the board of directors, he called everyone’s attention to a commonly ignored problem.11.听到这个消息,她心里一沉,但还是勉强挤出一点微笑。

Her heart sank when she heard the news, but she still managed to force a smile.12.收到请帖后她觉得左右为难,不知该不该接受


Exhaust from boilers and vehicles, unless properly treated, causes air pollution in cities.14.如果说,词汇是语言的“建筑材料”,那么,句子便是文章的“基本部件”。

If vocabulary is the “building materials” for language, sentences are “fundamental parts” of writings.15.鲁迅的骨头是最硬的,他没有丝毫的奴颜和媚骨,这是殖民地半殖民地人民最可宝贵的性格。

Lu Xun was a man of unyielding integrity,free from all sycophancy or obsequiousness, this quality is invaluable among colonial and semi-colonial people.16.胎又瘪了。

We’ve got another flat tire.17.人不可貌相,海水不可斗量。We can not judge a person by appearance 18.在历史上,由于长江不断改道,在武汉地区形成了众多的湖泊。

The constant change of the course of the Changjiang River in history helped form a great many lakes in the areas around Wuhan city in central China.19.健康不佳就无法有效工作。

Poor health may cause one’s inefficiency at work.20.北京地区由于近些年加强了植树造林,在一些地方飞来了稀有的鸟类。

Quite a few rare birds come to settle down in some places around Beijing thanks to the expansion of woods there these years.21.世纪交替,千年更迭,人类社会的发展正在揭开新的篇章。

The turn of the century has opened a new chapter in the development of human society.22.世纪之交,中国外交空前活跃。

At the turn of the century, China is most active in its diplomatic activities.23.你做这事不费吹灰之力。

It is very easy for you to do such a thing.24.决定把这问题到下次会上讨论。

It was decided to bring the matter up at the next meeting.25.这时我激动得说不出话来。

I am too excited to utter any words.26.成都新改建的府南河两岸将修建许多草坪和居民大楼。

Plenty of lawns and apartment houses will be built along both the banks of the newly-renovated Funan River.27.这件事至今还没有得出正确的结论。

So far no correct conclusion has been drawn on the matter.28.有明显的迹象表明,一些古老的传统和价值观不再为年轻人所珍藏。

Obvious signs show that some old traditions and values are not cherished by youth any more.29.收音机的成本降低了80%。

The cost of radio sets was reduced by 80%.30.可以预见,在一个不太长的时间内,中国比在科学技术方面赶上世界最先进的国家。It can be predicted that China will catch up with the most advanced nations in the world in science and technology in not too long a time.31.好像有点不大对头。

There seems something wrong about it.32.古今中外,这种情况概莫能外。

There is no exception to this in modern or ancient times,in China or elsewhere.33.古今中外,在商贸市场上历来都是大鱼吃小鱼。

There exists a law at all times and in all countries that the great fish eat up the small in the world of business.34.到了济南府,进得城来,家家泉水,户户垂杨,比那江南风景,觉得更具为有趣。When he reached Jinan and entered the city, there were flowing streams by every house and willow trees by every door, which delighted him even more than the scenery of the south.35.北京很好玩。

Beijing is a city to have fun.36.北京外来人口逐年增多。

The number of people from other places in Beijing increases yeat by year.37.从北京乘火车到郑州要花十多个小时。

It takes more than ten hours to ride by train from Beijing to Zhengzhou, the capital city of Henan province near Beijing.38.总统明天准备乘专机前往上海参观访问。The president prepares to go to Shanghai by his special plane for a visit tomorrow.39.晚上过来跟我们一块打保龄球如何?

Would you come to join us for playing bowling this evening? 40.中央政府不敢与香港特别行政区的事务。

The central government has never intervened in the affairs of the HKSAR.41.中国经济将融入世界经济的大潮。

The economy of China will converge with that of the world.42.新的经典不断出现,观光人数不断增加,地区经济也有了很大发展。

The emergence of one new scenic spot after another and the influx of more and more tourists have also boosted the economy.43.本文所讲的内容对通讯工程来说是很有趣的。





We should develop our ability to analyze and solve problems 48.要提倡顾全大局

We should advocate the spirit of taking the whole situation 49.这真是俗话说的,“旁观者清” It was the saying goes, “the observer is clear” 50.中国经济现在还处在落后状态 China’s economy is still backward 51.这些苹果你们四个人分

These apples shared by four people 52.她不把他当公公,而当作亲爹。

She considered him not a father-in-law but a father 53.我们党结束了那个时期的社会动荡和纷扰不安的局面

Our Party has put an end to the social unrest and unpheaval 54.在交作业之前必须读几遍,看看有没有要修改的地方

Before handing in your homework, you have to read it over and over again and see if there is anything in it to be corrected or improved 55.他声称男子气概和勇气只有在战场上才能得当考验

He claimed that manhood and courage could be test only on the battlefield


The garden was the paradise on earth, with more food and clothes than could be consumed, and more money than could be spent.57.耳朵是用来听声音的器官,鼻子用来闻气味,舌头用来藏滋味

The ear is the organ that is used for hearing.The nose is used for smelling.The tongue is used for tasting 58.天已经相当晚了,我们决定在那桌庙里过夜

As it was getting quite dark, we decided to stop at that temple for the night 59.人口对住房的压力减少,房价就会下降,建筑业自然就会削弱

When the pressure of population on housing decreases, pricesalso godown and the building industry is weakened 60.他用手蒙住脸,好像是为了保护眼睛

She covered her face with her hand, as if to protect her eyes 61.俘虏往往沈明,又望望其他人,没有说下去

Looking at Shen Ming,then at the others,the prisoner of war fell silent 62.天气这样闷,十之八九要下雨

With the weather so dose and stuff, then to one it’ll rain presently 63.这对年轻夫妇并不相配,一个是西施,一个是张飞

This young couple is not well-matched, one is a Xishi,--a famous Chinese beauty, while the other is a Zhangfei—a well-known ill-tempered brute.64.在党的领导下,中国人民已经完成了解放事业

Under the leadership of the party the Chinese people have succeeded in their liberation 65.也许您忘记了7月份的购货帐还没有结算

Perhaps you have forgot the fact that your account for July purchases has not yet been settled 66.多年来哪个国家一直有严重的失业现象

For many year there has been serious unemphyment in that country 67.谁不盼望自己有个健康的身体,又有谁不盼望能有一个幸福美满的家庭,其实家庭和健康之间存在着密切而不可分割的关系

Who doesn’t hope for a healthy physique and a happy family? As a matter of fact,there exists an intimate and inseparable relation between the family and health.


So far, more than 50 institutions of Tibetology—the study of Tibetan culture—have been set up in the plateau as well as other places and a Tibetan studies center was founded in Beijing in 1986


Dinghu Mountain is covered by tropical as well as subtropical forest and has unique climate.70.该计划将有一个特别委员会加以审查

This plane will be examined by a special committee 71.广州地铁二号线的列车是从德国空运过来的。

The metro trains of line I in Guangzhou was transported from German 72.有些问题还需要澄清

These questions have to be clarified 73.当下众人七言八语

By now proposals of all kinds were being made 74.据说核电站正在筹建中 It is said that nuclear power plants are undered preparation for construction 75.他们努力尽可能快的速度提高产量

They are working to increase production at the highest speed possible 76.这是能想得出的最好解决办法

This is the best solution imaginable 77.避暑山庄和北京的故宫、山东曲阜的孔庙一样,是中国保存最完好的古代建筑群,也是中国现存规模最大的古典皇家园林

The Summer Palace of Chengde is one of the three best-preserved magnificent ancient architectural complexes in China, the other two being the forbidden City in Beijing and the Confucian Temple in Qufu of Shandong Province.78.无云散掉之后,太阳又开始放射光芒。

The dark clouds having dispersed,the sun shone again 79.是他吃惊的是,她不仅没有表扬他,反而批评了他 To his surprise, she criticized him instead of praising him 80.我们得早点到达那里

We have to be there earlier 81.会议将于明天下午在国际会议厅举行

The meeting will be held in the International Conference Hall.82.我们上星期在他家饱餐了一顿

We ate to our heart’s content at her home last Sunday.83.我们明天早上七点钟动身

We shall start at seven tomorrow morning 84.他出生在绍兴附近的一个小村子里 He was born in a small village near ShaoXing 85.粗活

Heavy manual labor 86.臭豆腐 Stinking toufu 87.交通畅达

Nice traffic 88.我们畅谈了整整一夜

We talked the night over freely and to our heart’s content 89.他笨手笨脚的

He is too clumsy 90.你应丢掉不切实际的幻想

You should cast away any illusions 91.小说的情节错综复杂,引人入胜

The plot of the novel is intricate and fascinating 92.祖国的前途光辉灿烂

The future of our motherland shines with great splender 93.现在形势大好

Now the situation is excellent 94.大好时机 Golden opportunity 95.大干 Go all out 96.大白菜

Chinese Cabbage 97.他给多愁善感的玛丽写了封信 He wrote a letter to the sentimental Marie.98.大作收到,十分高兴。

I was very glad to have received your writing.99.我们响应了祖国的号召.We responded to the call of our motherland.100.我们的心永远向着祖国

Our hearts are always towards our motherland.101.雪下了一整夜,厚厚的积雪覆盖着地面


The proof of the law.103.现在人们越来越认识到这一方法是很有价值的 There is a growing awareness that this technique is of value.104.我们对问题要作全面的分析,才能解学得妥当

We must make a comprehensive analysis of a problem before it can be properly solved.105.老师在等我,我得走了

My teacher is waiting for me, so I have to leave 106.她不来,我不走

If he doesn’t come, I shall not go 107.东方不亮西方亮,黑了南方有北方

When it is dark in the east, it is light in the west;when things are dark in the south there is still light in the north.108.送君千里,终有一别

Although you may escort a guest a thousand miles, yet must the parting come at last 109.我们应当逐步消灭城乡差别

We should try to eliminate the differences between town and country 110.那我们在山脚见吧

Let’s meet at the foot of the hill.111.你白天还是晚上飞广州?

Do you fly to Guangzhou in the daytime or at night? 112.班门弄斧

Show off one’s skills with the axe before an expert carpenter.113.三个臭皮匠,顶个诸葛亮

Three cobblers with their wits combined equal Zhuge Liang the mastermind.114.心病终需心药治,解铃还须系铃人

No remedy but love can make the lovesick well, only the hand that tied the knot can loose the tiger’s bell.115.结婚大办酒席,是在可以免去了

Giving lavish feasts at weddings can well be dispensed with.116.我们把没收土地改为减租减息

We have altered the policy of confiscating the land of the landlords to the one of reducing the rent and interest.117.我已经提前完成了交给我的工作,他也提前完成了交给他的工作 I have fulfilled my assigned work ahead of schedule, so has he.118.野心不仅是罪恶的根源,也是毁灭的根源 Ambition is the mother of destruction as well as of evil.119.说起季羡林先生的认真,那是出了名的

Professor Ji Xianlin had a reputation for being contentious.120.郭沫若同志曾说:“中国人民历来是勇于探索、勇于创造、用于革命的。”

Comrade Guo Moruo once said, “The people of China have always been courageous in exploration, innovation and revolution.” 121.美国的战争景气,仅仅是一时的现象

The warboom in the United States of America was only temporary.122.这些都是人民内部矛盾的问题

All these are contradictions amidst the people 123.这些新兴汽车速度快,效率高,行动灵活

The new cars are fast, efficient and handy.124.这个口号,是对于在中国和帝国主义国家的关系的问题上,特别是在中国和美国的关系的问题上,还抱有某些幻想的人们说的。


The Chinese embassy in Iraq has ordered two bulletproof cars from Germany due to the social unrest and upheaval in Iraq at present.126.匪军所至,杀戮人民,奸淫妇女,焚毁村庄,掠夺财物,无所不用其极

Wherever the bandit troops went, they massacred and raped, burned and looted, and stopped at

nothing.127.200公里航道上遍布着无数险滩。险滩上江流汹涌,回旋激荡,水击礁石,浪花飞溅。Numerous shoals scattered over the 200 km course give rise to many eddies.Pounding on the midstream rocks ,the river roars thunderously.128.我们必须坚持社会主义道路,坚持人民民主专政即无产阶级专政,坚持共产党领导,坚持马列主义、毛泽东思想

We must adhere to the socialist road, the people’s democratic dictatorship, the Communist Party’s leadership and Marxism-Leninism and Mao Zedong Thought.


(一)1.Germany is an European country.2.It is so beautiful place that you must visit it.3.What a terrible weather we have been having!4.Suddenly I caught a sight of my English teacher in the crowd.5.What good time we had last night!6.We shall spend three-day holiday together.7.Sometimes I go to school by a taxi.8.I didn’t go to the bed until midnight last night.9.He is the captain of the team.10.There is a car waiting in the front of the classroom.11.After a hour or so we began to feel frightened.12.Some people read the books or watch television while others have sports.13.Why are you at home in such a fine weather? 14.He was elected a monitor of our class.15.I am afraid to make a speech in the front of my classmates.16.Man cannot live without the air.17.Being able to afford a drink would be comfort in those tough times.18.He was so angry that he struck his son in face.19.—How about the Christmas evening party?

—I should say it was success.20.Wherever he goes, he makes it a rule to have a walk before the breakfast.(二)

1.Now people get a lot of informations from TV.2.They didn’t want me to do any work at family.3.Boys and girls, don’t lose hearts.Do better next time.4.They are of different size.5.She said that she and my schoolmate all wished me success.6.After class we become stranger at once.7.They want me to devote all my time to my studies so that I’ll get marks in all my subject.8.On the way up I was busy taking picture since the scenery was so beautiful.9.There are advantage for students to work while studying at school.10.I looked at his other hands.(三)

1.Yesterday I met an old friend of me.2.I came to understand that was not easy to earn money.3.Some parents think useless for girls to go to school.4.He bought a chocolate cake and put them in a secret place.5.One day I wrote a little story and showed to my teacher.6.It’s important that we should think over before doing anything.7.The truck was moving so fast that the driver couldn’t control.8.I apologized and controlled me at my best till the dinner started.9.We must take part in social practice to prepare us well for our future.10.The teacher did not punish for cheating but instead gave me a second chance.11.People can hardly do some fishing there.12.People in the US drink more coffee than people in any country.13.The book is well worth reading it.14.This book is cheap enough for him to buy it.15.They found the letter hard to understand it.16.This book is too hard for me to read it.17.Nobody except you and she saw the prisoner run away.18.I like a house with a beautiful garden in front, but I don’t have enough money to buy it.19.I tried two different methods, yet either of them seemed to work very well.20.I want some coffee, but there is nothing in the pot.(四)

1.The development will bring us much more hopes and chances.2.The Olympics are held each four years.3.I hope you think about my request as soon as possibly.4.I know you are particular interested in Human Rights.5.As there is no air or water, there can be no life, too.6.There were too many nice things that I didn’t know what to choose.7.He decides to travel a lot and visit such many new places as possible.8.I couldn’t see as clear as before.9.The water in the river is so dirty that it smells terribly.10.You always gave me specially attention and inspired me.11.People both at home and abroad have been great helped by the new computer.12.He has to work if he wants to live comfortable.13.She is a brave and honesty girl.14.It is much easy to make plans than to carry them out.15.It is convenient for me to prepare for the exam than before.16.The food smells deliciously.17.The tree was put into a Christmas stand that holds the tree up straightly.18.Is teaching kids English as interested as you expected in college? 19.We are all very much active and the activities are enjoyable.20.We must return back to school this afternoon 21.She said her husband had given in smoking.22.He said he would join us on the discussion.23.I had to return the book back to the library in time.24.My favorite pastime is listening to music, especial classical music.25.How did you get on well with your study at school?

(五)1.In Friday afternoon, some students took part in a speech activity.2.In a few weeks the story was returned to her.3.It was very fine when I got up early on last Sunday morning.4.I rushed out the house as quickly as I could.5.I had difficulty in grammar after I entered into the school.6.He was punished because what he had done.7.I am writing to thank you with your kind help.8.She married to a man she didn’t love at all.9.He makes a living for teaching.10.It’s kind for you to come to see us.11.The class is made up from 8 groups.12.The letters PRC stand with the People’s Republic of China.13.Hangzhou is famous as its beautiful scenery.14.They said they’d be in holiday in the countryside.15.Why did you get up so early in this morning? 16.He said that the victory(胜利)should belong with us.17.He had known Joan for two years before he married with her.18.I don’t know when he will come back to home.19.People thought of that he was dead.20.You will have to pay me for $ 10 a week for your meals.21.Our time should be made good use to study.22.He preferred staying at home to be going with us to HongKong.23.I used to go to the cinema in once a week.24.I have been waiting you for a long time.25.My little brother is quite proud for his painting.(六)

1.Our city is a modern city.It set up in the early 1980s.2.Bad habits not come suddenly.3.I rush over without delay, jumped into the water and swam towards him.4.When a rabbit see something dangerous, it runs away.5.It is I who is your true friend.6.Three-fifths of his pay were spent on food and clothing.7.Not I but he have been invited.8.The nice car was belonged to the young lady.9.The number of people who has watched the game was not more than a hundred.10.His whole school education was added up to no more than one year.11.The teacher with many students have gone to the exhibition.12.My parents have promised to come to see me before I will leave for Africa.13.My parents lived in Hong Kong.They were born there and have never lived anywhere else.14.Is either you or Li Lei going to be sent there? 15.Not only the students but also their teacher are enjoying the film.16.When the police arrived, the thieves have run away.17.His family is waiting for him.18.Ever since graduating from college, I dreamed of taking a great bike trip.19.The water was felt cool when I joined into the pool for morning exercise.20.In the last few years, China made great achievements in environmental protection.(七)

1.Why not to go and ask for his advice? 2.Not known her address, I can’t write to her.3.His young patient was soon able to get up and ran about again.4.It was kind of them to meet me at the station and drove me to their home.5.Please excuse us for not able to say goodbye to you.6.Having been ill for a long time, so she fell behind her classmates.7.Look around when crossed the street.8.He preferred to stay at home than to go out with you.9.Today was my first time visit to an American family.10.You need not to go with me unless you are free now.11.They sat in the room with the curtains was drawn.12.The bird being caught yesterday is a robin.13.You’d better to hurry up if you want to get home before dark.14.I was going to have my watch mend.15.French is difficult learn.16.Given more attention, and the trees could have grown better.17.Cleaning women in big cities usually get paying by the hour.18.If accepting for the job, you’ll be informed soon.19.Anyone, once being tested positive for H7N9 flu virus, will receive free medical treatment from our government.20.Let those in need to understand that we will go all out to help them.(八)

1.Oliver Twist, the hero of the story, he was an orphan.2.The good news we were looking forward to arriving in the end.3.Following the road and you will find the store.4.Its tail, which is white, moving up and down as it runs.5.Although he was sick, but he refused to go to the hospital.6.Unless you help us, or we won’t be able to succeed.7.Because he was careless, so he failed.8.As soon as they reached the bank and they saw a girl struggling in the water.9.The more he expects, and the less he gains.10.If you study hard, and you will pass the exam.(九)

1.Henry did not like his car, that often broke down.2.I was impressed by the way which she did it.3.Those that want to see the film sign up here.4.I am sure you will find one you like it.5.He had lost his glasses without them he couldn’t see.6.I don’t know the man lives next door.7.This is the house where we visited last time.8.You must do everything which you can help them.(两处错误)9.He is not such a man who would leave his work half done.10.My hobbies are reading books and travelling, in which I find very interesting.11.Which is known to us all, all that glitters is not gold.12.His glasses, without them he could hardly see anything, were broken.13.I will never forget the days when I spent on the farm.14.He is one of the students who has passed the exam.15.This is the reason why he explained.(十)

1.In 1492, Columbus reached that is now called America.2.It didn’t matter that I would win or not.3.The reason why he didn’t come is because he never got the notice.4.Whoever told you that he was lying.5.Everything depends on if we have enough money.6.The problem is we don’t have enough money.7.Whoever break the law must be punished.8.That you are doing is very difficult.9.I have no idea what she is doing something.10.We think possible that the local government will be able to solve the housing problem.(十一)

1.I leave until the rain stops.2.He worked in Shanghai since he graduated from college.3.He is happy, because he is poor.4.No matter whatever happens, we will never lose hope.5.Whether the weather is good nor bad, they will set off as planned.6.They will go tomorrow if it rains.7.In case of I forget, please remind me of my promise.8.He made so rapid progress that the teacher praised him.9.He won’t come unless being invited.10.He couldn’t have seen me, though I was not there.(十二)

1.It was yesterday when he broke the window.2.It was until midnight that it stopped raining.3.When being asked why I was late, I didn’t say anything.4.It is such an interesting book that we all like very much.5.Be careful and you’ll fall into the river.6.Since that I am the only child in my family, I am quite independent.7.I was too tired not to walk any farther.8.He is very old, and he still works very hard.高一英语单句改错分类练习参考答案


1.an-a 2.place前加a 3.去掉a 4.去掉a 5.good前加a 6.three前加a 7.去掉a 8.去掉the 9.去掉第一个the 10.去掉第一个the 11.a-an 12.去掉the 13.去掉a 14.去掉a 15.去掉the 16.去掉the 17.comfort前加a 18.face前加the 19.success前加a 20.去掉the


1.informations-information 2.family-home 3.hearts-heart 4.size-sizes 5.schoolmate-schoolmates 6.stranger-strangers 7.subject-subjects 8.picture-pictures 9.advantage-advantages 10.hands-hand

三、代词:命题特点:1.人称代词的偷换错误;2.人称代词数的一致问题;3.单数指代复数;3.代词词性误用;4.缺少人称代词;5.人称代词格的一致问题 6.it 改正方法:联系上下文的逻辑关系。

1.me-mine 2.that-it或that后加it 3.useless前加it 4.them-it 5.to前加it 6.over前加it 7.control后加it 8.me-myself 9.us-ourselves 10.for前加me 11.some-any 12.any后加other 13.去掉it 14.去掉it 15.去掉it 16.去掉it 17.she-her 18.it-one 19.either-neither 20.nothing-none


1.much-many 2.each-every 3.possibly-possible 4.particular-particularly 5.too-either 6.too-so 7.such-as 8.clear-clearly 9.terribly-terrible 10.specially-special 11.great-greatly 12.comfortable-comfortably 13.honesty-honest 14.easy-easier 15.is后加more 16.deliciously-delicious 17.straightly-straight 18.interested-interesting 19.去掉much 20.去掉back 21.in-up 22.on-in 23.去掉back 24.especial-especially 25.去掉well

五、介词:命题特点及改正方法:介词涉及搭配错误,因此可从以下方面确定错误:介词的基本用法;习惯搭配;动词词类确定错误。介词短语常常考,固定搭配要记牢。介词后边跟宾语,结合语境细推敲。1.In-On 2.In-After 3.去掉on 4.out后加of 5.去掉into 6.because后加of 7.with-for 8.去掉to 9.for-by 10.for-of 11.from-of 12.with-for 13.as-for 14.第一个in-on 15.去掉in 16.with-to 17.去掉with 18.去掉to 19.去掉of 20.去掉第一个for 21.use后加of 22.去掉be 23.去掉in 24.wait后加for 25.for-of


1, It后加was 2.habits后加do 3.rush-rushed 4.see-sees 5.is-am 6.were-was 7.have-has 8.去掉was 9.was-were 10.去掉was 11.have-has 12.去掉will 13.lived-live 14.Is-Are 15.are-is 16.have-had 17.are-is 18.dreamed前加a 19.去掉was 20.made前加has


1.去掉to 2.known-knowing 3.ran-run 4.drove-drive 5.not后加being 6.去掉so 7.crossed-crossing 8.去掉第二个to 9.time前加to 10.去掉to 11.去掉was 12.去掉being 13.去掉to 14.mend-mended 15.learn前加to 16.去掉and 17.paying-paid 18.accepting-accepted 19.去掉being 20.去掉to

八、句子结构:命题特点改正方法:成分多余;简单句、并列句与复合句混淆;固定句式。分析句子结构。1.去掉he 2.arriving-arrived 3.Following-Follow 4.moving-moves 5.去掉but 6.去掉or 7.去掉so 8.去掉and 9.去掉and 10.去掉and


1.that-which 2.去掉which或which-that或which前加in 3.that-who 4.去掉it 4.them-which 5.them-which 6.man后加who 7.where-that/which或去掉where 8.which-that或去掉which, can后加to 9.who-as 10.去掉in 11.Which-As 12.them-which 13.when-that或去掉when 14.has-have 15.why-that/which或去掉why


1.that-what 2.that-whether 3.because-that 4.去掉he 5.if-whether 6.we前加that 7.break-breaks 8.That-What 9.去掉something 10.possible前加it

十一、状语从句:命题特点改正方法:连接词误用;状语从句的省略。分析从句性质和从句所缺成分。1.leave前加won’t 2.worked前加has 3.because-though 4.whatever-what 5.nor-or 6.if-unless或will后加not 7.去掉of 8.so-such 9.去掉being 10.though-because




语言学习的最终目标是进行有效的交际。词汇是交际过程中基本的、不可或缺的语言材料, 它在交际中的重要性可通过英国语言学家D.A.Wilkins在其Linguistics in Language Teaching一书中所作的相关论述得以体现:“没有语法, 能表达的内容很少;没有词汇则什么都表达不了” (Without grammar very little can be conveyed;without vocabulary nothing can be conveyed) 。可见, 词汇学习在英语学习过程中有着不言而喻的重要意义。但尽管如此, 要做到真正掌握和应用英语词汇却不是一件简单的事情。根据Wallace (1982) 的观点, 真正掌握一个单词, 就必须符合以下要求:1) 识别其书面和口头形式;2) 随时回忆起来;3) 与适当的物体或概念联系起来;4) 以适当的语法形式使用它;5) 口头上清晰地发音;6) 书写中正确地拼写;7) 按正确的搭配使用它;8) 按其适当的正式程度运用它;9) 意识到词的内涵意义与联想意义。然而, 目前在高职院校的一些师生中对词汇的掌握尚存在认识上的局限性, 那就是, 仅将词汇学习局限在对词汇的量的扩充上, 这实际上只涵盖了词汇习得的广度, 却忽略了词汇习得的深度, 即使用词汇的能力, 导致学生对英语词汇的学习只停留在简单的机械记忆阶段, 缺乏对词汇的深化学习, 影响了词汇学习的有效性, 进而导致了实际运用中英语词汇量的捉襟见肘及英语词汇应用能力的不尽如人意。由此可见, 高职学生对英语词汇的掌握程度与该要求之间还存在着很大的差距。

加强词汇学习是英语学习的必经之路。词汇学习不仅仅包括对词汇广度的学习, 还包括对词汇深度的学习。目前, 介绍词汇学习方法的文章很多, 尤其是有助于词汇的广度习得的有关词汇记忆方法的文章很多, 本文就不再赘述。这里, 笔者主要根据自己多年的教学实践经验, 谈谈如何从“汉译英”单句翻译入手, 深化高职生对英语词汇深度的把握, 提高学生英语词汇应用能力。

1 在高职院校中利用“汉译英”单句翻译强化词汇教学的理由

1.1 目前很多高职院校的词汇教学存在很大的误区, 那就是重记忆, 轻运用;

重输入, 轻输出;有悖于教学大纲重运用能力培养的要求, 导致学生英语词汇应用能力不尽如人意。

1.2 从英语词汇的词义变化来看, 一般来说英语词义比较灵

活, 词的涵义范围比较宽, 比较丰富多彩, 词义对上下文依赖性比较大, 独立性比较小。所以, 对英语词汇掌握的最佳途径就是依靠一定的语境。从词到句, 由句到篇, 句子可谓是最重要的一环, 起着承上启下的作用。而被誉为英语精读教学的“金钥匙”的汉译英单句翻译不仅能提供词汇学习所需的语境, 还能以最简单直接的方式训练学生的英语思维, 培养学生的词汇应用能力。

1.3 虽然以多数高职生原有的词汇和语法结构基础, 在刚接触

单句翻译训练时会感到一定程度上的力不从心, 但比起一些单一的词汇练习 (如词汇选择和填空题) 来说, 它更具挑战性, 更能激发学生的学习热情和战胜困难的决心。学生乐于做这样的练习。从笔者多年的教学经验来看, 对于单句翻译学生往往会经历这样一个过程:从最初的情绪上的抵触, 勉强为之到最后的跃跃欲试;从无从下笔, 到得心应手。单句翻译大大提高了词汇习得的有效性, 学生实实在在地体会了它给其词汇应用能力带来的益处, 更加乐于做这样的练习, 形成一种乐学、勤学、善学的良性循环。


2.1 加深对词汇的记忆, 加深对英语词汇词义和词性的理解。

词义辨析、遣词用字是翻译时自始至终需要面临的两个问题, 这一过程自然涉及到在母语与目的语之间寻找相对固定的词义对应关系, 在两种语言之间就词性、词义进行分析比较, 在潜移默化中加深对英语词汇的记忆, 对词义和词性的理解, 提高学生的词汇应用能力。

2.2 活用词汇。

“汉译英”单句翻译以句子为单位, 把词汇放在以句子为单位的语境中, 通过对句子结构的分析, 了解两种语言思维表达上的特点与差异, 实现两种语言句子结构的转换, 以及通过辨析词义、遣词用字达到活用词汇的目的, 不断将消极词汇逐步变成积极词汇, 即不但能说出某词的词义, 还要会读、会拼, 知道其语法属性, 正确运用该词的搭配, 指出该词所传达的感情色彩。

2.3 克服英语词汇应用上的负迁移。

由于母语与目的语在构词、习惯表达等方面的差异往往使学生在学习目的语的过程中难以摆脱母语的干扰, 在词汇应用上出现负迁移现象。单句翻译给学生提供了英文语句输出的实践平台, 学生在此平台上通过实践逐步摆脱母语语言、文化的干扰, 用目的语清楚有效地传达信息, 获得正确的英语词汇应用能力。


3.1 以教材为蓝本, 以课文词汇, 练习中的词汇为线索, 以多

种教学方式将与其相关的“汉译英”单句翻译训练穿插在整个课堂教学过程之中。由于课堂教学的时间限制, 翻译训练所选用的句子最好是那些具有一定代表性的、难易适中的、启迪思维的、适合高职生英语水平的“汉译英”句子。如在涉及到due这个词时, 笔者让学生翻译这样一段对话:A: (问一个怀孕的妇女) 你孩子的预产期在什么时候?B:在今年7月。学生的翻译五花八门, 准确的对应表达却是A:When is your baby due?B:My baby is due in this July.通过讲评和翻译该句, 学生们加深了对due的理解, 对与其有关的其它短语和句子的理解和翻译就变得轻松自如起来。这样既兼顾了句子翻译所应满足的两个基本要求:grammatically and idiomatically, 又突出了重点, 突破了难点。只要持之以恒坚持训练, 久而久之, 学生的词汇应用、英语翻译和表达能力都将会大有起色。

3.2 加强词法和句法辅助学习和训练, 尤其是对词性和句型结构的训练。

在教学中, 笔者发现很多大一新生不明了词性和句子成分之间的对应关系, 语法结构理解不当, 句子组织能力差, 翻译中常常出现句子结构错误、词性用法错误等等问题。句型结构是英语词汇的表现手段, 英语词汇的词义灵活, 对语境的依赖性大, 所以词汇的应用离不开正确合理的句型结构。错误分析法是笔者经常使用的加强词性和句型结构的训练的方法, 该方法通过识别错误、描写错误、解释错误三个程序加强母语和目的语之间的对比分析, 培养学生用英语思维的习惯, 对重点句型、时态、语态等重大语言现象反复操练, 对学生大脑不断进行强化刺激, 是克服汉语句子干扰的有效手段。


教学中教师不可能面面俱到地教会学生一切技能, 重要的是授之以渔, 而不仅仅是授之以鱼, 强化学生的技能意识, 鼓励、督促学生多接触、多尝试、多操练英语词汇单句翻译, 积极思考与探索, 才能做到举一反三, 得心应手。

通过“汉译英”单句翻译, 不仅促进了学生对英语语法和句型结构的理解和把握, 而且促进了学生对英语词汇的广度的拓展和深度的掌握, 词汇应用能力明显增强。

词汇是英语学习的三要素之一, 是英语学习的基础。只有掌握了词汇, 才能顺利地进行听说读写。但是, 对词汇的掌握不能仅仅停留在对词的记忆和理解上, 还要加强对词的输出, 因为“理解一个词与输出一个词是不同的过程, 输出是一个更为积极、复杂因而也更为困难的过程” (束定芳, 庄智象, 2002) 。“汉译英”单句翻译练习给词汇输出训练搭建了一个良好的平台, 高职院校的教师和学生应充分利用这样一个平台, 努力培养学生的词汇应用能力, 进而达到提高学生的英语语言综合能力的目的。


[1]聂龙.进一步加强词汇教学[J].外语界, 2001





近代文人,始为复古之说以胜之。夫复古是已,然至以剿袭为复古,句比字拟,务为牵合,弃目前之景,摭腐滥之辞,有才者屈于法,而不敢自伸其才;无之者拾一二浮泛之语,帮凑成诗。智者牵于习,而愚者乐其易,一唱亿和,优人驺子③,共谈雅道。吁,诗至此,抑可羞哉!夫即诗而文之为弊,盖可知矣。 









































古人云:“千载一圣,犹旦暮也;五百年一贤,犹比膊也。”言圣贤之难得,疏阔如此。傥遭不世明达君子,安可不攀附景仰之乎!吾生于乱世,长戎于马,流离播越,闻见已多;所值名贤,未尝不心醉魂迷向慕之也。人在年少,神情未定,所与款狎,熏渍陶染,言笑举动,无心于学,潜移暗化,自然似之;何况操履艺能,较明易习者也!是以与善人居,如入芝兰之室,久而自芳也;与恶人居,如入鲍鱼之肆,久而自臭也。墨子悲于染丝,是之谓矣。君子必慎交游焉。孔子曰:“无友不如己者。”颜、闵之徒,何可世得!但优于我,便足贵之。 世人多蔽,贵耳贱目,重遥轻近。少长周旋,如有贤哲,每相狎侮,不加礼敬;他乡异县,微藉风声,延颈企踵,甚于饥渴。校其长短,核其精粗,或彼不能如此矣。所以鲁人谓孔子为东家丘;昔虞国宫之奇少长于君,君狎之,不纳其谏,以至亡国,不可不留心也! 

梁孝元在荆州,有丁觇者,洪亭民耳,颇善属文,殊工草、隶;孝元书记,一皆使之。军府轻贱,多未之重,耻令子弟以为楷法。时云:“丁君十纸,不敌王褒数字。”吾雅爱其手迹,常所宝持。孝元尝遣典签惠编送文章示萧祭酒,祭酒问云:“君王比赐书翰,及写诗笔,殊为佳手,姓名为谁,那得都无声问?”编以实答。子云叹曰:“此人后生无比,遂不为世所称,亦是奇事!”于是闻者稍复刮目。稍仕至尚仪曹郎。末为晋安王侍读,随王东下。及西台陷殁,简牍湮散,丁亦寻卒于扬州。前所轻者,后思一纸,不可得矣。 












































(3) 瞋心坏一切善,慈心降一切魔。(3分)






陈雪梅,高级教师,供职于湖北省黄冈市黄州区教研室。 



1.Now people get a lot of informations from TV.2.Germany is an European country.3.They didn’t want me to do any work at family.4.Yesterday I met an old friend of me.5.Boys and girls, don’t lose hearts.Do better next time..They are of different size.7.It is so beautiful place that you must visit it.8.What a terrible weather we have been having!

9.It took place in France, an European country.10.Suddenly I caught a sight of my English teacher in the crowd.11.What good time we had last night!

12.We shall spend three-day holiday together.13.I came to understand that was not easy to earn money.14.Some parents think useless for girls to go to school.15.When he bought a chocolate cake, he put them in a secret place.16.One day I wrote a little story and showed to my teacher.17.It’s important that we should think over before doing anything.18.The truck was moving so fast that the driver couldn’t control.19.I apologized and controlled me at my best till the dinner started.20.We must take part in social practice to prepare us well for our future.21.The teacher did not punish for cheating but instead gave me a second chance.22.Henry did not like his car, that ran badly and often broke down.23.There was a five-pound note in the pocket of the trousers I had told her to wash it.4.People can hardly do some fishing there.25.I visited a place where is surrounded by mountains.26.I am sure you will find one you like it.27.It was yesterday when he broke the window.28.He had lost his glasses without them he couldn’t see.29.Oliver Twist, the hero of the story, he was an orphan.30.It starts with choosing a tree from neither a farm or a store.31.She never has enough time for that she wants to do.32.I find what I have one shortcoming in my character.33.What necessary it is that we get rid of the bad habits.34.It didn’t matter that I would win or not.35.People in the US drink more coffee than people in any country.36.The development will bring us much more hopes and chances.37.The Olympics are held each four years.38.A summer, Fane traveled abroad.39.I hope you think about my request as soon as possibly.40.I know you are particular interested in Human Rights.41.As there is no air or water, there can be no life , too.42.There were too many nice things that I didn’t know what to choose.43.He decides to travel a lot and visit such many new places as possible.44.I couldn’t see as clear as before.45.The water in it is so dirty that it smells terribly.46.I appreciate your help very well.47.You always gave me specially attention and inspired me.48.It was until midnight that it stopped raining.49.People both at home and abroad have been great helped by the new computer.50.He has to work if he wants to live comfortable.51.She is a brave and honesty girl.52.It is much easy to make plans than to carry them out.53.It is convenient for me to prepare for the exam than before.54.He gave me an order worthy 15 million dollars.55.The tree was put into a Christmas stand that holds the tree up straightly.56.Is teaching kids English as interested as you expected in college?

57.We had guests last night who had not stayed in it ago.58.We are all very much active and the activities are enjoyable.59.If you won’t want to take a taxi, you can go by bus.60.Our city is a modern city.It set up in the early 1980s.61.Bad habits not come suddenly.62.I have caught a bad cold for a week and I can’t get rid of it.63.Following the road and you will find the store.64.I rush over without delay, jumped into the water and swam towards him.65.You must do everything you can help them.66.When a rabbit see something dangerous, it runs away.67.Its tail, which is white, moving up and down as it runs.68.Think perhaps I was too tired, I stood up and was going to sleep.69.I was often tired and watch TV demands little effort.70.The little girl hurried home with the remained money.71.His young patient was soon able to get up and ran about again.72.It was kind of them to meet me at the station and drove me to their home.73.She liked it very much and reads it to the class.74.There were over 1000 students attend it.75.Is it likely to be any food at the party on Saturday?

76.Please excuse us for not able to say goodbye to you.77.He spends hours on the telephone, talks to his friends.78.Filling with many people, the room is crowded.79.At the interview there are many people who wait to interviewed for jobs.80.It will cost a rocket a hundred thousand years to reach it.81.There used to have a church in front of the school.82.Hope you great success in your work!

83.All you can do is encouraging him, show him understanding and offer him advice.84.In Friday afternoon, some students took part in a speech activity.85.In a few weeks the story was returned to her.86.It was very fine when I got up early on last Sunday morning.87.I rushed out the house as quickly as I could.88.It is necessary to decide what is worth taking notice.89.I had difficulty in grammar after I entered into the school.90.She could hardly afford for the medical care.91.But we don’t seem to have much time to talk about together.92.He was punished because what he had done.93.The ice isn’t thick enough for us to skate.94.I gave you my luggage at a quarter of an hour ago.95.I am writing to thank you with your kind help.96.He means to come no earlier as that time.97.We must return back to school this afternoon

98.Child as he is, but he knows a lot.99.Having been ill for a long time, so she fell behind her classmates.100.Thinking he happened to have no work to do, and he came back home.二.单句改错(下列句子各有两处错误,请改正)

1.If you close your eyes, you can’t see something, because your eyelids prevent the light enter your eyes

2.For our joy, Li Ding, monitor of our class, who was among the winners.3.The only thing I can think is when I am going to get home listen to my music.4.All my classmates are busy prepare for the exam except myself.5.The main problem was in that I always thought in Chinese and tried to translate anything into English.6.I communicated myself thanks to his great kindness.7.I was great delighted to learn that you do very well in the mid-term examination.8.If you learning English, it is not enough only to keep in minds the rules of grammar.9.I get up very early this morning to go to the airport to meet Mr.White, a expert from the USA.10.One and a half year later, I now think English a fun to learn.11.I went through the test for many times but I can only answer three out of the twenty questions.12.For instance, on one night, the played strong and loudly music till 4 o’clock in the morning.13.Thinking he had no work to do, and my father came back home, quickly finishing his supper and left forthe cinema.14.Men have been interesting in the stars ever since they first looked up into sky.15.That is difficulty to say how many people are learning English.16.Three years ago, he was picked out and send to study in abroad.17.Sometimes, I wish I can stay in a quiet place lonely, away from this city for a long time.18.Many years ago, I step into a bookstore for some books I wanted them.19.Having learned why he wanted the book, and the bookseller gave him some writing papers and a new pencil as a gift.20.you can find all kinds information in just a few minute on the internet.21.I got know that they were college students travel in china.22.Under the help of him and my classmates, I made some progresses.23.We went to the zoo on last Sunday.There were a lot of visitors stood in front of the ticket window.24.With development of mobile phones, the short message service is becoming more and more popular for us nowadays.25.On the night before my first day, I was much excited to go to sleep and as a result, I got up lately in the morning.26.Three years ago, I was studying to abroad in Japan.It was there where I began reading comic books.27.Have they ever thought of plastic bags do harm our environment?

28.It is certainly that Zhang Village will built into a better modern village.29.On the ceremony we made a statement which as grown-ups we should have sense of duty to our society from now on.30.Though the city is modern, but there are still some problems, such as air pollution crowdedness and noisy.Answers:1-5 informations-information;an-a;family-home;me--mine;hearts-heart;6-10 size-sizes;a place;删除a;an-a;删除a

11-15 a good time;a three-day;that后加it;think后加it;them-it;

16-20 showed后加it;think后加it;control后加it;me-myself;us-ourselves;

21-25 punish后加me;that-which;删除it;some-any;where-which;26-30删除it;when-that;them-which;删除he;neither-either;

31-35 that-what;what-that;What-How;that-whether;any后加other;36-40 much-many;each-every;A-One;possibly-possible;particular-particularly;

41-45 too-either;too-so;such-as;clear-clearly;terribly-terrible;

46-50 well-much;specially-special;was后加not;great-greatly;comfortable-comfortably;

51-55 honesty-honest;easy-easier;is后加more;worthy-worth;straightly-straight;

56-60 interested-interesting;ago-before;删除much;won’t-don’t;It后加was;

61-65 habits后加do;caught-had Following-Follow;rush-rushed;can后加to;

66-70 see-sees;moving-moves;think-Thinking;watch-watching;remained-remaining;

71-75 ran-run;drove-drive;reads-read;attend-attending;it-there;

76-80 not后加being;talks-talking;Filling-Filled;to后加be;cost-take;

81-85 have-be;Hope-Wish;encouraging-encourage;In-On;In-After;

86-90 删除on;out后加of notice后加of;删除into;删除for

91-95 删除about;because后加of;skate后加on;删除at;with-for;

96-100 as-than;删除back;删除but;删除so;删除and;



第一组 10词内单句

1.Some students earn some extra cash from part-time jobs.学生们可以通过兼职工作赚到一些零用钱。

核心结构:A earn some extra money from B A从B处赚得零用钱 注:extra cash=pocket-money

2.Industrial particulates are mortally detrimental to one’s physique.工业悬浮颗粒对人的身体有致命伤害。

核心结:A be mortally detrimental to B A对B有致命危害

3.Some parents feel hemmed-in by their daily routines.很多父母感觉他们被工作束缚住了。

核心结构:A feel hemmed-in by B A感觉受到B的牵制(束缚)

4.Give-and-take is common in any relationship.付出与给予是人类社会中的一种普遍关系。

核心结构:A be common in any relationship A是人类社会中的一种普遍关系

5.Youngsters are given to making mistakes.年轻人一定会犯错误。

核心结构:A be given to doing A一定会(做)。

6.Scientific developments have been fast and furious.科技发展业已一日千里。

核心结构:A be fast and furious A一日千里。

7.In the abstract, women are more easy-going.从理论上来说,女性更加和蔼。

核心结构:in the abstract 从理论上来说

8.A violent area is always the locus of poverty.一个充斥着暴力的地区总是贫困地区。核心结构:locus 地点

9.It is too moralistic to condemn new lifestyles.谴责新的生活方式未免有些上纲上线。核心结构:

1.it is moralistic to do(做某事)显得上纲上线。2.condemn 谴责

10.The paranormal can be rarely explained.超自然现象很难得到解释。核心结构:

1.A can be rarely explained A很难得到解释。2.paranormal 超自然的/ 超自然事物

11.Retirees are always unprepared for the oncoming boredom.核心结构:退休者对于即将到来的枯燥生活总是毫无准备。1.A be unprepared for B A对于B毫无准备。2.oncoming 即将到来的

12.Massacres are often done by those unprepossessing loners.大屠杀的实行者总是那些不为人所注意的孤独者。核心结构:unprepossessing 不为人所注意(关注)的

13.The suggestion is weighted against average students.这个建议不利于一般学生。

核心结构:A be weighted against B A不利于B 注:A be weighted against B 所表示的“不利结果”是深思熟虑后得出来的。

14.Conservative people are rather wedded to traditions.保守的人总是遵循传统。

核心结构:A be wedded to B A遵循B “遵循”的其它表达方式:follow/ observe/ adhere to/ stick to/ abide by

15.The reason is not valid.这个理由站不住脚。

核心结构:valid 站得住脚的16.The upshot would be win-win.结果将是双赢的。核心结构: 1.upshot 结果

2.win-win 双赢的

17.The criticism is trenchant indeed.这个批评的确是一针见血.核心结构:trenchant 一针见血的

18.Trials and tribulations always lead us to success.历练与苦难总是会引导我们走向成功。核心结构:trials and tribulations 历练与苦难

19.It is nothing but a piece of excuse.这不过是一个借口。

核心结构:A be nothing but B A不过是B而已。

20.Fairness is the keystone of legislation.公平是立法的基础。

核心结构:keystone 基础

21.Dying patients are not loath to end their lives.垂死的病人情愿结束他们的生命。

核心结构:A be not loath to do A情愿(做某事)注:A be loath to do A勉强(做某事)

22.I obsess over those disabled children.我非常关注那些残疾儿童。

核心结构:A obsess over B A关注B “关注”的其它结构:A be preoccupied with B/ A concentrate on B/ A be engrossed in B(通常指对于工作与学业的关注)/ A be dedicated to B(通常翻译为A致力于B)

23.We must bring perpetrators to justice.我们必须将违法者绳之以法。

核心结构:A bring B to justice A将B绳之以法。

24.I cannot tolerate the permissiveness in education.我无法容忍在教育当中出现的纵容行为。核心结构:permissiveness 纵容行为

25.In the face of a plurality of cultures, I feel befuddled.面对各种各样的文化概念,我感觉头晕目眩。核心结构:

1.in the face of 面对

2.a plurality of 各种各样的

3.befuddled 头晕目眩(文气用法,通常指对概念与观点的茫然、不知所措)

26.Torrents of youngsters flood into universities in frenzy.如潮水一般的年轻人疯狂的涌入大学。核心结构:

1.A flood into B A涌入B 2.in frenzy 疯狂的(副词结构)

27.Teachers tend to be magisterial.教师们总会有些专横跋扈。核心结构:

1.A tend to do A倾向于(做)

2.magisterial 专横跋扈的、权威的(反语或幽默说法)

28.When put in public eyes, the problem is magnified.在公众的眼中,问题总会被放大。核心结构:

1.A put B in public eyes A将B置于公众视线当中。

2.magnify 放大(动词)

29.Offstage, celebrities do not behave differently from commoners.在日常生活中,名人与普通人的表现并无不同。

核心结构:offstage 在台下、在日常生活中(副词结构)


30.The rupture between two generations is caused by communication failure.两代人之间的隔阂是有沟通不畅造成的。核心结构:rupture 隔阂

注:rupture的原意是“断裂”。它最早被借用表示抽象关系还是在哲学专著《论道德的谱系》中。记得在4年前,北大的一些文学博士曾经拿周星驰的电影风格说事,讲他的电影是后现代主义风格。他们英文论文中曾有一个句子“His works mark the rupture between industrial and surrealistic works.”(他的作品标志着工业电影与超现实主义电影的断裂)。后来据星星自己讲“我就是想拍电影,没想成什么后现代主义大师。”

31.Much of pressure is self-inflicted.很多的压力都是自己强加的。


32.Many of trendsetters were not pioneers in their childhood.很多先驱者在他们的童年期并不是领袖。核心结构:trendsetter先驱者


33.Trepidation is usually caused by inferiority complex.恐慌感总是由自卑造成的。核心结构:

1.trepidation 恐慌

2.inferiority complex 自卑感(情结)


34.It is hard for us to figure out the definition on an infant prodigy.我们很难得出天才儿童的定义。核心结构:

1.figure out 得出

2.infant prodigy 天才儿童


35.No measures are infallible.方法没有绝对无误的。

核心结构:infallible 绝对无误的。

36.One’s childhood and adulthood are inextricable.一个人的童年期与成年期是不能分割的。核心结构:inextricable 不能分割的

37.Some youngsters may commit crimes without rhyme or reason.一些年轻人会无缘无故的犯罪。

核心结构:without rhyme or reason无缘无故地(副词结构)

38.Human society develops invariably to a better state.人类社会总是向好的方向发展。核心结构:


2.a better state 一个好的状态 注:大家看过The Day After Tomorrow吗?最近几年气候怪异,地球总发脾气。希望大家能够热爱地球,少用纸巾(facial tissue)、多用手绢(handkerchief)。注意环境保护(environmental protection)。否则说不定世界末日(Armageddon)很快就来了。

39.Rampant hackers are proud of attacking PCs skillfully.猖獗的黑客以能够娴熟的攻击个人电脑为骄傲。核心结构:

1.rampant hacker猖獗的黑客 2.A be proud of B A以B为荣

注:很多的网络犯罪(cyber-crimes)不以为耻、反以为荣(see a crime as a pride)。不过,大家还是要小心被“烧香”。

40.In an extended family, sibling rivalry is rather obvious.在一个大家庭中,兄弟姐妹间的对立是很明显的。核心结构:

1.extended family大家庭

2.sibling rivalry 兄弟姐妹间的对立

注:不知大家是生长在大家庭(extended families由三代或三代以上的人所组成的家庭。看过《我爱我家》没有?对!就是这种!太准确了!)还是小家庭(nuclear families由两代人组成的家庭)中?不过肯定不是丁克家庭(Dink,由两个冷酷的上班族所组成的无小孩家庭。)就对了。

41.Many of traditional beliefs are erased by new ones.很多的传统观念因新观念的出现而消失了。核心结构:erase擦除

42.While inveighing against the phenomenon, we must figure out solutions.在抱怨这种现象的时候,我们必须得出解决方法。核心结构:inveigh against 抱怨、批评(有亵渎意味)

43.Some inveterate liars are born and brought up in violent families.很多有撒谎习惯的人都生长在暴力家庭中。核心结构:inveterate liar习惯撒谎的人


44.Modern buildings are always pale in comparison to ancient ones.与传统建筑相比,现代建筑显得那么苍白。核心结构:in comparison to A 与A相比

45.Large rambling buildings are piled in cities.高大的、杂乱的建筑被堆砌在城市当中。核心结构:rambling杂乱的


46.A series of ramifications are bound to be found.核心结构:一系列的后果定会接踵而来。1.a series of 一系列的 2.ramification 后果

3.be bound to do 一定会

47.One’s idiosyncrasies always developed from his childhood.一个人的嗜好总是从他的童年期发展而来的。核心结构:idiosyncrasy 嗜好


48.One’s socialization may be encumbered by a multitude of factors.一个人融入社会的过程可能会受到很多因素的制约。核心结构:

1.encumber 阻碍

2.a multitude of 很多的

“很多的”其它结构:multifarious/ various/ a variety of / multifarious

49.Violent crimes are especially rambunctious in under-developed areas.在贫困地区,暴力犯罪尤其猖獗。核心结构:rambunctious 猖獗的

注:美国有个纽约(又叫Big Apple),它由曼哈顿(Manhattan)、布鲁克林(Brooklyn)、皇后区(Queens)、布郎克斯(Bronx)和斯塔滕岛(Staten Island)五个区(Five Boroughs)组成。其中的布鲁克林就曾经是一个暴力犯罪rambunctious地区。

50.One’s savoir-faire is of vital importance to his success.对于一个人的成功而言,社会能力至关重要。核心结构:

1.savoir-fair 社会能力

2.A be of vital importance to B A对B至关重要。

第二组 10--20词单句

In developed areas, neither does the number of population decline nor inclines drastically.在发达地区,人口数量既没有答复下降,也没有答复上升。核心结构:drastically 大幅度地

2.The values, lifestyles, and behavioral ways of rich youngsters have chilling echoes of their poor peers’.富裕阶层年人的价值观、生活方式与行为方式与那些来自贫困阶层的同龄人相比与很大的不同。核心结构:A have chilling echoes of B A与B有很大不同。

3.Feeling dispirited with reality, many of youngsters prefer escapism.对于现实感到绝望,很多年轻人现在都选择了逃避主意。核心结构:

1.A feel dispirited with B A对B没有信心。2.A prefer B A 选择B 3.escapism 逃避主义


4.Choosing to be self-employed and unemployed has become the ways for youngsters to keep away from office politics.选择自由职业或失业已经成为了年轻人远离办公室政治的手段 核心结构:office politics办公室政治

5.In a trainee-led class, students may be dismissive of their teachers’ orders and, therefore, make teaching activities out of order.在一个以受训者为引导的课堂当中,学生们可能会对教师的命令不理不睬,并使得教学活动失去秩序。核心结构:

1.A be dismissive of B A对B不理睬

2.A make B out of order A使得B失去秩序

6.Against sticky Muzak, passengers are becoming drowsy in stuffy compartments and, more ridiculously, never fall asleep successfully.听着索然无味的背景音乐,乘客们在不透气的车厢里变得昏昏欲睡。更荒唐的是,他们从未成功入睡。核心结构:Muzak 背景音乐

7.Public interest in charitable undertaking is in danger of petering out.核心结构:

1.A be in danger of B A处于B的危险之中 2.peter out 消失

8.Food, medical facilities, and teaching staff are always under-resourced in remote areas.在偏远地区,食物、医疗设施以及教学人员总是数量不足。核心结构:under-resourced 供应不足的

9.In face of the deterioration of public morality, we should abnegate ourselves first and any commentaries without actions are superfluous.面对公众道德沦丧现象的时候,我们应该首先自律。任何没有行动的评论都是多余的。核心结构: 1.abnegate自律 2.commentary评论 3.superfluous 多余的

10.While attacking those supine journalists, we must be firstly aware that being loyal to governments is the precondition for them to survive.在攻击那些懒惰的记者的同时,我们必须首先意识到对于政府的忠诚是记者们生存的前提。核心结构:

1.supine journalist懒惰的记者 2.be aware that 意识到

3.A be loyal to B A对B忠诚 4.precondition 前提

注:前提的表达方式: premise/ prerequisite/ precondition

11.After the artistic disciplining like dancing or performing, one’s deportment will become obviously graceful.在学习了类似舞蹈和表演这样的艺术课程后,一个人的气质会明显变得优雅。核心结构:deportment 气质、举止、仪态

12.Frequent edifying conversations can well enlighten children.经常性的启迪性对话可以很好的启蒙儿童。核心结构:edifying 具有启迪性的

13.Dancing against strong rhythm, youngsters are pulsating with excitement in pubs.伴随着强劲的节奏,年轻人们在酒吧里发狂的跳动。核心结构:pulsate跳动

14.In the course of urbanization, thousands acres of farming lands have become factories on the periphery of cities.在城市化过程中,数千顷城市周边的农用地已经成为了工厂。核心结构:



15.The aged, especially those from empty-nest families, are in eager need for reassurance.老年人,尤其是那些来自于空巢家庭的老年人,急需安慰 核心结构:

1.empty-nest family空巢家庭

2.A be in eager need for B A急需B 3.reassurance保证、安慰 注:“空巢家庭”对于我们是一个较新的概念,它通常指代无子女家庭。无子女有三种状态,一种是老龄化的DINK家庭,第二种是因为子女外出求学、组建新的家庭、或工作而造成的、最后一种则是由丧子造成的。以目前的情况看,中国未来的空巢家庭会越来越多。也许政府应该鼓励、组织空巢家庭间的聚会以缓解留守老人的孤独感(the sense of loneliness)和空虚感(the sense of emptiness)。

16.The saddest episodes in one’s tormented life really teach a person a lot.在饱受风霜的生活中,最悲惨的生活片断往往会教会一个人很多。核心结构: 1.episode片段


17.According to my own experience, one’s success is extraneous to his educational level.根据我的个人经验,一个人的成功往往与他的受教育水平毫不相关。核心结构:A be extraneous to B A与B毫不相关

18.Not pessimistically, violent crimes cannot be exterminated in urban areas as long as social gaps are not bridged.不悲观的来说,只要社会差距不被弥合,城市地区的暴力犯罪就不会被根除。核心结构:

1.pessimistically 悲观地(副词)2.exterminate根除

注:根除的表达方式eradicate/ root out/ exterminate

19.Extramural activities, if well-organized, are decisive for students’ successful socialization.假如组织得当,校外活动对于孩子的社会化进程将起到关键作用。核心结构:extramural activity 校外活动

20.When feeling scandalized by domestic violence, I feel necessary to probe into the root causes to this phenomenon.在对家庭暴力感到极度反感的共识,我感觉有必要深入分析一下这种现象的根本原因。核心结构:

1.A feel scandalized by B A对B感到极度反感 2.A probe into B A深入分析B

21.The measure of educating highly-intelligent children separately may suffocate average students’ aspiration for their successful life.单独教育高智商儿童的方式可能会扼杀普通学生对于成功生活的渴望。核心结构:A suffocate B A使B窒息、A扼杀B

22.Looking into the recent cases of campus massacres, we can find that the attacks were always premeditated.深入研究最近的校园流血事件,我们可以发现最近的一系列袭击都是有预谋的。核心结构:premeditate预谋(动词)

23.Being mentally immature and sociably inexperienced, many of youngsters are easy to be deceived by subterfuges.由于心理上的不成熟和社会经验的缺乏,一些年轻人很容易被假话欺骗。核心结构:

1.mentally immature 心理上不成熟的 2.A be deceived by B A被B蒙骗 3.subterfuge 假话、借口

24.In the vicinity of urban areas, the public facilities like medical and teaching organizations are still short of well-trained professionals.在城市周边地区,医院及教学机构等公众设施仍然缺乏训练有素的专业人才。核心结构:

1.A be in the vicinity of B

A在B的周边 2.A be short of B A缺少B

25.The vicissitudes of communication ways are gradually making the aged marginalized and generation gaps widened.交流方式的变迁正在使得老年人边缘化、代沟加深。核心结构:

1.vicissitude 变迁

2.marginalized 被边缘化的

注:落日余晖下(in the afterglow),我们总会看到一些老人百无聊赖的(in ennui)坐在小区的某个阴凉处(shady places)、茫然的(blindly)注视着过往的行人(passers-by)。他们不主动与行人交流、也不奢望行人停下来与他们交流,因为主流社会与“被边缘化社会”之间几乎没有交集。

26.Many of youngsters are proud of telling ribald jokes and regard it as a sign of maturity.一些年轻人以讲下流笑话为骄傲,因为他们认为这是一种成熟的象征。核心结构:ribald joke 下流笑话


27.The results of campus poll will be skewed since the voters are always well skimmed off and those average ones are excluded on purpose.校园选举的结果总是不公正的,因为投票者总是经过精挑细选的。那些普通学生总是被故意排斥在外。核心结构:

1.campus poll 校园选举 2.skew 歪斜的

3.skim off 优中选优

4.on purpose 故意(副词结构)

28.It is inhuman to tame wild animals and cage them in zoos permanently.驯服野生动物并将他们永久关在动物园力的做法是不人道的。核心结构:

1.It is inhuman to(do)做……是不人道的 2.tame 驯服

3.cage 笼子(名词)、关住(动词)4.permanently 永久性的、终身性的

29.Although in the habit of being obsequious, pets may attack their owners all of a sudden.核心结构:

虽然习惯于献媚,但宠物有可能突然袭击他们的主人。1.A be in the habit of doing A有做……的习惯 2.obsequious 献媚的

3.all of a sudden 忽然地(副词结构、通常置于句尾)

30.The generality of office ladies have had the idea of returning to their families and being house-wives.核心结构:绝大多数的职业女性都曾经有过回归家庭、安心当家庭主妇的想法。1.the generality of 绝大多数的

31.Urbanization, although seeming to be an irreversible result of population growth, is caused by both gentrification and industrialization in fact.城市化现象,虽然看起来是人口增长的必然结果,事实上是由士绅化与工业化所造成的。核心结构:

1.an irreversible result 一个不可逆转(必然)的结果 2.gentrification 士绅化

3.industrialization 工业化


32.Driven by envy and vanity, the idea of making money by fair means or foul will naturally germinate in a poor girl’s mind.受到嫉妒心与虚荣心的驱使,不择手段赚钱的想法会很自然的在贫穷女孩的头脑中萌芽。核心结构:

1.A be driven by B A被B驱使 2.envy and vanity 嫉妒心与虚荣心

3.by fair means or foul 不择手段地(副词结构)4.germinate 萌芽

33.The phenomenon of gerontocracy has existed for millennia because the young are accustomed to following the aged.因为年轻人习惯于跟从老年人,所以老年政权现象得以存在了几个世纪的时间。核心结构:

1.gerontocracy 老年政权

2.A be accustomed to(doing)A习惯于做……

34.Youngsters observe that the marital relationship of their parents is nothing but an empty charade.年轻人发现他们父母之间的婚姻关系不过是一场没有实质内容的猜谜游戏。核心结构:

1.marital relationship 婚姻关系

2.A be nothing but B A不过是B而已

3.an empty charade 一场没有实质内容的猜谜游戏

35.Licenses are inactive in some situations in fact because youngsters’ desire to consume alcohol can hardly be controlled.因为年轻人对于酒精类饮品的消费很难被控制,所以,事实上,禁令在很多情况下是没有作用的。核心结构:A be inactive in B A在B当中是没有作用的

36.Environmental protection did not become a contentious issue until the end of 1980s.直达20世纪80年代末,环境保护问题才成为了一个倍受争议的问题。核心结构:a contentious issue 一个倍受争议的问题

37.The decadence of young offenders is always firstly caused by their families and then society.少年犯的堕落首先是由他们的家庭造成的、然后才是由社会造成的。核心结构:decadence 堕落

38.Most adults are unaware of the social contract they have been subject to since childhood.核心结构:

很多成年人从少年时代起就不知道他们要受制于社会契约。1.A be unaware of B A不知道B 2.A be subject to B A受到B的限制


39.The generality of parents tend to constrain their children under the misconception that their children are their properties.由于怀有子女是他们私人财产的错误观念,绝大多数的父母倾向于压制他们的子女。核心结构:

1.A constrain B A压制B 2.under the misconception that…..怀有……的错误观念(THAT后接从句)

40.Although encouraging youngsters to play their roles in social activities, I cannot condone violence under any circumstances.虽然鼓励年轻人在社会活动中扮演他们自己的角色,但是在任何情况下我都不能容忍暴力行为。核心结构:

1.A play a role in B A在B当中扮演角色 2.condone 容忍

3.under any circumstances 在任何情况下

41.In terms of environmental pollution, if enterprises are compared to offenders, governments must be their confederates.就环境污染来说,假如企业被比作主犯,那么政府就是他们的帮凶。核心结构:

1.in terms of 就……而言

2.A be compared to B A被比作B 3.confederate 帮凶

42.I am now frequently astounded by human beings’ cupidity to amass fortune at the cost of conscience.我经常被人类以良心为代价敛财的贪婪心理所震惊。核心结构:

1.A be astounded by B A被B震惊 2.cupidity 贪婪

3.amass fortune 敛财

4.at the cost of 以…..为代价

43.It is apparent that younger and older generations hold diametrically opposing ideas to this phenomenon.很显然年轻人与老年人对于这个现象有截然相反的观点。核心结构:diametrically opposing ideas 截然相反的观点

44.It has always been a human frailty to attack others to avoid being hurt.通过攻击他人以获得自身保护是一个由来已久的人性弱点。核心结构:a human frailty 一个人性的弱点

注:“趋利避害(pursue benefit and avoiding being hurt””是人性的一个核心。不过“害他避害(avoid being hurt by hurting others)”或“害他趋利(pursue benefit by hurt others)”总是不好的。

45.Neglecting or even discriminating the disabled is obviously a shame of our social mechanism.忽略甚至是歧视残疾人很明显是我们社会体制中的一个耻辱 核心结构:mechanism 体制

46.Annually, millions of drug fiends die after overdosing heroine or other forbidden medicines.每年都有数百万瘾君子在吸食了过量的海洛因或其它禁药后死亡。核心结构:overdose 过量吸食

47.Life seems to have lost its savor for those retirees because they frequently feel abandoned by society.由于时常感觉到被社会所遗弃,对于退休者说生活已经没有了味道。核心结构:

1.A lose A’s savor A丢掉了A的味道

2.A feel abandoned by B A感觉被B所遗弃

48.Unable to solve survival difficulties, many of well-educated youngsters may adopt even tougher measures to be revenged on society.由于无法解决生活中的难题,很多受过良好教育的年轻人也许会使用更为极端的方式报复社会。由于无法 核心结构:

1.well-educated 受过良好教育的 2.A be revenged on B A报复B

49.So-called equality between two genders can hardly be balanced in long-run because of the long-established social moral system.由于长期以来存在的社会道德体系,从长期来看,男性与女性之间的所谓平等关系是很难得到平衡的。核心结构:so-called 所谓的

50.The introduction of synthetic materials into our life is, on one hand, reducing the consumption of natural resources and, on the other hand, polluting environment.在一个方面来看,合成材料进入我们的生活后的确减少了自然资源的消耗,但是在另外一个方面看来,合成材料也污染了环境。
