




1It is+adj.+for sb.to do sth.

(It is importantfor us to learn a foreign lan guage.)

(It may be necessary for her to have an operation.)

2It is+adj.+that clause.(that从句)

(It is vitally importantthat you understand the difficulties that you are facing.)

3It is said+that clause.(that从句)

(It is said that Mr.Wang has got a good job.)

4It is a pity+that clause.

(It is a pity that they didn’t think of that earlier.)

5It is well known to every one+that clause.

(It is well known to everyone that China is the largest developing country in the world.)6I“be”glad/happy /pleased/proud/sorry+to do sth.

(I am very glad to meet you.)

(I’d be happy to stay here for one more day.)

(I’m pleased to hear aboutyournew job.)

(She was proud to be a studentof this university.)

(I’m sorry to inform you that FlightNo.BA103has been canceled due to storm.)

7Nomatter how/where /when/what/who clause+main clause.(No matter从句+主句)

(Nomatter how hard he tried,he couldn’t get her to change her mind.)

(My parents always waited up for me,no matter what timeI got home.)

8noun+attributive clause(名词后加定语从句)

(This is the book you asked for.)

9If clause+(then)main clause(条件状语从句+主句)

(If I have time,I will comeagain tomorrow.)(注意这个句套子的时态搭配)

10When clause+main clause(时间状语从句+主句)

(When I cameinhe was reading a book.)(注意这个句套子的时态搭配)



1.We are satisfied with the terms of this contract for the most part, but we feel that your terms of payment are too severe.我们对该合同大部分条款感到满意,但是你们的付款条款太刻苛

2.We would like to have another discussion of these conditions in the afternoon before there are finally included in the contract.在合同最终签订之前,我们想在下午就这些条款进行其它的讨论

3.Before signing the contract this afternoon, I think we better go over few final details.在今天下午签订合同之前,我想们最好重温一下最后的细节

4.We’d better draw up a rough draft to the contract then talk it over in detail at our next meeting.我们最好先就合同拟定一个草案,在下次会议中我们再确定细节

5.This is a copy of our specimen contract in which the general sales terms and conditions are contained.这是我们一份包括一般销售条款和条件的合同样本

6.We hope that you won’t object to our inserting such a clause in the agreement.我们希望你们不介意在协议中加入这一条款

7.If any other clause in this contract is in conflict with the

supplementary conditions the supplementary conditions should be taken as final and binding.若合同中任一条款与附加条款冲突,则附属条款为最终裁决并对双方有约束力

8.We think it is necessary to include a force majeure clause in this contract.我们认为合同中加入不可抗力条款很有必要

9.After studying your draft contract we found it necessary to make a few changes.研究过贵司起草的合同,我们发现有必要做一些修改

10.Since both of us are in agreement on all the terms shall we sign the contract now?


11.We think your draw contract needs some modification.我们认为贵司起草的合同需做一些修改。

12.Any modification alteration to the contract shall be made with the consent of both parties.合同的任何更改变更均应得到双方许可才行

13.No changes can be made on this contract without mutual consent.不经双方同意,合同不能做任何更改

14.We must make it clear in the contract that you are obliged to complete the delivery of the good within the contractual time of


15.If the shipment can not be made within three month as stipulated, the contract will become void.如果不能在规定的三个月内出货,则合同视为无效


1.This agreement is made both in Chinese and English.The two versions of agreement

shall have equal status in law.这份协议为中英文模本,两种语言的协议应在法律上同等效力

2.This agreement is drawn up separately in Chinese and in English.Each part hold one original and one duplicate of each language.The two languages are of the same effect.该协议分别用中文和英文拟定,每一方各执每一语言正副本各一份,两种语言法律效力相同

3.Both versions of this contract are equally authentic.这份合同的译本同等可信

4.Any amendment of the contract shall come to force only after the written agreement is signed by both of us.合同的任何修改需我们双方书面同意,5.The contract shall become effective as soon as it signed by both parties.合同经双方签字后生效

6.This agreement will remain valid for one year and shall become effective on the date of signing.协议自签字之日起一年期有效

7.We’d like to make the contract to be valid for two year at the beginning.我们要使合同从开始到两年有效

8.I think we better make some changes in the wording of this sentence.我认为我们最好在这句上做些文字修改

9.Isn’t it better to word it in this way?


10.I’d like to replace this phrase with “after the date of delivery”.我想用“自交付之日起”替换该句

11.If neither party considers it is necessary to extend the contract the proposing party may take the initiative to conduct negotiation with the other party one month prior to its expiration.如果两方都认为没有必要在合同到期时续约,那么有意向的一方可以主动在到期之前一个月向另一方提出续约商议

12.In case of breach of any of the provisions of this agreement by one party, the other party shall have the right to terminate this agreement by giving notice in writing to its opposite


13.If you fail to make the delivery ten weeks later than the time of shipment stipulated in the contract, we shall have the right to cancel the contract.如果你们在合同规定时期迟于10周交货,我们有权取消合同

14.If both parties do not agree to renew the contract at its expiration, it will automatically become void.如果双方在合同到期时不再更新,则合同自动失效。


标题是全文的缩写, 具有信息、美感及祈使功能, 以简单明了、新颖醒目的方式呈现文章主要内容, 吸引读者阅读。为了实现这一目的, 作者在撰写标题时除了在词、句式上寻求奇特外, 还在修辞手法上大做文章, 力求实现含意隽永, 画龙点睛。新闻标题中常见的修辞格大体归类小结如下:

2. 引用

直接或间接以当事人的话语为题, 既可以给读者以真实感, 又可突出新闻的主要内容。如:

3. 套用


Kuwait———Midas of the Persian Gulf (标题中的Midas为神话中的米达斯国王, 他始终有一个黄金梦, 幻想有朝一日成为天下最富的国王。作者以此形象说明科威特这一弹丸小国因盛产石油而成为波斯湾地区的富翁。可译为:科威特———波斯湾的富翁。)

4. 仿辞

仿辞是对典故、谚语、电影和文学著作等的再加工利用, 略微的改动仍可使读者借助原有的联想, 从而产生明快犀利、生动幽默的效果。如:

Out of Africa———on Fast Tracks (这个标题是仿照奥斯卡金奖获奖影片“走出非洲” (Out of the Africa) 而定的。这篇报道主要介绍第25届奥运会上非洲运动员径赛项目成绩令人瞩目。)

5. 押韵

押韵是英语标题和诗歌中最常见的修辞格, 利用押韵的词会增添节奏感和几分形式美和音韵美, 读起来朗朗上口, 容易记忆。而押韵最常见为押头韵和押尾韵。如:

头韵和尾韵注重的是形式, 而对比注重的是内容。对比是利用词义间的相反或相对照来形成鲜明的反差, 以达到突现文章内容的目的。如:

The End of the Beginning (神州五号) 新纪元的开始 (“end”“beginning”的鲜明对比, 唤起读者的阅读兴趣。)

7. 双关

双关分为词义双关和谐音双关, 指词或词组同时表达互不相连的双重含义。如:

A Shock of Hair (电击新疗法, 秃头生新发) (标题中的shock就是个双关语, 一意为电击, 指治疗方法, 二意为一束 (头发) , 至治疗效果。短短的四字标题, 介绍了经过脉冲电击疗法, 秃头重新长出一束新发的神奇效果。)

Clone Ewe, But Not You (此标题采用的是语音双关, Ewe和you同音。)

8. 比喻

比喻可分明喻和暗喻, 可使新闻人物或事件形象更加鲜明, 吸引并加深读者印象。如:

Children Under Parents’Wing (文章讲述美国中学发生校园枪击事件后, 许多家长亲自送孩子上学。标题中形象地用“wing”来喻指父母的保护。)

9. 拟人


The Smile of the Earth

Gender of the Instrument

1 0. 矛盾

矛盾修辞法可使文章文采斐然, 此类标题能吸引读者反常规思考和深层理解。如:

Surgery without the Surgery (“surgery”在此标题中出现了2次, 否定词的使用使其意义前后不符, 产生矛盾。笔者试用“?!”两个标点来体现原文“矛盾修辞”的特点。试译:动手术?不用刀!———治疗脑动脉瘤新技术。)

1 1. 借代

借代修辞格指两件事物虽不相似, 利用不可分离的关系, 借此代彼。如:

Wall Street Takes a Dive (用Wall Street华尔街代指股市)

Suing Uncle Sam起诉山姆大叔 (Uncle Sam借代美国政府)

1 2. 设问

提纲挈领问句出现在新闻标题中, 能够抓住读者游移的目光, 读者希望看到答案就非读不可。如:

Is love for Labor lost?

1 3. 重复

连续或间隔重复使用同一单词、短语或句子, 运用重复能够加强语气, 强化语势。重复修辞格的使用范围很广, 常见于诗歌、散文、演讲、小说等文体中, 新闻标题自然也不例外。如:

A Rose Is a Rose (标题中Rose的重复, 旨在强调其本质就是一枝花。)

1 4. 结语

新闻标题追求新颖多采用修辞格。修辞格的使用可渲染气氛, 加强主题思想的表达力度, 在增添报道的趣味性, 使新闻文采顿生, 从而吸引读者关注消息。然而仅仅能够理解修辞的妙处还不够, 对于英语学习者而言, 更重要的是能够掌握, 并且能够在写作中灵活运用这些修辞格, 准确巧妙地对英汉新闻标题进行互译。

摘要:修辞在报刊标题中有着广泛的运用。本文从实例入手对英语新闻标题中常见的修辞现象进行归类, 旨在于帮助学生更好地了解英语报刊标题的特点, 以有助于他们的报刊标题写作与翻译。



[1]李鑫华.英语修辞学详论[M].上海:上海外语教育出版社, 2000.

[2]陈望道.修辞学发凡[M].上海:上海外语教育出版社, 2002.

[3]周学艺.美英报刊文章选读[M].北京:北京宏大学出版社, 2003.

[4]张健.英语新闻标题汉译初探[J].福建外语, 1996, (3) .



OIC - Oh I see

BFN - Bye for now

LOL - Laughing out loud

ASAP - As soon as possible

BTW - By the way...

JK - Just kidding

TTYL - Talk to you later

缩写时也可去掉不必要的部分同时保持意思明确。元音常被去除,但仍能辨别出单词一般发音。数字8有时代表eight的音,因此later 变成了l8r。数字4也常用于替代for ,就像2取代to。看这些SMS的缩写:

Plz - Please

Thx - Thanks

Cya - See you

L8r - Later

K - OK

U - You

R - Are

B4 - Before

2morro - Tomorrow


I suggest we have a call tonight at 9:30(China Time)with you and Ben.Please let me know if the time is okay for you and Ben.我建议我们今晚九点半和Ben小聚一下,你和Ben有没有空? We’d like to have the meeting on Thu Oct.30.Same time.十月三十号(周四),老时间,开会。

Let’s make a meeting next Monday at 5:30 PM SLC time.下周一盐湖城时区下午五点半开会。

I want to talk to you over the phone regarding issues about report development and the XX project.我想跟你电话讨论下报告进展和XX项目的情况。

2.Seeking for more information/feedbacks/suggestions 咨询信息/反馈/建议

Shall you have any problem accessing the folders, please let me know.如果存取文件有任何问题请和我联系。

Thank you and look forward to having your opinion on the estimation and schedule.谢谢你,希望能听到更多你对评估和日程计划的建议。Look forward to your feedbacks and suggestions soon.期待您的反馈建议!

What is your opinion on the schedule and next steps we proposed? 您对计划方面有什么想法?下一步我们应该怎么做? What do you think about this? 这个你怎么想?

Feel free to give your comments.请随意提出您的建议。

Any question, please don’t hesitate to let me know.有任何问题,欢迎和我们联系。Any question, please let me know.有任何问题,欢迎和我们联系。Please contact me if you have any questuins.有任何问题,欢迎和我们联系。

Your comments and suggestion are welcome!欢迎您的评论和建议!

Please let me know what you think!欢迎您的评论和建议!Do you have any ideas about this? 对于这个您有什么建议吗?

It would be nice if you could provide a bit more information on the user’s behavior.您若是能够就用户行为方面提供跟多的信息就太感激了!

At your convenience, I would really appreciate you looking into this matter/issue.如果可以,我希望你能负责这件事情。

3.Give feedback 意见反馈

Please see comments below.请看下面的评论。

My answers are in blue below.我的回答已标蓝。

I add some comments to the document for your reference.我就文档添加了一些备注,仅供参考。4.Attachment 附件

I enclose the evaluation report for your reference.我添加了评估报告供您阅读。

Attached please find today’s meeting notes.今天的会议记录在附件里。

Attach is the design document, please review it.设计文档在附件里,请评阅。

For other known issues related to individual features, please see attached release notes.其他个人特征方面的信息请见附件。

5.Point listing 列表

Today we would like to finish following tasks by the end of today: 1…….2…….今天我们要完成的任务:1…….2…….Some know issues in this release: 1…….2…….声明中涉及的一些问题:1…….2…….6.Raise question 提出问题

I have some questions about the report XX-XXX 我对XX-XXX的报告有一些疑问。

For the assignment ABC, I have the following questions: 就ABC协议,我有以下几个问题:……

7.Proposal 提议

For the next of platform implementation, I am proposing… 关于平台启动的下一步计划,我有一个提议……

I suggest we can have a weekly project meeting over the phone call in the near future.我建议我们就一周项目开一个电话会议。

8.Thanks note 感谢信

Thank you so much for the cooperation.感谢你的合作!

I really appreciate the effort you all made for this sudden and tight project.对如此紧急的项目您作出的努力我表示十分感谢。Thanks for your attention!谢谢关心!

Your kind assistance on this are very much appreciated.我们对您的协助表示感谢。Really appreciate your help!非常感谢您的帮助!

9.Apology 道歉


1.If you would like to know more about my ability, I can be available for an interview at any time convenient to you。


2.If you desire an interview, I shall be most happy to call in person, on any day and at any time you may appoint。


3.Should you entertain my application favorably, I would spare to trouble acquit myself to your satisfaction。


4.If you feel that I am suited for the job that you have in mind, please inform me of the time convenient for an interview.I hope to hear from you in the near future。


5.You will find enclosed a testimonial from the president of the University who has kindly offered to provide you with any further details you may require。


6.I hope that you will give me an interview at some time convenient to you。


7.If there is further information that you wish in the meantime, please let me know.I can always be reached at the address given at the beginning of this letter。


8.I shall be able to call for an interview at your convenience and shall be able to supply any necessary or examples of my previous work。


9.I am happy to refer you upon your request people who can tell you of my work and my character。


10.I believe they may be found satisfactory.Concerning my character。


11.I am looking for a job.I graduate from Shanghai Commercial College and my major is business management。


12.I would be very happy to work under your supervision if it is possible.Thank you very much for your kind attention.please send me an answer at your earliest convenience。


13.I believe that I can fulfill the requirements in your company.I hope you will be able to place me somewhere。


14.Before my present employment, I worked for the Department Store as a salesclerk in the electrical section。


15.I would like to make a change now because I feel that I can go no further in my present job, I feel that my training should enable me to advance into a better and more responsible position, and it appears that this will not be forthcoming at my present position。


16.I am permitted to refer to Mr.Smith, Managing editor of the magazine。


17.I wish to assure you that, if successful, I would endeavor to give you every satisfaction。


18.Thank you in advance for your consideration and courtesy。


19.My duties included compiling reports for the chief engineer on production in the various departments。


20.I am enclosing a brief resume as you requested.please let me know if you want an interview。


21.I am enclosing a personal data sheet which I think will adequately show you my qualifications。


22.I would be pleased if you would grant me an interview at you convenience。


23.Trusting you will give my application kind consideration and hoping to hear favorably from you at your convenience。


24.Thank you in advance for your concern and attention.please let me hear from you as soon as possible。


25.I hope to have the pleasure of your granting me an interview。


26.I believe that you will consider this application favorably and I wish to assure you that I should make every effort to be worthy of the confidence you may place in me。




3.寻求帮助类书信向对方求助常用表达:I’while I’m away.用短语do me a favor向对方求助,客气委婉,凸显诚意。

4.表达歉意类书信常用表达①’t see you off at the airport.简洁明了,一语中的。

5.表达歉意类书信常用表达②:’my grandmother.。用经典句式“The reason why----is that----”,解释道歉原因,行云流水,一气呵成。

6.表达歉意类书信常用表达③:以I do hope和understand my situation总结性表达诚恳歉意,凸显道歉诚意。


8.表示感激类书信常用表达②:高级词汇would appreciate it a lot客气委婉,彰显语言运用能力。

9.表示感激类书信常用表达③:I’高级词汇express my sincere gratitude for彰显语言功底。

10.提出建议类书信常用表达①:The following are a few suggestions for you.此句可置于段首,作为主题句统领全段。

11.提出建议类书信常用表达②以my pleasure 和 offer两词凸显真诚乐意去帮助他人。

12.提出建议类书信常用表达③句型it is of great importance 表现力远胜于it is very important,彰显语言功底。

13.提出建议类书信常用表达④:I hope you will find these suggestions of great help to you.提出建议之后,总结性地表达良好祝愿。

14.表示抱怨类书信常用表达①:find there is something wrong with the washing machine.用It is a great pity that引出抱怨内容。

15.表示抱怨类书信常用表达②:I hope that my problem will receive your consideration and I can get your reply as soon as possible.抱怨之后,再次诚恳要求对方尽快回复。

16.表示抱怨类书信常用表达③用I do hope 和 kindly体现真诚、客气。

17.笔友间书信常用表达①:I’短语more than delighted表现力远胜于very happy.18.笔友间书信常用表达②:I’非谓语动词asking巧妙引出来信内容。

19.笔友间书信常用表达③以问句形式征询信息,并以Would you please措辞,体现真诚、客气。

20.笔友间书信常用表达④: 用There is no doubt that或 I have no doubt about your ability 结构给对方以鼓舞、激励。

21.笔友间书信常用表达⑤:用nothing is impossible激励别人,简洁有力。

22.笔友间书信常用表达⑥:If you want to learn more details,please don’t hesitate to call me at 6789876.要求对方保持联系的常用表达。

23.求职申请类书信常用表达①:the position.非谓语动词Learning引出所求职位,自然、地道。

24.求职申请类书信常用表达② I’m confident 和 I am suitable for为此类书信常用短语。

25.求职申请类书信常用表达③:高级结构Given the job和 spare no efforts彰显语言功底。

26.求职申请类书信常用表达④:to meet the requirements you have listed胜任符合职位.27.求职申请类书信常用表达⑤:Thank you very much for reading my application.I’ m looking forward to hearing from you.申请信末尾表达真诚谢意与期待。

28.求职申请类书信常用表达⑥:I’m writing to you I may work for your company.I’m 以in the hope that巧妙引出希望内容,表明写信目的,或以非谓语形式hoping 彰显语言驾驭能力。

29.活动通知描述类文体常用表达①:come to the party on time, and don’t miss it!结构be warmly welcome to 体现真诚、礼貌。

30.活动通知描述类文体常用表达②:Anyone who gets interested in it is welcome.定语从句who gets interested in it地道、自然,彰显语言功底。

31.文体活动描述类文体常用表达③:高级词汇与短语unforgettable and meaningful 和 give us a deep impression彰显语言功底.32.文体活动描述类文体常用表达④:Foe me, my holiday 用形容词比较级的否定句来表达最高级的意义,曲折回环,打动人心。

33.倡议呼吁类文体常用表达①:Dear classmates, Let’s try our best to improve the climate of the earth.短句every effort counts,简洁有力,一字千钧。



35.演讲稿类文体常用表达:It is a great honor for me to stand here to make a speech on fighting against air pollution.That’s all.Thank you for listening.这是演讲稿开头与结尾常用的表达。

36.通知类文体常用表达:tell you some activities you are going to have tomorrow.There will be a lecture on pollution given by Professor Li from Beijing University.短语to have the honor to tell you 客气、婉转,而a lecture on pollution given by Professor Li from Beijing University一句中凝聚了三层信息,巧妙、地道。

37.慰问类文体常用表达:’t worry about your disease because there are many experienced doctors and advanced equipment in our city.a quick recovery.短语We are extremely sorry to hear体现忧心,而Everybody here sends their best wishes to you 凸显真诚。

38.欢迎辞类文体常用表达:warm welcome to Professor David.用I’ m greatly honored和on behalf of 体现真诚、客气。

39.正反观点对比论证类文体常用表达①:I quite agree with the statement that smoking should not be allowed in public places.The reasons are chiefly as follows.用I quite agree with the statement that 引出自己观点并阐述原因。

40.正反观点对比论证类文体常用表达②:There are different opinions among people as to how to protect the environment.此句可统领全文,引出话题。

41.正反观点对比论证类文体常用表达③:There are some people in favor of against moving the zoo out of the city.此句可作为分层论述各方观点的主题句。

42.正反观点对比论证类文体常用表达④:From my point of view, the former is a wise choice.The reason is as follows.正反论证后,阐述自己观点。

43.正反观点对比论证类文体常用表达⑤:is no exception.以谚语自然引出论证话题。

44.事物利弊类文体常用表达①us.彰显高级词汇benefits和is of great benefit to表现力。

45.事物利弊类文体常用表达②health.善于使用do harm to与do good to。

46.社会问题类文体常用表达①:will lead us in danger.用if we don’t---, the chances are that----结构,自然引出危害后果。


48.社会问题类文体常用表达③:From what has been discussed above, we may

3先行论述,然后用 reasonably arrive at the conclusion that自然得出结论。

49.社会问题类文体常用表达④:We are facing a big problem——

50.社会问题类文体常用表达⑤:cope with the situation.由面对问题自然引出采取措施。


52.日记类文体常用表达:Today is a special day ,warm and meaningful.It is my pleasure to help those who are in trouble.And I will always be ready to help others in the future.日记结尾常出现总结性表达。

53.人物描写类文体常用表达:Li Yue is always warm-hearted and cares a lot about the class.Besides, she 短语 devotes one’s spare time to helping others、set a good example for 及 deserve the honor常用来描写人物的优秀品质。

54.景点介绍类文体常用表达:Qianmen Street is a famous street of 600 years old.Along this 800-meter street, ’anmen Square, it is very convenient to get there by bus.景点介绍时,there be句型和to the south of之类方位词是常用表达。

55.事件叙述类文体常用表达:倒装结构so do I,简洁、地道。

56.说明类文体常用表达:The mouse is a most effective device used by people to communicate with a page and download what we want.用with the functions of及it enable us to结构,说明事物功能。简洁、有效、地道。

57.数字统计图类文体常用表达①:students have cellphones.用According to the statistics in the chart,it can be seen that自然引出统计结果。

58.数字统计图类文体常用表达②:of students carrying cellphones to school is increasing.用we can draw the conclusion that自然引出统计结果。

59.图画寓意类文体用As can be seen from the picture说明画面内容,用The picture conveys an important message to us阐述画面寓意。




一般应由致词场合、致词人和文种三个要素组成, 例如《在欢迎日本松下集团考察团宴会上×××总经理的欢迎词》;也可以省略致词人姓名, 只以场合和文种名称为题, 如《在××公司组建10周年庆典上的欢迎词》;还可以直接以《欢迎词》文种名称作为标题, 以示显豁、鲜明。


即对被欢迎宾客的称呼, 一定要写得礼貌得体。用语要确切、亲和, 一般应在称呼之前冠以诸如“尊敬的”“亲爱的”之类的修饰语, 并在其后加上被欢迎宾客的头衔, 也可加“先生”“女士”“夫人”之类的称谓。例如2005年4月国家主席胡锦涛在欢迎连战率领的国民党大陆访问团时所致的欢迎词, 其称谓是:“尊敬的连战主席和夫人, 尊敬的吴伯雄副主席、林澄枝副主席、江丙坤副主席, 尊敬的中国国民党大陆访问团的全体成员, 大家好。”十分恰切、得体, 令人倍感温暖。


这部分是欢迎词写作的主体, 应根据实际情况表达不同的内容。一般应先交待致词者在何种情况下, 代表谁, 向宾客表示欢迎、感谢和问候;接下去阐明宾客来访的目的、意义和作用, 同时回顾宾主双方交往的历史与友谊, 对宾客在交往过程中所作的贡献予以赞扬, 突出双方合作的成果, 并表示继续加强合作的意愿。要用充满激情的笔调, 对合作的前景作出展望, 以增强行文的鼓动性。以上述胡锦涛在欢迎连战率领的国民党大陆访问团时所致的欢迎词为例, 其正文部分是:

四月的北京春意盎然, 在这美好的季节里, 我们迎来了中国国民党主席连战先生率领的国民党大陆访问团。今天的会见是我们两党主要领导人历史性的会见, 我为此感到非常高兴!

首先, 我代表中共中央向连主席和夫人, 向各位副主席, 向访问团的全体成员表示热烈的欢迎并致以良好的祝愿。“有朋自远方来, 不亦乐乎”。你们的来访是中国共产党和中国国民党关系史上的一件大事, 也是当前两岸关系当中的一件大事。从你们踏上大陆的那一刻起, 我们两党就共同迈出了历史性的一步。这一步既标志着两党的交往进入了新的发展阶段, 也体现了我们两党愿共同促进两岸关系发展的决心和诚意。我们共同迈出的这一步, 必将记载在两岸关系发展的史册上。

当前, 两岸同胞都希望两岸关系走向和平、稳定、发展的光明前景。我们多次表示, 欢迎认同“九二共识”、反对“台独”、主张发展两岸关系的台湾各政党、团体和代表性人士, 同我们开展交流和对话, 共同推动两岸关系的改善和发展。

昨天, 全国政协贾庆林主席和连战主席以及访问团的成员进行了很好的会见。陈云林主任和林丰正秘书长也进行了工作会谈, 等一会儿我还要和连主席交换意见, 我想我们一定能够在促进两岸关系发展和两党交往等问题上达成重要共识。虽然我们两党目前还存在一些分歧, 但只要我们双方都能够以中华民族的根本利益为重, 以两岸同胞的福祉为重, 就一定能够求同存异, 共同开创美好的未来。

今年是孙中山先生逝世80周年, 连主席和访问团的全体成员在南京拜谒了中山陵。中山先生是伟大的爱国主义者和民族英雄, 是中国民主革命的伟大先行者。他为民族独立、民主自由、民生幸福, 为国家的统一和富强贡献了毕生精力。他在全国各族人民和一切爱国人士当中有着崇高的威望。中国共产党人始终对他怀着崇高的敬意, 从来就是中山先生革命事业的坚定支持者、合作者、继承者。中山先生也把中国共产党人当做自己的好朋友。在当年, 中国内忧外患的情况下, 中山先生第一个喊出了“振兴中华”的口号, 这理应继续成为我们两岸的中国人共同的追求和责任。

中山先生为中华民族和中国人民留下了许多珍贵的精神遗产, 值得我们永远地继承和发扬。

在当前, 两岸形势复杂变化的形势下, 我们两党都要深入地体察两岸同胞的所愿、所想, 深刻地把握两岸关系和世界大势的发展趋向;要以我们积极的作为, 向两岸同胞展示两岸关系和平、稳定、发展的前景;要向世界表明, 两岸的中国人有能力、有智慧解决彼此的矛盾和问题, 共同争取两岸关系和平、稳定、发展的前景, 共同开创中华民族的伟大振兴。

我相信, 中国国民党大陆访问团的这次访问, 以及我们两党的交流、对话, 已经给两岸关系的改善注入了春天的气息。希望我们双方共同努力, 争取向着两岸关系和平、稳定、发展的方向前进。让我们两岸同胞一道在和平发展的道路上不断开拓前进。



在正文的右下侧, 由致词的机关、致词人具名, 并署上日期。也可在标题之中载明。

要写好欢迎词, 应注意把握以下几个方面的要领:

第一, 要以礼待人, 情真意切。撰写欢迎词, 一定要根据宾客的实际情况和特定的场合, 以诚恳热情、情真意切作为第一要义, 充分体现出对宾客的尊重之情和友好合作之意。即便对于双方交往中所存在的分歧, 在行文中如有涉及, 也应力求巧妙圆润, 含蓄婉转, 既不要伤害对方的感情, 又要表达出自己的立场原则, 从而使双方的交往与合作得以继续保持和发展。

第二, 要用语恳切、简练, 切合实际。要以简明扼要的语言充分表达出对宾客的欢迎之意, 使之感到亲切自然, 力戒过多使用那些没有实际意义的虚言浮词, 以免令人产生反感。
