新版PEP小学英语三年级下册 Unit 1 Welcome back to school 教案


新版PEP小学英语三年级下册 Unit 1 Welcome back to school 教案(共9篇)

篇1:新版PEP小学英语三年级下册 Unit 1 Welcome back to school 教案


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Unit 1 Welcome back to school!课型 新授课 课时 A-1 教 学 目

标 知识与技能:能听说单词Welcome,back,boy,and,girl,we,new, friend,today,from等;会运用句子I’m /I’m from介绍自己及自己的情况。过程与方法:创设情景,小组合作学习中巩固运用句型和单词。情感、态度和价值观:培养学生尊重他人的良好品质。重点

难点 理解单词boy,girl,friend。


指导 学生活动 教具 学具 单词卡片 通案 个案


师生问候,用英语打招呼 Welcome back to school!复习巩固学过的内容,创设英语学习氛围。


1.教师借助Amy和 Zhang Peng的头饰向学生介绍引出单词:boy,girl,friend。2.利用单词卡片教学生认读单词:boys and girls, today, new friends。

3.教师带头饰自我介绍:Hi,I’m Amy.I’m from the UK.借助国旗引导学生认识英国的英语名称。

4.教师带头饰自我介绍:Hi,I’m Zhang Peng.I’m from Shandong.借助国旗引导学生认识英国、美国和加拿大的英语名称。

5.教师点拨:英语中人名、地名和国家名称的首写字母大写的写法。the UK是英文缩写形式必须都大写,读作U和K。(6)听课文录音,跟读对话。


3.Look and say:看国旗,编对话运用句子:I’m /I’m from介绍自己及自己的情况。理解What about you?的含义。



课 堂 检






1.I_____Amy.A.am B.is C.are 2.I am _____ the UK.A.of B.from C.come 3.We ____ two new friends today.A.has B.have C.having 4.介绍自己来自美国时,应说:A.I’m from the USA.B.I’m the USA.5.介绍自己时应说:A.I’m Amy.B.This is Amy.课题

Unit 1 Welcome back to school!课型 新授课 课时 A-2 教 学 目

标 知识与技能:能听说认读单词:UK,Canada,USA,China.主要通过情景对话学习介绍自己的国籍,并在实际情景中自然运用。


难点 国家名称的读音。掌握Canada的单词正确读音。学法

指导 学生活动 教具 学具 图片和单词卡片 通案 个案

一、热身/复习(Warm-up/Revision)1.Let’s sing!2.日常口语练习

I’m ….I’m from Wu’an.二、新课展示(Presentation)



教师出示事先准备好的国家国旗和建筑物的图片等,一个人出示图片,另一个人说:I’m from….让学生反复练习句子。6.听录音,跟读对话。


1.两人一组用国旗或图片进行对话。2.Let’s chant。听录音,跟着说唱。


课 堂 检






二、对话连线: Nice to see you.Nice to meet you.This is my friend, Amy.Good afternoon.Good afternoon.Nice to see you.课题 Unit 1 Welcome back to school!课型 新授课 课时 A-3 教 学 目

标 知识与技能:学习元音字母a在单词中的发音以及认读书写含有这个字母的单词。过程与方法:借助手势教学字母发音,归类识记单词。情感、态度和价值观:培养学生良好的学习习惯。重点

难点 掌握元音字母a的发音和单词的书写。


指导 学生活动 教具 学具 字母卡 单词卡 通案 个案


2.复习上册书的有关字母A的Let’s chant!


1.教师出示字母卡并问:What’s it? An“ Aa”.What’s the sound of letter “A”?引导学生说出元音字母a在单词中的发音/æ/。2.出示含有这个字母相同发音的单词图片。cat bag hand dad /æ/ 3.放Let’s spell部分的录音,学生跟读。

4.小组学习:找一找还有那些单词中字母a的发音是/æ/? 5.小组汇报交流并总结。



dad hand apple cake 2.游戏:击鼓传花


四、作业(Homework)听录音,给家长读单词。课 堂 检

一、读一读、听一听并圈一圈。1.cat bag

2.bag dad

3.Canada panda 4.hand





dad 2.name plate Kate hand 3.China Canada cat ant


1、A:Where are you from?

B: I’m Mike.()

1、A:Good afternoon?

B: Good morning.()

1、A:What’s her name?

B: My name is Jenny.课题

Unit 1 Welcome back to school!课型 新授课 课时 B-1 教 学 目

标 知识与技能:能听说认读单词:Australia,Canada,USA,China.主要通过情景对话学习如何询问别人的国籍以及回答,并在实际情景中自然运用。过程与方法:借助国家的国旗图片,帮助学生理解和认读国家名称。情感、态度和价值观:培养学生乐于模仿,敢于交流。重点

难点 国家名称的读音。

句型Where are you from?Australia的发音。学法

指导 学生活动 教具 学具 图片和单词卡片 通案 个案

一、热身/复习(Warm-up/Revision)1.Let’s sing!2.日常口语练习: I’m ….I’m from China.二、新课展示(Presentation)



教师出示事先准备好的国家国旗和单词图片等,一个人出示图片问:Where are you from?另一个人说:I’m from….让学生反复练习句子。6.听录音,跟读对话。





课 堂 检






二、能力提升: 1.你想问对方来自哪个国家时,你可以问: A.Where are you?

B.Where are you from?

2.Where are you from?A.This is China.B.I am from China.3.3月8日,你想对你的妈妈说:

A.Happy Teachers’ Day!B.Happy Women’s Day!

课题 Unit 1 Welcome back to school!课型 新授课 课时 B-2 教 学 目

标 知识与技能:听说认读单词she,he,student,pupil,teacher.能理解人称代词he she的不同用法,并能灵活运用。

过程与方法:借助图片和实际情况,帮助学生学习新单词。情感、态度和价值观:培养学生合作学习的能力。重点 难点



指导 学生活动 教具 学具

字母卡 单词卡 通案 个案

一、热身/复习(Warm-up/Revision)1.日常口语复习:This is….2.复习boy和girl。


1.教师利用简笔画画一个girl,引出句子She is a girl.She is Amy.帮助学生理解单词she。教师在补充:She is a student.出示单词卡片student(pupil),让学生猜单词的意思。2.教师利用简笔画画一个大男孩,引出句子He is a big boy.He is Mr Jones.帮助学生理解单词he。教师在补充:He is a teacher.出示单词卡片teacher,让学生猜单词的意思。3.播放Let’s learn部分的录音,让学生跟读。4.小组学习:看图片指认单词。




谁拿到花,必须用上英语单词he或she介绍自己的好朋友。3.听录音跟读Let’s chant!


听录音,给家长读单词和Let’s chant!

课 堂 检

一、看图把有关系的单词和图片连线。he girl





二、找出与众不同的单词。1.he she you boy 2.student girl pupil teacher

3.China Canada Austrilia student

课题 Unit 1 Welcome back to school!课型 新授课 课时 B-3 6.知识与技能:能听懂并理解story time中的情节和故事内容。过程与方法:借助课件和表演帮助学生加深对小幽默故事的印象。情感、态度和价值观:培养学生乐于模仿,敢于交流。重点 难点


指导 学生活动 教具 学具 图片和单词卡片 通案 个案

一、热身/复习(Warm-up/Revision)1.Let’s sing!教材10页。2.日常口语复习句子

I’m a student.I’m from Wu’an.二、新课展示(Presentation)


3.学生回答教师的提问,Who are they?Who is clever? 并说说故事大概意思。4.听录音,跟读故事内容。

教师点拨重点词汇和口语:play a game,clever,wait a minute,Can you read this? 5.小组活动:



三、趣味操练(Practice)1.Listen and number(10)2.Let’s sing.3.Look and match.四、作业(Homework)听课文录音。

课 堂 检


1.This is John.He is my friend.()She is my friend.()2.This is Miss White.He is a techer.()She is a techer.()3.This is Zhang Peng.He is a student.()She is a student.(二、读句子,排一排。()Nice to meet you.()Good morning, Sarah.This is my friend, Amy.()I’m from America.()Good morning, Mike.()Where are you from? 文章 来源莲

山课件 w ww.5 Y K j.Co M)

篇2:新版PEP小学英语三年级下册 Unit 1 Welcome back to school 教案


1.能够通过阅读文章复习4-6单元所学习的会话,要求学生能在实际情景中灵活运用。2.能够通过阅读文章复习4-6单元所学习的水果、数字及方位介词等;等听音画画。3.能听懂,会说句型如;I’m big and tall,I like...I can get...where isare the...?等句型。

4.能听懂、会说let’s act 部分的故事。情感目标:

要学会与人分享。重点难点: 重点:

Read aloud复习有关水果、数字及一些形容词等,对简单日常用语的熟练运用。难点:

Let’s act 部分的故事情节的理解以及在日常生活中熟练、自如的运用所学的日常用语。教学准备:

录音机,磁带,单同卡片,多媒体课件,学生活动手册等 教学步骤: Step 1 Preparation

1.Let’s sing

教师播放歌曲“an apple a day,歌曲录音,让学生拍手跟唱歌曲,复习水果,活跃课堂气氛。

Step 2 Presentation


T: Wow ,so much fruit ,what kind of fruits are there on the table? Let’s see.教师引导学生尽量用英语表达出图片上水果的名称,在学生表达时给予及时的评价和指导。2.复习Ho w many...?及数字

教师可以再黑板上画一些树,再把水果的图片贴在不同的位置。T:Ho w many pears can you see ? Let’s count.Ss : I can see...教师请学生同桌两人进行操练,一问一答,然后进行反馈。


教师将课前准备的若干水果实物呈现给学生,然后对学生说:I have bought some fruits ,now let’s play a game.Hide and seek.Please close your eyes.教师把水果放在不同位置,复习句型where is are...?It’s in on under...4.教师给学生呈现Read aloud部分的教学图,让学生看一下都有哪些动物.

T:look at the animals, how many animals do you see ? What are they ? They are an elephant , a monkey ,a bird and a duck.Where are they ? They are in the orchard.What are they doing in the orchard? Yes ,they are getting the fruit.Look!So much fruit ,what fruit do you see ? 教师用课件呈现大象的图片。

T:look ,the elephant has a long nose.It is big and tall ,it can get the bananas.随机板书句型...can get the...指导学生跟读。

5,。看图听录音回答问题:who likes the bananas ? Where are the bananas ?

Step 3 Practice 1.让学生听会话录音、模仿跟读。

2师生分角色读课文 3.生生分角色读课文


Step 4.Production

1.Listen and draw 在组织这个活动时,首先组织学生看图说话,再进行听画和数脚印活动。


Step 5.Progress

1. 完成活动手册中的练习题 2. 小结。3.Homework: 1.Read the text.2.几人一组表演let’s act 部分内容并努力在实际情景中运用所学的语言。

课题 Recycle 2 复习一第2课时







培养学生热爱学习英语的兴趣。重点难点分析: 重点:



录音机,磁带,教学挂图,投影仪,多媒体课件,教学步骤: Step 1 Preparation

1.Free talk :复习与4-6单元有关的对话内容,让学生对知识大脑在线。


Step 2 Presentation

1、教学go up the ladders ,go down the snakes.(1)教师出示go up the ladders ,go down the snakes.课件。

T:what’s in the picture ?让学生小组内讨论图画上的内容。老师示范,讲解游戏规则。遇到梯子上一步,遇到蛇退一步,看谁先到达终点。(2)学生两人一组玩游戏。Step 3 Practice 1.复习学过的五个元音字母,与生一起总结其在单词里面的发音。2.sing a song 进一步巩固元音字母的发音。

3.Look and write 让学生先读出图片上的单词,然后试着拼写出单词。Step 4.Production


Step 5.Progress

1.做当堂达标题:基础训练相应的练习题。2小结what have you learned today ? 3.Homework:

篇3:新版PEP小学英语三年级下册 Unit 1 Welcome back to school 教案


本节课的教学内容可分为读、写两部分:第一部分要求学生阅读描述学校平面图的文段, 然后根据描述在平面图中标注出教室的位置;第二部分为有意义的句子书写活动。本课教学目标是:能读懂四组句子, 并按照读到的信息正确填充建筑结构图;能按照意群和正确的语音、语调朗读四组句子;能够看图读句子, 并依照示范规范仿写句子。本课为这单元的第六课时, 学生已经熟练掌握了本单元的核心句型和词汇, 并能够在具体情境中灵活运用句型展开讨论。



(1) 头脑风暴, 点燃激情。用头脑风暴的游戏导入本节课的教学, 教室设计了聚光灯的效果, 以见词读词、见图读词、猜测读词的形式:即看到单词读出教室名称, 看到图片读出教室名称, 看到问号, 听教师来描述如:It’s a room. We can draw pictures in it. What is it?学生猜出教室名称。这样让学生以最快的速度站起来读出本单元的教室单词或词汇, 学生迅速进入学习状态。

(2) 描述教室, 复习巩固。教师课前让学生发挥想象, 自己设计了一个理想学校。在头脑风暴游戏中教师有意识地设置各个教室单词的位置, 最后揭露事实真相, 这其实是班里一个同学David设计的学校 (见图1) :

同时课件中出示David的照片, 学生感到很新鲜、很有兴趣来观察David设计的学校是什么样的。接着让学生用已学句型、词汇来描述David设计的学校。学生能熟练运用“The …is on the first/second floor.”“The … is next to the …. ”等语言。然后, 教师设计了一个速记活动:给学生30秒的时间快速记住David所设计的学校各教室的位置, 把原图故意模糊, 并给出语言支架 (见图2) , 让David到讲台上背对屏幕, 其他同学用所给语言支架询问David, 如:Do you have …? Where is…? David根据学生的询问来回答。最后教师为David的学校设计一幅楼层分布图 (Floor Distribution) (见图3) , 从而和教师设计的新课内容Sarah的学校自然衔接。


(1) 激发兴趣, 引入文本。教师让学生对图4 Sarah的学校用所学语言进行自由描述, 旨在激发学生的阅读兴趣, 为阅读做必要的铺垫。接着, 学生观察发现楼层分布图中有四个是空白教室, 教师于是设计了听音打钩的教学活动 (见图5) , 通过听力活动整体呈现语篇, 并让学生有目的地听。

教师让学生同桌校对, 在学生汇报时让学生在语篇中找出library、art room、classroom 1、teachers’ office这四个单词并圈出来。

(2) 落实关键, 理解文本。

【任务一】教师在教学中十分重视语言学习的整体性, 让学生在真实、自然的情境中学习语言, 感知文本内容。在上一环节, 教师用听的方式整体呈现了语篇内容。接下来教师让学生自主阅读文本, 要求在读的过程中划出关键词 (见图6示范) , 并把四个教室的名称填到相应的位置。

【任务二】学生在完成任务一过程中, 教师通过观察发现把四个教室名称正确填入空格中, 对学生而言有一定难度, 比如:The library is on the second floor.因为在二楼的有两个空格, 所以学生不能直接填出它的位置, 其余两个teachers’ office、art room也是同理, 必须找到classroom 1这个关键点才能确定每个教室的位置。教师通过设计巧妙的问题, 让学生带着问题从整体到细节、由浅入深地进行阅读, 在读中找出相关答案。教师与学生的问答活动如下:【问题一】 T:Where is the library? S: It’s on the second floor.【问题二】T: Which room is on the second floor too? S: The teachers’ off ice is on the second f loor too. 【问题三】T: Where is the art room? S: The art room is next to the gym. 【问题四】T:Is classroom 1 under the library? S: No, it isn’t. It’s under the teachers’ office.学生在文本中找出答案的同时, 教师在板书上摆演出两种可能性 (见图7) 。学生回答完第三问题后板书上分别呈现了library、teachers’ office、art room三个教室的两种可能性 (见图8) 。

接着, 学生在回答第四个问题的同时也找到了解题的关键点。教师递进式的提问可以使学生很容易理清文本的脉络, 并根据这些问题和答案建构文本的主要内容。学生通过自主阅读从整体上把握了文本内容, 而后教师引导学生关注细节。这不仅能帮助学生理解文本, 还能促进其形成有效的阅读策略, 提高对文本的感知能力, 为接下来的模仿朗读做好充分的准备。

(3) 注重模仿, 培养技能。本课教学目标中对朗读提出明确要求:能够按照意群和正确的语音语调朗读四组句子。教师在日常教学中注意训练学生按意群阅读的习惯, 并在课件中标注出升降调、连读、重音等音调符号 (见图9) , 通过模仿练习学生能够朗读相同句式的另一组句子 (见图10) 。让学生在不断模仿中逐步感知, 养成良好的语音语调。在朗读中, 教师要求学生眼、口、耳、脑同时并用, 设计了把句子分组模仿、逐个学生模仿、同桌展示等朗读活动, 帮助学生把握朗读的节奏和语速, 注意语音语调, 参与到形式多样的朗读训练活动中。


(1) 先说后写, 有效铺垫。教师戴上Sarah头像站在板书music room旁边介绍:This is the music room. 然后伸出手指指向远处的art room介绍:That is the art room.学生模仿教师站在不同位置, 用This is/That is….介绍黑板上各个教室。接着教室引出课本中John站在近处介绍图书馆和Sarah站在远处介绍playground两幅图, 请学生用This/That is ….来描述图画。然后教师出示这两句话, 让学生两判断哪个句子好, 哪个句子差 (见图11) 。

通过比较, 学生很快得出第一个句子好, 第二个句子差, 因为单词与单词之间没有空格。于是, 教师板书书写句子, 边写边提醒学生注意句子首字母大写 (并用红色标注出来) ;单词与单词之间要空一格;句子末尾加上标点。学生跟着老师书空以后, 在书本上完成句子书写。同时教师环视教室、当场批改学生的句子书写。

(2) 自主书写, 及时引导。教师让学生自主画图、同桌交流、完成句子书写, 其中一名学生上台展示。教师在批改过程中发现错误, 应及时指出, 并在大屏幕上用红色标注、改正, 引起全班同学注意。

(3) 课后拓展, 提升技能。教师设计了“我是小小设计师”的活动, 要求学生用本单元所学语言介绍自己设计的学校, 激发学生的想象力、创造力, 并给出语言支架让学生仿写句子, 充分体现了在学中用、学以致用的原则。学生作品展示如下:

每个学生都跃跃欲试, 能够用本单元所学语言自如地、自豪地上台描述自己设计的美丽校园, 并能够把句子规范地书写在四线格中。教师要保护学生的仿写热情, 珍惜学生的写作成果, 通过习作展评、师生共同投票确定“最佳作品奖”等活动不断提高学生写作的积极性。


1.热身活动有效, 激发学习兴趣。新课程标准指出学生是学习和发展的主体, 因此如何在课堂上吸引学生的注意力, 激发他们的好奇心和求知欲是读写课有效教学的基础。“热身活动是阅读教学前的准备活动, 旨在调动学生对文字符号和情景的关注, 激发学生的阅读兴趣, 为阅读做必要的铺垫”。教师应采用Let’s sing、 Let’s chant、Let’s do、Quick response等多种形式导入新课。

2 . 整体切入语篇, 整体感知文本。语篇教学讲究整体性, 要让学生在整体的语境中感悟文本、学习新知。语篇教学的目的不仅在于通过阅读语篇获取信息并进行语言技能的训练, 更强调的是学生通过整体理解和学习, 能用所学语言在一定语境中交流思想和传递信息, 重在培养学生恰当运用所学语言的能力。所以在语篇教学中不能因为要学习语篇中的语言点而把这些语言点从中剥离出来, 要让学生整体上去感知和理解语篇。

3.问题设计巧妙, 理清文本脉络。问题导入法是英语教学中运用最广泛、操作最简单的一种导入法。有效的问题不仅可以帮助教师顺利完成教学任务, 更重要的是激发学生的学习兴趣, 启发学生的思维, 培养学生的语言能力。教师可以围绕阅读材料的话题, 找到突破口或关键点, 设计与话题相关的问题。建立起阅读文本中各个部分的内在联系。通过让学生回答问题, 教师既可以了解学生对所学知识的掌握情况, 又可以将学生自然引入到新课的学习中来。

4.拓展课后写作, 提升综合语言能力。阅读后活动主要注重对文本内容的拓展、延伸和运用。教师应引导学生对所学信息进行梳理、归纳、总结和拓展。在英语学习过程中, 听说读写四项技能是一个有机统一体, 听说能力的提高为学生读写能力的发展提供保障, 而读写能力的发展又能促进学生听说能力的提高。因此, 教师要充分利用阅读文本所提供的对话、单词、图片等素材进行读写教学的渗透, 设计不同的练习形式, 如:表演、编对话、复述故事、改写课文和仿写课文等, 实现以读促写、读写迁移。

摘要:人教版PEP新教材中的Read and write——阅读和写作板块, 与旧教材相比, 内容丰富, 主题生活化, 易操作且具有时代性。在实际读写板块教学过程中, 教师应有意识地对文本的呈现形式、结构、表现内容进行渗透、归纳和整理, 并注重优化教学环节, 做到无痕引入、有序推进、自然输出, 这样学生的习得才得以水到渠成。

关键词:PEP,Read and write,有意识,教学环节


[1]丁辉.通过阅读促进小学生的阅读能力[J].中小学外语教学 (小学篇) .2006.

[2]林肖慧.如何培养小学生的英语阅读能力[J].中小学外语教学 (小学篇) .2006.

[3]陈则航, 王蔷.小学英语课堂提问的现状、原则与策略[J].中小学外语教学 (小学篇) .2009.

篇4:新版PEP小学英语三年级下册 Unit 1 Welcome back to school 教案

关键词:三年级 英语教学 对策













1.用思维吸引学生进入情景。在三年级上册第四单元教学中,Whats this?和Whats that?的区分成为一个重点,也是一个难点,学生在what's this和what's that这两个句子运用上混淆不清。教师可以在室内走动,但重点要注意掌控提问者与教师的距离的远近,同时请其他学生做裁判,听一听提问学生有没有用对this或that,在一次次地纠正中,学生不断地比较不断地思考,全体学生的注意力都集中在这两个问句的比较和运用上,最终渐渐明白,物体离自己较近时要用”Whats this?”,物体离自己较远时要用”Whats that?”

2.用多媒体吸引学生进入情景。多媒体集图形、文字、动画、声音等为一体,带给学生强烈的感官刺激,在教学三上第五单元What would you like?一课时尤为有效,学生的学习情绪非常高昂。





3.形近单词(字母)、音近单词(字母)教学的点化。学生对“Gg”“Jj”两个字母的读音容易混淆,“Aa”、“Ii”、“Ee”、“Rr”这些字母的发音受汉语拼音的影响也很容易混淆。另外Qq、Kk、Ss、Xx、Cc也需要教师进行特别的关注点化。在写法上EFLHTI fgj wvmn WVMN bdpq也很相似,种种音近和形近混淆在起,加大了三年级学生学习英语的难度。教师在教学中应针对这种情况加强这些字母的训练。









篇5:新版PEP小学英语三年级下册 Unit 1 Welcome back to school 教案


1、能让学生运用They are... 写句子。


3、会唱Let’s sing 的歌曲。

4、能听懂 Story time 的内容。




掌握重点句子:“They are...”的正确书写。


在四线格中的正确书写They are...




A: Can I help you?

B: ...

A: How much ...?

B: ...



1、让学生练习运用They are...练习说句子。






4、唱Let’s sing 的`歌曲。

5、听录音看动画理解Story time 的内容。



篇6:新版PEP小学英语三年级下册 Unit 1 Welcome back to school 教案


function:能运用句型Are they …? How many…? What are these/those?询问动物和蔬菜名称。能描述农场的动物和蔬菜。phonology:these/those,No,they aren’t.的发音,tomato potato的复数形式及tomato英美两种不同读音。总结五个元音字母的读音规律。Language skills: Listening:能听懂农场的常见的牲畜和蔬菜名称和听懂别人介绍农场牲畜和蔬菜;能听懂与农场相关的简单指令。

speaking:能向别人描述农场牲畜和蔬菜,能发出与农场相关的简单指令 reading:读懂有关谈论农场牲畜和蔬菜的对话或短文。

writing:能根据图片,写出农场常见的牲畜名称,A、B部分Read and write的单词和句子。Objectives: 能力目标:


能够运用句型Are they…?How many…?询问动物和蔬菜名称。能听懂并发出与农场相关的简单指令。能根据图片,写出农场常见的牲畜名称。知识目标:


听、说、认读A、B部分Let’s learn Let’s talk中的单词和句子。理解Let’s do Let’s chant等部分内容。了解Story time、Good to know等部分内容。情感目标:


文化目标:了解几条由动物名称构成的英语谚语。Evidence: 利用Let’s play检测学生掌握包含名词复数的一般疑问句和特殊疑问句。利用Task time检测学生掌握单词的情况和运用句型介绍农场。

利用各种小游戏和Let’s do 的指令检测学生询问动物和蔬菜名称。利用Let’s check检测学生对本单元的单词和句型掌握情况。First Lesson Specific vocabulary: hen,sheep,cow,horse,goat,lamb及其复数形式的认读。Specific target sentences: What are they? They are …s.Specific functional exponents: 能够听、说、认读单词:sheep,hen,cow,horse,goat,lamb(2)了解单词sheep,hen,cow,horse,goat,lamb的复数形式。Source of material:




Assumptions:学生在三年级时已掌握了一些动物名称,他们在听说方面有一定的基础,仍处于低龄阶段,对动物有一定的好奇心。Step 1 Warm-up 1.Today, there is a sports meeting at the farm.Do you want to have a look?.T:But first of all, Let’s learn the song 《Mary has a little lamb》但是你们在听完后要回答老师:What’s in the song? 设计意图:创设轻松的情景,以歌曲调动情绪。R Step 2 Presentation 1.T:First, let me introduce the players to you:This is Mr Horse.学习新单词horse 以及hen,sheep,cow,goat,lamb 设计意图:以运动会选手来教授单词,激起学生学习的兴趣。R 2.PPT显示所有参赛选手

T:Now let’s welcome our players: Mr Horse,Cow, Hen,Lamb, Goat and Sheep.Let’s see, Their fans are coming, too.The players have fans, too.Look!They are coming.What are they? They are horses |iz|, cows |z| , goats |ts|, sheep lambs |z|, hens |z|.教师边按PPT边板书复数的单词卡。

设计意图:通过参赛选手的支持者fans自然引出单、复数的变化, 再引申到句子What is it?与What are they?的区别。R 3.T:What are they? They are…

教师先拿图片用horse做例子,自问自答:What are they? They are horses.然后教师问,学生回答, 再分组问答,双方交换问答的形式学习新句型。R 设计意图:通过创设学生意想不到的情景,激发学生的好奇心,抓紧他们的注意力。4.T:那些动物举行了运动会,我们也进行一次比赛。把学生分成两组。T:Now Let’s have a warming up exercises.活动一:Please read as fast as you can.跟电脑比速度(学生们一看到电脑上闪现的单词马上读出来)

活动二:flashing game What are they? They are……?(操练句型)

T:one group asks, the second group answers, and the third group judges.If they are right, you say:YES YES YES.And if not, you say: NO NO NO.设计意图:将机械的操练赋予有趣的游戏中,充分调动学生学习积极性,加上一次比一次快的速度,具有紧迫感和刺激性,让学生连分散注意力的机会都没有。C Step 3 practice 1.What can you do at the farm?

T: What can you do at the farm? Can you …? Let’s try it.OK?学习Let’s do.设计意图:四年级的学生有表演欲望,并且在同学面前表演会更有优越感,在初步体验成功喜悦的同时,树立学好英语的信心。C 2.Who can guess? T:The monkey is clever.Guess, in our class, who is as clever as monkey? S:

is as clever as a monkey.T:The second question:(图)look, Mike is running, he runs very fast.We can say: He’s as fast as a


篇7:新版PEP小学英语三年级下册 Unit 1 Welcome back to school 教案



2.能够看图。读句子,进一步了解these are/ This is 用法上的区别。3.在有意义的情境中进行规范的个性化书写。二.教学重难点

教学重点:掌握两个重点句子:This is … There are..的正确书写。教学难点:在四线格中的正确书写This is..This is 用法上的区别。



Step 1 Warm up

1.Greeting:Nice to meet you.Are you ready for class ? 2.watch a video: a fashion show

提示课题:We’re going to learn more about clothes today:Unit 5 MY clothes.随着课件出现小思维导图:复习dress,pants,shoes,hat ,T-shirt 等服装的单词。

3:猜一猜:出示Sara等人的合影,配合图片复习句型,课件出示主要句型提示:whose … is this ? whose..are these ?

Are these...? Is this...?

(设计意图:复习Whose…句型及与衣服相关的一般疑问句。)Step 2 pre-reading

1.看图谈图:出示夏令营图片,引导学生看图谈图,(第一副图:合影)Look!There is a photo of the summer camp.Who can you see? What can you see ? What colour is Sara’s dress ?What colour are Amy’s shoes ?What colour are their hats ?

(第二副图:房间。)guess :What can you see ? who is this ?who is that girl ?what colour are the pants ? Can you guess ,whose pants are these ? Now we can find the answer in the text below.(设计意图:引导学生仔细观察图片,看图谈图,使学生对下一步要阅读的短文材料有个大致方向,同时也是理解课文的基础。)Step 3 while-reading

1、出示问题:what is Sara doing ? Who is talking,Sara or Amy ? 让学生带着问题速读小短文,回答问题:What is Sara doing? They are staying in the same room.There are many clothes.their clothes might be mixed up.Let’s find out.(设计意图:让学生带着问题阅读,使学生集中注意力,边读边思考,充分调动阅读的积极性。)2:细读:让学生自主读小短文,圈出表示服装鞋帽的单词。3:再读:read and choose 让学生与同桌合作,一人读,一人选择。指名学生回答,课件核对答案。Step 4 post-reading

朗读:学生跟读课文,指导意群朗读。Listen and repeat.课件出示小短文,着重指导意群的停顿。让学生朗读,评比阅读之星。Step 5 extensive reading 1,挖空填词。课件出示图片。

2.Read and play是课件出示阅读材料与换装小游戏,让学生根据文字来读文字并换装。)


Step 6 look and write


篇8:新版PEP小学英语三年级下册 Unit 1 Welcome back to school 教案








二、选择恰当的单词填空,把正确答案的序号填在括号里。(30分)()1.—is that man?B:He is my grandfather.A.WhatB.Who

()2.—Who’s that ?B:She’s my grandmother.A.man B.woman

()3.A: Who’s that _______?B: She’s my mother.A.manB.womanC.girlD.boy

()4.A: Who’s that man?B: _________ is my father.A.HeB.SheC.heD.she

()5.A: Who’s that woman?B: ________ my mother.A.She’sB.she’sC.he’sD.He’s

()6.This _________ my friend, Ann.She ______ from America.A.is… amB.is …isC.Is … amD.Is …is

()7.A: Who’ this ______?B: He’s my brother.A.boyB.girl

()8.A: Who’ this girl?B: ________ my sister.A.He’sB.She’s

()9.A: Let’s watch TV.B: ___________!



()1.不知道那个男孩是谁,你会问:A.Who’s that man?B.Who’s that boy?C.Who’s she?

()2.向妈妈介绍你的朋友迈克,你说:A.This is my friend, Mike.B.What’s your name?C.He is Mike.()3.下午见到怀特小姐,你说:A.Good morning, Miss White.B.Good afternoon, Miss White.C.Good evening, Miss White.()


A、Where are you from?.B、How are you?.C、Nice to meet you.()


A、I’m from China.B、I’m from AmericaC、I’m from Canada.()


A、How old are you?B、I’m sorry.C、Nice to meet you.()


A、My name’s Chen Jie.B、I’m from America.C、This is my friend,Amy

()8.今天是3月8日,你对妈妈说:A.Happy New Year, Mum.B.Happy Women’s Day, Mum

C.Happy Teachers’ Day, Mum.()9.请别人稍等片刻,应该说:A.Wait a moment, please.B.Have a seat, please.()


A、Come in.B、I’m sorry.C、It’s OK.()


A、Welcome.B、What’s you name?C、Goodbye.()


A、Good afternoon.B、Come in.C、Wacth out


篇9:新版PEP小学英语三年级下册 Unit 1 Welcome back to school 教案

2.Learn the words like that: ruler, pencil, eraser, crayon in English one by one.3.Read the words together.Step4 Practice 1.Game:

Say what is it in your pencil-box.--I have a pen.2.Teddy Bear asks: What’s this in English? Pupils say: eraser.Do as this.3.Let’s chant

a.Listen to the tape, teacher do it first.b.Let pupils follow teacher to do it and read Let’s chant.c.Do it after tape like:

--I have a ruler.– Me too.Step 5 Homework 1.Ask the student to copy and remember the new words.2.Listen to the tape after class.Bb Design:

Unit1 Hello!A Let’s learn Let’s chant

I have a ruler.a pencil.a crayon.an eraser.Unit 1 Hello!Lesson 2(Period 2)Teaching contents: A Let’s talk

Let’s play Teaching aims:

1.Try to make a self-introduction with the pattern “ I’m…”.2.Learn to use Hello, Hi to communicate with others.3.Learn to sing a song: Hello.Teaching methods: TPR, the Situational Approach Teaching steps : Step 1 Greetings 1.T: Good morning, boys and girls.Ss: Good morning, teacher.T: Welcome back to school.2.Listen to the song: Hello.Step 2 Warm-up T: How are you? Ss: I’m fine, thank you.And you? T: I’m fine, too.Thank you.Step 3 Presentation 1.Teacher shows and introduces a new friend: a bear.“Hello.I’m Zoom.You can call me Zoom.” Goes to the pupils seat and greets to them, shake the hands.2.Ask pupils to practice this dialogue and later ask some pairs come to the front to act.3.Listen and read after the tape, imitate the tape.4.Find a group of friends to make the conversation.Step4 Practice 1.Listen to the song: Hello and pass a box.If a

child get the box when the song is stopping, he(she)say: Hello(Hi)!I’m…

2.Some children who haven’t got the box stand up and introduce himself(herself): Hello(Hi)!I’m… Step 5 Homework 1.Ask the student to copy and remember the new sentences.2.Listen to the tape after class.Bb design:

Unit1 Hello!A Let’s talk Let’s play

1.Hello, I’m… 2.Hi, I’m…

Unit1 Hello Lesson three Teaching contents:

Let’s sing, Let’s find out, start to read Teaching aims: 1.After learning the letter song, the students know the pronunciations of 26 letters and know how to write them;2.Be able to say 26 letters in order and can find out the letters in “Let’s find out”

and can circle the same letters in“Start to read”.Important and difficult points: 1.Be able to say 26 letters in order;

2.After learning the letter song, the students know the pronunciations of 26 letters and know how to write them;

Teaching methods: TPR,Teaching process : Step one :Listen to the letter song, let the students have initial perception.Step two: Listen again, Try to sing the song together if you can sing it.Step three: Sing the song together and then sing it with a variety ways.Step four: Read the letters in “Start to read” and circle the same letters.Step five: Finish the exercises in “Let’s find out”

Step six: Homework:Try to sing the letter songs.Bb decign:

Unit 1 Hello letters Teaching Reflection: 这首ABC歌学生以前有接触过,再加上反复播放并操练,学生基本都掌握了歌曲和26歌字母的读音,但较为薄弱的是,个别字母的读音记得不够牢固,如个别学生会把Gg和Jj 混淆。所以还需在以后的课堂不断强化。

Unit1 Hello

Lesson four Teaching contents:

Let’s talk, Let’s play, Let’s check Teaching aims: 1.Be able to use the sentence “ What’s your name?”

to ask others names and use sentence “My name’s…” to introduce themselves.2.Be able to use “Goodbye” or “Bye” to say googbye.3.Can finish the exercise in “Let’s check”.Important and difficult points: 1.Be able to use the sentence “ What’s your name?”

to ask others names and use sentence “My name’s…” to introduce themselves.2.Be able to use “Goodbye” or “Bye” to say googbye.Teaching methods: TPR, the Situational Approach

Teaching process : Step one(Review): Ask several students to introduce themselves.Step two:(Warm-up): Ask and answer(ask some of the rest students “What’s your name?” and lead them to answer “ My name is …” Step three(Presentation):

1)Listen to the tape and answer the questions: “What are their names?” and “ What do they say to Miss White?” 2)Read the dialogue after the tape.Step four(Practice): 1)Remember names: Ask five students to the lectern and use the sentence “ Hello, my name’s ….” to introduce themselves one by one and then ask one of the rest to come and say “ Hello….” If he/she say right, each of that five students say “Hello!” or say “No”.and the game continue.2)Say “Goodbye to your friends”: Each friend say “Goodbye” to you in the PPT and you say “Bye,…” to your friends as quickly as you can.3)Finish the exercise in“ Let’s check”.Step five(expansion): make a survey about your classmates’ English names: Go around and introduce yourself(Hello, My name is …)and try to know more about your classmates’ English names(Hello, what’s your name?)in one minute.Step six(Homework): 1)Try to act out the dialogue with your partner;3)Make a survery to know some of your friends’ English name.Bb decign:

Unit1 Hello(B Let’s talk)

Hello, I’m … What’s your name?-----

My name’s….Goodbye!------Bye,… Teaching Reflection: 开始拥有自己的英文名,学生很兴奋,迫不及待想自我介绍,同时也对同学的英文名感到好奇,特别想知道,所以在教学活动中,学生都比较积极投入,对本节课的两个对话内容也掌握的比较好,但个别同学对个别句子的整个结构理解比较含糊,如My name’s …个别学生会把’s这细节漏掉,说出“My name….” 所以还需在以后的课堂不断强化练习。

Unit1 Hello

Lesson five Teaching contents: Let’s learn, Let’s do, Read and count, Look and

match Teaching aims: 1.Be able to listen to, read and recognize these four words:(bag pen pencil box book).Important and difficult points: 1.Be able to listen to, read and recognize these four words:(bag pen pencil box book).Teaching methods: TPR, the Situational Approach

Teaching process : Step one(Review): Ask several students to introduce the things in their pencil box.Step two(Presentation):

1)Show the teaching picture and ask the students to find out “What does Zoom have?”

2)Lead in the new words one by one and teach them to read.Step three 1)Bomb Game

2)Sharp eyes: What does Zip have? Look and say it as quickly as you can.3)Look or listen, and try to match(I say words and you show me the pictures quickly or I show you pictures and you say the right words.)4)Let’s do(①What stationeries can you hear? Listen and show me;②Listen and do the action together;③ Read and do the action together)5)Finish the exercise in “Read and count” and “ Look and match”.Step four(Expansion): Introduce your bag(What’s in your bag?)Step five(Homework):

1)Finish the exercise about B Let’s learn;2)

Make a survey and find out what are in your classmates’ bags.Bb decign:

Unit 1 Hello(B Let’s learn)

bag(tip the picture of bag)

pen(tip the picture of bag)

pencil box(tip the picture of bag)

book(tip the picture of bag)Teaching Reflection: 本节课的个别单词,学生以为有接触过,所以学起来比较轻快,一节课过后,学生基本掌握了本节课的单词,个别学生对box 掌握不够好,会把它读成boss.往后的课堂要不断强化。

Unit1 Hello

Lesson Six Teaching contents: Main Scene, Story time Teaching aims: 1.Catch the main dialogue in main scene.2.Know the main meaning of “Story time” and can answer some questions about “Story time”.Important and difficult points: 1.Catch the main dialogue in main scene.2.Know the main meaning of “Story time” and can answer some questions about “Story time”.Teaching methods: TPR, the Situational Approach

Teaching process : Step one: Greeting Step two(Warm-up):Ask and Answer “Hello,What’s your name?” “My name is …” Step three(Presentation): 1)Look at the pictures in page 11 and answer the question“Who are they?”

2)Listen to the tape and answer the question“Is it Tutu?” and “Who’s there?” 3)Read after the tape

4)Watch the video and act out the dialogue.5)Watch the video about main scene and review the main sentences in this unit.Step four(Homework): Try to act out the story with your partner.Bb decign

Unit 1 Hello!

Hello/Hi!I’m ….What’s your name?----

I’m/ My name’s…

Good bye!---Bye,…

Teaching Reflection:

Unit2 Colours Lesson one Teaching contents: A Let’s talk, Draw and say Teaching aims: 1.Know the main meaning of dialogue, and can read the dialogue with the correct pronunciation.2.Be able to use “Good morning!” to greet people in the real situation.3.Be able to use the sentence “This is …” to introduce others.4.Can differentiate “Miss” and “Mr” and use them correctly.Important and difficult points: 1.Know the main meaning of dialogue, and can read the dialogue with the correct pronunciation.2.Be able to use “Good morning!” to greet people in the real situation.3.Be able to use the sentence “This is …” to introduce others.4.Can differentiate “Miss” and “Mr” and use them correctly.Teaching methods: TPR, the Situational Approach

Teaching process : Step one: Greeting Step two(lead in): 1.Show the picture of the morning sun, and lead the students to greet teacher and classmates.2.Then show the pictures of their familiar teachers and lead them to say “Good morning, Miss/Mr…” and help them to differentiate “Miss” and “Mr”.3.Show the pictures of the characters appear before and lead the students to use the sentence“ This is…” to introduce them.Step three(Presentation): 1.Show the pictures of Miss Green, Miss White and Mr Jones, Then ask them to find out each of them in the book of P14.2.Listen to the tape and the sentence in order.3.Read after the tape and act out it.Step four(Expansion): 1.Draw and say(take out the pictures you draw before and introduce the character.Step five(Homework):

1)Act out the dialogue with your partner.2)Introduce your families or friends to your classmates.Bb decign:

Unit2 Colours

Mr/Miss… This is …----

Good morning, Mr/Miss…---

Good morning!Teaching Refection:

Unit2 Colours Lesson two Teaching contents: A Let’s learn, Let’s do

Teaching aims: 1.Be able to read and recognize the colour words.Important and difficult points: 1.Be able to read and recognize the colour words.Teaching methods: TPR, the Situational Approach

Teaching process : Step one: Greeting

Step two:(lead-in): Watch the video about “Let’s sing” and lead in the picture of rainbow.And ask the question“ What color is the rainbow?” “,How many colours are there?”, “What are they? ”

Step three(Presentation): 1.Look at the picture and learn the new words one by one.Step four(Practice): 1.Show the pictures and ask “What color do you see?” and lead the students to answer “I can see…”

2.Look or listen, and say or do(I show the color crayon, and you say the right color word, or I say “ Show me….” And you choose the right one and show me.3.Listen to the tape about “Let’s do” and find out the colors mentioned.4.Listen again and put the crayons in the right order.5.Read after the tape and then read together with action.Step five(Expansion): 1.Look at the picture and say the color of the things.Step six(Homework): 1.Draw a picture and color it.Bb decign:

Unit2 Colours

I can see red


